How To Use Following In A Sentence

  • Sewage overflowed into wash basins at West Middlesex Hospital following a blockage in one of the toilets.
  • The following years were characterized by rifts with Russia, in which the Ukraine jealously guarded its own independence against its overbearing neighbour.
  • A few talented writers en dowed with originality and exceptional animation, a few brilliant efforts, isolated, without following, interrupted and recommenced, did not suffice to endow a nation with a solid and imposing basis of literary wealth. Literary and Philosophical Essays: French, German and Italian
  • Following the example set by her father, she has fulfilled her role and done her duty.
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
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  • In the following year they surveyed the perpendicular to the meridian east of Paris, triangulating the area between Paris and Strasbourg.
  • The course leader outlined the programme we would be following.
  • The following day the capital was under shellfire. Reluctant revolutionary: the rocky road of Venustiano Carranza (1859–1920)
  • Twice through the following night was I wakened by the boat being hurled upon her beam-ends by the blows of the seas; but she righted easily, and took scarce any water, the canvas proving a very roof of safety. The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig'
  • The orbit of the earth (or the circle which the sun seems to describe round the earth), is called the ecliptic, which is divided into twelve equal parts, called signs, and are distinguished by the following names and marks, [again, the symbols for the signs can be seen in the A Museum for Young Gentlemen and Ladies Or, a Private Tutor for Little Masters and Misses
  • Polls show that support for a change has plummeted following the royal visits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Waterford publicans, who have signified their intention to defy the ban, are following in the footsteps of their colleagues in Kerry, Cork, Donegal and Wexford.
  • A spokesman said: ‘Following a further complaint, visits to the tea room this year established the conditions of the licence had again been broken.’
  • The development of oncology is always following the anti - tumor new - medicine research and the clinical trial.
  • Calis, and so on the mondaie following, [Sidenote: Iohn Hall executed.] he was drawne from the Tower to Tiburne, and there hanged, bowelled, headed, and quartered: his head being sent to Calis there to be set vp, where the duke was murthered. Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • More impressive still is his quicksilver dexterity in following the ever-changing contours of Sibelius' form.
  • Following three young people with dwarfism, with the focus on normal everyday challenges. Times, Sunday Times
  • To ensure that there is no interference from the most recent deworming, FECRT should not be performed within eight weeks following the last benzimidazole or pyrimidine treatment, or within 12 (ivermectin) or 16 (moxidectin) weeks after a macrocyclic lactone treatment. Thoroughbred News |
  • The International Labour Organisation identifies the following factors that indicate forced labour.
  • When in the following October the nobody met Katsu Kaishu, the enlightened commissioners of the shogun's navy, it might have been with intent to assassinate him.
  • In the days following the D-Day landings, Allied troops carved a tenuous foothold on the coast of Normandy.
  • They depend on volunteers and have a high turnover following any criticism of their activities or decisions.
  • They were following the cortege to the cemetery, and her dad was making jokes. IN REAL LIFE
  • The following data on the electric conductance of F 0 were obtained in the presence of myxothiazol, to avoid the complications caused by the electrogenic and proton pumping activity of bc 1.
  • It is also exciting that it's come to the east coast for the first time, following the Mod.
  • By the hunting season in the following year, not a single survivor of the last group could be found.
  • One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
  • Following his study of the game of dice, he became known as the founder of the theory of probabilistics.
  • I'm still unsure about this one; it could turn out really cool, or an absolute disaster ... my main motivation is that i don't wanna spend money on a haircut. decisions, decisions purchase any of the following: Kindle, iPod Touch, or MacBook Archive 2009-02-01
  • Remember that special "dietetic" or "diabetic" foods often cost extra money and may not be much healthier than simply following the suggestions given here. Undefined
  • A woman saved the life of her baby granddaughter only days after learning life-saving skills following a crash course in first aid at her local pub.
