How To Use Foot rot In A Sentence
I've had tons of leeches, foot rot, botflies, and a bite from a coral snake that nearly killed me.
By late August the scrubber plant was in operation; it consisted of a 4 x 20-foot rotating cylindrical trommel screen set at a slight incline.
They are negotiating a deal to build 1,000 to 2,400-square-foot rotating, open-concept, quick-service, stand-alone sandwich shops for a North American franchise operator.
The advantage of water buffaloes over Holstein, Brown Swiss, and Criollo cattle was demonstrated in a test at Delta Amacuro, Venezuela, when the cattle developed serious foot rot In the wet conditions of the Orinoco Delta and had to be withdrawn from the test.
5 Adaptability and Environmental Tolerance
Foot rot of Moso Phyllostachys pubescens was first found in Jiangsu province in 1975.

That gives way to foot infections, foot rot, but also a lot of these tropical parasite deceases, leishmaniasis.
CNN Transcript Jul 3, 2008