How To Use Footstep In A Sentence
This relationship is also honest, but you keep it a bit more circumspect because you know this person is going to follow in your footsteps.
Christianity Today
Idiot muttered, he had stayed, making sure I didn't choke up to death with my own barf; and I heard his footsteps leaving the girls' bathroom.
But she insisted she was not tempted to follow in their footsteps.
The Sun
I didn't move until I heard slow footsteps and peaked over the top of the gold to see Garren warily approaching the dragon, favoring his left leg.
The Waterford publicans, who have signified their intention to defy the ban, are following in the footsteps of their colleagues in Kerry, Cork, Donegal and Wexford.

he won't step into his father's footsteps
In a way, you could say this thrill seeker is also following his father's adventuresome footsteps - his dad once maneuvered a motor boat from Venezuela to Miami.
When Sampras was taking his first steps to greatness, he had a small gang of hopefuls dogging his footsteps.
Suddenly she heard footsteps and voices; some one was coming along the path towards the beehouse.
The Party
I could still smell him in the laundry, hear his footstep, and run my hands over tools he'd touched every day.
I heard footsteps coming up the stair.
Strangely, having run his fastest to get to her, Hyacinth seemed almost reluctant to knock at the door, or enter without knocking, and while he was hesitating on the doorstone her singing ceased, and she came out to see whose fleet footsteps had stirred the small stones of the pathway.
The Hermit of Eyton Forest
She stood perfectly still, listening to his footsteps recede down the hall.
He heard footsteps approaching, and drove his spurs so fiercely into the roan as to force a surprised groan from the animal as it leaped forward.
He could hardly hear the sound of her footsteps, and somehow, she masked her prints in the grass.
The assumption that gender parity in all things is inconducive to sustainable propagation arrives at the footstep of the ideas in Steve Sailer's article "The Return of Patriarchy?".
The Audacious Epigone
Bewildered by the suddenness of this blow, I could but watch in helpless silence the advancing throng, with my poor friends in their midst, their hands bound, their tottering footsteps directed by rude shoves towards the pipul tree, the accustomed assembly place of the villagers and the village council.
Tales of Destiny
He also expressed pleasure to be following in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor Charles Darwin.
Their footsteps and body movements create an epic sight and sound emanating from the stage.
There is an occasional cough, the shuffle of a footstep, the jingle of some coins, and the rattle of newspapers.
It is all too easy to sneak out of the apartment now, and within the space of five minutes, my footsteps are pounding along the pavement.
It didn't sound like the creaky door, or even footsteps on the dusty floor.
My question is this: If my kids who are born in Miami decide to become fans of the teams that I root for, because they want to follow the footsteps of there dad, could that be another acception to the rule?
Girsch's Law of Sports Fandom « Lean Left
She paid tribute to her tutors at Footsteps where she has trained for eight years.
Luke, who delivered a litter of puppies from the family's border collie last September, had passed the entrance test into the navy and had hoped to follow in his father's footsteps and become an artificer.
Not a month goes by but someone else flees the sinking ship, following in the tiny footsteps of their predecessors, the shipside rodents.
America is Lost--and We Lost It
After a while, the faint, almost inaudible but unmistakable sound of footsteps could be heard.
I do not speak from personal experience, for I detest the sweet, cloying stuff; but it occasionally fell to my lot to guide down-stairs the uncertain footsteps of some ventripotent Kommerzien-Rath, or even of Mr. Over-Inspector of Railways himself, both temporarily incapacitated by injudicious indulgence in Swedish Punch.
The Days Before Yesterday
Soon enough, the soft sound of footsteps gave way to hushed voices.
We could hear his footsteps clopping up the stairs and echoing down the upstairs hall.
No one will be able to follow in your footsteps with such gentle tact and marvellous support.
Times, Sunday Times
Is your dad happy for you to follow in his footsteps?
The Sun
Her footsteps and the faint noise of her limbs striking one another as she walked sounded like the mechanism of a time bomb.
But she insisted she was not tempted to follow in their footsteps.
The Sun
Thankfully, after crew helped her retrace her footsteps, the ring turned up.
The Sun
Her heavy footsteps clopped off into the distance and the room was silent.
Her mum has set some lofty standards and it must be a daunting prospect following in her footsteps.
