
How To Use Forefront In A Sentence

  • His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
  • The company has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
  • Martin Jones has been at the forefront of bioarchaeology as the subject has matured in the 1980s and 1990s.
  • It is also in the forefront of the drive to transmit television via broadband.
  • They should be at the forefront of the opposition to diquat use. The Daily News Tribune Homepage RSS
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  • Her dedication and commitment to the pupils over the past seven years has brought the school to the forefront in many areas.
  • They have been at the forefront of the campaign for political change.
  • And at the forefront of that response is bilingualism. Houston Chronicle
  • At the time, Salten was his conservative counter force at the New Free Press, the paper on the forefront of war propaganda, and wrote feuilletons.
  • It's the women who are at the forefront of all the bloodshed, it's the women who have to carry the can and take the flak.
  • It is also in the forefront of the drive to transmit television via broadband.
  • The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software field.
  • Miners' welfare clubs will be placed at the forefront of regenerating communities hit hard by the demise of the coal industry.
  • Respecting the confidentiality of our biographees is always at the forefront of our employees’ thoughts and is our overall company philosophy.
  • Get sex into the forefront of your mind by reading or watching something more raunchy than you'd normally choose.
  • But renewed tension in Corsica over recent weeks has again brought demands for an amnesty to the forefront.
  • Campaigners said all three breakthroughs were testimony to Scotland's position in the forefront of international cancer research.
  • But a York research team is at the forefront of a project which aims to make this previously far-fetched dream a reality.
  • The pension issue was not at the forefront of his mind in the spring of 1985.
  • Now, the attack on executives is at the forefront of the state's intrusion on civil liberties.
  • However, what strikes me as particularly interesting is that, not so long ago versus populum might simply have been presumed; accordingly, that ad orientem (or "versus crucem" as it is referred to here) is also spoken to perhaps gives some witness to it having begun to enter more into the forefront of Catholic liturgical consciousness again -- perhaps a fruit of the Pope's activities and catecheses. Restoration of the Cappella Paolina
  • As an avid opposer of terrorism, I hope this unrealistic adventure of Prabhakaran, who has been in the forefront of bloodshed in Sri Lanka in the name of creation of independent Elam, will give a lesson to the terrorist organizations world over to give up arms and return to main stream of life. Sri Lankan Army Captures Mullaittivu Town, the Last Citadel of LTTE
  • Everything they touch instantly turns to ash, so having them at the forefront of a "Save the UK" campaign will not instil confidence. Little wonder Alex Salmond looks so smug | Kevin McKenna
  • Does it count to photobomb pictures when you're in the forefront? Tyler finds himself a new hobby
  • Bachofen's merit consists in having brought this question to the forefront for examination.
  • It was started 140 years ago by countries across the world to standardise the telegram and has been at the forefront of every international telecommunication effort since.
  • During the years when the elephant jibe was rife, microbial genetics was at the forefront of molecular biology.
  • It dawned upon me to what end the puma and the other animals -- which had now been brought with other luggage into the enclosure behind the house -- were destined; and a curious faint odour, the halitus of something familiar, an odour that had been in the background of my consciousness hitherto, suddenly came forward into the forefront of my thoughts. The Island of Doctor Moreau
  • Under the argument that states need to protect themselves against voter fraud, Republicans are making a unified push for election reform, and at the forefront is the campaign for implementing and strengthening voter ID requirements. Victoria Coats: Protecting Or Suppressing The Vote?
  • All the above considerations should be at the forefront in the development of models.
  • City and district councils are at the forefront of dog control.
  • Along with many other noble agencies, they are always at the forefront of the relief effort following calamities and catastrophes at local, national and international level.
  • Three hundred years ago antiquaries were at the forefront of modernity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain is also in the forefront of using technology to give competitors an edge on their rivals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Until now Orde had been in the forefront of conciliatory approaches to the Republican movement.
  • His work at the forefront of molecular imaging has resulted in this new method of locating and diagnosing cancer, which harnesses the tumour-targeting properties of a protein called lactoferrin.
