How To Use Folksy In A Sentence

  • The concluding Allegro has a rollicking, folksy character, complete with a drone-like accompaniment.
  • Each topic is covered in the same folksy style, with the minimum of ‘geek-speak’ and the text is often amusing in the extreme.
  • Her secret, it seems, has been a confluence of business savvy and a folksy but formidable disarming charm. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cold, clipped delivery and bizarre folksy expressions have also contributed to this.
  • Sometimes the songs have a folksy sway, cool melodic lines unfolding with squeezebox sounds, soft basslines and understated percussion around them; sometimes, they coolly shuffle like the bouncier songs of Madeleine Peyroux. Half Seas Over: Half Seas Over
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  • His book adopts a folksy, conversational style, but doesn't really contain any new revelations.
  • folksy humor
  • Oh, yes, doncha all know that there are one set of rules for Socialist Community Organizers and another for folksy, lipstick-besmirched hawkey mawms? Think Progress » MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Mocks Sarah Palin By Writing ‘Cheat Sheet’ On Her Hand
  • Rumpled and flinty-looking, with a kind of rawhide, folksy sincerity, Russell epitomized the rugged and independent spirit of the West. Zane Grey, Romancing the West
  • Reaching out to the laymen in a folksy style, for him, art is for the sake of humanity.
  • They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.
  • He spoke slowly with that folksy charm that makes you want to smile for no reason at all. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a little disconcerting hearing the wide-eyed troubadour so distraught, but if it's any consolation, the emotional intensity of his folksy confessionals and heartfelt power-pop nuggets have been jacked up considerably.
  • Only once did this production stumble - in a folksy, slightly messy character dance performed by the Royal Fathers and Mothers.
  • The nominating system, despite the folksy patina that quadrennially makes reporters swoon, is thoroughly idiotic, and it's gotten worse every time than the cycle before, yet we treat it like a force of nature, not an act of hacks. Marty Kaplan: President Giuliani. President Romney. President Huckabee. President Just-Shoot-Me.
  • And barbie, as usual, not bothering to read the script, gittin 'folksy, you betcha, and saying dumb stuff. McCain says he's no 'maverick'
  • But these days, she's also ‘Mrs. Kate,’ a folksy singer/songwriter recording her seventh album.
  • Aren't they ALL folksy, blue-eyed, facultatively bipedal teratomas over there? It begins and ends in rust. Which begs the question...
  • The only time they don't go for sheer heads-down assault riffage is on the folksy secret track.
  • In a closed-door meeting, the folksy cleric parries lawmakers' queries by smearing the ministers with corruption charges.
  • He's down-to-earth, gesticulating all over the place, with folksy aphorisms and punch lines all put in the right spots, but in an unforced, uncontrived matter.
  • I was turned off by Palin's attempts to appear a folksy underdog and label her multimillionaire self a member of the middle class. Grand Mental Station (2.0)
  • In 1989, Wendy's folksy founder Dave Thomas began a 13-year ad campaign that ended with his death in 2002.
  • His style is rather folksy and personal, which also makes for easier reading.
  • Repeat your points, stay unruffled, sound folksy.
  • The folksy image helped Immaculate hit $1 million in sales last year, up 82% over 2001.
  • Told in folksy language and down-home idioms that only occasionally veer into corn pone, this enjoyable story evokes a world once hidden in plain sight, and the inevitability of its end. BookBrowse Previews April Books
  • Topeka Talk, similarly, is an instant messaging product, not, say, a folksy midwestern morning show. The Volokh Conspiracy » Something Is Different at Google Today
  • And the 70s were a decade of Aquarian folksy humanitarianism.
  • Adam Robert's makes excellent points: why literature screams pretention to some while genre cries folksy is borderline nonsensical. MIND MELD: Books We Love That Everyone Else Hates (and Vice Versa)
  • Marie, After all he did drive a pick up!!!!!! how folksy is that for a GOOPer who is a senatorfold pin-up for Caribou Barbie and Bat$hit carzy Michelle. Think Progress » Why Scott Brown Cannot Be Trusted To Work Proactively To Reform Health Care
  • The landslide victory put the peanut farmer on the political map and helped create the folksy image that eventually earned him the presidential nod.
  • Heyward said that Schieffer's folksy give-and-take with the network's correspondents offered a hint of what CBS would ultimately unveil.
  • For the foot-tapping, we must turn to the folksy Balkan dance melodies, the bumpy 'New Age' arrangement of a passamezzo by Mainerio and Pickett's bongo-enhanced version of a chanson by Le Jeune. AvaxHome
  • A common antebellum designation for the country, these United States survived in the 20th century in folksy idiomatic usage.
  • Giuffre is dark, loose-pitched and rather Charles Lloyd-like on tenor sax; fragile and whispery on flute; east - European folksy on clarinet.
