How To Use Foreign policy In A Sentence

  • Just because the American people are disgusted with higher taxes, bigger government, left wing liberal give away policies and pacifist foreign policy attitudes, this idiot thinks the Tea Party activist is in someway trying to bring the country down. Clinton warns against violent anti-government attitude
  • Or is the idea of foreign policy beyondmilitary commitmentsso far off the radar that when the polls open, everything will hinge on the pitch-and-toss of national concerns? And Now, The Choice « shattersnipe: malcontent & rainbows
  • They should be addressing their messages to the bulk of the American public that is unaware of the consequences of US foreign policy, not to each other.
  • This coming battle, if it materializes, represents a turning point in U.S. foreign policy and possibly a turning point in the recent history of the world.
  • As a result, some politicians have begun to think of war, not as the high-risk recourse of last resort, but as an attractive foreign policy option in times of domestic scandal or economic decline.
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  • In foreign policy, he has Obama's specific mandate to monitor the wind-down of the American troop involvement in Iraq and to baby-sit its tortuous journey to political stability. Jules Witcover: Obama's Sidekick Joe Biden: Understanding The Vice President
  • While the generally liberal-leaning U.S. foreign policy establishment was quick to equate Obama's ascent to the presidency with a "new area of international engagement," the realities of realpolitilk has not only forced the President into a "straightjacket" with limited policy options vis-à-vis Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Sigurd Neubauer: Tea Partiers, Watch Out: Obama's Iran Policies Echo Bush's
  • Francis Fukayama's autopsy of neoconservatism is well worth reading, and makes many sensible points about the direction that American foreign policy should now take. Balkinization
  • Webb addresses two of these areas, namely the blue collar whites, the beer track in wanker, and foreign policy credentials. Webb for VP
  • Our foreign policy was about to take a sharp unilateralist and militarist turn.
  • Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, "with us or against us" approach that we saw first term. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
  • Labour still requires an attitude to foreign policy that has teeth behind the smile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Enforcing the isolation of this callow and callous ruler is the least that a humane and pacific foreign policy must aim for.
  • In foreign policy the Carter administration had a mixed record.
  • There's no reason now why a foreign policy hawk should make common cause with a religious conservative. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has establshied good will with many people across the aisle. did you miss that Steve Clemons found that your belove pretender was negligent with the only job he could have learned something about foreign policy? Bill Clinton: Hillary Will Call Upon Bush 41
  • He broke with the mainstream conservatism in the early 1960s, primarily over issues of foreign policy and military expansionism.
  • Many British people seem to have forgotten - or failed to learn - that US foreign policy is complex and contains many strands.
  • He is expected to go further with the effort to "refashion" foreign policy by opening up more senior Whitehall and diplomatic positions to outside experts rather than career civil servants. ITN Headlines
  • In the 1930s, American politics were characterized by isolationism in foreign policy and a preoccupation with internal affairs.
  • Foreign policy exists on a spectrum from idealism at one end to realism at the other. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, of ever growing importance in the military sphere for the developed democratic countries is the civilizing factor, which predetermines the level of acceptable casualties in solving foreign policy problems by military means.
  • The foreign policy wonk was either bored or uncertain whether Lieberman knew what he was talking about.
  • Therefore, rearmament is the foundation of and an inseparable condition of any foreign policy a British Government can follow. Europe 1937 Prospect and Retrospect
  • In early 20th century Great Britain, anti-imperialist commentators and politicians were often thought to be affected by the parochial disease of "Little Englandism" -- foreign policy solely focused on the well-being of the British Isles at the expense of the empire -- essentially an euphemism for isolationism. Franz-Stefan Gady: H.G. Wells and Defending the "Restoration Doctrine"
  • In presidential campaigns, foreign policy is treated with kid gloves.
  • He embarked with zeal on a foreign policy he himself didn't quite understand.
  • Is the notion of a distinct foreign policy arena as obsolete as it is ambiguous?
  • Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US.
  • It is above all to the drumbeat of Wilsonian idealism that American foreign policy has marched since his watershed presidency, and continues to march to this day.
  • Judges should not be the expositors of the nation's foreign policy, which is the role they play by acting when the President himself has not taken a clear stand.
