How To Use Foremost In A Sentence
It is the final guard against nationalistic states that sought the betterment of their people first and foremost and not that of some hypothetical global village or for the internationalistic elite.
Pravda blames trotskyites for u.s. empire
He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.
To see that sanity can for once prevail over the country's foremost fresh foods market should please all.
At least, this was the method proposed by its foremost expositors.
After releasing it, he burst out with the question that was foremost in his thoughts.

Cromwell's role at Putney was first and foremost as chair and ringmaster.
And the Master, seated in conclave in the Jeta Grove, assigned her the foremost rank in the mystic powers.
Psalms of the Sisters
Turn your tail up to me, and I'll pull you through hindforemost, and then you won't stick in the spikes.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 2
The reflections and soliloquies of Artamène recur; but a not unimportant, although subordinate, new character appears -- not as the first example, but as the foremost representative, in the novel, of the great figure of the "confidante" -- in Martésie, Mandane's chief maid of honour.
A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
But first and foremost, it is a waltz, and that stubborn three-four tempo should inform every bar.
Globe and Mail
_Item_, when we shall see a convenient time to fight with the enemies our vanward shall make with their vanward if they have any; and if they be in one company, our vanward, taking the advantage of the wind, shall set upon their foremost rank, bringing them out of order; and our vice-admiral shall seek to board their vice-admiral, and every captain shall choose his equal as near as he may.
Fighting Instructions, 1530-1816 Publications Of The Navy Records Society Vol. XXIX.
“Turn your tail up to me, and I’ll pull you through hindforemost, and then you won’t stick in the spikes.”
The Water Babies
He understands that the poem is foremost a form of communication, and fails if it becomes inscrutable.
First and foremost, it is vital to understand that predators usually thrive on passive souls.
On paper, Lieutenant Commander Brian K. Waite, a United States Navy chaplain, appears to be one of the nation's foremost scholars on a wide-range of topics such as traumatology, theology, and Biblical history.
Navy Chaplain Who Called for Attack on Islam Finds His Credentials Under Scrutiny
Seated in a large arm-chair, a smoking tumbler of mulled port before him, sat my friend Mike, dressed in my full regimentals, even to the helmet, which, unfortunately however for the effect, he had put on back foremost; a short "dudeen" graced his lip, and the trumpet so frequently alluded to lay near him.
Charles O'Malley — Volume 2
You want to be on the pitch first and foremost.
Times, Sunday Times
First and foremost, does this guy have some shonky connections?
One of the foremost experts on popular culture launched into a blistering attack on modern broadcasting standards when he appeared at the Literature Festival at the weekend.
One of Ohio's foremost quilt historians has assembled exquisite examples of calamanco, ‘T’ quilts, and borderless pieced quilts to show the influence of Connecticut aesthetics and history on the making of early quilts in this region.
Coauthor James E. Lloyd, perhaps the foremost expert on firefly taxonomy in the world, is a professor of entomology and nematology at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
The downfall of the ILM was first and foremost the failure of its leadership - at all levels, in all affiliated organisations.
Foremost, the time/date stamp is completely unreadable.
Dead Deer Walking?
In going down a steep incline the rider must throw himself right back and hold in the horse with the bit, to prevent himself being hurled headforemost down the slope himself if not his horse.
On Horsemanship
The film is foremost a portrait of fandom, not stardom.
What really concerns me over and over again is the attention we give to the nutcases on the fringy right — Dick Cheney first and foremost.
Matthew Yglesias » The Security Line Threat
Here is revealed one of the foremost of the causes which made the belief of the Dark Age in the numerous appearances of ghosts and devils so common and so intense that it gave currency to the notion that the swarming spirits of purgatory were disembogued from dusk till dawn.
The Destiny of the Soul A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life
For, O foremost of men, it was thus that subjugator of hostile cities, king Nala, had fallen into distress along with his wife, in consequence, O bull of
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
The purpose of the association was, first and foremost, to train young men to become "useful citizens" in an unsectarian, undenominational setting.
Girard is one of the foremost designers of American textiles in the 20th century.
April 2008
First and foremost, for a group to be successful in its combined efforts, everyone should be comfortable and trustful with others in the group.
The key to this scheme for world hegemony is unchallenged rule over the Eurasian continent and control of its strategic resources, first and foremost, petroleum.
Thus, the Chinese individual thinks foremost of himself in relation to other people and the way in which they are connected.
