How To Use Foetal In A Sentence

  • But physical discomforts during the third trimester, such as heartburn, leg cramps, fetal movement, shortness of breath and sinus congestion, can again interfere with sleep.
  • Beyond the point of Fetal viability it becomes illegal except in extreme circumstances.
  • This involves the prevailing sense of disregard for life at the fetal stage on the part of legislators.
  • A flat or smooth philtrum can present in persons with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
  • Marti was scheduled to return for another attempt to drain the fluid when her perinatologist told her she had made an appointment for Marti at Children's Hospital's Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment. TTTS — Dicus
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  • Thus the perinatal mortality ratio is the sum of the late fetal death ratio and the under-7-day mortality rate.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • Many problems that occur during fetal development cause asymmetry in the resulting organism.
  • Method We have performed the testicular transplantation to cure 6 patients suffered from hypogonadism with the fetal testis as donor.
  • An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal abnormalities.
  • Treatment of diabetic wounds with fetal murine mesenchymal stromal cells enhances wound closure. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Fetal exposures to this proliferating pollutant can harm newborn mice and rats, a new study shows.
  • He would just curl up in a fetal position in the tour bus and talk to fantasy friends that lived inside of his head.
  • Lately, zebrafish has become one of the best animal models to study fetal alcohol syndrome(FAS) because of its unique characteristics compared to other kinds of models like mouse.
  • Persistent pupillary membrane is a condition of the eye involving remnants of a fetal membrane that persist as strands of tissue crossing the pupil.
  • No adverse effects on mating, fertility, pregnancy, parturition, lactation, embryo-fetal or pre- and postweaning development were observed. US FDA Approves New Indication for Merck's HPV Vaccine, GARDASIL® - Yahoo! Finance
  • There were no differences between the two groups with respect to the foetal cardiotocographic test results, amniotic fluid volume estimation and umbilical artery pulsatility indices.
  • Although many factors have been linked to preterm delivery, including infection, fetal abnormality and antepartum hemorrhage, no specific cause can be identified in more than one half of all cases.
  • The fetal environment seems to have a strong influence on risk of type 1 diabetes in the child.
  • 47 The image of the child in utero as fruit hanging precariously from a tree extended back to Galen, as Constantinus believed. 48 While Aldobrandino's passage and metaphor attributed a considerable amount of agency to the fruit-fetus (note the active voice), most discussions of fetal growth and parturition portrayed the fetus as entirely passive. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • This cup placement maintains flexion of the fetal head and avoids traction over the anterior fontanelle.
  • When the placenta function obstacles, umbilical cord around the neck, improper use of pregnant women, the case of adverse external stimulus, may cause abnormal fetal movement.
  • He also carried out one of his very few experiments using tissue culture, demonstrating that poliovirus would multiply in cultured human foetal intestinal and buccal tissues. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
  • In the second pregnancy trimester abnormal amniotic fetal cells can be detected.
  • Placing a shunt (a small, flexible tube) into the fetal bladder to provide continuous drainage when a obstruction is present. Glossary
  • In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development.
  • Elastin synthesis is increased during the canalicular and saccular stage of fetal development and reaches a peak during alveolarization in the neonatal stage.
  • Objective To establish a method with high efficiency in detecting phenylalanine hydroxylase(PAH) gene mutations and hence to rapidly diagnose prenatal fetals with phenylketonuria .
  • Some countries recognise abortion when pregnancy results from rape or incest, or when there is a high probability of foetal impairment.
  • The pituitary, in turn, tells the fetal adrenal gland to secrete more cortisol.
  • Conclusion: Maternal folate deficiency can change the ultrastructure of fetal rat lobus frontalis. It may lead to abnormality of neuronal function and disturb fetal brain development.
  • Sometimes interruption of the aortic arch is diagnosed on a fetal ultrasound and/or fetal echocardiogram. Interruption of the Aortic Arch
  • Frequent sauna use may also cause fetal malformation in pregnant women, but study results are inconsistent.
  • Oral-facial clefts are birth defects in which the tissues of the mouth or lip don't form properly during fetal development.
  • They often choose the foetal position as the most comfortable one when going to sleep. Caring for your Unborn Child
  • CCAM can cause a myriad of life-threatening problems for the baby, including fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Ryan
  • This cup placement maintains flexion of the fetal head and avoids traction over the anterior fontanelle.
  • She was curled into a foetal position, her body jerking as fresh spasms of pain hit her.
  • He was asleep there, curled up in the fetal position.
  • Burd DAR, Longaker MT, Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Ehrlich HP: Fetal wound healing in a large animal model: The deposition of collagen is confirmed. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Fetal tracheal occlusion for severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia in humans: A morphometric study of lung parenchyma and muscularization of pulmonary arterioles. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • Themba also received diagnostic orthopedic equipment, physiotherapy machines, an ultrasound scanner and a foetal cardiograph for its maternity unit. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • This suggests that the mechanisms which constrain fetal growth to prevent maternal-fetal disproportion do not effect long term programming of cardiovascular disease.
  • But living animal was produced only if the sheep blastomer was taken from trophoblast, the structure giving rise to placenta and extraembryonic fetal membranes, and goat cells from inner mass of embrionic stem cells. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Babcook CJ, Hedrick MH, Filly RA, Goldstein RB, Callen PW, Harrison MR, et al. Gastroschisis: can sonography of the fetal bowel accurately predict postnatal outcome? CHOP abdominal wall defect publications
  • Whitby DJ, Longaker MT, Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Ferguson MWJ: Rapid epithelialization of fetal wounds is associated with the early deposition of tenascin. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • The labyrinths are first developed, ossific granules making their appearance in the region of the lamina papyracea between the fourth and fifth months of fetal life, and extending into the conchæ. II. Osteology. 5a. 6. Ethmoid bone
  • Fetal cells contained in the amniotic fluid will be tested for Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.
  • The key factor in managing pregnancies complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome is early referral to a tertiary fetal medicine unit experienced in the care of monochorionic pregnancies.
  • Some foetal malformations cannot be diagnosed until late in pregnancy.
  • The diagnosis of fetal alcohol syndrome is partly based on craniofacial features which include microcephaly, telecanthus, narrow palpebral fissures, thin lips and a flat philtrum, with or without cleft lip or palate.
  • Alcohol during pregnancy can lead to a condition in the baby called foetal alcohol syndrome THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Basically, one saw a big flash of light, one should duck down into a fetal position and cover themselves up to be safe.
  • He curled into a fetal position, his knees drawn close to his body, and shivered slightly.
  • Maternal infection can result in fetal infection and damage and is estimated to occur in 0-1-0-5% of pregnancies in the United Kingdom.
  • The three had been lying motionless in the rough grass, curled in foetal positions, hoping to be invisible. Times, Sunday Times
  • —About the ninth week of fetal life an ossific center appears for each of the small wings (orbitosphenoids) just lateral to the optic foramen; shortly afterward two nuclei appear in the presphenoid part of the body. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • Modulation of B12 dosage and response in fetal treatment of methylmalonic aciduria (MMA); Titration of treatment dose to serum and urine MMA. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • It is sometimes accomplished by using a needle to draw out the contents of the fetal skull.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
  • Such gatekeeping makes no sense for genes expressed in fetal development or childhood, but genetic constructs that retard the onset of aging or protect us from adult cancers might come into play later in life.
  • State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications.
  • That some of the liquor amnii is swallowed by the fetus is proved by the fact that epidermal debris and hairs have been found among the contents of the fetal alimentary canal. I. Embryology. 11. Development of the Fetal Membranes and Placenta
  • During human fetal development, the primordial germ cells migrate to and are incorporated within the developing ovary and are termed oogonia.
  • The findings were presented today at the 30th Annual Society for M.ternal-Fetal M.dicine meeting by Dr. Roberto Romero, M. D, chief of the perinatology research branch and program head for perinatal research and obstetrics at the NICHD. Science Blog
  • Human growth during the embryonic, fetal, and post-natal periods provides a good model for mammalian growth.
  • Fibroids may occupy too much space in the uterus to allow for fetal deelopment, affecting contractibility and implantation, he added.
  • The maternal environment plays an important role in controlling fetal growth.
  • He was in a foetal position. The Sun
  • The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and - Articles related to Pregnant women 'should routinely take vitamin D supplements'
  • So how close are we to creating fully functioning artificial wombs, capable of gestating a human child from the embryonic stage to the fetal stage to a state of viability?
  • If hydrops is present, the team will join the family to explain fetal surgery in detail. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Spinal trap Last week my husband returned from work curled up in the foetal position in the back of a cab. Times, Sunday Times
  • He retreated to bed, lying in the foetal position for hours before heading off to the woods at the back of his house with his 20-bore shotgun.
  • Already doctors can remove fetal tumors and correct conditions such as diaphragmatic hernia -- a hole in the diaphragm that can cause serious lung problems. Tomorrow's Child
  • An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
  • He huddled up into the fetal position and lay there a few moments, his eyes clamped tightly shut as that eerie voice filled his mind.
  • In an analysis of case fatality rates among pregnant women who had placental abruption subsequent to trauma, 69 percent of fetal deaths were prevented by cesarean delivery.
