How To Use Foremother In A Sentence
In "La muerte en el este de Edén/Death in the East of Eden," Hernandez has painted Eve, our foremother, as a dead naked woman wearing the mask of a luchador with orange antlers.
Max Benavidez: ELAC's VPAM: A Game Changer for L.A. Art Scene
The women of any clan are the progenitresses, the foremothers who should be honored along with the sires.
Our forefathers and foremothers were human, made of flesh and blood.
With scraps and fabric recycling, you can be creative and frugal and all those things our foremothers and forefathers were when they were sewing at home.
I'm not a believer, but Yiddish is the means for my connecting to my culture, to my heritage, to my forefathers and foremothers.

Silliman approaches the history of this community through the stories of her ‘foremothers’, an unpoetic term for such poetically named women as Ruby, Flower and Farah.
The rank and file, I'm sorry to say, have lived off the fat of the land put there by our union forefathers and foremothers.
Intellectually, Paul is also an important foremother to modern feminist thought.
Our feminist foremother believed we could have it all.
The Myth of the Fulfilled Career Woman
The Fourth of July was the time to commemorate the forefathers and foremothers who started it all.
In her capacity of editress Francie had added: “This is surely a curious little sidelight on the nature of our Victorian foremothers.”
On Forsyte 'Change
As we celebrate this Trinity Sunday, remember not only those who gave their life's blood in the struggle at Normandy, but also give thanks for the faith of our forefathers and foremothers who staked their lives upon their faith in God.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a foremother of American feminist literature.
Let me envision my foremother as a lusty woman so enchanted with the piercing blue eyes and bright hair of the muscular Vikings that she offered herself for a night, or many nights, of passion with one or more.
The souls of each of the forefathers and foremothers plead to God to spare the Jews from permanent exile.
Certainly books about books do take us back to our literary forefathers and foremothers and back into the often distant historical past.
And as the heat of the room ebbed away, he told of her foremother and of his, and of the sturdy Welse who fought the great lone fight, and died, fighting, at Treasure City.
With scraps and fabric recycling, you can be creative and frugal and all those things our foremothers and forefathers were when they were sewing at home.
To begin with, it is significant to note that the Bible bestowed on Ruth, the foreign woman, the honor of being the foremother of the most important dynasty of the Jewish people — the house of David, from which the Messiah is to come.
Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature.
In "La muerte en el este de Edén/Death in the East of Eden," Hernandez has painted Eve, our foremother, as a dead naked woman wearing the mask of a luchador with orange antlers.
Max Benavidez: ELAC's VPAM: A Game Changer for L.A. Art Scene
We find ample evidence whether in lyric fragments or a recipe to marvel at the capacity of our foremothers and forefathers to pray and hope and work for a better day.
It must be an absolute tragedy for people to know that the language of their forefathers and foremothers would possibly be lost.
She'd be forgiven for ranting even a bit more about voter apathy, but she wisely takes the high road in describing the disenfranchised young women who reject much of the rhetoric of their feminist foremothers.
Intercontinental travel and trade, and the mixing of cultures and populations are as old as humankind; after all, the foremothers and forefathers of everyone of us walked originally out of Africa.
Her life came full circle when she was in her late 80s and the women's movement rediscovered her as a foremother.
Since July 4, 1776, thanks to the victories and struggles of our forefathers and foremothers, America has flourished as an expanding democracy.
The ruff design was a foremother to what we simply know today as ruffles.
The Style Checklist
Our forefathers and foremothers in 1951 were concerned with the way medical practice relates to changing times, a theme that sounds familiar today.
If my ancestors decided to choose foods cooked in oil as symbolic of Hanukkah, my foremothers found a winner in the potato pancake or latke which is Yiddish for the delicacy.
Archive 2006-12-01
He goes on to chronicle the genius of ‘black foremothers and forefathers’ in creating ‘powerful buffers to ward off the nihilistic threat.’
It's been passed on and passed on by our forefathers and foremothers throughout time.
It must be an absolute tragedy for people to know that the language of their forefathers and foremothers would possibly be lost.
My ancestors were systematically stolen and enslaved by white forefathers and foremothers - a legacy that, no matter how much we want to disregard it, is still reaping a stunted harvest.
Our forefathers and foremothers were human, made of flesh and blood.
It's been passed on and passed on by our forefathers and foremothers throughout time.
Certainly books about books do take us back to our literary forefathers and foremothers and back into the often distant historical past.