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How To Use Foliage In A Sentence

  • This isn't an attempt to universalize, for there is rich, specific detail everywhere: food, foliage, the course of the conflict. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Surrounded by cottonwoods and aspens and featuring a wooden footbridge and an abundance of regional flora and foliage, it's a place to meditate, contemplate, and relax.
  • So far the scenery around her had been thick fur trees and dense foliage.
  • This montbretia cultivar is an Alan Bloom hybrid Crocosmia x Curtonus which has flowers and foliage that are similar to gladiolus. Winter Plant Portrait-Croscosmias « Fairegarden
  • This past week in the forest park, the fiery foliage set against cobalt skies was a sight to behold.
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  • The dark foliage makes a bold backdrop throughout summer and turns bright red in autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have a partially shaded spot, use Ramonda myconi for its crinkled foliage and lavender-blue blooms in late spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • American bittersweet is valued for its glossy green summer foliage followed by orange and red fruits and seeds, and several landscape cultivars are commercially marketed.
  • However, Nature, that at first sight appears so lovely, is on consideration almost always incomplete; moreover, there is no painting intertangled foliage without losing half its beauties. The Mind of the Artist Thoughts and Sayings of Painters and Sculptors on Their Art
  • Its foliage is pleasing and the seed pods are marvellous.
  • A terminal bud was defined as the stage when the stipules of the foliage leaves covered the shoot apex and the youngest foliage leaf was offset from the central axis of the shoot apex.
  • There is also a plan to arrange signs attractively and plant more foliage along the beach.
  • Grass grew, foliage returned to trees' canopies, and blooming flowers proliferated.
  • I've used soapy water, ProTek, a citrus extract that repels insects, and diatomaceous earth applied while the foliage is wet. Seeking a tomato guru
  • A fitful breeze stirred the pale foliage over her head, now and then showering her with pink petals from the lingering blossoms; from beneath her rose the damp sweet fragrance of soft earth and green grass, nearby a meadow-lark sang plaintively; somewhere a robin called arrogantly to his mate in the nest; from the valley, stretching below the sloping orchard, a violet mist lifted. Red-Robin
  • Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.
  • Duet is the first dependably variegated beautyberry, selected for its yellow-margined, variegated foliage and tolerance to full sun. New crop of hybrid plants demonstrate beauty of ingenuity
  • After I'd had my fill of blowpipes, dripping foliage and poisonous frogs I flicked through to an article on peanut farming.
  • My pulmonarias have been lovely this year, clumps of frosted leaves and pink and lilac flowers throughout the garden hiding the dying foliage of snowdrops and mingling with forget-me-nots.
  • The idea that cycads stem from Carboniferous so-called pteridosperms (‘seed ferns’ or seed plants with fern-like foliage) has long been popular with paleobotanists.
  • The species grows as a partially herbaceous deciduous vine, with fairly pale green, somewhat cut foliage and campanulate light rose-purple flowers.
  • Most trees lose their foliage in winter.
  • It has grown more than two metres high this year despite being in a relatively small container and has covered a decent area of wall with its ferny foliage with a few stems finding their way into the bamboo growing nearby.
  • The train emerges from the foliage and comes to a stand for the crossing gates to be opened.
  • Think of it as a trouble-free foliage plant, an architectural foil for more flamboyant perennials. Times, Sunday Times
  • Macaws, owls, monkeys and agouti were in cages draped in foliage - a sort of home away from home - and watched closely by officials of the Emperor Valley Zoo.
  • This erect perennial has deeply cut, feathery foliage. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • By the 1670's, most English silver was being heavily embossed and chased with flowers and foliage, fluting and gadroons, grotesques closely following the Continental pattern books.
  • The green colouring comes from chlorophyll, the same pigment that is found in foliage.
  • They use a variety of foraging styles; most commonly they glean food from foliage while they climb about on tree limbs.