  • This path dependency has created a foreign policy where the U.S. props up unsavoury governments which they destruct only years later.
  • While it is imperative to have an overarching policy framework that comprehends the fundamental factors shaping our world, in practice, foreign policy typically is local.
  • When religious figures have absolute dictatory power over science, health, and foreign policy? Lean Left » Blog Archive » An Observation
  • Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world.
  • But given his deceit on foreign policy and duplicity on the nuclear issue, I think we have good reason to be suspicious.
  • Translation: the Democratic and Republican foreign policy establishments draw their ideas from the same well, and public opinion for them public pinion is just an insignificant nuisance. Matthew Yglesias » The War’s End
  • Having said that, it is still a known fact that certainpeople associatedwith "Zionism" has had an adverse affect on foreign policy abroad. Joe Lieberman; Fascist Censor (with poll)
  • The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.
  • Our new foreign policy is what I call precision power. Mayhill Fowler: The New Strategy for Obama's War: Precision Power
  • He did not explain what this Government is doing to support a credible foreign policy.
  • The South is more hawkish on foreign policy, according to the data, while the East and West Coast states are the most dovish.
  • In the time of Caligula the administration of Africa was divided in such a way that the military power, with the foreign policy, was under the control of the lieutenant of the emperor, who could be called a hegemon (as in St. Luke), while the internal affairs were under the ordinary proconsul. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Obviously this sort of tendency leads a lot of people to the conclusion that you have to be really leery about urging ’something’ be done by the U.S. foreign policy establishment lest a certain militarist tendency capture that moral admonition for its own predictable purposes. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Genocide Prevention
  • Yes, many ICC supporters claimed that opposition in the Senate (or ASPA) were paranoid delusions and that the ICC had zero intent of ever opening an investigation into the acts of the United States government or otherwise impinging on our right to make foreign policy. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Garzon and the Trouble with International Law”
  • Two months later, though, I'm unclear how Palin was" overprepared "for questions about what periodicals she likes to read or why Russia's proximity to Alaska enhanced her foreign policy credentials, as she suggested to Charlie Gibson. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • The foreign policy of the Voronin administration over the past three years has been based on the classic principles of realism.
  • He joined the foreign policy unit in the Politburo in 1971, and became Secretary of State in the Foreign Office in 1985.
  • Saunders said Nixon's library and privately run foundation focus on history; the new nonpartisan center is a "forward-looking" institute for foreign policy: "We believe that our new name unifies our existing 'brands' while avoiding confusion with the other two entities. Center gets a little less Nixonian
  • It seemed to augur a new phase in American foreign policy.
  • The same pressure will apply to other foreign policy fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cross-cutting sympathies have shuffled up foreign policy allegiances. Times, Sunday Times
  • Did the foreign policy bureaucracy facilitate or impede presidential decisions for war?
  • Libertarian minimalists must take the extra step to fashion a doctrine that debunks realism and supports their own foreign policy outlook.
  • The problem with Bill Kristol and his ilk is their reverence of this very limited option as the “go to” foreign policy option. Think Progress » George Will vs. William Kristol.
  • To the delight of late-night television comedians, President George H.W. Bush used to talk incessantly about “prudence,” but in fact the term is a deadly serious watchword for the “realist” school of foreign policy. What Would Wilson Do?
  • Their salvation and future prosperity lie not in pinning their faith on American aid and aggressive military blocs but in breaking away from her, in repudiating her foreign policy which threatens to drag them into another war, and in proclaiming a policy of peace and friendship with other nations. Articles written by Nelson Mandela for Liberation, 1955-59
  • Here is one of the fronts in this new foreign policy, strengthened by Obama's pressure for expeditiousness (once a decision has been made) that is already transforming the implementation of policy. Mayhill Fowler: Did President Obama Bend History in Oslo?
  • Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major accomplishments.
  • On the one hand, the study of Canada in the world - Canadian foreign policy studies - constitutes an unreconstructed nationalist project.
  • The White House hopes to shift the media's attention away from foreign policy issues.
  • The President's speech was an effective apology for his foreign policy.
  • The new foreign minister reshaped the foreign policy of his country
  • I know I am recommending a pragmatic rather than a principled stand, but that is what national interest and foreign policy is all about.