  • Arriving at the confluence with the Columbia, of the river whose banks they were following, they perceived that it was the same which had been called _Lewis river_, by the American captain of that name, in Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in the years 1811, 1812, 1813, and 1814 or the First American Settlement on the Pacific
  • Fifty consecutive, nonobese, habitually snoring, otherwise-healthy children (age range: 6-9 years) and 50 age -, gender -, and ethnicity-matched obese children (BMI z score: 1.67) underwent an overnight polysomnographic evaluation, followed by a multiple sleep latency test the following day. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Is Sleep Apnea a Significant Problem in Sleepy Kids?
  • She was following him at a slow plod.
  • The following year police raided an exhibition of Lawrence's paintings and seized every canvas on which they could descry any wisp of pubic hair.
  • Additionally, FDA officials decided the drug must carry a warning on its label stating, "An increased rate of stroke was observed following Xarelto discontinuation in clinical trials" in patients with the faulty heartbeat known as atrial fibrillation. FDA Approves Anticlotting Drug
  • Over hedge and fence they race, hounds in the lead, redcoats and hangers-on following on horseback.
  • I am also very particular about following the laid-out processes for doing business.
  • Squire Western, who, surrounded by piqueurs, and girt with the conventional cor de chasse of the Gallic sportsman, sings the following ariette, diversified with true Fielding
  • Which of the following reproductive structures is incorrectly matched with the group in which it is found? a. zygospore - zygomycetes Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • This is his second puzzling triple morphemic repetition in recent days, following up on the biggest self of self is self ". Language Log
  • Phyllotaxis, which need not be entered into fully here; but in order the better to estimate the teratological changes which take place, it may be well to allude to the following circumstances relating to the alternation of parts. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The preceding locution is established Mazzinian; the following clearly mine. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • In a way, you could say this thrill seeker is also following his father's adventuresome footsteps - his dad once maneuvered a motor boat from Venezuela to Miami.
  • Your advertisers saw your terrific ratings that spanned across the board -- your demo being virtually every demo -- so they hawked everything from Viagra to gaming and condoms to candy bars during your time slot; those ratings were due partly to the Sci-Fi Channel's smartly treating you like its golden child, not emaciating your following by constantly changing your air time (did someone say, "Fascape"?). Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
  • The following day, North accused his bosses of appalling, dishonest and unethical behaviour.
  • But as if divining his thoughts -- just as they passed through the dining-room door, Euphra looked round at him, almost over Funkelstein's shoulder, and, without putting into her face the least expression discernible by either of the others following, contrived to banish for the time all Hugh's despair, and to convince him that he had nothing to fear from Funkelstein. David Elginbrod
  • Most of the popular non-executive directors are propelled into the top boardrooms following a career in business.
  • Following his defiance, KSM was subjected to a number of coercive interrogation techniques besides being waterboarded the 183 times: he was kept up for seven and a half days straight while diapered and shackled, and he was told that his kids, who were now being held in American custody, would be killed. The Longest War
  • Following this intensive study carried out over a number of years it was discovered that Carlow boasts the tallest broadleaf in Ireland.
  • He is out of action following an ankle injury.
  • Former Suffragan Bishop of Southampton, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill, ordained Cate as a deacon at Romsey Abbey in 2001 and the curate was priested the following year.
  • The Virgin and Santa Clara rivers snake easily between flat-topped mesas, following paths of least resistance.
  • Despite these unexceptionable advantages, critics have objected to the land tax on the following grounds.
  • The first task following the disaster was the restoration of clean water supplies.
  • But it just makes you look like a social media loser when you don't pay attention to the names and bios of who you follow (like hotsuzy - camgirl), and you start following accounts created for porn or for spam. stories: News
  • A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.
  • Following close behind her, Lily could almost feel Marion breathing on her neck.
  • A notice in Nature the following year described his representation of the attitudes of human locomotion by means of sculpture.
  • Note that there were the usual raft of excuses and alibis following the failures.
  • The act of supplying the young plants with these is called inoculation, and may be done in the following ways: From Captivity to Fame or The Life of George Washington Carver
  • You could use ground dried ginger instead of ginger root in the following recipe, but it is not really an acceptable substitute.
  • Further filtration of the serum protein concentrate by using ion exchange following microfiltration separates out native proteins such as alpha lactalbumin and beta lactoglobulin.
  • Police say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances.
