How To Use Foothold In A Sentence

  • A couple of times her footholds cracked and she plunged a few heart-stopping feet, but luckily she grabbed another hold.
  • In the days following the D-Day landings, Allied troops carved a tenuous foothold on the coast of Normandy.
  • Whatever the cause, I felt dizzy, and without any bearings or footholds.
  • We are heartened to see the counter-errorist troops in the SGPS fighting to gain a thought foothold among graduate students. Stephen Taylor - a blog on Canadian politics
  • Without warning my foothold broke and I slid downward ripping a gash in the plastic that held the containers of water together.
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  • Although AT&T is touting its lead in postpaid smartphone subscribers, the carrier is just now taking steps to gain a better foothold in the prepaid market, an area where rivals have a head start. AT&T Reshapes Itself As a Smartphone Carrier
  • With few marketable skills or capital upon their arrival, Irish men secured only a tenuous foothold in the province's secondary labour market, working as labourers, harvesters, ploughmen and general farm hands.
  • It is rather dim under the trees on an overcast, damp day, and hard to keep your foothold on the slippery bank. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • To help young jockeys get a foothold in the sport, those under 26 can claim a weight allowance in certain races (they are known as apprentice jockeys).
  • Something has crossed our lives so that we are about to lose foothold in the public world of common sense.
  • Chopping his way up the final snow slope, Phil scooped out bucketlike footholds and planted a rope anchor that could serve as a hand line.
  • With few marketable skills or capital upon their arrival, Irish men secured only a tenuous foothold in the province's secondary labour market, working as labourers, harvesters, ploughmen and general farm hands.
  • Analysts say Golkar boasts the most qualified candidates and has a strong foothold throughout Indonesia.
  • The company is eager to gain a foothold in Europe.
  • It becomes more and more difficult to establish a foothold on the career ladder and that cannot be fair. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are no footholds on this particular cliff face.
  • In the days following the D-Day landings, Allied troops carved a tenuous foothold on the coast of Normandy.
  • They conveniently happened to be in the best places for footholds and handholds.
  • The Conservative party needs to get a better foothold in this area to have any hope of winning the general election. Times, Sunday Times
  • Going down had been easy, but with no handholds or footholds, coming up was proving to be much harder than I'd expected.
  • The walls were sheer with no footholds or grooves for climbing.
  • Gradually the West Mayo team got a foothold and they scratched out three points before the break to give themselves a chance.
  • As the lake recedes, it gives an increasing foothold to ‘emergents’ - cattails, bulrushes and other plant species that grow at the water's edge.
  • The slavery expansionists originally took the position that the federal government had no role to play because they wanted slavery to gain a foothold, then when they realized they were losing, they switched to demanding that the federal government affirmatively defend the rights of slaveholders to settle the new land. The Volokh Conspiracy » European Libertarians and Federalism
  • If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.
  • In 2007, Home Secretary Alan Johnson accused Ms. Hodge of using the language of the BNP, a party that advocates the repatriation of nonindigenous Britons but which has yet to gain a foothold in national politics. Race Shifts as Some Brits Sour on Immigration
  • In turn they were attacked again and again by the Danes from the north, who for a time gained a, strong foothold in the land, but were finally subdued and absorbed, or driven out by Alfred the Great who had succeeded in welding the various Anglo-Saxon communities into one unit under the leadership of the West Saxons. The Empire of Mankind
  • If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.
  • It starts off with a big roof about three feet off the ground, which fortunately has really good hands above it -- but that means your first foothold is at waist level. After all it was a great big world with lots of places to run to
  • Kurt guided them to a foothold, and the Prince, shaved and brushed and beeswaxed and clean and big and terrible, slid down into position astride of the door. The War in the Air
  • Virtually all of his submissions were taken from the bayou country in southern Louisiana in foothold traps by fur trappers.
  • You are bracing to maintain your foothold on your fitness center enrollment.
