
How To Use For instance In A Sentence

  • For instance, a few weeks ago in my sports statistics class, I envisioned a type of graph that’s a combination boxplot and lineplot — instead of turning towards Excel, I coded a Mathematica module to create this type of graph and then automate the creation of many of these. Wolfram Blog : Get Your Game On for Mathematics Awareness Month!
  • ‘Break, break, break,’ for instance, is a bitter poem on unrecompensed, pointless loss, but it achieves its power and makes its point very indirectly, largely through structural implications.
  • I don't think they play at all fairly," Alice began, in rather a complaining tone, "and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak and they don't seem to have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them -- and you've no idea how confusing it is all the things being alive; for instance, there's the arch I've got to go through next walking about at the other end of the ground -- and I should have croqueted the Queen's hedgehog just now, only it ran away when it saw mine coming! Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  • For instance, the expression for star might be `bright-white-continuing", while one might think of a supernova as `radiant-splendid-dying". THE BROKEN GOD
  • For instance, you could tell it to record all episodes of a particular series, rather than your preprogramming it.” Friday Link Dump
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  • For instance, the man Peasley might have omitted the word knifed; also the explanatory words, argument boat fare, and the word mate. Cappy Ricks Or, the Subjugation of Matt Peasley
  • The prodigiously capable Louise, for instance, is weighing the relative claims upon her imagination of long jumping and bobsleigh.
  • De Rerum Natura, for instance, ~1,600 out of ~4,500 lemmata in the archetype of manuscripts PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Other interesting ones include figures from Pieter Breughel, the tessellations of MC Escher, and the composite portraits of Guiseppe Arcimboldo (for instance, his Vertumnus and Water).
  • When a person has any kind of injury - a broken shin, for example, or a sunburn - the pain system becomes hypersensitized, firing up in response to normally painless sensations induced by, for instance, walking or a gentle massage. Undefined
  • A statue, for instance, is a kind of object which, unlike a lump of bronze, cannot survive much change to its shape.
  • In Chicago, for instance, 7 percent of votes cast went uncounted due to ballot errors.
  • Science, for instance, is in its seventh edition.
  • For instance, a viola da gamba is sort of cello, and a rebec is a kind of violin. The Golden Age of Publicity #7
  • For instance, many people who can't digest cow-milk-based products can happily assimilate stuff crafted from goat's milk (which is lower in lactose).
  • Well," said Jervis, "it might have been a peculiar finger; a finger, for instance, with some characteristic deformity such as an ankylosed joint, which would be easy to identify. The Eye of Osiris
  • Today, for instance, women not only pray at the mosque but also participate in social activities there.
  • 10 Teams traveled solely by train - for instance in sleepers overnight from New York to Chicago.
  • Many hospitals, for instance, make a professional available to go over the records with the patient, who might not understand the medical jargon therein.
  • At the annual holiday banquet, for instance, one employee each year wins the "Kraut" award -- a silver plate displayed at the front of the office -- along with a jar of sauerkraut. Top Small Workplaces 2007
  • Two-thirds of the output from its factories is for civilian use - washing machines, prams and hunting rifles, for instance.
  • It is appropriate, for instance, to think about human-computer interactions as theater.
  • This hypothesis, to say no more, will fit well all the facts -- for instance, the universality of the belief in evil spirits and any evidence adducible for actual influence on men, whether in the records of demonic possession and magic in the past or in the phenomena of modern Spiritism. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The re-ordination conferred there was based on the precedent of the strengthening procedure (Pali: dalhikamma) followed, for instance, when bhikkhus ordained according to the procedures of the Sri Lankan division of Theravada have been re-ordained according to those of the Burmese division of Theravada. A Summary Report of the 2007 International Congress on the Women's Role in the Sangha: Bhikshuni Vinaya and Ordination Lineages ��� Part Two: Day One
  • For instance, it is not true that training with weights leads to huge bulging muscles. Shape Your Body, Shape Your Life
  • This has been clearly determined, for instance, by Féré, in the course of a long and elaborate series of experiments dealing with the various influences that modify work as measured by Mosso's ergograph. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
  • For instance, the apparent lack of sensitivity of GLRs to amino acids could reflect the orientation of the proteins within the heterologous host membrane, rather than insensitivity to ligands.
