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How To Use Foreboding In A Sentence

  • His triumph was overshadowed by an uneasy sense of foreboding.
  • A sense of unease and foreboding quickly descended on the crowded chamber, followed by a hush minutes later when confirmation came through of what had happened.
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • The colorful scenes tend to be counterbalanced by some dark and foreboding sets, and many shots feature subdued lighting that tends to strain shadow detail.
  • Without waiting for a reply, Mr. McGuffey dropped back into his department and Captain Scraggs, his soul filled with rage and dire forebodings, repaired to the galley, and "candled" four dozen eggs. Captain Scraggs or, The Green-Pea Pirates
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  • The school holds over 2, 500 young people in a massive brick structure that can only be described as foreboding.
  • In the space of only a few months, the word SARS has rolled around the world, bringing panic and fear to some places and a sense of foreboding to others.
  • The term presentiment suggests a sense of foreboding, a vague feeling of danger, an intuitive hunch that something not quite right is about to unfold. ENTANGLED MINDS
  • But the face into which he had gazed across the candle-flame had been neither tamed, nor troubled by any foreboding.
  • Then she stepped beyond the threshold of the dark and foreboding hole in the mountain, and turned on the lights at each side of her helmet.
  • The sight of the uniforms only confirmed the homecomer in his own forebodings anent the first act of the drama that was being enacted upon his peaceful island. The Light of Scarthey
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • She had a foreboding of danger.
  • Kazinski — the real foreboding is that a couple of minutes won’t really answer the question (unless the question is just did people ever use the term ‘police officer’ before 1960″?). The Volokh Conspiracy » Why Suspect When You Can Find Out?
  • Also tiresome is the occasional foreboding advice dispensed by an astral deity called the Moon Lady. All Things Girl » All Things Girl » Blog Archive » Book Review: The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder
  • With much foreboding from the other characters as to how the disaster has altered the healthy course of her mind, she commits herself to the path of revenge and vows to regain their inheritance from her bitter uncle or his invalid son. Wilkie Collins’ No Name « Tales from the Reading Room
  • On the downslope from the foreboding metal fence of the Camarones del Sur shrimp farm, known as Camarsa, a few fisherman stand half-submerged in the shallow waters.
  • The anemic palate that colours the film - grays, browns, and other hushed earth tones - provide the foreboding backdrop.
  • The scene is grim and portentous, and a sense of foreboding looms.
  • White and a pale sort of foamy green swirled together on the walls, and the doors were dark blue, ominous and foreboding pits that threatened to cave in before bad news.
  • And yet even with nothing but a future looming with gloomy forebodings, they repopulated the barren wasteland of space, bracing for the worst, testing the extents of their tenacity and ingenuity.
  • But she had a sense of foreboding which was entangled with an image of Bruno stumbling amidst Johannes's scattered pictures. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The others she talked to all had different opinions and varying forebodings, but had no problem accepting their essential obligation to participate in what appeared to be an inevitable conflict.
  • I eyed the folder in her hands with both nervous excitement and a little bit of foreboding.
  • In the midst of the delight of the moment, there lies concealed a foreboding of inescapable sorrow.
  • Her forebodings about the future were to prove justified.
  • Like most country football clubs, deep in the sometimes foreboding bush of Australia, the combatants play hard on and off the field.
  • It is a bleak, imposing and foreboding building, made of huge blocks of black stone.
  • Roeg packs his film with foreboding cuts; pay attention, because everything seems intentional or freighted with meaning.
  • He and Luna make kissy-face, and just after Luna tells him she feels a sense of foreboding, a werewolf appears, ready to attack Sam. True Blood Episode Recap: "And When I Die"
  • His sense of foreboding is shared by almost every politician, diplomat, religious leader and journalist returning from the region.
  • The evening sun was hidden by a dark, foreboding sky.
  • The Blackcrest Mountains were very tall here, and they stood like foreboding sentinels with their black peaks protruding like worn teeth.
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • It drew closer and closer, slicing effortlessly through the white tips of the ocean's surface, a foreboding indication of the powerful squalus approaching beneath.
  • In the face of these foreboding signs of very troubled times, it is difficult to imagine why governments in the Caribbean, and more so ours, are rushing in where fools tread carefully.
  • The use of the black and white media works well with the water droplets and the dark sky creating a foreboding feeling, which is in sync with the content of the image.
  • In the meantime, a strange mood of perplexity and foreboding has settled on Europe.
