How To Use Font In A Sentence
It is a display font whose forms are extremely thick, up to the extent of being nearly illegible.
Fontaine has prettily set it off, and an anonymous writer has composed it in Latin Anacreontic verses; and at length our Prior has given it with equal gaiety and freedom.
Curiosities of Literature, Vol. 1 (of 3)
Could you PLEASE send me the fonts to albert.
BPL and Coca-Cola league letterset/font
The sutures are, in effect, grooves between the bones of the skull and the fontanelles are small areas where the sutures meet.
Enough fluid should be removed to soften the fontanel, usually 10 to 15 ml.

Moroccan lamb meatballs, halibut and shrimp cakes with romesco, brioche panini with fontina and truffle oil, roasted pepper and Serrano ham, fried risotto balls, tuna tartare with chermoula on toast, fried polenta with mushroom duxelle.
Three Stages of Amazement
I know they can enhance reading, especially for the elderly because the font size can be enlarged.
Times, Sunday Times
At the font he shook off the assistance of the sidesman and meandered down the aisle.
The name billed underneath LeBron James on that flier - and in a much smaller font. Front Page
Two girl-sized statues of angels holding fonts of holy water stood by the main door.
Skull at birth, showing frontal and occipital fonticuli.
Illustrations. Fig. 197
The Rafaees at Haji Malang. flickr-photo {border: solid 2px #000000;}. flickr-yourcomment {}. flickr-frame {text-align: left; padding: 3px;}. flickr-caption {font-size: 0. 8em; margin-top: 0px;}
The Rafaees at Haji Malang « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
The libeller adds that he suspects that Fontenelle never performed the duties of a Christian but out of contempt for
A Philosophical Dictionary
Between the ages 7 to 20 months the fontanelle, temples and back of head are particularly vulnerable when an infant is learning to walk.
Cease any talk of font analysis, kerning, superscripts or anything else of a typographical nature.
In India, the co-operative has been supplying dairy products to the food industry and pharmaceutical-grade lactose to the pharmaceutical industry through its joint venture DMV-Fonterra Excipients.
Fonterra Eyes India's Booming Dairy Sector
It is only comparatively recently that the scale and significance of the Sterkfontein deposits have begun to be fully appreciated.
Simply pack a picnic hamper and head off through the olive and cypress groves for tiny inland settlements like Klonatika, Fontana and Anemogianatika which has twice as many letters in its name as houses!
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Quote Of The Day
Images includes those of vivid rehearsals as well as behind-the-scenes pictures of seminal company personalities such as Margot Fonteyn and Ninette de Valois, plus never-before-seen views of the dancers off duty, most charmingly a snap of Lynn Seymour and Rudolf Nureyev, drinking in a London pub.
This week's new dance
I spend way too much time online, reading most of my news on a computer where my presbyopic vision is aided by bright contrast and the ability to make fonts larger.
For example, in both ballets Fonteyn's prince does not even get to dance his solo.
This cup placement maintains flexion of the fetal head and avoids traction over the anterior fontanelle.
Save decorative fonts for recipe titles or chapter headings.
These codes are built into the system and control default fonts, typefaces, sizes and column measures.
The folder window lists all your fonts, double-click on any font icon.
Reporter in fontal city waterproof market discovers, sort of the waterproof on market is not at present little, almost the brand that each waterproof shop has him to specialize in.
But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau.
Tono Bungay
Fonti was concerned about problems of access and coordination on the site now that it had reached peak activity.
Les mémes causes empéchent les moirs qui vivent à la compagne d'avoir des plantations étendues; celles qu'ils cultivent sont bornées, mais généralement assez bien cultivées: de bons habits, _une log house_, ou maison de bois en bon état, des enfans plus nombreux les font remarquer des Européens voyageurs, et l'oeil du philosophe se plaît à considérer ces habitations, où la tyrannie ne fait point verser de pleurs.