  • For instance, an individual may be under the jurisdiction of his own laws even when in a different territory.
  • Other rodents might also be suited to domestication; for instance, the potentially tamable, clean-living species of South American fields and woodlands - agouti, capybara, hutia, mare, coypu, pace, and vizcacha. Chapter 3
  • Operation Nighthawk, " for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan.
  • This is probably what happens in rheumatoid arthritis, for instance. The Antioxidant Health Plan
  • Years ago we were more provincial even than now as, for instance, a certain Englishman, who wrote, while living in a small French town in 1813 these barbarians make fun of me everywhere just because I am properly dressed and speak the language of a human being. The Yankee Myth
  • Such an institution might boast not only the healthcare equivalent of hot-desking (which, to some extent, already happens) but also, for instance, operating theatres without walls.
  • Consider, for instance, how the interior windows, glass balustrades, and switchable partitions create both a sense of openness and the ability to zone spaces for specific uses and privacy.
  • Take all the Latin words in Shakespeare, for instance - in Victorian times, educated people had studied Latin in school - not so today, so they need to be carefully glossed.
  • We know how much, for instance, racism is instilled in people's minds to create divisions.
  • Yet her role as a social exemplar has not received due attention; for instance, her refusal to marry.
  • For instance, consider a chemist who is doing an experiment involving carbon dioxide.
  • For instance, layer a crewneck periwinkle short-sleeved t-shirt over my long sleeve grey heather t , allowing the bottom of the grey heather to extend below the hem of the periwinkle to create an easy, layered look. Red Room: Deborah Lindquist: Bring Your Summer Wardrobe into Fall -- the Green Way
  • For instance, if you search for the term reiki on Dr. Oz's website, you'll find credulous articles by Lisa Oz (Dr. Oz's wife) saying things like this: ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • The rhetor, for instance, would not imagine that he was clearing out a space in which he could express his thoughts and feelings.
  • You know, Raymond, very often, we hear about so-called jailhouse justice, where other inmates take on the role of Lady Justice -- for instance, in the double murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Simpson. CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2008
  • Standard of New York, for instance, bought a major California producer and refiner, and later merged with the Vacuum Oil Company to form Socony-Vacuum and develop the brand name Mobil. The Prize
  • For instance the cookie, the gingerbread man, the gingerbread woman or whichever one of the cookies you want to introduce first and focus just on getting that cookie to dance.
  • For instance, I didn't recall the cornered man in the second scenario saying he didn't want anyone to get hurt.
  • For instance, as they begin their march, the mood in the army of Shalya, one of the first to start to join the war, is one of celebration.
  • He, for instance, is both a criminal boss and a carefully planted police agent.
  • We hear much about counterinsurgency, for instance, but almost nothing about insurgency. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For instance, large number of watermelons, mangoes and other summer fruits began appearing on handcarts in residential colonies and markets.
  • For instance, it was difficult not to see outright hostility towards an orthodox bibliology on the Welhausen thread. Finitum non capax infiniti
  • In connection with an item of Ru ware of the Northern Song dynasty, for instance, which many connoisseurs regard as one of the absolute pinnacles of Chinese ceramic art, the author of the pertinent catalogue entry states that certain qualities of shape and decoration “make it incredibly rare even within this exceptional group.” Archive 2009-08-01
  • Shiva, for instance, was a Dravidian tribal god, very much a folk deity, until theologised and worked into the larger Hindu pantheon.
  • For instance, in the case of strengthening masonry infill with FRP bars, they may be easily anchored to columns and beams.
  • More serious cases will receive what Burghardt calls "desensitization counter-conditioning," which entails exposing the dog at a safe distance to a sight or sound that might trigger a reaction - a gunshot, a loud bang or a vehicle, for instance. The Seattle Times
  • For instance, a schematic can be converted a PCB with one mouse click.
  • For instance, suppose you fold along the central vertical line, and think of the top row.
