How To Use For fun In A Sentence

  • However, we still rely entirely on the generosity of the public for funding.
  • We all know that we watch sport for fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Dorset, archaeologists are appealing for funds to record a Roman villa with mosaics, close to the site of the unique Hinton St Mary Christian mosaic.
  • Check stored bulbs and corms for fungal diseases and damage by rodents.
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  • It is possible to organise some blitz tournaments (for fun) as well.
  • The Fed has slashed rates 12 times since 2001, producing a boon for fund investors.
  • The moves represent a small but significant challenge to one aspect of Qatar's ambitions for the emirate, which also has drawn global attention by winning the staging rights to soccer's World Cup andfor funding and supporting the revolution in Libya. Qatar, Unveiling Tensions, Suspends Sale of Alcohol
  • So for fun, we ran around campus in nothing but trench coats flashing people.
  • Charmed by his obliqueness - ‘doing’ and ‘getting’ as euphemisms for fundraising and boondoggling - I told him the name of my book.
  • Apply for funding for two hospital support nurses who will work with the consultant.
  • A low level programming language that permits the programmer to use mnemonics or symbolic codes for function codes.
  • If you are one of the resort's pool of bankrupt songwriters but still have grave interests and tendencies, think about turning to writing dirges for funerals.
  • We screened the company's database looking for funds with diversified holdings that spread their assets to many nations in the region.
  • Responses to "What are good fantasy books to read for fun?" pendragon, dj machale - ten book series, its amazing, a boy that finds new worlds and must save them from the evil guy, lol, (saint dane), he is called a "traveler" and works together with the few other travelers to win and save the universe aka halla. Master Site Feed
  • You meet where a group of people exercise for fun. The Sun
  • For something a little less bodacious, here's a neat online shop for fun gifts; I would recommend a new shower curtain.
  • I call on the government to dramatically increase funding for the 40 per cent of Territory roads which lie in unincorporated areas - roads currently ineligible for funding under the Roads to Recovery program.
  • The young 5th and 6th dans for fun prepared themselves to fight.
  • In the developer lexicon, the word security - standing for a pain-in-the-butt speed bump that doesn't do diddly-squat for functionality - came to have no relevant place.
  • Requests for funding theological reflection need to be stimulated.
  • Her passion, she insists, is floristry - the full professional process of preparing displays for functions. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tropical climates where T. cacao grows best are also perfect incubators for fungal diseases like black pod, witches' broom, and frosty pod rot.
  • Extending the pier, providing extra slipways and an off-shore marina acceptable to residents, are all part of ambitious plans submitted for funding.
  • A lot of what people do for fun, or for self-realisation or self-improvement, revolves around knowledge.
  • Protein subcellular localization is one of the key questions for functional genomics.
  • When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.
  • Local school boards are also looking for funds to maintain existing facilities and build new ones.
  • He often puffs cigarette smoke in other's face for fun.
  • MGCD290 is an oral, small molecule, Hos2 fungal inhibitor for use in combination with azoles, such as fluconazole, for fungal infections. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • The current state formula for funding special education is based on what districts were spending for special education in fiscal 1979-80.
  • Horse's Ass blogger David Goldstein bragged that "Peter personally reached out to me" for fundraising help. Sound Politics: Seattle nutroots trying to buy Eastern Washington congressional seat for nutty candidate
  • They'll replant the hedges and grow insanely expensive vegetables for fun.
  • Why not add some food colouring for fun? The Sun
  • She wavered between hesitancy and her natural propensity for fun.
  • If many banks applied for funds, it was less likely that there would be adverse publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stafford was one of 21 entrepreneurs pitching for funding at the First Tuesday event in Dublin last week.
  • Even that would see the transferral of £70 bn of assets, with clear implications for fund managers' bottom lines.
  • Mulchay notes that the outside area is popular with families during the summer and provides a comfortable environment for functions and social events.
  • As I sifted between lines for funnel cakes and frybread, I watched an elderly man in an ornate headdress polish off a Frito pie with a big smile on his face. Ryan Schwartz: Tribal Celebrations Stir the Senses
  • I wasn't serious; I only did it for fun.
