How To Use For the most part In A Sentence

  • Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands. The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
  • Japanese TV sets are, for the most part, of excellent quality.
  • For the most part, a well-balanced diet appears to provide all the vitamins anyone needs. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • Some I recognized as a kind of hypertrophied raspberry and orange, but for the most part they were strange. The Time Machine, by H. G. Wells
  • Intellectual springs originally, and is increased subsequently, from teaching (for the most part that is), and needs therefore experience and time; whereas the Moral comes from custom, and so the Greek term denoting it is but a slight deflection from the term denoting custom in that language. Ethics
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  • Mr. Masson's discussions of Milton's English are, it seems to me, for the most part unsatisfactory He occupies some ten pages, for example, with a history of the genitival form _its_, which adds nothing to our previous knowledge on the subject and which has no relation to Milton except for its bearing on the authorship of some verses attributed to him against the most overwhelming internal evidence to the contrary. Among My Books Second Series
  • However, all of these points of constancy and change are brought to light for the most part due to the extreme redundancy of the film's fades and the organisational role they play.
  • And further, it seemeth very likely that the inhabitants of the most part of those countries, by which they must have come any other way besides by the north-west, being for the most part anthropophagi, or men-eaters, would have devoured them, slain them, or, at the leastwise, kept them as wonders for the gaze. The North-West Passage
  • Sure, even the most ornery fusspot will come across something he likes when perusing the coverage, but for the most part the stuff that emerges seems to fall under one of three categories: Archive 2010-09-01
  • The flowers are for the most part conspicuous, and in plan like that of the adder's-tongue; but some, like the rushes (Fig.  83, _E_), have small, inconspicuous flowers; and others, like the yams and smilaxes, have flowers of two kinds, male and female. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • Because fraternities are privately owned and run, they are for the most part beyond the jurisdiction of academic institutions.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. 
  • A little bit of attention and a few small victories do not change the fact that you are still, for the most part, a novelty act, like a horse that can count by stomping its hooves.
  • In consequence the autumn colours are muted, just soft dusty yellows for the most part.
  • However, such a shocking thing as violence is hardly hinted at, and the Princess always succeeds, as the Creole lady in _Newton Forster_ said she did with the pirates, in "temporising," while her abductors confine themselves for the most part to the finest "Phébus. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • For the most part, the sound is vintage electric Chicago blues, employing a raw two-guitar attack that buzzes with the dirty sound of overworked amps and blown speakers.
  • Music molds much of what I write, though I suspect the molding is beneath the surface, for the most part. Horrorfind, and Music with your Muse...
  • For the most part the audience obeyed, dancing as much as space would allow. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the most part we are strangers sharing rooms.
  • They both played acoustic guitars for the most part, amplified only by directional microphones. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the most part, conditions were benign with sunshine and fresh winds.
  • But, the thermals are for the most part within the acceptable boundaries of good taste.
  • For the most part the audience obeyed, dancing as much as space would allow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feeding soldiers is not a glamorous business; for the most part it is an administrative function that goes unnoticed.
  • At intervals during his literary career, I have tried to add a bit to his stature, he “looks shorter than he actually is,” and so on; but for the most part we find him described as a sparrow, a small, dusty brown sparrow — “soon he was, sparrow-like, hopping and darting this way and that in search of crumbs of information.” Death of Jezebel
  • For, although the said Giovanni and others have carried them to absolute perfection, it is none the less true that the chief praise is due to Morto, who was the first to bring them to light and to devote his whole attention to paintings of that kind, which are called grotesques because they were found for the most part in the grottoes of the ruins of Rome; besides which, every man knows that it is easy to make additions to anything once it has been discovered. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 05 ( of 10) Andrea da Fiesole to Lorenzo Lotto
  • Moreover, the court and humanist circles that fostered the work of these artists were for the most part male dominated, intensely homosocial and even homosexual.
  • For the most part, Alvin could not help but imbue the most abstract of movements with drama and emotion.