The Sun
Her mum has set some lofty standards and it must be a daunting prospect following in her footsteps.
The Sun
Once again, there was the sound of footsteps thumping up the stairs.
In 1990 he climbed Everest, following the footsteps of George Mallory, and lost five stones in weight through the ordeal.
Sleeping by day was none the less a poor option, as they were persistent, and not easily convinced of your absence; your heart would race with every passing car or footstep.
I'm following in my father's footsteps.
There was a confusion of footsteps as the Russian boys barreled down the steps, still calling to each other, and then the metallic sound repeated itself.
Quoting from that report, Fear harries his every footstep, caution muffles his words.
Sit-Down Strikes and Coxey's Army
Strange noises, ghostly footsteps and ice cold winds haunt staff working late into the night.
Catherine leapt to her feet as the sounds of footsteps drew nearer.
her footsteps echoed hollowly in the empty hall
It must be added, that, though the effluvium which is left by the footsteps of man is in general sufficient to induce lions to avoid a village, there are exceptions; so many came about our half-deserted houses at Chonuane while we were in the act of removing to Kolobeng, that the natives who remained with Mrs. Livingstone were terrified to stir out of doors in the evenings.
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
I heard their patters of footsteps stop near my door.
the hollow sound of footsteps in the empty ballroom
They have been quick to follow in their father 's footsteps.
The Sun
Petronelle, who takes such care of me that she dogs my footsteps like a messan. '
Two Penniless Princesses
I tried to slow my breathing as I listened to my mother's footsteps clunking up the stairs.
The girl squeaked, dropped the phone, and I heard her footsteps retreating away from the phone.
The problem is the horde of dolly birds who want to follow in the Wags' footsteps.
Times, Sunday Times
He heard footsteps from behind the black door, and a shadow formed underneath it.
George heard the soft shuffle of footsteps approaching from the hall.
When Caleb could no longer hear his footsteps ascending the staircase outside the parlor, he rested the poker against the mantel and turned back toward the vestibule.
He was vaguely aware of footsteps behind him.
They seemed to have made a cowardly retreat and were most likely shivering in fear from the sound of her giant robot's earth-shaking footsteps.
The stealthy footsteps of a cat crept down the edge of the lane and slunk away behind a stack of barrels.
I heard footsteps crunching towards me across the white pebble courtyard.
Times, Sunday Times
The footsteps halted in the doorway.
We thought we heard the stealthy crunch of a boat beaching at midnight and footsteps climbing the cliff path.
I hear his footsteps and decide to add that sound to the piece, and it's a good sound: the clomp, clomp, clomp that only thin soles over asphalt can give.
Variation on a Variation of a Mode
The next day, the wolf's footsteps on the snow showed that he had spent the night in prowling round the hut, and that its frail defence had not excluded him from entering it.
A Book of Golden Deeds
Guiromélans senses more than hears Balen's stealthy footsteps beneath the tables.
As she walked towards the town centre with a friend, she heard footsteps behind her.
As the guard's footsteps receded, we let out a collective sigh.
He heard soft footsteps coming up the stair.
While Emily gazed with awe upon the scene, footsteps were heard within the gates, and the undrawing of bolts; after which an ancient servant of the castle appeared, forcing back the huge folds of the portal, to admit his lord.
The Mysteries of Udolpho
Within thirty seconds, footsteps could be heard coming down the path, so the fire was stamped out.
While the country expects, our pallid hero will buckle under the weight, following in the footsteps of a long line of unlucky losers.
He was charming and polite and very encouraging to those who would follow in his footsteps.
We can hear footsteps above and the scraping sounds of our crates and cases being dragged across the floorboards.
She gave me the confidence to follow in her footsteps.
Times, Sunday Times
The only sounds breaking the silence of the night were our footsteps, along with our shallow breathing.
The footsteps retreated quickly from inside her cell, the door clanging shut and the bolt scraped across the metal, signaling the door was locked.
Their footsteps on the bare boards sent out hollow echoes.
He followed in his father's footsteps and became a motor mechanic.
Ray followed in his father's footsteps and served full-time at Swindon fire station for two years.
Following in the footsteps of bloggers much bigger and better than myself, I am profiled in today's edition of Norm's weekly foray into the minds of men.
