
How To Use Focusing In A Sentence

  • Tracking sports 'online cacophony is tricky enough when just focusing on league websites. NBC's Michaels making Olympic Games comeback
  • And the Bridal Show, for married women, seemed to do just that by focusing on the Indianess of contestants who were draped in variety of colourful sarees and mesmerizing gagra cholis that dazzled with every step.
  • Simple, rustic meals, focusing more on quality ingredients, such as first-rate olive oil.
  • You make progress in money talks by setting aside feelings and focusing strictly on the facts. The Sun
  • Avondale is focusing on six dye ranges with colors including khakis, grays, browns, burgundies and greens.
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  • Focusing his firelance on the leading black cat of the two that trail, he discharges the entire lance before the cat staggers and tumbles. The Magi'i Of Cyador
  • Secondly we changed the sampling mode, using dual monostable multivibrators to select the focusing window, which solves the sampling drift problem raised by SCM break.
  • Creating authentic images depends on coherent focusing, color correction and proper whiteness.
  • Some of the multilateral agencies are not just focusing on GDP figures at this point.
  • Charney is also determined to make a deeper niche within that niche category, by focusing on more fashionable, more fitted basic T-shirts done in 100 percent combed cotton, 30 single yarn baby ribs and superfine jerseys.
  • Today, the head of the National Transportation Safety board held a news conference to let people know that although the investigation is far from over, the team feels it's very important to point out that they're focusing on what they call the gusset plates. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2008
  • While watching TV, turn on a few peripheral lights to give your eyes additional focusing cues.
  • The drama has been heavily trailered on the main channels, focusing on the shocking behaviour of one of the younger detectives, but there is more to it than that.
  • More expensive cameras have adjustable focusing.
  • But he has performed an important service by focusing attention on a neglected aspect of the war and its aftermath. Times, Sunday Times
  • Set goals focusing on maintaining good health habits. The Sun
  • A roof prism design, it features central focusing, click stop adjustable eyepiece diopter, and nicely contoured push/pull eyecups.
  • Instead it called for ‘further theological study on the episcopate, focusing on the issues that need to be addressed in preparation for the debate on women in the episcopate of the Church of England’.
  • It became convenient to account for shifts in Freud's work by focusing on his early reliance on drawing and to cite the influence of painters from northern Europe such as Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Albrecht Dürer, or even to suggest a false comparison with the Neue Sachlichkeit painters active in Germany in the 1920s but unknown to the young Freud and overlook others as relevant as Paul Cézanne and Chaim Soutine. Lucian Freud obituary
  • And I was delighted to see the treatment for this film, focusing in on New York City as a biodiverse environment.
  • But he wanted to say that the team is focusing on what they call the gusset plates. CNN Transcript Jan 15, 2008
  • It'll be fairly light, but you're focusing on pumping the muscle and feeling the burn, not the weight.
  • Republicans may begin focusing on cutting the budget and repealing President Obama's health-care law once the new Congress is seated in January, says Thomas Mann, a political scholar at the Brookings Institution in Washington. Big Republican Gains Predicted in US Election
  • I thus set up an independent program to investigate chemical and spectroscopic properties of compounds of atmospheric importance, focusing on those that are unstable and difficult to handle in the laboratory, such as hypochlorous acid, chlorine nitrite, chlorine nitrate, peroxynitric acid, etc. Mario Molina - Autobiography
  • The research so far has been focusing on visual stimuli and the depth of the processing as key factors of the development of hypermnesia.
  • He explained the incident to the press by focusing on the problems created by deinstitutionalizing the mentally ill.
  • His blue eyes didn't seem to focus on any one person on the floor below him, but seemed to see all of them without focusing.
  • The answers lie earlier in the journey, in the section focusing on his experimental technique. Times, Sunday Times
  • This exhibition explores the enduring architectural question of the relationship of surface to structure, a problem the investigation views through the lenses of both architectural and automotive design, focusing on the spectrum of systems defined as monocoque, semi-monocoque and superleggera. Media Newswire
  • Complementing this negative case against the claims of traditional political-military history to be of overriding importance, Herder also has positive reasons for focusing instead on the “innerness” of human life in history. Johann Gottfried von Herder
  • Loladins will be a new class focusing on emote combat, tickling and laughing at their enemies until they feel pity and give up, or punch the player in the face.