  • the idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy
  • He was in the forefront for a number of these issues, working for the poor and the needy and homeless.
  • In the 1994 bi-election year, prayer in the schools, so-called family values, and similar issues came to the forefront.
  • There is no doubt that the concentration on agricultural liberalization brought the key concerns of fair trade and equitable trading opportunities to the forefront.
  • Education remains at the forefront of the state's planning.
  • The peculiar melody and profuse imagination which the pastoral disclosed at once placed its author in the forefront of living poets, but a far greater work was already in hand; and from some words of Gabriel Harvey's we see Spenser bent on rivalling Ariosto, and even hoping "to overgo" the "Orlando Furioso" in his "Elvish Queen. History of the English People, Volume V (of 8) Puritan England, 1603-1660
  • Once the strategic lift deploys Army forces to where they are required, tactical logistics moves to the forefront.
  • British police are at the forefront of drone technology but the devices are also being used in other countries. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thanks, Simon for your thoughtful, even impassioned, comment – it’s never too late to hear from someone such as yourself who has been at the forefront (one can’t say ‘cutting edge’ anymore, unhappily) of developments in communicative methodology and materials writing for so many years. S is for “Strategies” « An A-Z of ELT
  • Skills have to be harnessed and youth need to be prepared to lead the nation from the forefront.
  • Bringing an interstate highway to South Texas continues to be at the forefront and working with our neighboring coastal counties, such as Nueces, Kenedy, Kleberg and Willacy, will help I-69 become a reality. Brownsville Herald :
  • This attack is all the more insidious because "Catholics" are at the forefront of using their positions of power to try to destroy the Church. AP: Pro-abortion Gov. Kathleen Sebelius tapped to lead HHS
  • The main scenes of both hydrias link the painters to the forefront of iconographic change; aspects of style, identified above, reflect one painter's close association with the red-figure technique.
  • No newspaper is happier than when it is at the forefront of a campaign.
  • In recent years, the company's gross margin position at the forefront, and remained relatively stable.
  • Try to keep safety in the forefront of your mind at all times.
  • The society have been at the forefront of local theatrical drama for over two decades, staging some magnificent productions in serious drama, comedy, pantomime and more.
  • And when I do that, the question that keeps rushing to the forefront is this one ... Why I Write
  • It is a logical ending to a book whose purpose is directly stated and kept consistently in the forefront of the narrative.
  • It dawned upon me to what end the puma and the other animals—which had now been brought with other luggage into the enclosure behind the house—were destined; and a curious faint odour, the halitus of something familiar, an odour that had been in the background of my consciousness hitherto, suddenly came forward into the forefront of my thoughts. The Locked Door
  • But then he grew old and ill, and as he declined his doctrinal conservatism seemed to come more and more to the forefront.
  • Instead of somber brick buildings, I will have the quaint homes in your forefront, and the fluffy white clouds of smoke from the coal plant now will be the snow-capped mountains surveying all beneath its beauty. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Office Overhaul for Mental Overhaul
  • During the early years these were sailing smacks, but the yard was at the forefront of the development of steam trawlers and came to specialise in long-range trawlers for the Hull distant water fleet.
  • This study breaks down this monolithic characterization of the administrative apparatus by moving officials from all levels to the forefront.
  • The issue of technology is becoming the forefront of American procurement and acquisition issues.
  • Then he squatted and, with the thought of Femi — bright-eyed and smiling, brewing sweet tea with her glasses high on her nose, rocking Nyah to sleep in the porch swing before the Christmas party, the jasmine in the window box in bloom — pushed to the forefront of his mind, he pulled up the coffin and turned it over. The Laugh
  • The Swiss-born doctor has been in the forefront of the battle to control veterinary diseases.
  • The Philippines-based Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific is at the forefront of sustainable development in the region.
  • Shouldn't they have been at the forefront of your mind? Times, Sunday Times
  • MABERRY: You were at the forefront of the against development by Imperial College at Wye, Kent, starting the web-site save-wye. org. David Hewson is Interviewed by Jonathan Maberry
  • The steady demise of our ecosystems presents the greatest danger and is at the forefront of Ehrlich's strategic plan.