As Allah's vicegerents, surely, we should be foremost in efforts to protect our environment - in any manner that we might possibly do so.
The foremost of these was a young female, most elegantly attired, and mounted upon a Spanish jennet, which she reined with singular grace and dexterity.
Anne of Geierstein
Claiming that the core of gameplay is any more primary than anything else is like claiming that visual design must be the foremost concern of a filmmaker, because visualization is what distinguishes film from other media, and dialogue must be relegated to secondary status, because film shares that art with novels.
Kicking The Dog
It does not rest on the stone table: the foremost scalloped edge of the platform dips below the straight edge of the table, and the base of the platform is not rendered visible.
The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence.
Learn from the foremost experts in the fine art world during the new Gallery Seminars.
Subtlety is the foremost element in this suavely written and understated novel.
Count Gramalkin is the home of Count Gramalkin; Professional Western Sidereal Zodiacal Astrologer, Tarot Reader and the foremost practicing direct heir from his chosen linage of the astrological insights, knowledge and research of the modern day father of astrology, the great world famous Western Sidereal Astrologer Astronomer Cyril Fagan of Dublin, Ireland 1896-1970.
Count Sidereal Zodiacal Astrology-tarot Reader-sidereal Astrologer-addressing Astrological Realties V9-11.7 « Articles « Literacy News
Foremost among them are a fine intellectual acuity, a great sense of humour, a matchless raconteurial skill, a superb capacity for loyalty and friendship, and a keen interest in national and international affairs.
Sankai, 48, is one of Japan’s foremost experts in cybernetics, the science of merging man with machine.
Seven Robots Destined to Change Your Life | Impact Lab
And even then, with his own mount stumbling and nearly pitching him headforemost at each lurch, he was forced to admire the mare's goatlike agility, for she descended into the gorge in running leaps, never setting a wrong foot.
In The Time Of Light
Foremost among these problems will be that of providing employment for the millions who will be demobilized from the services and from war industry.
The I.L.O. Looks Forward
Alone, she showed why she's one of the foremost percussionists in the world.
The decisive attack took off fromthe foremost position.
Scarier yet, some deep-sea-dwelling, sci-fi-looking breeds of anglerfish, which attract prey by dangling a bioluminescent lure from their foremost dorsal spine, can take down fish their own size in a single gulp.
No madman had ever restored one of the greatest races in the world to the position of one of the foremost nations in the world as it was at the present time.
The early modern Italian courts saw the creation of some of Europe's foremost collections of works of art.
First and foremost, at primary level, there is the family doctor programme in the community.
The tweenager of an event -- which last year drew 15,000 people over two days, as opposed to San Diego's 125,000-plus over four days -- is still, foremost, about the comics industry.
BALTIMORE COMIC-CON: Has it become the supreme antidote to San Diego?
Foremost was that pitchers should throw every day, not throw hard, but just lob the ball and play catch to loosen up.
He was a singer, but first and foremost a scholar.
A second illustration: -- Did Curio, the 'quondam' patriot, reformer, and semi-revolutionist, abjure his opinion, and yell the foremost in the hunt of persecution against his old friends and fellow-philosophists, with a cold clear predetermination, formed at one moment, of making
Literary Remains, Volume 1
The film is foremost a screwball comedy, albeit one with considerable tang.
We want to win the group but first and foremost is getting out of the group.
Times, Sunday Times
Alan's foremost delusion was that he himself was a gent.
The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence.
A week in which recovery and reflection have been foremost in my actions.
The redhead Susanna, scarlet-lipped, rose-flushed, and wrinkle-necked, contrasts with the starveling look of the foremost elder.
Born in Rasht, Iran in 1968, graphic designer, illustrator, and animator Alireza Darvish attended the Fine Arts Institute in Teheran, 1984-88, and thereafter became one of Iran's foremost illustrators.
Stephen J. Gertz: The Surrealistic Book Paintings of Alireza Darvish
First and foremost, always follow the cleaning instructions on your garment's label.
Edwin Morgan, in the Glasgow nursing home where he now lives, is Scotland's foremost contemporary poet - and a staunch supporter of independence.
Even as both prepare to move into different tracks, it is evident that their involvement with the feminist movement and publishing are their foremost passions.
I am rock's foremost poet and ill-mannered grouch.
Foremost, he was an original thinker with ideas, and with an ability to formulate new questions in new ways.
