How To Use Footman In A Sentence

  • If you chance to take an elegant drive up the 'Fifth Avenue,' and meet a dashing equipage -- say with horses terribly caparisoned, a purloined crest on the carriage-door, a sallow-faced footman covered up in a green coat, all over big brass buttons, stuck up behind, and a whiskey-faced coachman half-asleep in a great hammercloth, be sure it belongs to some snob who has not a sentence of good English in his head. An Outcast or, Virtue and Faith
  • Coaches were not only expensive to purchase, but they were costly to maintain as they required a liveried servant to drive them and had a place for a footman.
  • They get emotional breakdowns, drug-running and terminal illnesses; we get the cast of Downton Abbey blushing over a footman buffing the wrong tureen. With The Big C, Nurse Jackie and Weeds, US TV has given us women who are more than just Mistresses
  • He carried a riding crop-a leather-wrapped handle on a sharp, hooked piece of steel that might have been called a footman's pick back in Argive. Bloodlines
  • The footman went ahead against the hurricane.
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  • What was more, my lord's coachman caught it up, and he called her countess, and he had a quarrel about it with the footman Kendall; and the day after a dreadful affair between them in the mews, home drives madam, and Kendall is to go up to her, and down the poor man comes, and not a word to be got out of him, but as if he had seen a ghost. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • There is a bienseance also with regard to people of the lowest degree: a gentleman observes it with his footman — even with the beggar in the street. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • ‘My Lady,’ the footman said, giving Ky a much-needed hand down.
  • The coachman was fat and florid, the footman a particularly fine specimen of flunkeydom, and their faces, as the light of my lamps fell upon them -- they could not speak, for they were both gagged as well as bound -- were so convulsed with terror, that I could see they did not look upon me as a friend. The Motor Pirate
  • Luckily for him, this state of suspense was not long, for within half an hour of his leaving the breakfast-table, the footman knocked at his door — that footman with whom, at the beginning of his difficulties, he had made up his mind to dispense, but who had been kept on because of the Barchester prebend. Framley Parsonage
  • On one famous occasion Diana, barefoot and casually dressed in jeans, buttered toast for an astonished footman.
  • Still, there was a large bag of unknown contents hoisted in by a footman.
  • “Monsieur le capitaine Paz begs Madame la comtesse to excuse him,” said the footman, returning. The Imaginary Mistress
  • Cutlets ha la ravigotte or 'ommard ha lamerican, Sir Antony?" the voice of the first footman sounded in our ears. The Reflections of Ambrosine A Novel
  • That the household was once more without a footman was a hard fact. Anthony Lyveden
  • Beyond that, however, she was cloyingly solicitous, insisting she would send a footman with some of Ballyclose's damson jam. ALL ABOUT LOVE
  • A footman came and did something deft with a spoon and a plate and a linen napkin.
  • Immediately the gaitered legs of a footman showed themselves on the staircase above; whereupon I was seized with such a fit of nervousness that I hastily bid the lacquey say nothing about my presence to the Youth
  • Only after a footman helped her into the drop-front phaeton outside did he look down at what he held in his hand. The Lightkeeper
  • I believe he was footman in the family, before Napoleon princified him.” Burlesques
  • Just now a _palkee-gharree_, cheapest of one-horse vehicles, with but one half-naked syce running at the pony's head, and never a footman near, passes the spanking Arabs; the plain turban of a respectable accountant in the Honorable Company's coal office at The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 03, January, 1858
  • The word footman does not refer to that class of servants who are badged and dressed in livery to gratify the pride of their masters, nor to that description of foot-soldiers or infantry, whose business is designated by the blood-stained colour of their clothes. Works of John Bunyan — Volume 03
  • While a footman was absorbing the attention of the coachman by giving him some minute, unnecessary orders, Madame (as they called the duchess) slipped out of the carriage door with one of her ladies, while two others, who were standing ready in the darkness, took their places. France in the Nineteenth Century
  • But there are subtle ways in which one can gauge the standing of, say, a footman or maid by the way in which they address their superiors. AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
  • The former footman takes up the story. AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
  • A footman was demoted for adding gin and whisky to the dogs' food. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her footman jumped down and the carriage door opened, as if by magic.
  • Reggie watched a footman hand another bandbox up to the Ashford coachman. ON A WICKED DAWN
  • But as the time of the waltz approached she sent a footman to fetch Chalker and another to call Jethro, and made her adieus to the Duchess and Fanny. The Outrageous Dowager
  • Eventually Joseph falls in love with Fanny, a milkmaid, becomes footman to Sir Thomas and Lady Booby, and, together with Mrs Slipslop the chambermaid, attends them for their season in London.