  • Experiments on dynamic focusing control of the TN-LCSLM based on Fresnel zone lens are carried out. Measured focal lengths are in good agreement with the designed ones.
  • In combination with the dark, bass-heavy production, the performance is a stark contrast from the bubblegum smarm of the original, instead focusing on the song's essence: suicide and its extremes.
  • Says a spokeswoman: ‘We're not defocusing, just extending our brand.’
  • A roof prism design, it sports central focusing, click stops on the eyepiece diopter, and helicoid eyecups.
  • Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
  • This concern was also used as a justification for focusing the remit of the board on victims of crimes of violence. Victimology - the victim and the criminal justice process
  • But focusing on electoral politics and economic development distracts us from the truly ugly side of our southern neighbor.
  • By focusing on the superficial, they missed what is truly revolutionary about the game.
  • It’s too bad that you didn’t take time to really read the message behind the company and why it was started instead of focusing on the fact that they are making some money now (although they weren’t even breaking even for several years before they got funding) from an idea to help other people and raise awareness for a cause in desparate need. We’ll sell you water… and then sell you a bridge « BuzzMachine
  • One excellent way to forget it is to focus with righteous rectitude on the evils of others while focusing on the nobility of oneself.
  • Of course, if we are talking about the real essensce of "vanguardism," focusing of Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist
  • As their total opposition to abortion has made little popular impact, the anti-abortionists are instead focusing on restricting women's access to abortion.
  • Focusing on class situation enabled us to assess the significance of the challenge that the information specialists might pose to managerial authority.
  • However, focusing on having an organised, clean, tidy, welcoming, peaceful home with feminine touches is something I can do to comfort my husband and myself without any expenditure. Peace in the Storm
  • Attention is the focusing of conscious awareness.
  • In particular, the researchers were focusing on a group of enzymes, called serine hydrolases, that break down proteins, fats, and other molecules in cells. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • Traditional poetry, with its innate rhythm and alliteration, as well as free verse focusing on social issues, flowed from her pen.
  • Perhaps instead of discussing which is the "more obvious" interpretation, which ultimately doesn't prove anything since "obviousness" is a matter of perception, we should be focusing on the relevant contextual and comparative information. Is It Better To View Jesus' Prediction as Trite or Mistaken?
  • This has no noticeable effect on the viewfinder, exposure metering or focusing systems.
  • With the sun focusing on your teamwork chart you have something special to contribute to a group that is really going places. The Sun
  • By focusing on a niche, a company becomes so specialised to the needs of a very small part of the market that it is secure against competition.
  • Even if you don't immediately "get it" with the task focusing features of Mylyn, the bug/task-tracking system integration is enough to warrant a look-see ...
  • Some union chiefs are pushing for campaigns focusing on how families will be affected.
  • To date, the firm has resisted portraying the cuts as anything other than individual business units refocusing their resources.
  • But when we dramatize teenage sexuality by focusing only on its risks, we don't give young people the tools to mature into sexually and emotionally healthy adults. Amy Schalet: The New ABCD's of Talking About Sex With Teenagers
  • Focusing attention on the simple business of walking two blocks to her door was problematical, however. SACRAMENT
  • The downturn has had the same impact upon the industry as it has every other sector, but the fashion business has demonstrated that focusing on the sales channels which provide the best and most measurable returns will still deliver competitive advantage, "he said. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The author outlines both the commonalities that define science fiction fandom and the tensions and schisms within the community, focusing on participants in organized clubs, amateur publications, and conventions.
  • Upper-level college texts focusing on individual biblical books from both Testaments further complement the series.
  • Focusing on the dogfights is a good idea because the aerial battles are easily the best aspect of The Sky Crawlers. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • 1988, Dr. Koerner was appointed full professor for biocybernetics and head of the Department of Neurocomputing and Cognitive Systems at the Ilmenau Institute of Technology focusing on research in neural architectures for vision and on neurofuzzy control systems. - Articles related to Step up research output, technology minister tells scientists
  • Focusing on Christ means focusing on that Face which every human being, consciously or not, seeks as a satisfying response to his own insuppressible thirst for happiness. Archive 2008-04-20
  • Leading medical research into bioelectronics is focusing on diagnosis, detection and monitoring of medical conditions.
