
How To Use Fording In A Sentence

  • Well, having the largest economy confers an advantages in affording a very large military, and having a very large military was useful in the era of great power military conflicts. Matthew Yglesias » Will China Ever Dominate?
  • Then, this state of nerves is most frequently to be relieved by care in affording them a pleasant view, a judicious variety as to flowers, * and pretty things. Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
  • The edifice… is built upon a beautiful eminence, on the Philadelphia road, affording on all sides, an extensive, and delightful view, with charming rural scenery, on every side.
  • That way, you'll know it wasn't fording the raging river, or facing down the grizzly, or surviving the thunderstorm that left you a little changed.
  • I learned that noni is a commonly planted tropical tree used primarily as an ornamental plant for its broad, bright green leaves, affording shade where it's needed.
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  • Most need to think about affording a family before having one. The Sun
  • Between them run narrow alleys affording breathtaking views over the roofscape and church towers of central Stockholm.
  • The uncertainty and ignorance of things to come, makes the world new unto us by unexpected emergencies; whereby we pass not our days in the trite road of affairs affording no novity; for the novelizing spirit of man lives by variety, and the new faces of things. Christian Morals
  • This wildness, however, is different from that of the Highlands; for here the mountains, instead of heath, are covered with a fine green swarth, affording pasture to innumerable flocks of sheep. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Kudos to this dancer for thinking beyond the customary perception of affording Rama the superlative prowess; thereby questioning his viability to be worshipped.
  • Although his Ride is confined to offstage environs, it is described in living color by the clown Biondello, affording both on- and off-stage audiences a glimpse of Petruchio's future with a curst wife.
  • As Mattie Ross, the 14-year-old heroine, obsessively pursues her father's killer, she proves to be an almost unbelievably viable outdoorswoman, stoically fording a river on horseback, camping out nightly without complaint, bracing the elements, staring down death. Avital Binshtock: An Environmentalist's Review of True Grit
  • We had, however, lost some time in fording the stream, and we had but the one glimpse of him as the trail curved. Tish
  • As at the conclusion of the eighteenth century, the English unlocked their hospitable store, for the relief of those driven from their homes by political revolution; so now they were not backward in affording aid to the victims of a more wide-spreading calamity. II.5
  • And ten per cent said they were worried about affording housing costs in the year ahead. The Sun
  • The system of Dr. Smith tended to the production of that natural freedom of trade, each step toward which would have been attended with improvement in the condition of the people, and increase in the _power to trade_, thus affording proof conclusive of the soundness of the doctrine; whereas every step in the direction now known as free trade is attended with deterioration of condition, and _increased necessity_ for trade, with _diminished power_ to trade. The slave trade, domestic and foreign Why It Exists, and How It May Be Extinguished
  • And yes, we are enjoying modest profits these days, affording us the opportunity to reinvest in innumerable political and artistic endeavors.
  • They were defended as affording opportunities for new non-landed interests - brewers, bankers, nabobs - to obtain representation.
  • Not all teachers today use a single standard textbook as their staple material and many schools have difficulty affording class sets.
  • In addition to affording no protection against nonbacterial pathogens, antibiotics may be associated with allergic or adverse reactions. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • During the four following months it goes in and out, and strolls about between meals, like other young ones of its class, and is then an animal at nurse affording thus a twofold example of the tendency of the great Creator to repeat Himself in His conceptions, here using for the infancy of the mammal the system invented for adult insects -- elsewhere repeating the butterfly in the humming-bird, who may fairly be called a vertebrated butterfly, and reproducing the gnat in the vampire-bat, which I look upon as an enlarged and perfected revise of the original pattern, whence comes the scourge of our sweet summer nights. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • They contain tannin, and a resinous camphire, which is common to most of the mints affording essential oils. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • On the Garden-side it is bordered by a shadowy, secluded grove, with winding paths among its boskiness, affording many a peep at the river's imperceptible lapse and tranquil gleam; and on the opposite shore stands the priory-church, with its churchyard full of shrubbery and tombstones. Our Old Home A Series of English Sketches A Series of English Sketches
  • We saw what we thought a doe fording the torrent, her breast awash in white water.
