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How To Use Fop In A Sentence

  • Of course, it's not all about the image and the looks (except that, in the case of this particular preening bunch of fops in their heyday, it was almost entirely about the image and the looks).
  • The orchestra plays Grieg and Moszkowski; a smell of chocolate is in the air; that tall, pink lieutenant over there, with his cropped head and his outstanding ears, his _backfisch_ waist and his mudscow feet -- that military gargoyle, half lout and half fop, offends the roving eye. Europe After 8:15
  • Men aren't afraid to be soft, girly and foppish and celebrate the inner life.
  • ‘You pitiful, foppish, berk,’ I irritably retorted, in my head.
  • The bonxie surveyed me coldly, raising dark wings and issuing a harsh double croak from its hooked, halfopen beak. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Not unless she's begun taking fopling youths into her band," Machaon replied. Conan The Triumphant
  • This "foppery" of Shakespeare's day had, then, its really delightful side, a quality in no sense "affected," by which it satisfies a real instinct in our minds -- the fancy so many of us have for an exquisite and curious skill in the use of words. Appreciations, with an Essay on Style
  • L s M: Pbilofophk Optm., neceffario femper ab inuicem ad Retinam vfque magis di~ uaricantur j &: in eam pro fitu fuffieienter diftinguibili inci - dentes j nihilominus, iuxta di&a, coincidentes cum ajiis eiuk dern Signabilis, ordinant diftin&am imprelTionem repra*fen - tatiuoruni, pluribus huiufmodi Signabilihus 5 in Vifione con - diftinguendis s refpondentium .. Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a fundamentis constituta, Nicolai ...
  • I don't think he's going to be as eccentric and as foppish as some of his incarnations.
  • [7] The Infoplease Dictionary says a Poise is, "a centimeter-gram-second unit of viscosity, equal to the viscosity of a fluid in which a stress of one dyne per square centimeter is required to maintain a difference of velocity of one centimeter per second between two parallel planes in the fluid that lie in the direction of flow and are separated by a distance of one centimeter. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • For all his foppish tendencies, Falworth was an amiable gentleman and an unexceptionable partner. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • And, when I'd finished, yawn, deliberate, foppish, showing an ice-cream-pink mouth and curled pink tongue. ON CATS
  • Billboard – Spanish Protest Against P2P Restrictions, May 26, 2007 p2pnet – InfoPSP admin jailed for something he didn ` t do, April 16, 2009 Spanish surfers protest anti-P2P restrictions
  • Two are notable-a witty fop, who lives nearby, and a down-at-the-heels aristocrat, who has been sponging off the family for decades.
  • The wit, light approach and mastery of touch, scale and color balance the figurines’ rather foppish preciosity.
  • The coquette Lady Betty Modish is led to accept the suit of the honourable Lord Morelove (contrasted with the boastful and immoral Lord Foppington) by a plot to excite her jealousy, followed by reproaches from Sir Charles.
  • He is a silly and superficial man, a fop or coxcomb.
  • Talk about 'the excellent foppery of the world'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its foppishness, the daily lazy routine of not beginning the day till late into the afternoon; the emphasis placed on poets and poetry and other cultural activities make for interesting reading.
  • With Iskandrian at Valentius 'side-perhaps, he thought, it was time to start thinking of the fopling as Moranthes II-there would be no chance to gather more men, and possibly no men left alive to gather. Conan The Triumphant
  • From a kind of foppery peculiar to himself, he wears the thick cloak of a common soldier. A Hero of Our Time
  • They disguise foppery to make every effort to scare people.
  • Based in the remote polder lands of Holland, Heerenveen, under the astute eye of their coach, Foppe de Haan, are seen in Dutch football as a sort of finishing school.
