
How To Use Forefather In A Sentence

  • The thrust of the campaign is to ensure that coming generations too experience Sabarimala just like their forefathers did.
  • Our forefathers and foremothers in 1951 were concerned with the way medical practice relates to changing times, a theme that sounds familiar today.
  • -- Aka, Mahmoud, Raschid, Selim, they with the bodies of Seti and the faces of Rameses, in their blue yeleks and unsandalled feet -- would go into the desert as their forefathers did for the Shepherd Kings. The Weavers: a tale of England and Egypt of fifty years ago - Volume 2
  • We find ample evidence whether in lyric fragments or a recipe to marvel at the capacity of our foremothers and forefathers to pray and hope and work for a better day.
  • They managed to restore the past glory of this forefather of the comic book industry - largely developed by American Jews after the Depression and reaching its heights in the '60s.
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  • They enact the roles they have imbibed from their forefathers acting successively over seven generations.
  • If I'm guessing a-right, his forefathers were escaped bondsmen. A TIME OF WAR
  • It must be an absolute tragedy for people to know that the language of their forefathers and foremothers would possibly be lost.
  • You are indeed acting like your forefathers in NOT recognizing that what USED to work and be acceptable is no longer. GOP head demands apology for slavery remark
  • The basilica, and the Parthenon itself, became the forefathers of the mosque and the church.
  • Please, in every decision made on behalf of the people as is your duty, make choices that this nation's forefathers would appreciate and future generations will benefit from.
  • Like their forefathers, the present generation also has to put up with the stench.
  • Furthermore, his post as the forefather of opera was seriously questioned and negated.
  • She heard his cry, perhaps the battle cry of his northern forefathers when they prepared to attack.
  • One hundred years ago today, your forefathers declared independence from the tyranny of the rule of my forefathers.
  • n. - state of being unable to swallow. adj. - having same male forefather; allied; Law, related on father's side; n. such relative. agnation, agnathous adj. - lacking jaws. agnathia, n. agnoiology Xml's
  • But though in theory every living man and woman is merely an ancestor or ancestress born again and therefore should be his or her equal, in practice they appear to admit that their forefathers of the remote _alcheringa_ or dream time were endowed with many marvellous powers which their modern reincarnations cannot lay claim to, and that accordingly these ancestral spirits were more to be reverenced, were in fact more worshipful, than their living representatives. The Belief in Immortality and the Worship of the Dead, Volume I (of 3) The Belief Among the Aborigines of Australia, the Torres Straits Islands, New Guinea and Melanesia
  • Intercontinental travel and trade, and the mixing of cultures and populations are as old as humankind; after all, the foremothers and forefathers of everyone of us walked originally out of Africa.
  • He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel : as he promised to our forefathers, Abraham and his seed for e Archive 2009-06-01
  • It was a seminal collection of work, and he was a forefather to the surrealist movement, as I later found out, and was deeply influential to Marcel Duchamp.
  • Join "saith ... concerning the house of Jacob." redeemed -- out of Ur, a land of idolaters (Jos 24: 3). not now -- After the moral revolution described (Isa 29: 17), the children of Jacob shall no longer give cause to their forefathers to blush for them. wax pale -- with shame and disappointment at the wicked degeneracy of his posterity, and fear as to their punishment. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These assets were paid for by our forefathers through money raised through local taxation.
  • It's also entirely likely that we have not come of age and I might be the forefather of a hundred generations of priests designated the holy task of worshipping the artefacts.
  • The quiet precinct of the church - yard becomes an unquiet sea of death in which the sleep of the rude Forefathers, forever laid ‘each in his narrow cell,’ seems vexed by a restlessness that will severely tax the poet's resources.
  • Since July 4, 1776, thanks to the victories and struggles of our forefathers and foremothers, America has flourished as an expanding democracy.
  • For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
  • Under circumstances of poverty and the consequent privations, it is absurd to say that a Hindu should try to be as openly charitable as his forefathers were in the Golden Era of our civilization.
  • The strong, the broad-shouldered -- Aka, Mahmoud, Raschid, Selim, they with the bodies of Seti and the faces of Rameses, in their blue yeleks and unsandalled feet -- would go into the desert as their forefathers did for the Shepherd The Weavers: a tale of England and Egypt of fifty years ago - Complete
  • Our forefathers saw it only as a gesture.
  • Those Puritan forefathers generate their fair share of criticism from we their modern-day descendants.