  • Like CCAMs, a fetal bronchopulmonary sequestration can also cause fetal hydrops, either from the mass effect or from a tension hydrothorax that results from fluid or lymph secretion from the bronchopulmonary sequestration. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Pungent foods such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, spices, coffee and chocolate, Profet says, nauseate some pregnant women because they contain compounds, such as allyl isothiocyanate in cabbage, that can interfere with fetal-organ formation. Babies, Broccoli And Birth Defects
  • Most studies have found no increase in fetal mortality when blood glucose levels are controlled in this way.
  • Retention of the fetal membranes is a very common cause of leucorrhoea. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • Among the life-threatening problems that CCAM can cause is fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Jackson
  • Methods The cultured osteoblast-like cells in vitro were isolated from fetal rat calvaria and the effects of PDGF on cellular DNA contents were observed under flow cytometer.
  • Some viruses insert themselves into the host's DNA during infection in a process called retroviral integration, causing several diseases, including AIDS and cancer, notes a Texas A&M researcher who specializes in fetal diseases. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined.
  • For these reasons, close surveillance of gastroschisis in the third trimester using a combination of sonography and fetal surveillance testing (biophysical profile, Doppler ultrasound, amniotic fluid volume) is important to monitoring fetal well-being and determining the appropriate time of delivery. Gastroschisis
  • Fellows Physiology Conference -- This is a two-year curriculum of fetal and neonatal physiology and pathophysiology taught by neonatology and other subspecialty attendings. Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Curriculum
  • No fetal malformation caused by unsuccessful use of high-dose oral contraceptives for emergency contraception has been reported.
  • When the KLF1 blood protein is less active, more so-called foetal haemoglobin enters into the blood, resulting in improved uptake and transport of oxygen. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Dr. Madden left her, telling her that she was not pregnant, and when she reappeared at his office in a few days, he reassured her of the nonexistence of pregnancy; she became very indignant, triumphantly squeezed lactescent fluid from her breasts, and, insisting that she could feel fetal movements, left to seek a more sympathetic accoucheur. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He gave a shuddering sigh, and bent his body into a fetal position.
  • Meconium changes were separated into 4 groups: pigment in the amnion only, pigment in the amnion and decidua, a green - stained umbilical cord, and meconium-associated vascular necrosis of large fetal vessels.
  • The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and who exhibit some, but not all, features of alcohol-related facial malformation. - Articles related to Pregnant women 'should routinely take vitamin D supplements'
  • Amniotic bands that connected a hypocoiled cord to the fetal neck and strangulated the neck were seen in one case.
  • Trisomy 21 placentas: Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings using proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 12 (4), 210-215, 1997. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • This maneuver adducts the fetal posterior shoulder in an attempt to rotate the shoulders out of the impacted position and into an oblique plane for delivery.
  • It's in this quiet barrio, or neighborhood, beside a river and between two ridges, that Mark and Peg Schar have settled into farm life with a cafetal (coffee plantation) and sugar cane fields.
  • The number of pregnancies resulting in termination after prenatal diagnosis of fetal anomaly has increased over a 10 year period
  • Recently, we have measured fetal congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation volume by sonographic measurement using the formula for a prolate ellipse (length X height X width X 0.52). Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • The authors used data from police records, birth certificates, and certificates of fetal death from Utah between 1992 and 1999.
  • What is very unlikely in Britain is an end to the exception for foetal abnormality. Times, Sunday Times
  • An equation is established for the calculation of the increase in fetal body weight to fertilization age.
  • Fetal echocardiography is essential for monitoring the pump twin for signs of decompensation and possible intervention. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • The intensity of being in first year is often enough to make any freshman curl up in the fetal position and sob uncontrollably.
  • I curled up in a fetal position after the Elimination Ritual and waited for sleep to come.
  • Me, I'd be curled up in a fetal position in bed, railing against the bitterness of life.
  • Impaired fetal growth is strongly associated with haemorrhagic stroke, but not with occlusive stroke.
  • Me, I would curl up in a fetal position under the table and wait for someone to rescue me.
  • Now, DiPietro tells me about how she came to investigate the possibility of maternal-fetal “interactionism”: by accident. Origins
  • All you do is sob uncontrollably in the fetal position while blubbering, ‘I miss my Nana!’
  • In this section of newborn cerebellum (note the fetal granular layer), the arachnoid tissue in between the two cerebellar gyri is very cellular and the pial vessels are quite congested.
  • Fetal cortisol and estriol were measured in the umbilical vein plasma at delivery.
  • The new developments include very early sampling of foetal tissue to detect defective genes.
  • This summer, California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein contacted EPA, citing concerns about fetal death, thyroid cancer and neurotoxicity and asking them to revisit the issue. Nancy Chuda: As TSCA Collapses, Toxic Baby Fights Back (VIDEO)
  • Many proteins are excluded from the bovine fetal circulation by these 6 layers (for example, bovine fetal blood contains 1/500th of the antibodies found in bovine maternal blood). Mad-cow Disease
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • The ex utero intrapartum therapy procedure for high-risk fetal lung lesions. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • Weight gain in pregnancy includes such things as fluid retention, fat deposition, fetal size, potential for excess fluid around the baby.
  • I speak now of ultrasound imaging, fetal heart monitoring electronically, hysteroscopy, fetoscopy - things that gave us a window into the womb. Bernard Nathanson: On his conversion to the pro-life cause
  • The ex utero intrapartum treatment procedure for a large fetal neck mass in a twin gestation. CHOP ex utero intrapartum therapy publications
  • In the second pregnancy trimester abnormal amniotic fetal cells can be detected.
  • if you could prevent the switch from happening, or reverse it, and let people with sickle cell disease use fetal hemoglobin for life, that should reduce symptoms.
  • State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications.
  • Sylvester KG, Rasanen J, Kitano Y, Flake AW, Crombleholme TM, Adzick NS: Fetal tracheal occlusion reverses the high vascular impedance in diaphragmatic hernia. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • When a fetal diagnosis of a fetal abnormality is found, your referring physician should call our Center at 1-800-468-8376 (1-800-IN-UTERO) where our nurse coordinator will obtain your initial medical data by telephone. Fetal Diagnoses
  • Can an entire city adopt a foetal position? Times, Sunday Times
  • Families must understand that fetal bladder shunting is only a temporary measure, and more detailed evaluation and surgical therapy will be necessary after birth. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • The amniotic fluid of the control group came from amniocenteses for genetic screenings or analyses to check fetal lung maturity and showed no signs of bacteria even by DNA methods. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • • In late fetal period primary oogonia enlarged to form primary oocytes. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • (UKNSC), which advises the government and the three devolved administrations on screening to detect conditions such as foetal abnormalities and cancer. The Guardian World News
  • Cord prolapse and trapped fetal parts are unpredictable complications.
  • Residents and fellows training in pathology as well as in other specialties such as gastroenterology at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and at the University of Pennsylvania and from a broad range of other programs can rotate through the department for instruction in fetal and pediatric pathology. Anatomic Pathology
  • Autopsy rates were the highest for fetal and pediatric deaths, and the lowest for neurology / neurosurgery and general surgery deaths.
  • The ossific centers appear in the intervals between the articular depressions for the costal cartilages, in the following order: in the manubrium and first piece of the body, during the sixth month; in the second and third pieces of the body, during the seventh month of fetal life; in its fourth piece, during the first year after birth; and in the xiphoid process, between the fifth and eighteenth years. II. Osteology. 4a. The Sternum
  • The interesting foetal substances are those which were mentioned above, as well as allantoid liquid, Meckel's cartilage, Wharton's jelly and all the possible associations.
  • At last, a fast and automatic ultrasound image recognition algorithm for fetal genital organ is proposed and realized.
  • This paper introduces the principle and implementation of fetal monitor based on DSP and ultrasonic Doppler theory.
  • This summer, California Democratic Sen. Diane Feinstein contacted EPA, citing concerns about fetal death, thyroid cancer and neurotoxicity and asking them to revisit the issue. Nancy Chuda: As TSCA Collapses, Toxic Baby Fights Back (VIDEO)
  • In other words, if somebody hits you, you don't curl up in the fetal position and beg your enemy not to hurt you.
  • After 6-7 days at 28°, mosquitoes were triturated in undiluted fetal bovine serum at a concentration of 35 mosquitoes/ml serum.
  • The Center for Fetal Diagnosis and Treatment is pleased to sponsor this three-day multidisciplinary educational forum for clinicians in obstetrics, maternal-fetal medicine, prenatal radiology, neonatology, pediatric cardiology and genetic counseling, scheduled March 16-18, 2011, in Philadelphia. Professional Resources
  • In principle, non-disjunction during spermatogenesis could lead to aneuploidy, which might cause fetal death.
  • Dulbeco's modified Eagles' medium containing 10% fetal calf serum had an advantage in both plating efficiency and growth.
  • The whalebone whale, again, has horny "whalebone" plates in its mouth, and no teeth; but the young foetal whale before it is born has teeth in its jaws; they, however, are never used, and they never come to anything. Darwiniana : Essays — Volume 02
  • Techniques intended to monitor foetal health became terminators of the female foetus.
  • The risk of fetal loss from amniocentesis should be discussed.
  • The pregnancy was uneventful, but the baby was delivered by ventouse extraction owing to fetal tachycardia.
  • Her body jerked into a fetal position as she sobbed and clutched her side.
  • The one thing I dislike about these week-by-week foetal development diaries is that the writers, pursuing the laudable aim of making things as concrete and real as possible, tend to compare the size of the beast to that of a piece of fruit, say. Development
  • She almost twitched into a fetal position, and her body moved slightly in one last defense.
