How To Use Fomentation In A Sentence
Hot fomentation should be applied to open up the skin pores and squeeze out the waste matter.
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In his memoirs, Joseph Holt recalled the fomentation of what was to become the Castle Hill rebellion.
And moreover if, while the pain of the side persists, and does not yield to warm fomentations, and the sputa are not brought up, but are viscid and unconcocted, unless one get the pain resolved, either by loosening the bowels, or opening a vein, whichever of these may be proper; — if to persons so circumstanced ptisan be administered, their speedy death will be the result.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Three years later, it is the imam who the majority of Americans believe is engaging in "willful fomentation.
A Muslim Reformer on the Mosque
Peat baths and peat fomentations have been used since the beginning of time to alleviate pain and disease.
Self-help measures such as fomentation, cold packs, gentle massage with topical agents to relieve pain can be very soothing.
Perhaps it's well past time to hit the real source of this fomentation - the Iranian Mullahs.
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
Other treatments included massages with hot fomentations and salt glows; electric light cabinet for patients with pleurisy and obesity; infra ray lamp treatments; and sitz baths, perineal douches, and hot and cold compresses.
The reasons for the fomentation of militancy have been spectacularly perpetuated by your very own government.
There is an art to folding and making fomentations work right.
To be sure, they give it hot, but we do not object to that, since 'water hot ne'er made a sot,' and it cures dyspepsia and all forms of indigestion as whisky never did, but only made believe to; while its external use as a fomentation is banishing alcohol even for old folks '' rheumatiz 'where, as a remedy, it would be likely to make its final stand.
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And moreover if, while the pain of the side persists, and does not yield to warm fomentations, and the sputa are not brought up, but are viscid and unconcocted, unless one get the pain resolved, either by loosening the bowels, or opening a vein, whichever of these may be proper; — if to persons so circumstanced ptisan be administered, their speedy death will be the result.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Applying hot packs to the spine, hot or cold foot bath and hot fomentation to the spine before going to bed are all proven methods.
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If we condemn Ahmadinejad and other patrons of terrorism, we must, with equal force, commend those Muslim intellectuals and religious leaders who have the courage to speak out publicly against the continued fomentation of Holocaust denial and other manifestations of Judaeophobia in their midst.
Menachem Rosensaft: Finding Common Ground
More than any military operation, this kind of power projection works against the fomentation of militant hatred towards them.
Esoula nil nobis, sed dat linaria _taurum_," implying that the herb was of old valued for its good effects when applied externally to piles as an ointment, a fomentation, or a poultice, each being made from the leaves and the flowers.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
The infusion of Wormwood makes a useful fomentation for inflammatory pains, and, combined with chamomile flowers and bay leaves, it formed the anodyne fomentation of the earlier dispensatories.
Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
Turpentine may also be rubbed over the chest with fomentation for the same object.
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Another kind of fomentation is composed of dried poppyheads, 4 oz.
The Book of Household Management
While the external application of warm herbal poultices, plasters, or fomentations is commonly used as a counterirritant to relieve underlying pain and congestion, others having a cooler, anti-inflammatory action are used for the treatment of more inflamed injuries and inflammations, and to promote the healing of burns, tissue, and broken bones.
Hot fomentations would give great relief, but did not give sufficient rest to the joint to permit of a cure.
He called it "willful fomentation" and "gratuitous" to republish them throughout Europe.
A Muslim Reformer on the Mosque
Hot fomentation, wax bath or ultrasonics can improve symptoms.
Take three cantharides, and removing their head, feet, and wings, triturate their bodies in three cupfuls (cyathi) of water, and when the person who has drunk the draught complains of pain, let him have hot fomentations applied.
On Regimen In Acute Diseases
Indeed, as I soothed my bruised nerves with brandy fomentations that night, I reflected that there were worse places than India; there was Aberdeenshire, with Ignatieff loose in the bracken, hoping to hang my head on his gunroom wall.