  • It is sung, played, and written for the most part by cretinous goons, and by means of its almost imbecilic reiteration, and sly, lewd—in plain fact, dirty—lyrics . . . it manages to be the martial music of every sideburned delinquent on the face of the earth. A Renegade History of the United States
  • Out of the side streets opposite the jail they came by scores, drawn for the most part by idle and morbid curiosity.
  • For the most part, however, he made the best of contemporary information.
  • Coverage of these topics is currently, for the most part, inadequate.
  • As for the role of men in this movie, let me say that, for the most part, they are not depicted as melodramatic villains.
  • But for the most part, the second half of All the World's a Stage put aside serious concerns in favor of laughter and ribaldry, and showcased the intelligence and heart of Shakespeare Behind Bars veteran Jerry Guenthner.
  • Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
  • Still for the most part, the Dolby Digital Stereo sonics capture the roar of the crowd and the curtness of the commentary very well.
  • Energy Star is for the most part a self-certification program vulnerable to fraud and abuse," says the GAO report. Energy Star: A cheap and easy seal of approval
  • As for Australian ports' image of being environmental villains, Hirst says the tag is undeserved for the most part.
  • In Rachel the pride of the human mind is depicted; because they whom God has endowed with his benefits, for the most part are so elated, that they rage contumeliously against their neighbors. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • For the most part even the flintiest horseman and women in that neck of the woods are pro-choice, ambivalent at best about The War On Terror, and favor the decriminalization of drugs. Matthew Yglesias » Imagine If
  • For the most part the audience obeyed, dancing as much as space would allow. Times, Sunday Times
  • So it's very important to understand that he provided us at some very crucial moments with context and certitude, with things we had obtained elsewhere for the most part, but we knew we were right.
  • For the most part, the Etech conference was made up of two groups: the graybeards and the baldies (alternatively the t-shirt brigade).
  • Is there value to certain types of non-nutty Internet speculation that the mainstream media, for the most part, refuse to touch?
  • They shared, for the most part, my apathy and were rather indifferent to the goings on in this ‘hybrid’ sport.
  • The honors, determined chiefly by the marks given at the end of the term, being mainly the reward of a diligence rather stupid than otherwise, as a rule were regarded with great indifference, and, for the most part, fell to the men who "poled" most assiduously, and got the best marks for attention, diligence, and correct recitation of the set tasks. The Autobiography of a Journalist, Volume I
  • It's gluttony and greed for the most part. The Sun
  • For the most part, senior politicians simply leave the subject well alone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Open landfills had attracted negative publicity in the 1920s and 1930s and for the most part had been cleaned up.
  • For the most part, garbage disposals are self-cleaning and virtually maintenance free.
  • Either way, I don't think you'll find much help on science fiction related groups, where we tend to be ailurophiles for the most part.
  • For the most part, we carnivores do not eat other carnivores. We prefer to eat our vegetarian friends. Robert Brault 
  • After the death of this most verteous Prince, of whome the godless people of England, (for the most parte,) was nott worthy, Sathan intended nothing less then the light of Jesus Christ utterly to have bein extinguissed, within the hole Ile of Britannye; for after him was rased up, in Goddis hote displeasur, that idolatress Jesabel, mischevous The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • For the most part, they have adapted well, but their discomfort was growing and confidence faltering. Times, Sunday Times
  • Augsburg, Rome, Burghausen, Hammersmith, and York were governed by local superiors appointed by the chief superior, who resided for the most part at Rome, and had a vicaress in Munich. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • The only down side as a shopper is a sales guy pushing expensive accessories and extended warranties but they knew the products (for the most part). "Why Circuit City Failed" - The Consumerist
  • The film industry still does not come close to using remotely authentic-looking horse tack and, for the most part, never did.
  • For the most part they were Creek Indians who, over the course of the eighteenth century, had migrated from Georgia and Alabama to Florida, intermarried with other Indians residing there, and developed distinct identities. Between War and Peace
  • In the Tintic district of central Utah, Paleozoic limestones have been intruded by monzonite (an acid granitic or porphyritic igneous rock), and covered by surface flows, the flows for the most part having been removed by subsequent erosion. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • But in privileging economic factors and forces, as Heymann has done, and ignoring, for the most part, cultural and historical forces, which she has also done, her argument is going to die aborning once it hits the light of political day.