  • For instance, Matt argues thatThe Democratic Party is awash in secretiveness, and while there have been Kerry emails which explain a bit of polling, one is mostly kept in the dark as to the strategic direction of the campaign. Sometimes the first thought...
  • The two problems with that choice: (1) even if 40-50\% of the population disagrees with President Obama on issues like taxes or gay rights, probably only maybe 10-20\% of the population (those whose Facebook pages include fanhood of Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, for instance) really sees him as "tyrranical" enough for 1700s "tea party" and "constitutional convention" references to resonate; and (2) politics are cyclical enough that as bad as things look for Republicans now, it's entirely feasible to plan for a Republican rebirth in 2012 Concurring Opinions
  • Hence, for instance, the new act of parliament that protects people from victimisation if they split on their bosses.
  • For instance, the critical temperature of a high - Tc superconductor is quite sensitive to its oxygen pressure.
  • If, for instance, you have alkaline soil you can dig a large hole, fill it with ericaceous compost and grow acid-loving plants such as azalea and foxgloves.
  • Ick. Why MSNBC keeps him on is a mystery to me (and is lumped into the same mystery of why Maureen Dowd and David broder, for instance, have such an unhealthy fascination with the sexual activities of politicisn -- seriously, they're just strange, aren't they?) Chris Matthews, On Whether MSNBC Supports Obama: "Well, It's Not Official"
  • Judith, for instance, has the beginnings of a sexually acting out behavior called exhibitionism.
  • For instance, it becomes a burden to our inefficient transportation system.
  • _malapropos_; for instance, she called out, to a little fat, stupid, roly-poly girl, to whom Miss Benson was busy explaining the meaning of the word quadruped, Ruth
  • For instance, we are trying to teach French to the new European commissaries.
  • For instance, he probably never visited Japan or Madagascar although they were described in the book.
  • For instance, with their taxes and consumer dollars, all Canadians have borne the costs of maintaining the viability of certain regionally based industries. National Purpose and Future Industrial Development
  • Iron likewise combines with a considerable variety of substances other than oxygen; and some of these compounds, as for instance iron carbonate (siderite), iron silicate (chamosite, glauconite, etc.), and iron sulphide (pyrite), are locally mined as iron ores. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • For instance, if in an emotional dream you injured someone intentionally, you could perform a simple penance the next day to atone, such as fasting one meal.
  • The copper, for instance, may have an alloy that crumbles from oxidation. INCA GOLD
  • For instance, the Earth is not exactly at the centre of the deferent, but is a little off-centre.
  • For instance the front bodywork of the Renegade model has been completely restyled to differentiate it from the Limited.
  • For instance, the Expert can observe regular patterns of irregularities in the mains supply and anticipate them in future.
  • The Covenanters, for instance, fought to rid Scotland of what they feared were popish influences.
  • She got nothing, for instance, out of the juxtaposition of "roaming" and "Romeo" in the verse of Irving Berlin's "I'm Putting All My Eggs in One Basket," a neat half-rhyme on which Fred Astaire for whom Berlin wrote the song never failed to put the sliest of spins. It Ain't (Always) That Serious
  • For instance , internal financial system, management system, applying commercial instrument, tax registration and so on.
  • Vivisection, for instance, cannot furnish unimpugnable results, for excessive shock tends of itself to make the response of a tissue abnormal. Sir Jagadis Chunder Bose His Life and Speeches
  • For instance, you need only drive a few miles out from Benidorm to discover narrow mountain roads that twist through pine forests.
  • For instance, I used lots of daylilies which I staggered in a sweeping curve.
  • In the case of Estonia, for instance, eight Estonian kroons are covered by one Deutschmark.
  • For instance there were certain stones to be found in fields or graveyards with a hole or hollow which at times was full of water.
  • In the company's travel and tourism division, for instance, this has resulted in employees accumulating an overtime backlog of more than 100 hours.
  • So, for instance, a designer can see an engine block as a wire-frame display with all the cams and pistons shaded for better visibility.
  • However they are full of fond imaginings, for instance that rugby is the most popular sport in South Africa.
  • Ben Wyvis, for instance, is unlikely to win any prizes in a contest against some of the more shapely Highland summits.