  • No doubt, America has had some terrible foreign policy blunders - some real, others embellished or imagined.
  • The President is anxious to demonstrate that he has a strong foreign policy.
  • Foreign policy will take a back seat to domestic problems for a while.
  • Others point to long-enduring pathologies of American foreign policy.
  • I certainly believe that our foreign policy is imperial and see such a policy as incongruent with the values of a republic.
  • The comments underscore Labor's bipartisan support on foreign policy as on every other issue.
  • The Koreans were not the puppets of the Soviet Union or its foreign policy executors.
  • Clinton's unsleeping critics attributed the confusion to a leadership vacuum, to the inability of a domestically oriented President to frame foreign policy issues forcefully.
  • Compiled by a group of US foreign policy experts, the programme included fourteen different points.
  • Mr Kerry, a decorated Vietnam veteran, calculated that he didn't need to add foreign policy heft to the ticket.
  • Berlitz" course in foreign policy and even snidely implied John McCain, like President Andrew Jackson before him, may have wanted to shoot his vice president. MRC Latest Headlines
  • The president's speech heralds a new era in foreign policy.
  • A lot of political operatives and pollsters will tell you this presidential election will hinge on foreign policy.
  • Campbell looked assured and again reassured that there is more to him than foreign policy. Blogging the LibDem Question Time
  • He doesn't want to investigate the previous administration's torture record, much less its apparent formulation of foreign policy by means of the sortes biblicae. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist, with us or against us approach that we saw in the first term. CNN Transcript Dec 2, 2006
  • Thus, what about the foreign policy credentials of backpackers, retirees, businessmen and other expats who at least lived with and regularly dialogued with the local taxpayers? Does visiting a farm boost your husbandry credentials? « Blog
  • The transatlantic axis, nevertheless, continues to play an important role in German foreign policy.
  • I think you’re making a big mistake in harping on Guiliani’s foreign policy knowledge/abilities if you think it will affect the reason some folks like him for “national security” reasons. Matthew Yglesias » Rudy and the ISG
  • The common tax - the taille - was increased to finance French foreign policy and this was organised by the chancellor Antoine Duprat.
  • The media coverage of the two visits was noteworthy for its lack of any unfavourable commentary on the government's foreign policy.
  • This is the critical connection in understanding the foreign policy of the left. Times, Sunday Times
  • She lacerates Obama, his administration and his family for failures in government spending, foreign policy, business, education, immigration, morality and faith. In 'Obama Diaries,' self-absorbed musings
  • I would like to say rearmament is not a policy in itself but it is the inseparable condition, in my opinion, of any foreign policy. Europe 1937 Prospect and Retrospect
  • It belabors the obvious to say Arab-Iranian relations are complicated," John Limbert wrote Wednesday in Foreign Policy in an essay discussing the outcome of cables leaked by WikiLeaks that paint a frosty picture of relations between the leaders of Arab states and their Iranian neighbor: Arabian vs. Persian: Iranians take to U.S. Navy's Facebook to protest 'Arabian Gulf'
  • In the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington a middle-aged woman with a weather-beaten face and a brown wig sits on a milk crate demonstrating against US foreign policy - as she has done for the last 21 years.
  • But this is not the time for sermonizing or moralizing over US foreign policy.
  • It's right that this hunt has become such an integral part of British foreign policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • For well over its first century, American foreign policy was a partnership between government and business, driven by efforts to keep markets open for exports and investments.
  • Chomsky traces this non-partisan 'altruist' foreign policy in the US back to Woodrow Wilson, who served two terms as the American president from 1913 to 1921. Hossein Derakhshan: Obama Shares Bush's Goals in Foreign Policy
  • a hands-off foreign policy
  • Allin is senior fellow for U.S. foreign policy at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, while Simon is an adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. Will Israel strike at Iran's nuclear program?
  • Washington's motives are widely distrusted and its various foreign policy postures are viewed suspiciously, even by long-standing allies.
  • Another senile mummer in the whitehouse setting insane foreign policy. Thompson: Saddam "Clearly" Had WMD And A Nuke Program
  • He was a lukewarm supporter of the war, a voice of the old-line Republican foreign policy establishment.