  • Our nation's legislators are not doing their job in affording the same protections for business account holders that they do for consumer account holders," says Litan. Cybercrooks stalk small businesses that bank online
  • The 'land' stood in the narrowest part of the wynd; right opposite, and not more than five feet away rose the opposite wall, finishing off into a gable end with corbie-steps affording easy access to the further roof. Border Ghost Stories
  • What it again seems to betray is the notion that fiction is much like film, only a little bit different, affording the opportunity to make explicit what in LaBute's films is implicit. Realism in Fiction
  • Faced with few alternatives to reduce the oppressive debt burden incurred through the 2008 Fording Coal acquisition, Teck continues to slough off gold assets like some kind of molting serpent. The Motley Fool
  • This adjunct to speech-reading is recommended for its convenience, clearness, rapidity, and ease in colloquial use, as well as for its value as an educational instrument in impressing words, phrases, and sentences in their spelled form upon the mind, in testing the comprehension of children, and in affording by easy steps a substitute for the sign-language. Scientific American Supplement, No. 530, February 27, 1886
  • Practice in the speech of pleasantry may have great value in giving a man repose, in giving him that saving grace, an appreciation of the humorous, in affording him a means of relief or enlivenment to the serious speech. Public Speaking
  • The essential foundation of the pianoforte was the metal strings, necessitating hammers for inciting the vibrations, and affording in the superior solidity incident to metal support a firmness and susceptibility to development. A Popular History of the Art of Music From the Earliest Times Until the Present
  • And ten per cent said they were worried about affording housing costs in the year ahead. The Sun
  • If we cherish these Christianlike views, we should not judge so harshly of the poor, of whom it is no less faulty to judge, than of the rich; and in their poverty we should find as powerful motives for loving Jesus Christ, as for affording the succor they require. The Life and Legends of Saint Francis of Assisi
  • The challenge for those who draft and administer laws is to do so in ways that promote stability and predictability while affording reasonable flexibility.
  • When looking for inspiration he casts his net wide, with verses reflecting a wide range of ideas and affording readers a glimpse of his positive and often entertaining take on life.
  • I suppose the confused and abrupt expression of things here, in words scarcely affording a tolerable sense, is rather from weakness than captiousness; and so I shall let the manner of the proposal pass. A Brief Declaration and Vindication of The Doctrine of the Trinity
  • But supposing this mist-filled Gadarene gulf were really bridgable: supposing there were another side beyond the roar of hungry waters and the horror; and that mankind, -- European mankind, -- might pass over, and be saved, were there but staying the rout for a moment, and affording a means to cross? The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Secondaries: Ringwood, and Hounsdown in Totton are "outstanding", Priestlands in Lymington is "good" with "outstanding" features; Noadswood and Applemore, both in Dibden Purlieu, and Burgate in Fordingbridge all "good". Let's move to … the New Forest, Hampshire
  • In every Slave State there are laws affording, at least, some nominal protection to these unhappy beings; but, according to this resolution, slaves might be flayed alive in the streets of Washington, and no representative of the people could offer even a resolution for inquiry. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • And ten per cent said they were worried about affording housing costs in the year ahead. The Sun
  • The Bishop of Lincoln granted him the canonry and prebend of Leighton Bromswold, a living which was an easy yoke in terms of duties, affording him the chance to serve in a manner he felt consistent with his powers.
  • Between them run narrow alleys affording breathtaking views over the roofscape and church towers of central Stockholm.
  • And ten per cent said they were worried about affording housing costs in the year ahead. The Sun
  • It was immediately drawn tight, and by its aid we gained the bank, and began ascending the side of the barranca, composed of rugged, declivitous rocks, affording but scanty foot-hold. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
  • Dense tufts of pea-green underwater foliage, rising to the surface during the summer and affording shelter for fish and their fry.