  • Set goals focusing on maintaining good health habits. The Sun
  • He could tell that she enjoyed walking through the hallways, not focusing on anything but the conversation she was engaged in with him.
  • She received a M.Phil. in bioscience enterprise, focusing on the pricing of medicines in developing countries. Robyn Scott biography
  • Right now, her gut was telling her any more time focusing on Gordon was wasted. BLINDSIGHTED
  • A secondary goal is to assess how well the vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and cellular immunity, in this case, focusing on the SARS spike protein.
  • Also, I'm not clear as to why focusing on operating cash flow penalizes capital-intensive businesses.
  • Particle beams promise substantially higher efficiency than do lasers, but focusing presents severe problems.
  • The School has also emerged as a leader in interdisciplinary work focusing on law and public policy. Admit It, After Reading This You Want to be Our Dean
  • At Jane Addams Place, Child and Family Advocates take a holistic framework in assisting residents by focusing on family systems and employing a trauma informed model so that families can regain and maintain permanent housing and employment. Links to Philadelphia shelters, help, services for homeless
  • We were packing up our daughter Hannah to head off by plane to her second summer at a camp program focusing on foreign language immersion.
  • Consumer experts recommend focusing on retailers selling big-ticket items. The Sun
  • However, focusing merely on customer effectiveness would eventually mean they could go out of business.
  • He's trotted out today not only a new ad, but also a new stump speech, really focusing not only on his record of accomplishment but on a broad vision for the future.
  • Setting aside feelings and focusing on the facts ensures a fair cash deal. The Sun
  • Ivivi Technologies, Inc. is a medical technology company focusing on designing, developing and commercializing its proprietary electrotherapeutic technology platform, with a primary focus on developing treatments for cardiovascular disease. News
  • Setting aside feelings and focusing on the facts ensures a fair cash deal. The Sun
  • Focusing on the cathedral as the mother church in the diocese is misleading. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stores have played a critical role in focusing attention on new voices through meet-and-greet readings and other promotions. Authors Feel Pinch in Age of E-Books
  • Kleinman had apparently discovered that focusing a beam of radiation on uranium atoms could generate intense showers of particles called rho mesons. Final Theory
  • With a slow-motion gaze, the camera panned across a sea of nameless people, focusing on expressions of worry, boredom and anticipation as they awaited their party's arrival.
  • I was not psyched to be in New York in the winter for seven weeks and I found that the label was definitely focusing on certain members of the band - not focusing on me - with the song selection and choices of what was on the record.
  • In addition to steering and focusing magnets, the storage ring also contains undulator and wiggler magnets - collectively called insertion devices.
  • Many recent studies have shown that pulse splitting occurs in the normal dispersive media, when the pulse with power beyond the threshold for self-focusing.
  • For a less conventional colour scheme, she suggests focusing on subtle autumn hues such as plum or burnt orange, with flecks of gold. Times, Sunday Times
  • She stepped into the scalding water of the tub and sank down into her array of bubbles, suppressing the memories of the accident and focusing all her energy on how she was going to convince Melanie she didn't want to try out for the dance team.
  • Military planners in the US are already drawing up contingency plans, focusing on suspected underground facilities.
  • For now, Mexican doctors are focusing on treatment with antivirals like oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza). City of Fear
  • Critics have traditionally attacked utilitarianism for focusing too heavily on happiness, and not enough on other intrinsic goods, such as justice and rights.
  • Focusing on the cathedral as the mother church in the diocese is misleading. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, a new administration could enforce new global warming regulations with common sense, focusing on large emitters of greenhouse gases to achieve reasonable reductions while spurring trillions of dollars worth of economic growth and green-collar jobs. Wonk Room » EPA Sends Greenhouse Endangerment Finding To White House
  • Since its inception in 1990, EARCSB (previously known as East Asia Rabbit Ranch) has grown from a farm purely focusing on breeding rabbits for meat, to agro-tourism and petting today. Anorak News
  • They should bring back careers advisers rather than just focusing on league table results. Times, Sunday Times
  • The quick cuts make the film seem more episodic than it need be, with each ‘episode’ focusing on one or two vengeful acts.
