
How To Use Focussed In A Sentence

  • The physical geography section provided the key topics that candidates would have focussed on, such as landform development. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • This in turn is connected with a third and still more distinctive feature of the class of desires we are considering, viz., the way one's attention is focussed on the possibility for action that strikes one as pleasant.
  • He crept up the singles draw, away from limelight focussed on the seeded players, till the final when he became an object of curiosity.
  • Episodes focussed on English language classes taken by Mr Brown, and involved his frustrated attempts to teach a class of diverse foreign students.
  • So being away from Hollywood kind of keeps me clear-headed and focussed into what's really important, into having a life inside of show business.
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  • Judicious use of drugs, supervised individualised treatment, focussed clinical, radiological and bacteriological follow up, use of surgery at the appropriate juncture are key factors in the successful management of these patients.
  • We will be fully focussed and we will give them the respect they deserve but not too much.
  • Being a low-cost carrier, we'll remain focussed on providing the best prices to customers. SpiceJet Plans to Start More Flights to Colombo, Kathmandu
  • In the early years, Tom focussed on developing the land and building his sheep and cattle business into a pastoral empire worth tens of millions of dollars.
  • Pete on the other hand went from bad to worse until his eyes became unfocussed, his speech slurred and his dancing dangerous to passers by.
  • There's a couple of blue-glazed ceramic globes in the garden, good for an unfocussed gaze.
  • He looked at her vaguely and then he focussed his gaze once more on the picture. MIDNIGHT IS A LONELY PLACE
  • The summaries are brief, focussed and numbered for easy identification.
  • This study, however, stays firmly focussed on the standard for dioxin and furan emissions.
  • The glare of the floodlights focussed on the gladiators engaged in the middle, the arena one grand spectacle, the game fierce and engaging.
  • Wolfgang Koch sings with well-focussed richness as Peter, the son driven to an excess of hammy acting by Eva's desertion.
  • His eyes were focussed somewhere off in the deepening gloom.
  • Although focussed on Canada in particular, those investigations would nevertheless shed light on northern ionospheric phenomena in general.
  • He was devoted to his family and was a man with a fine sense of place who was well focussed on the important things in life.
  • Keeping focussed on what we do best is vital to success in business as well as politics.
  • He is hoping to expand on research completed for his PhD, which focussed on seasonality and its impacts on people's moods.
  • Government has implored the under-23 coaching staff to be focussed in preparing the team for the crucial Olympic qualifier match against Ghana next weekend in Kumasi.
  • I'm not in the least bit Gandhian, people who're voracious and magpie-minded and unfocussed and unpolitical and far from noble usually aren't, and I'm one of those.
  • If I did not think that what the British State is deliberately trying to do, to turn 70 million people into cretinoid uncritical enslaved barnyard animals, on purpose and via long-term strategic (and focussed) planning, I would think it was merely funny … …. it can dictate a "policy" about how our bodies go about interacting with other bodies. The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG
  • There is so much happening each day that its difficult to remain focussed on one thing to write about, but I will start with the crazy treadmill of a routine the Peace Corps has established for us. Wanderlustress:
  • The film's intentions remain unfocussed and vague.
  • Karma will tell and forensics is pretty good these days, The shooter will likely eventually be nabbed, because LEO's don't like it when walking turds do crap like this, now their attention is focussed. PA Rape-Case Witness Killed While Hunting
  • For more than two millennia after the writing of the Torah, discussions of evil focussed on the question of theodicy: how can bad events be reconciled with the omnipotence of a good God?
  • While Horne's 2008 Edinburgh Fringe show of the same name focussed more on the personal quest - which took him all the way to the hallowed hotseat of a Vorderman-era Countdown showdown - the book covers a lot more etymological ground. Chortle News RSS
  • It's staying focussed for long periods of time and the invariable effects on posture, concentration and sense of wellbeing.
  • Josie's eyes weren't focussed, she wasn't even blinking.
  • Towards the end of the 1980s attention was being focussed on some interesting developments in wagon design.
  • She turned the camera and focussed on Martin's face.
  • A focussed mind and a strong will to win always make me passionate about motor racing.
  • So I've now got unfocussed anger that I can't take out on anyone.
  • The cops turn blank, unfocussed eyes towards them.
  • Coughing, she focussed her eyes straight ahead of her and saw a road.