First and foremost, assault pioneers are infantrymen.
Other varieties enjoying modish popularity in the late 1990s were Pinot Noir, Cabernet Franc, and some which have origins in the Rhône; Syrah and Viognier are foremost.
The Magazine, including its popular website and testing ground, constitutes a foremost professional auto media platform.
Consequently, animals have evolved intelligence systems that function, first and foremost, as predictive bioenergetic cost/benefit analysis systems.
Ephraim is here addressed as foremost in idolatry.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Our concern over their obsession with being "perfect parents" is that they will overlook the critical importance of being a well-matched couple first and foremost.
Reflections on Marriage and Divorce, American Style
Foremost among these was the fact that it was a transmarine colony and a ‘colonia ciuium Romanorum’.
First and foremost I think phenomenological social psychology is about lived experience.
He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.
Thyself increate, thou art the lord of the mobile and the immobile universe, the Creator of all, O thou foremost of all existences!
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
the foremost compartment of the ship
No lover of France certainly should die without having seen Carcassonne, foremost of what I will call the pictorial Quadrilateral, no formidable array after the manner of their Austrian cognominal, but lovely, dreamlike things.
In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.
He is one of the country's foremost attorneys in the field of art and licensing law.
Though Shiva is popularly known as the God of Destruction, for sadhus he is foremost the Master of Yogis.
We know that burning fossil fuels is the foremost contributor to climate change.
The Kafir's fall created delay sufficient for the foremost of the Guides, Southey, to approach within gunshot.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
Many of the genre's foremost practitioners were not particularly interested in theatrics, preferring to concentrate on the challenge of playing complicated tunes on the crumhorn.
It should be because we want to live up to the example of public servants like John Roll and Gabby Giffords, who knew first and foremost that we are all Americans, and that we can question each other's ideas without questioning each other's love of country, and that our task, working together, is to constantly widen the circle of our concern so that we bequeath the American dream to future generations.
Obama saves Tucson memorial from the unseemly
From coloured to negro to coloured again: Norris – American theatre's foremost dissector of liberal middle-class hypocrisy – points to the human tendency to burrow into language, to obscure unpleasant truths with names and labels.
Clybourne Park – review
It seems Cassavetes was foremost a humanist who lived to record our crazy, mad ways.
Although many consider Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon to be foremost an excellent kung fu movie,the story depicts many forms of love(Sentencedict),the most memorable of which is the poignant romance between the two star-crossed lovers played by Chow Yun fat and Michelle Yeoh.
That is due first and foremost to the great respect shown in England toward the significance of religion in solving social problems.
Earthly Powers: Religion and Politics in Europe from the Enlightenment to the Great War
Now the foremost experts in the field want to keep their colleague alive.
Times, Sunday Times
Its new hall - built, at Rattle's demand, to the specifications of the world's foremost concert hall acoustician Russell Johnson - had the best sound in the land.
First and foremost, the statement "Fox's protocells were cell-like entities capapble of growing, dividing, metabolism, and responses to external stimuli" is nothing but a bare-bones, simple, straightforward statement of fact.
A Minimal Genome
Plagiarism is first and foremost a moral crime - it's about deception, and it's reprehensible because the plagiarist is passing off someone else's ideas or words as his own.
She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.
During World War I, the USMC trained Marines to be expert riflemen first and foremost.
A North Yorkshire Police orator said: 'First as well as foremost, shoplifting is the rapist corruption as well as to justify this march of action under any circumstances is rarely irresponsible.
Poor? Go ahead and steal. - Shoryuken
In the thirteenth century the dignity of palsgrave was raised form its original ministerial character to complete independence, and the count palatine, largely in consequence of the union with Bavaria, became one of the powerful territorial magnates, subsequently the foremost of the secular princes of the empire.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
LCD Soundsystem is first and foremost, a dance-rock party album full of dirty sounds and nasty grooves.
After a short and "uncongenial" employment with Hallensteins, Charles became one of New Zealand's foremost literary figures, founding the literary journal Landfall in 1946. - Stuff
The rules for American trucks and truckers are very stringent and safety is foremost.
Foremost, we believe that IT purchasing behavior continues to evolve to favor vendor consolidation - advantaging vendors such as IBM and Oracle.
An orbicular industry chain is the foremost factor for cartoon industry development, in which every tache is dynamic and orbicular itself.
He understands that the poem is foremost a form of communication, and fails if it becomes inscrutable.