  • InfoPSP admin jailed for something he didn’t do next » ACTA threat to WIPO’s future
  • He told him, at the vanities and the fopperies of the time, to see men so empty of all virtuous actions, to hunt so far after gold, having no end of ambition; to take such infinite pains for a little glory, and to be favoured of men; to make such deep mines into the earth for gold, and many times to find nothing, with loss of their lives and fortunes. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Emerson's lip curled at the sight of this "foppishness"; he refused to wear a hat and usually went about with his sleeves rolled to the elbows and his shirt collar open. The Mummy Case
  • This is a serious, workman's dog, not the Pekinese or poodle that would denote a fop, and it is both relaxed and disciplined, which simultaneously demonstrates and justifies its confidence in the way things are.
  • He was in her service, not that of the fopling Valentius, and he would do well to remember it. Conan The Triumphant
  • A fopling poet though thou wert, dainty and perfumed, yet still a poet, sweet in a lady's bower, where all is fashioned as befits the place and time: a poet indeed! and, what is more, never wert thou turned from thy chosen path of duty by praise or purse -- although a poet and poor all the days of thy most checkered life. The Buccaneer A Tale
  • I heartily disliked all the affectations which had been introduced by the dandified fops. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • He is foppish and vain (he writes a very flattering line in autobiographies) - but also dashed fanciable.
  • FOPS provides a wide-ranging reference for researchers who are starting out in interstellar propulsion. Frontiers of Propulsion Science « dudegalea
  • Deur middel van 'n duisend projekte dwarsoor die land, word daar in hierdie week gevier en erkenning gegee aan die krag van vennootskap en selfopheffing, aan bemagting en selfverantwoordelikheid - dit alles in diens van die verandering en verbetering van mense se lewens, en die bou van' n nuwe Suid ANC Daily News Briefing
  • `I didn't like to say in front of that foppish actor fellow, but my Lord Rakewell's first victim was a player. THE RIVAL QUEENS: A COUNTESS ASHBY DE LA ZOUCHE MYSTERY
  • He's the Premiership's favourite boo-boy; a lightning rod for trouble and a preening fop who revels in his rep as the man they love to hate.
  • No thou pitiful flatterer of thy master's imperfections; thou maukin made up of the shreds and parings of his superfluous fopperies. The Comedies of William Congreve Volume 1 [of 2]
  • I simply see further evidence, if any were needed, that the man is a foppish dandiprat.
  • A more concentrated solution may be used only if quinupristin/dalfopristin is administered through a central line.
  • Who was the young page, and the mysterious young fop who had trailed them?
  • I mean, jeez, if I'm going to wallow in obvious hipsterism, I want it to at least be fun and well-executed, not ironically arch, foppish and bloodless.
  • As we watched, we were mainly struck by the self-involved foppishness of all the central characters.
  • Kenneth Branagh preens himself amusingly as buttery fop, explorer and new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart; Jason Isaacs is disdain personified as the villainous Lucius Malfoy.
  • The descriptions are "high-falutin" beyond all endurance, and there is particularly noticeable a kind of stylistic foppery, which is always hovering between sublimity and a giggle. Some Diversions of a Man of Letters
  • (he had held a much-envied shore appointment at the Ministry of Marine for a year preceding his retreat from his profession and from Europe), he possessed a latent warmth of feeling and a capacity for sympathy which were concealed by a sort of haughty, arbitrary indifference of manner arising from his early training; and by a something an enemy might have called foppish, in his aspect -- like a distorted echo of past elegance. The End of the Tether
  • Lord knows Cleveland has tried; London and New York have been put forward by many, and some fops might stake their claims on Tokyo, Chicago or Sao Paolo.
  • Their articles, it is true, were often a kind of yeasty collection of fond and winnowed opinions, but among these shallow fopperies there would at times be heard a strain of higher mood. The Philadelphia Magazines and their Contributors 1741-1850
  • Ac fuiffe cpjidcm qui tanien, ut alibi docui, edirio - exemplum illud editionis Hervagia - nem Obfopcei numquam infpcxilfe iiif, colligo cxeo, quod Calaubo - vidctur. Historiarum quidquid superest;
  • Emma decided she preferred the American wayless foppishness, more volume. Gold of Kings
  • This doesn't mean you ignore it or paper-it-over or become an agreeable fop - or worse, live everything at the whim of your child.
