How To Use Fomenter In A Sentence
Fox "News" has long been a fomenter of violent crime, encouraging the tin-foil hat crowd to embark on mercenary missions to take out liberals and other normal, thinking people in waves of violent crimes in churches, woman's health clinics, and pretty much anywhere they find them, and this was true of the so-called witless tea party protests of Obama's tax reform plan.
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
Adams was the head terrorist, the major fomenter of it all.
Justin Frank: Sagebrush Fire
Now, as an Al Qaeda field commander sporting a bandolier of bullets, he is threatening the United States and has been hailed by a militant Web site as a veteran guerrilla and "a fomenter of war.
News about one freed Guantanamo Bay prisoner that you won't find reported on the BBC
Crass never went about anything in an orthodox manner during their tenure as fomenters of dissent from 1977 to 1984.
Fox News, a factory of propaganda and lies on the best of days, has decided "the hell with it" and become an outright partisan fomenter of "revolution.
Ellis Weiner: Life in These Untied States
Eventually the Federal services fingered a recently dead scientist as the fomenter of the attacks.
Matthew Edlund, M.D.: Food Safety and Terrorism
Bernick: That is perfectly true; he is an agitator and a fomenter of discontent; but such an unscrupulous thing as this — Look here, Krap; you must look into the matter once more.
Pillars of Society
The peacemaker, by laying bare the violence that must be overcome, frequently appears to be the fomenter of the very violence being opposed.
In fact, the academies were as much fomenters as symptoms of a major change.
Exactly a year earlier in the Tuskegee courthouse, his congressman, Tom Heflin, had attacked him as a liar and troublemaker, a fomenter of racial strife, a dangerous Negro.
Up From History: The Life of Booker T. Washington
Mr. Schmidt is familiar with the game as chief technology officer of Sun Microsystems in the 1990s, he was a chief fomenter of the antitrust assault on Bill Gates
Google and the Search for the Future
They have seen them as fomenters of sectarian discord.
And here are the American fomenters of disorder.
He may be a prolific speaker and writer and fomenter of violence, but what a moniker.
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Fox "News" has long been a fomenter of violent crime, encouraging the tin-foil hat crowd to embark on mercenary missions to take out liberals and other normal, thinking people in waves of violent crimes in churches, woman's health clinics, and pretty much anywhere they find them, and this was true of the so-called witless tea party protests of Obama's tax reform plan.
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?
Now, as an Al Qaeda field commander sporting a bandolier of bullets, he is threatening the United States and has been hailed by a militant Web site as a veteran guerrilla and "a fomenter of war.
News about one freed Guantanamo Bay prisoner that you won't find reported on the BBC