  • Its great virtue is that it does not flower, making its silver, filigree foliage effect particularly clean and telling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nearby rock ledges had Asplenium rutamuraria, Pellaea atropurpurea, and other ferns typical of the habitat, and the foliage of Clematis occidentalis was noted.
  • Forging a symbiosis with the force that rules their world, some are viridescent, mimicking the foliage that surrounds them.
  • The tender centaureas are valued for summer bedding on account of their pure silvery or bluish tinted white foliage.
  • Their value as ornamental plants is contained in their intricately patterned and colourful foliage which ranges from jade green with cyclamen veins; chartreuse with carmine veins; and Sherwood green with silver veins.
  • Harvest herb roots including bloodroot, chicory, ginseng, and golden seal in the fall, after the foliage fades.
  • Woodland species such as Hawfinch and Crossbill are much easier to locate in the foliage-less trees.
  • They emerge from the luxuriant foliage like lost Mayan temples.
  • I like the grassy foliage and orange-yellow torchlike blooms of kniphofia, aka red-hot poker and torch lily.
  • Cut away the old foliage of Lenten lilies and epimediums so that you can see the flowers properly before the new leaves are produced.
  • They are tough enough to withstand being walked on occasionally and will reward the passer-by with perfume released from the crushed foliage.
  • Prune as needed to keep the exuberant foliage from casting unwanted shade on neighboring plants.
  • There are different kinds with bronze, yellow, white variegation, blue and silver foliage. The Sun
  • Planted near deep blue flowers or purple foliage the effect is absolutely ravishing.
  • The branches seem to be laid out flat, like fern fronds, while it is the colouring that gives the foliage variety of appearance and depth.
  • He mixes succulents with plants that have foliage of an entirely different nature, such as asparagus fern, coleus, or curly parsley.
  • The Dutch colonial houses were graceful and large, set back amid cocas, kanary, and nutmeg trees, while the rest of the small town lay half hidden in the foliage of palms.
  • Adam created many variations on the basic design of a central handle flanked by pendant swags and scrolling foliage.
  • I open the window of my study and see the Painted bat, roosting in the foliage of the monstera creeper, is already asleep after a night's wandering, covering its body with its bright red and black wings.
  • Wrap your gift and tie with a ribbon, then attach the bunch of foliage to the ribbon using a glue gun. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contiguous country as white as if covered with snow, contrasted with the foliage of trees flourishing in the verdure of tropical luxuriancy*. The Settlement at Port Jackson
  • This shrub offers burgundy-green foliage and hot pink, fringy blooms primarily in late winter-spring.
  • When summer-flowering perennials such as bellflowers, geraniums, lychnis, Shasta daisies, and spiderworts finish blooming and start to look tattered, cut back their stems to the rosette of new foliage.
  • _B.p. aucubifolia_ is the Double Daisy, having a beautifully variegated foliage, mottled with golden-yellow in the way of the aucuba. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Trees with hanging foliage enclose this little park, give it privacy and shade.
  • Another good association could bethe white umbel Seseli libanotus with the purple-tinted foliage of theupright Thalictrum 'Elin'. Gardens: Planting in drifts
  • There were other parts of this garden that were also delightful, including The Nuttery which was a sea of light green, yellow and white flowers and ferny foliage under a plantation of Kentish cobnuts, a variety of hazel. Sissinghurst Part Two « Fairegarden
  • The path was completely covered by the dense foliage.
  • Don't let the thistly foliage scare you - they won't overrun your garden. Happy Times at Sugar Creek « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • The new foliage is astonishingly delicate, as good as any maple, and everyone loves that primitive, fan-shaped leaf. Times, Sunday Times
  • Giant larkspurs thrust up their flower-rods, between the dentated foliage of which gaped the mouths of tawny snapdragons, while the schizanthus reared its scanty leaves and fluttering blooms, that looked like butterflies 'wings of sulphur hue splashed with soft lake. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • The first signs are yellowish (chlorotic) foliage in the upper leaves. 4.1 Nursery establishment
  • The summer-shoot may be recognized, during growth, by its green, not scarious bracts and, at the end of the season, by the imperfect growth of its wood and foliage (fig. 14). The Genus Pinus
  • It's the elegant balance of its hips, fine autumnal foliage and deep purple stems that do it for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the sides, long-eared creatures utter foliage from their mouths, and more stems issue from two heads at the rear.