  • She was rattling on without affording me the slightest opportunity to slip in a word explanatory, when her glance chanced to fall upon some one who was approaching us through the throng. My Lady of the North
  • I have seen the Lago di Garda, Albano, De Vico, Bolsena, and Geneva, and, upon my honour, I prefer Lough – Lomond to them all, a preference which is certainly owing to the verdant islands that seem to float upon its surface, affording the most inchanting objects of repose to the excursive view. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The party trudged on, fording swollen rivers and cursing the wretched weather. George Washington’s First War
  • It was a grassy, briery, moist defile, affording some shelter to any person who had sought it; but the party perambulated it in vain, and ascended on the other side. Wessex Tales
  • Meanwhile, their continued detention of these two young men, in isolation, in a cramped cell, and without affording them even the process they are due under Iranian law, further corrodes their image around the world. Christian Parenti: Call to Help the Hikers
  • Today I skied from base camp up to Heart Lake and back, traversing a couple of small passes, navigating by compass through two snow squalls, and fording a river.
  • Baedeker, or other guide-book, with its maps of any historic dwelling and its surroundings, from Chantilly or Fontainebleau to minor ones, to see that this plan, originally devised for the pleasure, success and safety [Page: 137] of the hunt, and later adapted to domination and defence, became next appreciated as affording the finest possible perspectives of the palatially rebuilt chateau. Civics: as Applied Sociology
  • Over the whole aisle on each side runs a broad gallery usually called the "triforium," lighted by Perpendicular windows in the outer wall; and above is the "clerestory," or "clear-story," affording a narrow passage in the thickness of the main wall, lighted by the original Norman windows; thus the height is divided into three parts -- ground-story, triforium, and clerestory; and the breadth into the same number -- nave, north aisle, and south aisle; probably designed as a type of the Trinity, as it is thought by many that these symbolical considerations were used in the building of churches in early ages. Ely Cathedral
  • It was rather like fording a river in flood today, crossing the main road in Williton.
  • A treaty regime affording third party rights can not outweigh a State's inherent right to self-defence.
  • His youth having been marked by some digressions from the "'haviour of reputation," his profession was far from affording him a subsistence; and the revolution, which seems to have called forth all that was turbulent, unprincipled, or necessitous in the country, naturally found a partizan in an attorney without practice. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • To the democratic reader committed to affording all beliefs equal status, belief is a sort of style, like haberdashery, taken on and put away at will.
  • The port needs many improvements, and the Government has for some time been engaged in a kind of desultory dredging out there, but has not yet succeeded in affording a sufficient depth of water to allow large vessels to come directly to the wharves; and the lines of artificial obstruction, built across the channel of the bay during the war, to impede the passage of vessels, have not yet been removed. The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • The composition of the powder should be such as to permit of its liberal use, thereby affording mechanical protection to the wound as well as exerting a desiccative effect. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • Most need to think about affording a family before having one. The Sun
  • The garden rests in a most scenic location on the side of Mount Leinster, affording panoramic views of the beautiful surrounding countryside.
  • Such terrain includes cities, jungles, and dense forests, but it also includes open terrain when it is mountainous or broken, affording the enemy numerous hiding places.
  • It has even been supposed that in diluvial deposits the presence of ‘dendrites’ might be regarded as affording a certain mark of distinction between bones mixed with the diluvium at a somewhat later period and the true diluvial relics, to which alone it was supposed that these deposits were confined. Essays
  • The number of people affording a cruise holiday is on the increase, with a significant percentage choosing to pay top dollar for extra luxury while at sea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here a narrow bluff trail crosses open country known today as the East West Ranch, affording views back toward pine forests embracing the town.
  • Down below a small herd of mule deer fording the river looked like toy animals. Bird Cloud
  • As Mattie Ross, the 14-year-old heroine, obsessively pursues her father's killer, she proves to be an almost unbelievably viable outdoorswoman, stoically fording a river on horseback, camping out nightly without complaint, bracing the elements, staring down death. Avital Binshtock: An Environmentalist's Review of True Grit
  • The elephant passes through the wilderness, treading shrubs, bending and uprooting trees, fording rivers and lakes easily; the rat can gain access to the bolted granary.