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916
The decision of Government to send reinforcements to Ireland was mentioned as a prelude to the information from Vienna of the birth of a son to the Princess Nikolas: and then; having conjoined the two entirely heterogeneous pieces of intelligence, the composer adroitly interfused them by a careless transposition of the prelude and the burden that enabled him to play ad libitum on regrets and rejoicings; by which device the lord of Earlsfont might be offered condolences while the lady could express her strong contentment, inasmuch as he deplored the state of affairs in the sister island, and she was glad of a crisis concluding a term of suspense thus the foreign-born baby was denounced and welcomed, the circumstances lamented and the mother congratulated, in a breath, all under cover of the happiest misunderstanding, as effective as the cabalism of Prospero's wand among the Neapolitan mariners, by the skilful Irish development on a grand scale of the rhetorical figure anastrophe, or a turning about and about.
Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
198 Skull at birth, showing sphenoidal and mastoid fonticuli.
II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
The software allows you to see at a glance what fonts you have on the computer.
An additional fontanelle is sometimes seen in the sagittal suture at the region of the obelion.
II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
I think of the fontanel, the soft spot and the crown chakra, this baby still half in the other world.
The thin-crusted pizzas are tops, with seasonal embellishments like trumpet royale mushrooms, fontina cheese, and thyme.
And I kinda liked your red crayon-scrawly powerpoints - what font is that?
In Dublin two years ago, some church fonts were removed when it was learned that drug users rinsed their syringes in the holy water.
We recommend using an easy-to-read font for the majority of your text, but fancy fonts can be used for headings and subheadings.
Still, it's very good, and subscribers get a disc containing at least one font with every issue.
Meanwhile, Fontana is trying to escape slavery, and keep his followers from finding out just what a loser he actually is.
Except You Go Through Shadow - Memories of a Wraith author - Plus more...Johnette, etc.
The font itself was set Beneath a dome-shaped Baldachin and encircled by columns and an ambulatory (aisle), features first used by the byzantines.
A large boneless breast of chicken was stuffed with fontina cheese and sundried tomatoes and then topped with béchamel sauce and fresh pesto.
A few years ago, a clever webhead created a site advocating the use of what he called the sarcastic font.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
This spring water was used in the font in the church to christen babies.
So the books that you read shouldn't be too unwieldy in weight, nor contain particularly tight typesetting or small font size.
The thickness of the font was kind of perfect for our logo, not too bold and not too light.
This cup placement maintains flexion of the fetal head and avoids traction over the anterior fontanelle.
The sutures are, in effect, grooves between the bones of the skull and the fontanelles are small areas where the sutures meet.
BeefBar is situated overlooking the harbour in the Fontveille quarter, so you enjoy your meal while gazing covetously at the superyachts moored there.
Review - BeefBar, Monaco 17 October 2008
Guard memos, the O.O.O.F. which oddly enough resembles the sounds made by the testees for the torture memo clause is likely a forgery – sinc the rest of the Constitution is not printed on Walmart watermark Bond paper and in Arial font.
Firedoglake » Give Me Liberty — A Patriot’s Case Against Appeasement
We in Fontanellato were not afraid because we thought that apart from houses and farms we had nothing worth bombing.
Tygris, et Euphrates, ab ista dimidia parte terrae circa 苢uatoris circulum terrae influentes, quapropter et merito credendum videtur, exire de eodem fonte et alia quatuor flumina irrigantia terram oppositam, quae est circa alteram dimidiam partem circuli
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Gui, 6: Color, \% alertcolor\% gui, 6: font, s\%fontsize\%, \% font\% ypos: = 10 gui 6: - sysmenu yvar: = ypos+pich+10
AutoHotkey Community
What happened was I thought that a few of the posts on my blog were in a different font.
Add the reserved broth, fontina, Parmesan, walnuts, parsley and some salt and pepper.
Play" target: self selector: @selector MenuItem * menuItem2 = [MenuItemFont itemFromString: @ full roast blend
At the font of change was a revolution in agriculture.
Times, Sunday Times
Paratus sum ad obeundum mortem, si tu jubeas; hanc sitim aestuantis seda, quam tuum sidus perdidit, aquae et fontes non negant, &c.