  • His foppishness was the foppishness of his youth, and to the last he wandered through Paris clad in the splendour of the days when young men were "lions," and when the quarrel between classicism and romanticism was vital. The Wits and Beaux of Society Volume 1
  • The Fhilofopheny in their diftribution of virtues have generally agreed upon four J which they call cardinal, becaufc all the reii: do turn upon them as upon their hinges. Sermons preach'd upon several occasions
  • Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house.
  • For all his foppish tendencies, Falworth was an amiable gentleman and an unexceptionable partner. WHOLE SECRET LOVE
  • The morphology and distribution of carbides in RE-modified semi-steel have been studied using the method ofopticalquantitative analysis. The carbide network can be broken by proper RE addition.
  • He was famous for a wardrobe that reflected every foppish trend of the day, and boasted that he knew which tweeds to choose to enable Bret Harte (1836-1902)
  • The style takes a while to get adjusted to since the novel starts on a very light note despite its grim underlying events, Portier being a very self-deprecating and wry narrator, while his two companions in the investigation, Chevalier Ilario and sorcerer Dante start as the overdone cliches of "fop" and "brilliant but moody outsider sorcerer". Today in Fantasy: February 8, 2010
  • Its creators were inspired by Wired magazine's "infoporn" section, which uncovered statistics otherwise buried in spreadsheets, and made them look interesting. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • He was handsome, and he knew that he was handsome; but he affected to despise the beauty of his proud dark face, as he affected to despise all the brightest and most beautiful things upon earth: and yet there was a vagabondish kind of foppery in his costume that contrasted sharply with the gentlemanly dandyism of the shabby gamester sitting at the table. Birds of Prey
  • Is it not better to hear their controversy from their own mouths whilst they are face to face before us, than to read these vile fopperies, which are nothing but trumperies, deceits, diabolical cozenages of Cepola, pernicious slights and subversions of equity? Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • When we met I thought Sam was a ridiculous fop and he considered me an unsophisticated oaf.
  • So little of the fop; yet so elegant and rich in his dress: his person so specious: his air so intrepid: so much meaning and penetration in his face: so much gaiety, yet so little affectation; no mere toupet-man; but all manly; and his courage and wit, the one so known, the other so dreaded, you must think the petits-maîtres Clarissa Harlowe
  • The amorous fops in the box are more refined and distant from the show than the working class audience in the pit.
  • By 1720 Restoration foppishness had given place to the dignity of the first Georgian period.
  • Ita docet Martin. lipe - nius in Biblioth.phitofoph. p. 649. Bibliotheca augustana, complectens notitias varias de vita et scriptis eruditorum, quos Augusta Vindelica orbi litterato vel dedit vel aluit
  • Men aren't afraid to be soft, girly and foppish and celebrate the inner life.
  • Edmund's speech, where the word "foppery" is a special clue: Montaigne and Shakspere
  • The one who killed Emma was herself, her illusion and her heart to pursue a foppish life.
  • The fops and dandies had no interest in war and concentrated instead on their seraglios.
  • His modern-day company is a shaft of light into a world he once straddled with an unprecedented combination of foppishness and fear tactics.
  • I loathe the lewd rake, the dress'd fopling despise: Prose and Poetry of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
  • Certainly NOT the foppish caricature that the GOP faithful paint. Barbour: Obama, Congress 'the most liberal' ever
  • Wimsey may have only played at being the kind of chipper-but-clueless fop that Bertie actually was, but ultimately the codes of the Woosters and the Wimseys are one in the same. Lance Mannion:
  • He's foppish, priapic and urbane, making the word 'lacuna' sound like a decadent holiday destination. Evening Standard - Home
  • The history is a young girl, Let people to doll up foppery.
  • Besides that, I'm given to foppishness and dandyism and always feel like I'm showing off when I dress up. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The image shows a close copy of the Dieffopruchar 1608 chitarrone by David Van Edwards, and is shown next to a normal G lute to indicate the huge size of this instrument.