  • While the Kashmiri mode is delicate, and somewhat pallid, the Jammu style is bolder, more folksy, with hard outlines and fantastic colouring.
  • As an orator or ‘communicator’ he was terrible, with one turgid cliché following another, delivered in a folksy drone punctuated by wags of the head.
  • The town had a certain folksy charm.
  • The cowpoke's folksy simile became ‘as high as an elephant's eye.’
  • Then, from 1984 to 1988, Bosley played a recurring role in Lansbury's long-running TV series, "Murder, She Wrote," as folksy Sheriff Amos Tupper. Tom Bosley Dead: 'Happy Days' Dad Dies At 83
  • And for the con complaints about it took too long for President Obama to decide, let me see if I can put in "folksy" terms, have you heard the old "saw" to "measure twice and cut once"? Congress questions Obama Afghan policy
  • The festival opened, for example, with the bright and lilting "Scherzo capriccioso," one of his best folksy programmatic pieces. Chicago's Date With Dvorak
  • Cook's Country has a breezy, folksy style with the look of something out of the 1950s.
  • Turning up late for the summer-solstice party at Stonehenge in 2001, he found the only stragglers left were folksy types in horse-drawn wagons.
  • Laskas writes in the first person and gives Elizabeth a simple, folksy voice in the tradition of oral story-telling.
  • They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image.
  • Kadár makes good use of music as well, combining cheerful waltzes and polkas with more folksy, rustic sounds of Slovak fiddle music.
  • I think we can all look forward to Mr. Dyotte's folksy, heartwarming, Norman-Rockwell-flavoured six-string stylings.
  • In a folksy, conversational two-page letter dated Sept.15, Mr. Libby assured Ms. Miller that he had wanted her to testify about their conversations all along.
  • On the steep road snaking past my view a lone rider on a horse with a flag for the CHP secularist party clops by, a fancy folksy gimmick cooked up to show that they are the true party of ordinary folk. Turkey: A Day In The Life
  • ‘I have a rustic and folksy voice, so the blend of folk and western music really works well,’ she stresses.
  • Many musical artists, in fact, are carrying on in the folksy, rootsy, revolutionary tradition of the 60s.
  • The readings of Springsteen songs tend to be as folksy and colloquial as the material itself.
  • The playing is almost always exquisite, from the folksy piano lilt and almost pop-hook conviviality of Utnem's Kyrie, to the evocative spaciousness of Nu Seglar Vi Inn, a slowly spun web that makes remarkable use of the saxophonist's tone-bending and panpipe-like inflections. Trygve Seim/Andreas Utnem: Purcor – review
  • But for the majority of US voters he cultivated the image of a cheerful folksy crusader who believed in simple certainties and strong moral messages.
  • Apparently, for these followers, "less," when engulfed by a tissue-thin veneer of folksy, hockey mom hokiness, extends far beyond "hope. McCain "Plays" the Base
  • The folksy presentation using the plural is a nod-wink meant to suggest habitual behaviour, potential danger, hidden agenda/background, but there is no code or nexus or intimation or subtextual message whatsoever relating to violence. What Sarah Palin Is Saying - Anil Dash
  • With that folksy grumble of a voice, he hosts a programme of music from the 1950s. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small, lively man with limpid blue eyes and an unruly thatch of thinning white hair, Hill delighted participants in his workshop with his pithy one-liners and folksy aphorisms.
  • Its conventions are stilted, its plot unsurprising, its characters stock and its folksy songs repetitive. Times, Sunday Times
  • True to its homesy folksy style, The Rooster has made its online edition a nostalgic experience for me.
  • The Talmud governs nearly everything, yet never abandons its technical models drawn from everyday life, its almost folksy intricacy.
  • So for as friendly and as folksy and as "doggone" cute as Sarah Palin was in the debate tonight, she just reminded me why I don't want her as Vice President. Pam Atherton: I Want A VP Who Is Smarter Than Me
  • They appeared in the homes of lovers of the arts and crafts movement and its folksy style. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's folksy, romantic and feminine, but with a countercultural edge to it, too.
  • A small, lively man with limpid blue eyes and an unruly thatch of thinning white hair, Hill delighted participants in his workshop with his pithy one-liners and folksy aphorisms.
  • When I assumed office, I had this mindset that I would not change [from my informal, folksy ways].
  • As a genre, mento is subtle, folksy and non-threatening. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it's obvious his folksy style appeals to the audience. Christianity Today
  • Folksy handwritten signs introduce visitors to each resident, including April, a tapir, also known as a mountain cow or, as our guide described her, "a cross between a rhinoceros and a horse."
  • Where Bush is prone to short, simple declaratives and a Texan's folksy mannerisms, Kerry is a reserved New Englander known more for meandering deliberation and a self-described tendency toward ‘Senate-speak.’