  • It was necessary to concentrate on a durable, sustainable and long-term focussed crime reduction strategy. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Most enquiries focussed on career prospects, the context of agrology in the economy and questions about the academic qualifications required for membership.
  • Under this standard, a subpoena that is peripheral to the case, or that is drawn too broadly or vaguely, is unlikely to be enforced unless it is focussed and narrowed.
  • Her eyes were focussed on an indeterminable spot somewhere to the right of her.
  • If I had been better organised and focussed, I would have bought some pullets.
  • Such an unfocussed and scatter-gun assault is already pressing sympathetic buttons, and profiting from the usual heavy-footed public relations blundering of the municipal authorities, and the straight-man impressionability of patronizing editorialists. Conrad Black: My Manifesto For the Occupy Movement
  • Bushman said the findings, which are published online by the Journal of Personality, suggest that many young people may be a little too focussed on pumping up their self-esteem.
  • But yesterday belonged to the players who showed true professionalism to keep their minds focussed during the off-field turmoil.
  • We focussed on the form, on how closely they'd followed the rules of syllable and rhyme, enjambment and stress, and only secondarily on how it worked as a poem.
  • The United Way is a non-profit organization focussed on people's needs in our community.
  • Our country can do better, particularly in the area of prudence and focussed resource utilisation.
  • Opera Tattler finds the characters caricatures and the production "overwrought," with the music unfocussed and too much in the background. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Even the quiz competition focussed on nutrition and health.
  • The problem of the tribological behaviour of materials had focussed on either improving friction or prioritising less wear and tear.
  • P J Desmond Clearly demonstrated the complexity of the issues in a well-argued presentation which suffered at times from being a little unfocussed.
  • Although my parents emulate everything I would hope to find in a union, my interests have focussed on many not able to offer such a thing.
  • She focussed on the relaxing qualities of that beautiful shaft of silver moonlight.
  • They are clearly self-possessed, economically focussed and with no inhibitions when it comes to marketing or selling themselves as products or brands.
  • François Hollande's voice was deliberately grave, his expression determined, as though he were turning the page on the unfocussed nature of the post-primary period, the glitches and the vagueness that put the brakes on a soaring take-off. François Hollande, French Presidential Candidate, Says 'Finance' Is His Adversary
  • And lo and behold … Kai_Wolf pops up in Pavlovian fashion, unleashing a male-genital-focussed diatribe against Dion. Cons Accept Manley Report, Now Up To Libs – Update « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Suffice it to say that the rays which have a constant ratio between electrical charge and mass are focussed, that is to say caused to converge to a common centre, the situation of which, in relation to other similar focusses, can be exactly determined with the help of a photographic plate. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1922 - Presentation Speech
  • Their suspicions focussed particularly on what Cornwallis and his kind characterized as sloth and desertion.
  • Arthur stood silently, his eyes unfocussed, massaging his bony shoulder with a still-bonier hand, frowning. BEHINDLINGS
  • L lost sight of what they were debating about and focussed instead on being pedantic (contrary to your opinion, Lucretia, that is not a very professional debating tactic). Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Mid-week rain has kept water levels above the norm for the time of year and another bream-focussed contest seems likely.
  • But in the Ewe language (spoken in Ghana), linguist Felix Ameka points out that saying someone has red eyes means that they are completely focussed.
  • From then on Jewish worship was focussed on the Temple.
  • Previously, cryobiologists had focussed on the problems that occurred when ice formed in a solution.
  • Remembering that the idea is to remain focussed on your task as much as possible, this process will be easy if you are enjoying what you are doing, or if it requires a lot of concentration. Monday, October 27, 2008 | Lifehacker Australia
  • You can write whatever you want to, so your creativity is focussed on your own writing goals. 5 reasons having a ‘day job’ helps your writing - by Joanna Penn | The Creative Penn
  • With the St. Kieran's senior and under 21 teams gone out of the reckoning in their respective championships, much attention will now be focussed on the minors.
  • While a majority of studies in the field of psychoneuroimmunology have focussed on the immunosuppressive effects of stress, several studies have also revealed that under certain conditions, stress can be immunoenhancing.
  • High customer consumer orientation and Quality focussed, business minded.
  • At home, I have been wandering round in a state of mild, unfocussed irritation, which is all the more irritating on account of its unreasonableness.
  • The managerialism of the current university system has meant that Internet-based pedagogy has been focussed on design issues, rather than rationale, intentions or applications.
  • So being away from Hollywood kind of keeps me clear-headed and focussed into what's really important, into having a life inside of show business.