  • Zaria Academy will be ready to take its campaign for funds to expand its educational outreach and provide first-class education by September 2011. Atim Oton: Zaria Academy: Lessons on Preparing for Fundraising in Nigeria
  • Tait says: There are few entry-level roles for fundraisers and most charities want fundraisers with experience. Direct marketing fundraisers to get bespoke course
  • The branch ran two stalls at the local carnival, raising about £400 for funds.
  • The ruling is part of a charter that forms the basis of a self-regulation scheme for fundraising to be launched in the new year. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wants a malted milk, a Dairy Queen with a blond carhop; he wants people making dates and plans for fun and movies. GIRL BY THE ROAD AT NIGHT
  • let's pretend we don't like Mary, just for fun
  • This is not an aberration; it is just business as usual - the business of screwing the poor for fun and profit.
  • This is the monthly magazine, for Guides, with lots of help and ideas for fun Patrol activities.
  • She spent her last years pleading for funds and food for the starving thousands. Christianity Today
  • I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun.
  • Yet there should also be no need for MPs to feel so badly underpaid that they grub around for funds in grubby places. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for funding, you're quite correct, Director.
  • Web logs, for techies, for the media, or just for fun, now number in the millions.
  • Her husband, a tall, stout fellow who probably wrestles alligators for fun, stomps ahead, engrossed in the sports pages of the paper.
  • Do we simply accept our place at the back of the queue for funding, bracing ourselves for leaner times?
  • Scientists now have to compete for funding, and do not share information among themselves.
  • The old schoolroom is now open to the public and available for functions and events.
  • It makes for fun, beery conversations at the pub.
  • Its atmospheric corrosion resistance is adequate for functional uses, so applications of this type of steel include automobile exhaust equipment, radiator tanks, catalytic reactors, containerization and dry fertilizer trunks.
  • Humberts is now scouting around for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reforms that progressives had introduced to improve learning were, for fundamentalists, part of the problem.
  • At a time when libraries are more and more strapped for funds, I suppose more deaccessions are inevitable.
  • Shop smart by looking for fun twirly skirts that she can wear again and again to birthday parties or special outings. Say No to the Easter Dress: Pass Over Tradition!
  • He wasn't bowling along as if for fun as he usually does.
  • My aim is to open the political Establishment's eyes and convince them of the need for fundamental reform.
  • Last night, while surfing the web for fun clothing in my size (a fruitless exercise most days), I ran across this site and my avaricious little heart began to pound.
  • Humberts is now scouting around for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile Ballina is still whistling for funding for a marina at the local Quay.
  • There has been little response to our appeal for funds.
  • It is understood that the quest for funding will start in both Mayo and Roscommon County Councils.
  • The battle for funds has filtered down to senior schools where girls are demanding, and getting, equality.
  • If many banks applied for funds, it was less likely that there would be adverse publicity. Times, Sunday Times
  • A guppy is a small life loving creature with an innocence of a child and a thrill for fun and adventure. MMOs
  • The roach enjoyed sliming its way across the human food stored in the kitchen, and occasionally it would wriggle through a child's hair in the middle of the night, just for fun, but that was all petty revenge.
  • Are all convicted criminals allowed out for funerals? The Sun
  • The whole plot revolves around secretly videoing people for fun and profit. Thoughts on Red Dwarf
  • We all know that we watch sport for fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • State and territory governments are responsible for funding and managing state highways and arterial roads linking the major towns and cities.
  • These seasonal fishermen trapped fish from the swollen rivers for fun as well as profit.
  • Last time I checked, Bush also increased the amount of $$ for funding alternative fuelds moreso than any President before him (including Clinton) yet bash Bush bash Bush bash Bush. Police: 26 arrested in AIDS protest at Capitol
  • Take spinal charities competing vigorously for funds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe the Royal Society should have a closer look to the money spent for junk science while sermoning Exxon for funding skeptics. New Mann Paper « Climate Audit
  • It's not going to make up for fundamental flaws in your business plan or training.