  • Notwithstanding we wanted an example to encourage us in our porterly rudeness, we ordered them to light the wax candle, by which we ignified our pipes and blew about our whiffs; at which several Sir Foplins drew their faces into as many peevish wrinkles as the beaux at the Bow Street Coffee-house, near All About Coffee
  • First, Chinese males became effeminate fops, who dressed in motley silk costumes and sported ridiculously long fingernails. The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • A hospital cafeteria's mission statement, however, can put that of the most foppish of five-star beaneries to shame.
  • He rolled his eyes at himself as he thought of how much he had sounded like a foppish dandy worrying over his appearance.
  • - I know not who they are but they collect infoporn like I collect bad habits. MSDN Blogs
  • Even in the first book it becomes clear that Wimsey's apparent foppishness is largely an act to disarm others (and, to some extent, tame himself). Whose Body?
  • They are wonderfully ebullient and foppish monuments dating from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, with domes swelling out of all proportion to the base, each like a watermelon attempting to balance on a fig.
  • The broad expanse of shirt-front, with its delicate embroidery, not obtrusively splendid, but minutely elaborate rather, involving the largest expenditure of needlework to produce the smallest and vaguest effect -- a suspicion of richness, as it were, nothing more; the snowy cambric contrasts with the bronzed visage of the soldier, or blends harmoniously with the fair complexion of the fopling, who has never exposed his countenance to the rough winds of heaven; the expanse of linen proclaims the breadth of chest, and gives a factitious slimness to the waist. The Lovels of Arden
  • This hymn was tranilated at the requeft of a very learned and ingenious friend of mine, who was pleafed to find fuch juft fentiments of the Deity in a Heathen, and fo nauch poetry in a philofopher. The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical
  • When those bloody wars in France for matters of religion (saith [6619] Richard Dinoth) were so violently pursued between Huguenots and Papists, there was a company of good fellows laughed them all to scorn, for being such superstitious fools, to lose their wives and fortunes, accounting faith, religion, immortality of the soul, mere fopperies and illusions. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • None but a Parisian, and a Parisian of the upper spheres, could thus array himself without appearing ridiculous; none other could give the harmony of self-conceit to all these fopperies, which were carried off, however, with a dashing air, — the air of a young man who has fine pistols, a sure aim, and Annette. Eug�nie Grandet
  • “Youth and comeliness were gone, but the foppishness remained, and the red-faced man, with false teeth and the voice of a worn-out actor had his scanty grey hair curled.” Louisa May Alcott
  • As the fop contrived to dress his bailiffs in his livery and make them wait on his guests at table, so the chagrins which the bad heart gives off as bubbles, at once take form as ladies and gentlemen in the street, shopmen or bar-keepers in hotels, and threaten or insult whatever is threatenable and insultable in us. Essays — Second Series
  • The foppishness of aspects of the Roy Evans era came out in their tendency towards the floppy-on-top public school 'do. Five things we learned from the Premier League this weekend
  • See him now, his face lit up with delight at the parade advancing on every side, of cart and carriage, delivery truck and spacious brougham, of ladies in their colorful crinoline and dandies dandier than the foppish fop astride boneshaker bicycles weaving between the vendors’ carts as expertly as rodeo barrel racers. The Curse of the Wendigo
  • Brooks was clearly amused by her friend's dandified appearance, bone-thin in foppish drag, complete with masculine-cut jacket, high collar, monocle, bobbed hair and imperiously arched eyebrows.
  • The complete list of topics is available for subscribers at
  • As Rodrigo Borgia he is comical in his self-regard and foppishness, ordering villages to be stripped of chattals or his enemies slayed before sinking back weakly into his papal throne, fingering the edges of his golden crown mumbling that God is verily moving within him. The Borgias: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Even when the film flirts with shades of grey - such as the alternate visions of heroism offered by drunken knife-wielder Jim Bowie and his foppish rival William Travis - Hancock's adherence to rousing, simplistic conventions turns his story into laborious mush.