  • The lowlights were a costly decision to establish a foothold in India through a deal with BSNL, and the departures of COO Gary Daichendt and CTO Gary Kunis, who had come up with an ambitious plan to remake Nortel. Networking Sector and Stocks Analysis from Seeking Alpha
  • Informal networks of land-based kinship and community thus made the boundaries of the tiko permeable to women in a way patriliny did not, because a woman who could establish a foothold on the landby obtaining a field from a woman with whom she shared vuxaka, even just vuxaka bya matinyocould, through her habitual interaction with members of the cultivating community, solidify her claim to belonging to that community. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Kingdom the conditions of its competition are of a more special kind by reason of the firm foothold of esparto, which is a most important staple in the manufacture of fine printings. Researches on Cellulose 1895-1900
  • The bench gave me the foothold I needed to climb into the tree.
  • I also got a new 5.8 last week, which I repeated yesterday, and this time I managed to figure out a repeatable way to do it rather than clinging to a slopy crimper with my aching fingertips and scrabbling up to the next hold on tiny skiddy footholds before I popped off. Mama says you gotta go to the baptist fashion show
  • Only time will tell how long this latest "truce" subsists but it is unquestionable that Iran now has a strong foothold both in Gaza and Yehuda and the Shomron and heaven forefends it may not even need its nuclear capability to inflict heavy loss on Israel. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • India's batting is more brittle than is imagined and that may offer opportunities for England to get a foothold in the series. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hence, what we should pay close attention to is whether and how trust pattern works properly for the enterprise annuity fund—which is the starting point and the foothold of the thesis as well.
  • A layer of polymers could prevent the damaging micro-organisms from getting a foothold.
  • Sea-floor fissures lined with an asbestos mineral called chrysotile are places where life could have gained a foothold 3.5 billion years ago. News Feed
  • Europeans usually built defensive stockades immediately upon arrival in the New World in order to protect their foothold on the shore.
  • The detritus of the shattered building had now settled, and with each step he levitated upwards with increasing ease, his feet finding footholds without effort. Ballardian » Ballardian/Savoy Microfiction competition winners
  • Creeping thistle, haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly, can become a real pest if it gets a foothold.
  • Twice she had to stop to rest, her arms trembling with the strain, locking her feet into semi-secure footholds and leaning into the rock.
  • A climber needs secure footholds.
  • Cable firms took full advantage of BT's slow start and established a strong foothold.
  • In these early stages, Edinburgh were solid rather than spectacular and their rivals gradually established a foothold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miss Drexel, seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers, ran along the sand and dropped the skirt for a foothold for the slowly revolving wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • This cannibal killer has already secured a foothold in the South East - and scientists believe it could spread quickly.
  • I put my arms on a choice piece of rock and heaved, dragging my body up while my feet unsuccessfully tried to locate footholds.
  • She and I have been wont to predetermine you, your character, foothold, and outlook, by — say by the fact that you knew your Wordsworth and that you knew him without being able to take for yourself his austere peace. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The bench gave me the foothold I needed to climb into the tree.
  • But how does the Cottesloe family feel about the loss of its foothold in posterity? Dorfman or Cottesloe? Does it matter what a theatre is called?
  • Right foot, right hand, left foot, left hand, his hands and feet found footholds like an expert.
  • The Japanese securities firm has made periodic efforts to secure a solid investment banking foothold in London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pretty good will not be enough to secure him a foothold against Nadal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Major oil companies gain foothold in Iraq multinational players are hopeful of lucrative developments in the future More than six-and-a-half years after the US-led invasion that oil companies to rebuild its ailing infrastructure during two today won the contract for one of Iraq's "supergiant" oilfields, as part of a two-day auction intended to boost dramatically the - Articles related to 3G spectrum auction on schedule: Raja
  • The company dropped the word "apparel" from its name last year to reflect its focus on its accessories business and bought high-end shoe retailer Kurt Geiger earlier this year to increase its foothold in the international luxury market. Reuters: Press Release
  • The path plunged downhill at a near-sheer angle, with few hand or footholds, but a free-swinging knotted rope to hang on to.
