
How To Use Folk song In A Sentence

  • He has always liked to stitch his folk songwriting to a muted electronic backbeat, and he retains that sense of cautious experimentalism here.
  • The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
  • Then we look for basic ability to sight-read tonal music i.e., in the classical style of Bach, Brahms or traditional folk song. The Master of Many Choruses
  • The album merges sounds and influences from East and West, and stretches the boundaries of musical experimentation by fusing traditional folk songs and classical styles with the popular.
  • Her track list doesn't add up to anything more than a desire, however noble, to cover folk songs.
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  • Groups singing carols and folk songs to the beat of local musical instruments would arrive unannounced at any time of the night.
  • Every note he wrote will be played, from the familiar string quartets, piano concertos, violin sonatas and symphonies to more obscure compositions, such as his 100 folk songs and cantatas.
  • It reminds me of a lot of old folk songs but it has a dreamlike quality. The Sun
  • Where have they gone, those loafing heroes of folk song, those vagabonds who roam from one mill to another and bed down under the stars.
  • Guthrie considered "God Bless America" too complacent, so he wrote a folk song with overtly political verses that are sometimes omitted in performances.
  • The dievturi look to ancient Latvian culture, particularly folk songs, for their beliefs and are credited for their efforts in maintaining old folkways.
  • He maintains clarity of form in the very nuclei of his compositions, namely the melodies that he derives from folk songs and dances, and transfers this to a larger scale.
  • The set successfully employs many native elements including a pentatonic scale, dotted rhythms prominent in traditional Korean music and references to folk songs.
  • Dinner is usually a buffet or served family-style; at some dinners you'll be treated to live entertainment such as mellow folk songs or a merry hoedown.
  • One of the many folk songs constellated around the full-scale Byzantine epic of Dhiyenis Akritas has the hero telling how he passed through ‘the mountains of Araby, the Syrian gorges’ with ‘my four-foot sword, my three-fathom spear’.
  • His repertoire includes a large number of Scottish folk songs.
  • The mass choir thrilled the jam-packed crowd with a medley of folk songs and theatrical dramatizations.
  • In addition to the guitar, the accordion is also played along with many of the traditional folk songs and dances.
  • There are heart-stopping ballads, squeezebox folk songs and all the vamping jazz and Latin dance tunes you would have heard so close to the Mexican border.
  • They were always playing their own music and old folk songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hear in Gerber's music a little bit of Bartók, some Stravinsky, Ravel, Sibelius, and English symphonists as well as movie music, pop jazz, folk song and dance, and even kid song.
  • The music was drawn from his two most recent recitals recorded for Decca, a compilation of early-seventeenth-century English song and Italian madrigals and familiar folk songs from the British Isles.
  • He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.
  • Woody Guthrie was one of a long line of folk songsters going back at least to Joe Hill, identifying with the poor and exploited.
  • The new folk song caught on really quickly.
  • The first half ended with the Ives Sonata No. 4, an unruly pastiche of hymns, marches and folk songs in a polytonal texture, which simply stopped mid-phrase. Virtuoso violinist Hilary Hahn holds her audience rapt but adds some irritants
  • It lacks the darkness of a true blues song but rather has the tender sort of heartbreak of a folk song.
  • He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.
  • He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.
  • She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions.
  • We also enjoyed singing one of their folk songs in their native language. Times, Sunday Times
  • The concert, which will include Ukranian folk songs and dances, as well as some English music suitable for the run up to Christmas, will be free.
  • Swinging on the cot the womenfolk and children used to sing traditional folk songs and enjoy the rides.
  • The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
  • The evening will include a varied programme of music from folk songs to show numbers.
  • He has added feedback, distorted organs and drones to his melodious soundscape, and his folk songs have become all the more beautiful yet disturbing in their increasingly gothic strangeness.
  • Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
  • They are sure to captivate you with their vast collection of Irish ballads and folk songs.
  • Bloch found his inspiration for this work in Jewish life and finds his musical material in the form of cantorial chant and Yiddish folk song.
  • Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
  • In the simple folk song shown here, a comma to the right of a pattern of notes signifies that a mini-closure should be expressed.
  • Popular music evolved from folk songs.
  • Whether she is singing a traditional folk song, a ballad, or a song with a message, she is a singer without compare.
