How To Use Foreman In A Sentence

  • A top-heavy nurse in cricket pads and dangling overhead light pack struggles to aim a fire breathing generator in a duel with a whip-cracking foreman.
  • Five times he was selected as jury foreman. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the job of the information architect is seen as corresponding with that of a structural architect, then the designer must be seen as an amalgam of superintendent, and foreman.
  • FOREMAN: The governor is saying no to money for what she calls expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
  • He completed his training in 1855 on the Great Northern Railway at Peterborough and became locomotive shed foreman.
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  • Foreman was thought to be slow and ponderous heading into his title fight with Frazier.
  • The film was made under the auspices of the British Film Institute's Production Board, on which I served in the 1960s and 70s alongside, among others, Karel Reisz, Carl Foreman and the eminent documentarist Basil Wright. Britain's best film directors show some early promise
  • No way anybody but Foreman, his handlers, and Cosell thought Foreman could win, let alone actually pull it off.
  • Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
  • Calvocoressi employs the intercutting between Yuri Foreman and her own vulnerable self in a briefer version of the same strategy. S.X. Rosenstock: Women Writers: The Essay Gets Up Close and Personal
  • In Canada the trackmen, i.e. those who maintained the track, were called sectionmen because a gang of three men and their foreman were responsible for a definite section of track.
  • AT subsequently became the jury foreman. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the past, a foreman or supervisor would keep watch over staff to ensure production in the factory was maintained.
  • The more he and the foreman looked, the more impossible seemed the task of unraveling this fankle. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Shortly before noon, the foreman came around with paychecks.
  • There is new doot aboot it, the Double Whopper is the George Foreman of fast foods. The Mayor Offers Choices
  • Communicate with the foreman - issuing instructions all over the place will cause problems.
  • Functional Foremanship allows many more people, to become foremen, and to develop the will and judgment which foremanship implies. The Psychology of Management The Function of the Mind in Determining, Teaching and Installing Methods of Least Waste
  • They were never the foreman, never the worker, always the guy that ordered stuff or coordinated stuff.
  • It was Don King's first major promotion and set the then 32 year old Ali, against the younger pretender to his throne, George Foreman, seven years younger at 25.
  • But the foreman of the jury insisted that the verdict was understandable on the basis of medical expert evidence presented. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crew's foreman is a player recovering from drug addiction after having been suspended from baseball — Texas Rangers star Josh Hamilton. Shark sighting likely gives ABC a boost in British Open ratings
  • His dad had been foreman at a builder's yard, but he'd died from asbestosis when Ed was eight. RESCUING ROSE
  • When I asked about why there were so few workers, A CVA official showing us the farm explained that the idea is to create primary production units where there is no organized peasant group and he called the foreman to attention ordering an end to domino sessions and strict compliance with the agreed timetable. Venezuela's Agrarian Reform in Action - INTI vs. Sigala in Barquisimeto
  • Then he calls in the shop foreman who examines it in more detail, calling in the mechanic or the electrician and carburation expert, each to carry out the requisite work in his particular specialty.
  • He recalled one time on a drydock job, when he was driving an Allis-Chalmers HD-14 angledozer back to the tractor shop to have a new corner welded on the blade, and a labor foreman flagged him and asked him to backfill a trench. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • They also said that their foreman had resigned in disgust over the manner of the dismissal.
  • “For two drachmas per worker,” another collective gasp and Erabulus went purple, “with five for him,” Phrynus pointed at the foreman, who was greatly mollified by that. The One Handed Rower of Myonnesus « A Fly in Amber
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • According to Arum's affidavit, the IBF agreed that for $200,000 they would drop their mandatory defence demands and allow Foreman to fight the unrated German Axel Schultz.
  • One superintendent, one supervisor, one foreman and eight hourly employees were terminated.
  • The foreman distributes the work every morning.
