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How To Use Forelimb In A Sentence

  • Cells in the limb bud must record whether they are forelimb or hindlimb cells and so alter their programme.
  • Cells in the limb bud must record whether they are forelimb or hindlimb cells and so alter their programme.
  • Massive but short stegosaur forelimbs suggest primarily bipedal locomotion, and quadrupedal defense posture. Neoceratopsian publications for 2008
  • Shovel-nosed frogs are smooth-skinned and small, with short, stout forelimbs and small heads with pointy snouts.
  • While forelimb length is just one of several key morphological changes that occurred during the evolution of the bat wing, this unprecedented finding demonstrates that evolution can be driven by changes in the patterns of gene expression, rather than solely by changes in the genes, themselves. Ancient Sleep and Flipping Switches
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  • Their forelimbs are modified to form flippers, their hindlimbs are reduced to nothing more than a vestigial pelvis, and their tail is enlarged and flattened horizontally to form a fluke or paddle.
  • They are adapted for leaping, with hind limbs much longer than forelimbs.
  • As long as he kept moving, he could rear almost upright; only when he stood still did he have to use his free forelimb as a support. Tin
  • Does the discovery of asymmetrical flight feathers on the forelimbs and hind limbs of dromaeosaurs affect the debate about the evolution of avian flight.
  • The evolution of manus shape in sauropod dinosaurs: implications for functional morphology, forelimb orientation, and phylogeny. Archive 2006-04-01
  • The forelimbs are specialized to form flippers, and the hind limbs and pelvis are extremely small and do not normally extend out of the body wall of the animal.
  • Caudipteryx has short forelimbs and a feathered manus and is likely to have been a secondarily flightless bird.
  • Argerreich's Introduction to Abnormal Psychology and The Narcissism Epidemic and placed one under Mr. Titters's outstretched paw and the other under his elbow, or elbow-like thing, leaving a narrow forelimb exposed and braced on both ends. Doggone
  • Bones of the forelimb and shoulder girdle in Alamosaurus, except the ulna, differ substantially from those of Titanosaurus colberti.
  • The forelimbs and hindlimbs are transformed into paddles.
  • The end was chipped square as neatly as a skilled man could have done with a broadaxe and unlimited time, but Sharina had seen the Archai use no tools save their own forelimbs. Lord of the Isles
  • Bipedality freed the forelimbs and allowed development of the hands as highly specialized appendages with great dexterity.
  • Named Akidolestes, the extinct animal had jaws, teeth, and forelimbs that identify it as a close relative of modern placental and marsupial mammals.
  • The manus-dominanted trackways initially were interpreted as having been made by swimming animals that floated their hindquarters while walking along the bottom with their forelimbs.
  • Fowics were like flying squirrels back on Earth, except that their forelimb wings were more fully adapted for flying rather than gliding, and their heads, ears and snouts had a distinctly feline appearance. The Orphaned Worlds, 1st Draft, 1st Excerpt « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • The forelimbs are elongate and are positioned ventrally.
  • The habit of felids to use primarily their forelimbs to capture prey is supported by the anatomy and function of their retractile claws.
  • Each beast had two short, stubby forelimbs and two powerful, three toed hind legs.
  • A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs
  • Most mammals use their forelimbs to accomplish tasks.
  • The pectoral girdle and forelimb also reveal suites of hierarchically nested morphological novelties supporting the theropod origin of birds.
  • Feathers could have elongated on the forelimbs and lateral margins of the elongated tail in connection with leaping and parachuting out of trees.
  • In the horse, the limb is adapted for running: in the forelimb, lateral digits are reduced, the central metacarpal is lengthened, and the radius and ulna are fused for greater strength.
  • No degree of description can match the drama of seeing tadpoles progress from lacking forelimbs to froglets and succeed in transforming as a pool is reduced to viscid, then cracked, mud.
  • Besides having forelimbs that resemble the wings of modern birds, the animal sported long feathers from thigh to foot on each hind limb.