  • Instead of focusing motion detection only on entrances and egresses, such as doors and air ducts, it's most practical to simply flood the room with motion detection.
  • By not spraying light indiscriminately as is done with unshielded fixtures, the desired illuminance level can be maintained by focusing the light to the proper location and reducing the light bulb's power consumption.
  • You’d almost think this is a man movie, what with the title focusing on fried vegetables, but it stars Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy, which should pretty much clue you in on what you’re in for. 2009 Oscars Worst Dressed – Miley Cyrus, Jessica Biel or Melissa George? (Pictures)
  • In a shockingly inaccurate critique of QuAM for focusing on "revelry" as opposed to "awareness", the Editorial Board not only passes judgment on an arbitrary conception of education, but participates in the stigmatization of LGBT sexuality. Columbia Spectator - News, sports, and entertainment coverage for the Morningside Heights community in New York City.
  • They seek to reduce what they see as needless clutter and eye candy, and to fashion beautifully spare pages, focusing on the most pleasing presentation of text.
  • I could visualize, for example, abandonment of tightly-knit statements of financial position and income in favour of a more disaggregated set of statements, each focusing on a separate aspect of entity activity.
  • The film's trailer debuted last night with a couple quick snippets focusing on Decker walking in slow-mo. WATCH: Brooklyn Decker In A Bikini In Slow Motion
  • Move the eye to the left of the canvas after focusing on the stripes and after-images appear.
  • He concentrated, focusing his thoughts on the strange impressions he was receiving.
  • Froke said he has kept sales healthy despite competition from the superstore six blocks away by focusing on corporate sales.
  • Instead of focusing on the length of your cut, concentrate on accentuating your best feature.
  • Her body stiffens as she stares at the TV, focusing her eyes, ears, heart and soul on the screen.
  • They recommend focusing on your breathing and banishing negative thoughts as you inhale. The Sun
  • Then there are confidence skills workshops, and projects focusing on knife crime involving prisoners and offenders. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are the peeping toms focusing on her daughter's floodlight naked body, suspended shimmering from a swing.
  • The campaign will continue throughout the new year, as authorities will be focusing on the main issues of wearing proper helmets, vehicle roadworthiness and an anti-drink and drive campaign.
  • The company is currently focusing on skiing trips, but plans to diversify into rafting and scuba diving in the near future.
  • Yet for all its eclecticism it builds in a single arc -- its core the long second movement, propelled upward by quasi-Minimalist rhythmic repetitions -- until the exuberant jam session is capped by the churchly sobriety of the orchestral idiom, returning as if to remind everyone of where they are, though more focusing the mood than interrupting it. In performance: NSO and Yo-Yo Ma
  • But now that he is remaining in the Obama administration, the official said, he is likely to focus as well on the tasks he has envisioned in his public statements and writings, such as refitting the Pentagon to focus on “institutionalizing counterinsurgency skills and the ability to conduct stability and support operations,” rather than focusing just on traditional combat, as he recently wrote in a Foreign Affairs article. Doin Thangs | ATTACKERMAN
  • With the sun focusing on your teamwork chart you have something special to contribute to a group that is really going places. The Sun
  • It can be used in microelectronic processing, photoetching and scan microscopic focusing or imaging system.
  • The refractive or focusing power of the cornea can be measured with a keratometer.
  • Notice how he is more concrete, focusing on existing institutions and building on those to create an articulated Anglosphere.
  • Sufferers may have difficulty focusing attention and remaining'on task' and show excessively impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Faultfinding is easy but focusing on how much there is to like about a partner makes you happier. The Sun
  • They're focusing on a piece in the tail called the jackscrew, which is suspected in the crash of Alaska Airlines Flight 261 on January 31. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2000
  • This is consistent with recent studies on attention focusing in eyewitness testimony.
  • An addendum to the above, it's a pity that the Democrats are focusing on this issue to "flog" the Republicans before the elections. Saturday Moments: From torture & Republican sex scandals to zombies
  • Traditional poetry, with its innate rhythm and alliteration, as well as free verse focusing on social issues, flowed from her pen.
  • The girl climbed out and glanced briefly up at us before focusing on adjusting her skintight skirt.