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • For Dvorák's Trio Number 4 in E Minor, Opus 90, B.166, they surrendered their smooth tone for more folk-like nuances, as is appropriate to the work's nature; the dumkas (Slavic folk songs) were elegiac, and the lively sections sparkled with dynamic contrasts.
  • The final piece on the program was a medley of folk songs from Canada's various provinces, and went on a bit too long.
  • Her fellow nuns, who say Ms. Palden loved to sing and often serenaded them with Tibetan folk songs of the Dalai Lama's return to Tibet, describe how she had sunk into despondency. Resistance on Tibet Is Conundrum for China, Dalai Lama
  • It dances Kuroda-bushi, which is a folk song from Fukuoka, Kyushu. Japundit - Published news
  • He arranged many traditional folk songs .
  • Slovak anthem 2. folk song - "cervena ruzicka" (SLUK) 3. lullaby - "lulu ze mi, lulu" (SLUK) I really apologize again and thank you for your great work - Business News
  • The whole village is gathered in a noisy sports hall, sipping local wines, while listening to a morbid folk song played on a second-hand zither.
  • The shamisen usually is heard playing traditional Japanese folk songs, and as accompaniment for kabuki and bunraku theater. Gil Asakawa: Monsters of Shamisen Rock in Colorado Concert
  • England: "Survivals of agricultural magic-making abound in our folk song even today though as the old meaning becomes unclear what was once ritualistic is likely to change into broad comedy, as with the randy animal-guiser song of the 'Derby Ram', concerning a beast of gigantic, not to say cosmic, attributes, a song that is the lyrical equivalent of those phallophoric dances that survive in farming ceremonies in Europe, intended to celebrate and stimulate the powers of reproduction in plants, animals and men, a song that nowadays survives mainly as a bawdy anthem for beery students or soldiers coming home on leave". Dalby Ram
  • Sitting on a low stool and cradling his beloved guitar he sang in a rich baritone a mixture of haunting ballads and cheery folk songs.
  • They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs .
  • The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart.
  • Also in the Appalachians is the Cumberland Gap, a mountain pass, which is the title of a folk song. The Annotated "Cumberland Blues"
  • Some of what he was singing were folk songs whose origins could be traced back to these islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many folk songs have been harmonized or used in compositions by modern composers.
  • The instrument's melancholy tones complement the often sombre frontier folk songs.
  • The aid workers kicked off with an exemplary display, singing impromptu Armenian folk songs to a flute and guitar in their cramped main office. The Crossing-Place
  • She is humming a folk song that I never heard before.
  • He always includes a few folk songs on his programs; they are his stock in trade.
  • It might be a good idea to kick off with a few folk songs.
  • The interior is gothic and cavernous - all dark wood and polish folk songs on the stereo.
  • Some of what he was singing were folk songs whose origins could be traced back to these islands. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her oddly beautiful low-key folk songs seem to occupy a shadow world between life and death, speaking of tragic women and their doomed entanglements. The Sun
  • Here, instead, she too often insisted on playing along: yelping in a melodrama and duetting in a folk song. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants learned the old lullabies and folk songs of their mothers and grandmothers joyfully and enthusiastically.
  • Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
  • For these reasons, folk song finds its way into symphonic poems, and sacred songs become national anthems.
  • Hal led the evening off with some folk songs.
  • Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
  • The aid workers kicked off with an exemplary display, singing impromptu Armenian folk songs to a flute and guitar in their cramped main office. The Crossing-Place
  • There were women in various stages of undress, aged hacks bellowing out nationalist folk songs, several figures slumped in corners and enough booze to float a battleship.
  • She is humming a folk song that I never heard before.
  • The programme includes the Mozart clarinet concerto, Vaughan Williams' Folk Song Suite and Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance.
  • This irksomely catchy faux folk song, together with Fess Parker's earnest portrayal of the frontier hero for Disney, cemented an image of Daniel Boone in the minds of two or three generations of Americans. At Home in Paradise
  • The selections run the gamut from folk song through musical theatre to grand opera.
  • That day a large group of village people gathered around a long picnic table eating barbecued lamb and singing Bosnian folk songs helped along by a strange Bosnian drink not unlike poteen.