  • He was clad in what, though it was not distinctly a seaman's habit, yet suggested the ways of the sea, and there was a kind of foppishness about his rig which set me wondering, for I was used to a slovenly squalor or a slovenly bravery in the sailors I knew most of. Marjorie
  • He was well – mounted upon a sturdy chestnut cob, and had the graceful seat of an experienced horseman; while his riding gear, though free from such fopperies as were then in vogue, was handsome and well chosen. Barnaby Rudge
  • CROWLEY: In the end, no fopaus (ph), no unretrievable errors. CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2007
  • The act made him appear too much a fop for Emma's liking.
  • He was an unimpressive figure physically, weedy and foppish, and slightly lame since birth, but when he addressed the Members of Parliament he made them flinch with his phrases of masterful contempt.
  • Second, any man so concerned and fussy about the details of a tooth-pick case is definitely a fop, a dandy.
  • “The opening bid, gentlemen, is ten pounds,” the auctioneer announced, and almost instantly, a young buck with a very foppish knot in his neckcloth and shiny new boots tipped his hat. The Year of Living Scandalously
  • He is a silly and superficial man, a fop or coxcomb.
  • On average, the analysts expect fourth quarter funds from operations per share (FFOPS) for the REIT sector to increase 6. 1% year-over-year, but decline 28. 1% on an operating basis, which they define as excluding non-recurring items. HousingWire
  • Mother Brigitta found opportunity for various marginal notes, which indicated her displeasure at the boldness of this ill-bred fop.
  • “I thought 'foppery' was a consequence of refinement Life of Lord Byron With His Letters And Journals
  • A gloriously armoured fop who sat astride his decorative stallion while others did the work for him. TREASON KEEP
  • But the aging fop cheats on her like mad, which gives hope to the schlubby, radiantly unsuccessful Hardy scholar played by American stage actor Bill Camp. 'Tamara' And 'Funny Story': Uneasy, But Amusing
  • He became a symbol, I believe, to Al Smith of the shallowness of the American people, a shallowness that had hurt him so badly in '28 and had now elected this fop, which dilettante, which is how he perceived FDR. Empire Statesman: The Rise & Redemption of Al Smith
  • The unities of time and place he calls "fopperies," though time and place, he admits, are not to be lightly changed. [ Sir Walter Scott as a Critic of Literature
  • Quisque in alio superfluum esse censet, ipse quod non habet nec curat, that which he hath not himself or doth not esteem, he accounts superfluity, an idle quality, a mere foppery in another: like Aesop's fox, when he had lost his tail, would have all his fellow foxes cut off theirs. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Her foppish companion, along for the ride, seems both amused and distant in sunglasses, scarf and blazer, chin resting on his hand.
  • He had foppish hair and a patch of fur on his chin, looking rather like a he-goat, including the smile on his face. Deadly
  • I didn't yet understand the word "fop," but I sure wanted to be one, even if I had to cut off one of my own hands to look this dashing. NPR Topics: News
  • A marvellous fopling he will make in the sedate circles of owls and buzzards! Swallow Barn, or A Sojourn in the Old Dominion. In Two Volumes. Vol. I.
  • I felt the blood rush to my face, and I saw others glance around reprovingly when a city girl who sat behind me, and carried on a whispered flirtation with a fopling at her side during Mr. Rhodes's speech, drawled: Marion Harland's autobiography : the story of a long life,
  • Fastidious, clever, slightly skeptical, accustomed to the best society (he had held a much-envied shore appointment at the Ministry of Marine for a year preceding his retreat from his profession and from Europe), he possessed a latent warmth of feeling and a capacity for sympathy which were concealed by a sort of haughty, arbitrary indifference of manner arising from his early training; and by a something an enemy might have called foppish, in his aspect -- like a distorted echo of past elegance. Youth And Two Other Stories
  • They weren't the pot-bellied kind, more the underwear-model kind; tanned, perspiring, incongruously foppish hair, stubbled, one of them hanging off the end of a smoke, in dark blue cargo pants, boots, tool belts and nothing else.