That notorious night out is the foremost allegation in a catalogue of misdemeanours that the player will be reminded of for as long as he lives.
We need first and foremost gospel preachers to help form gospel churches.
First and foremost, the sheer numbers do make for a joyful noise.
Times, Sunday Times
When Barber began work on the score of Vanessa in 1954, he was already regarded as one of the US's foremost composers of orchestral and vocal music.
This obligation is the first, the foremost, the most essential for this generation, for a world fit for human beings to live in cannot be built while there is recurrent war or the possibility of it.
Roads to the Future
He has become one of the foremost mineral collectors in the world, and in the summer of 1987 he and two other mathematicians sailed his 43 foot ketch from San Francisco Bay to the Marquesas and back.
The foremost portion of this auxiliary chamber incorporates many small rifling grooves to just stabilize the bullet before it engages the bore.
First and foremost, the sheer numbers do make for a joyful noise.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the foremost clubs in London one day changed its cook; and its members were astonished to find that the steak which had formerly been served to them under the name filet de boeuf was now always announced as a Chateaubriand. MA, A SMALL BIRD.
That being first and foremost, is why JBT works as a brand.
I NEED YOUR OPINIONS! What should the future of Johnny B. look like? | Johnny B. Truant
Easily the foremost contemporary survey of "collapsing" Pakistan, Lieven's book also contains some of the most clear-sighted accounts of "rising" India.
Pakistan: A Hard Country by Anatol Lieven – review
But first and foremost we need to play well.
The Sun
Dublin is thought of first and foremost for its literary heritage.
The palsgrave of Lorraine, who had his seat at Aachen, was later esteemed the foremost in rank.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
What heil first and foremost attempts to acclaim is the power of language to acclaim.
Patriot Acts: The Political Language of Henrich von Kleist
Apart from all the smoke screen that has been thrown up about whether the death penalty will reduce crime, the foremost principle is the ability of the state to carry out its laws," said Elson Crick, a spokesman for the prime minister of St. Vincent, which is preparing to revise its constitution.
Newsvine - Get Smarter Here
For all his brilliance as the theater's foremost prestidigitator of language and thought, Stoppard is a conservative who, like Einstein himself, resists the idea that chance is the "" mother '' of reality.
What Happens When Spies Collide
First and foremost, the homebound trip must be safe.
Saundra O'Connor after a laparoscopy was a "tremendous tragedy, foremost for the family" who had lost a mother, a wife, - Frontpage RSS Feed
I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole. Malcolm X
The foremost vision of the Trust is to provide affordable Nursing Education to the needy students from poor and under privileged families.
As we drove into the qila's courtyard we saw a crowd of between twenty and 30 retainers massing to greet the rajah, all frantically bowing and salaaming; as Suleiman got out of the car the foremost ones dived to touch his feet.
Putting it that way points to "ludic" as a (varying) characteristic of a social domain (SL, SimsOnline), rather than as something which should get us thinking first and foremost about the (heroic) experiencing individual.
I Gamer
This book is a first-hand account of the most tremendous enlargement of astronomical science, written by its foremost pioneer.
She danced all the leading ballerina roles, foremost among them Odette-Odile and Kitri.
Foremost perhaps is the gorgeous trumpet sections by downtown mainstay Frank London, though Rich Stein's percussion and Albert Leusink's mournful flugelhorn sound fantastic.
Derek Beres: Global Beat Fusion: Songs of Wonder and Planetary Grooves
In literary circles this narrative might be termed a potboiler - a tale hastily conceived and executed with commercial profits foremost in mind.
On Frozen Blog
First and foremost, all work should consider the musical elements of tone, color, dynamics and phrasing.
This is a magisterial work by one of Britain's foremost historians.
Times, Sunday Times
There will be plenty more of that in St. Louis Wednesday night, but for the players, the focus late Sunday was on this championship series—and, befitting a team from America's foremost beer city, they forwent the bubbly and sprayed Budweiser in the clubhouse.
Cardinals Roll Into the World Series
It is the foremost fish breeding farm in Europe and they take so much care over the fish and the area.
I think you have to be self-motivated enough first and foremost.
That foremost one of Dasarha's race also gave unto Subhadra as her peculium ten carrier-loads of first class gold possessing the splendour of fire, some purified and some in a state of ore.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
But Leicester is first and foremost.
The Sun
Nobody in India grudges them their pride and identity as being Muslims, first and foremost.