  • Indeed, this must follow if we mean it when we say that the foreman is "part of management. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • Either I knock off and eat," said Astro confidently, "or I call the foreman and you talk to Lactu. The Revolt on Venus
  • TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They are such as hypoallergenic dogs. CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2008
  • The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.
  • He had worked his way up from foreman in underground heavy engineering projects to resident engineer.
  • In substance, a statutorily protected foreman self-selected by the jury is not a trial by jury of equals, is not a trial by jury of persons randomly selected.
  • The last most publicised case was in tsarist Russia in 1911-13 when Menahem Mendel Beilis, a foreman in a brickyard and a non-practising Jew, was charged with the murder of a 13-year-old boy, Andrei Yushchinsky. Letters: The Beilis blood libel
  • Although there are few opportunities each year for advancement to foremanship, employers declare they cannot get enough persons of ability to fill vacancies. Wage Earning and Education
  • 'You rascal!' was the phrase legibly printed on the foreman's incredulous face. How to Succeed or, Stepping-Stones to Fame and Fortune
  • For a while I also shared a yard with a British chap named Roy who worked as a foreman on the project.
  • A certain number of foreman artificers, electricians, blacksmiths etc, are also required for service with the army.
  • Indeed, this must follow if we mean it when we say that the foreman is "part of management. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • And Chase running around behind Foreman, kind of nipping at his ankles Pay the man! Squealy fangirl stuff.
  • If a worker wants to take home any glass, tin, nails or wood, all he has to do is to get a slip foreman and the gateman or big boss won't say a word.
  • It is under the foremanship of Mr. John Wakely, a well-known Cincinnati baker. Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive
  • The mountaineer was a devil, the foreman said, and I had to club him with a pistol-butt before he would give in. Hell fer Sartain and Other Stories
  • He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
  • At least two family members in the church said they received mobile phone calls from a mine foreman saying the men were OK. The Sun
  • Mme Arlette, Foreman of the Jury, stood beside Tamsin, considering her verdict. DEATH IN FASHION
  • The jury foreman said: 'We think she was obsessed with the dead man. The Sun
  • Five times he was selected as jury foreman. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his dour manner, he stated that he was the foreman of the team, and called over two other men whom he introduced.
  • As the verdicts were read by the jury foreman some of the defendants smiled, smirked and even giggled.
  • On each site where the work is in progress the Contractor must maintain a competent foreman or chargehand who has complete control of all labour engaged on the work.
  • Problems may arise where the foreman is bribed or negligent and excessive hours are claimed by the sub-contractor.
  • AT subsequently became the jury foreman. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was shown round by this gruff old foreman and learnt how to make beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • They returned two hours later, when the foreman addressed the hushed courtroom with their unanimous verdicts.
  • TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The former vice president has said all along, if top-secret papers were made public, they would also make his case that what he calls enhanced interrogation and others call torture was necessary to make captured terrorists talk. CNN Transcript Aug 25, 2009
  • ''Greed on one thing, Major Gaston,' said the foreman, rising; 'hain't on t'other.' The Continental Monthly, Vol III, Issue VI, June, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The judge nodded at the foreman to proceed.
  • He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
  • He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
  • The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.
  • Another foreman was chosen and the trial continued, returning a verdict of guilty.
  • There was applause from the public gallery as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict.
  • Yes, the once blue eyes had turned to grey, and the figure added half an arshin to its stature as, standing as erect as a newly made nail, and pressing both feet together, the foreman stretched himself to his full height, and shouted with his mouth open to its widest extent: Through Russia
  • When he was just 12, his father, a gasworks foreman, suffered an horrific industrial accident and died later in hospital.
  • Whenever I read those stories, I think of George Foreman's contention that the rope-a-dope was never a strategy at all, that Muhammad Ali had fired an arrow into a barn and then walked over afterward and painted a bull's-eye around it. Washington is bad at scheming
  • One week the men were shorthanded, so one of them who knew me to be a hard worker asked the foreman to send me over.
  • He discharged the jury from further service after the foreman said there was no prospect of them ever reaching majority verdicts on any of the remaining six counts.