  • Cote said the dismal job market feeds credentialism, meaning employers can push up the credentials necessary for students to get a foothold in the job market. Brandon Sun Online - Top Stories
  • Regaining a foothold in international psychology was a hard-won achievement, to be sure.
  • The Addax deal will give Sinopec a strong foothold in oil-rich West Africa and Iraqi Kurdistan and a steady supply of oil for its refining operations.
  • And basically I just couldn't make myself step off the footholds onto the layback and do it. Smile your little smile. take some tea with me awhile.
  • As the game progressed Portadown gradually regained a steady foothold in C.I. territory but their only reward was another Barnes penalty.
  • He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.
  • We are still trying to get/gain a foothold in the Japanese market.
  • Once viruses have a foothold they begin to reproduce in our cells. Stay Well This Winter
  • With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.
  • The figure continued making his way down the house by grabbing appropriate ledges, and footholds from the balcony in a nimble movement.
  • You might also jam with your hands while using footholds outside of the crack.
  • How likely is it for evil to regain a foothold anywhere?
  • Against conventional wisdom, we decided to open new offices so we could get a foothold in other areas. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doing more with less simply means that creative agencies need to cement their foothold on current rostered clients, all the while evangelizing REAL tangible benefit propositions to prospective clients. Sky(‘s) the Limit with £1M Rebrand « Art & Business of Motion
  • China's burgeoning manned space program aims for a long-term orbital foothold even as the U.S. has drawn down its manned space operations, and as Western officials and analysts worry about a Chinese military build-up in space. China Makes Giant Leap With Space Docking
  • Keeping hydrated improves the body's ability to trap and neutralize those microbes before they can gain a foothold.
  • They hug her ankles and struggle for footholds on the straps of her slingback high heels.
  • More encouragingly, having weathered the storm, the Minstermen set about establishing a foothold in the game.
  • The argument that the objectification of women in comics is alright simply because it's "always been that way" should be null because superhero comic creators (editors and publishers, to be specific) are constantly bemoaning the fact that they can't get a foothold in the "Dora the Explorer" "Hannah Montana" market. It’s Star … Ms. Sapphire if you’re nasty | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • MCI is attempting to regain its financial foothold after emerging from bankruptcy in April.
  • That doesn't half make a difference if you can get a foothold away from game. Times, Sunday Times
  • With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.
  • Oldfield was the biggest star of an emerging sport struggling to gain a foothold of legitimacy.
  • Dustin eased himself over the edge, searching for a foothold, which he soon found.
  • Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.
  • Samsung's experience in handsets will doubtless help it gain a foothold in these markets.
  • It isn't easy to get a foothold as an actor.
  • Already her knitwear had gained a small foothold on the Continent.
  • Climbers can strap sharp nails on to help get a foothold on a slippery slope.
  • He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.
  • It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice.
  • Eva brushed at the tears that filled her eyes and swung over the edge of the cliff, her feet sliding easily into cracks that made natural footholds.
  • It was as though we were negotiating some oversized, sinuous arroyo in Utah's Canyonlands, awash with dry waterfalls down which we had to climb, jamming hands into cracks and levering weight on small footholds in free-climbing maneuvers, as the infamous canyoneer Aron Ralston did in the minutes before he fell, became trapped by a boulder, and after 127 hours, self-amputated his arm. Richard Bangs: Climbing the Killer Prince -- Merapi Volcano of Java, Part 2
  • They crossed the Atlantic in comfortless craft and took the serious risk of attempting to secure a foothold in free and fresh Canada. The Conquest of National Fear
  • To the contrary, the judicial role I envision is one that cannot get off the ground without strong footholds established through the political process. Think Progress » Still Bitter Over Loss On Health Reform, GOP Seeks To Block Judicial Nominee For His Health Care Views
  • The company is eager to gain a foothold in Europe.
  • There are also proposals for new roads and streets, shopping plazas and workspaces, with stores like Superquin likely to seek a foothold in the new town centre.
  • The purple-flowered black swallow-wort prefers open areas and have a foothold in the Hudson Valley, Long Island, southern New York and the New England coast.