Anatomy of Melancholy
Simply pack a picnic hamper and head off through the olive and cypress groves for tiny inland settlements like Klonatika, Fontana and Anemogianatika which has twice as many letters in its name as houses!
He had nothing to offer on whether the Selectric balls duplicated the superscripts found on Word, or whether the Selectric balls could produce proportional fonts, kerning, or centered titles.
Due to an unintentional oversight, we failed to identify, prior to the release, the presence of two swastikas within the font.
The next three cases (43-45) are chiefly devoted to the various crystallisations of calcite, including that generally known as the Fontainbleau crystallised sandstone, and the stalactic and fibrous varieties from Africa, Sweden, and Cumberland; while the two cases marked 45 A and B are covered with polished samples, known to people generally as marbles, including the beautiful fire marble.
How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
Spread over 112,000 acres, the Sterkfontein and associated sites contain the largest number of fossils found anywhere in the world.
The font used on the cover and throughout the book is a serif font with distinctive, thick slab ends - a kind of conservative font appropriate for a school textbook.
Two of the works that they acquired were bought as reductions of the previously mentioned Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Napoleon Crossing the Alps.
Topics covered are: fonts, size, color, leading, kerning, tracking, paragraph spacing and alignment, hyphenation and composition, glyphs and special characters.
Some, such as Dona Ines, Restaurant Al Fonte and Pedros, are decidedly decent places to eat.
Love letters would be in some flowery font like, ah, I dunno one of the script ones and it'd be in pretty pastel shades of pinks and lilacs.
Renée's dreams of returning to Australia were financially unrealisable; indeed, the nuns at Mortefontaine dismissed her when the boarding fees fell into arrears.
You select a book from a digital book shelf; the pages flip in 3-D, and there's a tool enabling you to increase font size or change the font.
In 1960 she was nominated for the Fontane Prize for literature, awarded by the Berlin Academy of the Arts, but declined the honor because a former member of the SS was on the jury.
Mascha Kal��ko.
Stone water fonts are to be placed at the doors in Midfield Church.
A second and even clearer giveaway feature is the appearance of small-font superscripts in words like 117th.
The gold bowl used as a font was brought from Windsor Castle.
King Edward VIII - The Official Biography
David Fontana is an associate professor of law at George Washington University Law School.
Stephen Breyer's "Making Democracy Work," reviewed by David Fontana
Ce sont les tonneaux vides qui font le plus de bruit.
French Word-A-Day:
Stage II, known as the bidirectional Glenn or the hemiFontan, typically occurs within four to six months of birth.
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
The mac with lobster and fontina was a higher-priced stroke of genius.
Don't Mention the 'Curse'
At a time when the Church was desperate to believe that Earth was the centre of the universe, pluralist de Fontanelle delighted in a contrary concept.
They occur most frequently in the course of the lambdoidal suture, but are occasionally seen at the fontanelles, especially the posterior.
II. Osteology. 5a. 6. Ethmoid bone
On Friday the company reported a fire at East Driefontein gold mine's Number 4 subvertical shaft, about 2500m below surface.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Nos ver� Islandi etiam hunc quartum Frisij fontem, cuius etiam Saxo meminit, vt antehac semper, itidem etiam nobis hodie penitus ignotum testamur:
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
As one pundit told me, marble follows the locals from the baptismal font to the tombstone.
As I remarked, no font distinguishes the functions by consistent uses of these differently shaped glyphs.
A granite stone holy water font was thrown into the river and about 100 years ago it was retrieved from the water and re-erected.
Hill -- was Fonthill Abbey, near Salisbury, that prodigious folly to which
A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
Ideally it is recommended that you leave the font size scalable so users can control the size they want.
This makes it easy for people with poor eyesight to enlarge the fonts on a page to make the site more readable.
To forge the certificate, she needed an exact match for the paper and the fonts.
The 8-bit version of this text includes Windows font characters like S with a caron above it (pronounced/sh/) as in Šamaš, etc.