  • IKENNE, Nigeria — After driving two hours — skirting truck-size potholes, fording a flooded town and dodging a body — Pieter Swanepoel arrives at a dilapidated farm about 50 miles from Lagos, Nigeria. Catering to New Tastes as Incomes Climb
  • Long since abandoned by the sea, Rye is now a hilltop town affording super views of the surrounding countryside.
  • He has studied stained glass, ceramics and fretwork and also model making, affording tuition in the latter to children of the Ball Project at the Old Manor during 1998.
  • The Bishop of Lincoln granted him the canonry and prebend of Leighton Bromswold, a living which was an easy yoke in terms of duties, affording him the chance to serve in a manner he felt consistent with his powers.
  • (_sedately_) I thank you, sir, for affording me this opportunity, of making him my messenger to my parents, so that he may carry to my father a full account of me and my situation here, and what I wish him to see to. nunc ita convenit inter me atque hunc, Tyndare. ut te aestumatum in Alidem mittam ad patrem, si non rebitas huc, ut viginti minas 380 dem pro te. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Most need to think about affording a family before having one. The Sun
  • They had been trekking for three days so far, stepping through knee-high grasses, fording crystalline streams, slipping on patches of pebbles.
  • Gibbon, who describes his case with special minuteness, most uncandidly represents it as affording an average specimen of the style in which condemned Christians were treated. The Ancient Church Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution
  • Long since abandoned by the sea, Rye is now a hilltop town affording super views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Palestine, from its hilly character, abounds in fissures and caves, affording shelter to the persecuted, as the fifty hid by Obadiah (1Ki 18: 4, 13) and Elijah (1Ki 19: 8, 13); and Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • I saw him lose it once, fording a stream, and he stayed behind and dived and dived until he found it.
  • Once dreaded as cesspools of infection, hospitals began to be seen as temples of healing and citadels of science, affording them a new moral identity.
  • This paste is then mixed with fish and cooked and wrapped in a banana leaf, affording a nourishing and toothsome dish.
  • One of the shanties was the future hotel of the place, at present, however, affording accommodation to neither man nor beast. The Log House by the Lake A Tale of Canada
  • She earnestly, affably discusses her self-perception and how, despite a life begun at 12 in film and music, she doesn't consider herself an artist, and how this may actually be reassuring, affording her a healthy distance form the trappings of compulsory creation of Art. Michael Vazquez: 2011's Doomsday Cinema, Part I: Melancholia @ 49th NYFF plus Gainsbourg on Von Trier & Lars' NYFF 47 Press Conference (VIDEO)
  • Long, gently inclined staircases traverse the interior space, affording glimpses through slits in the gallery ceilings that act as peepholes to events above or below.
  • However, we had quite a scare when fording a river.
  • He was affording his characters access to modernity and claiming for himself a scope commensurate with historical narration.
  • He laughed at the idea of fording the Potomac, declaring that no living man or horse could stand, much less swim, in the stream. Border and Bastille
  • For two days we hiked along the bottoms of immense canyons, in the shadows, jumping boulders, fording side streams, imagining Marco Polo doing the same thing.
  • Trudi did not at all regard the verbal sketch of P. Blinders as a correct one, but though her love was blind to his pimples and ignored his stumpiness, she could not deny the spectacles, which were to her as peepholes affording visions of a blissful married future. The Dop Doctor
  • Fording rivers , eating tangerines from the tree - here was something we could imagine.