  • That's what their forefathers did when they broke from the Liberals over 100 years ago.
  • To Barth, this could only indicate that Bultmann was in effect taking the same path as their nineteenth-century forefathers.
  • For I have lived long enough to learn that the monstrous and outlandish figure, the _magot chinois_ whom I believed to be but a memorial of our forefathers 'mental aberration, that grotesque _potiche_, works! Notes on Life and Letters
  • NIV We have lived in tents and have fully obeyed everything our forefather Jonadab commanded us.
  • They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
  • As machine learning steadily replaces human judgment, we shall find ourselves as baffled by events as our premodern forefathers were. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the course of the struggle of our forefathers to achieve nationhood for us, they gave testimony to their national loyalty by sacrificing their lives for us.
  • Arnold has no time for the western powers which trumpet about democracy because white farmers are dispossessed of the land that their forefathers stole from Africans.
  • Its style borders on the eccentric: all heirlooms and portraits of sinister-looking forefathers.
  • In case I die it would be a karmic accident sent here on earth for my forefathers sins to repent maundy thursday stations of the cross the holy month of lent desolate dissolute man he came he saw his death he need not invent an accident god sent hopes as large as mansions trying to fit in a tattered and torn tent silent scriptures bleeding sorrow An Accident « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • However, the same thing is observable amongst us Christian English: we say the Duse take you! even as our heathen Saxon forefathers did, who worshipped a kind of Devil so called, and named a day of the week after him, which name we still retain in our hebdomadal calendar like those of several other Anglo – Saxon devils. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • Joseph was torn between clinging to the ways of his forefathers and accommodating the new spirit of the age that could not long be resisted without violence.
  • I am eager, though, to see all the fathers and forefathers of French art, so I can form a very different opinion of France.
  • He goes on to chronicle the genius of ‘black foremothers and forefathers’ in creating ‘powerful buffers to ward off the nihilistic threat.’
  • He went to visit the graves of his forefathers.
  • For I have lived long enough to learn that the monstrous and outlandish figure, the _magot chinois_ whom I believed to be but a memorial of our forefathers 'mental aberration, that grotesque _potiche_, works! Notes on Life and Letters
  • We should not retrace the route our forefathers had taken.
  • For example, Anthony Parsons 'passion was “the improvement of various florists’ flowers” and his pioneering work his work on dahlias, pansies, verbenas, petunias, hollyhocks and achimenes resulted in dozens of new hybrids, the forefathers of many we grow today. The polymath in the garden
  • If the forefathers of modern Witchcraft experimented why can't we?
  • Do we think that someone can sit behind our freedom of speech and believ that such actions are what our forefathers would have wanted? abraxis Wilson says no more apologies for outburst against president
  • It's been passed on and passed on by our forefathers and foremothers throughout time.
  • Our forefathers provided themselves with what they called a shrew-ash, in order to meet the case. Among the Trees at Elmridge
  • The Soltenites 'forefathers had still believed in Arkon's pantheon of gods many millennia before but now the Soltenites were immersed in demonism and paid homage to hideous spirit ogres, considering them to be deities worthy of worship-and all such demonic gods were without exception of the masculine gender. Pigeons Having Sex On An Air Conditioner In New York
  • Love will diehard, as died the idolatries of our forefathers, the geocentric theory of the universe, and the divine right of kings. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • 'I am a Sac,' said I; 'my forefather was a Sac; and all the nation call me a Sac.' History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians
  • We must remember that this psychic radar is a late-early twentieth century innovation, and that our forefathers were technologically unequipped, so to speak, either to broadcast or to receive such signals, that "[w] hile the [inner-directed] frontiersman cooperated with his sparse neighbors in mutual self-help activities, such as housebuilding or politics, his main preoccupation was with physical, not with human, nature. AFF Doublethink Online
  • But I did not know until later that our Baptist forefathers had found that wonderful document to be a helpful guide in formulating our early confessional statements.
  • What would our forefathers have thought?
  • Take, for example, the fact that while Lovecraft is usually described as a forefather of modern horror fiction, his stories are, to put it bluntly, not very scary.
  • Clearly, Smith developed an analysis of lobbying that was the forefather of modern neoclassical political economy.
  • It must be an absolute tragedy for people to know that the language of their forefathers and foremothers would possibly be lost.
