How To Use Forecastle In A Sentence

  • On the tenth of May, at about 5 P. M., all hands were called to reef topsails, and a forecastle man, who was hurrying aloft to assist his companions on the foreyard, fell from only a few rattlings above the sheerpole upon the deck, and injured himself so severely as to cause his death early the next morning. Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
  • Before I shipped that young fellow, my forecastle was a rat-pit of quarrels. Billy Budd
  • Inside the forecastle was the galley (or ship's kitchen) and quarters for such people as the boatswain, the carpenter, the cook and the master-archer. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • He sniffed down the forecastle hatch, sniffed into the galley where two Chinese cooks jabbered unintelligibly to him, sniffed down the cabin companionway, sniffed down the engine-room skylight and for the first time knew gasoline and engine oil; but sniff as he would, wherever he ran, no scent did he catch of Skipper. CHAPTER XX
  • Thus, the fore-braces run to the top of the forecastle, the main - braces to the top of the 'midship-house, and the mizzen-braces to the poop. Chapter 31
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  • The rain tents are in forecastle port cabin.
  • The three islanders swarmed from the tiny forecastle, two of them leaping to the halyards and holding by a single turn, while the third fastened down the engineroom, companion and swung the ventilators around. Bunches of Knuckles
  • I was put to do all sorts of unpleasant work, such as blacking down the rigging, greasing the masts, and helping Dirty Dick to clean the caboose and sweep out the forecastle. Happy Jack and other Tales of the Sea
  • In addition to knitting, Johnson and a group of three women and one brave man meet several times a week in an empty space near the forecastle, the area of the ship where the anchor chains are stowed.
  • Without arguing this matter of my general reputation, accepting it at its current face value, let me add that I have indeed lived life in a very rough school and have seen more than the average man's share of inhumanity and cruelty, from the forecastle and the prison, the slum and the desert, the execution-chamber and the lazar-house, to the battlefield and the military hospital. FOREWORD
  • He hoisted himself onto the cutwater, and by the bowsprit arrived at the forecastle. The Mysterious Island
  • In the meantime Thomas Mugridge, like a drowned rat, was being dragged out from under the forecastle head where he had cravenly ensconced himself. Chapter 17
  • After checking to be certain all was in order, he turned jauntily to the forecastle, where the crew had stowed the ex-prisoner on a spare bunk.
  • At each end of the vessel is a raised deck, forming tolerably commodious quarters for officers and men; and the forecastle is made to carry one or two heavy guns. Her Majesty's Ship Majestic Keeping Watch over the Steam-Rams in the Mersey.
  • Heading back from the bow past three pairs of bollards, the area of deck that would have held the anchor capstans has been cut open to leave a wide hole down into the forecastle.
  • While this was being done, the boat plied back and forth between the two vessels, passing a heavy hawser, which was made fast to the great towing-bitts on the schooner's forecastle-head. The Lost Poacher
  • Alongside of three other slumberers from below, he lay near that end of the booms which approaches the fore-mast; his station aloft on duty as a foretopman being just over the deckstation of the forecastlemen, entitling him according to usage to make himself more or less at home in that neighbourhood. Billy Budd
  • Then the topgallant masts and sail fell onto the forecastle, dragging in the water until cut free.
  • Adrianna was standing on the forecastle deck near the bowsprit of the ship, staring out at the crashing waves and crystal clear water.
  • In his indignation at what he termed their effeminacy, he would swear that he would never take them to sea again "without having Fly-market on the forecastle, Covent-garden on the poop, and a cool spring from Canada in the maintop. Astoria, or Anecdotes of an Enterprise Beyond the Rocky Mountains
  • ‘Heads’ was the name given to that part of sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak which was used by the crew as their lavatory.
  • ‘Heads’ was the name given to that part of sailing ships forward of the forecastle and around the beak which was used by the crew as their lavatory.
  • Larsen, were furnished with outfits from the slop-chests, assigned places under the hunters in the various boats and watches on the vessel, and bundled forward into the forecastle. Chapter 20
  • The sick man whom they had left in the forecastle was a new hand who had shipped at Kingston. Keziah Coffin
  • Both the master and second mate were on deck; and the wheelsman was an able seaman of experience, and the lookout was stationed on the top-gallant forecastle.