  • Sebire questions the relevance of a category for fetal growth restriction, as most fetuses with this condition do not die.
  • The pregnant woman accumulates fat during pregnancy to guarantee fetal development and lactation.
  • Before that, the fetal neural structure is about as sophisticated as that of a sea slug and its EEG as flat and unorganized as that of someone brain-dead.
  • A team of Japanese scientists, led by Toshiyuki Hata of the Kagawa University School of Medicine, is using 3-D ultrasound to count fetal blinks and yawns, and to document what they call expressions like smiling, scowling, and sticking out the tongue. Origins
  • In our experience, fetal hydrops associated with sacrococcygeal teratoma is rapidly progressive and nearly always fatal. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (SCT), Sacrococcygeal Tumor Treatment
  • Objective : To investigate the significance of detecting lactic acid fetal scalp blood for monitoring fetal distress.
  • The point of junction of the sagittal and coronal suture is named the bregma, that of the sagittal and lambdoid sutures, the lambda; they indicate respectively the positions of the anterior and posterior fontanelles in the fetal skull. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • A motorcycle-riding courier is tasked with transporting fetal stem cell cultures to Sacremento in Elizabeth Bear's "And the Deep Blue Sea". REVIEW: Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse edited by John Joseph Adams
  • Maternal hypoxia should be avoided because this can lead to fetal growth restriction.
  • Nearly 30 per cent of pregnant women are overweight or obese, causing complications including stillbirth and foetal abnormalities. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ultrasound examination looks for a thickening of skin behind the fetal neck, called the nuchal fold, which sometimes occurs in Down syndrome and, possibly, other birth defects.
  • We are very excited about that particular paper and the data it contains because this is the first time that the properties of a fetal liver stem cell have been characterized in that manner.
  • Fetal pulse oximetry was developed as a less traumatic and invasive method of assessing fetal oxygenation.
  • Poorly controlled gestational diabetes is associated with an increase in the incidence of preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, birth trauma, operative delivery, and neonatal hypoglycemia.
  • Once the grafts had matured they were used to reconstruct defective windpipes in seven foetal lambs.
  • We suggest that this is further evidence that cardiovascular disease originates through programming in fetal life and infancy.
  • She plans to go to medical school and specialize in either fetal cardiology or pediatric orthopedics.
  • Casting the cow and placing her in dorsal recumbency may greatly facilitate extension of the fetal head.
  • In the past three decades, it has been demonstrated that grafts of dopaminergic neurons derived from fetal and/or embryonic cells survive, reinnervate appropriate targets, and function in vivo in rodent and non-human primate PD models PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Her eyes were closed and she was in a foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pituitary, in turn, tells the fetal adrenal gland to secrete more cortisol.
  • Montgomery etal isolated cells from 18 day fetal rat intestine by trypsin dissociation.
  • Aminolaevulinic acid can cross the placenta and possibly cause toxicity to the developing fetal brain.
  • In deciding whether to vaccinate a pregnant woman, the theoretic risks of vaccination must be weighed against the maternal and fetal risks associated with Japanese encephalitis infection, given the likelihood of exposure.
  • Procedures that increase the likelihood of direct fetal exposure to maternal blood should be minimized during the antepartum and intrapartum periods.
  • In the 1970s, the enthusiasm of many obstetricians for electronic foetal monitoring was in fact a real fascination.
  • Dorries entered nursing in 1975 as a abecedarian at Warrington Accepted Hospital. 7 From 1978 to 1981, she practised as a nurse in both Warrington and Liverpool. 8 She claims to accept witnessed two adulterated terminations, an acquaintance that afflicted her attack to lower the foetal aborticide age. 6 Labour of Love
  • Main bronchus occlusion for treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in fetal lambs. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • At the first sign of overdosage, such as tetanic contractions or fetal distress, Pitocin should be discontinued, and the patient treated with symptomatic and support therapy.
  • If monitoring of the middle cerebral artery indicates anaemia, fetal blood sampling and intrauterine transfusion are indicated.
  • I'd rather be exposed to Glenn Beck after a full-blown Healthcare-Is-Fascism hissy fit, eyes streaming crocodile tears, rocking back and forth in the fetal position with his thumb in his mouth and a pool of drool dripping down his moisturized chinny chin-chin (actually high-fructose corn syrup, but it works for the camera) than this former second-string Miss Alaska smarmily playing pretend at punditry. Fox's Barracuda Jumps the Shark
  • The main causes of the death of one fetus in twin pregnancy were cord elements(5 cases), fetal deformity(3 cases), velamentous insertion(4 cases)and unknown etiology(15 cases).
  • Bullard KM, Sonne J, Hawgood S, Harrison MR, Adzick NS: Tracheal ligation increases cell proliferation but decreases surfactant protein production in fetal murine lungs in vitro. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • Assessing fetal growth is complex, and there is little consensus on which measure should be used.
  • All lectures are open to our colleagues in maternal-fetal medicine, obstetrics, pediatric cardiology, radiology and neonatology. Fetal CME Dinner Lecture Series
  • School of Medicine study of 22 000 mothers stated that overdosage of vitamin A as low as three times the recommended dose during the first trimester of the pregnancy may cause fetal damage. Congenital Malformations
  • Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
  • Ossification begins in the first sternebra during the fifth to sixth fetal month, in the second and third during the seventh to eighth fetal month, and in the fourth during the first year after birth. 206 BONES
  • She's a world authority on foetal development.
  • It is said that Sucralose breaks down into 1,6-dichlorofructose, which is toxic and can lead to shrunken thymus glands up to 40% shrinkage and enlarged liver and kidneys, Atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus Increased cecal weight Reduced growth rate Decreased red blood cell count Hyperplasia of the pelvis Extension of the pregnancy period Aborted pregnancy Decreased fetal body weights and placental weights Diarrhoea. Splenda - Does more harm than good???
  • The main determinants of fetal growth restraint in contemporary societies are not known.
  • The points are found, explains Sara, by imagining a baby in an inverted foetal position, with the earlobe representing the head, the concha the internal organs and so on.
  • Early diagnosis and timely treatment of mild abruptio placenta may decrease fetal and neonatal mortality and diminish maternal complications.
  • There are three types of ultrasounds: scanning devices, doptones, and external fetal monitors (EFMs).
  • She uses a mouthpart hook, an over-the-shoulder throw, and off she goes with the passive nest mate curled on her back in an ant version of the fetal position. Science News / Features, Blog Entries, Column Entries, Issues, News Items and Book Reviews
  • Me, I'd be curled up in a fetal position in bed, railing against the bitterness of life.
  • Prenatal diagnosis provides insight into the in utero evolution of fetal lung lesions such as congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation, bronchopulmonary sequestration and congenital lobar emphysema. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
  • MSP1 bound to IgG was detected in the fetal perfusate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He confesses that "a single hit of pot is enough to reduce me to a whimpering fetal crouch for several incommunicative hours at a time. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Platyrrhini proper, the only observation with which I am acquainted is due to Pansch, who found in the brain of a foetal Cebus Apella, in addition to the sylvian fissure and the deep calcarine fissure, only a very shallow antero-temporal fissure (scissure parallele of Gratiolet). Note on the Resemblances and Differences in the Structure and the Development of the Brain in Man and Apes
  • Investigators have a history of training numerous research fellows from a variety of specialties at different levels of career development who are interested in fetal treatment. Center for Fetal Research & the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Fellowship
  • Cell cycle regulation at the embryonic stage is key for normal fetal development.
  • fetal development
  • The fetal presentation, position and station are then confirmed.
  • Fetal cardiocentesis: a review of indications, risks, applications and technique. CHOP congenital heart disease publications
  • Only after two to three times will the fetal position return to normal.
  • Zinc deficiency in pregnant women causes abnormal labour, retarded fetal growth, and fetal abnormalities.
  • In the type of ultrasound examination called Doppler velocimetry, a hand-held transducer uses sound waves to measure patterns of fetal blood flow.
  • He would curl up into the foetal position and weep at the mention of his ex-girlfriend's name.
  • Which is a problem, as it inclines me to go more foetal, which of course means that I won't do any more study, because I feel that I won't succeed at it.
  • Cosentino 3.57 mentions a case of the absence of liquor amnii associated with a fetal monstrosity. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The macho libero was emasculated and fell to the ground in the foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the fetal study abstract touted by Sarnoff, the authors state that rats given BPA by mouth showed no ill effects: "Oral administration of the same dose did not produce measurable levels of aglycone BPA in fetal tissues. Jon Entine: End Game on Bisphenol A? Have we reached a tipping point on the science of this ubiquitous chemical?
  • As I reported in another recent post fetal alcohol exposure in early pregnancy or during the full length of pregnancy in rhesus macaque monkeys resulted in macaques that had blunted responses to stimuli.
  • There she laid in the fetal position with her head buried crying hysterically.
  • Objective: To investigate the development of xenografted primitive human germ cells by using fetal testicular tissues as donor tissues and an immunodeficient mouse as the recipient.
  • Chorionic villous sampling was also performed to rule out a fetal chromosomal anomaly that occurs in 6 to 8 percent of such cases. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • It is mandatory to avoid excessive traction on the foetal head during a forceps delivery;
  • Carter C, Gimenez-Conti IB, Richie ER (2002) Cutting edge: thymocyte-independent and thymocyte-dependent phases of epithelial patterning in the fetal thymus. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This series features joint presentations by CHOP specialists in maternal-fetal medicine, fetal-neonatal-pediatric surgery, neonatology cardiothoracic surgery, pediatric cardiology and radiology. Fetal CME Dinner Lecture Series
  • The phenomenon occurs during early foetal development.