  • In the following example, Spring would pass a reference to the Spring-managed object with a bean name of "dataSource" to the annotated setter method.
  • The decade following saw the first railway train arrive from the East, the first C.P.R. steamship anchored in port, the Klondike "boom," and the great mining industries of British Columbia well under way. Canadian Cities of Romance
  • •If you've been following the fate of Men in Trees (ABC, 10 ET/PT), it won't surprise you to learn this now-canceled series — always an ABC afterthought — is being dropped into the network's summer schedule to complete its run. Critic's Corner Wednesday
  • The same agents sold a three-bedroom mews, Beiginish on Stable Lane in Monkstown, following its withdrawal from auction at €650,000.
  • Talks between the neighbouring countries were called off following a border incident.
  • In addition, depressed individuals are less successful in their efforts to stop smoking and more prone to depression following smoking cessation.
  • He seemed a really genuine guy and sincerely appreciated that we had been following the tour.
  • We have taken Emma to countless doctors, and any number of people with letters following their name lending them some authority or knowledge on autism. Ariane Zurcher: Waging War
  • deeded" to Annie his birthday in the following unique document: Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial
  • The doves argue that following the UN track to the letter would help to build international support for war.
  • Following the impact, the truck careened into the eastbound lane of Highway 52, directly towards an oncoming van.
  • Several of those we saw just now are by this time down the throats of the albicores or bonitoes, which are following them. The South Sea Whaler
  • Sibling-year observations are weighted to address the underrepresentation of high-mortality families in population-based surveys following the general methods proposed by Gakidou and King, where Bf is the original sibship size and PLoS Medicine: New Articles
  • According to the theorem, any triangle inscribed in a semicircle is a right triangle, as is shown in the following diagram: The Medieval Problem of Universals
  • Following a fire in October 2000, the roofs were completely destroyed and all timber roof supports in the building were badly charred.
  • From the very beginning of the automobile age, industry analysts, following the lead of farsighted engineers, issued warnings about the reliance on a nonrenewable fuel source.
  • By resorting to nonwar means of achieving his objectives, he would earn worldwide acclamation and gratitude by letting peace prevail, following the wise old saying, "Discretion is the better part of valor. Mail Call: Show Us The Proof
  • Sixteen teams will compete in the group stages on Saturday, with the bowl, plate and finals to take place the following day.
  • The way he's overcome adversity has been a real inspiration - and in a vain attempt to copy him I'm following his training programme as I prepare for my first duathlon.
  • One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
  • Following Alexander's formal abdication in September 1886, Stambolov headed the regency council.
  • The threat to foreign contractors has escalated in the past month following a series of kidnappings and murders.
  • These are the same people whose extremely unsportsmanlike behavior can be seen in the following newsclip: George Heymont: More Funding For School Arts Programs, Less For Sports
  • The following morning the pond was seriously cloudy and smelly and the fish were gasping for air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some few poets were bought over; but, among men following the profession of the press, a change of politics is an infringement of the point of honor, and a man must FIGHT as well as apostatize. The Paris Sketch Book
  • The following story is reprinted from Dakota Dirt, a newsletter published by South Dakota State University Soil Testing Lab.
  • The following year the ‘Marseillaise’ was adopted as the national anthem, and the 14 July as a national fête, to join the tricolor as the national flag.
  • A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • The obvious is belabored with depressing frequency; the following passage illustrates this and other problems.
  • Also, we are launching a new inspection regime this month, following testing and consultation. Times, Sunday Times
  • This and the two following numbers, 26 and 27, are only required for the humming birds; 28 is, however, a good size for the least. 24 will be found a good size for the smaller kinds of warblers and finches up to canaries. 21 is a useful general size for a great number of small birds, and will do for such a bird as the hawfinch. Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • Following the lector was the movie "Children of Glory" with English subtitles. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The following day was spent entering and exiting the fast-flowing currents and wild eddies in white water on the Mitta Mitta River.
  • New fields are prepared in the following manner: First a suitable and fertile area is identified after which this area is deforested.
  • Following Simpson, Newell mentioned the example of the relatively wider limb bones of larger land vertebrates.
  • These devices allow one to get detailed and accurate information about a pigeon's homeward track without the necessity of following it.