  • The wires in the ice took the strain (lashings at mizen chains carried away) and carried away fair – lead bollard on port side of forecastle head. South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
  • One and all, from the cook to Buckwheat, they swear they have no knowledge of any food for'ard, save the small supply in the galley and the barrel of hardtack in the forecastle. CHAPTER XLIII
  • Although the _Braave_ had vanished, she had left behind her a small legacy of annoyance for me; for while I was still searching the horizon for some sign of her continued existence I became aware of certain raucous sounds issuing from the forecastle, which I was quickly able to identify as the maudlin singing which seamen are so prone to indulge in when they are the worse for liquor. Overdue The Story of a Missing Ship
  • More of the sailors took advantage of the interval to rush for'ard under the toppling fore-topmast, dive into the forecastle, and hastily pack their sea-bags. CHAPTER XV
  • But making an extra trip to the galley a little later, I was gladdened by the sight of Harrison staggering weakly from the rigging to the forecastle scuttle. Chapter 6
  • The larger vessel had not changed a scrap—a ship-rigged barque standing about fourteen feet from gunwales to water, which meant she had no cargo aboard—no poop and no forecastle, just a quarterdeck and a galley aft of the foremast. Morgan’s Run
  • One evening, when work was over, we found him walking the forecastle, taking what he called his sunset food shaker, in a more than usually thoughtful mood. Marmaduke Merry A Tale of Naval Adventures in Bygone Days
  • Unobserved he rose and glided away; while, awestruck by the aspect of their commander, the seamen clustered together on the forecastle, till Ahab, troubledly pacing the deck, shouted out -- "To the braces! Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • Even getting food from the galley to the forecastle (at the front of the ship) was a tremendous job.
  • Adrianna was standing on the forecastle deck near the bowsprit of the ship, staring out at the crashing waves and crystal clear water.
  • On the ship's forward end, most of the deckhands, deckwatch and wheelsmen lived in the forecastle, while the mates shared cabins in the stout steel deckhouse.
  • Little William was, perhaps, dreaming of his English, and Lilly Lalee of her African, home; while the sailor, in all probability, was fancying himself safely "stowed" in the forecastle of a British frigate, with all sail rightly set, and a couple of hundred jolly Jacks like himself stretched out in their "bunks" or swinging in their hammocks around him. The Ocean Waifs A Story of Adventure on Land and Sea
  • He showed Sharpe the galley beneath the forecastle, introduced him to masters-at-arms, cooks, Bosuns, Gunner's Mates, the carpenter, then offered to take Sharpe up the mainmast. Sharpe's Trafalgar
  • Beneath a lantern on the forecastle deck I saw a few wretched sailors hunched in apelike postures pounding oakum between the decking planks. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • There being no mosquito bars attached to the berths in the forecastle, the foretop was the only place in which I could procure a few hours repose. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • As fast as the prisoners came over the rail they were marshalled forward to the forecastle by our hunters, while our sailors hoisted in the boats, pell-mell, dropping them anywhere upon the deck and not stopping to lash them. Chapter 25
  • So he put on a thin cotton shirt and a pair of dungaree trousers, tucked blanket and pillow under his arm, and went up on deck and out on the forecastle - head. In Yeddo Bay
  • Even getting food from the galley to the forecastle (at the front of the ship) was a tremendous job.
  • The three gangsters, with the clique they lead, have again asserted their tyrrany and thrashed all the weaklings and feeblings in the forecastle. CHAPTER XLI
  • Farash lowered the sail and he and two other paddlers removed the cloth and stowed it under the forecastle, then fastened a newer and more elaborately decorated sail, pristine white, to the yardarm, and hoisted it aloft.