The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
Projected over several screens, the surtitles use different fonts, with a comic-book typeface for the larger-than-life characters.
Different font implementations, even for ostensibly identical fonts, often produce subtly different spacings.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Massive Problems with Anti-Obama Allegations That Have Been Making the Rounds Recently
The Advanced Font Catalog has the Multilingual user interface.
That's fine for display purposes, but if the file is edited and sent back to a PC, the original font selections are lost.
Install whichever is appropriate, and you can use Eaglefeather as your font whenever you wish.
The good folks of Ad Fontes in Lithuania send in this news:
News, Video and Images from Lithuania: Ad Fontes and the Usus Antiquior at Riga Cathedral
If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
The men allegedly forced him at gunpoint to drive to Stilfontein where money was withdrawn from his bank account.
In the informal document can narrow the margins and line spacing, reduce the font size.
A summary of facts said there had been previous accidents involving the machinery in question - a palletiser - and Fonterra had assessed its safety and at the time of the incident was looking at ways to improve it. - Stuff
Italics are also okay: Mind your ps and qs, dot your is and cross your ts – but this presentation can be too subtle for some eyes, fonts, and publishing houses.
Plurals of acronyms, abbreviations, initialisms and single letters
This crew is embodied by a builder turned speculator who marries Fonty's daughter in a marvellously comic wedding scene.
The larger fontanel usually closes by eighteen months after the birth; the smaller one closes by two to six months.
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
Paris has never been so resplendent as this morning, and I very nearly went with G. and his mother to the Forest of Fontainebleau, which must be adorned with all the glories of a Corot or a Courbet — “Is there a lot about the glories?”
Maigret and the Burglar's Wife
We had Rogan copy the letter in his own handwriting and matched the outside carrier font to his writing.
Side note: trademark really gets confused when it comes to incontestability of a descriptive term that was registered in a particular form, like a particular font — do you focus on the similarity to the mark as specifically displayed, or do you look at the similarity of the word component of the mark, which it’s possible to abstract from the mark?
Archive 2009-08-01
However … now that I have figured out there is a restaurant in my burb called Freestyle Tout, (not trout, must see optometrist or remember to hit Enlarge Font) this seems reasonable.
Cheeseburger Gothic » Kinda buried.
First the brass plates were spun on a lathe over a wooden mold to create the font.
A sixteen-page reference list in typescript of bills introduced, bills discussed, and special speeches delivered by La Fontaine, prepared by the Services d'étude et de documentation du sénat de Belgique.
Henri La Fontaine - Biography
Being so frightfully concerned for her, I refused to touch the soft fontanel at the top of her head for any reason.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
This question -- which Hohenfels called peevish as he buried himself in his book -- was not answered until we had passed Verviers, Chaudfontaine and Liège.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 85, January, 1875
Enormous allonge perukes and ruffles, the fontange (high headdress), hoops, and high heels, rendered the human race a caricature of itself.
Germany from the Earliest Period Volume 4
You can resize fonts and change the background colour.
Times, Sunday Times
Today's Guardian sports a designer-friendly logo in blue italics and black roman font.
Modern genetic analysis leaves no doubt that the “aurora trout” is, in reality, a brook trout, albeit a highly peculiar brook trout that lacks the characteristic markings of S. fontinalis.
Trout and Salmon of North America
In each case, the parenthetical portion of the title in this series is lettered across the painting's lower edge in a classic upper-case Roman font.
While many valid points have been brought to light, I've dared to ponder how the original typographers of many great fonts would suffer to know that their work should be left in the confines of an era.
Fontevrault there developed an “epithalamic” litera - ture, but it was intended only for the nuns and nurtured by commentaries on the Song of Songs.
Occasionally a deficiency in the osseous material of the cranium or an abnormal dilatation of the fontanelles gives rise to a hernia of the meninges, which, if accompanied by cerebrospinal fluid in any quantity, causes a large and peculiarly shaped tumor called meningocele.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
There was a dame's school in their little village of Fonthill Abbey, but the poverty of the family would have made it impossible for Joan to attend had it not been for an unselfish person residing there, a Mr. King, who was anxious that every child should be taught its letters.