  • Young Indian entrepreneurs are at the forefront of the infotech revolution, whether in Silicon Valley, Bangalore or Hyderabad.
  • Technically, Phillips should have been at the forefront of that, not prostrating herself improbably in grubby community centres, and bringing her own herbal tea bags to unaccommodating restaurants.
  • She was one of the politicians at/in the forefront of the campaign to free the prisoners.
  • Gaudi was at the forefront of Spain's art nouveau movement at the turn of the 19th century.
  • For centuries, artists painted religious figures, whether saints or gods and goddesses, then still lifes -- arguably with religious aspects present -- moving into landscapes and portraits of the high and low born, before the crosscurrents of popular culture opened the more psychological frontiers, with Surrealism, Symbolism and Abstract Expressionism taking the forefront. Lisa Derrick: Retro Cool Pop Art at the Palms this Weekend: Rare Exhibit of MidCentury Modern and MC-Influenced Fine Art
  • As a town, Oban has always been at the forefront of things Highland: it is the town after all which hosted the first Gaelic Mod.
  • The problem is that the Government is rarely at the forefront of technological advances and therefore is liable to be sold shoddy goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Founded in 1990, the clinic has won numerous awards and been at the forefront of pioneering research for the last decade. The Sun
  • The one aspect of all this that we should keep in the forefront is that a major effect of the growth of government is this: it enables an expansion in the depth and breadth of rent-seeking activities generally. Higher Education Lobby, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Working with a base of small businesses through to corporate giants, Mr Weir said: ‘It's exciting for me to be at the forefront of technology.’
  • Times have changed and the UK is at the forefront of that change. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the British and American left were in the forefront of that revolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • Usually in the forefront of expansion are the sites of military posts and encampments that protected advancing explorers or soldiers.
  • With more styles of dance on display than ever before, with the latest craze of 'krumping' coming to the forefront, fans of every dance discipline are in for a treat.
  • Mr Labouchere, who lives in Stratford-sub-Castle, has been at the forefront of revolutionary design for many years, building his career designing hulls for ferries and racing yachts.
  • Today they have taken another bold step aiming the product at those who like to remain on the forefront of the computer world.
  • And it is the UK that is at the forefront of the revolution. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Court held that he must have known that he was dealing with breakable material, even if that fact was not at the forefront of his mind when he slammed the receiver down.
  • Keeping up to date with software and firmware versions is always a task at the forefront of a system administrator's priorities.
  • Coventry has been at the forefront of the shared space schemes, which remove the dividing lines between pedestrians and vehicles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Together they have kept Tinryland athletic club to the forefront of national athletics.
  • Even as an octogenarian, newly converted to the thrill of computer-assisted choreography, he was at the forefront of dance innovation. Times, Sunday Times
  • TNT's express and logistics operations will be at the forefront of the development.
  • As a result, a proliferation of research elucidating many nuances of ethnic minority families has come to the forefront.
  • He was at the forefront of various environmental initiatives, with Ford among the first to embrace the Government scrappage scheme.
  • The Islamist party's Selangor leader Datuk Hassan Ali has been at the forefront in policing what he called deviationist movements like the Ahmadiyah and stopping the sale of alcohol in Muslim-majority areas. SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator
  • From an overarching historical perspective, Scots and Scotland have been for several hundred years at the forefront of medical, educational, technological and philanthropic innovation.
  • This latest protest has brought prison conditions to the forefront of public attention.
  • Our modern matrons ' role will be a combination of the best of the past coupled with the needs of a hospital at the forefront of medical advances.
  • We could have marshalled our good name andtreasure andstrengthened our infrastructure; we could have taken the planetary leadin non-carbon fuel sources (we couldhave been at the forefront of a new industrial revolution for solar, hydrogen, etc). Quote Of The Day
  • the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England
  • Bristol Eye Hospital has consistently been at the forefront of innovation in ophthalmology and cataract surgery in particular.