She listened to the tiny echoes of her footsteps.
No one will be able to follow in your footsteps with such gentle tact and marvellous support.
Times, Sunday Times
Occasionally . . . he carries in his hand an iron cage in which are ferrets, while two or three crop-eared rough terriers dog his footsteps.
Sociology most Dickensian
In the distance, I heard the sound of footsteps crashing through underbrush.
Thence we turned into the Rue St. Denis, which is one of the oldest streets in Paris, and is said to have been first marked out by the track of the saint's footsteps, where, after his martyrdom, he walked along it, with his head under his arm, in quest of a burial-place.
Passages from the French and Italian Notebooks, Volume 1.
Floors, for example, can alert guards based solely on how loud a footstep reverberates upon its surface.
I'll admit that I was more than a little jumpy as I made my way through this gauntlet of jimsonweed and Huggies, but as I grew closer and began to make out the outline of the bunker's entrance, I heard music, faintly at first, but growing louder with each footstep until I finally recognized it as ABBA's Waterloo.
Live blogging for Lieberman or how Bill Kristol saved my life
So that when I heard his heavy footstep advancing along the passage my heart did misgive me, and I felt that I was trembling.
Tales of all countries
Elephants' footsteps stretch along an expanse of sandy beach then disappear into thick forest.
Times, Sunday Times
The whole orchestra and the two - hundred-man-strong chorus would come thundering after me -- the _orchestra on the right key_ and _the chorus following in my footsteps_.
In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters
At 7am, he woke to the sound of heavy footsteps as the England players gathered for their morning run.
The ground was hard and brown and rocky, parched, but the caw of birds from a nearby grove of olive trees muted the sound of my footsteps.
Grabbing up my quiver and Caddo bow, I carefully followed in his footsteps as we picked our way across his camp and then down the trail that led to the creek.
Fire The Sky
On the eve of curtain-up, Cooper and Strallen joined their director Jonathan Church backstage to talk about following in the footsteps of Gene Kelly and Debbie Reynolds, and the challenges of bringing a celluloid classic to toe-tapping, puddle-splashing life. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
Eve's footsteps were echoing off the dank walls as she walked forward a few paces.
There is an occasional cough, the shuffle of a footstep, the jingle of some coins, and the rattle of newspapers.
His ambition is to follow in Slim's footsteps singing and playing traditional Australian bush ballads.
He footsteps pounded down the stairs and rang in my ears.
I heard footsteps on the sidewalk and saw a hulk of a man approaching from the office, who I first assumed was a guest.
she could hear echoes of her own footsteps
In Eastwell Park there was a hill, called Parnassus, to which she was particularly partial, and to this she commonly turned her footsteps.
Gossip in a Library
a footstep behind him, he turned round, and beheld approaching him a young and graceful form, habited in a white hacqueton wrought in gold, with golden spurs on his feet, and a helmet of the same costly metal on his head, crested with white feathers.
The Scottish Chiefs
Hearing footsteps behind her, she got to her feet and turned round.
Wulfgar heard her footsteps stamping back to the camp and in the darkness her footsteps at his own inadequacy.
He followed in his father's footsteps and became a motor mechanic.
The sound of a single sliding footstep squelching through the thick mud alerted him.
Hiroshige, who was born Ando Tokutaro, was a member of the samurai class, and, following in his father's professional footsteps, he was a part of the shogun's firefighting organization.
Silence ensued her words, and footsteps resounded through the auditorium.
The two losers got to follow in the footsteps of their fellow compatriots by walking the plank.
If she heard footsteps she would wonder whether it was him, if he'd be there when she got home from school.
Footsteps echoed through out the corridor as the light danced over its surface, scouring over the walls, unmasking the darkness and exposing all of the details beneath its harsh brutality.
Grandmama, I hear the pitter-patter of footsteps.
We'll follow in Muir's footsteps through the awesome groves in the new monument - the last major sequoias to be protected.
The eerie wind began to sound like the wail of a banshee, the creaks and groans of the castle began to seem like footsteps stalking toward her.
The happy village was gone -- razed to the very foundations -- the demesne was a solitude -- the songs of the reapers and mowers had vanished, as it were, into the recesses of memory, and the magnificent palace, dull and lonely, lay as if it were situated in some land of the dead, where human voice or footstep had not been heard for years.