A Shepherd's Life Impressions of the South Wiltshire Downs
This small restaurant, which serves up dishes of samp, dumplings and mutton, is proving to be a favourite breakfast and lunch destination for Braamfontein's students and office workers.
Some steamy some clear: winter in Montreal parc jarry, post storm mount royal, afternoon, summer carre saint louis, mid afternoon the fountain, parc la fontaine the pool, parc laurier parc baldwin carre saint louis
John Thompson, 1977
In general, the aspect of the exterior of the Palais de Fontainebleau, the walls themselves, the Cours, the alleyed walks are chiefly reminiscent of the early art of the Renaissance.
Royal Palaces and Parks of France
But Fontaine was also slowed by the gridlock created by internal Liberal Party machinations.
A five-tonne font (a stone bowl in a church that holds water for baptism) in granite that was used by the prior is also on display.
The London-born, Turkish-Cypriot artist has previously aped advertising's slick appeal, from photorealist paintings of his niece picking flowers in Cyprus, to covering his East End neighbourhood with billboard posters bearing his name in a cool, chunky font.
This week's new exhibitions
If you're wondering why designers didn't anticipate this problem by simply designing fonts with larger x-heights and blobby serifs, you are not alone: you stand together with Tony Stan, designer of ITC Garamond.
If you simply crave cheese, the three-cheese melt of gruyere, fontina and goat cheese with roasted tomatoes $7.75 is tasty, or opt for the classic, American cheese on white bread, for $4.99.
Childhood Favorites
The Fontainebleau is the most iconic hotel in Florida, if not the world.
Jordana Zizmor: A Trip to the Fontainebleau in Miami
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The fontanelles are usually closed by the growth and extension of the bones which surround them, but sometimes they are the sites of separate ossific centers which develop into sutural bones.
II. Osteology. 5d. The Interior of the Skull
Do gradient and temperature affect distributions of, and interactions between, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and other resident salmonids in streams?
Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
‘The Essex County vicinage is the busiest court system in New Jersey and one of the twenty busiest vicinages in the United States,’ said Sheriff Fontoura.
But as I watched the credits unfold I thought: I know that font.
Fewer people will be able to render it correctly, though for various reasons, but most often the font employed doesn't contain the precomposed polytonic characters and the browser can't adequately substitute for them. FOUR BASIC PHRASES.
Pathetic," he called the fevered satisfaction she took in the hovering attentions of our old black nurse, who gave us brief respites in the two sick-rooms by turns, and who had according to Mrs. Fontenette, "such a beautiful faith!
Strong Hearts
Between the Seine and the little river Loing lies a wide flat country, skirted on the one side by the Forest of Fontainebleau, and marked out as to its southern limits by the towns of Moret,
A Woman of Thirty
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel you can change the size of fonts and images displayed on your monitor screen with a single click.
Today's President brand, managed by Lactalis USA, encompasses a wide spectrum of specialty cheeses, including Brie, Camembert, Edam, Gouda, feta, asiago and fontina varieties.
Are you sure that the font contains glyphs for each of the analphabetic symbols you're looking for?
As White wryly remarks, the Irish have been talking about revenge since they lost in Bloemfontein and Cape Town and should not need to be motivated more than they already are.
Dark, where her companion was fair, and with the glossy texture of her own somber locks showing in the individual roll which ran back into the absurd _fontange_ of false hair and falser powder, Mary
The Mississippi Bubble
All digits, primes, and target stimuli were presented in lower case letters, in the font Helvetica, bold, and size 24.
In the above example, our second declaration specifies which font to use.
Times, Sunday Times
The instrumentation panels are printed in an ugly script font.
Before I get into anything approaching the news of the day, it's sad to report that crooner Al Martino, a k a Johnny Fontane, has died at the age of 82.