  • Spring smiling upon the landscape renewed the foliage with life and dotted the prairies with many-hued flowers.
  • He added that the council may be able to plant foliage to make the rocks look better.
  • Along the path there were fascinating details, composed of the manifold greenery which revels in damp heat, ferns, mosses, confervae, fungi, trailers, shading tiny rills which dropped down into grottoes feathery with the exquisite Trichomanes radicans, or drooped over the rustic path and hung into the river, and overhead the finely incised and almost feathery foliage of several varieties of maple admitted the light only as a green mist. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • A scream arose from the foliage and a thud was heard as a French soldier hit the hard ground.
  • At the end of the path, turn right and push past some foliage to disclose a hidden pool.
  • It's the elegant balance of its hips, fine autumnal foliage and deep purple stems that do it for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cocoanut-palm, date-palm and orange orchards contrasted their rich foliage in the sunshine with the pineapple, banana and the rich soft turf of the mesquit-grass. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
  • This sounds like cypress aphids, which cause brown patches of dead foliage. The Sun
  • I've used soapy water, ProTek, a citrus extract that repels insects, and diatomaceous earth applied while the foliage is wet. Seeking a tomato guru
  • The lunch mural, for want of a better title, strikes an altogether different chord — that of an evacuated spring-blossomy babbling-brook alpine hinterland glorious people-scape, in which the principal technical challenge for the artist was to crank up the volume of the foliage and the foreground blossoms, whilst reining in the waters, because for obvious reasons the plash and gurgle of cataracts can be counterproductive at lunchtime. The Mural II
  • The paths often passed through these rocky clefts, which in the depths of the forest were gloomy and dark in the extreme, and often full of fine-leaved herbaceous plants and curious blue-foliaged Lycopodiaceae. The Malay Archipelago
  • There were hollyhocks, and noonsleeps, and tiger-lilies, and little patches of moss pinks, the tiny flowers all tangled in with their green foliage, and sweet williams, and love-lies-bleeding; and the children thought there was never such another garden in the world. Frank and Fanny
  • But Sandby also uses his skills as a consumate colourist to show the differing textures of brick, stone, wood and foliage. Watercolour at Tate Britain - review
  • With stems and foliage of darkest purple, it forms clumps over time. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Breathless Blush combines well with pink flowered selections of salvias and burgundy leafed grasses, while a touch of lime green foliaged plants such as coleus or lamium will add some extra zest. - RSS
  • I also like to remove deadheads or seed-heads that weigh down the plant's foliage.
  • For two or three years I do not remember to have seen it, or the seedlings, without flowers; its pretty, dwarf, rue-like foliage grew so thickly that it threatened to kill the edging of gentianella and such things as _Polemonium variegatum_, the double cuckoo-flower, and the little _Armeria setacea_; it also filled the walks, and its long wiry roots have been eradicated with difficulty. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • There have been reports that the caterpillars of the butterfly Euphydryes phaeton feed on the foliage of various beardtongues, but this does not appear to be the case in Illinois.
  • Besides, the collected foliage of the trees, when gazed at from beneath, presents a species of ocellation, to which that of the argus-pheasant is in some way assimilated. The Plant Hunters Adventures Among the Himalaya Mountains
  • I seem to inhale learning, walking amid their foliage; and the odour of their old moth-scented coverings is fragrant as the first bloom of the sciential apples which grew around the happy orchard. Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
  • The carved foliage with ribbons and laurel wreaths applied to the center of the end cupboards relates to carvings on some of the best Federal mantels and overmantels in New Orleans.
  • When large populations are present they can lower yields by reducing plant vigor and increasing sun scald of fruit through foliage loss.