The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
It gave Elissa the green light and she walked down quickly, keeping her footsteps light, feeling her knapsack bump lightly against her back.
It follows too closely in the footsteps of films like Full Metal Jacket and Three Kings, but lacks similar power and punch.
She gripped the iron edges and suspended herself in the inky blackness, as she heard footsteps going through the corridors.
Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
Your present lecturer is a modest follower in Berzelius's footsteps.
Theodore W. Richards - Nobel Lecture
They were asked to retrace the footsteps of an ancestor back to the great war.
Times, Sunday Times
He could hear the sound of footsteps pounding down the metal stairs.
Wherever you go in Western France you follow in the footsteps of history, shadowed by myth and legend, with fable and fairy tale snapping at your heels.
The sound of footsteps on the path broke the stillness.
We cannot see how deliverance will come or when it will come, but nothing is more certain that every trace of Hitler's footsteps, every stain of his infected, corroding fingers will be sponged and purged and, if need be, blasted from the surface of the earth.
No to the Nazis
It happened otherwise, however; for, after the exchange of a few indistinct words, they were antonished when they heard the noise of the unbolting and unbarring of the gates of the inn, and presently after the footsteps of men upon the stairs; and the landlord entering, with an appearance of clumsy courtesy, prayed those assembled to make room for an honored guest, who came, though late, to add to their numbers.
Anne of Geierstein
Sound effects come through nicely, such as the howling wind on the mountain or the crunch of footsteps in the snow and ice.
She takes such care of me that she dogs my footsteps like a messan.
Her footsteps echoed down the corridor.
As her group moved forward, she snuck behind a building and waited for the footsteps of her group to fade away.
Swift, clicking footsteps had followed him along the road.
Footsteps pounded the pavement behind them, and Devon gripped her hand tightly.
Suppose the camera is tracking in, following a bad guy's footsteps.
We heard voices outside and then a sound of clattering footsteps and the men were back in the room.
Times, Sunday Times
There was no screaming, no running footsteps, no echoes across the stony surfaces.
I heard footsteps running up from behind me but before I could turn on my own I was being bodily forced to turn by the very strong hands of David.
Her finger tightened on the trigger as she heard footsteps approaching.
I could hear the footsteps getting closer and louder but I insisted to myself that my sloppy clumpy food was far more interesting.
I heard the door click and a few footsteps and then suddenly, the left side of my bed sank.
Footsteps echoed hollowly in the corridor outside her cell, coming closer.
He turned around at the sound of footsteps behind him.
Her footsteps echoed loudly as she shuffled across the foyer, dimly lit by the beams of moonlight lancing across the shiny floor.
When we visited Tobermory last summer, the place was overrun by 3-7 year olds wearing pink and following in the footsteps of their heroes.
After a moment, I heard his footsteps fade into a jingle of keys and a hacking cough.
Julian winced slightly at the sound of the shrill voice echoing down the halls, accompanied by thundering footsteps.
Her footsteps came almost to a halt, then she breathed in deeply and her shoulders rose in resolution.
He heard soft footsteps coming up the stair.
She works in television, following in her father's footsteps.
While in the Pacific the crew of the auxiliary traced the footsteps of Sir Francis Drake by landing boats on a Costa Rican shoreline.
There is even talk that his son Brett might follow in his dad's golden footsteps and make the jump to the WHA if the NHL shuts down.
My steps crunch over the hard-packed snow that covers the drive, unmarred by a single footstep.
Secret History of Elizabeth Tudor, Vampire Slayer
A century ago, mountains were climbed in hobnailed boots with stafflike ice axes, footsteps laboriously cut all the way to the top.
Agitated by these reflections, which put sleep at defiance, Esther continued at her post, listening with that sort of acuteness which is termed instinct in the animals a few degrees below her in the scale of intelligence, for any of those noises which might indicate the approach of footsteps.
The Prairie
We waited a few seconds in silence, before we heard rhythmic footsteps crescendoing as a dim, short outline approached the door.
His footsteps made loud thuds as he walked around the kitchen's ceramic floor.
The soft shuffle of footsteps in the silent hall alerted Cassari to the fact that some of the students were moving.
At one point, not feeling as footsure as our leader, several of us refuse to follow in his footsteps.