Free Tom Waits and a ton of fun news
Added limited support for. sfz soundfont import in Sampler.
KVR News: Top Stories
Critics such as La Font de Saint-Yenne and Diderot began to label the work of many of their contemporaries shallow, frivolous, and licentious.
Did it all hinge on the creation of an all-powerful executive council, hand-picked by Fontaine to circumvent the chiefs?
Fontaine said he is pleased Scott responded so quickly to the assembly's invitation.
Love letters would be in some flowery font like, ah, I dunno one of the script ones and it'd be in pretty pastel shades of pinks and lilacs.
Lose yourself at the Wits Theatre in Braamfontein, where Just In Time interweaves mime and movement, and illusion and the surreal take centre stage.
The duchess carried her grandchild to the font, -- a font draped with cramoisy velvet.
Charles the Bold Last Duke of Burgundy, 1433-1477
Spread a layer of béchamel over truffles and layer with chicken, mushrooms, tomato confit, fontina cheese and another layer of sauce.
Why don't you play about with the different fonts on the computer and see which one you want to use?
I could live with a change in its size, if that made it cheaper for you, so long as the nonglossy paper and legible fonts remain.
Tell Us What to Do
These pictures evoke Victor Hugo's conviction that 'A tree is an edifice, a forest a city, and among all the forests, the Forest of Fontainebleau is a monument. '
Art Knowledge News
In her best performance, Joan Fontaine plays a meek woman who falls for a composer (Louis Jordan) in circa 1900 Vienna.
2010 April :
It comes with 25 scalable Bitstream soft fonts in TrueType format and 13 resident fonts.
In the south wall there is a beautiful piscina, and in the north wall an ambry with a small stone penthouse; an octagonal baptismal font of remarkable design stands against the east wall of the aisle.
Scottish Cathedrals and Abbeys
A tell-tale sign will be how much you dig the title screen, which transcends the taste of your average font Nazi.
The House of the Devil Available Pre-Theatrical Release on VOD and Amazon | /Film
The great "lion" of this district was the famous and extraordinary Fonthill Abbey, an amazing erection in sham Gothic, built by Wyatt, that "infamous dispoiler, misnamed architect" to the order of the eccentric author of
Wanderings in Wessex An Exploration of the Southern Realm from Itchen to Otter
This spring water was used in the font in the church to christen babies.
There was rupture at the site of the anterior fontanel with extrusion of intracranial contents.
All the pews have been removed from inside but the font and the altar rail remain.
At Mellifont we have the earliest remains of a claustral planned monastery in Ireland.
Brantôme speaks of it with enthusiasm, and quotes it repeatedly; Lafontaine, the conteur par excellence, acknowledges his obligations to it; Montaigne calls it un gentil livre pour son etoffe – "a nice book for its matter;" and Bayle says it is, "after the manner of Boccace's novels," and "has beauties in that kind which are surprising.
The Heptameron of Margaret, Queen of Navarre
Thus of their goods and bodies we can dispose; but what shall become of their souls, God alone can tell; his mercy may come inter pontem et fontem, inter gladium et jugulum, betwixt the bridge and the brook, the knife and the throat.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He believes that anxiety has not concrete object, for its object is the fontal menace, which is " nihility ", which is the religion anxiety, which comes from"original sin".
Considering all these facts, we must regard the fall of arterial pressure, the depression of the fontanelle, and the turgescence of the vessels of the limbs as phenomena concomitant with bodily rest and warmth, and we have no more right to assign the causation of sleep to cerebral anæmia than to any other alteration in the functions of the body, such as occur during sleep.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 1178, June 25, 1898
There are spelling mistakes, the print is wonky, the setting of words completely misinterpreted, and to top it all, a font that I've never in my life used, appears in three random words on the care label.
The last two categories are the familiar binomial nomenclature used to formally name a species, such as Salvelinus fontinalis.