  • Dahlias occupy a special place in many gardeners 'hearts, affording a spectacular range of types, sizes, and colors, ranging from small pompom blooms to amazing "dinner plate" flowers. Did You Know? Mexico's national flower is the humble dahlia
  • Nuns, is the largest in Manitoba, affording ample accomodation for three hundred and dorty patients. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • It was also a thoroughfare for the gay equipages of the square, which passed through it daily on their way to and from the adjoining stables, thereby endangering the lives of precocious babies who could crawl, but could not walk away from home, as well as affording food for criticism and scandal, not to mention the leaving behind of a species of secondhand odour of gentility such as coachmen and footmen can give forth. Fighting the Flames
  • Whereas Belgium, having refused to accept the proposals made to her on several occasions by Germany, is affording her military assistance to France and Great Britain, both of which Powers have declared war upon Austria-Hungary, and whereas, as has just been proved (_no indication as to how or when it has been proved_), A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium
  • The soil was barren, scarcely affording pasture for a few miserable cows, and oatmeal for its inhabitants, which consisted of five persons, whose gaunt and scraggy limbs gave tokens of their miserable fare. Chapter 19
  • The talipot leaves are likewise used by the common people to shelter themselves from the rain, _one leaf affording sufficient shelter for seven or eight persons_. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 361, Supplementary Issue (1829)
  • But the floor was so packed with goods and chattels, affording the most comfortable roosting for the fleas, and with children who brought in ever-fresh collections to the stock, that among the many undelectable nights we passed, none equalled in horrors that one of official introduction and high classical association. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Spartacus caused ropes to be made of vine branches, with the aid of which he and his followers lowered themselves to the base of the mountain, at a point which had been left unguarded by the Romans because considered inaccessible by the red-tapist who commanded them, and consequently affording a capital outlet for bold men under a daring leader. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • The interpretation of Barrande was questioned in 1854 by Edward Forbes, who pointed to the disturbances, overturns and crumplings in the older rocks as affording a more reasonable explanation of the occurrence of strata with newer fossils amid those containing older ones. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • Jane's intimate friends were not ignorant of the embarrassed state of her religious feelings; nor were they backward in affording to her the direction and encouragement she seemed to require. Memoirs, Correspondence and Poetical Remains of Jane Taylor
  • The banksia is a paltry tree, about the size of an apple-tree in an English or French orchard, perfectly useless as timber, but affording an inexhaustible supply of firewood. The Bushman — Life in a New Country
  • Past the end of the lake a limestone grotto is reached, affording shelter but not now maintained in pristine condition.
  • If a national bank was, as is undeniable, repudiated by the framers of the Constitution as incompatible with the rights of the States and the liberties of the people; if from the beginning it has been regarded by large portions of our citizens as coming in direct collision with that great and vital amendment of the Constitution which declares that all powers not conferred by that instrument on the General Government are reserved to the States and to the people; if it has been viewed by them as the first great step in the march of latitudinous construction, which unchecked would render that sacred instrument of as little value as an unwritten constitution, dependent, as it would alone be, for its meaning on the interested interpretation of a dominant party, and affording no security to the rights of the minority -- if such is undeniably the case, what rational grounds could have been conceived for anticipating aught but determined opposition to such an institution at the present day. State of the Union Address (1790-2001)
  • (Mills) Canal, which conveyed water from the Pawtucket Canal to his satinet-mills, thus affording additional power. The Bay State Monthly — Volume 1, No. 3, March, 1884
  • We saw what we thought was a doe fording the torrent, her breast awash in white water.
  • Most need to think about affording a family before having one. The Sun
  • Visitors are invited to climb aboard and enjoy a trek through the woodlands surrounding the village, fording a stream and passing through banana and pineapple plantations.
  • Lachlan, Murrumbidgee, and Millewà; the former being a cane or bamboo, the latter a bulrush, affording, in its root, much nutritious gluten. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • The low shrub oak plateau to which the opposite shore arose stretched away toward the prairies of the West and the steppes of Tartary, affording ample room for all the roving families of men.
  • Today I skied from base camp up to Heart Lake and back, traversing a couple of small passes, navigating by compass through two snow squalls, and fording a river.
  • Walking the Lidder Valley is scenically most rewarding, through forests of virgin pine, fording crystal-clear mountain streams and through meadows of wild-flowers.
  • We have also worked very hard at keeping our staff by affording them opportunities to progress through the ranks.