  • Deprest JA, Hyett JA, Flake AW, Nicolaides K, Gratacos E. Current controversies in prenatal diagnosis 4: Should fetal surgery be done in all cases of severe diaphragmatic hernia? CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • Can fetal growth be improved in pregnancies at risk for fetal growth retardation?
  • What kind of foetal abnormalities are we talking about? The Guardian World News
  • Also, although no research could confirm cancer, fetal deformities or mutations caused by exposure to phenoxy herbicides or dioxin, the report indicated that the topic remained open. 46 Operation Ranch Hand
  • He was in a fetal position, trying even in death to nestle like a spoon with others.
  • Painter DL, Moore MC (2005) Steroid hormone metabolism by the chorioallantoic placenta of the mountain spiny lizard Sceloporus jarrovi as a possible mechanism for buffering maternal-fetal hormone exchange. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • She climbed on to the bed and curled into a fetal position, her hands clasped tightly against her stomach. ROSES ARE FOR THE RICH
  • Methods The cultured osteoblast-like cells in vitro were isolated from fetal rat calvaria and the effects of PDGF on cellular DNA contents were observed under flow cytometer.
  • In summary, umbilical cord torsion is an uncommon cause of intrauterine fetal death.
  • Some concepts suggest an abnormality in Sertoli cells in the fetal or neonatal period.
  • Large fetal lung tumors may regress in size on serial prenatal sonography, illustrating that improvement can occur during fetal life. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Walsh DS, Hubbard AM, Olutoye OO, Howell LJ, Flake AW, Johnson MP, Adzick NS: Assessment of fetal lung volumes and liver herniation with magnetic resonance imaging in congenital diaphragmatic hernia. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • The ill effects included foetal hypoxia and death, neo-natal jaundice and several such complications.
  • Meuli-Simmen C, Meuli M, Hutchins GM, Yingling CD, Timmel GB, Harrison MR, Adzick NS: The fetal spinal cord does not regenerate after in utero transection in a large mammalian model. CHOP publications spina bifida
  • On physical examination, fundal height was 38 cm and a large fetal head was palpated.
  • The routine use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring compared with intermittent auscultation increases the likelihood of instrument vaginal delivery and cesarean surgery but does not reduce the incidence of cerebral palsy, stillbirth, low Apgar scores, newborn death rates, or admission to the neonatal intensive care unit. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Women with hypertension, diabetes, previous Cesarean births, fetal malformations, breech presentations and placenta previa were excluded.
  • Methotrexate injection is a nonsurgical treatment for ectopics of less than 3.5 cm with no fetal heart motion.
  • Preterm delivery may be indicated because of deterioration of maternal or fetal health, and obstetric complications may occur.
  • Unsuspected obstructive fetal neck masses often prove fatal because of an inability to secure an airway and ventilate the neonate, which results in hypoxia and acidosis. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Reports from British clinics suggest two or three cases a week relate to foetal abnormality.
  • In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.
  • This may also enhance understanding of how gestational age, fetal growth, and birth weight interact with each other.
  • Some of these women regret entering a conveyor belt process that ends up with an invasive procedure that causes a high rate of fetal loss.
  • On it, curled up on a patchwork quilt, was an elderly crone in the foetal position. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • A doctor may suspect fetal growth restriction if the mother's uterus is not growing at a normal rate.
  • The fetal membranes from older embryos are also best handled initially as solid tissue because of difficulties in their mechanical disaggregation.
  • “Potassium iodide is a possible teratogen (causing fetal goiter).” 'Big Bang Theory' recap: Wolowitz takes a bath with Katee Sackhoff |
  • Lin RY, Sullivan KM, Argenta PA, Lorenz HP, Adzick NS: Scarless human fetal skin repair is intrinsic to the fetal fibroblast and occurs in the absence of an inflammatory response: In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • All patients were continuously monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions.
  • The finding that fetuses with hydrops are at very high risk for fetal or neonatal demise led to the performance of either fetal surgical resection of the massively enlarged pulmonary lobe (fetal lobectomy) for cystic/solid lesions or thoracoamniotic shunting for lesions with a dominant cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Fetal hydrocephalus is also commonly associated with congenital malformation syndromes. Hydrocephalus
  • However, fetal lung lesions that seem to disappear on prenatal ultrasound and are not seen on neonatal chest radiograph still require evaluation by chest CT scan, which will frequently detect a lesion. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • It says that cerebral palsy is almost never caused by fetal distress in labor.
  • I didn't even slow down as she was bowled over sideways, crumbling into a foetal position of grass stains and whimpers.
  • I collapse on the floor, curled up in an almost foetal position, head pressed up against one of the speakers as the music blares out at ear-damaging volume.
  • They played it while lying down in the foetal position, encouraging the crowd to do the same. The Sun
  • Harrison MR, Adzick NS, Longaker MT, Goldberg JD, Rosen MA, Filly RA, Evans MI, Golbus MS: Successful repair in utero of a fetal diaphragmatic hernia after removal of herniated viscera from the left thorax. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • The first 12 weeks of pregnancy are a time of organogenesis and heightened fetal vulnerability to teratogens.
  • Maternal colloid osmotic pressure after fetal surgery. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • Montgomery etal isolated cells from 18 day fetal rat intestine by trypsin dissociation.
  • The fetal head was high in the fundus and imaging was not easy with reverberations partially obscuring the proximal hemisphere.
  • GDM is a well known risk factor for foetal overgrowth, termed macrosomia which is influenced by maternal hypergycemia and endocrine status through placental circulation. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This post requires someone with a strong interest in understanding how maternal allorecognition of fetal Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • There are indications that using smokeless tobacco could be as detrimental to fetal health as cigarette smoking.
  • Objective: To prenatal diagnosis of fetal gastrointestinal tract anomalies.
  • 1 However, it is now known that the vast majority of congenital structural fetal malformations are a consequence of aneuploidy or abnormal embryonic development in the first 8 weeks postconception. JAMA current issue
  • This work attempts to consider and observe the continuum of personality between fetal and post-natal life.
  • We know that the first urine aspirated from the fetal bladder has been there for some time and is not typically predictive of underlying renal function. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • a chorionic villus is a minute vascular projection on the fetal chorion
  • The man on the ground did not move and seemed to be curled up in the foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tissue is sent to the laboratory where the fetal villi are dissected from the maternal decidua and either processed directly or cultured for chromosomal, DNA or biochemical analysis.
  • Fetal calf serum is one such ingredient; and there are many others.
  • Monolayers of human hepatoma cell line Hep3B were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.
  • Unsuspected obstructive fetal neck masses often prove fatal because of an inability to secure an airway and ventilate the neonate, which results in hypoxia and acidosis. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • Malaria is an important environmental factor which reduces fetal growth in primiparae more than multiparae living under holoendemic conditions for malaria.
  • Cervical change noted before fetal viability is a better indication for cerclage than if it is identified after fetal viability has been achieved.
  • For example, a common source of foetal cells is umbilical cord blood. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recently I treated her for a sexually transmitted disease with metronidazole, which is known to cause foetal abnormalities in rats.
  • Three minutes and I roll over into the foetal position. The Sun
  • It is a matter of hormones, more specifically, of hormonal levels in the mid-point of fetal development and how they affect that part of the brain called the hypothalamus.
  • A review of 15 cases of fetal goitrous hypothyroidism in the English literature is presented.
  • Low dose aspirin given prophylactically will reduce the chance of developing pre-eclampsia by 15%, with a similar reduction in fetal death.
  • These include fetal movement assessment, nonstress test, contraction stress test, fetal biophysical profile, modified biophysical profile and umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry.
  • Huge fetal lung lesions have reproducible pathophysiologic effects on the developing fetus. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Pregnancy in women with epilepsy is associated with an increased risk of fetal malformation.
  • Announcing the publication of the new version, she said: Many people are not aware that in order for a late abortion to take place for social reasons, foeticide must first take place; this process can take up to two days and involves a lethal injection being administered into the foetal heart via a cannular through the mother's abdominal wall. UK MP tries again to lower abortion limit
  • Amniotic fluid, chorionic villi, or fetal serum can be tested for evidence of West Nile virus infection.
  • The oogonia multiply by mitosis, but early in fetal life, they enter meiosis.
  • There are other ‘grey areas’ where the legality of abortion for fetal abnormality could be questioned.
  • Once the fetal demise was diagnosed, pregnancy was terminated by medical induction, such that the products of conception were largely delivered intact.
  • This new program trains maternal-fetal medicine specialists in prenatal assessment, counseling and management of pregnancies with complex anomalies. Center for Fetal Research & the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Fellowship
  • Shaffer et al., “Manual rotation of the fetal occiput: Predictors of success and delivery,” Obstet Gynecol 194 2006: e7-9; C. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • Harper et al., “A randomized controlled trial of acupuncture for initiation of labor in nulliparous women,” J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 19 2006: 465-70; M. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • As a result, fluid can accumulate in the body, causing fetal hydrops. SCT -- Donoghue
  • A CCAM volume ratio (CVR) is obtained by dividing the congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation volume by head circumference to correct for fetal size. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Conclusion:Maternal serum PAPP-A might be a marker for predicting fetal chromosomal anomaly.
