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How To Use Foolery In A Sentence

  • There's to be no biting, kicking, rearing or foolery, understand?
  • In William Shakespeare's comedy, Twelfth Night, Feste the clown is not the only fool who is subject to foolery.
  • A bit of buffoonery and tomfoolery are always welcome after a tense high wire act, during which everyone in the audience has been holding their breath, and looking anxiously upwards, in total empathy with the performer.
  • He probably hid behind a lot of his tomfoolery when it came to girls.
  • There will be wine tasting and outlet shopping and general drunken tomfoolery.
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  • A brief summary is in order for those of you not inclined to keep track of shenanigans and other assorted tomfoolery.
  • Looking back, she felt nothing but foolery and cursed herself for such immature motives.
  • I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
  • My eyes hurt and my brain creaks in protest at the muppets and their tomfoolery.
  • ‘Clearly,’ he wrote, ‘all such pieces of foolery will pass away as quickly as they have appeared.’
  • The real Bond was never meant to be the campery of Moore or the oneliner foolery of Connery. Shaken and Stirred
  • A retreat into a redemptive enclave of winkingly open-minded post-Marxist scamps, it's nearly pristine in its high-minded tomfoolery.
  • His tomfoolery is starting to reach championship levels.
  • So let's all put a stop to this tomfoolery and cease and desist from giving these Ministers pats on the back for their poor behavior.
  • In the end, even his holy foolery seems more glib than wise.
  • A group of teenage girls whose tomfoolery led to one falling into a fast-flowing river must shoulder some blame for a man's drowning in a rescue attempt, a coroner said yesterday.
  • While Crichton is trying to make the blatant point of “Watch out, this is what could happen,” it comes off as an over-the-top farce and tomfoolery. “Next” by Michael Crichton (Harpercollins, 2006) « The BookBanter Blog
  • Ivan could think of no other explanation for such foolery.
  • Roger gives me advice on legal stuff but I really need someone batting for me regarding contracts and that kind of tomfoolery.
  • And those with an affinity for the silliness, slapstick, and tomfoolery of this sort of comedy will be turned off by the costumes.
  • Let's cut this tomfoolery and 86 skiddoo outta here. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • It has been a long time since his acting style, characterised by an intensity laced with tomfoolery but never entirely dispelled by it, was celebrated or even mentioned by critics.
  • On a former teacher's advice, he reads Flaubert's Bouvard and Pecuchet, which was the last word on this sort of foolery.
  • In fact, politics-phobes have nothing to fear: his act is as full of gleefully silly tomfoolery as it is sharp-eyed insights into the state of the world.
  • It could all turn out to be little more than a little pre-election April foolery, of course.
  • But we'll save some of my foolery for the intermission.
  • In Shakespeare's day the groundlings were a lot more unruly, and you could say that that actress wasn't being sincere or true to her Shakespearean traditions, taking umbrage at a harmless bit of tom foolery that wouldn't have caused Richard Burbage to drop so much as a single iamb from To be, or not to be. Lance Mannion:
  • He's grabbed the world's attention with more of his priceless tomfoolery.
  • She is whip smart and has a low tolerance for tomfoolery, something Ray hasn't quite figured out how to deal with - he often ends up hanging himself as he backpedals out of the latest thorny situation.
  • Caring for her kingdom had taught Aluvia a new kind of love that made her infatuation with Gadi foolery.
  • But underlying all this foolery -- "Gerhardt used the word deliberately. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • When the symptoms were very complicated, the patient was supposed to be possessed with many demons — a demon of madness, one of luxury, one of avarice, one of obstinacy, one of short-sightedness, one of deafness; and the exorciser could not easily miss finding a demon of foolery created, with another of knavery. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • But some people evidently don't see any need to join in such communal tomfoolery.
  • For all the gardyloo and tomfoolery here, I do take blogs seriously.
  • The true Way to the Knowledge of the Source is not the timid and footling way of the Student, but the Divine Foolery of the Hacker.