  • It had been called "Philistia" for the most part, undoubtedly after the Philistines whose Goliath had fought David thousands of years before. Israpundit
  • For the most part, the defending champs return the same group of players.
  • This appears convincing since the decline in mortality rates antedated for the most part the advent of efficacious pills and surgical procedures.
  • The impossibility, however, to find any one of equal excellence as a performer (that is to say, in his more lucid and orderly moments) had forced his reinstalment, and he had now, for the most part, reconciled himself to the narrow sphere of his appointed adagios or allegros. Zanoni
  • For the most part, they still work, but an unfortunate side effect of this is that they tend to sink into an undifferentiated mass.
  • Europe, a rich source of exciting, and, for the most part, inexpensive signings, in the second half of the 1990s is now seemingly ignored.
  • But for the most part, the beauty is lost in the sonic flatulence of self-important experimentation.
  • So-called spoofing services, which for the most part are legal in the U.S. and the U.K., allow users to choose which number shows up on the receiving phone's screen or is transmitted into the phone carrier's voice-mail servers. Easy-to-Guess Passwords Open Door to Hackers
  • /And the why is for the most part comes as bucking from a co equal branch of government that has a vote and a veto. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » Big Head Ed
  • (Figs. 1 and 2) But inarching of the native chestnut is for the most part unsuccessful because the fungus grows too rapidly and girdles the stem, killing the parts above before the inarched tips of the suckers can take hold. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting Guelph, Ontario, September 3, 4, 5, 1947
  • The image is clean and sharp for the most part, with only random flaws from the source print - some graininess, a few flyspecks - cropping up here and there.
  • There was neither time nor resources to drill such soldiers in elaborate tactics and discipline, and for the most part their function made this unnecessary.
  • They paddled inshore in a coracle of skins which, for the most part, lay upturned on the deck like the hollow carcass of some giant turtle.
  • Edit 3/31/2010 While The Dakota Cipher was the darkest Ethan Gage, this one is the lightest and pulpiest with mostly cardboard characters, but the one liners, the zaniness and the non-stop action make it an ultra-fun read though it's harder to take it even the little bit seriously for the most part, moving towards comic book territory. Liviu's Anticipated Novels of 2010 - collated post to be referred to and updated frequently as books come
  • Still, there were things I wanted to discuss, particularly the idea of isolation, which I think is a furphy for the most part. Cheeseburger Gothic » I should be ashamed of myself…
  • For the most part I have been muddleheaded, and any motivation and good intentions tend to ebb and flow .... Brouillon - French Word-A-Day
  • He sets aside, for the most part, exegetical and systematic theological questions, as well as the subject of priests in religious orders and congregations.
  • Thus we have evidence of the existence in pre-Buddhist India of rites and beliefs — the latter chiefly of the kind called animistic — disowned for the most part by the Buddhists and only tolerated by the Brahmans. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • And urged by this recollection, he again scolded and cheered the patient oxen, who for the most part kept on their steady way without any reminder. The Wide, Wide World
  • For the most part, it's about getting back at people who chucked you.
  • The deceit herein is that, in reality, the world of work has been, for the most part, an extremely unpleasant world in which to live - until quite recently. Feminist Fabrication
  • His friends were Westerners for the most part, and though he was a sophisticated man and an artist with a broad range of interests, he was in many respects a regionalist, in the finest sense of that word.
  • Thames -- old Religious Houses for the most part, now disguised and pulled about beyond recognition, ranging right and left from the Ludgate itself: behind these rose again towers and roofs, and high above all the tall spire of the Cathedral, as if to gather all into one, culminant aspiration .... Come Rack! Come Rope!