  • In the present study, an aberration theory for both wide and narrow electron beams in a combined electromagnetic focusing spherical cathode lens system is discussed.
  • The most recent studies are focusing now on apigenin and BITC that show a complementary cancer prevention inclination. Which cruciferious vegetables help prevent cancer, according to latest studies?
  • So certain companies will start to look through that and investors can then start focusing more on the positive fundamentals, such as earnings visibility, the quality of the earnings—not just cost-cutting but from revenue generation and top-line growth. Pharma Edges Toward 'Patent Cliff'
  • At the same time, prominent researchers said conservationists cannot afford to shortchange large and regional protections at the expense of focusing on targeted species.
  • Our campaign begins by focusing on the months from the Jewish Re-Birth-Day of the Trees (Jan. 19-20) to the multireligious onset of Palm Sunday, Passover, Holy Week, and Earth Day (April 17-26). Rabbi Arthur Waskow: Big Coal, 'Avatar' And Tu B'Shvat
  • Most of the industry is focusing on a technology called near-field communications, which allows you to wave a card or phone in front of a checkout reader to quickly pay for drinks at a drugstore or for a ride in a cab. CNET
  • Make the most of the positive planetary trends that are in the air by focusing on home and hearth. The Sun
  • On the whole, the focus is on strengthening the adult sides of the patient and on normalizing the situation instead of focusing on regressive behavior.
  • Improved the focusing accuracy when using the EC-20 Teleconverter.
  • Gently brush aside students' anxiety about not getting the answer by refocusing their attention on the problem at hand.
  • Here he was, refocusing his entire history, as if it had just begun, on the dream of boundless empire.
  • The ad starts off by focusing on the taut abs of three pretty ladies.
  • Dish Network also offers several packages similar to the ESPN Game Plan focusing on different exclusive sports.
  • Focusing on relationships, parenting, pregnancy and health, it's an online coffee morning complete with virtual chocolate digestives, milky lattes and plenty of advice.
  • Nocturne is an interactive media installation focusing on animals such as opossums, field mice and the endangered kit fox that have found successful niches within the urban and suburban landscape.
  • The crystalline lens, which provides approximately 30% of the refractive power, is biconvex and has the ability to change its shape to increase or decrease its focusing power.
  • I felt only an extraordinary focusing of effort, a compression of my whole being into a unity of action.
  • While these are stimulants, they have a paradoxically calming and focusing effect by boosting dopamine and serotonin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if, in the beginning, we may have felt incongruent with the jealous workplace environment, slowly we start focusing our energies on how to avoid or circumvent it.
  • Rather than focusing on punching or kicking opponents, aikido involves using an attacker's own energy to gain control or throw them off.
  • Seeing the sign on the interstate for the exit he wanted, he shifted all of his thoughts back to the present, focusing on what he was doing now.
  • ‘That's chalcedony,’ Corissa remarked, her eyes focusing on the translucent gray capstones of the wall.
  • For the famous penultimate scene of Vera's ‘accidental’ murder, the camera seems to crawl inside Roberts' head as he surveys the room where this happened, with the lens alternately focusing and defocusing on various objects.
  • With the sun focusing on your teamwork chart you have something special to contribute to a group that is really going places. The Sun
  • For Bookchin, the latter form of anarchism is positive insofar it advocates individual liberty, but it ultimately undermines the broader goals of anarchism by focusing on transient notions of individualism.
  • This is Newsweek refusing to do the legwork of real journalism focusing on the Jewish community, and instead creating yet another "listicle" that can do nothing but entertain. Steven I. Weiss: Why Newsweek's 50 Most Influential Rabbis...Aren't
  • Like the other three new wineries, both Imagine Moore winery and Keuka Lake Winery seem to be focusing their winemaking toward vinifera, which is a great sign. LENNDEVOURS:
  • The Shrink's been working on a series of short stories all focusing on one central character - a hypochondriac former psychiatrist.
  • It doesn't feature any vocals - instead focusing on guitar riffs and a bass drum. The Sun
  • Retailers are focusing more on what we term opening - to mid-price points as shoppers of every description are gravitating to the big box outlets," Schwartz told the conference. Winnipeg Sun
  • His Republican rivals have done him damage by focusing on his record as chief executive at the Bain company, which they described as a coven of corporate raiders and vultures, taking over smaller firms and laying off workers. Mitt Romney cruises to victory in New Hampshire primary
  • This Department, includes five research teams, focusing on current problems of the citriculture and fruticulture in the Autonomy of Valencia.