Trout and Salmon of North America
Tra queste, la tesi per cui internet "ruberebbe" e approfitterebbe dei contenuti e delle news prodotti dai giornali, sfruttando il lavoro altrui: tesi contraddetta dal fatto che la gran parte dei contenuti che i quotidiani italiani pubblicano viene da altre fonti. un'indagine esattamente su questo studiando la circolazione di una notizia sui giornali internazionali.
The Forest of Fontainebleau is a dozen leagues in circumference, and of an area of nearly thirty-five thousand acres.
Royal Palaces and Parks of France
The specially designed magnetic drum controller allows the Chinese fonts on the drum to be retrieved not by drum address but by character codes match.
I'm sure she'll be a font of forthcomingness THIS time.
Edwards Uses Bush's Iran Sanctions To Go After Hillary
Il file AVI è la fonte originale, ma ha troppo padding verticale che dà fastidio.
No Fat Clips!!! : ANATOLI PETROV – Poligon
He is based at INSEAD's European campus in Fontainebleau, France.
INSEAD Dean Joins General Atlantic
Born DeAndre James Hackett (but he has gone by D.J. as long as he can remember) on 7/31/81 in Fontana, California ...
Isler wrote profiles and conducted an hourlong interview with Stephen Fontana, a DNC member and State Representative in Connecticut.
From Exposing Superdelegates to the Bitter Brouhaha, Web Activists Make Their Mark
To do that, I had to measure the old type and match font, body size, leading, and letter spacing exactly.
A lesser-known Italian cheese is Piedmont's fontina, which is the essential ingredient in fonduta, Italy's version of the Swiss fondue.
Offline Character Recognition for The template matching, USPS font terminology Fisher Linear found handwritten identification numbers.
All packs will be identical in terms of font, size and colour.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the past year there has been an increased awareness of certain Italian varieties, such as asiago, fontina and fontinella.
If Lafontaine is forced to climb down, he may wish to reconsider his position.
The fontina and goat cheese sandwich $7.50 melts in your mouth and is flavorful with roasted wild mushrooms and parsley pesto.
Childhood Favorites
This is admirably described by Alphonse Daudet when he writes: "Bien vite, s'il s'agit de l'affreuse politique, nos qualités tournent au pire: l'enthousiasme devient hypocrisie; l'éloquence, faconde et boniment; le scepticisme léger, escroquerie; l'amour de ce qui brille, fureur du lucre et du luxe à tout prix; la sociabilité, le besoin de plaire, se font lâcheté, faiblesse, et palinodie.
Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy
The folded half-moon, a sort of quasi-calzone, hides a cache of fontina cheese gigged with emphatic sun-dried tomato: simple and effective.
Authorities say over the next few hours, a gunwoman stole clothing from a Victor Valley mall, tried to rob a Fontana minimart and waved a gun at people in Rancho Cucamonga.
The Seattle Times
The painting first resided in Fontainebleau, later in the Palace of Versailles.
Six exotic species of fish have been introduced, including brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis, lake trout S. namycush, brown trout Salmo trutta, rainbow trout Oncorhyncus mykiss and lakechub Couecius plumbeus.
Yellowstone National Park, United States
Notwithstanding these mutual good oiE - ces between the King and the republic of Gene - va, Henry did not break with the Duke of Savoy; but, oil the contrary, the Count of Garmare, en - voy from this Prince, having taken leave of the King at Fontainebleauy. the latter eild of Octo -
Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the ...
Look at his cradle cap, his pulsing fontanelle.
I’ll let font designer Mark Simonson answer that one: “A pangram is a sentence or phrase which contains every letter of the alphabet.”
Rambles at » Blog Archive » Pangram haikus
Ses murs font près de 3m d'épaisseur, sa toiture est composée de 2 dalles en béton fortement armées, séparées entre elles par une chambre d'éclatement qui jouait un rôle antidéflagration.
Archive 2009-04-01
Beneath me, in bold serif font, was written the word determination.
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No problem & # 10084 ; with no spaces but check out ‘alanwood dawt net’ site to get other fonts and wingdings.
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I only speak of actions which they perform voluntarily or freely (_actions qu'ils font de leur plein gré_).
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