  • The "forefather" of these boats was Johnny Morris with his Bass Pro Tracker package models. Tracker Pro team 175
  • Take, for example, the fact that while Lovecraft is usually described as a forefather of modern horror fiction, his stories are, to put it bluntly, not very scary. - Boing Boing
  • It's about fathers, grandfathers and forefathers. The Sun
  • I recalled their Frankish forefathers, swarming down the Apennines, upon Campaigns of a Non-Combatant, and His Romaunt Abroad During the War
  • For ordinary purposes 17 feet of greenheart or split-cane are ample, and the modern salmon angler has come to look upon even this -- which our forefathers would have pooh-poohed as a mere grilse-rod -- as excessive. Lines in Pleasant Places Being the Aftermath of an Old Angler
  • He says that the blood which ran through the veins of his family's forefathers runs through his own and his son's veins too.
  • My ancestors were systematically stolen and enslaved by white forefathers and foremothers - a legacy that, no matter how much we want to disregard it, is still reaping a stunted harvest.
  • People have fled residences where their forefathers lived for generations. Christianity Today
  • Our forefathers and foremothers were human, made of flesh and blood.
  • The poems of Atal Bihari Vajpayee that I picked to sing in Samvedna were written decades ago when he was still inspired by the legacy of our political forefathers.
  • It's been passed on and passed on by our forefathers and foremothers throughout time.
  • Brothers and friends -- When your forefathers first met on this island, your red brethren were very numerous; but, since the introduction amongst us of what you call spirituous liquors, and what we think may justly be called poison, our numbers are greatly diminished. History, Manners, and Customs of the North American Indians
  • For instance, mankind could be replaced by humanity, craftsman by artisan, forefathers by ancestors, spaceman by astronaut and so on.
  • What would our forefathers have thought?
  • As to my forefathers, they have always been a poor lot; my own father was a sublieutenant in the army. The Idiot
  • These people stand in these paths of traditionalism and routinism, just where their forefathers left them, occupying all their time in admiring the wisdom and benevolence and devotion of their forefathers, instead of imitating _their aggressive faith_ and MARCHING ON TO THE CONQUEST OF Godliness : being reports of a series of addresses delivered at James's Hall, London, W. during 1881
  • The night in all its fulness met her flatly on the threshold, like the very brink of an absolute void, or the antemundane Ginnung-Gap believed in by her Teuton forefathers. The Woodlanders
  • Giotto, the man described as the forefather of the Renaissance movement. The Guardian World News
  • For many generations, my forefathers have been lumbermen, loggers and mill workers.
  • You are destroying a nation that our forefathers, fathers and the present generation fought and died for.
  • Certainly books about books do take us back to our literary forefathers and foremothers and back into the often distant historical past.
  • n. - state of being unable to swallow. adj. - having same male forefather; allied; Law, related on father's side; n. such relative. agnation, agnathous adj. - lacking jaws. agnathia, n. agnoiology Xml's
  • Think back on all of his forefathers, and tell me his family is worthy of salvation.
  • The Fourth of July was the time to commemorate the forefathers and foremothers who started it all.
  • They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
  • These bands are the forefathers of this movement.
  • All social institutions have been adapted to suit the prejudices of a canaille debased beyond any degeneracy that our forefathers could have imagined.
  • I am somewhat surprised that the arithmetician Wallace, who extends the number of people at present existing to a thousand millions, should pretend in the same page, that in the year 966, after the creation, our forefathers amounted to sixteen hundred and ten millions. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Mr Brok, who used to be Mr Wolski's predecessor as the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, was presented as a "forefather" of the Eastern Partnership, as he championed a similar idea three years ago, called the "Neighbourhood Policy Plus" for the same group of countries. - Headline News
  • The practice of his forefathers, tradition, and his own habits, to say nothing of his love of ease, have rendered his mind imperviable to any reason which can be urged in behalf of the negro. Life and Opinions of Julius Melbourn; with Sketches of the Lives and Characters of Thomas Jefferson, John Quincy Adams, John Randolph, and Several Other Eminent American Statesmen
  • Isn't healthcare and all the radiological scanning you want an unalienable right granted to us by our forefathers?
  • I belong to a generation of Americans that prides itself in critically looking at government policy and being wary of the mistakes of our forefathers. The Morningside Post: The Hand That Pulls the Trigger
  • “The America our forefathers brought forth on this continent is a market — a free market in power, goods and services, entertainment, and spirituality,” McDougall points out. They Made America
  • What would our forefathers have thought?