  • King responded to the salute from Obama with a kind of benumbed indifference, although later in the show he expressed oddly unctuous gratitude to fellow TV talker "Dr. Phil" McGraw, who popped into the studio for a folksy bye-bye. A star-studded, but still somewhat muted, farewell for 'Larry King Live'
  • With that folksy grumble of a voice, he hosts a programme of music from the 1950s. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brian Francis Slattery, accompanied by a violinist, bassist, and his own slick banjo playing sung selections from his novel LIBERATION in folksy, Appalachian style. Fantastic Fiction at KGB » Blog Archive » Photos from the June 17th Reading
  • On their sprawling homesteads and in their citified saloons, each well-armed Pallatian cultivates a folksy accent and tinkers with quaintly Victorian machinery.
  • Of course, the rockist element is sandwiched between, if not crammed into, equal doses of vocodered neo-electro, orchestral manoeuvres and celestial harmonies, folksy strumming and awkward, Germanic vacuum beats.
  • They're a San Francisco folksy rock duo (guitar + drums) who can do more with just two instruments than most bands with 5 members.
  • He towers over crowds and speaks in folksy bullet points — "common-sense values," "secure the borders," "America won't back down. July 2006
  • Since then, Carlton has coolly fielded questions for congressional inquisitors with wit and folksy aplomb.
  • Traditional jazz is the focus, though everyone from big bands to folksy trios to zydeco troupes play.
  • The tone of your letter can be folksy and conversational or urgent and earnest.
  • With his advantage of massive amounts of Republican money, Burr has been blasting Marshall for the past six weeks with an insipid TV spot featuring two "folksy" old white men sitting in rocking chairs on a front porch -- a classic of fake down home style that attempts to echo "Andy of Mayberry. Michael Carmichael: Elaine Marshall Blasts Richard Burr
  • The cowpoke's folksy simile became ‘as high as an elephant's eye.’
  • He's irreverent to an extreme, glib, folksy, with a disarming arrogance that drives his non-supporters nuts.
  • a folksy style
  • The performances are lusty and emotional, and shouts or shrill whistling add the requisite folksy touch.
  • The town of Harrington is sort of an anti-Mayberry - it has a quaint small-town feel, but the townspeople lack the requisite folksy charm.
  • The works recall stitched samplers that proclaim folksy mottoes, like ‘Home Sweet Home.’
  • A common antebellum designation for the country, these United States survived in the 20th century in folksy idiomatic usage.
  • Some people call it bein 'folksy, others call it bein' stupid. Misamprehension
  • Sermonic and folksy in delivery, Reno did not detail a laundry list of new programs.
  • He was noted for his conservative Republicanism, his fervent anticommunism, and his appealing personal style, characterized by a jaunty affability and folksy charm. Five People Born on February 6 | myFiveBest
  • The NCAA sports that send players to the big pro leagues are the last bastion of “shamateurism”, and the whole “student athlete” element is usually tied to a folksy coming-of-age narrative, sustained by alums and boosters and the occasional dodgy payment in kind. Matthew Yglesias » Playoffs!
  • The tone of this one got a little folksy for me at times, but in general it was a fun coming-of-age modern fantasy, YA, subcategory: crazy family. Mrissa: books read, early February
  • But will the papers, which have a combined circulation of about 46,000, retain the folksy, cornball flavor that made them so popular?
  • Another classic being rediscovered is the rocking chair, with its pleasing organic shape and faintly folksy feel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Miller, a goateed musician, conductor and high-powered record producer, was best known for his folksy "Sing Along With Mitch" records and television show in the 1950s and 1960s. Sale at San Remo
  • One piece decries the stark split tearing the country, and another seems to pine for a sort of folksy patriotism.
  • But don't be fooled by such folksy familiarity.
  • The book has a certain folksy charm.
  • You can't feaze Vee, though, when she starts in to be folksy. Torchy As A Pa
  • a folksy radio commentator
  • Carnival of the Vanities is up again - in very folksy style this time.
  • Throughout its entirety there is a lacquered touch of sentimental coziness, sustained by the folksy Irish music played on a Gaelic harp as background for the opening credits and then recurrently.
  • Sweeping back his unruly fringe on a breezy hotel terrace, the burly White House veteran still has the demeanour of a veteran political campaigner, steely and unyielding behind his folksy southern manners and slightly stilted bonhomie.
  • Nor are the methods simple in that folksy French way. The Times Literary Supplement
  • While I thought they would aim more for a folksy sound, I was surprised by just how rockin’ many of the numbers are.
  • Some people call it bein 'folksy, others call it bein' stupid. Misamprehension
  • His temper and recklessness in such key moments contrast vividly with the folksy image he projects on the campaign trail.
  • The book is nicely laid out in a folksy, scrapbook style.

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