
How To Use Foremast In A Sentence

  • The foremast was the only mast now remaining, and it was soon sent flying over the side by the terrific firing from the British ship. Drake Nelson and Napoleon
  • Of course, two days’ work was required for the accomplishment of this part of my task, and it was not till the morning of the third day that I swung the foremast from the deck and proceeded to square its butt to fit the step. Chapter 37
  • But I found out that the vessel was not exactly a ship after all, but a sort of half schooner, half brig, -- what they call a brigantine, having two masts, a mainmast and a foremast. Cast Away in the Cold An Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner
  • At last a shot rang true, cutting the foremast of the frigate in two.
  • You will get the gist of the action, and not miss out on anything, even if you don't know about topsails and foremasts.
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  • I once asked one of those fellows what he called the foremast in his language, and what d'ye think he said? Poor Jack
  • A curious sight met their eyes as they came cautiously around the foremast.
  • Bowdoin carries four sails; a jib and forestaysail forward of the foremast, a foresail, and a mainsail.
  • The port shrouds of the foremast carried away at the chain-plates, and the fore-topmast leaned over drunkenly to starboard. CHAPTER XV
  • I once asked one of those fellows what be called the foremast in his language, and what d'ye think he said? Poor Jack
  • Her for'ard bitts, foremast, and most of her bow were gone, having been jerked out of her by her anchors. THE PEARLS OF PARLAY
  • The foretopsail is smallish and easy to work on because we can stand in the working top on the foremast.
  • Defence took possession and the foremast fell over the side.
  • The clipper ship Golden State on the painting has five stunsails on her foremast.
  • At the end of the third week at sea, a large barrel with a greased bung hole in the side is brought up from the hold and placed on deck, lashed to the foremast.
  • The foremast had broken and sloped down to the seabed, but the funnel still stood and the wooden planking of the stern deck was intact and clean.
  • This he mounted on the cap of the foremast to give the ship a striking and original look.
  • One of them had the initial P shining between the foremast and mainmast, and G between the main mast and mizenmast. From Lower Deck to Pulpit
  • They had their foremasts removed and their hulls reinforced with massive oak timbers to accommodate one or two powerful sea mortars of either 10-inch or 13-inch caliber.
  • Large searchlights that had festooned the foremast lay collapsed beneath it on the seabed and her main fore guns were still trained menacingly to port.
  • Footropes still to be added to the foremast topsail, and some cordage here and there to be sorted out.
  • The day following I was desperate, and I rafted together the foremast, the fore and main booms, and the fore and main gaffs. Chapter 36
  • a Philadelphia ship, called the Schuylkill, on board which I shipped as second-mate, while Marble and Neb took the berths of foremast Jacks. Miles Wallingford Sequel to "Afloat and Ashore"
  • It was square-rigged on its foremasts and mainmasts, but used a lateen sail on the mizzen to help in tacking.
  • Access to the quarters below was down a cuddy or slide just forward of the foremast, the crew's quarters being forward in the eyes of the ship.
  • The larger vessel had not changed a scrap—a ship-rigged barque standing about fourteen feet from gunwales to water, which meant she had no cargo aboard—no poop and no forecastle, just a quarterdeck and a galley aft of the foremast. Morgan’s Run
  • The unfortunate man was at the head, engaged in unshackling the maintopmast spring stay, when the cap of the foremast came off.
  • The boatswain and carpenter, assisted by the boys, rigged a jury-mast out of the foremast of the galiot, which had been saved for the purpose. Dikes and Ditches Young America in Holland and Belguim
  • The foremast had broken and sloped down to the seabed, but the funnel still stood and the wooden planking of the stern deck was intact and clean.
  • We followed in the footsteps of the crew along the flying walkway, passing under a large A-frame that supported the foremast.
  • The foremasts carried square-rigged sails, while the mainmasts carried a fore-and-aft-rigged mainsail and square-rigged top sail.