  • There's nothing immediate here for people struggling to get a foothold on the property ladder.
  • He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.
  • What we have is a very productive alliance of parapsychologists, old-fashioned mystics, new-fashioned mystics, and psychedelic mystics that has gotten a major foothold in medicine.
  • Once viruses have a foothold they begin to reproduce in our cells. Stay Well This Winter
  • But a strategy paper published last December by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party offers a different view: that antipiracy operations can help China to subtly gain a foothold in a vital region. What Kind of Game Is China Playing?
  • Browning claims eternity as the due of every man, however mean; and if Whitman feels his foothold 'tenon'd and mortised in granite', it is because he can 'laugh at dissolution' and knows 'the amplitude of time'. Recent Developments in European Thought
  • He failed to secure a foothold in midfield. The Sun
  • The cat-size marsupials gained a permanent foothold here by 1858.
  • He charged upward, from handhold to foothold, his legs shaking violently from the buildup of lactic acid. Gideon’s war
  • At one point, though only for a few yards, we had to find tentative footholds while hanging on to a cable.
  • The bench gave me the foothold I needed to climb into the tree.
  • The purchase of that financially strapped firm would expand their foothold in environmental cleanups and in long-term government cost-plus services.
  • But then Arsenal went to sleep, allowing the visitors to get a foothold. The Sun
  • We need to show character and togetherness at certain times to get a foothold. Times, Sunday Times
  • If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.
  • Old stock Americans . . . see in the Roman Church today the chief leader of alienism, and the most dangerous alien power with a foothold inside our boundaries," Evans wrote. THE NEWS BLOG
  • The brown rectangles here are good, solid footholds; the blue circles are small, rounded, slippery handholds that you could not put your weight on - your hands are not strong enough to grip them tightly.
  • Again the unblenching "preux chevalier" Champlain stands with his back against the gray cliff of Quebec fighting red and white foe alike, famine and disease, to keep a foothold in the wilderness, with the sublime faith of a crusader and the patient endurance of a Prometheus. The French in the Heart of America
  • Once viruses have a foothold they begin to reproduce in our cells. Stay Well This Winter
  • All lower branches had been cut from the toyon tree, leaving protrusions long enough for a determined person to get a foothold and climb the tree. Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
  • His hand closed over grass which was instantly torn from the soft earth and his boots were dislodged from their precarious footholds.
  • It was ironic because the Wasps established a foothold in the first half-hour of the match solely through the power of their own scrum. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was clear both were suffering from a few bad bounces and some rather uneven footholds.
  • The acquisition of Lincoln will give the Stockholm-based company a larger presence in lubrication tools, adding almost $400 million in annual sales and a foothold on the North American lubricants market, SKF said. Sweden's SKF to Buy Lincoln Industrial
  • The geography of San Francisco is too beautiful to allow seaminess to get much of a foothold, and so along with these barkers there were many tourists afoot, tourists carrying loaves of sourdough bread and Ghirardelli chocolates. Middlesex
  • But, if we take the story in the Acts of the Apostles, there is not the smallest foothold for the fashionable notion, which is entirely due to men's dislike of the supernatural, that there was any kind of misgiving in the young Pharisee, springing from the influence of Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • The cliff was maybe eighty feet high, with not too many footholds.
  • The next move I need to make is a power move, a layback where the foothold is at hip height and tricky to balance on, and which will require a good deal of strength, especially since I need to use the momentum to lunge up to the next handhold. It's interesting when people die
  • As a general marketing strategy, the company will target certain cities and use grassroots methods such as mailers, phone calls and meetings to get a foothold in the city, allowing for his salespeople to return and develop business.
  • But by then Pakistan had claimed a foothold in the game, albeit a precarious one. Times, Sunday Times
  • He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.
  • If you want to establish a firm foothold on the second rung of the ladder, study the firm above you. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF MARKETING
  • Once it has a foothold, they can ratchet up the rosiness gradually. Will the party of “no” be able to stop the immigration reform and climate change bills?