  • To effect this he adopts the role of a foppish member of English society to deter suspicion, while his real, heroic identity is that of the ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’, daredevil adventurer.
  • I only add, that it is peculiar to the Platonic philofophy to fufpend phyfics from theology, and this in imitation of Orpheus, who fufpends Nature herfelf from the vivific goddefs Rhea, who is the caufe of all life, both that which is intelledtual, and that which is tnfeparable from the fluduating nature of bodies. The Description of Greece
  • James the Fair, brother of John the Foul (as they are referred to by the others) arrives for the 4th of July sporting a sun bonnet the size of a sombrero and so much foppery that Buzz suddenly looks like Bruce Willis.
  • It's coming alright but not in the way those light-headed, self-indulgent fops think.
  • Those files are used by FOP to render text in fonts other than the ones listed above.
  • A gloriously armoured fop who sat astride his decorative stallion while others did the work for him. TREASON KEEP
  • It’s the fact that Fopp has succeeded because it stepped outside the conventional indie record shop model of pure alternativity that intrigues me. War of All Against All: Realism vs Fabulism? Er, No…
  • By now it's an accepted fact among the city's clique of food fops and gourmets that inventive, high-quality dining is on the wane in recession-era, brasserie-crazed, comfort-food-addled Manhattan.
  • Around the harbour wall, foppish types in flannels and boaters sat with their lady companions on picnic rugs, applauding gently.
  • I smelt the fop by his pulvilio from the balcony down to the street.
  • Unfolded is the tame story of Reginald, a fop, who wants only Patience, the village milkmaid.
  • Don Diego Viega, whose picture might just be beside the word 'fop' if California had a dictionary, can do nothing about it. Archive 2007-03-01
  • I can tell you without a doubt … I’d allow myself to be staked out on top of a fire ant pile for three days before I’d have appeared at this sycophantic exercise in foppery, irrelevance and pathetic grandstanding! Thank God Joe Biden was at the beer summit. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Site down eh … look fopward to the changes – any idea how long the outage is going to be? Hired my first programmer. « The Paradigm Shift
  • Second, any man so concerned and fussy about the details of a tooth-pick case is definitely a fop, a dandy.
  • They sit in the parks with unhealed wounds; they hobble along the streets, many of them weary and worn; poor fellows! they are greater, and more to be envied than many a fresh fopling who struts by. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
  • The only connection art now has with creativity is through the imaginative hype which is used to sell it to a wealthy coterie of effete fops.
  • Terrific, now you look like a fop and folks won't have high expectations of you today.
  • Any man so concerned and fussy about the details of a tooth-pick case is definitely a fop, a dandy.
  • Clooney is superb as the vain, foppish McGill, scouring the stores for his preferred brand of hair pomade even as the police manhunt draws ever closer.
  • Those Curii and Fabricii will be ever renowned for contempt of these fopperies, wherewith the world is so much affected. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • 'foppery' was a sufficient argument for detesting it. The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. 1
  • In his dress he never adopts the fopperies of the day, but his clothes suit him — they are made for him, not he for them. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • I think this quote from the FoP prez is what shows they getit: The Volokh Conspiracy » “Phila[delphia Police] Officer Admits Lie in Saying He Was Shot”
  • At eight-and-twenty, Caesar, who not thirty years later was to die master of Rome, was chiefly known as a fop and a spendthrift. Roman life in the days of Cicero
  • We send all potential clients an infopack.
  • These are stagy comic types: the critic, the fop, and the hysteric.
  • I love this bit of presidential campaign infoporn from the Times, charting how often each candidate has mentioned each other candidate. Waldo Jaquith - Presidential mentions.