  • This has put us in the forefront of the Race's outwardness; but it has also brought us closest to the unknowns of worlds never ours. A Circus of Hells
  • The songwriting is at the forefront; there are no instrumental tracks. The Sun
  • This latest protest has brought prison conditions to the forefront of public attention.
  • New methods for generating phylogenetic relationships brought comparative embryology back to the forefront; now we can assess the direction of evolutionary changes in development.
  • I am now to old to donate blood or bonemarrow but I do find it interesting that a large number of Public Service personnel are at the forefront of anything like this. Donors Urgently Needed For Ben (aged 16) « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For more than 30 years, Jane Buikstra has been at the forefront of bioarchaeology, a disclipline that mines bone for data on age, health, diet, disease, and genetic relationships. Conversations: Bone Reader
  • Since they decided to bring this to the forefront we should take credit for it and piggyback our new progressive ideas on its back.
  • Golf at its most challenging will be at the forefront of a new course growing tall amid wooded splendour.
  • Always at the forefront of change, Ram Dass led the baby boomers to psychedelic drugs, Eastern spirituality and social activism.
  • So I love that genre entertainment is having such a day in the sun, but it's fascinating me that so few of the heroes of the franchises at the forefront can actually step out into sunlight -- unless they want to be caught sparkling or sizzling, that is. Laura Brounstein: Why Vampires? It's the Superpowers, Stupid
  • Leon Kass, America's chief bioethicist, is at the forefront of the battle against stem-cell research, and has been the key mover behind some severe restrictions on stem cell research.
  • These concerns tended to stay out of the forefront of public attention, however, due to the slow pace of population change and the relative infeasibility of policy interventions.
  • He has been at the forefront of a five-year artistic campaign which has seen Sheffield Theatres become a leading player on the national stage.
  • And because those thoughts are at the forefront of our minds, we forget to act on the other fears and phobias that need release.
  • It was at the forefront of opposing capital punishment and demanding prison reform.
  • Place the things that are most important and functionally basic to the site's purpose at the forefront.
  • The forefronts or frontiers of the two corners, what with fords and shelves, and what with rocks be very jeopardous and dangerous. The Second Book. The Second Book of the Communication of Raphael Hythloday, concerning the best state of a commonwealth, containing the description of Utopia, with a large declaration of the Godly government, and of all the good laws and orders of the sam
  • Eventually tragedy hits the family unit and all the issues of incest, impotence, and illegal activity come to the forefront.
  • Next month it is drama that will be at the forefront, as the channel throws open its schedule for a dramatic week of exciting programmes.
  • The paper could position itself on the forefront of a bold initiative, encouraging the growth of a blossoming illiterati who flaunt their ignorance and inability to absorb the written word.
  • The answers we receive from current volunteers as well as our Chadian teachers (here at training) are varied, but usually follow these lines: The government has made English part of the curriculum for a number of reasons, but at the forefront is the "great goopy hope", the oil fields in the south. Why We (America, Peace Corps & Me) Are Here
  • Social values and the promotion of a positive self image are at the forefront and for some, overshadow mere competition.
  • He certainly has been at the forefront of coverage of the events in Iran, his liveblog is the most complete Stories / Popular
  • The Bank of England should put itself at the forefront of this movement. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world's women are on the forefront of making this ideal a reality.
  • M&G has been at the forefront of campaigns including executive pay reform. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Invisible Mountain, set in Uruguay, is an incisive examination of some of life’s trickier dilemmas, including when to place family at the forefront, and when to honor your own ideals even at the expense of others. The Invisible Mountain: Summary and book reviews of The Invisible Mountain by Carolina De Robertis.
  • In times of wars the church stood at the forefront of sedition and treason, unless it saw some advantage for itself.
  • This unit has been at the forefront in the use of technology for the accurate and timely delivery of special beef premium and slaughter premium compensatory payments, worth £265 million annually.
  • In the fight for change, the most oppressed and downtrodden come to the forefront.
  • The new factory could put the town back at the forefront of steelmaking.