  • We found no little difficulty in fording it, in consequence of the quick sands of which its bed is composed, giving way so readily beneath the pressure of our feet. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • This variation in the licensed areas was a wholly unnecessary complication of the gold law, the difference in cost being inconsiderable, and the difference in title affording untold possibilities of lawsuits. The Transvaal from Within A Private Record of Public Affairs
  • The “Berlin tondo,” as it is known, is not only the most famous portrait of Julia Domna and her husband; it is the only painted portrait of members of the Roman imperial family that survives from antiquity, affording us for the first time a precious chance to look on the faces of the new incumbents of the Palatine in color. Caesars’ Wives
  • On the 2d we succeeded, after considerable difficulty, in fording it, still deep and rapid, even at its lowest stage, and left it, passing through a large prairie, and finally halted at the entrance of Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • Nevertheless, there are clear lessons that can be drawn from the British experience – especially in affording the police greater investigative latitude and in accepting some compromise of privacy in exchange for a greater security. Understanding British Law | Impact Lab
  • This route also involves crossing a high pass and fording a turbulent river, the Allt Cam in An Lairig.
  • _Sad as death, I am going towards the meadow, in order to my approach towards_ Sylvia, _the world affording no repose to me, but when I am where the dear charmer is_. Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister
  • The main elevation faces the square and is marked by a curved canopy which is cantilevered off wood columns, creating a sense of welcome at the same time as affording real protection from the elements.
  • I also understand fully the problems that those MPs with constituencies outside London have in affording accommodation in London whilst Parliament is in session. Archive 2007-09-23
  • The boar lunged from his hole and into the river just as the lord was fording it, and the two met in frothing white water.
  • Africa, the fashion is merely to raise the epidermis by a slight pricking, which is described as affording rather a pleasurable excitement. John Rutherford, the White Chief
  • In this vicinity was passed a dolesome time, the country being wild and rugged, affording handsome scenery under different circumstances, but for us it had no enchantment. History of the Eighty-sixth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, during its term of service
  • The process mirrors a judicial process by affording an accused student the right to be represented by counsel, and the right to call and cross-examine witnesses. Eric F. Spina: Syracuse University Places a High Value on Free Speech
  • The bars of these sashes are "rabbited" on both sides and double glazed, thus enclosing a stratum of air affording a good non-conductor of heat from within, or cold from without the pit. Woodward's Graperies and Horticultural Buildings
  • I think I remember when last with you in your Carriage, An Old pollard Oak in Richmond park which resembled an Alderman before dinner, being very hollow, and capable of affording me great accommodation. Letter 250
  • As these passing-places consist only of narrow slips of ground, on each side of which are dangerous holes; and as fording rivers in the night is at all times an unpleasant task, I determined before we entered the water, to disburthen the men as much as possible; that in case of stepping wrong every one might be as ready, as circumstances would admit, to recover himself. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • And yes, we are enjoying modest profits these days, affording us the opportunity to reinvest in innumerable political and artistic endeavors.
  • The information about the five members of the family heading for the "ritzy" - resort was the Chronicle's lead paragraph and the news about the Yellowstone Club affording an opportunity for the very rich to ski was the third paragraph in the story. Reporting the News Well and, Well, Not so Well
  • After fording a babbling stream, leaping over a few obtrusive rocks, and crawling through a suspiciously low tunnel, the five kids reached what could only be described as a holy wonder.
  • What this is about is affording privileged protection under law to categories of people favoured by the canons of political correctness.
  • Two small dumps are exposed, affording an opportunity to collect some of the attractive microcrystals of rhodochrosite and crystals of apatite, gypsum, barite, goethite, marcasite, calcite, and chalcocite that are found there.
  • The many angry voices of the ocean , the foremost in affording aid to the shipwrecked seamen was a crippled lady, A Book of Golden Deeds
  • The ability and the talents of youth must be brought to light by affording them the needed facilities.
  • Problems in affording healthcare are well above levels seen in  2009. CR Index: Consumers are advancing ... slowly

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