  • Several of these broadscale molecular studies have focussed on using mitochondrial DNA which, although variable, must be considered a single locus.
  • The discipline system is focussed on the values project.
  • They focussed on stents that incorporate a material known as Nitinol, a superelastic nickel and titanium alloy that has the ability to be deformed and to recover its original shape upon heating. Daily News & Analysis
  • The hagiographic writings of journalists and biographers, meanwhile, focussed on the unique qualities of celebrated individuals and thus functioned as an adjunct to the apparatus.
  • In Australia, the media is focussed on the large maxi yachts.
  • How many items were there that centred on curriculum content and administration matters and how many focussed on individuals?
  • This viewpoint usually presents a very impassionate and impersonal story, so here it's very refreshing and eye opening to see it from the two viewpoints of the girl and American, and for the film to remain focussed in this way. Filmstalker Review: Holly
  • The team was well prepared and focussed and had genuine aspirations of bring home the cup.
  • All his senses were focussed upon the rabbits grazing dimwittedly over the open meadowland above their warren.
  • Aries fire plus Aquarian air equal yeah, a volatile gassy substance which, wisely focussed, provides an enormous energy source capable of taking you a long way.
  • Most limestone deposits of reef origin consist largely of the skeletons of coralline algae, and because these are often associated with petroleum deposits, there has been a great deal of attention focussed on these fossils.
  • I have written about this many times, but modern auto-focus cameras deliver more ‘out of focus’ shots than manually focussed cameras.
  • And from the Po itself, and its tributary the Mincio, which broadens into the three lakes that wrap themselves slothfully around the old town, comes fog - huge banks of it that make life cold and unfocussed between autumn and spring.
  • You should thank your lucky stars that the MSM has not focussed on the so-called Bush Victories on Vote Fraud. a few confused individuals prosecuted for technical infractions is what I suspect. Balkinization
  • From early efforts which focussed on a single gene (e.g. the halothane gene), the technology and the knowledge of the genome has developed tremendously. ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • She was dry eyed and focussed all her attention on her husband's face, as if examining every detail of his features. GOODBYE CURATE
  • Walton, Frankenstein "rushes" in frightened disgust from his makeshift laboratory and, finally giving way to exhaustion after long "depriv [ing him] self of rest and health" (Shelley 52), throws himself on his bed, with his most conscious thoughts of escape from his problems being focussed on his fiancee, Elizabeth Lavenza: Hogle, Introduction, Frankenstein's Dream, Praxis Series, Romantic Circles
  • Now 45, her latest book focussed on what she calls the "pornification" of America and was a paean to conservative values in family life, education and patriotism.
  • And when the boy playing Raoul began to romance me - or, at least, my character - I focussed on his piquant, if somewhat annoying, courting and pushed the problem out of my mind.
  • His eyes were unfocussed, looking into the past.
  • I've worked on projects that were specced and goals agreed with funders five years before delivery, and two years before any technical or user-focussed specification or development began, and I wouldn't be surprised if something similar happened with NMOLP. A call for agile museum projects (a lunchtime manifesto)
  • Remorse, were not, as to the eighteenth-century rhymester, merely Greek ladies draped in flowing raiment; to him they were realities, intensely focussed in himself. Watts (1817-1904)
  • In the year ahead we need to consolidate certain forums in order to better reflect our priorities, become more focussed, avoid duplication and permit us to utilize our personpower more efficiently. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Prehistoric archaeologists the world over have increasingly focussed attention on the ecological and economic aspects of life in antiquity.
  • Obama's strategy is now described as focussed on securing the main cities in Afghanistan, while abandoning most of the country to the Taliban. Russia-India-China: The Bush curse
  • It appears that this game does not reward overcautiousness because by being too focussed on one's own protection, one's pieces will be slower to get to the end of the board while one's opponent's pieces may pass one by. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Supply to the outer perimeter of the tertiary command is then poor, and water use tends to be focussed on the more fortunate headend cultivators. Chapter 20
  • Man is to be focussed on haShem and His Torah believing that His Ways effect what is Good for all His Creation.
  • Most importantly, she was completely focussed on the concert and didn't seem to take her natural gift for granted.
  • But maybe the wind whipped my words away, or maybe the blast had deafened Porter to anything but the blood coursing through him because he kept focussed on riding us straight and fast, and didn't even act like I were there at all.