  • At the forefront of the pioneers in the field was the Greek mathematician and philosopher Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. AD 90 ?168), more popularly known to history as Ptolemy.
  • Hollister, but "the Englishman" and his wife -- who was a "pippin" for looks -- were still in the forefront of his mind when the trail led him out on the river bank a few hundred yards from their house. The Hidden Places
  • He joined the Rangers Club four years ago and since then has been at the forefront of the development of their under-age programme at the club.
  • At that time, Capellas had been at the helm of the computer giant for around a year, having been parachuted in to replace Eckhard Pfeiffer and push the company to the forefront of the internet economy.
  • Unfortunately my parents finally decided to bring my worst fears to the forefront with a two person, cramped cablecar to the top of a mountain. Avanery Diary Entry
  • In terms of being at the forefront of gaming culture and, quite possibly, pop culture as a whole, it is.
  • Reading about it obviously brought a lot of raw emotions and memories to the forefront of people's minds.
  • At intervals Lchear people will always stand in an innovative fashion forefront, every year there is a new series of cosmetics come on the scene.
  • Central to the programme is a showcase of three captivating fluid dance pieces specially commissioned for the event, performed by international artists at the forefront of the Contact Improvisation scene.
  • Equally good have been the commentaries from the journalists on the scene, and among them, our guest today stands in the forefront. Gains and Losses in the Cold War
  • In all of our countries women have been in the� forefront of the struggle for freedom and liberation, not� only for themselves but for others, as well as� themselves, to create democracies instead of� hypocrisies which seek to deny them equality. Remarks by Bella Abzug at the 42nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women
  • This feeling of frustration, so incisively conveyed by these considerations by P. Medawar, pervaded in the forties the field of experimental embryology which had been enthusiastically acclaimed in the mid-thirties, when the upper lip of the amphibian blastopore brought this area of research to the forefront of the biological stage. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • The city was at the forefront of new movements and big egos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Certainly in one sense they feel that he has taken Malaysia from being an economic backwater to the forefront of the global stage, particularly with the war on terror.
  • The superstars who will be at the forefront of any revolution in the game have given their backing to the proposed World Cup. Times, Sunday Times
  • The songwriting is at the forefront; there are no instrumental tracks. The Sun
  • He formed a school of Czech polarographers in the University, and was himself in the forefront of polarographic research. Jaroslav Heyrovsky - Biography
  • When it comes to voluntary service, he never hesitated to lead from the forefront.
  • Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.
  • Sometimes it's every bit as hard-edged and engaging as you might imagine, elbowing its way right up to the forefront of your consciousness, demanding you re-assess your scandalously dismissive attitude toward fusion.
  • Since 1839, Patek Philippe has been at the forefront of the world's horological industry and is a favorite among collectors and professionals.
  • How can you still work at the forefront under this circumstance?
  • In other works the verbal comes to the forefront.
  • She was one of the politicians at/in the forefront of the campaign to free the prisoners.
  • It was a sad way to end a week that has forced her name to the forefront of British women's tennis and allowed her to generate an enthusiasm for the sport with a colourful personality and a brave style of play.
  • In times of wars the church stood at the forefront of sedition and treason, unless it saw some advantage for itself.
  • They have been at the forefront of the campaign for political change.
  • She came to the forefront as governor after the political change.
  • This presumes Williams's concept of the ‘action sign’, and thus locates semasiology where it belongs at the forefront of anthropological theories of human embodiment.
  • He received a three-year fellowship to work with Dr. Marc Philippon, who was at the forefront of using a newer, less invasive arthroscopy to repair hips and allow patients to recover more quickly. Saving Careers, One Hip at a Time
  • The city was at the forefront of new movements and big egos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concerns about slowing global economic growth and rising inflation remained at the forefront. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is at the forefront of the campaign to save the Elephant from extinction.
  • For these ten players, the journey to Chicago has been at the forefront of their minds for the entire season.
  • We weren't in the forefront anymore, but we still had enough breath to talk.