  • Look at the sailor, called the mincer, who now comes along, and assisted by two allies, heavily backs the grandissimus, as the mariners call it, and with bowed shoulders, staggers off with it as if he were a grenadier carrying a dead comrade from the field. extending it upon the forecastle deck, he now proceeds cylindrically to remove its dark pelt, as an African hunter the pelt of a boa. Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
  • Cut clean off aft of her forecastle, it can't be missed as you navigate along the southern port side of the wreck.
  • Burke and Sandon proceeded to tie a rope round his waist, which they afterwards fastened to the forestay; then, in a way which provoked shouts of laughter from their mates, they gave the unfortunate man a shove, and sent him rolling down like a bundle of dirty clothes on to the forecastle. The Survivors of the Chancellor
  • A light and graceful bridge of steel rods and planking ran the full length of the Elsinore, starting from the poop, crossing the amidship house and the forecastle, and connecting with the forecastle-head at the very bow of the ship. CHAPTER III
  • A boatswain's mate on a ship's forecastle might not be paying attention to the color of the anchor chain paying out of the locker, or turn the friction brake in the wrong direction, with disastrous results.
  • The Chancellor's hull is three-fourths immerged; besides the three masts and the bowsprit, to which the whale-boat was suspended, the poop and the forecastle are the only portions that now are visible; and as the intervening section of the deck is quite below the water, these appear to be connected only by the framework of the netting that runs along the vessel's sides. The Survivors of the Chancellor
  • The raised forecastle has all the normal anchor handling gear as well as a huge single winch used for hauling loads out of the fish hold.
  • A small pocket puts up a brave front on the forecastle, while the remainder of the surviving crew has retreated below decks.
  • By this time Wolf and all the forecastlemen had come to the poop, and all the foreship was disabled, Earl Eric's force attacking King Olaf's on every side. The Red True Story Book
  • Beneath a lantern on the forecastle deck I saw a few wretched sailors hunched in apelike postures pounding oakum between the decking planks. STONE THE CROWS, IT'S A VACUUM-CLEANER
  • It made its way into the cabin, into the forecastle; it poisoned the sheltered places on the deck, it could be sniffed as high as the mainyard. Youth, by Joseph Conrad
  • We found a lot of old sails in a locker at the fore end of the forecastle, and these we divided, taking away a sufficiency to kindle a good rousing fire in the hold; and over these, as soon as we had deposited them in a suitable position, as well as over those remaining in the locker, we poured a few buckets of tar from a cask we found abroach on deck. For Treasure Bound
  • I never malingered when pulling on a rope, for I knew the eagle eyes of my forecastle mates were squinting for just such evidences of my inferiority. THAT DEAD MEN RISE UP NEVER
  • He sniffed down the forecastle hatch, sniffed into the galley where two Chinese cooks jabbered unintelligibly to him, sniffed down the cabin companionway, sniffed down the engine-room skylight and for the first time knew gasoline and engine oil; but sniff as he would, wherever he ran, no scent did he catch of Skipper. CHAPTER XX
  • The poop deck, forecastle and upper deck were beautifully kept, although the bilge had suffered from some leakage and had been poorly patched up.
  • How Charles Davis survives in that wet, freezing, paint-scabbed room of iron in the 'midship-house is beyond me -- just as it is beyond me that the wretched sailors in the wretched forecastle do not lie down in their bunks and die, or, at least, refuse to answer the call of the watches. CHAPTER XXXVII
  • In addition to the holds, the forecastle, bridge-island, engine room, and stern cabins offer the diver interesting places to explore.
  • The topmast anticked high in the air for a space, then crashed down to deck, permitting the bowsprit to dip into the sea, go clear with the butt of it of the forecastle head, and drag alongside. CHAPTER XV
  • After this I went on board; but the first sight I met with was two men drowned in the cookroom, or forecastle of the ship, with their arms fast about one another. Robinson Crusoe
  • But as perhaps fifty of these whale-bone whales are harpooned for one cachalot, some philosophers of the forecastle have concluded that this positive havoc has already very seriously diminished their battalions. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • A hatchway between leads back into the forecastle, a tight and very silty space should you feel inclined to explore.