  • If we lean towards the evergreens as the main plant theme and accent it with deciduous material that provides seasonal blooms or foliage color we can gain the look of the Japanese garden.
  • Christiane, I am not a globetrotter, but I share your love for “natural objects” like drifwood from a nearby deserted beach, branches, bark, foliage, dried teasels, berries ... (the list is longer) Grimpette - French Word-A-Day
  • Asters look fabulous combined with gold variegated trailing ivies and heathers with lime-green or flame coloured foliage.
  • Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wispy green or bronze foliage of fennel will add a nice contrast to my other potpourri plants.
  • Evolution of large size was a prerequisite for the exploitation of leaves because of the need for a longer residence time in the gut for bacterial fermentation to obtain sufficient nutrients from foliage and herbage.
  • In the early spring, their upright tufts of light green foliage provide a background for daffodils and tulips. A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
  • A stake, trellis, or cage keeps fruits and foliage off the soil and allows air to circulate around the plants, reducing the likelihood of foliage blights.
  • The flower-woman at the gate of her garden had now only autumnal blooms for sale in the vases which flanked the entrance; the windrows of the rowen, left steeping in the dews overnight, exhaled a faint fragrance; a poor remnant of the midsummer multitudes trailed itself along to the various cafes of the valley, its pink paper bags of bread rustling like sere foliage as it moved. Their Silver Wedding Journey — Complete
  • The balsam is a beautiful tree; though not aspiring to the dignity of the pine and hemlock, it shoots up in the most perfect and gradual spire-like form, to a height of thirty or forty feet, remarkable for its elegance; the foliage is very rich in color and quantity. Rural Hours
  • They are grown for the beautiful colours of their foliage: lemony green, pink, plum, cerise, chocolate, russet and flame.
  • Another native grass that isn't very familiar to gardeners is little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), a blue foliaged plant with beautiful fall color. Grow glorious grasses in your landscape
  • That's when the foliage of many trees, shrubs, and vines starts to turn brilliant shades such as port, cherry red, and bonfire orange.
  • This compact and hardy catmint combines strongly aromatic foliage with swathes of lavender flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between India and full size coin sparkling spot.
  • The two visit the empty houses of their good friends and leave the gifts there, woven amongst the foliage of house plants and resting on the pillows of unmade beds.
  • Cut back foliage in the autumn and apply some bonemeal. Times, Sunday Times
  • I squinted in the darkness, bardy able to pick him out against the foliage in his tigerstripes and camouflage war paint. Rogue Warrior
  • Now, in summer the openings are free of mullions or transoms and frame the lush foliage beyond.
  • Another great planning tool is The Foliage Network, which collects data from an army of volunteer foliage spotters twice a week during the fall, ensuring an up-to-date and very specific report for “leaf peepers. Beautiful Fall Foliage Drives
  • Silver foliage and leaves with white variegation will also add a twilight glow to a border. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most are tall, nondeciduous softwoods with pale smooth bark and foliage that's light, sparse, and usually blue-green.
  • There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
  • As the scale attacks the foliage, it eliminates a clear, sticky substance called honeydew.
  • At the centre of the front of Croker's enormous sideboard is a carved vase full of flowers flanked by great seaweedy festoons of fruit, flowers and foliage.
  • Identification of most caterpillars was problematic so ecological groupings were used to create five subgroups: a bract-associated morphospecies, foliage-associated taxa, geometrids, and a lichen-associated morphospecies.
  • The excised design of stems and foliage is glazed with a rich green and blue, while the phlox flowers at the top and lower sides of the panels have a pale ocher glaze.
  • Plants with fascinating leaf shapes and variegated foliage can turn your shade garden from a drab, dark place to an intriguing cool retreat.
  • There were two very large oak trees in front of our house with wide spreading branches and luxuriant foliage.
