How To Use Foot soldier In A Sentence
He drew up his knights and his two thousand foot soldiers in a line outside the city.
The gang that committed the robbery are said to be the foot soldiers of the mystery figure.
Times, Sunday Times
Medieval English archers were sometimes mounted to enable them to keep pace with men-at-arms, and dragoons, who eventually became cavalry proper, were initially foot soldiers mounted on cheap nags.
The centurion was a commanding officer of a Roman army unit called a century, nominally a hundred foot soldiers.
Beginner’s Grace
Two hundred men of lineage came with him, every one of whom wore sword girt to his side, and the foot soldiers in their company were out of number.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4

In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.
He raised a fine regiment of foot soldiers from his hardy Cornish tenantry.
Both men were considered only ‘foot soldiers’ in the affair and the ringmasters of the factory remain at large.
The gang that committed the robbery are said to be the foot soldiers of the mystery figure.
Times, Sunday Times
A robed figure seated in a cart drawn by a tiger and a leopard follows two foot soldiers.
More often, in fact, they are foot soldiers of totalitarian regimes and of mob rule.
The foot soldiers of this movement are mostly amiable halfwits.
Boats were built for the Roman foot soldiers while the Roman cavalry swam across with their horses.
From the point of view of Christian theology, the martyrs are foot soldiers in the battle of the powers and principalities against the body of Christ.
Pilots had some control over their fate, which gave them a status above the powerless foot soldiers in the trenches below.
Armies of hair and makeup foot soldiers, mani-pedi obsessives, clothing stylists who dress the models like dolls, seamstresses, caterers I've never seen so much uneaten food.
New York Fashion Week 2011: Showmanship by Michael Kors, Thom Browne, Derek Lam
These foot soldiers were spread throughout the borderlands of the Empire to protect from invasion and secure against revolts.
These were organized into four divisions of foot soldiers and about 500 light cavalry.
Thus the novel follows the Carthaginian foot soldier, Imco Vaca, and also tells of a Numidian horseman, Tusselo, and of a Greek scribe, Silenus, and of the camp follower,
David Durham explains his interest in Hannibal and refutes the historical concept of him as a brutish barbarian.
As Professor Moeen Cheema notes, these young, part-time and often poor lawyer-foot soldiers that made up the bulk of Pakistan's legal establishment, "barely eke out a decent living from legal practice ... and enrollment in the bar is a part-time venture for them that provides a status of respectability rather than living wages.
Ehsan Zaffar: Amid a Turbulent Year, a Rare Sign of Hope in Pakistan
Toy horse and foot soldiers came in sixpenny or ninepenny boxes.
In such cases, the environment provides foot soldiers with confusing signals regarding the acceptable level and forms of political activism.
More worrisome were the countless foot soldiers that the Kariens could muster.
By the 1870s, mounted cavalry with muzzle-loaders, even breech-loaders, rather than foot soldiers with shields and assegais, were the spearhead of a number of surviving African armies.
He exacted an oath of loyalty to himself throughout the armed forces , from foot soldier general.
It is important to emphasize any explanation of the foot soldiers is highly contingent upon the environment in which they are operating.
This is not to say that the effect of a charging horse impacting a foot soldier was inconsequential, or even incidental.
The fights are between foot soldiers fighting with swords, spears or axes fashioned out of rattan cane.
The emperor sent not only foot soldiers but cavalry as well.
'two coins': at the time, a denarius was a silver coin, and a Roman foot soldier would earn one a day.
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The fights are between foot soldiers fighting with swords, spears or axes fashioned out of rattan cane.
That alone was easily enough to overwhelm their depleted and dispirited numbers, but the army outside also numbered several battalions of foot soldiers.
Metal helmets were worn by hoplites, the foot soldiers of ancient Greece, and elsewhere in eastern Mediterranean civilizations.
With her she was taking 50 able-bodied seamen and 20 some foot soldiers.
The English troops, mainly archers and foot soldiers, dug in behind wooden stakes between thickly wooded ground.
By November, Godfrey could command only about three hundred knights and a few thousand foot soldiers.
Hers was the record of, at best, a foot soldier in the feminist and abolitionist struggles of her day.
There was Newt Gingrich rallying rabid House Republican foot soldiers, exhorting them to persist in their August doldrum attacks against the Democratic leadership in a virtually empty House chamber.
Gingrich Shows Up on the Hill to Shades of the Past - The Caucus Blog -
Barbarossa's foot soldiers were often still attired like this eleventh-century warrior.
But how aware of this were the archers and foot soldiers from Cheshire, where Hotspur had been royal justiciar, and a commander of the King's army against the rebel Welsh?
In 1118 he invaded Egypt, with a tiny army of only 216 knights and 400 foot soldiers.
He used Rease as one of a number of ‘foot soldiers’ to front lucrative crack dealing businesses in the city.
Israel's foot soldiers are getting new odour-free socks that can be worn for two weeks straight without smelling or stinking up the feet, the Maariv daily reported on Thursday.
Elder of Ziyon
John BaxterBerkhamsted, Hertfordshire• Nick Clegg and his Lib Dem ministerial colleagues must be dangerously naive if they think that a quick volte-face, with the imprimatur of Clegg's "personal" authority, on the key ingredients of the health bill, is going to wash with their outraged foot soldiers.
Letters: Thoughts and reflections on the NHS
The soldiers all have different traits based on their roles, from simple foot soldiers to noble cavalrymen, and taking in lancers, halberdiers, archers, crossbowmen, officers and lords.
_galloglass_, or heavily armed foot soldier, called
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Early musketeers, of the late 16th and early 17th century, were noted not only for the flamboyance of their dress but also as élite foot soldiers, armed with the latest in death-dealing technology, the matchlock.
A kind of brimmed helmet resembling a hat, without a beaver or visor, worn chiefly by foot soldiers in the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Hers was the record of, at best, a foot soldier in the feminist and abolitionist struggles of her day.
In such cases, the environment provides foot soldiers with confusing signals regarding the acceptable level and forms of political activism.
In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.
For some of the non-American workers who were supposed to be the foot soldiers of a new technological era, the comedown has been devastating, and incredibly sudden.
The buff coat was a standard piece of clothing for both the foot soldier and and the cavalryman. It offered moderate protection against blows from swords, but was ineffective against musket fire.
The English troops, mainly archers and foot soldiers, dug in behind wooden stakes between thickly wooded ground.
It's all organic, Moss says, shrugging ruefully at the almost clichéd expression, but in the end, amongst the schizoid existence, the fear and the joy, Moss is a foot soldier in a war.