  • Beneath the third is the bosun, the leader of the able-bodied seamen and the foreman who actually puts the mate's orders into effect. 'A Captain's Duty'
  • There are perhaps some little calves, some little new-yeaned lambs - it may be twins, whose mothers have rejected them: Miss Keeldar must be introduced to them by John - must permit herself the treat of feeding them with her own hand, under the direction of her careful foreman. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • There was a guy who was foreman of the jury that time who said I had it all over Mr. Erbstein as an argufier and that my arguments made his look like ten cents. A Thousand and One Afternoons in Chicago
  • The worker leveled their looks at the foreman.
  • We also see the brutal foreman of mining company (backed up, no doubt, by Yanqui financing), arrogantly selecting the ill-paid crew of the day while brusquely warning the city boys off company property.
  • From an early age, Mick went to work in the bottling plant, where he filled many roles, eventually that of factory foreman.
  • Both the women and the foreman defended this practice because they said the work was heavier and therefore it was more manly work and should pay more.
  • The foreman told Ernest he needed a third man to work on boards nailed into place above "the pickler," an acid-filled basin that was part of production. National Workers Memorial to be dedicated in Silver Spring
  • According to union officials, the foreman was quite cordially disliked by the employees under his supervision.
  • I don't pay a foreman's wages for canthook work; I hire him to keep the men busy, and he sure can't do it if he occupies his time and attention rolling logs. The Rules of the Game
  • The foreman on that building site was approached last week about it and I will continue to drone on about it until is has been sorted.
  • So thorough was his knowledge of smith - work that he is said to have been pressed on one occasion to accept the foremanship of a large workshop, by a manufacturer to whom his rank was unknown. How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success
  • Making the museum's unique collection of 18th and 19th century samplers accessible to the public is a labour of love for Mrs Foreman, who is now a skilled needlewoman.
  • He stared at the jury foreman's face, watched as his mouth formed the word ‘not’, but still he felt nothing other than anger.
  • He said he had started as a gandy dancer and worked his way up to roadbed foreman with a crew of twenty men to supervise. In The Shadow of The Cypress
  • Most stressful jobs included firefighter, industrial engineer and mechanic foreman. The Sun
  • thingummybob" and her foreman assures her that his son, serving in the RN, has been told of strange vessels with what look like big boxes stacked on the deck sailing towards China. Army Rumour Service
  • With a nod to the Faces, the Stones, James Brown and other legendary wailers, Foreman is a wiggly protagonist of modern day hot.
  • Norman Mailer said something about George Foreman and the heavy bag in ‘When We Were Kings’, I think it was something like he Foreman hit it so hard that when Ali came into spar after Foreman left, Ali was so put off by the indentations that Foreman left in the bag that he worked on ringwork instead… But, even hard hitters get shown up by masters of grace… Just hoping you can type one handed! Cheeseburger Gothic » The Heavy Bag.
  • His career started as an apprentice joiner finishing his apprenticeship and then progressing to general foreman.
  • A factory foreman embarks on a dangerous mission to occupied France to retrieve important machinery.
  • The centrepiece of the gallery will be a three-quarter view full-scale model of a transport hoy, a reproduction of the Foreman's Office, and the quayside along which the boat will be moored.
  • McGarver, the under-boss, was a good shepherd among the men, though he had recently lost the head foremanship by a spree complicated with language and violence. Our Mr. Wrenn
  • He has worked in transport, distribution and logistics for three years previously, and now works as a construction site foreman and travels on the Sandringham line.
  • When they appeared in the jury box, the foreman handed the judge a note.
  • Their latest hideosity was unveiled this morning at a press conference held at the University of Illinois’ Foreman Auditorium.
  • The boss called the foreman on the carpet for granting sick leave to a worker without first asking for permission.
  • I was employed as a shift supervisor and was expected to have my crew work with unsafe equipment and this was actively encouraged and promoted by the site manager and foreman.