  • The leaves are its main feature; with age it becomes rather tall, 6ft. to 9ft. high, having a woody hole or caudex, which is largely concealed by the handsome drooping foliage; a few of the youngest leaves from the middle of the tuft remain erect. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • He could smell the familiar odour of rotting foliage in his nostrils.
  • The fall blooming crocus add delightful lavender color to the duskier colors of turning fall foliage. October Bloom Day-New Friends And Old-Blog Action Day 2009 « Fairegarden
  • The foliage is a bluish green while the flowers open white, with a mass of yellow stamens.
  • Now, as they resumed their way, the trees altered and drew farther apart, the ground was solid under foot, and through the foliage of the euphorbia and raphia palm came stray glimmers of sunshine, bits of blue sky, birds, voices, and the whisper of a breeze. The Pools of Silence
  • Mix in foliage plants such as dusty miller, ferns, liriope, or dwarf nandina.
  • Ivy is the obvious choice, its triffid-like tendrils quickly blanketing surfaces with dense foliage and bringing an instant gothic antiquity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Martin cleverly used foliage plants that complemented and harmonised with the bronze.
  • The shadowy foliage and its reflection of lingering sunlight from the shiny leaves capture something sweetly melancholy at this dark time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • The flowers are large and relatively solitary among the felty foliage, and they are wonderful over a foil of silver stachys or acaena. Stunning salvias
  • Each plant was hand-picked, with careful thought given to texture, shape and the colour of the foliage.
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • The spectabalis may go dormant in the heat of summer, although some dicentra will hold their foliage. A whopping bed of bleeding hearts almost made me drive off the side of the road « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Each stem carries up to 10 nodding sulphur coloured flared bell shaped flowers, growing from a base of deep green foliage that has attractive mottled markings.
  • The Comptonia or sweet-fern is in flower, the brown, catkin-like blossoms are nearly as fragrant as the foliage; it is the only fern we have with woody branches. Rural Hours
  • Dark green foliage turns reddish in autumn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its foliage is divine - tiny spirals of pearly blossoms with a heavenly scent.
  • Fountain grass forms foxtail flowers in the fall, and these plumes wave over the foliage for three months or more. Grow glorious grasses in your landscape
  • Single cerise. Crown variegated green and cream, girl foliage. Miniature.
  • A pink-flowered cosmos planted during the summer is at its best at the moment after spending the past few months developing bushy foliage with disappointingly few flowers.
  • Bold colors and big foliage add tropical zest to summer gardens.
  • By hardy geraniums I mean the garden perennials, with their soft foliage and cranesbill flowers, as opposed to greenhouse or bedding varieties which are more correctly known as pelargoniums.
  • He used foliage or various simple patterns - flowers in a star-shape, daisies, coloured dots or veining - covering every inch of the background, with every little gap being made to tell a story.
  • Alternatively, the native subspecies americanus is typically shorter, has a smooth, often reddish stalk, lighter yellow-green foliage, a sparser flower panicle and often grows in association with other plants. Phragmites australis - cryptic invasion of the Common Reed in North America
  • Pearls signify both tears and teeth; the latter are sometimes called hailstones, from their whiteness and moisture; the lips are cornelians or rubies; the gums, a pomegranate flower; the dark foliage of the myrtle is synonymous with the black hair of the beloved, or with the first down on the cheeks of puberty. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Prune as needed to keep the exuberant foliage from casting unwanted shade on neighboring plants.
  • Its tubular flowers grow in tiers, rising above the lovely foliage.
  • Its dignity, simplicity and beautiful plumelike foliage place it in a class of its own. Gardening Indoors and Under Glass A Practical Guide to the Planting, Care and Propagation of House Plants, and to the Construction and Management of Hotbed, Coldframe and Small Greenhouse
  • Try bulbs, wallflowers and pansies in spring, summer bedding for the hotter months, autumn and winter interest from chrysanthemums and foliage plants.
  • Caterpillars infected with baculovirus climb to the tops of trees, where they melt and drip the virus onto the foliage below. NPR Topics: News
  • In autumn, it has small red berries and vivid foliage in reds and oranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • It takes its name from the aromatic smell of the foliage. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • Green foliage must remain on any branches of junipers that are cut back.