  • The foreboding is momentarily relieved as the next scene opens with a high-angle shot of a sunny, tree-lined street.
  • I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.
  • With his creasy nape and a spiraling wire hanging from his ear, the guard had a foreboding presence. Telmah Parsa: The Day I Met The Supreme Leader
  • The influence of the dear old scenes was something, and his cheeriness was a great deal more; the peaceful present was not harassed or disturbed, and the foreboding, on which she might not dwell, made it the more precious. Hopes and Fears or, scenes from the life of a spinster
  • The word foreboding it self means premonition of something is coming, the video and scenes, I have purposely made them mysterious, a bit unconnected, yet a bit revealing the gist of the story of the curse, that something is coming, "The Curse," a confrontation, revealed in the end of the Unveiled version. Urban Vancouver - Vancouver's community blog
  • A noise came from around the dark, foreboding corner.
  • A side who had trooped off with a sense of foreboding against the Swedes somehow re-emerged five nights later, entirely recuperated and forming an unrecognisably more confident unit.
  • A dark, foreboding forest surrounded the land with a cobblestone drive leading out and into the rest of the world.
  • In person, the foreboding man in the trench coat on the back cover of The Manhattan Hunt Club is a jovial, mischievous elf with a wicked sense of humor and a love of gossip.
  • Then she slowly panned the binoculars across the face of the dark, foreboding facade. CODE BREAKER
  • Conan had a flash of foreboding that, with the help of his arcane arts, this frail-looking man could snap even the Cimmerian's bullneck like a rotten stick. Conan the Wanderer
  • Before long the sense of foreboding was back like a rat in his belly, and he lay weary and wakeful into the early hours of the dawn.
  • Foreboding and intriguing, the grand, exoskeletal structure has served as the avant-garde capital of Valencian arts culture since its completion, in 2005. A Whale of a Festival Debuts in Europe: Vanity Fair
  • But the junior magistrate, a kind-hearted man, troubled at what seemed to him a certain sardonical disdain, lurking beneath the foundling's humble mien, and in Christian sympathy more distressed at it on his account than on his own, dimly surmising what might be the final fate of such a cynic solitaire, nor perhaps uninfluenced by the general strangeness of surrounding things, this good magistrate had glanced sadly, sideways from the speaker, and thereupon his foreboding eye had started at the expression of the unchanging face of the Hour Una. The Piazza Tales
  • : Marked "Allegro appassionato," a tremendous discharge of despairing passion, concluding with three foreboding D's from the bowels of the piano. Chopin's Small Miracles
  • There it hovered, a dark and foreboding presence, seeming to slather as this new thing to devour came closer.
  • A foreboding low guitar riff and complete silence back the singer's obscure musings in equal measure, creating an intimidating atmosphere; almost threatening, but in a strangely unaggressive way.
  • The sky was dull, with a foreboding of rain.
  • I could feel a sinking sense of dread and foreboding.
  • The colorful scenes tend to be counterbalanced by some dark and foreboding sets, and many shots feature subdued lighting that tends to strain shadow detail.
  • Even at the tender age of nine, I felt a chill of foreboding run down my spine.
  • The quietly foreboding clean guitar and sparse drums point to Pallbearer's comrade in bleakness, Loss, as the first plunge into sludgier territory offers a deafening wink to Pallbearer's fellow Little Rockers in News
  • I could not think of this "unsphered angel wofully astray" without inward tears that dimmed the vision of my foreboding heart. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 73, November, 1863
  • Perhaps he wasn't the only one with a powerful sense of foreboding. KISS OF THE BEES
  • The sense of fatalism and foreboding has been spread from the top downwards, by authorities whose primary concern appears to be to inoculate themselves against the charge of not doing enough.
  • She had a sinister foreboding that the plane would crash.
  • Animal sounds - the call of birds, the cry of small herbivores and the screams of predators - emanated from the foliage, giving it an ominous, foreboding atmosphere.
  • We also know, from recent Japanese research, that US forebodings were well-grounded.
  • a steadily escalating sense of foreboding
  • It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
  • Gypsy Joe, his quarry, gave a cursory glance at the neat youngish undistinguished racegoer reading his racecard six feet away and felt none of the supernatural shudder of foreboding that his ancestry would have expected. The Elvis Latte
  • Silent Witness, polished until it gleams, dark and foreboding, sterile as a bottle of hand sanitiser, feels like the greatest formula of them all. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • To many people, caves are just dark and foreboding places, and even researchers can find caves relatively inaccessible and difficult to study.