The spurned woman shows up on the cruise as well, dogging the newlyweds' footsteps.
Having been a truant pupil himself, Mark was keen to ensure that they did not follow in his footsteps, although they were rarely excused from helping him with his own projects.
Floyd is one of the original TV chefs, following in the footsteps of Fanny Craddock and the Galloping Gourmet, but has not been regularly on terrestrial TV for around two years.
When I heard footsteps nearing the door, I quickly pretended to be asleep again.
And early signs are the foal could follow in her parents' footsteps.
The Sun
she could hear echoes of her own footsteps
He was forced to edge back from the drop and retrace his footsteps until he found the correct urning.
The Seventh Scroll
No one will be able to follow in your footsteps with such gentle tact and marvellous support.
Times, Sunday Times
There was lightness in my footsteps and a smile on my face.
Each footstep raised a small cloud of dusty ochre Virginia clay, turning the olive drab of my fatigues a rusty red.
Just as she finished setting the last stitches, she heard his footsteps in the dooryard.
The leprechaun skipped along, his footsteps impossibly light, with his face buried in The Hobbit, laughing every now and then or muttering a "begorra.
The Woods Out Back
Quoting from that report, Fear harries his every footstep, caution muffles his words.
Sit-Down Strikes and Coxey's Army
She heard the sound of footsteps outside.
Shadows offered only meagre protection, but it was protection I was thankful for as I listened to her footsteps come down the hall toward me, the steps slow and measured.
I heard heavy footsteps on the porch steps and glanced over as the guy almost fell but grabbed the railing, teetering to the left unsteadily with a quiet laugh.
I just wanted to leave and follow in my dad 's footsteps in the police.
The Sun
Voices and footsteps were heard from outside the thick wooden doors that led to the dining room.
Footsteps overhead startled her before she realized Daffyd must have gone upstairs by now.
To her father's disgust she bought them both, and presented them to two wide-eyed children who in bashful fascination were dogging their footsteps.
Jerry Junior
The steps are miked so we hear the footsteps, including the click of the ladies' high heels.
The noise of approaching footsteps on the stair was therefore welcome; but it turned out to be only the telegraph boy.
I heard footsteps downstairs on the first floor and it sounded like Gorey speaking in a shushed sort of voice.
They heard footsteps in the main room, beyond a door.
They live in a smart house in London that echoes to the sound of rowdy footsteps on the stairs and cheerful demands for attention.
Times, Sunday Times
A new generation of "popera" (pop meets opera) acts like blind Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli followed in their footsteps.
A Maestro for the Masses
She followed in her mother's footsteps, starting her own business.
Fate made you the only son I could truly claim as my own, the only one who would follow in my footsteps as a soldier and a cavalla officer.
Renegade's Magic
We know further that the habitant is the bulwark of our nationality because he has retained all the ancestral virtues, because the ill-wind of unrest, foreign penetration, modern luxury, bolshevist preachings pass over his head, because in his happy home rises a generation that will follow in his footsteps.
One of Canada's Assets, the Habitant
And besides, though he was as practical and realistic as his father, he was also as principled and as headstrong and as stubborn as his mother, so he would follow in his father's footsteps.
Poor Paul! hunger and dispiritment track thy sinking footsteps: once or at most twice, in this
The French Revolution
Footsteps echoed in the hallway, accompanied by the sound of Benny's humming.
He left an indelible impression on Japanese audiences and it would take a brave man to try and follow in his footsteps.
The footsteps resumed again, retreating into the dark once more.
In the footsteps of tradition, the GranCabrio opens a new chapter, because never before have four-seater top-down models ever been produced at the Viale Ciro Menotti Maserati factory.
The new Maserati GranCabrio to premiere in Frankfurt
I could hear a soft pitter-patter of footsteps near the entrance of the hut.
He moved towards me quietly, his eyes fixed on mine, his footsteps making no sound on the tiled floor.
She would hear tile swirl of water from the downstairs washroom, his footsteps on the tessellated floor of the hall.
The noiselessness was broken momentarily by a set of footsteps, rustling the snow-crusted leaves.
She heard the sound of footsteps outside.
We followed in the footsteps of the crew along the flying walkway, passing under a large A-frame that supported the foremast.