  • It also timeously destroys Mr. Speaker Martin's self-serving and pompous valediction in which he sought to claim that if MPs had adopted proposals made last year, all would have been well, the implication being that he had been at the forefront of such changes and had been thwarted by the House. Expenses: The Commons Exocets Itself
  • Our product line-up for and association with this premier title exemplifies our efforts to be at the forefront of where the action is in the gaming industry, all with the goal of growing our earnings, cash flow and shareholder value. Undefined
  • The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software market.
  • That confirms that the United Kingdom is at the forefront in implementing single market measures.
  • Like it or not, the Founding Fathers, the people who created the Western Civilization that established the premises to allow racial equality to come to the forefront, were a bunch of old, slave-owning white guys in powdered wigs. Standing Pat
  • Bristol is at the forefront of the fight against a number of childhood conditions, including cancer and sudden infant death.
  • The danger from mines was at the forefront of everybody's mind when the squadron deployed.
  • Alice Davis Menken stood at the forefront of what her New York Times obituary calls “the evolution of penology from an attitude of sentimentality and punishment to the broader conception of mercy and rehabilitation.” Alice Davis Menken.
  • Such women are likely to be in handbag heaven this spring, as bags are at the forefront of the craze for accessories.
  • Women have always been at the forefront of the Green movement.
  • Today, the Manchester Museum is at the forefront of applied dinosaur research.
  • He was at the forefront of the pro-democracy campaign in the country.
  • Now, Reid has brought the kind of inefficacy that led to the demise of health care to the forefront on jobs. The Crimson White
  • Anne Rice romanticized and remolded monstrous bloodsuckers into beautiful and tragic creatures, and Meyer now is at the forefront of another reshaping of the vampire mythos. 100 Greatest Books #80-76 | Fandomania
  • The new product took the company to the forefront of the computer software field.
  • The undreamed of improvements in average life expectancy in the 20th century have thrust ageing to the forefront of attention, and more old people are alive today than at any time in history.
  • There's no doubt that a lot of controversy surrounds shell mergers, and they always seem to come to the forefront whenever Wall Street closes its wallet and stops underwriting new issues.
  • Education remains at the forefront of the state's planning.
  • While atrazine is coming to the forefront why is a more ubiquitous poison being hidden by EPA and DEQ? How much atrazine, from forest to faucet? (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Concerns about slowing global economic growth and rising inflation remained at the forefront. Times, Sunday Times
  • The court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind.
  • As pioneers of electronica, it behoves them to be at the forefront of technical developments.
  • In the forefront is Sam Reaves, an unassuming novelist of many accomplishments. Shameless LCC Photos Pt 1
  • Colombia also has been at the forefront of studies of volcanology and seismology.
  • At the forefront is his determination to show his competitors — and their coaches — something new, because his racing tendencies had become as familiar as his trademark soul patch. It's showtime for Apolo Anton Ohno at his third Winter Games
  • At the forefront of the experiment is Sunny Lee, who runs a nongovernmental organization in Shenzhen that teaches the children of migrant laborers.
  • As foreign minister, Hailemariam will replace Seyoum Mesfin, who with Mr. Meles was at the forefront of the Tigrayan rebel movement that overthrew dictator Mengistu Hailemariam and came to power in Addis Ababa in 1991. Ethiopia's PM Restructures Government
  • We took the decision to shut the showers because public health is always at the forefront of any decision we make.
  • At the forefront of my mind I have his welfare. Times, Sunday Times
  • Digital marketing is non-linear, interactive, targetable, measurable, and most important, user-initiated - it puts user choice and personal preference at the forefront of the experience.
  • After a brief discussion, wealth and material acquisitions are invariable dismissed and core personal values of love, friendship and trustfulness emerge to the forefront.
  • But it does not have to be that way, according to one Blackburn school which has confirmed its place at the forefront of pastoral care for its students.
  • Today, as the public demands alternatives in health care, a resurgence of natural alternatives is bringing chromotherapy once again into the forefront.
  • He was in the forefront of postwar scientific exploration. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corey cried, the lieutenancy rising to the forefront of his mind. TOO MANY MURDERS

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