How To Use Foolhardiness In A Sentence
While I initially had doubts about the kind of foolhardiness that leads to thinking one will succeed where others have not, after trying Bonsai, I think the restaurant has a good chance of breaking past cycles of bad luck, if only because I don't think luck bears on a restaurant's success or failure.
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Most of the time, you're too real and human for that - your dorkiness, foolhardiness or vulnerability show through.
They came to throw their son at your face and see if you regret your foolhardiness.
More extraordinary is that as time went on, instead of criticism for incompetence and foolhardiness, Scott continued to attract hero-worship.
There's no excuse for such foolhardiness-you could have been killed.

Some of the students, however, blamed Helmar for what they termed his foolhardiness in interfering.
Under the Rebel's Reign
Courage in excess become foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
Even foolhardiness, that is boldness without an object, is not to be despised; in point of fact it is the same energy of feeling, only exercised as a kind of passion without any co-operation of the intelligent faculties.
On War — Volume 1
Defoe's impetuosity and foolhardiness extended to his business affairs.
But she was seized by that excess of bravery which is called foolhardiness, and driven by it to that peculiar and thoughtless vehemence of action which sometimes wins V. C.'s for men who, in later days, conceal amazement under the cherished decoration.
The Prophet of Berkeley Square
This has been spoken of as an evidence of bravery; but, regarded in this light, it was only superfluous evidence of a fact which no one ever doubted; it really deserves better to be called foolhardiness, as Captain Penrose, who was one of the party, frankly described it in his Diary.
Abraham Lincoln
It will be foolhardiness on our part if we choose to shut ourselves in a dream-world of our own or in our exclusivism, cut ourselves off from the energising and creative forces shaping a new world.
One opposite to courage is cowardice, but another is rashness, foolhardiness.
My father has a streak of heroism in him that I admire, but that verges on foolhardiness.
The foolhardiness of playing into that would be so great that we ought to question Roberts' judgement if he does.
Once he got a chance, he could explain that he was only worried about her, that he was afraid that her bravery (better not call it "foolhardiness") would be stronger than her fear, and she would end up in trouble-
The Robin And The Kestrel
He showed his usual disregard for danger-an attitude his friends called bravery and his enemies foolhardiness.
Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.
Socrates had come to regard death as for himself preferable to life; and consequently there is just a suspicion of foolhardiness in the arrogancy of his address. 5
The Apology of Socrates
Meurons, Frances used to expostulate against what she called my foolhardiness in making these evening visits; but their presence made no difference to me.
Lords of the North
This man's boldness-or foolhardiness-has been lampooned in the press and joked about all over the world.
Life is a precious gift from God, and no one has a right to risk his life in a rash foolhardiness, which is very different from the true courage which does not shrink from facing danger if the life of one more helpless than himself is in peril.
Twilight and Dawn Simple Talks on the Six Days of Creation
The passing away of Basu - India's longest-serving chief minister whose unbroken 23-year-old rule of a Left Front coalition in West Bengal state is a history in itself - is seen as a blow to the communist movement in India, wilting under fragile unity, political "foolhardiness" and lack of pragmatic icons.
My father has a streak of heroism in him that I admire, but that verges on foolhardiness.