  • The foreman jumped on the workers for the slightest fault.
  • Jean Valjean, the reformed criminal, discovers her, is made aware that her debasement is the result of the act of his foreman, and takes her, half dead with misery and sickness, to his own house. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 57, July, 1862
  •  Even when he calls the foreman names and walks off the job, they always take him back because he will go where no one else will. Circling '84
  • The foreman, a young man with glasses, delivered the verdict forms, which were read by the clerk.
  • Peralta takes Foreman the distance and loses a unanimous decision.
  • Our bloody - minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.
  • TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In the wake of Katrina, tens of thousands of New Orleanais were stranded because they lacked transportation, information or the inclination to evacuate ...
  • All this was accomplished with no architect, no foreman, no central authority. PREY
  • FOREMAN: The Governor is saying no to money for what she called expanding unemployment benefits, immunization, senior care and more, including $171 million for education, which could include new and expanded programs she says the state will not be able to pay for when the stimulus money runs out. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2009
  • I called the foreman, and said, "Mr. Chapin, please to set this up and pull half-a-dozen proofs. Memoirs
  • So indicated the jury foreman who declared that skilled Healthcare "kept treating 3.2 ppd as a goal -- not a minimum. California Trial Lawyers Find A Geezer Goldmine
  • She believed he had not received sufficient supervision because the foreman had two trainees to look out for.
  • In the future he'd like to become a workshop foreman or dealership principal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bart Cummings's Melbourne stable foreman, Reg, Fleming, has had a "gutful" of the rumours that So You Think will be pulled out of the Melbourne Cup. | Top Stories
  • Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
  • But on an ominous note, Bob, the sixtyish foreman, told me that when he started out in the business, the water table where we live was at around 200 feet, only about half the depth of today, depleted by rampant development going on in the area. 10 Things I Learned While Living Without Running Water
  • On board Vivacity Millson and the foreman were in the midship section of her vast hold. THE BOOK LADY
  • He completed his training in 1855 on the Great Northern Railway at Peterborough and became locomotive shed foreman.
  • Whether he feared Peter Strong might usurp the vacant foremanship, or whether he simply cherished a grudge toward the lad because of his previous good fortune, it was impossible to discover. The Story of Leather
  • It is a good plan for the nitrator to keep a book in which he records the time of starting each nitration, the temperature at starting and at the finish, the time occupied, and the date and number of the charge, as this enables the foreman of the danger area at any time to see how many charges have been nitrated, and gives him other useful information conducive to safe working. Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
  • Yuri Foreman brings a record of 28-0 with eight knockouts into his title fight against Miguel Cotto. The Showdown After Sundown
  • Foreman has gone from withdrawn and suspicious to the smooth, urban talk show guest and advertising spokesman that he is today.
  • The foreman always had something for us. Times, Sunday Times
  • Remote control eliminated the engineer on yard jobs with two yardmen (one, a foreman) using the ‘Pitch and Catch’ system made by Canac.
  • He has worked on the farm for 13 years and is now an assistant foreman who supervises crews that tend the vines.
  • After spending a night in jail, he had managed to find a job moving boxes at a local warehouse, and had been able to convince the foreman into an advance on his first paycheck so he could secure a place to live.
  • I am a site engineer ( director, workshop head , chief of section, foreman, worker, staff member ).
  • Ms. Foreman recounts numerous incidents that, during the course of the Civil War, stoked sentiments on both sides of the Atlantic without ever rising to a casus belli . When Cotton Wasn't King
  • The television rights will be auctioned off and already, there is speculation about the victor taking on another recent ring debutante, 23-year-old Freeda George Foreman.
  • Among the group were four toolmakers, three die makers, two set up men, a production engineer, and the foreman of the experimental machine shop.
  • Some found it strange that this muzhik from the Urals, this construction foreman, would be the one to bring democracy to Russia. The Return
  • A few workers, who could no longer bear the agony of not returning home for 24 months in a row, have reportedly gone to argue with the foreman, cleavers in hand.