  • Your baby may have trouble breastfeeding and is three times more likely to die in the first year of life than a full-term baby.2 Elective inductions increase the use of medication, including epidurals, and also the incidence of non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns, shoulder dystocia, instrument delivery, and cesareans.3 The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Fetal wellbeing is generally assessed via an external fetal monitor.
  • Some were in the fetal position, curled up, as if trying to escape within themselves.
  • She goes from a fetal position of crying to walking around the cell, singing gospel music.
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), initially identified in adult bone marrow, have also been described in fetal haemopoietic tissues where they accompany the migration of haemopoietic development.
  • In order to coax the nerves to grow out into the paralyzed legs, Kerr had to introduce two last chemicals into his nerve-regenerating cocktail: chemicals that told the myelinated axons that these newly birthed nerves were exactly the same as those that wire the body during fetal development. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Try to roll your body in, as if getting into a fetal position, as opposed to keeping your back rigid.
  • A fetal lung lesion consisting of bronchogenic cyst, bronchopulmonary sequestration, and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation: the missing link? Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • The report documented why babies and children are uniquely vulnerable to fetal and developmental effects from exposure to certain pesticides.
  • For example, one grantee is studying how developing nerve cells in the fetal brain respond to prolonged oxygen deprivation.
  • Healthy fetal growth and development depend on a steady supply of nutrients from mother to fetus.
  • The boy in front of me has an odd posture: almost in a fetal position, slouched far, far down.
  • Dulbeco's modified Eagles' medium containing 10% fetal calf serum had an advantage in both plating efficiency and growth.
  • The level of ultrasound power emitted is not adjustable on a fetal doppler unlike that of a sonograph.
  • I return to the fetal position with my remote control and try to console myself.
  • MacKenzie TC, Guttenberg ME, Nissenbaum HL, Johnson MP, Adzick NS: A fetal lung lesion consisting of bronchogenic cyst, bronchopulmonary sequestration, and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation: The missing link? Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • Objective : To investigate the effect to fetal growth in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy ( ICP ).
  • He established one of the first licensed fetal-tissue banks in the country, collecting pancreases for research that may lead to cures for incurable diseases.
  • Possible outcomes include no harm to the fetus, fetal loss, fetal malformation, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction or postnatal infection.
  • The phenomenon occurs during early foetal development.
  • If there is the slightest question of disproportion, or a fetal position that is not easily diagnosed we immediately resort to x-ray films, ranging from scout films to radiographic pelvimetry.
  • Temporary tracheal occlusion in fetal sheep with severe lung hypoplasia does not improve postnatal respiratory function. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • An evaluation of the effect of GARDASIL on embryo-fetal, pre- and postweaning development was conducted using rats. US FDA Approves New Indication for Merck's HPV Vaccine, GARDASIL® - Yahoo! Finance
  • Van Gundy has hinted how he might react to an Orlando title, saying he might "cower" in a "fetal position. Don't expect a neutral voice from Jeff Van Gundy during NBA Finals
  • He was currently lying on the elevator floor in the fetal position, his hand covering his bloody mass of a nose.
  • Medical problems, such as preeclampsia, which is extremely high blood pressure in the mother, or fetal distress, do not fully explain the increase of induced deliveries, which often result in late preterm births, birth between 32 and 36 weeks gestation. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Although many factors have been linked to preterm delivery, including infection, fetal abnormality and antepartum hemorrhage, no specific cause can be identified in more than one half of all cases.
  • Fetal intramuscular delivery of recombinant adenovirus results in persistent postnatal transgene expression in both muscle and liver. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • I had double canopy out, had my main entangled in my reserve and landed backwards in a fetal position.
  • At last, a fast and automatic ultrasound image recognition algorithm for fetal genital organ is proposed and realized.
  • The first human foetal cells composed only of maternal genes. GRACE
  • •A Doppler is a hand-held ultrasound device that transmits fetal heartbeats to a speaker. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • The Fetal team used the EXIT (ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedure to deliver her head and neck while keeping her attached to the placenta. CHAOS — Waterman
  • Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Hu LM, Davies P, Reid LM: Compensatory lung growth after pneumonectomy in fetal lambs: A morphometric study. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • Our findings also point to the increasing importance of fetal ultrasonography in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21.
  • Conclusion: Prenatal diagnosis of fetal gastrointestinal tract anomalies is of instructional clinical value in eugenetics and postnatal treatments.
  • Clinical Anesthesia Causes Permanent Damage to the Fetal guinea pig brain.
  • As an example of how deliberation can "economize" on moral disagreements, she cites the fetal tissue research guidelines issued in 1975 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. Reason Magazine
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • A villus has a fibromuscular core with fetal blood vessels and is covered by an epithelium termed the trophoblast.
  • Testing for the presence of fetal fibronectin may help if a woman is at risk for preterm delivery. Glossary
  • In this case, the metal sprawl becomes the figure of a giant human curled up in a foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • Major consequences of foetal alcohol syndrome are facial deformities, central nervous system dysfunctions and non specific malfunctions.
  • He was unresponsive and curled up in the foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • In-utero percutaneous cystoscopy in the management of fetal lower obstructive uropathy. Obstructive Uropathy, Fetal Intervention for Obstructive Uropathy
  • In support of this, they outline at length and in detail the well-known facts of fetal development.
  • Her menses ceased; her mammæ became engorged and discharged a serous lactescent fluid; her belly enlarged, and both she and her physician felt fetal movements in her abdomen. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Theoretically, fetal cells serve as progenitors, differentiating into the family of cells that constitute the central nervous system.
  • This study does, however, give an insight into the influences which reduce fetal growth and their timing in gestation.
  • What I did say that in my opinion as a biologist who has studied fetal development – to abort is taking life even when the fetus cannot survive outside the womb – because life is there once the sperm fuses with the egg. Throwing women under the bus « Dating Jesus
  • Another cell type, astroglia, helps pattern the brain in fetal development and is later involved in synaptic activity. Autism Hub
  • Finally, the fetal membranes and their relations to the fetus and uterus are studied in their variations among the amniota. University of Virginia Record
  • Objective : To probe into the grounding for diagnosis and delivery methods fetal macrosomia.
  • No fetal tissue was identified in association with the partial mole.
  • The single largest condition associated with stillbirth is failure of fetal growth.
  • If monitoring of the middle cerebral artery indicates anaemia, fetal blood sampling and intrauterine transfusion are indicated.
  • The KFI is a measure of fat reserves and has been shown to be a significant predictor of fetal sex ratios in wapiti.
  • It is not clear whether this would provide sufficient time for fetal lung growth to occur.
  • First year fellows participate in the counseling of women with high risk pregnancies, observe the management of high risk pregnancies on the Labor and Delivery unit, and attend fetal HR tracing, ultrasound and genetics clinics to facilitate the development of a close, collaborative relationship between neonatologist and obstetrician/perinatologist. Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Curriculum
  • —Until the seventh or eighth month of fetal life the body of the sphenoid consists of two parts, viz., one in front of the tuberculum sellæ, the presphenoid, with which the small wings are continuous; the other, comprising the sella turcica and dorsum sellæ, the postsphenoid, with which are associated the great wings, and pterygoid processes. II. Osteology. 5a. 5. The Sphenoid Bone
  • It puts the case for late abortion and abortion for fetal abnormality, and refutes the claim that abortion is a threat to women's mental and physical health.
  • I decide to put the question to Ken Jones, the doctor who defined fetal alcohol syndrome more than thirty-five years ago, and who is now chief of the teratology division in the department of pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego. Origins
  • It is sometimes accomplished by using a needle to draw out the contents of the fetal skull.
  • Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined.
  • ‘In this form, the foetal passages, the foramen ovale, and the ductus arteriosus, remain open,’ he wrote.
  • The femoral marrow cells were flushed out with fetal bovine serum and smeared on clean slides.
  • The neurocognitive deficits in fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder are pervasive.
  • And the Freudians, starting out to prove that the experiences of the individual alone cause hysteria, by pushing back the time of those experiences to infancy (and lately to foetal life), have proved the contrary, that is, the inborn nature of the disease. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Polyhydramnios is a common obstetrical indication for ultrasonography; therefore, a prenatal diagnostic marker exists for many large fetal lung tumors. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • I bet Mr. DeLay is in his basement, curled in fetal position, sucking his thumb, wishing his pretty little eyes never, ever again have to read anything that is not shamelessly acclamatory. Think Progress » Tom DeLay starts a blog.
  • Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
  • They also reported a decrease in uterine tonus and an increase in fetal movements.
  • The DSP system, using floating-point processor TMS320VC33 of TI as the kernel(sentence dictionary), is designed to sample and extract the fetal electrocardiogram from abdomen of pregnant woman.
  • Can an entire city adopt a foetal position? Times, Sunday Times
  • Zanjani ED, Flake AW, Rice HE, Hedrick MH, Tavassoli M: Long-term hematopoietic repopulating ability of enogenic transplanted human fetal liver stem cell (HSC) in sheep. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • A genetic amniocentesis is recommended in the evaluation of possible TTTS to confirm same sex status and to rule out chromosome abnormalities and fetal infection. Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
  • A fur called broadtail, for example, is the skin of fetal or newborn karakul lambs who have been beaten to death. Cornelia Guest: Why I Don't Wear Fur
  • The clinicians managing the labor were not aware of the biophysical profile results, and the researcher measuring the results was not aware of the fetal heart rate tracings.
