
How To Use Forefinger In A Sentence

  • He gently took her chin between his forefinger and his thumb and raised it so she could look him in the eyes.
  • I signed the word for juice on his cheek, curving my thumb and forefinger into the shape of the letter C and tracing the movement slowly across his skin.
  • She had placed her forefinger on the placket of his buttondown shirt and had slipped it between the top two buttons.
  • During a recent conference featuring government and stock-exchange officials, a businessman named Bazarsad Jargalsaikhan won applause when he wagged his forefinger and scoffed, "We've been given many things in the past—worthless! Mining Boom Fuels New Mongol Hoard
  • I first noticed it here years ago, a stippled forefinger pointing upstream. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Once he had finished them off, he summoned the waitress, looped his forefinger in the air and said, ‘Do it again.’
  • Jamie's blunt forefinger flipped one off its stem, and traced the spokes of the basidium as he marshaled his next words. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • The cutter lay like a log on the water, the reef-points rattling on the main-sail like a shower of small shot; and, every time he heard the sound, the man at the helm would raise his eyes aloft, and, fixing them steadily on the gaff-topsail for a minute or two, turn round and scan the horizon; and then, walking to the quarter, moisten his forefinger in his mouth, and hold it above his head. A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • He pinches his thumb and forefinger together. Times, Sunday Times
  • He pinched the leaf between his thumb and forefinger.
  • I can only just lift my left arm in front of me and I can only use my thumb and forefinger. Times, Sunday Times
  • The right forefinger sits very much at the side of, rather than under, the grip. Winning Golf for Women
  • He fishes into a battered black holdall, pulls out the manifesto and triumphantly taps his forefinger on the table.
  • Next, Oppenheimer rolled back on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper teethan eyetoothbetween thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth Again he yawned, stretched his arms, rolled over, and knocked the call to Ed Morrell. Chapter 20
  • His forefinger darted in all directions as he spoke
  • Get someone to show you how to eat like the Moroccans using your thumb, two forefingers, and a piece of fresh-baked flatbread.
  • Holding it between his thumb and forefinger, he touched the top fence wire.
  • She licked her undamaged forefinger and rubbed away the tear traces.
  • Boil for 1-2 hours, until you can crush a bean between your thumb and forefinger. Times, Sunday Times
  • You turned the white queen between your blunt-nailed thumb and forefinger, and moved her around the board while you waited for what they would say.
  • Suiting the action to the word, he thrust her rather suddenly and prematurely into a chair, and designing to reassure her by a little harmless jocularity, such as is adapted to please and fascinate the sex, converted his right forefinger into an ideal bradawl or gimlet, and made as though he would screw the same into her side — whereat Miss Miggs shrieked again, and evinced symptoms of faintness. Barnaby Rudge
  • Twice he closed the book on forefinger to look at the name of the author. Swinburne!
  • He was sitting down on a chair, elbows on his knees, his hands were clasped with his chin resting on his thumb and his forefingers extended, touching the tip of his nose.
  • In a split second the opposite hand rapidly sweeps the length of the tool catching the ants in a jumbled mass between thumb and forefinger. Cultural Anthropology
  • Each troll held a double-headed axe. Between thumb and forefinger.
  • Put the right forefinger of the other hand up through the front part to represent the odontoid process of the axis, and place some absorbent cotton through the other part to represent the spinal cord. A Practical Physiology
  • The best vegetables are those that are firm enough to pick up with my right forefinger and thumb, and include the odd chip. Times, Sunday Times
  • I find it much easier to put the plug/earphone part in and then tug my earlobe to open the ear canal with thumb & forefinger whilst pushing the earphone in with my middle finger. Properly Insert Earplugs For Better Protection | Lifehacker Australia
  • He was touching the front of the coat, probing the bloodstain with his forefinger. SNOWJOB
  • His kepi is on his head, and against his uniform jacket with its long row of brass buttons he holds his right hand: Only his thumb and forefinger are left. Shadows and Light Somewhere in Time
  • Taking up a little tumbler, in shape like those from which French postilions used to drink la goutte, he inspected it narrowly, wiped out the interior with his forefinger, filled it to the brim, and offered it to his guest28 with a bow. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • You lift a rotting log with one hand and pry out juicy grubs with your other forefinger.
  • If I put my hand really close to my face, I can squish the land between my forefinger and my thumb.