  • Cyril learnt this version in his native West Country from his mother and this goes to show how difficult it is to regionalise folk songs because she learnt it from her Grandmother, Mary Sharkey, in Broken Token (2)
  • After recording a set of her native Czech folk songs in 2002, Ms. Topferova went on to record three acclaimed albums of original compositions that drew upon such acoustic Latin American folkloric traditions as Cuban bolero, Spanish flamenco and Andes protest songs. Defying Her Own Language Barrier
  • It is this role as mediator that imbues woman with an essential liminality to the extent that she concurrently is the instantiation of both nature and culture, and in so being becomes the most likely sacrificial victim in Greek folk song, be it voluntary or involuntary as in 'Sacrifice at the Bridge of Arta'. 4 Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • While Europe has embraced Veirs's distinctive alt-folk songwriting and her clear, breathy, intimate voice, her homeland remains largely unconquered.
  • What are gaping emotional wounds if not fodder for tragic and pretty folk songs?
  • Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
  • Village Tales, their second recording, is a collection of traditional folk songs from across China.
  • They were always playing their own music and old folk songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romany folk songs
  • He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.
  • Two Irish language students from Spain perform the Irish folk song "Oró sé do bheatha bhaile", in different versions Spanish traditional songs, rap, carrol... Archive 2008-03-16
  • This may sound like the opening bars of a folk song, but it's true.
  • Saregama is concentrating on other languges as well - in the recent past, the label produced animated Tamil children's folk songs Hindustan Times News Feeds 'Views'
  • Little did they know that the songs they sang were originally folk songs re-worded to become anthems for change.
  • In his English Folk Song, Cecil Sharp says that it ‘stands midway between the hymn and the ballad’.
  • Salt workers' work song, a style of folk song in south Sichuan, has distinctive artistic features and historic value.
  • The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
  • The "new words" set to the tune of the folk song evoke the Spanish colonization of the Philippines.
  • Each of her dances, however, was created around different music, ranging from the baroque compositions of Johann Pachelbel to local folk songs.
  • He arranged many traditional folk songs .
  • Many of her first attempts were little more than workmanlike folk songs.
  • From Ontario, Kiran Ahluwalia brings her Punjabi folk songs, and a mellifluous voice that will wrap her audience in its exotic charms.
  • The Beethoven Experience is dedicated to broadcasting the entire works of Ludwig Van Beethoven - from the complete string quartets and symphonies to lesser known works such as the folk songs and the cantatas.
  • Nonetheless, hobos, like tramps, acquired a reputation for their carefree way of life, their predilection for booze, and a canon of whimsical folk songs and stories.
  • After a few days of tense exchanges, macho bravado, nervous folk songs, and strained humor, the possibility of cannibalism is raised. Fantastic Fest Day One - Paranormal Activity, Gentlemen Broncos + more » Scene-Stealers
  • Folk Songs respected its sources, but it was not idolatrous of them.
  • He's also got a pretty good ear for what makes an ear-pleasing folk song.
  • The ensemble often draws its material from narrative folk songs.
  • He cherished some lovely old books containing the folk songs and traditional ballads of our land.
  • This last sequence was accompanied by the heartrending strains of Pablo Casals playing a Spanish folk song on the cello.
  • Folk songs work well, but pop music of any kind or any period will do as long as it has relatively simple melody lines.
  • the simple sincerity of folk songs
  • Stand outside one for long enough, and you'll hear the proprietor break into a fado, the equivalent of an Irish folk song.
  • An encore of a Galician folk song was a welcome chance to appreciate the group's many talents once again.
  • Among the most popular traditional folk songs were those that told stories of settlers, voyageurs, or kings, and courtships between maidens and young men.
  • The union thugs, led by a middle school teacher from Wisconsin Rapids, are really showing their true colors by singing folk songs and chanting "Thank You" to firefighters and snowplow drivers. Eric Brunsell: Scott Walker is Trying to Sell Wisconsin
  • Backed by a rousing choir, her heartbroken remakes of centuries-old folk songs left her choking back tears. Times, Sunday Times
  • folk songs woven into a symphony
  • Rocket Ship Beach was the first in a series of albums in which Zanes and guests perform folk songs, lullabies, Broadway standards, calypsos and a few originals in a rootsy-but-rocking style.
  • Like many prominent musicians from Muslim families, he sometimes performed music with Hindu roots, such as this Rajasthani folk song for the joyful holiday called Holi, recorded live in 1992 with his frequent collaborator Zakir Hussain accompanying him. News
  • Folk songs offer an alternative view of history, reportage from the ground up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mass choir thrilled the jam-packed crowd with a medley of folk songs and theatrical dramatizations.