  • Van Dyk called disenchantment with South Africa's foreign policy and uncertainty of what effect it will have "a major factor in the weakening of the rand. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • If anything, the Democrats have the more hawkish record on foreign policy.
  • So, I think he kind of defused his critics and ended up giving an important foreign policy speech that's going to be reprinted quite a bit because it shows his philosophy of what the United States needs to do now as we're heading into the new year. CNN Transcript Dec 10, 2009
  • Corddry was known for his consistent excellence in reporting on defense and foreign policy issues.
  • Tech audience to read The Economist's recent report on mobile money while letting us know that those were the tools through which the US is looking to shift its approach to foreign policy, moving from "repower" towards the "empowerment" of those living in developing countries. - Development Through Enterprise - Eradicating Poverty through Profit
  • There is a possibility that he will become more of a foreign policy president, because of this, said Allin. World Watches US Election Results
  • While pundits continue to dwell on the supposedly collapsing poll numbers for Palin and trumpet the erosion of her presidential ambitions, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee was abroad, buttressing the one area seen as a major weakness in Palin's ability to project herself as a national political leader, foreign policy. Sheldon Filger: Palin Scores on the World Stage, Does India and Israel in One Stride
  • The Metropolitan Police were so concerned, two Special Branch officers were detailed to accompany Galloway to a debate on US foreign policy at Cambridge on Thursday.
  • One of the strategies that the report advocates is "Finlandization" as a potential model for this process, based upon the Finland-Soviet relationship, where Finland maintained domestic sovereignty but deferred to its superpower neighbor in foreign policy issues. Making the History of 1989
  • You willfully ignore my central thesis: that there has been a change in the motivations underpinning US foreign policy.
  • This is the critical connection in understanding the foreign policy of the left. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the new domains such as foreign policy, the commission will for the first time have a right to propose.
  • For this reason, China unwaveringly pursues a foreign policy of peace and independence. It resolutely protects its national independence and sovereignty and opposes.
  • a mutable foreign policy
  • The king never attempted to verse the prince in matters of parliamentary practice, statesmanship, or foreign policy.
  • If the waiver is agreed-to by the next sitting president (in excercise of his inherent authority to conduct US foreign policy) it wont matter who controls congress. Think Progress » Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • But her lyrics touch on stalkers, stabbing, and misbegotten foreign policy.
  • Policy, Venezuelan Foreign Policy::) El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, habria ordenado personalmente al director de la agencia de inteligencia de su gobierno, Henry Rangel Silva, que se ocupara de "solucionar" el escandalo internacional por la incautacion de un maletin '> Plan Colombia and Beyond
  • Therefore, reordering our financial life and seeing to our financial strength is the single most constructive thing we can do to create and maintain a sound U.S. foreign policy. Republicans Return to Reality
  • Well, I don't take polls in politics now, so I certainly wouldn't be taking polls in foreign policy.
  • NEW DELHI: Hitting back at Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his attack on the Left, the CPM on Friday alleging his government had "mortgaged" India's foreign policy for Indo-US civil nuclear deal. The Times of India
  • The foreign policy legacy of Gorchakov is of great importance to Russia as it advocates and pushes a domestic priority strategy while pursuing a more sober-minded pragmatic foreign policy.
  • The foreign policy bureaucracy, not elected of course, plays a subordinate, non-political, essentially instrumental role.
  • Support for despots and dictators, as long as they were ours, is no longer a viable foreign policy option. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our foreign policy in this regard is very clear and we wonder why some rich nations decide to waste their huge resources on unproductive ventures.
  • First, the purpose of the Charming Betsy canon is to avoid the negative “foreign policy implications” of violating the law of nations, and Plaintiffs have offered no reason to believe that their low wages are likely to “embroil [] the nation in a foreign policy dispute.” The Volokh Conspiracy » An Eminently Sound Approach to (Supposed) International Human Rights Norms, from the Ninth Circuit
  • This disaster merely underlines the need for a consistent foreign policy.
  • It has endorsed all of the fundamental tenets of the president's revisionist approach to foreign policy.
  • Since then, references to emergingmarkets have become ubiquitous in the media, foreign policy and tradedebates, investment fund prospectuses and multinationals 'annualreports, but definitions of the term vary widely. How To Define Emerging Markets
  • This episode illustrates both the potential and the constraints of the EU's nascent foreign policy.