  • And which [6365] Brochard, the monk, in his description of the Holy Land, after he had censured the Greek church, and showed their errors, concluded at last, Faxit Deus ne Latinis multa irrepserint stultifies, I say God grant there be no fopperies in our church. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The work appears in a most pleasing form — I shall be glad to see him and am convinced from his writings that he is an amiable man I perceive no fopperies — no meretricious ornaments, no language of bigotry and enthusiasm in Letter 51
  • Quale fopor feflis in gramine, quale per aeftum Dulcis aquae faliente fitim reftinguere rivo: P. Virgilii Maronis opera: emendabat et notulis illustr. G. Wakefield
  • Similarly, Frederick Law Olmsted noted that many blacks in Richmond, Virginia, on a Sunday were “dressed with foppish extravagence, and many in the latest style of fashion.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • Foppington calls him; a pressing call from a fundless charity; or at best but a note from an advertising tailor to tell you that for several years past you have been paying 50 per cent. too high a price for your clothes; but, like most good news, this comes upon crutches, and the loss is past redemption. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 392, October 3, 1829
  • He looks kind of like a foppish dandy … kind of aristocratic from the waist up. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How much do comic book writers make?
  • Quale fopor feffis in gramine, quale per seftum Dulcis aquae faliente fitim reftinguere rivo: P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
  • Despite what you may have heard, dandyism is the antithesis of foppishness.
  • Notwithstanding we wanted an example to encourage us in our porterly rudeness, we ordered them to light the wax candle, by which we ignified our pipes and blew about our whiffs; at which several Sir Foplins drew their faces into as many peevish wrinkles as the beaux at the Bow Street Coffee-house, near All About Coffee
  • He shocked Boston with his foppish ‘velvet waistcoats of vivid green or brilliant crimson’ and his lowbred way of breezily combing his long tresses during a dinner given in his honor.
  • Boc this defign being difcovercd the day bcfbre it was: to have been piic ia executbn, when the exiles came up-* they foand the Citizens ready armed, and in foch 0/* d«r, not only to rqjcl them, but to fopprcfs any mf* ing within the waik, that no body durft offer ta move: fe that 'they, gave up the enterprize and drew off agami wtìjbout makiog any further effort at that time. The works of Nicholas Machiavel ..
  • Lets stop this foppishness, recognize the scale of the problem at hand, and realize its JUST A COMIC. So there.
  • Rumors have been swirling for years about the dignified perpetual bachelor, but TMZ can now confirm that sources close to sources have seen the foppish Prez "bending over a page when he's done with his reading." more Fortune's Stanley Bing: Exclusive Bulletins From the Archives of TMZ!
  • Small, slender and neat in jeans and a polo shirt, the suited dandy seems to have been washed away by the rain, though his floppy hair still has something of the fop about it.
  • On whkh confideration it might well be concluded witji wha (the Author of Religia Medici wrSes on this Snbjed: The Alceran is a Book compofed unadvifedly ftufied with idle and ridiculous Errors in Philofophy; fuftained by apparent S (4icifms, Subterfuges of Ignorance, the decrying pfAca - demies, and the banifliing of all manner of Learning, upheld by Force more than Reafon, the Fortupe of their Arms be - ing their greateft Argument. A New Account of East-India and Persia, in Eight Letters. Being Nine Years ...
  • Long before then, Heinrich had noticed his younger sibling's foppish ways, recommending the traditional ‘sleep cure’, and even offering the address of a bordello where the therapy could be obtained at modest cost.
  • The orchestra plays Grieg and Moszkowski; a smell of chocolate is in the air; that tall, pink lieutenant over there, with his cropped head and his outstanding ears, his _backfisch_ waist and his mudscow feet -- that military gargoyle, half lout and half fop, offends the roving eye. Europe After 8:15
  • The word foppish has appeared in 14 New York Times articles in the past year, including on Aug. 17 in the restaurant review "Now Appearing in Chicago, a Restaurant in Footlights," by Sam Sifton: NYT > Home Page
  • It is only a literary fop or doctrinaire who will attempt to remint all the small defaced coinage that passes through his hands, only a lisping young fantastico who will refuse all conventional garments and all conventional speech. Style
  • The fops and dandies had no interest in war and concentrated instead on their seraglios.