  • She spent her last years pleading for funds and food for the starving thousands. Christianity Today
  • You meet where a group of people exercise for fun. The Sun
  • For fun, there's always chocolate ice cream.
  • Many a serious onomastician has begun by collecting odd names for fun, together with the stories that go with them. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol 2 No 1
  • Attractive woman, 27, seeks male, 25-35, for fun and friendship.
  • The great majority of Stone's other armorial cartouches were for funerary monuments, while the Russell / Brydges cartouches were obviously designed with the spirit of the grotto in mind.
  • And there is a crying need for fundamental reform in that area.
  • There will also be small volume niche market opportunities for functional foods, organic milk products and dairy ingredients, according to the report.
  • Those naughty boys barred themselves in for fun.
  • The small farmer will be at a distinct disadvantage in competing for funds.
  • Student loans were also vital for funding me during the copious breaks in the student term.
  • There are concerns regarding the lack of statutory minimum solvency requirement for funds in Namibia.
  • What is the current status of our application for funds?
  • If you ever wanted to know how to check cyclamen for fungal growth, or what makes your parsnips fork so unattractively, then this gently pastoral series is just what you've been looking for. Matt LeBlanc comedy Episodes shows what can go wrong in remaking telly
  • And they are more likely to ski and play tennis than kill other animals for fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The administrative burden is increased but the processes are the same as those already in place for fundholding.
  • Produce multi-colord or multi-resin parts for functional or cosmetical purpose, or both. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Our analysis shows the potential of evolutionary analysis for functional genomics.
  • Schools now had to compete for funds, offering their achievements as incentive.
  • The Austrian-based European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights said the Czech Republic is the only known EU nation which continues to use "phallometric testing," in which male asylum seekers who claim to be gay are hooked up to a device which monitors blood flow to the penis while being shown heterosexual porn. Czechs Slammed For Bizarre 'Porn Arousal' Test For Gay Refugees
  • The current state formula for funding special education is based on what districts were spending for special education in fiscal 1979-80.
  • Whilst a sportscotland spokesperson confirmed that Scottish bobsleigh athletes are not ineligible for funding, he is currently financially unsupported.
  • I realized only how much when some clueless physiotherapist tried to forbid me to run. Instead, he said, I should do something for fun and relaxation.
  • An extrapolation of current trends clearly indicates the need for fundamental changes in the structure of supercomputing systems in the future.
  • It has been criticised by environmentalists for funding groups that challenge the validity of global warming research. Times, Sunday Times
  • More disturbing are the measures for funding the package.
  • I simply believe that killing animals for fun is wrong.
  • I also never knew he invented a brand new instrument called the armonica try Googling it for fun. Archive 2006-07-01
  • A study released last month by Convio, a company that provides online software for fundraising and advocacy groups, found that giving via mobile devices and texting is climbing among Gen X donors, who are 30-45 years old, and Gen Y donors, who are 19-29. Technology, social networking transforms giving
  • Cytologic smears containing granulomas can be decolorized after initial examination and restained with AFB stain for mycobacteria and silver stain for fungal elements.
  • To enable A Dab Hand to apply for funding, groups and individuals are invited to register their interest in taking part in Eden's Big Draw event as soon as possible.
  • We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
  • The atmosphere was once more churchy, thanks in part to a collection for funds to pay the rent.
  • Horses, and other quadrupeds, also have scope for functional specialisation between limbs.
  • November 4, 2007 at 10:15 am no lolagator for funny reptiles? fizgig says: Lolwerdz & Cheezwerdz - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The syntax yields a general notation system for functions, based on an applicative language, where there is one basic category of terms (well-formed formulas in his terminology). Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
  • A small voice deep inside his mind insisted he share his scotch if he was going to hit the man up for funding.
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  • Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize.
  • These included short-sheeting a fellow guardsman's bed, shooting mailboxes and road signs for fun, and raiding the base commissary for Pop Tarts.