  • I hope for all of us that Obama proves him wrong and uses his prodigious oratorial skills to make the progressive case and win the American people over to real universal health care e.g. single-payer Medicare for all, a non-predatory foreign policy, and generally, an approach to the challenges of 2008 that are not cravenly corporatist in orientation. Nader Defends Obama Slur - The Caucus Blog -
  • Israel will have to be careful not to give the impression that it is hampering Obama’s foreign policy, like a kind of vestige from the Bush period. 18 « October « 2008 « Niqnaq
  • Accompanying these changes in substance has been a new Chinese campaign to publicize and promote the country's foreign policy.
  • It's hard to keep track of all the neocon nutcases that populate this administration's foreign policy shop, but this guy ranks up there with the worst.
  • If the waiver is agreed-to by the next sitting president (in excercise of his inherent authority to conduct US foreign policy) it wont matter who controls congress. Think Progress » Source to Stephanopoulos: President Bush Directly Involved In Leak Scandal
  • I'm a classical liberal, economically (laissez-faire is my mantra) and a hawk on foreign policy and defense.
  • This was a major change of direction for Britain's foreign policy.
  • The prohibition on capital controls has the makings of a US foreign policy debacle.
  • an enterprising foreign policy
  • There is a widespread belief in the party that it has become too influential over foreign policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • I called for a Citgo BUY-cott, to protest Bush's interventionist foreign policy while supporting innovative anti-poverty programs in Venezuela. Jeff Cohen: Go to Venezuela, You Idiot!
  • A hegemonic spirit nonetheless underlies both the liberal activism and the neoconservative unilateralism evident in much of recent American foreign policy.
  • In Bombay he reminded his audience that a vote for Congress was also a vote for it, and his, foreign policy of peace and principled neutralism.
  • The impractical nature of one sovereign having to perform homage as a vassal to another, with ties of fealty that theoretically prevented an independent foreign policy, were unworkable and was a major cause of the Hundred Years War.
  • The principles which underlie our foreign policy are sound.
  • He was a genuine war hero but that status gives him no more insight into defense and foreign policy issues than either Clinton or Obama can obtain readily if they pick the right advisors. McCain says Obama's Iraq trip would convince him of success
  • In such situations, hopes for a less active, more cautious and realistic, less expansive foreign policy were slim.
  • Sure, Cheney and Rumsfeld were paid with my tax dollars at an earlier time, but their boss knew better than to mistake their screwiest ideas as the products of rational deliberation on foreign policy. Hullabaloo
  • She outlined a new pact allowing more foreign policy integration including plans for deeper military and security co-operation. Times, Sunday Times
  • a vigorous foreign policy
  • Two months later, though, I'm unclear how Palin was "overprepared" for questions about what periodicals she enhanced her foreign policy credentials, as she suggested to Charlie Gibson. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Can politics at the margin hold the balance in a decision on foreign policy, as it can sometimes swing an election?
  • On matters of substance -- especially foreign policy -- the Palin selection is a joke, especially after the intensely serious, substantive speech that Obama gave last night. Sarah Palin - Swampland -
  • He's the guy, in American parlance, who cracks heads, makes it happen, says Joel Rubin, deputy director of the National Security Network, a Washington, D.C., foreign policy think tank. Suleiman's reputation holds dread for some in Egypt
  • s style, which is characterized by an easy assumption of foreign policy omniscience and omnicompetence. What?s Different About the Obama Foreign Policy?
  • There's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy.
  • Neo-conservatism is one of the most important political developments of the last several decades and now dominates the foreign policy perspective of his own political party, yet Herman Cain admitted on Meet the Press that he'd never heard of neo-conservatism. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D.: The Real and Present Danger of Herman Cain
  • It has been characterised as an era of colourless politicians, ill-judged initiatives in foreign policy, tentative reforms, parliamentary corruption, and economic weakness.
  • Indeed, it is difficult to square the homiletic call for virtue as the answer to the ‘human predicament,’ with which he ends the book, with his hard-boiled foreign policy columns.
  • Her main accomplishment is sort of shifting the rhetoric of the administration's foreign policy away from this kind of unilateralist "with us or against us" approach that we saw in the first term. CNN Transcript Nov 28, 2006
  • Quite a powerful speech, especially the last part on foreign policy and freedom.