  • As the fop contrived to dress his bailiffs in his livery, and make them wait on his guests at table, so the chagrins which the bad heart gives off as bubbles, at once take form as ladies and gentlemen in the street, shopmen or barkeepers in hotels, and threaten or insult whatever is threatenable and insultable in us. Essays: Second Series (1844)
  • a kind of foppery peculiar to himself, he wears the thick cloak of a common soldier. A Hero of Our Time
  • This play displays little of the fruity malice or camp of that genre, even if Mark Gatiss' absurd turkey cock of a Captain Brazen has the boo-hiss foppishness of a pantomime villain. The Recruiting Officer - review
  • The wealthy financier was well known in upper crust social circles, and generally thought something of a fop, but his steely gaze and his whipcord muscles flexing like steel bands beneath the dark fabric of his suit would brook no delay. Free Excerpt 4/5: Book of Secrets by Chris Roberson
  • The satirist found the resort infested with sparks, cullies, bullies, stallions, fools, puts, fops, cuckolds, gamesters, antic beaux, London Jilts, strayed apprentices and dancing masters.
  • About 600 people throughout the world suffer from the incurable FOP.
  • Of all vanities and fopperies, to brag of gentility is the greatest; for what is it they crack so much of, and challenge such superiority, as if they were demigods? Anatomy of Melancholy
  • To the foolish fop who dared to defend my honor at Maud's, let it be known that I am a proud crank, a consummate dunce, and run such a fever that neither a team of doctors nor infinite cases of quinine can stop me from babbling like a raving loon.
  • Infoplease Dictionary says a Poise is, "a centimeter-gram-second unit of viscosity, equal to the viscosity of a fluid in which a stress of one dyne per square centimeter is required to maintain a difference of velocity of one centimeter per second between two parallel planes in the fluid that lie in the direction of flow and are separated by a distance of one centimeter. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • They were also aiming for a distinctly Southern R&B feel here and it's so good, it's easy to forget the whole thing was created by five English fops faking American accents.
  • This model contributes to that discourse with a nice mix of modeling, GIS and infoporn. » Blog Archive » Animated Model of Oil Spills on the BC Coast
  • It's like saying that no Scots actor can do a Wilde, or a Coward, or a Restoration fop.
  • Lastly, his dress is plain, without singularity, -- with no other ornament than the quill, which is the badge of his function, stuck behind the dexter ear, and this rather for convenience of having it at hand, when he hath been called away from his desk, and expecteth to resume his seat there again shortly, than from any delight which he taketh in foppery or ostentation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 84, October, 1864
  • To use the FOP library you should understand XSL-FO, which is a language for formatting XML data and is a W3C recommendation. full roast blend
  • I loved that band: much less boysy than the Jam, all summer joy, camp promos and Euro-fop fashion. Culture |
  • De philofophorum doc - trinal i bell us ex Cicerone, 8vo. The Monthly Review
  • After unzipping the download, you will have a file name fop-0. 95 (the latest version as of November 4, 2008). full roast blend
  • Frankly, I'd prefer less infoporn at DB, especially when it clearly misrepresents reality. jmho. hedgehog, Jan 22, 2009 3: 01PM Dealbreaker
  • Coming across the name Sitarissimo among my press releases, I immediately envisioned droning sitar accompanied by a foppish dandy in a powdered wig and ruffle-cuffs, tooting on a piccolo.
  • Parisian fopling, had formed the subject of conversation in many an assembly of pious ladies, and hands and eyebrows had been uplifted at the iniquities of Chilton Abbey, as second only to the monstrous goings-on of the Court at Oxford. London Pride Or When the World Was Younger
  • But now the august Wall Street Journal officially declares that collar-poppin is not "foppish" a bit! Gawker: Valleywag
  • It grieves me deeply that we Americans should take as our classic a book that is no more than a lengthy description of the doings of fops.
  • His whole dress and air was not what could properly be called foppish, it was rather what at that time was called "rakish. Lucretia — Complete
  • The women are silly, with their breasts pushed up in Empire waists, and the men look like Britpop fops.

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