  • The valley was unsurveyed for the most part, and the Indians naturally felt a sort of proprietorship in it, and when Wilson drove his cattle down into the valley and "squatted," the chief, Drifting Crane, welcomed him as a host might to an abundant feast whose hospitality was presumed upon, but who felt the need of sustaining his reputation as a host, and submitted graciously. Drifting Crane
  • So, throughout the morning, Henriette swept and scrubbed and polished, sometimes heaving a sigh, sometimes rebuking her children, but for the most part silent as a songless bird. Two Tales of Old Strasbourg
  • Man and woman no longer confront one another as “question and counterquestion”; since the heavens emptied, their dialogue, carried out for the most part as struggle, now lacks a metaphysical anchor. Margarete Susman.
  • Females, too, are hoping to meet people, although Ashley said the parties are, for the most part, non-events.
  • Such moments have, for the most part, been reserved in this book for the loners whose poems unequivocally evade the inhibiting classifications of the author's grum-bummed clerisy.
  • The film is presented in widescreen, and is for the most part riddled with scratches and dirt.
  • She messaged me, asking if I was holding up, which (for the most part) I am.
  • Vpon the forenamed plaine there were wont to be great store of villages: but for the most part they were all wasted, in regarde of the fertile pastures, that the Tartars might feede their cattel there. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • For the most part, the team did a pretty good job making the settings look decent with destructible buildings and pseudo-realistic fire effects.
  • It was covered with inscriptions from top to base, in vivid white and blue, save where a vast and glaring kinematograph transparency presented a realistic New Testament scene, and where a vast festoon of black to show that the popular religion followed the popular politics, hung across the lettering Graham had already become familiar with the phonotype writing and these inscriptions arrested him, being to his sense for the most part almost incredible blasphemy. When the Sleeper Wakes
  • For the most part, though, foreign films have become a tough sell, and their decline is hardly a mystery.
  • The book is full of ghosts for whom the poet feels duty-bound to speak, and for the most part his theme is what the ghosts long for, the lovely body of earth.
  • It's gluttony and greed for the most part. The Sun
  • For the most part, these are still widely known only by the sangomas (traditional healers) and have yet to be recognized fully by scientific based western medicine.
  • I work with various cell lines a lot too, but for the most part we are a biochem/molecular bio lab. A Candid Chemist, She is Not
  • For the most part these contingents have been based on a core component of light infantry.
  • Part of this is the awesome design on the cans, all of which feature a gnarly looking jack-o-lantern face and very pun-y flavor names, but it's also the fact that for the most part the flavors are more drinkably friendly. Branded in the 80s!
  • For the most part, these questions should be held in abeyance until other researchers either validate or disprove the hypothesis outlined in the present study.
  • For the most part, car drivers and truckers are extremely courteous. The Sun
  • For the most part, we carnivores do not eat other carnivores. We prefer to eat our vegetarian friends. Robert Brault 
  • I guess for the most part of this year I felt like I don't have a lot of bandwidth to deal with all of that.
  • It is very different with the crangon, or squilla; it has four front legs on either side, then three thin ones close behind on either side, and the rest of the body is for the most part devoid of feet. The History of Animals
  • For the most part, studies of monaural loudness adaptation with both procedures have treated the ear of input rather casually.
  • The teachers seemed for the most part to hate their jobs, and spent more time disciplining students than they did actually teaching.
  • Since he was on top, he had the power to veto some ideas, but for the most part, he stayed inside the game.
  • But, for the most part, husbands and wives _can_ have children, if they so desire, _and they_ SHOULD _so desire_. Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • When their typically apocalyptic vision of a new world faded, they retreated for the most part into traditional humility.
  • For the most part, he was filled with a tremendous joy for who would not be, to escape death.
  • And when they pick up the tempo a little, as they do on ‘Curse Curse Curse’, ‘Rockit’ and (to a lesser extent) the title track, it's a headful of pleasant noise. I like the individual songs, for the most part.
  • It was played pretty straight for the most part, and the later years got looser and jokier. Happy Birthday, Napoleon Solo!
  • Control is via the keyboard or gamepad and works well for the most part.
  • For the most part, he said, it was the wordage that was worrying people.
  • It is not true suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes men petty and vindictive. 