  • It is a well-fixed ground 's time and investigated folk custom where the native people love the traditional culture left by forefather, thereby the tradition has a good survival space there.
  • Look down from heaven, your holy dwelling place, and bless your people Israel and the land you have given us as you promised on oath to our forefathers, a land flowing with milk and honey.
  • In the late 1600s and early 1700s, three stallions imported by British aristocrats became the forefathers of today's thoroughbreds: the Godolphin Arabian, Darley Arabian and Byerley Turk. DNA analysis shows thoroughbreds have British as well as Arabian roots
  • Our forefathers and foremothers were human, made of flesh and blood.
  • With scraps and fabric recycling, you can be creative and frugal and all those things our foremothers and forefathers were when they were sewing at home.
  • Much like their forefathers, they yard the cattle with ease and grace, born to the country that surrounds them.
  • I'm not a believer, but Yiddish is the means for my connecting to my culture, to my heritage, to my forefathers and foremothers.
  • His forefathers had owned a massive vineyard for the past 5 decades and it had passed on to Giovanni once his father had died.
  • He was one of the forefathers that pioneered the kind of government we have today.
  • For centuries, the inhabitants of the high mountains have gone there to pay oblations to their forefathers and to leave behind the horoscopes of those who have gone to the other Kingdom.
  • The rank and file, I'm sorry to say, have lived off the fat of the land put there by our union forefathers and foremothers.
  • In 1986, he was inducted into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame as one of the forefathers of rock music.
  • Indian Christians are said to still discreetly follow pre-conversion castes of their Hindu forefathers.
  • It is sad to see the cowards that would choose to live as rata with no honor rather then die fighting for the rights and freedoms that our forefathers envisioned for us. On day two, Obama takes a break to make news
  • My children know that, in addition to their Indonesian and Chinese ancestors, they also have Scottish and Irish forefathers.
  • Peasants left the land their forefathers had farmed for generations.
  • The romance of them was in my blood; I thrilled to the lure of adventure which had led my forefathers westward from the Old Land – a land which I always heard referred to as "Home," by men and women whose parents were Canadian born and bred. The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
  • It is working in the denary (or ten) scale of notation, a system undoubtedly derived from the fact that our forefathers who devised it had ten fingers upon which they were accustomed to count, like our children of to-day. Amusements in Mathematics
  • Invoking the spirit of our forefathers, the army asks your unshrinking support, to the end that the high ideals for which America stands may endure upon the earth.
  • our forefathers brought forth a great nation
  • What would our forefathers have thought?
  • As we celebrate this Trinity Sunday, remember not only those who gave their life's blood in the struggle at Normandy, but also give thanks for the faith of our forefathers and foremothers who staked their lives upon their faith in God.
  • That is, neither we, our forefathers, nor our progeny would have been or would be able to survive if one followed this rule.
  • Although the novelties of the moderns were never disagreeable to our desires, who have always cherished with grateful affection those who devote themselves to study and who add anything either ingenious or useful to the opinions of our forefathers, yet we have always desired with more undoubting avidity to investigate the well-tested labours of the ancients. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • The religious philosophers, not satisfied with the tradition of your forefathers, and doctrine of your priests (in which I willingly acquiesce), indulge a rash curiosity, in trying how far they can establish religion upon the principles of reason; and they thereby excite, instead of satisfying, the doubts, which naturally arise from a diligent and scrutinous enquiry. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
  • For many generations, my forefathers have been lumbermen, loggers and mill workers.
  • Waverley only showed that he did not understand the state of the country, and of the political parties which divided it; and, standing matters as they did with Fergus Mac – Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, the Baron would make no concession to him, were it, he said, ‘to procure restitution in integrum of every stirk and stot that the chief, his forefathers, and his clan, had stolen since the days of Malcolm Canmore.’ Waverley
  • Generations of his forefathers had worked as miners, loyal to the union and at major risk of terrible injuries as they worked the kingdom's coal seams.
  • The theory goes that early hunter-gatherers must have stumbled across rare mutant plants that produced seedless, edible fruit - the forefather of today's commercial varieties.
  • Our fathers and forefathers fought and died defending our great country. The Sun
  • We have lived in tents and have fully obeyed everything our forefather Jonadab commanded us.