  • If the terminal is connected via a Decserver, then a physical port must be allocated by following the procedure below.
  • Escobar has pitched in just one game over the ... nleastchatter. com 40 hours ago - Kelvim Escobar, which google translates as: Kelvim Escobar Some person named Francisco Blavia with a twitter account tweeted thrice in Spanish the following: Tweet # 1: Kelvim Escobar recibió su regalo navideño: acaba de llegar a un acuerdo con los Mets de Nueva York. BallHype - Top Sports News, Videos, and Blogs
  • The whole page was blotted with fresh tears, and, upon the opposite interleaf, were the following English lines, written in a hand so very different from the peculiar characters of my acquaintance, that I had some difficulty in recognizing it as his own. The Assignation
  • With little prompting from the teacher, the students raised and vigorously pursued the following questions.
  • The cult following these films now carry is spectacular and deserved.
  • The pub with the most atmosphere is tiny Turf Tavern, which you get to by following two long, creepy, almost unnavigable alleys off a winding back street.
  • Following on the mordanting operations comes the dyeing, which is carried out in the following manner. The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics A Practical Handbook for the Dyer and Student
  • With Erin following at a discreet distance, Stone pedalled into the village, keeping to the back streets. CORMORANT
  • The following sentence contains both adjectives and adverbs. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • He won the award, but some suspected it was a sympathy vote following his struggle with cancer.
  • The following applies only to tenants in occupation after January 1 1997.
  • We arrived at the grounds after following a rabble of butterflies through the streets.
  • This attitude was not taken in earlier years however, as is evident from the following statement made by Committee Chairman Arne Westgren, in a survey over the first 60 years of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • The following year, Garcia took a one-stroke lead to the 70th hole of the PGA Championship but Harrington again thwarted Garcia's bid to break into the fraternity of major champions. In majors, taking on Tiger always part of the problem
  • The application of the concept following a rule presupposes a custom.
  • However, in a pilot study, the instrument successfully measured reactive hyperemia following pressure in healthy volunteers.
  • They were heading in a south-easterly direction from New Orleans, Louisiana, following the Mississippi river towards the Gulf of Mexico.
  • The vagina and its neighbors, including the following: vagina, hymen, urethral sponge, fornix (part of the vagina), cervix, os (part of the cervix), and pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Use of the following five antimicrobial ingredients is well documented in the clinical literature.
  • Here we walked through a large lawn of uncut grasses dotted with early-summer bulbs and flowers following a winding, mowed path leading into shrubbery and woodland.
  • The following trailer has Tricia Helfer, Emerson from Pushing Daisies and that guy from Fringe who died, got stuck in Olivia's head then really disappeared: May 2009
  • She cleared the table as they were eating, following, as always now, her own weird domestic schedule.
  • In the following decade, I hammered federal training and make-work programs in articles for this newspaper and other publications. My Summer Road to Perdition
  • The following morning Hilary was already under the wattle tree when he came outside for playtime. FAIRYLAND
  • On the day following the bullet ridden body was found in nearby nullah.
  • Following therapy, angina patients using testosterone could walk further and had fewer symptoms.
  • She acted after worldwide outrage following our story. The Sun
  • Last evening a gentleman arrived here from Providence, by whom we are favour'd with the following, fresh advices from the northern army.
  • And then we look at two competing approaches to deal with the following computational problem: given a Markov System with Rewards, compute the expected long-term discounted rewards. Deeplinking
  • Following on from that I began to shorten the overdubs to the point where the music became responsible for itself.
  • He grunted and disappeared, Walter following disloyally at his heels. Last Night at Chateau Marmont
  • But its audience is being drawn away by the internet, and advertisers are following the drift. Times, Sunday Times
  • He looked alert, raising hopes he was making progress following the surgery.
  • Terrified of secondary school, she left after one year and played truant for the following three. Times, Sunday Times
  • Following the deep-strength caveat of careful progression, begin with unweighted, standard squats.
  • In case of Master Pages, if you use META tag then all pages that use this master page will be refreshed, which is not desired, to accomplish this, add the following c# code in code behind page, the particular page you want to refresh: New Blogs and RSS Feeds
  • Taiwan underwent rapid social and economic development following the Second World War.