  • The creature stabbed at the piece of armour with a forefinger as if it were trying to punch holes in it.
  • For an instant, his painted, red-nailed forefinger catches the light as it strikes middle C on his old, battered harmonium.
  • A flame, like a candle flame but burning with a clear magnesium-white luminance, was flickering on the tip of her forefinger. AMERICAN GODS
  • They hold the dart between the thumb and the remaining finger, which serve only to give direction, the velocity being communicated by the becket and forefinger. Tropic Days
  • The forefinger of this was capped with a golden nib!
  • The last three fingers, rather than the thumb and forefinger, should provide most of the pressure. Winning Golf for Women
  • Changing his name to Zach and then Tyler, he spent time with some underage girls who didn't mind his habit of crooking his forefinger over his mouth when he laughed. Eldorado
  • The Italian then, extending his bare arm from under his linen vestment, pointed with his forefinger to five large flambeaux, or torches, placed on each side of the altar. My Aunt Margaret's Mirror
  • A family of keyed instruments played with the thumbs and forefingers, mbira are important for the religious, familial, community, and personal life of the Shona people.
  • When the lever is depressed against the handlebars by the pressure of the three fingers, the forefinger is not engaged by the depressed lever, and thus control of the vehicle is improved.
  • Wet your forefinger with your spittle; stick a broken gold-leaf on the sinciput; clip off a beggar's beard to make it tresses, kiss it; fall down before it; worship it. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 327, January, 1843
  • Mr. Vandemar held the centipede 's head delicately between a huge thumb and a massive forefinger to stop it wriggling. NEVERWHERE
  • The missing forefinger to the hand of the potto [299] would appear at first sight to have been lost by some such mishap. Evolution, Old & New Or, the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin
  • He bore into it undeviatingly, the way the cigarette had burned through the sheets - the physical action of the curled forefinger. The Sanchez Ghost
  • He took her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her mutinous face up for his cool inspection.
  • Grip the club with pressure in the last three fingers of each hand, but with no pressure in the thumbs and forefingers.
  • He stuck a forefinger and thumb in each nostril, pinched the septum. A DARKENING STAIN
  • This is especially true if you increase the pressure in your right thumb and forefinger, which is what usually happens. Find Your Own Fundamentals
  • He hunched forward, wrenching his arms higher and higher up his back until his shoulders felt as if they were about to dislocate, until at last he was holding the little round knurl of the bolt between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. Fear Itself
  • There should not be more than an inch of flesh between the thumb and forefinger. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • I lifted the vase between my thumb and forefinger.
  • Next, with your thumb and forefinger gently pinch your ear lobes. The Sun
  • He pinched the leaf between his thumb and forefinger.
  • I can make my thumb and forefinger meet round your bicep.
  • Idle to fine, clip cigarette in the forefinger and middle finger.
  • Each dancer grasped his arrow between thumb and forefinger, about eight inches from the tip.
  • Some archers allow the arrow to rest on the top of their forefinger, some prefer the rest.
  • When the pillow is kneaded a little, the thumb and forefinger will come right together if it's kapok.
  • The easiest way to swirl is to rest the base of the glass on a table, hold the stem between thumb and forefinger, and gently rotate the wrist.
  • He was touching the front of the coat, probing the bloodstain with his forefinger. SNOWJOB
  • Well, I swow!" ejaculated the Cap'n, rubbing his knurly forefinger under his nose, and glancing first at the parrots and then at the lady. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • I try again, pressing harder, but the back of the knife handle indents my forefinger much more readily than the cutting edge scores the rock.
  • Nick held his thumb and forefinger apart about a half an inch.
  • As the hand moves forward the spear is released by uplifting the forefinger, and the woomera remains in the hand. Spinifex and Sand
  • Playmate began to poke and prod me with a singletree forefinger. Angry Lead Skies
  • The supermodel also treasures a tattoo between her thumb and forefinger. The Sun
  • Try pinching the skin near the itch between your thumb and forefinger through your clothing; this is less damaging than actual scratching.
  • In a split second the opposite hand rapidly sweeps the length of the tool catching the ants in a jumbled mass between thumb and forefinger. Cultural Anthropology
  • When you're completely immersed in the memory, push your thumb hard against your forefinger. The Sun
  • The thumb is opposable to the forefinger.
  • Depp plays it low camp and fey, with beard braids, gold teeth and smudged mascara, and he does that Mike Myers / Dr Evil hand-to-mouth thing, only with the forefinger.