  • Ideally your foreman or job supervisors should conduct your toolbox talks.
  • Our bloody - minded foreman wouldn't give us a tea break.
  • He'd been a foreman in the paint department where he specialized in striping cars.
  • Ali withstood similarly appalling punishment in his three wars with Frazier, and most memorably during his immortal Rumble in the Jungle with George Foreman.
  • He slumped forward in his seat, supporting his arms on his knees, when the jury foreman announced the verdict.
  • Whenever I read those stories, I think of George Foreman's contention that the rope-a-dope was never a strategy at all, that Muhammad Ali had fired an arrow into a barn and then walked over afterward and painted a bull's-eye around it. Washington is bad at scheming
  • One boxer, Khalid, who is 21, displays particular talent, with an overarm technique reminiscent of George Foreman.
  • I see your Jacky is helping old Andy since he's been laid up," said Alick Duncan, the big foreman, some weeks later, as he paddled across the river with the boy's father. The Shagganappi
  • The jury foreman said: ‘The gun was pointing in the direction of the police officer.’
  • This was a man who had been a foreman in the sewage industry and was responsible for the sewage system we now have in Dromintee.
  • His huckstering abilities soon ingratiated him to Joe Frazier, the world heavyweight champion, whom he accompanied to Kingston, Jamaica, in 1973, when Frazier defended his crown against Foreman.
  • if you want to leave early you have to ask the foreman
  • As the verdicts were read by the jury foreman some of the defendants smiled, smirked and even giggled.
  • The straw boss told Jim he would have to see the foreman about a job.
  • Meanwhile, the incumbency of Holmes in his cemetery comes as news to Mark, its foreman, who had previously assumed his most famous resident to be the man who invented the steam hammer.
  • Workers unearthed part of an old clinker-built vessel but were told by the foreman to cover it over again to keep construction on course. 1000 Year Old Viking Ship Under Parking Lot | Impact Lab
  • I have a very old George Foreman at home; he can do what he likes to that.6th over: New Zealand 25-1 Guptill 0, Ryder 5 A two-over spell is usually enough for Shaun Tait, so he is replaced by Mitchell Johnson, who is sporting the same buzzcut as his old friend Stuart Broad. Australia v New Zealand - live! | Rob Smyth
  • Baths foreman Frank Hardcastle had a four-day job of cleaning the tiles and bleaching the pool floor.
  • Unless of course it was during the Rumble in Jungle and someone said Foreman couldn't hit Ali's backside with a banjolele. Ukeleles, Plagiarism and August
  • Do not rest content for a moment in your thoughts as head clerk, or foreman or general manager in any concern, no matter how extensive. Christianity Today
  • Only the job foreman or supervisor need to be knowledgeable and experienced.
  • The foreman was sitting under his gas lamp, talking to one of the workers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men gasped as the foreman of the jury at Southwark crown court pronounced the verdicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The men gasped as the foreman of the jury at Southwark crown court pronounced the verdicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Juror #12 and foreman is the actual perpetrator of the crime you stand accused of and isn't in the mood to confess. Trial And Error
  • He had been employed in the building trade since leaving school and had become not only a skilled craftsman but also a foreman with responsibilities. Why am I Afraid to Grieve
  • When it was all over, and the train, bearing the general foreman, had gone, Burke quieted down, but not without many fulgurous flashes that kept the poor Italian on tenterhooks. The Mighty Burke
  • He's a warehouse foreman for a removals firm.
  • A short retirement can reflect the compelling nature of the evidence, or equally the skill of the foreman in handling the jury's discussions.
  • Most stressful jobs included firefighter, industrial engineer and mechanic foreman. The Sun
  • The jury foreman said: 'We think she was obsessed with the dead man. The Sun
  • After filling in the verdict, the jury foreman would then sign the issue paper on behalf of all the jurors.