  • That is why I use the term devotee because it brings a different connotation; someone who is dedicated to following a specific faith rather than simply acknowledging it because they were born into it. The Nation: Top Stories
  • This seeming contradiction within the document may perhaps be explained in the following manner. Urbanization in Post-Apartheid South Africa
  • The day after tomorrow lyed corn and grece will be issued to the party, the next day Poark and flour, and the day following indian meal and poark; and in conformity to that rotiene provisions will continue to be issued to the party untill further orders. should any of the messes prefer indian meal to flour Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • Not long after we left home we noticed a car following us with its lights turned off and so we cut across a park but about three men followed.
  • The following month he warned again about the economic damage that reliance on wind power would do. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following paragraphs deal with intra - source offsets and the so - called " bubble " concept.
  • She acted after worldwide outrage following our story. The Sun
  • The patient's ability to enjoy good health thereafter depends on his consistency in following his treatment programme.
  • Within a matter of a few months following construction the plaintiff began to receive complaints that water from rainfall was ponding on this upper parking deck and not draining away.
  • There will be time for questions following the lecture.
  • Facilities should use only the following weight conversion factors to record and report on all unweighed waste that enters or leaves the facility.
  • Following the evening sessions, there was a Cafe opened in the fellowship hall so that everyone could have a light meal and spend time visiting old friends, and making new ones.
  • So Ive made the script and made it copy the number written in the exceldocument, and then i try to use the following command: count++; increments count by 1 msgbox, iterationt = % count% AutoHotkey Community
  • In the following video clip you can watch her demolish the Queen of the Night's aria "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" from Mozart's The Magic Flute. George Heymont: Dose Damn Damsels in Dis Dress
  • To highlight the point, the following terminological distinction has been suggested: The term choice should be used to encompass the sorting out of options, whether conscious or nonconscious. THE MORAL DIMENSION
  • The U.S. imposed the ban on all Canadian ruminant products and by-products in May, following the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or mad cow disease, on a farm in Alberta.
  • The format for the final is slightly different to preceding shows, as the result will emerge tonight rather than on the following day. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rosser had a run from the back but the move broke down following a misplaced pass.
  • Zhang EY, Stein R, Chang S, Zheng Y, Zderic SA, Wein AJ, Chacko S: Smooth muscle hypertrophy following partial bladder outlet obstruction is associated with overexpression of non-muscle caldesmon. Publications of the Urology Division
  • This is the first time that such improvement in a chronic neurological disease has occurred following infusion of a growth factor.
  • A man is under arrest following the suspicious death of his wife.
  • The political and press furore that ensued following his refusal of political asylum was substantial. Times, Sunday Times
  • Refreshments were also served following the formalities of the evening.
  • This is rather sorry stuff; but then in purely rural places, untouched by that great civiliser, the railroad, a little wit goes a great way, as we may see by the following story told in Pasquil's "Jests," 1604. A Righte Merrie Christmasse The Story of Christ-Tide
  • Livy (XXXII 22 1) has a _murmur_ of mingled praise and dissent following a speech: '_murmur_ ortum aliorum cum adsensu, aliorum inclementer adsentientes increpantium'. The Last Poems of Ovid
  • Mature fruits were collected manually from the ground and the fibrous pericarps were removed using a mechanical dehusker immediately following harvest.
  • The logic of assertoric sentences (Łukasiewicz also considered its modal extension) has the following form. Lvov-Warsaw School
  • On the odd occasion I spent an extra hour on the training ground, but my legs were like lead the following day during the match.
  • But the following year, another powerful person decided to confer great nonelective power on Cheney. AMERICA'S MOST DANGEROUS CRIMINAL / DICK CHENEY
  • Speculation about an international cloning movement setting up base here has been rife following the arrival of one of its officials, with ’setting up office’ as one of the tasks on his agenda. Cloning cult enters Lanka
  • Kinamori awoke to the sound of heavy footfalls, the clink of chains following each step.
  • It has long been understood that following haemorrhage, the consequent blood stasis prevents the formation of new blood.