  • A politic caution, a guarded circumspection, a moral rather than a complexional timidity, were among the ruling principles of our forefathers in their most decided conduct. Paras. 375-407
  • These are the forefathers of the American ‘redneck’.
  • For many generations, my forefathers have been lumbermen, loggers and mill workers.
  • They seemed still to be exactly where their forefathers were when they schismatized from the covenant of works, and to consider as dangerous heresies all innovations good or bad. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • I am a "forefather" myself (for I have six children), but I am not the son of a forefather. Modern Eloquence: Vol II, After-Dinner Speeches E-O
  • John Lounsbury, a forefather of the middle school movement, stated there is ‘a charge to keep’.
  • Perhaps mental disintegration's forefather is the immoveable Warwick Armstrong, that roundhead in the age of cavaliers.
  • He was heir to a tradition that stretched back through Spurgeon to the puritan forefathers of nonconformity.
  • Plenty of animals behave as the forefathers of the eagle or the vampire bat might have done.
  • It is through these copies that God chose to provide his Word to our forefathers in the faith, as also to our generation and beyond.
  • Forefathers could be at once summarily and satisfactorily answered by any power of "gramarye," then the present and the future Fellows of the Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • It depicts what our forefathers had to endure in the past.
  • Waverley only showed that he did not understand the state of the country, and of the political parties which divided it; and, standing matters as they did with Fergus Mac – Ivor Vich Ian Vohr, the Baron would make no concession to him, were it, he said, ‘to procure restitution in integrum of every stirk and stot that the chief, his forefathers, and his clan, had stolen since the days of Malcolm Canmore.’ Waverley
  • Unknown to us, at time we were deliberating over him, the man famously called the forefather of the City Fiction’ had passed on. 9TH LAGOS BOOK AND ART FESTIVAL becomes CYPRIAN EKWENSI BOOK AND ART FESTIVAL, LASBAF 07
  • They continue to embrace contemporary style, but with the skill and craftsmanship of their forefathers very much in mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The souls of each of the forefathers and foremothers plead to God to spare the Jews from permanent exile.
  • They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.
  • Certainly books about books do take us back to our literary forefathers and foremothers and back into the often distant historical past.
  • In the fortunate first world, we are warm, fed and dry, and largely free of the famines, pains and diseases that brought misery to our forefathers.
  • Each performer may stand poker faced and fixed to the spot to emulate the cryonic delivery of their musical forefathers, but also more worryingly, because the option of perspiration to them seems abhorrent.
  • We have lost our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed.
  • Otherwise we would not be able to face our forefathers and ancestors. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have a tradition that their forefather was a man of the name of Shayg (شايق), whose four sons gave origin to their principal tribes. Travels in Nubia
  • The cast of characters gives new meaning to the word multiethnic, reflecting the roles of Noah's three sons - Shem, Ham and Japheth - as the forefathers of all mankind. FilmChat
  • Otho's father, three times mayor of Exeter, was John, and his forefathers in four preceding generations were all either John or William.
  • It seems like patriotism has lost something since our forefathers donned featherhead dresses and chucked tea into Boston Harbor. Corinne Marshall: A Fourth of July Carol
  • No circumstances of the Norman Conquest more forcibly illustrate the humiliation of the conquered people, than the measures by which the invaders imposed their language on the public courts of the country, and endeavored to make it permanently usurp the place of the mother-tongue of the despised multitude; and no fact more signally displays our conservative temper than the general reluctance of English society to relinquish the use of the French words and phrases which still tincture the language of parliament, and the procedures of Westminster Hall, recalling to our minds the insolent domination of a few powerful families who occupied our country by force, and ruled our forefathers with vigorous injustice. A Book About Lawyers
  • keep the faith of our forefathers
  • With scraps and fabric recycling, you can be creative and frugal and all those things our foremothers and forefathers were when they were sewing at home.
  • These crimes were not perpetrated by this generation; rather by their forefathers.
  • Still Veii held out, and to finish the war a dictator was appointed, Marcus Furius Camillus, who chose for his second in command a man of one of the most virtuous families in Rome, as their surname testified, Publius Cornelius, called Scipio, or the Staff, because either he or one of his forefathers had been the staff of his father's old age. Young Folks' History of Rome
  • What was considered "good form" in this pastime among our forefathers now decidedly demode, and the correct drinker of 1910 is as obsolete and out of date in the present decade as the Perfect Behavior; a guide for ladies and gentlemen in all social crises

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