  • But for the most part our endless classifying, grouping, and arranging is nothing but high-grade hokum, mixed with a lot of bunkum.
  • In the first phase of her writing, which adhered to Freudian theory for the most part, Klein laid down the principles of child psychoanalysis, reworked Freud’s developmental timetable by arguing that the child was capable of certain types of mental activities at an early age, and elaborated on the importance of the child’s fantasy (in Klein’s writings referred to as phantasy) life (Segal, 1974). Object Relations Theory and Self Psychology in Social Work Practice
  • The chlorides, being for the most part solids, the mode of procedure is as follows: -- the hydroxybenzoic acid required for coupling is dissolved in normal or double-normal alkali (the volume calculated per molecule acid), a little acetone added, and the mixture well cooled; Synthetic Tannins
  • It has been dissected out from the inferior part of the cingulate gyrus in which, for the most part, it is embedded.
  • The doxologies are for the most part set to noble chorals of such strong, straightforward character that they cannot fail to become friends and intimates at once. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • But for the most part I actually "accentuate" my brows with a bit of Bobby Brown light brown eyebrow shadow. Golden Arches
  • Their houses (as I haue sayd) are for the most part made of bricke, not burned but only dried in the Sunne: In their houses they haue but litle furniture of houshold stuffe, except it be their carpets and some copper worke: for all their kettles and dishes wherein they eate, are of copper. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Such generalities are, for the most part, unexceptionable.
  • For the most part, nanotech companies scoff at such scenarios. Globe and Mail
  • For the most part the letter writers seem sanguine. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were some high cirrus clouds earlier and it looks like they're coming back, but, for the most part, it's just been beautiful.
  • He is for the most part anonymous and unadvertised, but he is responsible for by far the greater part of the achievements sometimes loudly claimed by others.
  • For the most part, the vocal ranges are narrow and would be suitable for all voice parts.
  • However, the target of the raids was not the industrial sector but rather the historic centre of the city, consisting for the most part of timbered residential buildings.
  • A few years ago the terms catechu, terra japonica, and cutch were employed synonymously; they are now, however, for the most part used in trade somewhat distinctively, though not uniformly in the same sense. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • The growths were not so luxuriant or prodigious, but for the most part the trees offered suggestions of alluring possibilities to the semiarboreal Nu, for the branches were much heavier and more solid than those of the great tree-ferns of his own epoch, and commenced much nearer the ground. The Eternal Savage
  • They just catch mainly honest and law-abiding citizens who, for the most part, are driving at appropriate speeds.
  • Those f-- ked up kids in the Army didn't for the most part start out f-- ked up, it came when they put on the uniform and became a target for the like of the Weeniebomber, sad sacks that hide behind civilians. Pantsbomber psyche laid bare in messageboard archives (corrected) Boing Boing
  • China is for the most part an extremely homogeneous society composed of a people who share one language, culture, and history.
  • Even the war films that do not make use of these stereotypes are, for the most part, possessed of an inherent conservatism.
  • Lastly: I believe that despite this level of detail, this is fundamentally hoi polloi fiction redshifted or, to take our cue from political notation, blueshifted in the direction of complexity, without being, in itself, for the most part, complex. Hoi Polloi
  • In The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony are accurately described a large number of antimonial preparations, and as Basil was supposed to have written this work some time in the fifteenth century, these preparations were accordingly concluded to have been, for the most part, his own discoveries. Alchemy: Ancient and Modern
  • He was more formal, stuck to facts and figures, for the most part, as is his habit, but they're important facts and figures.
  • Mother would say the stones of the road knew him because for the most part he could be found traipsing from one neighbours dwelling to the next or most likely to the public house.
  • There were just then about 600 of them on duty at Resina Garcia, and as they were for the most part dressed in spotless white they looked delightsomely clean and cool. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • I know all the keyboard shortcuts, but marking and moderating coursework is a non-ICT job, for the most part. Reefer Madness « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The testimony for the most part came over a speakerphone today, in fact for the entire part thus far.
  • To be fair, for the most part they played decent, if dirty (22 fouls and about 14 bookings say it all), football.