  • MRF damper oriented semi active suspension of tracked vehicle, whose damping force can be controlled and adjusted following the environment, can relieve the vehicle's vibration effectively.
  • And film crews following honourable Members around! Times, Sunday Times
  • Half of them had been arrested following the discovery of marijuana and LSD in saleable quantities. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • The following two case studies show how the expressive form of the home extends to different types of household.
  • The following medicines may need changes when taken with Kaletra: birth control pills that contain estrogen ( "the pill"), birth control (contraceptive) patches, atorvastatin (Lipitor®), rosuvastatin (Crestor®), efavirenz (Atripla® and Sustiva®), nevirapine (Viramune®), amprenavir WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • The following centuries saw the successive rise and fall of new civilisations.
  • The camera crew is always active, following each survivor throughout the day and night. Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Samoa': episode #10 |
  • The lingual artery may provide the following unusual branches: the superior laryngeal, the submental, and the ascending palatine arteries.
  • The Emperor Marcus Aurelius died in 181, and the Church was little troubled by persecution for the following twenty years.
  • Scores of terror-stricken farmers had abandoned their properties following attacks on several of their colleagues and the death of two.
  • The band began to gig around London and gain a loyal cult following.
  • The following Thursday which will be the first Thursday in November and should be a book club day will, instead, feature something unique for us, a question and answer session with the author of our next featured Book Club selection, and a member of this blogring, Carol Howard Merritt. Presbyterian Bloggers
  • Ebou Dar seemed to be trying to make up for time lost yesterday, not to mention at High Chasaline and the Feast of Lights, and well it might, considering that tomorrow night was the Feast of Embers, with Maddin's Day, celebrating the founder of Altara, two days after that, and the Feast of the Half Moon the following night. A Crown of Swords
  • The price of cotton for the current season's crop has been cut by almost 50 per cent following a decision by ginners to adjust the producer price due to the appreciation of the Kwacha against other convertible currencies.
  • ‘We're following the ancient Cinnamon Route,’ he says proudly, seated atop a coil of rope in the ship's bow as it skims across the Java Sea.
  • Following its use as a storage site for tanks during the war, the road has been kept usable by constant patching up.
  • Of the 15 cases following exposure to domestic cats with plague, 4 were primary pneumonic plague.
  • She was formally discharged by the court following the jury's unanimous verdict.
  • He has a bunch of books and a ton of websites and a seemingly huge and devoted following.
  • Similarly, again, in some sense of ˜interpretation™, the interpretation of the expression ˜some human™ in the following sentence depends on the interpretation of ˜It is possible that™, but again this is not an example of anaphora: Anaphora
  • The following year, after Waterloo, work began on the improvements planned by Samuel Ware, who renovated and amended the great enfilade of Palladian reception rooms.
  • The data recovery of hard disk software failure can be solved by the following ways, the recovery of main boot partition, partition table, DBR, zero track and the file deleted by mistakes.
  • Angry townspeople protested in the streets following the explosion, shouting anti-government chants and tossing rocks at security forces.
  • She breathed in the fresh air, untainted by the smell of bat guano, and began following the trail she had marked earlier with hair scrunchies.
  • Factors that may limit the usefulness of tanks in clearance operations include the following.
  • Britains, Scots, and Picts following the chase without order or araie, so that by reason the Romans kept themselues close togither, the Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8)
  • Intermediate snowboarders competed in the intermediate events immediately following the downhill skiers.
  • The following conditions show that...
  • Althouse: FWIW, I read that sentence as you meant it because I'm used to your writing, familiar with your views and know what you're referring to, but I did "stutter" for a second to make that adjustment ... in pretty much the exact way I do when I'm editing for pay something which I then "flag" for the following author query: "Are you confident everyone will read this as you intend it be understood? "The Optimum Population Trust... says each baby born in Britain will... burn carbon roughly equivalent to 2½ acres of old-growth oak woodland...."
  • Shortly before 2.10 am she told him that she thought a man was following her as she made her way along West Park Drive.
  • Agree with the vendors the timetable of events following the meeting and the deadline for the revised firm offers.

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