  • So central is this standard that each layer will be the subject of focussed study.
  • The study focussed on a period of time beginning four years before the casino opened and four years after.
  • I felt the programme focussed a bit too much on what it was like to be a ‘man’ in 2005.
  • P J Desmond Clearly demonstrated the complexity of the issues in a well-argued presentation which suffered at times from being a little unfocussed.
  • Watch his clear-thinking approach, one that focussed on winners rather than losers, a hobby-horse of mine. Times, Sunday Times
  • I focussed my eyes onto each of the signs and grumbled in annoyance.
  • The experience of a hypnotic trance is one of extremely focussed attention.
  • Instead, mobile phone ads have focussed on the sexiness of the digital hardware and the buzzy lifestyles that supposedly come with it.
  • For a moment his eyes were unfocussed, but eventually they cleared up and he looked down at her with a penetrating gaze.
  • Bevans are generally more focussed on motorsports.
  • This strategy focussed then, as it does today, on the entrenchment and perpetuation of apartheid within South Africa, the colonisation of Namibia and the maintenance of a so-called cordon sanitaire around the borders of the apartheid empire. STATEMENT AT THE 50TH SESSION OF THE OAU COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR THE LIBERATION OF AFRICA, HARARE, MAY 13, 1988(1)
  • His ailing physical health has focussed attention on the potential candidates and likely successor.
  • This change has focussed attention on the effectiveness of organisations in the member states.
  • As I pointed out, the program I outlined is at least as focussed on regular, dramatic goals that keep the public eye focusses as it is real engineering or science objectives. Obama Speaks of NASA Being Adrift - NASA Watch
  • Studies on the bamboo cell wall have focussed mainly on fully elongated and mature fibres.
  • Our study never aimed to provide figures but focussed on individual stories from misusers and their families.
  • But a man needed to add works to faith and, as he took back control of his body, his mind focussed on the current operation. THE ONLY GAME
  • The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed political project.
  • Even though press attention has focussed on the undecided question of control of the internet, at the start of the process there were widely varying views on just about every aspect of the internet.
  • It's gonna be tough to stay focussed on plumbing and tiling which is my true destiny this week.
  • SEPTEMBER 23, 1994 tnied yesterday focussed on the negative implications for the government's housing strategy of a plan to scrap rental arrears and for a wholesale haner of state financed houses to current tenants outside of existing policy. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • In this set of experiments we focussed on interneurons, since the identification of interneuron subpopulations is difficult PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The United Way is a non-profit organization focussed on people's needs in our community.
  • Even though their career aspirations were less focussed, the economic imperative of escaping from unemployment, rural communities and lowly prospects in the labour market preponderated.
  • We certainly overestimated their ability to plan and remain focussed on the higher goals.
  • The Yarn Event is an annual day-long festival focussed on the great Australian tradition of the tall story.
  • Delaney focussed in on the waves piling up tightly one behind the other, like a huge wall in the foreshortened view.
  • Agricultural development should be focussed on the increase of economic benefit which is to be coincident with ecological and social benefit.
  • There's no question that a noseful of charlie makes you feel invincible, focussed, elite and beautiful.
  • Interestingly, much of the debate focussed on what role India would a supposed U.S. - led " encirclement.
  • François Hollande's voice was deliberately grave, his expression determined, as though he were turning the page on the unfocussed nature of the post-primary period, the glitches and the vagueness that put the brakes on a soaring take-off. François Hollande, French Presidential Candidate, Says 'Finance' Is His Adversary
  • My MA was in the same kind of anthropology, although my thesis focussed on Andean archaeology and ethnohistory.
  • It was even detached; his eyes focussed upon her gradually as upon a chessman to be moved; in the same slow manner he caught her wrist and drew her near. Tender is the Night
  • It is clear that the trial judge focussed on the issue before me, and was aware of the Crown's position with respect to the granting of an absolute discharge.
  • Her photographs have mostly focussed on female nudity, the countryside, and dance.
  • The next decade saw several additional recruitments: Thomas Mandel initiated electron microscopy and, later, transplantation biology; Noel Warner established a strong base in immunogenetics; Ken Shortman succeeded Gordon Ada and established a new tradition in cell separation; Jerry Adams and Suzanne Cory introduced molecular biology, initially to investigate antibody production and later to study the origins of cancer; Graham Mitchell initiated a vigorous program in immunoparasitology, focussed on schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis and malaria. The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

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