  • Feelings evoked are mainly of foreboding, unease, or of suspension, floating.
  • Marissa eyes flitted about at the shadowy woodland, an eerie sense of foreboding beginning to permeate the air.
  • Hearing the dead bolt slide back, and the metallic ring of chains as it hit the ground gave Michelle a sense of foreboding.
  • Cue a sinister clap of thunder and a foreboding flash of lightning.
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • But there is always a sense of foreboding on such occasions because of the secretive, mafia-like management by a cabal of political operators.
  • The world, once more, is filled with dreadful apprehension and a sense of foreboding for the future.
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Anchor. Barnaby Rudge
  • Mrs. Jennings had determined very early in the seisure that Marianne would never get over it, and Colonel Brandon, who was chiefly of use in listening to Mrs. Jennings's forebodings, was not in a state of mind to resist their influence. Sense and Sensibility
  • Besides, even if my gloomy forebodings are realized and the happiness of which you have dreamed is destined to be of short duration, you will at least have enjoyed it for some little time, you will not die without a taste of it. Indiana
  • Osric brings Laertes' challenge to a fencing bout, which a fatalistic Hamlet, despite his forebodings, accepts.
  • His sense of foreboding is shared by almost every politician, diplomat, religious leader and journalist returning from the region.
  • I am only sorry that all my forebodings have been justified.
  • And all is told with an almost prophetic Biblical tone, with infinite foreboding and dark overtones.
  • Great granite cliffs reared up majestically all around us, the foreboding grey offset by sparkling ribbons of water showering diamante spray.
  • They are the spirits, the low spirits and melancholy forebodings, of fallen souls that once in human shape night-walked the earth and did the deeds of darkness, now expiating their sins with their wailing hymns or threnodies in the scenery of their transgressions. Walden
  • At first glance, the cabin recalls a child's clubhouse, or an actualized cartoon dwelling that mixes playfulness with a foreboding creepiness.
  • The word eclipse comes from the Greek for "abandonment," and captures the sense of foreboding the sun's vanishing act inspired even in civilizations whose astronomers had figured out why and when the darkness would fall. Mysteries Of The Sun
  • First, the rugged, foreboding terrain separates them by sheer physical presence. The Road Goes Ever Onward | ATTACKERMAN
  • While ambiguity is probably the most important feature of Nostradamus's prophecies, another notable feature is their dark, foreboding quality.
  • Despite dozens of cycles of declinist foreboding, the country has resolutely refused to decay.
  • He returned, full of foreboding, to the scene of the accident.
  • For American civilians serving in Afghanistan, the last stop before they ship out to Kabul or Kandahar is a dilapidated, vaguely foreboding institution that once served as a farm colony for “feeble-minded” boys, and later was a state mental hospital. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 21, 2009
  • The lighting and staging of the work foreshadow the tragedy effectively, juxtaposing dark, foreboding scenes with light, flirtatious ones.
  • Eleven maps in total have been implemented, and while they vary quite considerably thematically, most are set in dark, foreboding conditions.
  • Sharp and oddly foreboding, the black iron of the fence rang softly against my hand as I trailed it along, headstones passing by on the other side.
  • The first act is played with the sound of a clock ticking and whistling wind running through it, setting a foreboding atmosphere.
  • There is a sense of foreboding about this ridge, too.
  • There's a cinematic quality to the edgy strings and foreboding beat that accompany All I Need, which is one of the album's best tracks.
  • As Peter saw Marc disappear into the blackness, he felt a dreadful sense of foreboding, hearing the splash when Marc landed.
  • Some will claim the latest uproar vindicates their forebodings.
  • The extreme atmospheric changes from streaky red sunset over blue sky to foreboding blackness felt Biblical.
  • He walked closer until we stood side by side staring out at the almost foreboding dark horizon.
  • Surrounding the entire perimeter of the fence was a long line of barbed wire, spiky and foreboding.
  • The anemic palate that colours the film - grays, browns, and other hushed earth tones - provide the foreboding backdrop.
  • As Mrs. Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Anchor. Barnaby Rudge
  • He's the master of lyrical images filled with a foreboding darkness that's almost more like a painted masterwork than film.
  • Tired, jaded, and distressed by my day’s adventures, I retired into my own apartment, locked the door, and there, though surrounded by and master of every luxury that man can enjoy, I felt myself the most miserable of beings, detesting myself for my idiotical conduct in the present posture of my affairs, and full of evil forebodings for the future. The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
  • It was a creepy spot with a strong pungent smell of garlic and there was always a feeling of tension and foreboding.