  • Forrest lifted his right hand, the quirt dangling from wrist, the straight forefinger touching the rim of his Baden Powell in semi-military salute. CHAPTER II
  • He leaned back and sighed deeply, rubbing his temples with his forefingers and thumbs.
  • They touch the knuckle of the forefinger on their right hand to their foreheads in salute.
  • Was it her simper, or her settled indifference to ideas, or the gaudy ring she wore on her right forefinger and twisted incessantly?
  • But on my forefinger I wore a heavy gold ring -- the gift of a certain German baroness whose name I may not mention. Adventures Of Gerard
  • You distance all rivals, and may soon touch the sky with your forefinger.
  • After I sat down, I was checking out the tablecloth and feeling it between my left thumb and forefingers, where it hung down over the edge about eight inches.
  • He holds up his hand, the little finger and the forefinger extended.
  • Inside that box is a dried up piece of flesh, some three inches long -- in other words a mummified human forefinger. The Mystery of the Four Fingers
  • There should not be more than an inch of flesh between the thumb and forefinger. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • A small alteration expedites the process considerably: the child puts on the forefinger of its right hand a small cloth cap or fingerstall, and rolling out of the heap from six to twelve needles, he keeps them down by the forefinger of the left hand, whilst he presses the forefinger of the right hand gently against their ends: those which have the points towards the right hand stick into the fingerstall; and the child, removing the finger of the left hand, slightly raises the needles sticking into the cloth, and then pushes them towards the left side. On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures
  • Between thumb and forefinger, in trembling haste, he caught the morsel and carried it to his mouth. Page 4
  • She was the Amazon, with a crimson headdress, eyeing the miniature man she held between thumb and forefinger.
  • He holds out his hand, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once more Sethe touched a wet forefinger to the stove.
  • Together, being aflameY With his forefinger, he touched the line of her jaw where the skin had been badly frostbitten. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Grave goods included finely crafted gold earrings, beads of gold, and other semi-precious stones, armlets, and rings (five gold rings were found on her left forefinger alone).
  • For example, he cannot oppose his right forefinger and thumb and can only, with difficulty, touch his mouth with his hand.
  • He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger.
  • He took the pen between his thumb and forefinger.
  • He poked a beringed forefinger in the bishop's chest. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Uncle Walter remained seated with the thumb and forefinger pressed against his closed eyes.
  • And scarily, just as I thought that, I felt myself being lifted out of my seat by a pair of lightly tanned, strong hands, with little black stars tattooed between the thumb and forefingers.
  • Metropolites, Archbishops, and Bishops: who all in their order come to the chaire, and one after another blesse the Emperour with their two forefingers. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Ballard and Babington, or plotting with Drake (for all they say she didn't) one of his raids, that long long forefinger tracing crooked courses through a crabbedly drawn map of the Indies and she smiling at the dots of cities that would burn. No Great Magic
  • The title, you see, suggests something simple, like a volkslied," Mother Hildegarde said, pointing one long, bony forefinger at the page. Dragonfly in Amber
  • I took his prehensile toes between my thumb and forefinger.
  • Next, with your thumb and forefinger gently pinch your ear lobes. The Sun
  • He picked the short smoke back up, held it gingerly between his forefinger and thumb and sucked the last lungful, casually, as if an admission to murder were of no significance.
  • The supermodel also treasures a tattoo between her thumb and forefinger. The Sun
  • Constantine was sitting at ease, his left elbow resting on an arm of the sedilium, his forefinger supporting his cheek, his cloak across his lap. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Even now, five months afterwards, my forefinger is still numba queer effect for a neck wound to have. Homage to Catalonia
  • an accusative forefinger
  • Hutchinson snuffed the smoky candle and reflectively rubbed the soot from the wick between thumb and forefinger. THE FAITH OF MEN
  • Sethe took a little spit from the tip of her tongue with her forefinger.
  • ‘Presently I heard a voice, saying, ‘Son of the Republic, look and learn!’ while at the same time my visitor extended her arm and forefinger eastwardly.
  • There should not be more than an inch of flesh between the thumb and forefinger. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it.
  • The coleoptile could then be removed by carefully pulling it away from the kernel between the thumb and the forefinger.
  • He took her chin between thumb and forefinger, tilting her mutinous face up for his cool inspection.