  • When they were up and going strong, he called his foreman and gave an order that made the foreman think that David Burpee had gone crazy. The Leader In You
  • The two diggers blessed the slackness of the long-dead Victorian navvies - and the careless overseeing of their foreman - for the respite. THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • I read that in the papers somewhere that the trial judge actually gave some instructions to the jury about the role of the foreman.
  • The school's foreman Xu Panzhong prefers to call it ‘school for children of the floating population.’
  • The foreman had not informed us that the paraffin might explode. In fact he had categorically denied there was any danger.
  • (END VIDEO CLIP) FOREMAN: For the GIs in World War II it was V-mail, flimsy copies of letters filled with tiny almost unreadable type, but it was a piece of home, news of births, marriages, even the infamous "Dear John" letters. CNN Transcript May 19, 2007
  • They are men usually employed at the public works, and their foreman is a man of great ability and energy, so that after five days 'work a neat erection stands a little way to the left of our house. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • McKay 50/50, o/r 100, hcp 2, total 102; Sam Foreman 54/56, F-class total 110. Narromine News - Front Page
  • The Foreman bout saw Ali, slower but nail-hard and with the bagful of fight tricks employ the biggest gamble in sporting history, the rope-a-dope, to cement his sporting greatness.
  • In the future he'd like to become a workshop foreman or dealership principal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was then alleged that there was a brief dispute there with a group of four other workers and a foreman, who were handling the car bodies and were about to finish the setup work.
  • Out of the array of machines and benches, Mr. Brown signalled a foreman.
  • A warehouse foreman's wife says: I mind writing housewife on a form.
  • There was applause from the public gallery as the foreman of the jury announced the verdict.
  • ‘The water levels of dams are better… but we still need more rain,’ Gariep municipal foreman Jan Roules said.
  • The worst moment for me is always when the jury foreman stands to deliver the verdict. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the "jitney," as Mr. Merkel dubbed his auto, several cowboys from Diamond X (including the veteran foreman Slim) reached Happy The Boy Ranchers on the Trail
  • She's got a lot of hard workers and a foreman that makes sure things run smoothly for her when she's not there.
  • I was shown round by this gruff old foreman and learnt how to make beer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the Lyle fight Foreman scored four consecutive knockouts over the division's top contenders including former champ Joe Frazier.
  • At least two family members in the church said they received mobile phone calls from a mine foreman saying the men were OK. The Sun
  • The axe handle was not long enough, and the foreman's canthook had disappeared. Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp or, the Old Lumberman's Secret
  • Early in the round, Foreman drops him again, Frazier jumps up again, but he's being beaten so badly he looks like a stumblebum.
  • The men gasped as the foreman of the jury at Southwark crown court pronounced the verdicts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We all want to vote and go home but first we have to pick the foreman. ROUGH JUSTICE
  • The night foreman of the station, a person of bedizenment and pride, stared at them as they alighted at Chelmsford and glanced around like strangers. Our Mr. Wrenn
  • It was the foreman speaking on behalf of the jury, as I understand it, your Honour.
  • At the other end of the scale, George Foreman remains the most vehement opponent of this whole enterprise.
  • The pair would travel around the world for fights to such obscure places as Ali's October 1974 bout in Zaire against Foreman dubbed "The Rumble in the Jungle," and Ali's third fight against Joe Frazier in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines, called by promoters as the "Thrilla in Manila. Boxing trainer Angelo Dundee dies
  • The foreman of the jury had requested a transcript, but that had been refused on the ground that it would take too long to produce. Times, Sunday Times
  • He hits Foreman with right hands - nobody hits George with right hands - and then he goes into the rope-a-dope and George is pummelling him.
  • He still visited the dairy daily, but left most of the business details to his manager and foreman.
  • As far as I know, one foreman and two other workers have made these charges.
  • But the foreman of the jury insisted that the verdict was understandable on the basis of medical expert evidence presented. Times, Sunday Times
  • From there, he became a groom, then foreman of the racing stable, then assistant farm manager/trainer in Greenville, Georgia.

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