  • Telecommunications have demystified what once were foreboding dens of iniquity - put more simply, the city is a less scary place to be.
  • One woman said she had a sense of foreboding while the aircraft was still on the ground because the pilot had trouble starting one of the engines.
  • The anemic palate that colours the film - grays, browns, and other hushed earth tones - provide the foreboding backdrop.
  • She felt his black heart constantly throwing its shadow on to her own; she _felt_ this, but could not give to others, nor perhaps even to herself, what might be deemed a satisfactory reason for her impressions and forebodings; for in her was exemplified the words of the poet: Gaut Gurley
  • The darkness lends an air of mystery and foreboding.
  • But his blunter forebodings seemed sufficient to disarm Knowle, who, even having replaced his spectacles, remained young-looking. THE LAST RAVEN
  • Our own emotions, once as uncomprehending and slow as the delivery of relief supplies, fill with a foreboding as large as the events on the screen.
  • All entered the prison through The Fort gates, into the foreboding search and delousing room immediately inside the gates.
  • I felt a gloomy foreboding that something was going to go wrong.
  • At its close the chorus of welcome resumes, and the scene ends with a ritornelle of a plaintive kind, foreboding the sorrow which is fast approaching. The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers
  • I do not hesitate to assert that death itself were preferable to a condition of mind such as enslaves those who are the victims of that cruel superstitious belief known as conjuration, when from the very nature of its teachings they are cut off from all hope, and relegated to gloomy forebodings and despair. Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions, and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas. By a "Carpet-Bagger" Who Was Born and Lived There
  • The term foreclosure vulture clearly has negative connotations and generates a sense of foreboding, but not all who buy foreclosed properties have nefarious intent. Buzzword: Foreclosure Vulture
  • The cloth flaps were open, invitingly, yet forebodingly, as well.
  • Shall we see hope and fear in doubtful conflict poised, shall we see misgivings, forebodings of ill throng in our pathway, shall clouds obscure and foes enlist and wrath Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonNovember 1, 1856
  • No matter how aptly presented, these foreboding atmospherics and metaphors have remained by-the-numbers for the adult thriller for decades; and like the stale, recycled charades of today’s politics, they grow tiresome quickly, not overlooking certain autobiographical parallels. Movie Review: Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer is Terrible (This Review Includes an Exclusive Note from Alfred Hitchcock’s Ghost) | /Film
  • Eating in zero gravity was no real problem, contrary to the dark forebodings of the early astronauts.
  • When a soul, in the course of evolution, has succeeded in impressing its vibration -- its thought -- on a brain which it has refined and made responsive by a training which purifies the entire nature of the man, it is able to transmit to the incarnated consciousness the memory of its past lives; but this memory then ceases to be painful or dangerous, for the soul has not only exhausted the greater part of its karma of suffering, it also possesses the strength necessary to sustain its personality, whenever a foreboding of what we call misfortune comes upon it. Reincarnation A Study in Human Evolution
  • The air is thick with forebodings of terrible things waiting to happen.
  • And yet even with nothing but a future looming with gloomy forebodings, they repopulated the barren wasteland of space, bracing for the worst, testing the extents of their tenacity and ingenuity.
  • Stealthily, you inch along a narrow and foreboding corridor.
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • Whether because of the rain, or some sense of corporate foreboding, the offices of Sanderson and Parkes were particularly drear that morning.
  • You find yourself laughing and then feeling foolish because as you continue reading, you feel that sense of foreboding that comes when you know good times are just a set up for a tragedy that is sure to ensue.
  • There's a sense of foreboding in the capital, as if fighting might at any minute break out.
  • He or she needs to be gifted with a kind of compositional precognition, understanding inherently what shots, setups, and sequences will produce fear and foreboding.
  • The air of foreboding detectable in this lyric is emblematic of much of the album.
  • You have to be amazed how young and silly they could be or how solemn with foreboding.
  • The air was still pretty bad, but the tunnel was larger and much less foreboding.
  • For instance, we can hear Copland-esque rhythmic jauntiness in mailman Mario's funny exchanges with Neruda and out-takes of Britten's Peter Grimes to indicate foreboding, and even hints of Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms in some choral passages. Donna Perlmutter: Postino and Figaro: Underclass Heroes Who Usher in L.A. Opera's 25th Season
  • He still didn't feel frightened - but he did have an uncomfortable sense of foreboding, the knowledge that something unpleasant was looming in his future.