  • First, the researchers used red, green and blue-colored lasers to etch a record of the way light scattered off an object an apple, for instance onto a thin sheet of light-sensitive material called a photoresist, and attached it to a plate of glass. Wired Top Stories
  • For instance, one researcher has computed that 48 of the biographees cited their affiliation with Barnard College - probably a higher number than any other college.
  • The new function range is connected to all other ranges of abas Business Software such as abas Corridor Controlling, for instance. Undefined
  • The last, for instance, explores the conflict between cultural traditions and powerful assimilative tendencies.
  • We find it, for instance, in the criticism of Virgil, to whose work were attributed four distinct meanings: literal, allegorical, moral, and anagogic. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • Standards for noncarcinogenic chemicals, for instance, are defined by the maximum dose that causes no harm to animals in a toxicity study, divided by numerical factors to reflect data uncertainties. Toxicity testing- new dimensions
  • Take for instance, his cantata: the use of pizzicato, or plucking strings, to express the clashing of swords.
  • Ninety percent of the work featured in the Arts and Crafts Gallery, for instance, is crafted by local artists, with an emphasis on such media as glasswork, ceramics, woodworking and woven textiles.
  • For instance, the approved rates forsay Andheri (a suburb of Mumbai) is between Rs 7,000 - Analysis
  • Take, for instance, 'The North Will Rise Again' from the new 'Grotesque' album, a song widely misconstrued as just another provincialist rant: New Musical Express
  • The skilled reader is not dependent on the adventitious aids of easiness or brightness; he is no longer, for instance, dependent upon plot for his enjoyment of fiction, or upon what is called 'actuality' or 'incident', or mere verisimilitude of description. 2010 January 08 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • For instance, in western societies women have become economically more important than hitherto.
  • He needs to think about how much downloading he does, for instance, and how long he uses the net for. Times, Sunday Times
  • The U.K. law, for instance, covers corruption of commercial as well as government officials and doesn't allow for so-called facilitation payments, effectively minor bribes. U.K. Outlines Bribery Rules
  • Consider, for instance, the seemingly inconsequential object of temptation. Christianity Today
  • For instance, the whole logic of repair and recycling at the heart of some of the experiments in urban redesign and self-build housing discussed below are internally sustainable.
  • There may well be cases in which it would be not necessary to adduce such evidence - as for instance, if an architect omitted to provide a front door to the premises.
  • The data, assembled under the direction of Dr. Michael Andrews, chief economist for PIERS, suggest that while U.S. imports are mostly consumer goods, U.S. exports are mostly of low-value commodities such as wastepaper, chemicals, forest products wood pulp for instance, cotton and other basics. Biggest Importers And Exporters
  • When audiences first see her, for instance, she is in prison, while, by the end of the film, she has emerged as a gutsy warrior queen, who is more than capable of handling herself on the battlefield.
  • For instance, while every firm desires the great returns earned by those who achieve high status, the nature of status hierarchies is such that only a few can reach the top.
  • Ananias," for instance, pitches into your lecture, we will say, in some paper taken by the people in your kitchen. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 19, May, 1859
  • For instance, someone who is especially house proud will not want a dog with a long coat which sheds hair all over the furniture.
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • The poster for Verräter, for instance, employs photomontage, a technique that German collage pioneer John Heartfield was using quite publicly at the same time to denounce Hitler.
  • Thus, for instance, all the cells in a multicellular organism represent one clone derived from the fertilized egg.
  • “The Arab al-Arabá” (or al — Aribah, or al-Urubíyat) are the autochthones, prehistoric, proto-historic and extinct tribes; for instance, a few of the Adites who being at Meccah escaped the destruction of their wicked nation, but mingled with other classes. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For instance, the North Indian state of Haryana had a small-town crorepati density of 280. An Increasingly Affluent Middle India Is Harder to Ignore
  • For instance, the view down Rue Saint-Honoré had to be 200 metres long, while the sound stage was only 40 metres wide.
  • Noise pollution, for instance, is an extension of air pollution.