  • Off the Kent coast shipwrecked seamen managed to find a foothold don the Goodwin Sands, but they knew the rising sea would drown them if they were not taken off.
  • There is money to be made here and now is the time to establish a foothold. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's found a foothold in the industry already.
  • They kept arriving by land much faster than we could come by water; every moment increased the crowd, the jostling, the mutual clinging, on that miry foothold.
  • Deutsche Bank has been trying without success to get a firm foothold in the market.
  • We need to articulate the fact that trappers using foothold traps was essential to this unprecedented reintroduction success.
  • Yet even as I stood observing him, that tenuous foothold gave way and he slid backwards.
  • Miss Drexel, seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers, ran along the sand and dropped the skirt for a foothold for the slowly revolving wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • Lazarus shook his head and sighed, but nevertheless used the handholds and footholds Ghost had made to climb the wall.
  • We are still trying to get/gain a foothold in the Japanese market.
  • Mara and Dann in the eco-fable of the same name flee from a new Ice Age to an uncertain foothold in what used to be Africa. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2007 - Presentation Speech
  • As elsewhere in the world, however, the 'locavore' movement is gaining a foothold. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carishia placed one foot upon the foothold and threw her other leg over Windom.
  • The extreme left can't get a foothold in UK politics as independents, so it looks like a return to entryism for them.
  • He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.
  • By the early 1980s, they had already established footholds in groceries, liquor stores, dry cleaners, and garment subcontracting.
  • It was a tremendous leap, and so nearly beyond the compass of Kettle's powers that he was scarcely able to retain his foothold, but stood for a moment on the edge of the vessel with shield and sword upheaved, as he staggered to regain his balance. Erling the Bold
  • (As any young person who has cadged a down payment from parents can attest, intergenerational wealth transfers are a particularly efficient way of gaining a foothold in homeownership and so building wealth.) Study: Racial Wealth Gap Widened Over the Last Generation | Impact Lab
  • The only viable example I could come up with was Paul Dukas, who wrote one honest-to-god brilliant, astonishing, magical, all-time masterpiece, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and only fourteen other published works, none of which gained any real foothold in the repertoire. Rock Me Amadeus
  • the only foothold left for British troops in Europe was Gibraltar
  • Despite the two-goal cushion, City just needed a foothold to get back into the match.
  • Respect has now got a strong foothold in east London, where the labour movement started off.
  • If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.
  • And it's given them a foothold in the game, after 15 minutes in which they were run ragged.
  • There were no footholds, and I'm afraid of heights.
  • However, the real history is that al-Qaeda had no real foothold in Iraq until the U.S. invasion in 2003 †"and that al-Qaeda's leadership saw its post-U. S.-invasion efforts there as a way to divert American forces so the terror group could rebuild its operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Can US Make Sound Decisions?
  • That off-putting lack of foothold, coupled with dimensionless characters, seriously hindered my enjoyment of this story (though I did like the Twilight Zone-ish ending). REVIEW: 2008 Nebula Award Short Fiction Nominees [UPDATED]
  • To help young jockeys get a foothold in the sport, those under 26 can claim a weight allowance in certain races (they are known as apprentice jockeys).
  • All this while chest-deep in forty - or fifty - degree water, mind you, and without being able to see any potential footholds on the side of the cave (because the water was muddy from the people who went through ahead of me) while wearing bulky, slippery neoprene gloves. A day without a bruise is wasted.
  • Gen. Benjamin Butler, commander of Union forces occupying a foothold in Virginia at Fortress Monroe on the mouth of the James River, provided a legal rationale for the seizure of slave property.
  • Her feet slid wildly across the slick mud covering the wall as she tried to find footholds.
  • Formula gained its foothold not because the pharmaceutical companies were evil incarnate but because breastfeeding is difficult and stressful for a great number of women. Shame And The Mom: A Boob Story | Her Bad Mother
  • It gives the Londonlisted firm a key foothold in one of the biggest oil-rich countries. The Sun
  • It was difficult to maintain a secure foothold on the ice.