  • Generally, it was the more recently conducted reviews that had considered or tested for funnel plot asymmetry.
  • We're having a meeting to try to come up with ideas for fund-raising.
  • Some do this for fun; some, to avoid harassment.
  • This soap is an easy three layer loaf soap, with some sparkles thrown in for fun. President's Day Soap
  • Large charities with extensive staffs should be discouraged from handing responsibility for fundraising to other organisations, as if it were only ancillary to their work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Planning had been got and sanction for funding the housing element of the project had just been announced by the Dept of the Environment.
  • When bringing the hunt out to the backyard, foil wrappers will protect the eggs from dirt and debris, allowing for fun as well as a sanitary outdoor hunt.
  • He certainly represented an important segment of the Orthodox community, with a prodigious capacity for fund-raising and vote-getting.
  • A mangled cane is a great place for fungal disease spores to hide out, lying in wait to cause problems later or causing cane dieback now.
  • But the players have also suffered from thoughtless motorists churning up the pitch by driving cars on it apparently for fun.
  • You probably rasp the soles off their shoes just for fun before they know what's happening.
  • The bed - area was clearly designed for function rather than comfort.
  • This cape buffalo is a vicious beast that charges at humans seemingly for fun. Big game hunters cherish them for their malicious history.
  • This means at least partial independence of the capital market for funds.
  • You see, 'Liza was a great hand for deaths an' buryin's; an '' as for funerals, she'd ruther go to 'em than eat. Tiverton Tales
  • Sometimes the doctor may want to examine the hair root to look for fungus or see what is the predominant type of hair falling - whether it is anagen hair or telogen hair.
  • They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.
  • For fun, top it with panels that button back like the lapels of a sport coat.
  • Special stains for fungus and acid-fast bacteria are negative, although culture is the more definitive diagnostic test.
  • Attractive woman, 27, seeks male, 25-35, for fun and friendship.
  • You sense it did not want to be some over the top trash classic about gabby gay gadflies cruising for fun in Chi-town.
  • The land was restored after Bradford Environmental Action Trust applied to the Onyx Environmental Trust for funding to reclaim the land and create a local nature reserve.
  • After working primarily with smalti on 2D projects, I decided it was time to try something different - just for fun. Mosaic Art Source
  • It is an opportunity for fun runners, joggers and charity fund-raisers to rub shoulders with the fast and famous.
  • Improving models I work in a psychiatric hospital on a unit caring for functionally ill elderly people.
  • I may post storage-closet ephemera the rest of the week, just for fun.
  • I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun.
  • Train your dog to locate objects by following scents on a trail for fun or sport.
  • No government should ever be given direct responsibility for funding the arts - it is bound to make a mess of it.
  • Yet there should also be no need for MPs to feel so badly underpaid that they grub around for funds in grubby places. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Italy I used to put this song in playlist for Funk/Seventies stuff. Prisencolinensinainciusol
  • Apply for funding for two hospital support nurses who will work with the consultant.
  • I think there were 19 zip lines, and for fun they had what they called a Tarzan swing. Recent Updates
  • The funny runner put the sun - glasses on the gun for fun.
  • We've all seen sketches and clay models of new cars, or balsa wood models of skyscrapers: these aren't made for fun.
  • We all know that we watch sport for fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • It can, however, be passed as an argument type for functions which need to both modify and access descriptor data.
  • Increased volatility could make it harder for funds to join the triple-digit club over the next three years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scene is so L.A.: a line of red-tile roofs covering tidy stucco houses, most painted off-white or ochre, with an occasional pistachio green or bubblegum pink tossed in for fun.
  • Cytologic smears containing granulomas can be decolorized after initial examination and restained with AFB stain for mycobacteria and silver stain for fungal elements.
  • Camps have opened their doors for fun and sun.
  • Priscilla had just begun studying ornithology, and she quickly applied to her university for funds to cover airfare and expenses for a trip to Rodrigues.
  • Of course, that comes with certain idiosyncratic positions — not so good on gay rights, very good on the right to kill foxes for fun. Matthew Yglesias » Institutions Matter
  • Strapped for funds, the organizers had gambled a good chunk of their budget on one event.