  • Once homogenised, the sample can be pulled down to the tip of the V between thumb and forefinger, the homogenate can then be extracted using either a pasteur pipette, or by cutting the bag to a sufficient height to enable use of a standard pipette. Featured News and Stories
  • She looked down at her left hand, the forefinger and thumb tattooed with gold, in a design much like a Signature.
  • I interlaced my fingers and lifted them up to my lips so that the tips of the forefingers were touching my upper lip.
  • She put forth her hand to caress the intelligent and affable bird, which, instead of responding as expected, "squawked," as our phonetic language has it, and, opening a beak imitated from a tooth-drawing instrument of the good old days, made a shrewd nip at Kitty's forefinger. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • The supermodel also treasures a tattoo between her thumb and forefinger. The Sun
  • Pinch it between thumb and forefinger, with the pointed end on the board. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we walked, I saw many men greeting or saluting us by kissing her forefinger and bringing it to their forehead.
  • Make two little mittens, and two little socks with stuffed toes, remembering to stuff one sock higher than the other, as your forefinger is shorter than your middle finger, and you want your dancer to have both legs the same size. Harper's Young People, March 9, 1880 An Illustrated Weekly
  • Next, Oppenheimer rolled on his back, gingerly took one of his front upper tooth -- an eye teeth -- between thumb and forefinger, and consideratively moved it back and forth. Chapter 20
  • Hold the floss taut between your thumbs and forefingers and gently guide a two-inch section between your teeth.
  • the thumb is opposable to the forefinger
  • When you're completely immersed in the memory, push your thumb hard against your forefinger. The Sun
  • I pointed a forefinger to my forehead, then drew my finger across my lips, as he had.
  • With his knurly forefinger at his puckered forehead he sat and pondered. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • Pinch the side of the broad beans between thumb and forefinger then gently squeeze out the bright green bean. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we have said, he expounds himself no more, the significant forefinger is down, the eye no longer imprisons yours. Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910
  • I must tell you about my hand: you think the swelling more important than it is; the two middle fingers were much as now for some weeks before you left, but with the thumb and forefinger I could still do much; now the forefinger is as powerless and pained as the other two; that is all the difference, but a conclusive one, for one can do nothing with only a thumb! Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Once he had finished them off, he summoned the waitress, looped his forefinger in the air and said, ‘Do it again.’
  • Disorderly adolescents made coarse gestures with their thumbs and forefingers.
  • The loops which are made with a small hook, called a tambour needle, form a fine chain stitch and must be regular and even; to facilitate this a sort of thimble, fig. 842, is worn on the forefinger of the right hand, formed of a small plate of sheet brass, rolled up but not joined, so as to fit any finger; it is open at the top like a tailor's thimble and has a little notch on the side which is placed above the nail, and in which you lay the tambour needle whilst you work. Encyclopedia of Needlework
  • She rubbed her forefinger and thumb together and shook her head.
  • They touch the knuckle of the forefinger on their right hand to their foreheads in salute.
  • Placing his forefinger here, he ought to place his thumb on the other side of the foot directly opposite, which will show him where the os naviculare and astragalus are connected. A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
  • A bruise in the webbing between the thumb and the forefinger is a classic defense wound. Without Pity
  • Spend some time massaging the forefinger and thumb of each hand - this will improve your stamina and vitality.
  • To make the gesture, players form the 'A-OK' sign over both eyes to form "goggles" with their thumbs and forefingers, and to denote the change in the score stick the other three fingers up in the air. College Basketball's Big-Play Goggles
  • Twirl the thaumatrope by rolling the string between thumb and forefinger of each hand as fast as you can.
  • He put one hand to his chin and rubbed the thumb and forefinger back and forth along his jawline, stroking an absent beard.
  • Prosthetic hands typically have been limited to simple pincer-like grips that imitate the motions of a thumb and forefinger. The Wall Street Journal 2009 Technology Innovation Awards
  • His expression sobered slightly, although he continued to smile with faint bemusement while he smoothed a strand of hair away from her temple with his forefinger. Leftover Love
  • His fingers curved into a lion's open mouth; on his forefinger was the royal ring of Troizen, with the Mother being worshipped on a pillar. The King Must Die
  • Alfred carefully extracted a short pipe from beneath his chaparajos, pushed down with his blunt forefinger the charge with which it was already loaded, and struck a match. Blazed Trail Stories and Stories of the Wild Life
  • LF: Can you find a more gelatinous one and kind of droop it over his hand between his thumb and forefinger? The Kool Aid Report
  • Upon reaching the bottom position of triceps pushdowns, carefully shift pressure from the center of your palms to the crux of your thumbs and forefingers.