  • In the movie it is the footman of the Grand Duke on behalf of the Prince who performs the actual fitting, but with so many fidgety kids on stage, the drama teacher economized the happy ending. Parents Behaving Badly
  • Why is it that the word aristocrat as applied to a gentleman is as offensive as that of flunkey applied to a footman? Red Pottage
  • And who among us knew that one of the tasks of a royal footman is not merely to stand about the place with a stern gaze and assorted frippery on his head?
  • 'abundance of art, to be sure she has; for I'll answer for it, this intrigue with a footman is not the first by many; but, poor woman, her charms are in their wane now, so the man is a substitute for the master.' The Castle of Wolfenbach
  • The footman and coachman atop of the carriage were not wearing the black and red uniform of this Country, like Loraine's men, but a uniform that was a light blue and black.
  • A liveried footman was walking away from his front door as Croft rode by.
  • But that it amounts to more than "shucks," despite the footman's epigram, is presently apparent when the staff-officer comes more slowly back, easing his panting horse. A War-Time Wooing A Story
  • The subjoined will show the style of the "littery" footman, who, as a critic, "sumtimes gave kissis, sumtimes kix": Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
  • This is the man who has a footman put the toothpaste on his toothbrush for him, after all. The Sun
  • A footman dressed in the burgundy livery of the Ayeleborough house was waiting for us at the train station.
  • There were no liveried footman doffing their hats and opening glass doors with gloved hands.
  • She calls her chariot, 'vehicle'; her furbelowed scarf, 'pinions': her blue mant and petticoat is her 'azure dress'; and her footman goes by the name of Oberon. The Tatler, Volume 1, 1899
  • So what if Sweeney buys drinks for Rachel Rabinowitz or Aunt Helen's footman dandles the second parlormaid?
  • So he took my challenge, which was accepted; we went out, Lord C---'s servant being seconded by a reformado footman from the Palace. Lavengro The Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
  • An underman or footman takes the place of this lofty being, and waits at table. Manners and Social Usages
  • It seems that a chief, conspicuous from his glittering armour and steel head-piece, mounted on a powerful horse with an armed footman behind him, attracted the notice of the Goorkhas by the cool manner in which he rode up to within a distance of about eighty yards, delivered his fire, then galloped away out of gunshot to allow the gentleman "en croupe" to reload. A Peep into Toorkisthhan
  • She plucked off her blindfold only to discover the blushing footman she had just embraced!
  • a youth, foot-soldier: L. infntem INFANT n. 1 For the development of the It. infante cf. the apocopated form fante 'a man or woman servant or attendant; also, a footman or soldier seruing on foot; also the knaue or varlet at cards ' Army Rumour Service
  • Dolokhov put away the money, called a footman whom he ordered to bring something for them to eat and drink before the journey, and went into the room where Khvostikov and Makarin were sitting. War and Peace
  • We have used the English term footman to indicate what is usually called a waiter in this country. Manners and Social Usages
  • She took us down another stairway into a vast hall filled with paintings and statuary, where a man in a dark blue suit and silver braid (I suppose that's what you'd call a footman in livery), stood stiffly as the statues around him. The Camp Fire Girls Go Motoring Or, Along the Road That Leads the Way
  • I was amazed one day when a footman, who had committed some _bevue_ or blunder, or apprehended something, actually turned pale and stammered with terror when Lord Memoirs
  • My father had brought up a young person, who had been his footman, valet, secretary, and in short successively all in all. Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life
  • The footman in knee-breeches and powdered head, who had admitted us, led us without a word across the large hall, turned into a long corridor dimly-lit by tinted electric lamps, turned to the left, then to the right, then showed us into a small, comfortably-furnished room in which The Four Faces A Mystery
  • A footman got a mayor's chain of office for a tenner. The Sun
  • Cloaks were tossed to attendants, each footman received a red cape, the two _picadores_ took position one on either side of the bull pen gate, the band struck up a tune, the gate was opened and a great Utreran bull bounded into the arena, maddened with the pain of a short _banderilla_, with long streaming ribbons, stuck in his neck as he entered, by an attendant perched above the gate. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • So he took my challenge, which was accepted; we went out, Lord C---'s servant being seconded by a reformado footman from the palace. Lavengro; the Scholar, the Gypsy, the Priest
  • ‘All these things put together, excited their curiosity; and they engaged a peery servant, as they called a footman who was drinking with Kit. the hostler, at the tap-house, to watch all her motions. Clarissa Harlowe
  • He stood his lamp on the tallboy next to the silver brushes and went across to the bathroom that the footman had pointed out to him. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Rather than a footman or a steward, there was another Hamorian armsman, but this one wore a uniform of black and crimson. Ordermaster
  • A footman was demoted for adding gin and whisky to the dogs' food. Times, Sunday Times
  • A footman, feet bound in protective padding, stood on the table to guide it into position, the column dedicated to Lady Morgan facing her place.