  • I have a strong prejudice against spots of red foliage against a general background of green. The Education of a Gardener
  • Sylva worked as the groundskeeper at the now-defunct Maui Zoo in Wailuku and began planting native foliage to the point that it also became known as a botanical garden, Hobdy recalled. Starbulletin Headlines
  • The foliage is delightful, and hummingbirds enjoy sipping nectar from its smaller flowers.
  • As an index of nest concealment, we measured foliage density around nests, using a 0.5 x 0.5 m board gridded into 100 squares.
  • In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
  • It has a unique single colour, a compact habit and holds its flowers above the marbled foliage.
  • If, on the other hand, you plan on selling potted plants, hanging baskets, tropical foliage or flats, a greenhouse becomes a necessity.
  • The ‘black’ rhinoceros has a narrow muzzle, with grasping lips, suited to browsing on leafy foliage.
  • And prune plants to the ground after the first frost, even if foliage is not damaged.
  • They produced several types of foliage all characterized by pinnate leaves with open dichotomous venation.
  • But the frigorific effect of leafy structure is well observed in the deposit of dew and the occurrence of hoarfrost on the foliage of grasses and other small vegetables, and on other objects of similar form and consistence, when the temperature of the air a few feet above has not been brought down to the dew-point, still less to 32 degrees, the degree of cold required to congeal dew to frost [31]. Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
  • Trees of mature growth are “_accrued_”; when with leaves, “_in foliage_” (but these two terms are so seldom used that they may be entirely disregarded); with fruit or seeds, “_fructed_” or “_seeded_”; if without leaves, “_blasted_”; and if their roots are exposed, “_eradicated_.” The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • Signs of life are appearing in the borders: pure white hellebores, pots of blue pansies, the tips of blue hyacinths peeping through the earth and tiny white cyclamen among their marbled foliage.
  • Commonly seen white flowers cover the foliage, but a striking bright purple is also available.
  • The spa and yoga pavilions are set in a veritable Eden of exotic foliage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Topiary was originally defined as ornamental gardening, so you could say, to be technical, that arborsculpture is a branch of topiary, but the word topiary is more commonly used to describe the shaping of foliage. Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
  • We measured canopy closure, number of juniper and hardwood trees, and foliage cover of junipers and hardwoods.
  • The inventory of unusual foliage includes calathea plants and Madagascar dragon-trees, known for their air-cleansing qualities. The MetroWest Daily News Homepage RSS
  • That night, alone in the house with its electric hum, the dragon slept on his mildewed blanket in the media room, dreaming of virgin foliage and jawbreaker planets shiny in the onyx sky. Dragon Candy Green
  • Fortunately, juvenile foliage has the best variegation, so annual pollarding will stop it reaching 35ft and more. Times, Sunday Times
  • This lovely evergreen sports dense foliage bearing spikes of dark red flower buds during late autumn.
  • I have used the word verdure, but it is really a misnomer, for although the prevailing tint of the foliage was a dark green, the entire forest was streaked like a rainbow with innumerable flowers, and the breeze which blew from it was laden with the most delightful perfume, Evidently it was all a howling wilderness, for we could not detect the slightest vestige of human dwellings or cultivation. A Trip to Venus
  • Feed flowering plants with a higher potassium indoor plant food once a week in spring and summer, and foliage plants twice a year in spring and summer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Common witch hazels have some of the most dependable yellow - and maroon-colored foliage in woodland areas. Nature hit snooze button on foliage, just now starting to pop
  • Half of it consisted of red rye, the rest comprising 20% sugar waste, 20% mealie and 10% straw meal or foliage, resulting not just in malnutrition but deterioration of the digestive system. The Russians
  • At 23 centimetres high and weighing 3,500 grams the candlesticks are highly ornamental, their tripod bases standing on scallop shell supports, centred by vacant medallions within acanthus leaf foliage on a matted ground.