  • Lorenz HP, Longaker MT, Whitby DJ, Harrison MR, Adzick NS: Scarless fetal skin repair is intrinsic to the fetal fibroblast. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • A fetal lung lesion consisting of bronchogenic cyst, bronchopulmonary sequestration, and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation: the missing link? Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • All patients were continuously monitored for fetal heart rate and uterine contractions.
  • Hyperbaric treatment - effectively giving high concentrations of oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure - has been shown to have some benefit in other neurological conditions such as foetal alcohol syndrome and cerebral palsy. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Elective labor induction not only increases the use of analgesia and epidural anesthesia but also the incidence of nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns, shoulder dystocia, instrument delivery, and cesarean surgery Goer et al., 2007. The Official Lamaze® Guide
  • Objective : To study the maternal serum thyroidstimulating - hormone ( TSH ) with fetal growth restriction ( FGR ) .
  • Fetal intramuscular delivery of recombinant adenovirus results in persistent postnatal transgene expression in both muscle and liver. Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
  • Objective To analyse the relationship between parameters of gravida and fetal birth weight, and derive the formula of estimated fetal weight(EFW).
  • A large mass causes mediastinal shift, hypoplasia of normal lung tissue, polyhydramnios and cardiovascular compromise leading to fetal hydrops and death. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Can an entire city adopt a foetal position? Times, Sunday Times
  • Cells were passaged 1: 20 and incubated at 33°C in 10% fetal bovine serum / Dulbecco's minimum essential medium.
  • Fetal echocardiography is essential for monitoring the pump twin for signs of decompensation and possible intervention. Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion Sequence and Bipolar Cord
  • In fetal position, they uncurled and curled, then sat up like baby birds begging for worms.
  • A considerable desquamation of epidermis takes place during fetal life, and this desquamated epidermis, mixed with sebaceous secretion, constitutes the vernix caseosa, with which the skin is smeared during the last three months of fetal life. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 2. The Common Integument
  • Drs. Michael Bebbington and Stephanie Mann are trained in obstetrics and gynecology, and maternal-fetal medicine. Center for Fetal Research & the Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy Fellowship
  • Therefore, amniocentesis or another means of fetal karyotyping is often recommended. Omphalocele
  • According to the fur industry this foetal karakul lamb fur is from lambs that are prematurely born.
  • The mechanisms which link low fetal and infant growth rates with disease in adult life are not defined.
  • Women without obstetric complications are encouraged to have electronic fetal monitoring and epidural analgesia.
  • A great step in evolution was implied in the origin of this ante-natal hood or foetal membrane and another one -- of protective significance -- called the amnion, which forms a water-bag over the delicate embryo. The Outline of Science, Vol. 1 (of 4) A Plain Story Simply Told
  • Instead of legs and arms, instead of dismemberment, we read about the 'disarticulation' of 'fetal tissue'. Balkinization
  • The question facing marketers is how to reach the emerging "impoverished isolator" demographic; people who rarely leave their homes, have stopped keeping up with friends and family and often spend several hours a day in the fetal position. Lesley Stern: How To Live On $0 A Day: The Next Big Thing In Marketing -- Anti-Social Media
  • Herniation of the fetal liver is frequently associated with a small abdominal size and pulmonary hypoplasia (small lungs), two factors that can complicate the postnatal (after delivery) course. Omphalocele
  • Following fetal demise in each instance, delivery was medically induced, and a nonviable fetus was delivered without further complication.
  • Joe screamed, corkscrewing into a fetal position as the pain knifed through him.
  • Objective To evaluate the function of ultrasound screening in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of fetal omphalocele .
  • I grabbed at his nipple as he was going into a fetal position, and twisted.
  • This technique generally has been avoided in obstetrics and oncological surgery for fear of introducing foreign materials (eg, amniotic fluid, fetal cells, cancer cells) into the circulation with potentially devastating results.
  • In some people, fairly large percentages of fetal hemoglobin persist into adulthood. Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • Chronically catheterized preterm fetal sheep respond to intravascular endotoxin with a tolerance type response.
  • Infants also have a memory for stories or music they heard repeatedly in late fetal life.
  • Controlling Eastern tent caterpillars is vital to area horse farms, as UK research has strongly linked the caterpillars with outbreaks of Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome (MRLS), which can cause late-term foal losses, early-term fetal losses, and weak foals. News
  • Do not worry even if fetal movement has completely suspended, as doctors can immediately reflect fetal well-being, whether demand for birth.
  • The first to develop is the lanugo, a layer of downy, slender hairs that begin growing in the third or fourth month of fetal life and are entirely shed either before or shortly after birth.
  • On abdominal examination, more than half the fetal head is above the symphysis pubis and the occiput is palpable at a higher level than the sinciput.
  • Trembling slightly, Ian continued to crouch down, doubled-up in an almost foetal position, and waited to be mauled.
  • A large mass causes mediastinal shift, hypoplasia of normal lung tissue, polyhydramnios and cardiovascular compromise leading to fetal hydrops and death. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • A fetal echocardiogram (a safe, noninvasive ultrasound is used to assess the structure and function of an unborn baby's heart) and analysis by afetal cardiologist specializing in heart disease in unborn babies. Fetal Heart Program
  • Everything about the Rolls feels gusseted, wrapped in velvet, strung with silk, double-isolated with hydro-elastic this-and-that and suspended on bushings made of fetal pigskin. Rolls-Royce Builds a Real Car
  • Consultations with other Cardiac Center and Children's Hospital services, as needed, including cardiothoracic surgery, maternal-fetal medicine, genetics, anesthesia and social services. About Your Visit
  • Monolayers of human hepatoma cell line Hep3B were maintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum.
  • Early amniocentesis offers a similar advantage, but the fetal loss rate associated with this technique is higher than that of chorionic villus sampling.
  • The three had been lying motionless in the rough grass, curled in foetal positions, hoping to be invisible. Times, Sunday Times
  • An evaluation of the effect of GARDASIL on embryo-fetal, pre - and postweaning development was conducted using rats. Undefined
  • Heavy bleeding can occur if your uterus relaxes too much (uterine atony) or if some fetal or placental tissue is left in the uterus (retained tissue or incomplete abortion). OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Shortly thereafter, an amniotomy, which is an "intentional rupture of the fetal membranes," was performed causing the umbilical cord to become trapped. Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer Blog
  • Lately, zebrafish has become one of the best animal models to study fetal alcohol syndrome(FAS) because of its unique characteristics compared to other kinds of models like mouse.
  • Retention of the fetal tortuosity, stunted development, or complete absence may involve one or both tubes.
  • —The zygomatic bone is generally described as ossifying from three centers—one for the malar and two for the orbital portion; these appear about the eighth week and fuse about the fifth month of fetal life. II. Osteology. 5b. 4. The Zygomatic Bone
  • Ultrasound examination was performed before and after each moxibustion treatment to determine the fetal presentation.
  • Fetal adenoma, which is a formation of gland tissue from the remains of fetal structures in the gland; 3. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The ideas colored everything he wrote: when writing on education, he combined the idea of foetal education, a traditional belief that the mothers of great men, such as Mencius, had sat up straight and spoke no evil, thus contributing to the moral character of the foetus, with a micro-level view of Darwinism. Archive 2008-01-01
  • It measured the impact on fetal growth of two insecticides - chlorpyrifos and diazinon - whose use in households was banned by the federal government beginning in 2000.
  • For instance, it mandates that the pregnant woman must "view the fetal ultrasound imaging and hear the auscultation of the fetal heart tone if the fetal heart tone is audible" unless she certifies in writing prior to the abortion that she does not wish to do this. Mark Cassello: Indiana's Assault on Women's Health Is Being Led by a Woman
  • After Ben's birth, when the baby blues hit their worst low, the most physical exertion I could manage was draping myself over my ball, in a quasi-foetal position.
  • Sarah had curled herself somehow into a fetal position in the other armchair and was watching the exchange intently. AFTERMATH
  • The causes of miscarriages are many: Disease of the embryo, imperfect fetal development, some constitutional disease of the mother, a faulty position of the uterus, or it may result from something unusual about the lining of the uterus such as an endometritis -- an inflammation of the mucus membrane. The Mother and Her Child
  • Conclusion This study offers a theoretic basis to the early prediction of fetal hyperdynamic circulation with Doppler ultrasound.
  • Sullivan KM, Lorenz HP, Adzick NS: A model of human fetal skin repair is deficient in transforming growth factor beta. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is nonhereditary; alcohol causes neuronal damage and cell loss in the fetal brain through direct action as a toxin.
  • In the story, a beautiful femme fetale wanders into the law office of one Foggy Nelson, and bemuses his sidekick, blind assistant Matt Murdock. From the Rooftops. My review of DAREDEVIL: Noir TP written by Alexander Irvine and illustrated by Tomm Coker
  • “Abortion in Jamaica is still a federal crime except in some cases, (governed by an ambiguous “common law”), “(i) significant fetal abnormality; (ii) where pregnancy would represent a threat to the welfare or health of the mother and (iii) in cases where pregnancy is an outcome of rape or incest;” however, as of 2004, the third leading cause of maternal mortality in Jamaica was unsafe abortions.” Global Voices in English » Jamaica: High Teen Pregnancy and Sexual Violence Rates
  • As examples of the former may be mentioned that in which the organ is deficient in front, and has become everted and protruded like a fungous mass through an opening at the median line of the hypogastrium; that in which the rectum terminates in the bladder posteriorly; and that in which the foetal urachus remains pervious as a uniform canal, or assumes a sacculated shape between the summit of the bladder and the umbilicus. Surgical Anatomy
  • This study showed a 1% incidence of an ‘ominous’ fetal heart rate trace on admission testing and, of these 10 infants, one died three hours after admission, without stethoscopic auscultation detecting any fetal compromise.