  • My sense of foreboding wasn't helped by the possessed woman, who was talking in a language from the north that she had never learnt.
  • The most foreboding of these trends involves insurgent and terrorist groups who fund their ideological agendas with drug money.
  • As our sleepiness dissipated into the dank pre-dawn air, we funneled out of the darkness into the foreboding cigarette smoke-filled briefing room.
  • There is an inevitable sense of foreboding and personal betrayal that seem to overshadow any story told in this genre.
  • The transition from the dreamland of a becalmed sailing-vessel to the dull, cheerless realities of his old life, and the uncertainties of his future, depressed him—filled him with forebodings.
  • The looming mass might be a storm, nightfall or pollution; in any case, the effect is undeniably foreboding.
  • The trinity of terror and their still plentiful outlaw army rode between the cascading waters and into the bat filled womb of darkness leading to a network of ominously foreboding caves.
  • Only the King remained seated, yet there was fear in his dark, foreboding eyes.
  • Foreboding as this was, though, I decided to put my mind to rest and take a short excursion down the next one of these roads that I found, for humor's sake if nothing else.
  • However, at least one of the public's forebodings has been realised.
  • - 1 CORINTHIANS 13: 8) + + + Onward, The Seer Glass ships of fear Marauder's path Gaze in her eyes Sacred and wise ... prophecy Lost in her trance In her eyes the flames dance ... foreboding Truth of her days Black endless rays Shows the skryer - Articles related to Facebook helps customers connect through technology
  • Christianity in the United States is at a dangerous and foreboding crossroads.
  • The forebodings of fascism have been in the air for quite some time.
  • It was even supposed that he took bypast circumstances much to heart; and if a childhood passed at the side of a saturnine mother, under foreboding of coming evil, and a manhood drenched and blighted by the pitiless descent of the storm, could painfully impress the mind, his probably was impressed in no golden characters. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • A side who had trooped off with a sense of foreboding against the Swedes somehow re-emerged five nights later, entirely recuperated and forming an unrecognisably more confident unit.
  • Behind her the shadow heightens this sense of foreboding, while the overall colour scheme of green and purple further increases the ghastliness of the image.
  • Obeying this impulse, and also a look of entreaty from the Curé, she affixed her own signature as witness to the document, and this despite the fact that both the Marquise and her son threw her a look of hate which might have made a weaker spirit tremble with foreboding. Lady Molly of Scotland Yard
  • When parents bid an emotional farewell to their offspring at the start of a gap year adventure, their minds are often filled with forebodings.
  • At the start of the quick-cut teaser, Crockett (Colin Farrell) says: "You understand the meaning of the word foreboding? Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • They were mostly asleep, but a few stood on guard, vast bulks rearing black against the sky, prehistoric and foreboding.
  • It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
  • You'll get there, tempered with an uneasy foreboding, clairvoyance of the next time he'd go to pieces. THE KINDEST USE A KNIFE
  • No pianist has ever taken the Busoni transcription of a Bach chorale so slowly, revealing the giant edifice behind it, nor has anyone, the composer included, filled Rachmaninov's G# minor prelude with such foreboding.
  • Something had stirred him prematurely from his sleep about an hour before his alarm would have sounded, and a sense of foreboding coursed through him.
  • Travelling to the Continent now I feel a gloomy foreboding, for there is a whiff of decline in the air.
  • Let us watch as his twisted assistant brings him foreboding news
  • It was a creepy spot with a strong pungent smell of garlic and there was always a feeling of tension and foreboding.
  •   The crepitant woods of the Deep South were foreboding enough in daylight, the Spanish moss stringing down from the oaks like the disemboweled spirits of ghosts. Sanctuary
  • The desaturated colours and muddy, rain sodden English countryside creates an air of foreboding entirely appropriate for a work that is more serious than its title suggests.
  • Then during the third level, the trenches reveal an entrance to an underground complex, and the following levels are set deep within this dark and foreboding place.
  • It was like a dark foreboding cloud that settled on every aspect of my personality.
  • By the time they got to their feet and turned to continue they had to stop again, their way was blocked by two foreboding looking men holding naked swords.
  • He tried to communicate something of his foreboding to Tamara. THE BROKEN GOD
  • It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
  • Ah, but who, she asked herself with sudden foreboding, is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan?
  • The bright orange liquid that seeped through the gashes resembled blood, giving him an unpleasant sense of foreboding.
  • Journals are deeper wells whose waters feed the unquiet foreboding of our souls.

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