  • Epimedium is predominantly grown for its elegant foliage, which often stays on the plant throughout the year. Times, Sunday Times
  • Veronica ‘Georgia Blue’ groundcover, nigella foliage in left corner, spiky foliage of eremurus showing. Blue In The Garden-Part Three « Fairegarden
  • Early summer sunshine from the dense foliage and transmission, on the ground between India and full size coin sparkling spot.
  • Rich foliage, soft lighting and the quiet hum of the other diners' conversations create a welcoming ambience.
  • The national flag is a tricolor of green, gold, and blue, with a stylized V in the center - representing the rich foliage of the island, the sun, and the sea.
  • In that interlunar twilight there reigned a solemn sense of wonder evoked here eternally, one felt, from the ancient time, with the rustling of stirred foliage and the voice of those far waters for its music. Apologia Diffidentis
  • Their words and drawings were created by the same husband-and-wife team, and they were both inspired by where the couple lives: a steep, windy, densely foliaged neighborhood across from a dark forest of ivy-covered trees filled with coyotes and owls. A Rockin' Forest Fairy Tale
  • It's the elegant balance of its hips, fine autumnal foliage and deep purple stems that do it for me. Times, Sunday Times
  • The finely laciniated foliage of = A. plumosus = is greatly prized for bouquets, and the plant invariably commands attention as a decorative subject on the table or in the conservatory. The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
  • Flowers and bushes in full splendor - the foliage of Jasperwood is uniquely timed so that something is always going off; summer is like a slo-mo fireworks exhibition.
  • In autumn, it has small red berries and vivid foliage in reds and oranges. Times, Sunday Times
  • These last are well worth waiting for; the flower spikes can be up to nine feet tall, bearing stately heads of rich purple, thistle-like flowers above the toothed, grey green foliage.
  • Among the many attractions of this park, there is a working clock affixed on the grounds, inlaid among flowers and foliage.
  • Outside, the traffic hurtles by but the vast number of shrubs and trees lining the courtyard absorb the sound and look spectacular in their autumnal foliage.
  • Back home in some Indian villages and even in the city, the night heron, the pond heron and the egret roost habitually amid the thick foliage of the mango, the tamarind and the neem in yards around houses.
  • The two men sat on the front steps at "Elm Bluff", and as Prince's eyes wandered over the exceeding beauty of the "great greenery" of velvet lawn, the stately, venerable growth of forest trees, wearing the adolescent mask of tender young foliage, the outlying fields flanking the park, the sunny acres now awave with crinkling mantles of grain, he sighed very heavily at the realization of all that adverse fortune had snatched away. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • Bright and beautifulTeam summer bedding sunflowers and osteospermums with acid-yellow perennial foliage plants for aguaranteed lift to even the dingiest windowsill. Window box ideas
  • If the lungwort foliage shows signs of mildew, shear that off too; it will reclothe itself with clean foliage. Times, Sunday Times
  • In another area I have strawberry plants running rampant over the ground around the other plants. I'm using Purple Brocade ajuga in another because I have a lot of gold foliage there and I like the contrast.
  • Foliage color, needle length, needle retention, stem straightness, shape and density are among the important factors influencing one's final choice of a Christmas tree.
  • Evergreen trees have dense green foliage that suits them for planting as privacy screens, windbreaks or backdrops for flowering trees and shrubs.
  • To avoid plain green foliage syndrome it is worth experimenting with varied foliage plants.
  • The plant's foliage withers back during the summer while pretty, orange-red berries appear in the fall.
  • In a culture made in my garden from the seed sent me by Mr. Cockerell, I observed (1903) that both forms had a subvariety with brownish foliage, and, besides this, one of a pure green. Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
  • Love your orchid and primula lovelies~ The salvia seedlings are perfect foliage plants…Planted out they are going to be gorgeous. Bloom Day/Foliage Day Combo-February 2010 « Fairegarden

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