  • But the design of the interior surfaces and the positioning of the seats aren't just pretty to look at: they're precision-made to provide acoustics so rich and insulated that George Tsontakis's delicate new piece, for instance, played by musicians positioned throughout the hall, enveloped us in as much silence as the jeweled notes of the strings, winds and percussion. Alex Pasternack: New York's New Alice Tully Hall: A Harmonic Renovation
  • We may have to give up saying, for instance, that a piece of paper is simply destroyed when it is burnt to ashes, or even that a human being simply ceases to exist upon undergoing a fatal accident.
  • Standonck, for instance, the refounder of Montaigu, had had to disappear in 1499-1500. The Age of Erasmus Lectures Delivered in the Universities of Oxford and London
  • Scotland, for instance, gave them a sound beating in the autumn when they came up here.
  • He was deceitful, not telling his parents, for instance, that he got honey from the carcass of a lion.
  • For instance, doctors may need to use a handheld imaging device known as a Doppler rather than a stethoscope to measure heart rate in obese patients, and they may need to use a longer speculum for gynecological exams. Have Americans Literally Outgrown Heath Care?
  • For instance, subbituminous coal may be distinguished from lignite, not by its fuel ratio alone, but by its shiny, black appearance as contrasted with the dull, woody appearance of lignite. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Before the middle of the seventh century A.D. the area had been "ruralized," for instance the Trajanic street fountain being used as a dump for slaughtered cattle remains (see Lower Agora - North, July 20-August 2). Interactive Dig Sagalassos 2003 - Conclusions: Urban Development
  • He withholds information (the secret of Karna's birth, for instance) from other characters.
  • Take Alizée Jacotey for instance, I utterly refuse to believe that a gorgeous little crumpet like that could squeeze a 14 inch stonker out her delicate ricker. Army Rumour Service
  • For instance, I wonder if - I doubt there are more plagiarists and fabulists in journalism today than there were in the past.
  • A hopper, for instance which was on wheels but could not be moved about the yard. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • For instance, in Germany there are much tighter institutional constraints and legislative requirements surrounding consultation with employees and their representatives than exist in the UK.
  • By investing a regular sum, for instance in an index tracker, you will simply be buying more units should prices fall.
  • To begin, the researchers use chemical deposition of a vapour of a semiconducting material - silicon, indium arsenide or gallium hosphide, for instance - on catalytic gold seeds.
  • For instance, the use of purveyance began to attract criticism in the last fifteen years of the reign.
  • For instance, Piers's unforthcoming remark about avoiding love because he had once tasted it and it had left a bitter after-effect.
  • For instance, first-wave reforms were sometimes part of omnibus education bills that included other policy changes, such as increased spending on K - 12 education.
  • When their feeling for the river's lore drew them, by a spiritual gravitation, to a common centre -- to learn, for instance, that Council Bend and Council Island were named for one of those historic "confabs" between the white man and the red which shouldered the red brother once and forever away from the sunrise and across the great river -- that centre of gravity was the captain's chair, their tutor the first mate. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • Reviewers, for instance, were narked that the special effects were not all that special.
  • For instance the tailgate top window is hinged providing an opening for smaller items to be loaded, while the tailgate itself has good handgrips.
  • A once-in-a-lifetime chance to start a business of your own, for instance, may dictate staking everything you're worth on it.
  • In his offhand way, DeLillo teaches many important lessons in Libra, including certain etymologies, for instance the relationship in Arabic between the words assassin and hashish (on page 342). Confusion and Turbulence
  • I have never, for instance, heard a speaker of English condemn the nasal vowels or the dropped consonants of the French language.
  • He could also cut down his incidental expenses - for instance, cooking more at home rather than eating out. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be impossible to learn who was the first aerial trapezist, for instance, or where high wire performing was brought from, just when the trick of adjusting the body to these difficult and strenuous rhythms was originated. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • For instance, depressed individuals tend to use more counterfactuals, and in particular, more counterfactuals for "controllable" events1. If We Had a Cognitive Account of Counterfactuals, This Would Be It
  • How many people of working age, for instance, now join amateur dramatic societies, or sign up to be Girl Guide leaders?