  • Of the hands forward, some of the watch were aloft, working at odd jobs about the rigging, while the drowsy clinking of a spunyarn winch somewhere on the forecastle, in the shadow of the head sails, accounted for the remainder. The Cruise of the "Esmeralda"
  • Besides, I understand that every forecastle has its bully, or group of bullies; so this is merely a forecastle matter and no concern of the afterguard. CHAPTER XVII
  • When I woke up, I was on my bed in the forecastle, the crew's cabin.
  • The first statement of each man -- ever an ancient one in homeward - bound forecastles -- was: "No boarding-house sharks in mine. Chapter 17
  • Those of the crew not gathered at the stern held on for dear life to whatever they could or scrambled to the front of the forecastle to brace against it.
  • While, on the one hand, there were no extra liberty days, no delicacies added to the meagre forecastle fare, nor grog or hot coffee on double watches, on the other hand the crew were not chronically crippled by the continual play of knuckle-dusters and belaying pins. A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • I suspect, however, that they must have been nearly, if not entirely, decked over -- in fact, that they were what are now called flush-decked vessels, while probably the carrack was a frigate-built ship, or, at all events, a ship with a high poop and forecastle. How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves Updated to 1900
  • Captain Doane shouted to one of the sailors who had just emerged from the forecastle scuttle, sea - bag in hand, and over whom the fore-topmast was swaying giddily. CHAPTER XV
  • The poop deck, forecastle and upper deck were beautifully kept, although the bilge had suffered from some leakage and had been poorly patched up.
  • While this was being done, the boat plied back and forth between the two vessels, passing a heavy hawser, which was made fast to the great towing-bitts on the schooner's forecastle-head. The Lost Poacher
  • Whilst the battle raged on the topsides and the Spanish captain barked orders to his men, I slipped away with Sancho's key to the forecastle hatch, prying a pistol from the fingers of a dead sailor.
  • His mind seemed to turn, on the instant, into a vast camera obscura, and he saw arrayed around his consciousness endless pictures from his life, of stoke-holes and forecastles, camps and beaches, jails and boozing-kens, fever-hospitals and slum streets, wherein the thread of association was the fashion in which he had been addressed in those various situations. Chapter 1
  • It spanned from the forecastle-head to the forecastle-house, next to the 'midship house, and then to the poop. CHAPTER VI
  • It spanned from the forecastle-head to the forecastle-house, next to the 'midship house, and then to the poop. CHAPTER VI
  • Bennie," he said in a low voice, "is there trouble brewing in the forecastle? The Mutineers
  • But I will say, contrary to my expectations, the Elsinore's forecastle is well found. CHAPTER XVII
  • On the forecastle deck the brass bell was struck, and with anchor down, the tenders were lifted out and readied to ferry passengers ashore.
  • The actual coming on board from the tug I had missed, but for'ard of the amidship house I encountered a few laggards who had not yet gone into the forecastle. CHAPTER III
  • Between these and the forecastle was the “between-decks, ” as high as the gun deck of a frigate; being six feet and a half, under the beams. Chapter XXII. Life on Shore-The Alert
  • There were also on each side of this deck, cabins for the marine soldiers, and twenty stables for horses; in the forecastle was a fresh-water cistern which held 253 hogsheads; and near it was a large tank of sea-water, in which fish were kept. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 3 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • The forecastle was a wild litter of spilt food and paraffin, lamps, unwashed dishes, tins of food, petrol-cans, ropes, sails, and gear. What Happened to the Corbetts
  • There was a similar raised place forward, called the topgallant forecastle. Peter the Whaler
  • I should explain that the space under the topgallant forecastle was divided by a bulkhead running fore and aft into parts forming separate cabins, one called the starboard, and the other the larboard berths, with bunks built up on both sides, one above another, or rather, in two stories, to explain myself better. Dick Cheveley His Adventures and Misadventures
  • The best he could find was a place near the anchor's chains on the forecastle, near the cathead the crew uses as a privy.
  • Unobserved he rose and glided away; while, awestruck by the aspect of their commander, the seamen clustered together on the forecastle, till Ahab, troubledly pacing the deck, shouted out -- 'To the braces! Moby-Dick, or, The Whale

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