  • France's foreign policy is driven by soulless sycophants who are willing to suck the sweat off the balls of any megalomaniacal tinpot dictator who will award them a few contracts and lend international support.
  • He's devoted years of thought and action to foreign policy, and in decades past has courageously crusaded against national security corruption, including the CIA's connection to contra supporters involved with drug dealing.
  • Anglo-Saxonism in U.S. foreign policy: The diplomacy of imperialism, 1899-1919 The "Mystery" of US Foreign Policy
  • So long as frontier zones of the empire remained insecure, the tsar had to eschew an ambitious foreign policy.
  • In the claim that “the security of the American people is inextricably linked to the security of all people,” they hear echoes of the universalist logic that led to the disaster in Vietnam and see a sweeping foreign policy that the rest of the world finds at best meddlesome and at worst menacingly imperialist. Globaloney
  • It has been characterised as an era of colourless politicians, ill-judged initiatives in foreign policy, tentative reforms, parliamentary corruption, and economic weakness.
  • This in turn sets me thinking about the contrast between his domestic style and his current foreign policy.
  • The real failure of American foreign policy in the Middle East, where we are universally scorned, is that we have not connected the dots of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and terrorist attacks against the United States. When George Meets John
  • Last week that phrase had become the defining motto and operating credo for the military and foreign policy of the Bush administration.
  • Elements of the administration are clinging to the "delusory" belief that Mr. Mubarak can hold on, said Robert Kagan, a foreign policy analyst at the Brookings Institution who has been a supporter of the president's foreign policy. The White House Hardens Its Tone
  • There were 10 Americans killed yesterday, in this horrible surgy month of killing and wounding, but amoral insane foreign policy specialists would keep us in Iraq forever. Matthew Yglesias » Training
  • Sergei Plekhanov, former adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev and now a professor at York University, gave a presentation on contemporary Russian foreign policy. Derek Shearer: Obama and Rising Powers: Foreign Policy in Tough Economic Times
  • refashion" foreign policy by opening up some key senior Whitehall and diplomatic positions to outside experts rather than career civil servants. IcScotland
  • It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.
  • The majority of the press support the Government's foreign policy.
  • The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.
  • His remarks were by no means limited to military matters, but ranged over every major issue of domestic and foreign policy.
  • It is particularly concerning that he is working for non-British companies while advising on foreign policy.
  • The President makes all the key decisions on foreign policy.
  • His foreign policy was characterised by cautiousness and a patient wait-and-see attitude.
  • Remember about a month ago, when President-elect Obama announced his foreign policy team, and it looked as if there was going to be a shift in emphasis from the military to the civilian agencies of government in terms of money, attention and influence? Shift | ATTACKERMAN
  • To ally with the great powers is a cornerstone in Israel's foreign policy.
  • But this is not the time for sermonizing or moralizing over US foreign policy.
  • They are arguing over foreign policy.
  • A foreign policy that speculates and spies on enemies from afar has given rise to unintelligent intelligence, a profound ignorance about what is going on in the world.
  • If Greek thought gives us no guidance in foreign policy, it is no more helpful, except very indirectly, in another difficult region, that of _industrial policy_. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • an about-face on foreign policy
  • Your father's success in foreign policy was quickly undone by discontent on domestic policies and a bad economy.
  • Our foreign policy tilts toward the third world.
  • This is not the time, he says, to stir up anti-American sentiments, or sermonise over US foreign policy.
  • Foreign policy may also affect the expatriate's business or social activities.
  • He has been a persistent critic of US foreign policy and the IMF.
  • He has identified tackling corruption, transparency and international aid as foreign policy issues in which he intends to focus his efforts. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also seen in junking his prejudice towards the US alliance and his outline of a more realistic foreign policy.
  • Several important milestones in foreign policy have been passed by this Congress and they can be chalked up as major accomplishments.
  • The power elite inside the government is controlling foreign policy.
  • A simple view suggests that the making of foreign policy is the exclusive business of government.
  • There's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy.
  • Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US.
  • Bulgarian foreign policy was one of continuity and predictability, for which it was appreciated both at home and abroad, said Stoyanov.

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