  • They recognized the precariousness of the foothold.
  • My aim was to allow the brothers to establish a first foothold of their own within the power structure of their pack. THE DOG LISTENER: Learning the Language of your Best Friend
  • After a tough fight they secured a foothold in France and the liberation could begin. The Sun
  • One such provision is his Free Choice Voucher, which he described as a "foothold for choice and competition and a safety valve for Americans whose employers are already forcing them to bear more and more of their family's health insurance costs. The Full Feed from
  • Still, Sweeney feels confident that the changes under way in Boston are gaining a firm foothold.
  • The company is trying to gain a foothold in the European market.
  • She places her boot on the first foothold, and reaches for the handholds.
  • In the 1980s, flesh-eating disease regained a foothold. Globe and Mail
  • That is a secure foothold.
  • The conversion of tomo Srin (Yoshishige, 1530–87), a powerful lord of Kysh, to Christianity gave the foreign religion a greater foothold on that island, where it had become quite strong since the conversion of some lesser lords of the western littoral, such as mura (1562) and Arima (1576). 4. Japan, 1542-1793
  • Handholds became footholds, although the deeper and more sound you made them, the more exhausted you became.
  • Unforgiving dry, and tempestuous rainy seasons ensure that mankind's foothold here will forever be tenuous.
  • I wanted to get a foothold to see how things pan out. Times, Sunday Times
  • They conveniently happened to be in the best places for footholds and handholds.
  • The idea first got a foothold with a bird project initiated by the Audubon Society.
  • Scotland has had tremendous success in the past in attracting investment by foreign firms looking for a foothold in Europe.
  • I found the caterpillar, which goes by the elegant name of Synchlora aerata, on flowers of the common fleabane, Erigeron strigosus, one of several composite plants that had gained a foothold in the patch.
  • Lily had taken it, at first with the confidence of assured possessorship, then with gradually narrowing demands, till now she found herself actually struggling for a foothold on the broad space which had once seemed her own for the asking. The House of Mirth
  • However, the real history is that al-Qaeda had no real foothold in Iraq until the U.S. invasion in 2003 – and that al-Qaeda's leadership saw its post-U. S.-invasion efforts there as a way to divert American forces so the terror group could rebuild its operations in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Printing: Can US Make Sound Decisions?
  • The thought was rather alien to hard-nosed capitalist marketeers and took many years to secure a foothold.
  • Although he is yet to find an €œauthor-backed role€ and dislikes having to audition after proving himself, Tanay is lucky for having retained a foothold in Bollywood by playing the young Shah Rukh in Karan Johar€ ™ s My Name Is Khan. €œHe had auditioned for the role much before Slumdog but Karan Johar insisted he wanted him after Slumdog€ ™ s success, € says Tejal, who will not hire a professional manager lest he overbook her son. The Times of India
  • It became apparent that I have a sizeable polyp that has gained a foothold across the top of my nose, blocking both of my nasal passages.
  • Going down had been easy, but with no handholds or footholds, coming up was proving to be much harder than I'd expected.
  • I bend under contorted branches and let myself down by dropping two or three feet to the next foothold.
  • Saints to drop a place or two but keep their foothold in the top ten. The Sun
  • All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Olbermann spanked for making faces at Beck? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • If British business is to have a successful future, companies must establish a firm foothold in Europe.
  • It is rather dim under the trees on an overcast, damp day, and hard to keep your foothold on the slippery bank. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • ITT is getting a foothold in the market by offering so-called centrex remotes that bring digital functionality to the customer while being hosted by extant technology, the 1A ESS. Centrex Renaissance: The Technology
  • Norma was an actress and had worked with The Old Vic, but, bored with walk-on parts, she was trying to get a foothold elsewhere.
  • Regency Gates and Railings has now established a firm foothold in the commercial and domestic exterior homes market.
  • I hope the textbook will provide a foothold for students of the subject.
  • Existing designer labels will be promoted and provided with an opportunity to gain footholds in global markets.
  • they are presently attempting to gain a foothold in the Russian market

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