  • The Kalinka dance segment, accompanied by the popular Russian folk song and performed with flair and razor sharp precision, epitomised pride, dignity and honour.
  • Arnold captured archaic folk songs of anonymous origin passed on orally through generations.
  • The aid workers kicked off with an exemplary display, singing impromptu Armenian folk songs to a flute and guitar in their cramped main office. The Crossing-Place
  • The influences that gave rise to the tango in the streets of Buenos Aires range from the Cuban habanera to Sicilian folk song and dance.
  • Brass bands playing patriotic and national folk songs and Lebanon's national anthem were regularly drowned out by deafening chants from the crowd.
  • My daughter loves folk songs very much.
  • They embodied the sun in stylized forms in their jewelry and praised it in folk songs and myths.
  • This very clever composition uses apparently a simple folk song as a kind of isorhythmic tenor, with a slightly histerical cantus, that fulminates against the traps of marriage. Archive 2009-04-01
  • But in his obscurity he's free to make sparse use of gentle wurring noises and allow intermittent glitches to engulf the beauty of his ukulele and string-laden folk songs.
  • It might be a good idea to kick off with a few folk songs.
  • They crooned lengthy dumkas, folk songs in which sadness and gaiety mingled freely.
  • As assistant in charge of the Archive of American Folk Song, the 25-year-old Lomax had ambitious plans for serving the cause, such as publishing songbooks for draftees at military camps and arranging antifascist war ballads for marching bands and pop singers, even recording conscripts with musical talent. The Catcher of Songs
  • Contestants performed a variety of music from Thai pop songs to old folk songs or ballads from Isaan.
  • Sitting on a low stool and cradling his beloved guitar he sang in a rich baritone a mixture of haunting ballads and cheery folk songs.
  • With folk song - and sea chantey-inflected songs by Steve Goers, a book and lyrics by Alyn Cardarelli and lively direction by Paul Bosco McEneaney, the production is one part cozy adventure and three parts kooky shiver-me-timbers atmospherics. Imagination Stage's 'How I Became a Pirate" is a matey good play for kids
  • Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
  • In the preliterate days and among the peasants much later, folk songs, legends, poetry, jokes, and riddles were important artistic expressions.
  • The influences that gave rise to the tango in the streets of Buenos Aires range from the Cuban habanera to Sicilian folk song and dance.
  • Reid's ardent theme, ‘Izzy and Lizzy,’ with the same bar pattern as ‘Frankie and Johnnie,’ is a lampoon of the sordid nineteenth-century folk song.
  • As Leadbelly he could sing and play the blues, as well as Southern folk songs and dances from a variety of genres.
  • As immateriality culture legacy bashan folk song should be passed and developed in the new times.
  • Groups singing carols and folk songs to the beat of local musical instruments would arrive unannounced at any time of the night.
  • He cherished some lovely old books containing the folk songs and traditional ballads of our land.
  • He speaks pretty good Hungarian and loves to sing Hungarian folk songs and dance the czardas. Enemies of the People
  • The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
  • For an encore, he sang an unaccompanied folk song.
  • Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
  • For an encore, he sang an unaccompanied folk song.
  • He sang folk songs and show tunes like Maria, a big favourite in the Soviet Union.
  • The word carol obviously means a song, and a carol is a type of ecclesiastical folk song. History of Christmas Music
  • During the exhibition, a 45-member folk song and dance troupe from Italy will give performances for viewers in the fairyland of lights.
  • Born in Raipur, he grew up on Parsi theatre, silent films and the robust lilt of Chhatisgarthi folk songs that filled the air all around.
  • He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.
  • Dimotika are traditional rural folk songs often accompanied by a clarinet, lute, violin dulcimer, and drum.
  • The hot Bombay mix promises a unique blend of classic and current Bollywood film hits, Punjabi folk songs and Hindi wedding songs.
  • The aid workers kicked off with an exemplary display, singing impromptu Armenian folk songs to a flute and guitar in their cramped main office. The Crossing-Place
  • Agincourt Carol," a patriotic hymn to the 1415 English victory around which the play revolves, as well as a few French folk songs, borrowed from Canteloube's "Chants d'Auvergne. NYT > Home Page
  • Guthrie considered "God Bless America" too complacent, so he wrote a folk song with overtly political verses that are sometimes omitted in performances.

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