  • Carapace width does not vary within a molt and is proportional to the length of the males' raptorial forelimbs, which they use in attacking other males.
  • Thus, species that are strong fliers with robust wing elements leave bone assemblages richer in forelimb elements than species that tend to be more cursorial.
  • Nor did he analyze whether a forelimb whose major function is protraction, retraction, and rotation (in flight) can also effectively supinate, adduct, and retract in that position to achieve climbing.
  • All adult plethodontids have four limbs, with four digits on the forelimbs.
  • The forelimbs are smaller than the hindlimbs, but the disparity in size is not as great as in kangaroos and wallabies.
  • Modern sirenians (manatees and dugongs) are large, docile, aquatic herbivores that have flippers for forelimbs and no hind limbs.
  • Fingers pointing diagonally forward and laterally, sprawling forelimbs, plantigrade feet. Life's Time Capsule: Questions about Pterosaurs #1
  • Additionally, a nonstandard lead was observed across the left forelimb and right hindlimb.
  • For the sake of simplicity we will not address the bones of the wrist and paw in our study of the forelimb and girdle.
  • The radius and ulna of the forelimb are twisted indicating that the hand was pronated, but without the hand bones we cannot tell if it was modified into the tubular, fingerless structure of later sauropods.
  • Also, dinosaurs have exactly the wrong anatomy for developing flight, with their large tails and hindlimbs and short forelimbs.
  • Flapping flight is distinguished from gliding by synchronous oscillations of the forelimbs.
  • Yet the bizarre Mononykus had tiny forelimbs with a single digit and was obviously flightless.
  • Similar effects on limb outgrowth and Hoxd gene expression were observed in forelimb cultures.
  • But the creature's most unusual feature was a set of long, asymmetric feathers with hooked barbs on its hind limbs and forelimbs.
  • With a mouthful of this murderous fruitlike dentition, tyrannosaurs had a whopping bite, which might have made up for their reduced forelimbs.
  • It likely used its muscled shoulders and the enlarged claw on the second toe of each forelimb to grasp its prey.
  • The bizarre forelimbs of alvarezsaurids were therefore accompanied by a bizarre lifestyle, an unexpected but apropos twist in the plot of the evolutionary novel that is the fossil record.
  • Opening up his eyes, the monkey found a stout mantis tightly holding a delicate branch with his saw-like forelimbs.
  • One after another, beagles are asked to sit, stand and offer their forelimb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Crab spiders do not build webs but ambush pollinating insects on flowers with their raptorial forelimbs.
  • The wings of birds, forelimbs of a lizard and human arms are homologies, because they are all derived from the same primitive structure in the common ancestor of these groups.
  • Many carnosaurs have fairly good-sized forelimbs, unlike the Tyrannosauridae.
  • Short but deep jaws with banana-sized sharp teeth, long hind limbs, small beady eyes, and tiny forelimbs typify a tyrannosaur.
  • Navicular disease or navicular syndrome, which is more correctly termed palmar foot pain syndrome, accounts for one-third of all chronic forelimb lameness in horses. Headlines
  • An obvious modification was the elongation of feathers or ‘proto-feathers,’ which extended and broadened the forelimb into a wing that was much more sensitive to air flow.
  • A researcher first noticed the signal while holding the animal in his hands: a buzzing sensation seemed to emanate from its body just in front of its forelimbs.
  • The right lower forelimb vein was catheterized for intravenous infusion of Ringer's lactate.
  • The left lower forelimb vein was cannulated for intravenous administration of anesthesia and pancuronium bromide.
  • Abby hit the stiff forelimb with the meat tenderizer. Doggone
  • But the creature's most unusual feature was a set of long, asymmetric feathers with hooked barbs on its hind limbs and forelimbs.
  • They have no eyelids, and all species have four fingers on each forelimb, five toes on each hind limb, and caudal fins.
  • We consider it far more likely that kinematic and kinetic aspects of forelimb motion coevolved.