  • Will your majesty permit me to call the footman, and ask him to hurry up the postilion?" said Madame von Berg, leaning out of the window. Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia
  • _Enter Aimwell in a riding-habit, and Archer as footman, carrying a portmantle_. The Beaux-Stratagem
  • When it was a kitten some young Plymborough roughs had hurled it into the little river, and were making of it what they termed a "cockshy," pelting it with stones, fortunately ineffectually, and trying to beat it under water, when the Doctor's footman, who was crossing the bridge, saw what was going on and made an unexpected charge upon the young ruffians, effectually scattering them. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • ‘Oh, you’ve come, ’ he said, addressing a tall old footman of his mother’s, standing at the door; ‘come here. Chapter XVII. Part I
  • She climbed onto the bench next to the driver, while the footman helped Lady Mary into the cab.
  • Does John Footman, when he asks permission to go and spend the evening with some friends, pass his time in thuggee; waylay and strangle an old gentleman, or two; let himself into your house, with the house-key of course, and appear as usual with the shaving-water when you ring your bell in the morning? Roundabout Papers
  • A neatly dressed footman in navy blue livery stood, alert, by its side and a pair of gleaming chestnut horses were in harness.
  • This is the man who has a footman put the toothpaste on his toothbrush for him, after all. The Sun
  • The butler came and took their plates away, and the footman's eyebrows went up a hairsbreadth at the sight of the empty soup tureen. THE WHITE DOVE
  • It was only after a painful and prolonged scene that she was ejected by the butler and the footman. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  • The answer was that in the old days the footman's seat was on the left horse, hence 'cella' for left, while the driver held his reins in his right hand, therefore 'mono' (or hand) means right to the Filipinos. The Log of the Empire State
  • I believe he was footman in the family, before Napoleon princified him. Burlesques
  • The TV chef once worked as a royal footman at Buckingham Palace, where he noted that the Queen hated food to be thrown away.
  • She was going out one evening with the Duchesse de Lupnes, lady of the palace, when her carriage broke down at the entrance into Paris; she was obliged to alight; the Duchess led her into a shop, while a footman called a 'fiacre'. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • As for Win Jenkins, she has undergone a perfect metamurphysis, and is become a new creeter from the ammunition of Humphry Clinker, our new footman, a pious young man, who has laboured exceedingly, that she may bring forth fruits of repentance. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Cupid draws his arrow on both footman and pharaoh.
  • “Madame la comtesse intends to ride out this morning?” said the footman, leaving the room without further answer. The Imaginary Mistress
  • _ Bid the footman receive the trunks and portmantua; and see them placed in the lodgings you have taken for me, while I walk a turn here in the garden. The works of John Dryden, $c now first collected in eighteen volumes. $p Volume 06
  • If they were the famed dragonlances-and they certainly looked it-they were the type known as the footman's lance, shorter and lighter than the mounted lances that were fixed on the dragon saddles. Dragons Of Summer Flame
  • Philip didn't answer, accepting his greatcoat from a footman, and accompanying David out the door.
  • A footman got a mayor's chain of office for a tenner. The Sun
  • ‘I wonder whether I’m meant to be a footman, or a groom, or a gamekeeper, or a seedsman. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The footman accuses the cook, she accuses the needlewoman, and the latter accuses the other two.
  • The buxom cook, mistress of the kitchen, the strange newcomer as under-housemaid with her perfect French accent, immaculate sewing, wild imagination and total illiteracy, the repressions of the god-fearing footman and the housemaid, both resigned to service and she doomed to spinsterdom The Guardian World News
  • As a minor footman in her slave army, it fell to me to clean the bathroom.
  • A footman helped Lord and Lady Grey in, then the two younger Grey sisters.
  • Where is that perfect place where monogrammed damasked linens, and flowers were changed daily, and one fretted lest one forgot to sufficiently tip the second footman who had so unobtrusively, so expertly, unpacked one's bag, shined one's shoes, pressed rumpled clothes and drawn one's bath? Michael Henry Adams: Why I Hate dogs: Useful Advice for Summer Guests and Hosts
  • The footman went ahead against the hurricane.
  • a family, the master of which should dispose of the several economical offices in the following manner; viz. should put his butler in the coach-box, his steward behind his coach, his coachman in the butlery, and his footman in the stewardship, and in the same ridiculous manner should misemploy the talents of every other servant; it is easy to see what a figure such a family must make in the world. Amelia — Volume 1
  • I saw how your guards, your coachman and your footman were driven off today.
  • But at that hour, the footman was also absent, taking the royal corgis for their walk in the gardens. The Bullet Catchers
  • A maid and a footman didn't get on, and then did. Times, Sunday Times
  • He glanced at the footman on the stairs as another liveried servant hurried down to whisper in the first's ear. WHOLE SECRET LOVE

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