  • For instance, we have computer games in our interactive newsroom that let people kind of simulate the process of reporting a story or going out to get a dramatic river rescue photograph or you can even do something like we're doing right here. CNN Transcript Apr 10, 2008
  • Kayaking might add 5% to your premium, for instance, while heli-skiing slaps on 50%. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take, for instance, the following piece of purple prose, full of sentences just begging to hop into the tumbrel and ride to the guillotine. Author! Author! » 2010 » July
  • Make sure all tools are in perfect working order, for instance it's much easier to prune with sharp secateurs.
  • A growing trend – they pull these pseudo-scientists from Creation Institutional Colleges that exist solely to debunk real science in the name of religious mythologies from the Bible (Noah’s Flood for instance), which conveniently align with most of the Republican Party’s greedy little plans to accumulate unnecessary wealth. Think Progress » Rebuttal To Gore Movie, Enthusiastically Embraced By The Right, Grossly Distorts Scientific Facts
  • Entrance is free and to tempt the crowds, the first show, "The Color," lives up to its name with, for instance, Yves Klein's "Monochrome Orange" from 1955, Picasso's "Femme en bleu" from 1944 and Olafur Eliasson's 2004 light installation, "Your Concentric Welcome. Ladies and Gentlemen... Cirque Pompidou
  • In 1986, for instance, Dole supported an inheritance tax code that greatly benefited the Gallos.
  • For instance, Youngna Park's "Balloons Midtown, Manhattan" is a row of balloons seen against a plate-glass window outside of which some high-rise office and apartment buildings are visible, but the sun is shining so intensely through the window that it bleaches the color from the balloons. Shadows and Light Somewhere in Time
  • Moreover, in whiteness are many excellences; for instance, the snow falleth white from heaven, and it is traditional-that the beautifullest of a colours white. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For instance the female members are generally expected to do all the cooking and laundry.
  • For instance, armour and other trophies were often displayed above sepulchres.
  • For instance, the removal of her breast buds is because she has a family history of breast cancer and this will prevent her from having to develop that. Ashley's Treatment
  • For instance, a therapist may teach mindfulness, a concept borrowed from Zen Buddhism.
  • If, for instance, a sum of money is payable on a contingency, there is no debt owing or accruing.
  • There was a crash in practice on Fri day, for instance, to go with a couple of shunts in pre-season testing.
  • In one scene, for instance, the woman and her dog are following behind a large ocean liner in their paddleboat.
  • St. Thomas lived a life of austerity; his fasts, for instance, being in marked contrast to the luxury in which he might have lived if he chose.
  • By means of a generous employment of free counterpoint, in other words a kind of polyphony in which the various voices use different melodies in harmonious combination, he gained a potent auxiliary in his cunning workmanship, and emphasized the folly of rejecting the contrapuntal experiences, of, for instance, a Sebastian Bach. For Every Music Lover A Series of Practical Essays on Music
  • On the one hand, for instance, Al Fayed says the couple visited a jewellers and chose an engagement ring.
  • Though founded especially for military objects, as for instance the defence of the holy places at Jerusalem, when not so engaged, these knights lived a kind of a religious life in commanderies or preceptories, established on the estates belonging to their order. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • For instance, braised shin of lamb to share between a group of four. Times, Sunday Times
  • There appears to be an Ugaritic dialectal change from *ẓ the emphatic interdental ɣ for instance. Edward Sapir and the Philistine headdress
  • A dynamic microphone's diaphragm, for instance, moves an attached coil of wire past a magnet to induce current flow in the wire. See diagram.
  • An Employee Journeys tool, for instance, focuses on guiding employees throughout their tenure at the organization, from onboarding to ongoing development.
  • That Bruno himself, in "the enthusiasm of the idea," drew from his axiom of the "indifference of contraries" the practical consequence which is in very deed latent there, that he was ready to sacrifice to the antinomianism, which is certainly a part of its rigid logic, the austerities, the purity of his own youth, for instance, there is no proof. Gaston de Latour; an unfinished romance
  • What a vigorous grower, for instance, is the Ribston pippin, an English apple. Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
  • For instance, as few as one or two heartworms can be fatal to cats.