  • The pig parts vary somewhat between burials, although there is a definite preference for forelimbs or forequarters with or without elements of a head.
  • Replacing the mouse Prx1 forelimb regulatory region with the bat Prx1 regulatory region resulted in mice with significantly elongated forelimbs. The Panda's Thumb: Development Archives
  • In this position the gorilla's weight-line (or ‘centre of gravity’ line) falls between the forelimbs and the hind limbs.
  • The forelimbs are to the left, and are cocked back, elbows high, with the forepaws tucked under the chest.
  • The largest was Basilosaurus isis, which was up to 21 m long, with well developed five-fingered flippers on the forelimbs and the quite unexpected presence of hind legs, feet, and toes, not known previously in any archaeocete; a vestigial use may have been as claspers during aquatic mating. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), Egypt
  • Apparently facultatively bipedal, with a toothless bird-like skull sporting large orbits, dinosaur-like cervical vertebrae possessing true pneumatic foramina, and reduced gracile forelimbs and a theropod-like pelvis, Effigia is strikingly like ornithomimosaurs (ostrich dinosaurs) in several details, mostly those concerning the skull and cervical vertebrae. Archive 2006-01-01
  • UMNH VP 18040; articulated partial postcranial skeleton including portions of 11 dorsal vertebrae, 16 dorsal ribs, both pectoral girdles, a nearly complete left and partial right forelimb, partial pelvis, partial left hind limb, and partially articulated array of gastral ribs. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Carapace width does not vary within a molt and is proportional to the length of the males' raptorial forelimbs, which they use in attacking other males.
  • Almost the entire left forelimb of the animal was then found as investigation of the site continued. Times, Sunday Times
  • We consider it far more likely that kinematic and kinetic aspects of forelimb motion coevolved.
  • This specimen consists of a nearly complete tail, the right forelimb complete through the metacarpals, both sternal plates, and both ischia.
  • Some apes started walking on hind legs, employing their forelimbs as hands for holding and shaping tools.
  • The hind limbs of galagos are longer than their forelimbs, which makes them very adept at leaping.
  • The limbs are long, and the hindlimbs are longer than forelimbs and in most are well adapted for running.
  • Both the forelimb and the hindlimb have one long bone that attaches to the body at one end and to two long bones at the other end.
  • The several theories for the origin of avian feathers, as well as for the origin of the winged forelimb and avian flight, are all historical-narrative explanations.
  • By mapping homologous skeletal elements of the vertebrate forelimb onto their phylogeny, an explicit alternative interpretation of the significance of Hox gene expression emerges.
  • They have no eyelids, and all species have four fingers on each forelimb, five toes on each hind limb, and caudal fins.
  • Besides having forelimbs that resemble the wings of modern birds, the animal sported long feathers from thigh to foot on each hind limb.
  • She even planned to offer a $150 bounty for the severed forelimb of each killed wolf. Think Progress » Tea party leaders say they would ‘absolutely’ abolish Social Security.
  • Some apes started walking on hind legs, employing their forelimbs as hands for holding and shaping tools.
  • Similar effects on limb outgrowth and Hoxd gene expression were observed in forelimb cultures.
  • However, for alcids and diving-petrels that also fly in air, forelimb joint mobility is much lower than in penguins, probably due to constraints of aerial flight.
  • The forelimbs are specialized to form flippers, and the hind limbs and pelvis are extremely small and do not normally extend out of the body wall of the animal.
  • Caudipteryx has short forelimbs and a feathered manus and is likely to have been a secondarily flightless bird.
  • This specimen consists of a nearly complete tail, the right forelimb complete through the metacarpals, both sternal plates, and both ischia.
  • While the genes were active during maximum dedifferentiation activity, she said, so much is going on in cells after a newt's forelimb is cut off that it's difficult to pick out specific dedifferentiation genes. Cells That Go Back in Time
  • Their stream-lined bodies entirely lack hindlimbs, their forelimbs are reduced, they have lidless eyes, and large external gills and gill slits.

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