  • I am tempted to say that Mailer and Capote deserve each other—two overblown reputations that owed more to extraliterary tomfoolery than to their writing. Guest of the non-fiction novelist
  • One day, in a fit of tomfoolery, she and one of her coworker buddies dress up in a guest's expensive clothing.
  • My smoking is stupid of course, but that's my damn foolery and none of the General's business.
  • There is silly foolery and there is heroic foolery, the Zeppelin-tinkerer explains.
  • And the people of these times are something less easily hoodwinked, I think, by such stark foolery. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • Bath Street is turning out to be Glasgow's premier thoroughfare for boozing, schmoozing and general tomfoolery.
  • And if you work in the medical profession, you might wonder why hospitals have gone from holy places of professionals and passion to hotbeds of tomfoolery in popular culture.
  • He said that for all his wise-cracks, pranks and tomfoolery on the screen, he was a ‘very serious’ person in real life.
  • The second, though not quite matching the first's coruscating brilliance, was still peppered with hysterical moments and the usual quota of toe-curling tomfoolery.
  • Why had I not seen that all Buddy's foolery, his flatulence, his stumbles, his bad memory, and his popeyed look of suffocation signified that he had only days left? Beard
  • Puns, outlandish narrative detours and other foolery are wildly evident in Milligan's scripts.
  • The masters of this sort of visual foolery are of course the people who post here.
  • In Shakespeare's day the groundlings were a lot more unruly, and you could say that that actress wasn't being sincere or true to her Shakespearean traditions, taking umbrage at a harmless bit of tom foolery that wouldn't have caused Richard Burbage to drop so much as a single iamb from To be, or not to be. Lance Mannion:
  • A gype, a glaik and a galoot were all commonly hurled jibes in our house, a home filled with tomfoolery and japes well beyond the time when we should all have grown up and known better.
  • While a solo binger will tend to underestimate his natural limits, a pair or group of lost weekenders can encourage, threaten and cajole each other to dizzying new heights of drunken tomfoolery.
  • In years gone by, entire summers could pass with barely a glimpse of flannelled foolery on the back pages of the tabloids.
  • I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
  • If you're a fan of the theatre, don't mind luvvies being luvvies and enjoy an elongated version of a Sunday night period melodrama, with an abundance of tomfoolery, then this should tickle your fancy.
  • I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
  • I coolly laughed and tried to place a simple mask of foolery on my face.
  • He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
  • My eyes hurt and my brain creaks in protest at the muppets and their tomfoolery.
  • SEPARATE APPROACH to hidden variables also relies on dimensional tomfoolery - but in this case occurring in time.
  • Much horsefoolery, swashbuckling and romance commence, soundtracked by Bachman Turner Overdrive.
  • I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
  • The celebration of St Ralph's Day would involve as much carousing and tomfoolery as St Patrick's Day, with the added attraction that it would be compulsory to tell porkies at every possible opportunity.
  • A bit of buffoonery and tomfoolery are always welcome after a tense high wire act, during which everyone in the audience has been holding their breath, and looking anxiously upwards, in total empathy with the performer.
  • There's much foolery among them, but it's very difficult to fool the Vatican.
  • Later that year he broke the same kneecap during tomfoolery in a Newcastle nightclub.
  • I'll not have you poison this vessel with your foolery and slubbering.
  • Where it serves to obstruct learning, and remove choice, political correctness of this kind can only be considered ignorant tomfoolery.
  • How they intend to turn this tomfoolery into pop music is anyone's guess.
  • Admittedly, he plays the baddy, a doctor sent into the asylum to sort things out - i.e. curb this reckless artistic foolery.
  • He could spot hypocrisy, pomposity, smugness, snobbery, tomfoolery and turpitude from miles away.
  • For all its appearance of foolery, then, play is serious business that does not mask unpleasant realities hidden by ritual.
  • One day, in a fit of tomfoolery, she and one of her coworker buddies dress up in a guest's expensive clothing.

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