  • Tossing is not the sort of pastime any fellow would choose for fun, not if he were the party to be tossed, though it is a beanfeast for the onlookers. Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) Letters from the Front
  • My vote for funniest is still the Gravel moment of zen. PoliticsTV Looks Back on Recent Political Videos
  • We plan to launch some rockets just for fun, eat a lot of blackberries and watermelon, roast some weenies and 'mallows over the fire, maybe play dangerous with some sparklers when it gets dark. Behe Responds
  • Coupled with Dowd's interviewing technique, which is about as penetrating as a charity worker soliciting for funds by rattling a tin, the outcome is rather unsatisfactory.
  • This means that in order to account for funding possibilities, the only way presently open is to further pathologize one more human condition which simply and not, at times requires professional care. Carol Smaldino: When Do We Get to Diagnose Our Own Society?
  • There has been little response to our appeal for funds.
  • The main selling point for fundamentalism's Bible prophecies is to get insight into what is coming soon.
  • I just got in from a day trip with sleepover - hang on, that makes it an overnighter - trip to down south, for fun filled frivolity in Sorrento, and a catch up with the missus.
  • The jaunty works, populated by animals, have a lot to say to an audience thirsty for fun and a dark subtext.
  • I would say that it did translate very well for an American audience, even while being riddled with talks of green tea, umeboshi eating contests, and samurai jokes … if you are looking for something to read for fun over the summer, pick up All You Need Is KILL. Pop Culture Shock on All You Need Is KILL « Haikasoru: Space Opera. Dark Fantasy. Hard Science.
  • Now until she gets caught on film in some kind of orgiastic foray into the vast sexual unknown for fun and profit she has plenty of conservative cred in the minds of the average Californian. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • By a donnish performance, more in the style of a school of philosophy than of an economics department, he proved the case for tax cuts, then forged an intellectual alibi for funking its implementation.
  • When he writes requests for funding projects, he puts in flowery statements about the poor thrusting their feet against the stones of Makala. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Conversely, the scarce availability of antibodies in teleost research to date often hampers the opportunity for functional experiments. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The membrane formed being elastically deformable and substantially impermeable for functioning as a vacuum bag in Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding, debulking, compaction, or similar processes.
  • You meet where a group of people exercise for fun. The Sun
  • The ruling is part of a charter that forms the basis of a self-regulation scheme for fundraising to be launched in the new year. Times, Sunday Times
  • While they make for funny dinner conversation now, in days of yore these words were taken very seriously.
  • Whether writing for fun, to enable ourselves to get through emotionally difficult times or just tohelp us make sense of the world, much can be gained from writing in a supportive atmosphere and it can indeed improve our emotional and physical health. All Things Girl » All Things Girl
  • Ross gabs regularly with a Georgian, his former Rangers team-mate Shota Arveladze, currently bagging goals for fun in Holland.
  • There were coaching inns and hostels, or you could lodge in monasteries, but no one did it for fun. Times, Sunday Times
  • One thing we would ask is for funding to be provided to maintain the new facilities to the required standard.
  • Beyond that there are filters, but most of them are for fun (negative, posterize) rather than actually letting you enhance your images although contrast, colour adjustment and greyscale might suit your needs. Pocket-lint
  • Indeed, both communities had every intention of using the Falls as a backdrop for fun and frolic.
  • This means at least partial independence of the capital market for funds.
  • They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.
  • The school is appealing for funds to invest in new equipment.
  • She sent him some footage to critique, thinking it might be useful for fundraising.
  • Tissue was sent from the surgical bench to microbiology for fungal, mycobacterial, and bacterial cultures, and for flow cytometry.
  • I wasn't serious; I only did it for fun.
  • It has won government support for funding past pension obligations, and to re-equip many sorting offices. Times, Sunday Times
  • A study of prescribing in all general practices in England for the first 6 years of fundholding found costs increased 56% to 59% for fundholders and 66% for non-participating practices.

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