First and foremost is Mike Myers, who is known as a vocal chameleon.
He is considered the foremost British artist of this century.
From Wednesday pulling pints will be foremost on her mind as she takes over Kelly's, Narraghmore.
Peter Brierley, probably Britain's foremost collator of religious statistics, has conducted a number of nation-wide censuses and surveys of church attendance in England, Wales and Scotland.
Here was an innumerable multitude of people gathered together, so that they trade one upon another, in labouring to get foremost, and to come within hearing.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
This book is a first-hand account of the most tremendous enlargement of astronomical science, written by its foremost pioneer.
First and foremost, aim to colour your walls in lighter shades such as whites, creams and pastels, thereby avoiding the darker colours that dramatically reduce the sense of space inside a small room.
His powerful figurative work has made him one of the foremost British artists of his generation.
First and foremost, don't give into the urge to prop your head up with a hand.
The recent scandalous examples of malfeasance and untruthfulness of too many big business leaders and some of our foremost politicians have reduced the public trust in the beneficence of anybody.
Pick out one particular spot in that imaginary scene, and sketch me in it, with outstretched arms, curved back, and heels in the air, plunging headforemost into a black patch of water and mud.
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
In the future, says Robert Reich, the former Labor secretary who's arguably the nation's foremost contemplator of the future of work, we won't be able to classify workers under the blue-collar/white-collar division of yore.
Workers Of The World, Get Online
There is always something going on - although it's football first and foremost.
The Sun
What wonder, then, that not until the first Omaric madness had passed away were the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Jr., lifted into the light after an infinity of sudor et labor spent in excavating under the 9,000 irregular verbs, 80 declensions, and 41 exceptions to every rule which go to make the ancient Mango-Bornese dialect in which the poem was originally written, foremost among the dead languages!
The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Jr.
Infrastructure spending, spending now to build our competiveness and put people to work, suffers under the current short-term myopia of debt cutting first and foremost.
Jay Pelosky: Bi-Sectoralism V: Beyond Short-Termism
First and foremost I would like to ask the Namibian people and civil servants the following question.
These people know film is first and foremost a visual medium.
Times, Sunday Times
- is the home of Cajun Stuff, the world's foremost provider of turducken.
Jason Pierce oversaw the compilation of tracks here, and it serves as a timely reminder of the heavenly wonder of one of Britain's foremost musical talents.
Inflate today and the consequences (as we are witnessing) will be, first and foremost, rising asset prices, with only spillover effects for goods, services and labor markets.
The Prime Minister was foremost among those who condemned the violence.
Narayana himself, the slayer of foes, increate, born among men at his own will, -- the foremost of all Kshatriyas and above all the gods and the
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 2 Books 4, 5, 6 and 7
First and foremost, it portrays a man in love with the animals and the wilderness, who has escaped a life of depression and alcohol addiction through his ursine obsession.
As a state legislator, Rogers was both sponsor of the law and its foremost beneficiary.
This work was in many ways definitive, albeit that her subject was presented first and foremost as a creature of politics rather than the flesh.
Times, Sunday Times
At the foremost end of this division of the ship, so far as it was possible for my eyes to pierce the darkness -- for it seems that this run went clear to the fore-hold bulkhead, that is to say, under the powder-room, to where the fore-hold began -- were stowed the spare sails, ropes for gear, and a great variety of furniture for the equipment of a ship's yards and masts.
The Frozen Pirate
In non project-mgt terms that means it should do what the end-user (joe bobby) needs it to in the way that is most useful to them first and foremost to get user buy-in.
British Transport Police « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
Indeed, evangelical Christians should be foremost in good deeds and leaders in works of charity.
While he considers himself first and foremost a stand-up comedian, his television career is on quite a roll.
The anabaptist, being upon deck, lent a helping hand as well as the rest, when a brutish sailor gave him a blow and laid him speechless; but, with the violence of the blow the tar himself tumbled headforemost overboard, and fell upon a piece of the broken mast, which he immediately grasped.
On the back cover of this Davenport collection I came across the term "pataphysics" * for the first time, in a blurb describing Davenport as one of the world's foremost pataphysicians.
Archive 2008-08-01
First and foremost is that almost every facility has an OHP projector whereas not all have slide projectors.
As inhabitants of modernity we might, however, first and foremost associate the “lost one” of patriotic melancholy with the nation state, that which paradoxically can never be lost, if patriotism has any constative or performative value to it.