  • Holding one between her right thumb and forefinger, the other end between her left thumb and forefinger, she stopped. Christianity Today
  • To refresh the sages, the cord must hang about the neck, and the water run over the side of the hand between the thumb and the forefinger, which is bent back. The Tribes and Castes of the Central Provinces of India Volume II
  • Each dancer grasped his arrow between thumb and forefinger, about eight inches from the tip.
  • You must pluck them delicately, between thumb and forefinger, and persuade them gently to remove their proboscides from your quivering flesh. Chapter 10
  • Reaching down, I clasped both zippers with my thumbs and forefingers and pulled them until they met.
  • - A startling, quick-freeze kind of north wind the icy forefinger of an impending snow storm poking down into East Texas set the dried stalks of standing milo to singing. - Highschool
  • Sooth to say, there is ne'er a buckhound in the county but he treateth him as a godchild, patting him on the head, soothing his velvety ear between thumb and forefinger, ejecting tick from tenement, calling him 'fine fellow,' Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby, and Silas Gough, Clerk
  • He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, waved his hand, and sat there.
  • I have in there," replied the physician, tapping his caba with his long forefinger, "that which will render the bite of the snake as harmless as the peck of a bird that flies in the air, but barely three minutes remain in which to apply it. The Jungle Fugitives A Tale of Life and Adventure in India Including also Many Stories of American Adventure, Enterprise and Daring
  • Thumb and forefinger pressed together, as if to urge the top on, the boy dreams awhile before settling down to the books and the inkstand he has pushed to one side.
  • At this, her eyes lifted up to his in surprise, and she saw his forefinger raised vertically against his pursed lips, beneath cautiously furrowed masculine eyebrows, the universal gesture for silence and secret comradeliness. Si'Wren of the Patriarchs
  • When she reached out for her change and turned to walk away, the shopkeeper held on to the gold coins between his thumb and forefinger and cupped a hand to his ear.
  • He had never brought Margaret here before, because Mr Allington had once told him, spatulate forefinger at his nose, that it had been built for the "dook" for his excesses, and it was in the quality of his love for her that he could not bear to think of her in association with anything base. The Return of the Soldier
  • Then, leaning forward, she picked an olive out of the glass dish in front of them and held it between thumb and forefinger.
  • As Egewe watched, she pinched her lips with her thumb and forefinger, nervously stroking the thin skin of her lips.
  • This time he appears to squeeze her nose upwards with his thumb and forefinger, as if to look at her nostrils. The Sun
  • He! he! he! he-aw! he-aw!" cachinnated that delectable specimen of the human family, with his mouth fairly extended from ear to ear, and with his forefinger held up close to his face, and levelled at the object of my apprehension, as if he was taking aim at it with a pistol. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. In Two Volumes. Vol. I
  • At last a match did burn up, and its flame lit up for a moment the fur of his coat, his hand with the gold ring on the bent forefinger, and the snow-sprinkled oat-straw that stuck out from under the drugget. Master and Man
  • You may have also heard that you can tell the doneness of a steak by poking it and comparing the bounciness of the meat to the tip of your nose or the flesh between your thumb and forefinger. Craig "Meathead" Goldwyn: The Gift That Will Make Dad's Food More Fun For You
  • Isabel scratched her left palm with her right forefinger, anxious.
  • He brought his hands together and intertwined the back six fingers with each other, putting the thumbs and forefingers into a rectangle.
  • The examiner then palpated the thyroid area with his right forefinger.
  • He holds up his right forefinger and thumb about a quarter of an inch apart and grins. Times, Sunday Times
  • Slowly they held their hands out but only with their forefinger and thumb extended.
  • Grave goods included finely crafted gold earrings, beads of gold, and other semi-precious stones, armlets, and rings (five gold rings were found on her left forefinger alone).
  • The sacrist called for his books, and with thin, eager forefinger he tracked them down: dues for this, and tailage for that, so many shillings this year, and so many marks that one. Sir Nigel
  • They were stony-faced. Not a single raised forefinger; not a flicker of a catalogue; not even a blink.

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