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How To Use Force field In A Sentence

  • When an undomesticated woman refuses to hide her sexuality, abnegates her maternity, she creates a force field of extraordinary energy.
  • The abilities are classified as Scout (sprinting), Stalker (cloaking device), Guard (force field) and Airborne (jetpack), and while there are tactical advantages to each - the Guard's force field explodes into a shield-draining EMP blast after a few seconds, for instance - the jetpack was our favourite. Toronto Sun
  • Molecular mechanics and dynamics use an empirical energy function known as a force field to model the conformation of a molecule.
  • Sharks that can sense magnetic force fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently, the impregnable force field surrounding this device began to display a countdown clock that suggested it would deliver its message at noon yesterday.
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  • A more likely reason for the present reluctance is the lack of compelling evidence that demonstrates unequivocally the failure of the standard force fields.
  • In the past decade, her beanpole gawkiness had turned into athletic grace, but she had the same force field of intelligence. Hi-Ya!
  • It was as if an invisible force field kept us apart.
  • These details may reflect imperfections of the force field, which is not parameterized to account for ligand to metal charge transfer and polarization effects.
  • Bodies hurtle, armor clanks, force fields spark, vortexes swirl, oceans roil, warriors freeze and defrost, and none of it conveys a scintilla of feeling. 'Thor': A Vehicle of Low Norsepower
  • It was as if an invisible force field kept us apart.
  • It was as if an invisible force field kept us apart.
  • Note especially that this effects offers a general and universal mechanism to freely tap energy from any source of continuing stress, whether the stress is due to magnetic force fields, magnetostatics, hydraulic pressure, mechanical stress, gas or fluid pressure, electrical force fields, electrostatics, etc. Chapter 6
  • Molecular mechanics and dynamics use an empirical energy function known as a force field to model the conformation of a molecule.
  • Now remember black holes come from General Relativity, where there already was no problem with “action at a distance” or a need for “force fields” (because remember, gravity is not a force in GR). The Language of Science – it’s “just a theory”
  • For the sake of clarity the differences between the nonbonded parameters among the three force fields are reported in Table 1.
  • In the end, it was Jesus the brujo who saved the day, by forcibly expelling Antonia from Marnie, thus reducing her power enough to knock out the force field. True Blood Episode Recap: "Soul of Fire"
  • About half of the players (including the groin puncher) look like they’re super heroes with some special force field around them. Are you ready for some football? « Awful Library Books
  • My house is not contained within an invisible force field.
  • Kirk saw her grimace slightly—an expression of unbearable pain in a Vulcan—as she leaned into the force field, trying to push her way through. DARK VICTORY
  • Such representations of it are less than attentive to the literal force field of antagonisms it creates.
  • Sharks that can sense magnetic force fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Further enhancements will guide the user through the development of brachistochrones for force fields which differ from gravitational force fields.
  • Boffins at Britain's Ministry of Defence have invented an electric ‘force field’ designed to protect armoured vehicles against anti-tank grenades.
  • Floatation in centrifugal force field is an advanced technique.
  • The C5 atom of cytidine bears a substantially larger negative charge than many nitrogen atoms in popular nucleic acid force fields.
  • As for force fields, we can also set up a grid that would throw a blanket over the entire building above- and belowground. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • Because the present calculation is based on the force field method, the calculated result should be taken as expressing the qualitative feature of the torsion potential even if we sometimes mention numerical values.
  • The observations are expected to yield new insights into how the magnetosphere "force field" works, as well as how thin the uppermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, called the exosphere, actually is, researchers said. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • A few people gasped as it bounced away harmlessly, sending ripples throughout the force field that was protecting them.
  • Boffins at Britain's Ministry of Defence have invented an electric ‘force field’ designed to protect armoured vehicles against anti-tank grenades.
  • On the one hand, it confirms that what may have worked in the past is no longer a viable option; social psychologist Kurt Lewin, the founder of force field analysis, would have called this disconfirmation. Alex Pattakos: Understanding the Magician's Journey: Intuition as Spirit
  • It was as if an invisible force field kept us apart.
  • The only way in which the form of the laws of motion can remain the same for all observers in arbitrary accelerated motion relative to one another is if the gravitational force field exists to cancel them out.

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