

[ US /fɝˈeɪmən/ ]
[ UK /fˈɔːɹe‍ɪmˌɛn/ ]
  1. a natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure

How To Use foramen In A Sentence

  • Foramen ad latus, per quod genitalia & excrementa emittuntur: Opening on the side, through which genitalia & excrements put out (?). Archive 2009-01-01
  • The lesser superficial petrosal nerve sometimes passes through a special canal (canaliculus innominatus of Arnold) situated medial to the foramen spinosum. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • The generator powers a lead that typically is placed through the sacral foramen to stimulate the S3 sacral nerve to decrease detrusor muscle contractions.
  • Moller, [37] quoting Nocard, describes a case where fracture occurred through the region of the foramen ovale and paralysis of the obturator nerve followed. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • If the patient demonstrates an anal bellows or great toe flexion, this confirms the location of S3, and the surgeon removes the stylet of the foramen needle.
  • In the sacral region, these fasciculi arise from the back of the sacrum, as low as the fourth sacral foramen, from the aponeurosis of origin of the Sacrospinalis, from the medial surface of the posterior superior iliac spine, and from the posterior sacroiliac ligaments; in the lumbar region, from all the mamillary processes; in the thoracic region, from all the transverse processes; and in the cervical region, from the articular processes of the lower four vertebræ. IV. Myology. 6. The Fasciæ and Muscles of the Trunk. a. The Deep Muscles of the Back
  • On the ridge of bone dividing the carotid canal from the jugular foramen is the inferior tympanic canaliculus for the transmission of the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve; and on the wall of the jugular foramen, near the root of the styloid process, is the mastoid canaliculus for the passage of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • Various techniques, each having advantages and limitations, are available, including subdural, epidural, foramen ovale and intracerebral electrodes.
  • The skull from the cave of Engis — viewed from the right side. ‘a’ glabella, ‘b’ occipital protuberance, (‘a’ to ‘b’ glabello-occipital line), ‘c’ auditory foramen. Essays
  • Præterea si alicui morsellus imponitur, quem deglutire non possit, et ilium de ore suo eijcit, foramen sub statione fit, per quod extrahitur, ac sine vlla miseratione occiditur. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
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