  • The first human foetal cells composed only of maternal genes. GRACE
  • These types of cells accompany neurons and are widely used as models for studying the physiopathological mechanisms of alcohol in foetal alcohol syndrome, a disease that develops in some unborn babies when the mother consumes excessive levels of alcohol and which leads to a range of severe neurological disorders. - latest science and technology news stories
  • She said the moral right of women to make decisions about reproduction is essential for them to be recognized as human beings and while she respects the "category of fetal life," she doesn't "have a sense of individual fetuses as possessing high value. Christine A. Scheller: The Abortion Debate: Open Hearts, Open Minds and Tragedy as a Fair Minded Word
  • The paper does not consider important factors that affect both diet and fetal growth, such as ethnic origin.
  • From the data presented in Table 3, it appears that a close interlesional association exists between HEV and villitis of unknown etiology, fetal-placental vessel thrombi, villous fibrosis, and erythroblastosis.
  • Stelnicki EJ, Bullard KM, Harrison MR, Cass DL, Adzick NS: A new in vivo model for the study of fetal wound healing. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Poorly controlled gestational diabetes is associated with an increase in the incidence of preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, fetal macrosomia, birth trauma, operative delivery, and neonatal hypoglycemia.
  • Small for gestational age babies were defined as those whose weight was below the 10th centile of the gestational age sex specific US reference for fetal growth.
  • Multiple gestation, gestational trophoblastic disease, triploidy, trisomy 21 syndrome, and hydrops fetalis have been associated with an increased incidence of hyperemesis gravidarum.
  • No adaptive reason whatsoever can be given for...rudimentary teeth, which are never used, in the gums of the young calf and in those of the foetal whale; insects which never bite have rudimental jaws, and others which never fly have rudimental wings; naturally blind creatures have rudimental eyes; and the halt have rudimentary limbs. Little bones, big inference
  • For example, they found that the proliferating cells dedifferentiated, meaning they temporarily lost the characteristics of mature heart muscle cells and reverted to a more fetal type of proliferating cell.
  • She had managed to curl herself into a tighter ball, resembling a child in the fetal position.
  • It’s nothing personal, and I don’t have a great deal of discomfort about a medical exam of that part of my body (my anus is another issue … it’s all they can do to unpry me from a fetal position) – they could go spelunking about in there all day if I had something nice to look at on the ceiling. A quick thought before bed « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • An aliquot of fetal cells was obtained from fetal villous tissue in each case, and the samples were examined by cytogenetic techniques.
  • In a highly experimental procedure that was presumably unavailable in their home country, those doctors injected fetal stem cells into various regions of his brain.
  • There were no vaccine-related fetal malformations or other evidence of teratogenesis noted in this study. US FDA Approves New Indication for Merck's HPV Vaccine, GARDASIL® - Yahoo! Finance
  • Fetal lung growth after short-term tracheal occlusion is linearly related to intratracheal pressure. CHOP congenital diaphragmatic hernia publications
  • In some instances, multiple tissues from individual specimen were analyzed, including amniotic membrane, chorionic membrane, chorionic villous stroma, and trophoblast, as well as fetal tissues.
  • Smoking in pregnancy is associated with increased rates of fetal and perinatal death and reduced birth weight for gestational age.
  • In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.
  • Once the fetal demise was diagnosed, pregnancy was terminated by medical induction, such that the products of conception were largely delivered intact.
  • Fetal distress was more common among instrumental deliveries.
  • Pale settles down in the covers, yawning slightly as she curls up in a fetal position, resting her eyes.
  • The woman recovered, and the fetal heart-beats could be readily auscultated. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Of the reasons for late term abortions which is usually for any abortion after the 20th week 2\% cite fetal problems and since 1. 4\% are performed after 21 weeks that 2\% reason could cover ALL of them. Undefined
  • Objective To understand the relationship between gravida hungriness and the situations of false-negative and suspicious types of fetal non-stress test in embryo-cardiac surveillance.
  • The result may be to overproduce an allergen, toxin, carcinogen, antinutrient, enzymes that stimulate or inhibit hormone production, RNA that silences genes, or changes that affect fetal development. Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
  • In fetal position, they uncurled and curled, then sat up like baby birds begging for worms.
  • No significant differences between the various groups were found when the incidence of acute fetal distress was analyzed.
  • Watching this unspeakable romcom made me want to tumble off the red plush seats, curl up into a foetal ball and mew like a maltreated kitten.
  • In both fetal and post-natal growth, the cartilage is replaced by bone in a process known as endochondral ossification, in which ossification starts in the centers (diaphyses) of the long bones and spreads outward.
  • The disc covers 150 fetal anomalies, including head, skeletal, gastrointestinal and cardiac anomalies.
  • Because neonates have both an immature NADH-dependent methemoglobin reductase system and higher levels of fetal hemoglobin,11-12 they are more susceptible to the oxidative stresses which can be seen with phenazopyridine. Phenazopyridine
  • Adzick NS, Harrison MR, Flake AW, Laberge JM, Villa RL: Development of a fetal renal function test using endogenous creatinine clearance. Obstructive Uropathy, Fetal Intervention for Obstructive Uropathy
  • The foetal stem cell therapy is not only being used to smooth out wrinkles, but is also being injected into other parts of the body to get rid of cellulite and excess flab.
  • Following development of in situ signal, sections were counterstained with anti-K5 and anti-K8 antibodies followed by fluorochrome conjugated secondary reagents to allow co-localization of Cells were suspended in 100 µl of FACS staining buffer (FSB-1% fetal bovine serum, 5 mM EDTA and 0. 02% NaN 3 in PBS) with appropriately diluted primary antibodies for 20 minutes on ice in the dark. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Sauer L, Harrison MR, Flake AW: Does an expanding fetal abdominal mass produce pulmonary hypoplasia. CHOP general fetal medicine publications
  • The biophysical profile integrates several observations of fetal status into an assessment tool that usually is used during the antepartum period to guide clinical management.
  • I called in sick way too many days, spent a lot of time at home curled up in a fetal position.
  • The finding that fetuses with hydrops are at very high risk for fetal or neonatal demise led to the performance of either fetal surgical resection of the massively enlarged pulmonary lobe (fetal lobectomy) for cystic/solid lesions or thoracoamniotic shunting for lesions with a dominant cyst. Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • We set out to determine the effect of fetal sex on birth weight, duration of labour, mode of delivery, and birth outcome.
  • The constrictions were noted toward the fetal end in 4 of the 5 cases.
  • Fluid in the amniotic sac surrounding the fetus also contains fetal DNA.
  • He saw the relation of teratological to foetal structure, for he affirmed that "malformations are only persistent foetal conditions" (p. 492). Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Recently, we have measured fetal congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation volume by sonographic measurement using the formula for a prolate ellipse (length X height X width X 0.52). Bronchopulmonary sequestration and Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid
  • Conclusion Testis transplantation with fetal testis as donor is an effective method to cure male hypogonadism and has great value of clinical application for its weak immunogenicity.
  • Maternal and foetal mortality can only be measured in millesimals, and in Hungary there have been about 2,000 planned home births altogether.
  • The associations with head circumference and thinness must therefore reflect reduced fetal growth.
  • View larger image » If the serial fetal bladder drainages for urinary electrolytes and protein components come back favorable and if there is a recent history of decreased to no amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios, anhydramnios) and no chromosomal abnormalities in a male fetus, the family may be offered fetal intervention with a vesicoamniotic shunt placement or fetal cystoscopy to further evaluate the source of fetal urinary tract obstruction. Lower Urinary Tract Obstruction (LUTO)
  • In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.
  • Conclusion Fetal distress may injure the cardiac function, no matter newborns suffocation.
  • Induced labor also is linked to: a higher incidence of vacuum or forceps-assisted vaginal delivery; problems in labor, including fever and shoulder dystocia when the baby's shoulder gets "stuck" in the birth canal; fluctuations in fetal heart rate; jaundice; and longer hospital stays. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Electively Induced Labor: Remember, For Babies' Sake, Every Week Counts
  • It has been demonstrated that isolated cytotrophoblasts from preeclampsia or fetal growth restriction and their derived syncytiotrophoblast are more sensitive to apoptosis compared with those from normal pregnancies PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The team found that adult human cells were much more adept at settling into the brain, becoming oligodendrocytes and producing myelin than the fetal cells.
  • State regulation protective of fetal life after viability thus has both logical and biological justifications.
  • The pregnancy was uneventful, but the baby was delivered by ventouse extraction owing to fetal tachycardia.
  • Fetal defecation isn't normal, but fetuses do accumulate a mass of greenish feces, called meconium, in their intestines. I did not know that: fetuses urinate and (can) poop
  • The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder - Articles related to Pregnant women 'should routinely take vitamin D supplements'
  • Unfortunately, invasive tests required to obtain tissue for fetal karyotyping (chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis) cause loss of the pregnancy in about 1% of cases.
  • Her slumbering figure was in a fetal position and her head rested on his lap.
  • Some days, it's hard to even raise my head from under the duvet as I lie in my favourite foetal position, warm and safe.