Foremost among the leaders who pressed me on Mr. Platt (who "pestered" him about me, to use his own words) were Mr. Quigg, Mr. Odell -- then
Theodore Roosevelt; an Autobiography
The first and foremost problem of having to integrate Hibernate with JSF is that a controlled session and transaction handling is needed.
The Moor had hardly heard these words when with marvellous quickness he flung himself headforemost into the sea, where no doubt he would have been drowned had not the long and full dress he wore held him up for a little on the surface of the water.
Don Quixote
Rostropovich was long considered the world's foremost cellist.
Despite being one of the UK's foremost poets, fame really isn't her bag.
On its outer side is afterwards formed the upper-jaw bone, in the narrower sense, while the middle part of the skeleton of the upper jaw, the intermaxillary, develops from the foremost part of the frontal process.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
Plunging into this happy conception headforemost, Mr. Goodchild immediately referred to the county-map, and ardently discovered that the most delicious piece of sea-coast to be found within the limits of
The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices
The most common rewards were crowns of different forms; the mural crown was presented to him who in the assault first scaled the rampart of a town; the castral, to those who were foremost in storming the enemy's entrenchments; the civic chaplet of oak leaves, to the soldier who saved his comrade's life in battle, and the triumphal laurel wreath to the general who commanded in a successful engagement.
Roman Antiquities, and Ancient Mythology For Classical Schools (2nd ed)
My complaint with the book, first and foremost, is the “tag line” on the cover of the paperback (not sure if it was on the hardcover): Has history been wrong for 200 years?
2010 March 04 « The BookBanter Blog
Immigrants come to the United States because they ache to live as they choose, to pursue their own purposes, and we remain the world's foremost tribune of freedom and opportunity.
The firm grew to be one of Europe's foremost graphics studios.
Though she doesn't often admit it because it sounds so unliberated for a modern woman, finding a husband has always been foremost in her mind.
Boll, who established himself as one of the foremost writers of his generation, was born in Cologne in 1917.
It's just that the Northern Territory is the first and foremost tidal energy site in Australia.
Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
While the ophthalmoscope made von Helmholtz famous, he distinguished himself in a number of scientific disciplines involving sensory perception, so much so that the Encyclopaedia Britannica wrote: "His life from first to last was one of devotion to science, and he must be accounted, on intellectual grounds, as one of the foremost men of the 19th century.
Dec. 6, 1850: The Eyes Have It, Thanks to the Ophthalmoscope
Many researchers, therefore, have amelioration of hyperalgesia and allodynia foremost in their minds as they hunt for new analgesics.
These letters, wherein conventional ciphers are frequently used, constantly mention the affaire principale, projet, cabale, that is, first and foremost, the composition of the "Augustinus" by Jansen, Saint-Cyran employing himself to enlist patrons for the so-called Augustinian system (see
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
He was a singer, but first and foremost a scholar.
First and foremost is the time he played Howard Payne, the maniacal disgruntled ex-cop, against Keanu Reeves in Speed (1994).
How I'll Always Remember Dennis Hopper
My state is foremost among them as our Republican delegation to Washington, headed by Hutchison and Cornyn, is probably the most undistinguished group of men and women that could be found in our noble state.
Giuliani backs Rubio over Crist in Florida contest
First and foremost, you need to learn at what state of a request you encounter each ready state.
Similarly, the U.S. Navy that entered World II was, first and foremost, a battleship navy.
Many of these replies, too, though subscribed only with an initial or a pseudonyme, _we_ know to be furnished by scholars who have won the foremost rank in their respective branches of study.
Notes and Queries, Number 06, December 8, 1849
Lowell, on the other hand, may be the country's foremost long-and-far thinker, creating punishing single-day sojourns across some of the continent's most rugged terrain.
First and foremost, all work should consider the musical elements of tone, color, dynamics and phrasing.
The leading feature is a couple of girls of the period, the foremost garbed in a blazing red jumper over a white dress and wearing a white bandeau across her vermilion hair.
First and foremost is the fact that the U.S. economy has enjoyed a prolonged expansion even though fiscal policy has been contractionary.
Of course we all know what a future aviation probably has before it and in abridging the crossing of the Atlantic by using the air as a means of transit I believe that Canadians will be found foremost, as they were found foremost in using the air as the medium of conducting military operations during the war now happily ended.
Some Imperial Problems