  • It may involve compromises, for instance over the frequency with which comprehensive large-scale mapping data is preserved.
  • The good news is that, in the US, usage has stabilized; for instance, argon, which is one percent of the Earth's atmosphere and is equally cheap, has started displacing it in applications like welding. Ars Technica
  • For instance, carbon may exist as either graphite or diamond in its solid phase.
  • A very dense negative, for instance, may be reduced either with the ferricyanide of potash or persulphate of ammonia reducer; and a thin negative with proper graduations can frequently be intensified to advantage in the print. Bromide Printing and Enlarging A Practical Guide to the Making of Bromide Prints by Contact and Bromide Enlarging by Daylight and Artificial Light, With the Toning of Bromide Prints and Enlargements
  • Take this redhead, for instance, this termagant, this copper-headed Amazon, this female dragon in angel's clothing. THE LONELY SEA
  • Freud's Jewish family fled Berlin for London in 1933, when he was just eleven (his father, an architect, was Sigmund Freud's son), yet his adolescent drawings retain a German tinge, feeling their way between the chilly stares of Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity) or of the Magic Realists (Alexander Kanoldt, for instance) and the more recent, doom-laden stridencies of neoromanticism and noir. The Way to All Flesh
  • Denmark, for instance, voted against the Maastricht Treaty in June 1992, and later only a marginal majority of French voters confirmed the accession to the Treaty.
  • For instance, women often don't take iron pills in pregnancy because they get constipated and assume that this is the effect of the iron.
  • For instance, the Home Secretary is regularly criticised for leniency on such issues from this lobby at the Conservative Party conferences.
  • For instance today, when Labour released their dossier, CCHQ should've kept schtum and let the media do the work for them. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • For instance, there is a positive correlation between marital dissatisfaction and the reported intensity of premenstrual symptoms.
  • For instance, if you had $100,000 in your account margined 20 times, your actual investment would be $2m.
  • For instance, using a san jan worm as a lead or "attractor" pattern followed by an RS2 or some other small midge type nymph. The Answer Line is Open...
  • I'm thinking, for instance, of the manifold practical advances today from biomimicry to hydrogen fuel cars.
  • For instance, in a live yeast or sourdough starter, the enzymic action develops the umami in wheat flour to "ripen" the dough and develop its flavor. LIGHT, TENDER 100% WHOLEWHEAT BREAD IN YOUR BREAD MACHINE
  • For instance, is a marriage subsequent to a civil union bigamy?
  • In general, food preservation has been generally approached in the past, for instance, via acidulation, thermal treatment, chemical preservatives, hydrostatic treatment, refrigeration and combinations thereof.
  • Support for government interception of cell phone and e-mail communication, for instance, increases with age.
  • 70 For instance, a merchant might want to embark goods outside his warehouse but there might be insufficient depth of water for the ship to moor alongside; lighters would then have to be used.
  • Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also. The History of Animals
  • These farmers, for instance, are harvesting onions.
  • In 1921, for instance night patrols made thirteen arrests for cattle stealing in the Southern and Western Provinces.
  • For instance, a banana may change colour from being green to being yellow.
  • At first, when I was unaware of this interest of his in my affairs, he had to divine my intentions, as, for instance, at Papeete, when I contemplated going partners with a knavish fellow-countryman on a guano venture. THE HEATHEN
  • For instance, suppose you needed to generate time-varying Rayleigh fading channels based on autoregressive models to support your fading channel simulation. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Me being interviewed in EE Times
  • In its monthly reports, for instance, it has dropped its insistence that the threat of deflation has receded.
  • For instance, aspirated consonants are written with a small superscript h after the symbol for the corresponding unaspirated consonant.
  • Government will commission the best designers, artists and architects, for instance, to help communities transform run-down city centres.
  • I know I like saying the names of trees and plants when I identify them, and I’m also excited to hear what obscure mechanical parts are called isinglass and petcock, for instance. Dear Clusterflock | clusterflock
  • Additional breadth in the curriculum comes from required courses in electronics, optics, an elective specialty course - solid state, for instance - and a senior thesis.

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