  • For the most part, all the fans I spoke to were a real blast, and very good sports.
  • I feel like I'm being a total snot for rejecting these guys, plus now that they've told me this, for the most part, they won't play with me anymore.
  • It is for the most part a very good transfer, with sharp contrasts and excellent details.
  • It's a brilliant conceit, and for the most part works wonderfully.
  • He'll always be lame," the surgeon said, wiping his hands and gazing down at Michael, who lay, for the most part of him, a motionless prisoner set in plaster of Paris. CHAPTER XXX
  • For the most part, I have enjoyed straddling two worlds. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the most part, though, we speak of commitment without thought to the potential force the word holds locked within. VISION, VALUES, AND COURAGE
  • The book is not for the most part concerned with the mechanics of industrial democracy but with its political justification. Politics, Planning and the State
  • The stroma is a peculiar soft tissue, abundantly supplied with bloodvessels, consisting for the most part of spindle-shaped cells with a small amount of ordinary connective tissue. XI. Splanchnology. 3d. 1. The Ovaries
  • Bad luck and ill feeling, for the most part. Times, Sunday Times
  • The country side was woods/swamps for the most part with open farm fields of wheat and corn, that was about three feet high.
  • That a servant is for the most part, 1. unacquainted with his master's designs, 383. 2. restrained with a degenerous awe of mind, Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • They are ideal non-aggressive community fish for the most part adapting to wide range of water conditions.
  • We have seen, throughout or nearly throughout the last volume, how very long it was before its powers and advantages were properly appreciated; how mere _récit_ dominated fiction; and how, when the personages were allowed to speak, they were for the most part furnished only or mainly with harangues -- like those with which the "unmixed" historian used to endow his characters. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 2 To the Close of the 19th Century
  • For the most part the only people who actually bothered to look at the registration rolls and allow the overturn of bogus objections were a few retirees who volunteer as polling officials during elections.
  • Those to whom it makes its appeal are, for the most part, not capable of analyzing through to their sources its fundamental inveracities, nor would they be inclined to do that if they were able. Modern Religious Cults and Movements
  • Day-to-day life is, for the most part, life lived within a particular neighbourhood, set of neighbourhoods, city, or urban region.
  • The response I have received to my articles about them, and my espousal of these beliefs, has been, for the most part, pretty hostile, and sometimes downright nasty.
  • The discharges are offensive and for the most part liquid, although it is common to find lumps of solid fecal matter floating in this liquid portion; shreds of mucous membrane and blood may be passed or the evacuations may be mucopurulent; there is much straining, and, rarely, symptoms of abdominal pain; the subject lies down a great deal; the pulse is quickened and the temperature elevated. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • For the most part, bone-setters were illiterate or, at best, badly educated and lived in poor rural districts.
  • The fact is that military organizations, for the most part, study what makes them feel comfortable about themselves, not the uncongenial lessons of past conflicts.
  • For the most part stocks tend to move together. Principles of Corporate Finance
  • Every once in a while there will be a fad for something-like the present yuppie cupcake business- trading on some sort of mix of nostalgia and camp, but for the most part, there's that unfortunate association with junkiness. Cake
  • For the most part these chapters do computations with specific examples, establishing canonical forms and other structure theorems for certain classes of groups.
  • For the most part, these schemes are structured toward short-term training designed to provide employers with a pool of cheap semi-skilled labour to fill mainly casual and part-time jobs.
  • Such workers - for the most part blacksmiths, weavers, and potters - traditionally constituted a distinct class, almost a separate caste.
  • farmery," which was "deemed superfluous" at the suppression, and for the most part pulled down. Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Gloucester [2nd ed.] A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Espicopal See
  • Throughout the country men have, for the most part, replaced the traditional loincloth with T-shirts and dashikis.
  • For the most part I have felt welcomed by the male DJs from the club and rave scenes.