  • Before routine electronic ultrasound scans and foetal monitors were introduced almost half of twins born to mothers in Ireland were unexpected.
  • I'd rather be exposed to Glenn Beck after a full-blown Healthcare-Is-Fascism hissy fit, eyes streaming crocodile tears, rocking back and forth in the fetal position with his thumb in his mouth and a pool of drool dripping down his moisturized chinny chin-chin actually high-fructose corn syrup, but it works for the camera than this former second-string Miss Alaska smarmily playing pretend at punditry. Warren Holstein: Fox's Barracuda Jumps the Shark
  • To study the development of neuroendocrine cell in fetal lung and discuss its biological significance.
  • Bethel CAI, Steinkirchner T, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: The stromal microenvironment of human fetal hematopoiesis; in vitro morphologic studies. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • During our conversation, the doctor kept looking over my head as I piled on the questions: "Are tumors of hair and teeth actually absorbed fetal twins?" and "Do you know anything about the connection between dwarfism and polydactylism? Pica, Vestigial Tails: Fave Icky Obsessions Bad for Finding Love
  • It says that cerebral palsy is almost never caused by fetal distress in labor.
  • Conclusions Fetal spinal transplants can inhibit the apoptosis and improve rats hind limb function after SCI.
  • Fellows Physiology Conference -- This is a two-year curriculum of fetal and neonatal physiology and pathophysiology taught by neonatology and other subspecialty attendings. Neonatal-Perinatal Fellowship Curriculum
  • Can an entire city adopt a foetal position? Times, Sunday Times
  • Differences in placental membranes, placental transport and biotransformation all affect fetal exposure.
  • Elevated PDGF-B in congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations (CCAMs) requiring fetal resection. Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation publications
  • The bulk of the pro-life movement has long since tipped its hat to critics: The term "pro-life" is intrinsically positive and conveys more than fetal preservation. Charles Redfern: The Far-Right Fringe Embarrasses the Pro-Life Movement -- Again
  • If the ear be placed on the abdomen, over the womb, the beating of the foetal heart can sometimes be heard quite plainly, and by the use of an instrument called the stethoscope, the sounds can be still more plainly heard. Searchlights on Health The Science of Eugenics
  • Now, when more than a half-billion people use Facebook, couples yearning for children say they are trapped: They are unwilling to detach from the social network, but unable to avoid its frequent reminders - fetal sonograms are seemingly ubiquitous - of what might elude them forever. Infertile couples cope with prolific Facebook friends
  • One of their main findings is the increasing importance of fetal ultrasonography in the prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21.
  • Fetal cortisol and estriol were measured in the umbilical vein plasma at delivery.
  • The ultrasound examination looks for a thickening of skin behind the fetal neck, called the nuchal fold, which sometimes occurs in Down syndrome and, possibly, other birth defects.
  • Most embryo clones fail to develop, and pregnancies terminate spontaneously due to fetal abnormalities or difficulties with placentation.
  • As examples of the former may be mentioned that in which the organ is deficient in front, and has become everted and protruded like a fungous mass through an opening at the median line of the hypogastrium; that in which the rectum terminates in the bladder posteriorly; and that in which the foetal urachus remains pervious as a uniform canal, or assumes a sacculated shape between the summit of the bladder and the umbilicus. Surgical Anatomy
  • For long-term incubation, oocytes were cultured in MEM with 20\% foetal calf serum in a PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The fetal sex was identified by examination of the genital tract using a dissecting microscope at a magnification of × 15.
  • We estimated the risk of fetal loss according to maternal age as a proportion of all pregnancies intended to be carried to term that is, live births, stillbirths, spontaneous abortions, and ectopic pregnancies.
  • While asphyxia during delivery still causes some fetal deaths, it is not a common cause of these losses.
  • The capacity for uptake by the fetal membranes may well be a primitive sauropsid feature that long predates the evolution of viviparity.
  • Increased amniotic fluid alpha-fetoprotein in patients with fetal nuchal edema. Prenatal Diagnosis
  • A fur called broadtail, for example, is the skin of fetal or newborn karakul lambs who have been beaten to death. Cornelia Guest: Why I Don't Wear Fur
  • Between the origin of the left subclavian artery and the attachment of the ductus arteriosus the lumen of the fetal aorta is considerably narrowed, forming what is termed the aortic isthmus, while immediately beyond the ductus arteriosus the vessel presents a fusiform dilation which His has named the aortic spindle—the point of junction of the two parts being marked in the concavity of the arch by an indentation or angle. VI. The Arteries. 2. The Aorta
  • Her menses ceased; her mammae became engorged and discharged a serous lactescent fluid; her belly enlarged, and both she and her physician felt fetal movements in her abdomen. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The Screening Ultrasound Exam: in addition to fetal biometric measurements of biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length, normal and abnormal structures are listed for each body area.
  • A large brain relative to body size is an almost universal foetal characteristic of vertebrates, and certainly of mammals.
  • As he fled, I curled into the foetal position and cried until the sun came up. The Sun
  • Fetal echocardiography revealed that a large portion of the fetal cardiac output perfused the Sacrococcygeal Teratoma. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma (SCT), Sacrococcygeal Tumor Treatment
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  • The linear correlation regression equation of fetal weight, CR length and fertilization age were set up.
  • Objective: To investigate the development of xenografted primitive human germ cells by using fetal testicular tissues as donor tissues and an immunodeficient mouse as the recipient.
  • A fetal echocardiogram is performed to assess any structural abnormalities of the heart. Giant Neck Masses (GNM), Cervical Teratoma
  • It not only is highly addictive but also carries a host of health risks, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, peptic ulcer disease and fetal disorders. Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D.: Chew on This: The Real Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco
  • The soap can cause foetal damage, anaemia and kidney failure if too much is absorbed through the skin.
  • High blood sugar in the developing baby can lead to excess fetal weight gain a condition known as macrosomia. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • Me, I would curl up in a fetal position under the table and wait for someone to rescue me.
  • Referring to cases described in Lori R. Freedman's excellent article on miscarriage mismanagement in Catholic hospitals in the American Journal of Public Health, the ACLU charges that Catholic hospitals are refusing to terminate pregnancies of hemorrhaging, septic, miscarrying women until the fetal heartbeat stops, and are sending women to other hospitals up to 90 miles away to receive life-saving reproductive health care. Angela Bonavoglia: ACLU Demands Religiously Owned Hospitals Provide Emergency Reproductive Health Care
  • Can an entire city adopt a foetal position? Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the perinatal mortality ratio is the sum of the late fetal death ratio and the under-7-day mortality rate.
  • The rudimentary external genitalia are similarly common to male and female in the early weeks of fetal life.
  • Usually expressed as the ratio of fetal deaths; i.e. the number of fetal deaths per 1,000 live births.
  • She felt sick, the leaden cramps forcing her to stay in her fetal curl. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • When put into lab dishes, they grew abundantly, much as young fetal cells do.
  • In two developing countries, the lowest frequency of fetal mortality is at births above second but below sixth or seventh order.
  • The most common primary indications for emergency caesarean were presumed fetal compromise, intrauterine growth retardation or an abnormal cardiogram, and failure to progress.
  • Lovvorn HN, Cass DL, Sylvester KG, Crombleholme TM, Adzick NS, Savani RC: Hyaluronan receptor exprression increases in fetal excisional skin wounds and correlates with fibroplasia. CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
  • Here we found in normal human fetal kidneys (8 to 38 weeks of gestation) that CD24 expression was upregulated and restricted to the early epithelial aggregates of the metanephric blastema and to the committed proliferating tubular epithelia of the S-shape bodies. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • THE SUM OF ITS PARTSFetal tissue is fast growing, adaptable and unlikely to be refected by a patient's immune system. Cures From The Womb
  • Two otherwise healthy pregnant women presented with intrauterine fetal demise and underwent unremarkable induction of labor.
  • We found her lying in bed in a tight foetal position. Times, Sunday Times
  • The effects of fetal bovine serum(FBS) addition time, concentration and different culture systems on the developmental potentiality of bovine parthenogenetic embryos were observed.
  • Without him, the nation would curl up in a fetal position at this point (and then the hocket sticks would come out). In Big Speech, Obama Begins Prepping Voters For Challenges Ahead
  • Like other researchers we did not find an increased risk of reduced fetal growth.
  • Fetal anomaly screening uses ultrasound scanning to find certain abnormalities in the baby.
  • (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) STEVE HINCKLEY, WEST HARTFORD POLICE: I said, I think there's a body in the crawlspace in there, kind of peeked in there, and she was kind of -- she was sitting down like in a fetal position, sitting down, and she made no noise, no nothing, and we kind of had to assure her that everything was safe and it was all right to come out. CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2007
  • Most studies entailing isolation of intestinal epithelial cells invitro and subsequent grafting invivo have used intact undifferentiated fetal endoderm.
  • Brain of the African elephant (Loxodonta africana): neuroanatomy from magnetic resonance images How early are fetal cerebral sulci visible at prenatal ultrasound and what is the normal pattern of early fetal sulcal development? Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Knowledge of Doppler flow velocimetry of the foetal MCA may assist in perinatal diagnosis and management of complicated pregnancies.
  • When does are bred on multiple heat cycles, it may appear that superfetation has occurred due to fetal sizes and maturity differences.
  • Some of the unique human protamines are found in human fetal brain tissue and the adult human medulla, indicating that their function may not be specific to sperm.

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