  • The overlapping view makes it difficult to sort out the various spars, but it appears that the foremast has only lower and topmasts, while topgallants are carried on the main and mizen.
  • There was also a small square sail which would be hoisted to a yard on the foremast and two trysails to be hoisted on the jigger.
  • She ducked beneath the foreboom to discover Apollo and Gerard standing at the port rail and Kevin lounging against the foremast shrouds as if they were a hammock. Thief Of Hearts
  • The foremast is the main thing to get rid of now; and, unless the sea keeps still, we'll never manage to cut that away, for it is still more under water than the mainmast was. The White Squall A Story of the Sargasso Sea
  • Looking up, I could see the foremast as usual surrounded by clouds of baitfish and, hanging ominously among them, barracuda.
  • From a sheath mounted next to the foremast he pulled a long sword and, laying the smoke down on an air vent, with one thwack cut off the end.
  • Of course, two days 'work was required for the accomplishment of this part of my task, and it was not till the morning of the third day that I swung the foremast from the deck and proceeded to square its butt to fit the step. Chapter 37
  • Except on small ships the main and foremasts always carried double mast tackles.
  • Abaft the foremast, and between it and the main hatch, stood a deck-house, the fore part of which constituted the berthage for the steerage passengers, while the after-part consisted of The Cruise of the "Esmeralda"
  • But as the moon peeped forth from behind a hail-shower, they saw that a strange foremastman was standing in the scuppers, and baling the water out of the boat as fast as it poured in. Weird Tales from Northern Seas
  • For running in high seas we put a large square sail forward, tripping the yard along the foremast, much like a spinnaker boom.
  • barkentine;" should she be a two-master, and have yards on both, she is a "brig;" should she have yards on the foremast only, she is a Golden Days for Boys and Girls, Vol. XIII, Nov. 28, 1891
  • The stump of her foremast was the only stick standing; her cabin had been stove in; every gun, except a single one, was dismounted; and her deck was covered with shattered limbs and dead bodies. The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson
  • On the foremast was a seat on a hinge, which could be dropped down, on which the "doctor" could sit and do his work, roasting himself at the same time he roasted his beef or fried his fish. The Yacht Club or The Young Boat-Builder
  • Her foremast carried square sails; her main and mizzen masts were schooner-rigged. Wealth of the World's Waste Places and Oceania
  • So it's completely logical that he flew the Union Jack at the foremast as an admiral of the fleet.
  • She was a deep-waisted vessel, with three masts, the foremast and mainmast square-rigged, while the aftermast carried a long lateen-shaped sail called the mizen, with a square topsail and topgallantsail. The Missing Ship The Log of the "Ouzel" Galley
  • The safety of the increasingly dilapidated hulk is by no means assured and the situation is worsened when the foremast is damaged.
  • One would think that with so much money to be made in the theater industry, the biggest of these braggers would automatically stake a claim as the foremast in the theater world. “Godfellas” Prays For Religious Controversy…and Gets It
  • Even the foremast and bowsprit were fully rigged, their sails taut. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • The tallest mast in the middle is the mainmast, and the mast closest to the bow - that's the front of the boat - is the foremast.
  • The term ship, as usually applied, has reference to a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts -- a mainmast, a foremast and a mizzenmast; and these three masts are each composed of three parts, namely, a lowermast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast. The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island
  • The foremast, which is considerably smaller and stepped well forrard, is in like manner devoid of any kind of stay. Life and sport in China Second Edition
  • She carries the traditional Great Lakes fore-and-aft schooner rig with its distinctive triangular ‘raffee’ sail on a foremast yardarm.
  • The enemy's foremast was severed just below the fighting top and plunged through two decks; then his maintopmast went.
  • The Cross of St. George was to be flown from the foremasts of the English ships, while the Cross of St. Andrew was to be flown form the foremasts of the Scottish ships.
  • When she got to the bow, she stopped, placing the foremast between them.

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