  • The RS shows a long-term downtrend (line b), and for the most part, it has stayed below its declining weighted moving average (WMA) News
  • The Greeke Poets who made musicall ditties to be song to the lute or harpe, did vse to linke their staues together with one verse running throughout the whole song by equall distance, and was, for the most part, the first verse of the staffe, which kept so good sence and conformitie with the whole, as his often repetition did geue it greater grace. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The term _sessilifolius_ has been given to this species of Cytisus, because the leaves are for the most part sessile, that is sit close to the branches, without any or very short footstalks; such they are at least on the flowering branches when the shrub is in blossom, but at the close of the summer they are no longer so, the leaves acquiring very evident footstalks. The Botanical Magazine Vol. 8 Or, Flower-Garden Displayed
  • They were not creative artists but they were and still remain for the most part arbiters of technique and the niceties of perfect performance.
  • They're entertaining for the most part, with plenty of tales of real-life adventure, foul language, crude jokes, technical detail and daring.
  • What stood out above all else were her flirty, soft dresses in tulle and chiffon in pastel colours which, for the most part, were embroidered with sequins and antique beading and iridescent insets.
  • For the most part, Prime Ministers have been political reconcilers, representing and responding to the different interests in the party, and being prepared to sacrifice policy goals in the interest of party unity.
  • They lacked cohesion and, for the most part, played as 15 individuals rather than a single unit.
  • The impression they give is of being pursued by a malignant fate or possessed by some 'daemonic' power; but psycho-analysis has always taken the view that their fate is for the most part arranged by themselves and determined by early infantile influences. Archive 2005-12-18
  • For the most part, stringers could be copied from originals but bulkheads required a lot more work.
  • The rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared for the most part.
  • For the most part, GorillaCam 1.1 fills the gaps, adding digital zoom, touch to focus (for the 3GS), antishake (which actually works fairly well) and selectable image sizes. Best iPhone Apps |
  • For the most part, the goblins worked the mines, humans were only sent there for punishment.
  • Jewish prophets did not arrive at their ideas about God without a great deal of hard thinking, though the thinking is for the most part unexplicit and the mode of expression poetic. Philosophy and Religion Six Lectures Delivered at Cambridge
  • But for the most part, high and low politics were treated as separate issues by policymakers and scholars alike.
  • Solomon, in his seedy clothes and long white locks, seemed to be luring that decent company by the magic scream of his fiddle -- luring discreet matrons in turban-shaped caps, nay, Mrs. Crackenthorp herself, the summit of whose perpendicular feather was on a level with the Squire's shoulder -- luring fair lasses complacently conscious of very short waists and skirts blameless of front-folds -- luring burly fathers in large variegated waistcoats, and ruddy sons, for the most part shy and sheepish, in short nether garments and very long coat-tails. Silas Marner
  • The computer animation is top-notch and the characters are delightful and entertaining for the most part.
  • For the most part, Mettler travelled alone, taking on the role of director, cameraman, sound recordist and interviewer (he did use a small crew in some cities to assist in parts of the film).
  • These scenes were for the most part printed by woodblock and some were so complex that dozens of hand-carved woodblocks were needed to achieve the subtle shading that makes these wallpapers so realistic and colorful.
  • For the most part, we've standardized on tiny buttons - in either the keypad or keyboard format, sometimes with the help of predictive software.
  • It is for the most part a procedure of choice, providing the relevant criteria of the legislation are carried out
  • They represent all that we find repugnant in sport, the seamy side of their profession and are, for the most part, to be found swimming against the tide.
  • Those closest were wrapped in sleeping bags, sitting for the most part in fold-out chairs. A police car idled watchfully near by.
  • For the most part, faulty work is considered an uninsurable business risk that contractors must retain.
  • What especially characterizes board meetings are the variety of concerns that remain for the most part undiscussed and undiscussable.
  • For multivalent historical reasons, the phenomenon of a single common tongue has arisen for the most part organically within the global community that has begun to speak it. The English Is Coming!
  • Before we go a sentence further, I must tell you, I am truly a mild-mannered fella, benignly boisterous at times, but, a Peaceful Percy for the most part. Binky Philips: I Get Bounced From the Buzzcocks

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