  • The song was pretty, and when he glanced at Alexandra she seemed to be focusing most of her mind on it.
  • In fact, so permeated is children’s literature by progressive ideals that Mickenberg and Nel were forced to narrow their scope by focusing on texts that have fallen out of print. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Ehrlich, who eight years ago turned to Prince George's for an African American running mate - Michael S. Steele, now chairman of the Republican National Committee - has largely retreated from the vote-rich county, focusing his campaign elsewhere. Md. governor's race could hinge on black voter turnout
  • To maintain a high quality exploration portfolio focusing on core business areas and under-explored prospective basins.
  • Dubbed “Kintamingo Ema, sur le chemin de nos ancêtres” (Kintamingo Ema, following the path of our ancestors), the project was launched by Association Karisko, an association focusing on social integration, as explained here [Fr]: Global Voices in English » Caribbean: Following the path of the Caribs
  • That said, this is a brilliant and exciting book, which succeeds in decentering and refocusing our vision and understanding, forcing us back to both history and history painting to ask new and different questions.
  • Working by consensus decision making, the group generated a design that splays in both plan and section, inflecting the structure outward while focusing inward to the place of ceremony.
  • This article spotlights some of the information on the site, delving into the three main topics we're focusing on during our current media campaign: financial vulnerability, job creation, and innovation.
  • “Uh, not really,” I said, focusing on a worksheet about usage of the word por versus the word para, just in case Señora Alvarez showed up, just in case she remembered that she had assigned us homework. Mostly good girls
  • Perhaps that will produce strains, but at present the series looks intent on focusing on its procedural side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently when my parents drove into Geelong with my sister, she got bored and alternated between focusing her eyes on very close objects and focusing her eyes on very far objects.
  • In focusing on the problems with the new science curriculum, my analysis here might seem one-sided.
  • Focusing on the West Midlands, entrants were asked to submit a 200 word treatment, with an optional script sample, for a three minute short movie.
  • Isoelectric focusing (or crossed immunoelectrophoresis and starch gel electrophoresis in early reports) was considered the ‘gold standard’ for phenotyping.
  • The vertical defocusing arising from the increase of the average magnetic field with radius is compensated by the vertical focusing due to the azimuthal variation of the field. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • And therefore, part of our strategy is focusing not only on those areas, but also those industries that are likely to have those kinds of problems where there is likely to be exploitation of illegal immigrants, there's likely to be a magnet for employers to pull illegal immigrants from Mexico and subject them to subminimal working conditions, subminimal wages and so forth. Reno Reich And Others Briefing On Illegal Immigration
  • All six lenses are fully corrected aplanats, so they can be mixed and matched in a focusing or non-focusing configuration to obtain the desired magnification.
  • From an Austrian perspective, concentrating on increasing aggregate demand without considering the specifics is rather like focusing on losing weight without considering how it is to be lost. Matthew Yglesias » Macro Rap
  • They tended to be the snobbiest group, their distinctive attitude focusing on gaining social status and pleasure.
  • Focusing on the emblematic moments of the participants 'lives, the story unfolds through the perspectives of four competing voices-from the troubled and mercurial figure of Meriwether Lewis, the expedition leader who found that it was impossible to enter paradise without having it crumble around him, to Sacagawea, the Shoshone girl - captive and interpreter for the expedition, whose short life mirrored the disruptive times in which she lived. I Should Be Extremely Happy in Your Company by Brian Hall: Book summary
  • Certainly the myopia of focusing on oneself and one's own happiness, fulfillment, or satisfaction alone is detrimental to any relationship.
  • Property agents are focusing on the remaining unlet space.
  • You may have had a similar experience—that sense of irreality and of focusing on the unimportant detail in the face of something hideous. In the Fullness of Time
  • I was relying on peripheral vision for this, while surreptitiously focusing at chest height. THE MANANA MAN
  • Fast hits on man-sized targets were achieved by focusing just on the outer ring.
  • How dare they spend a day focusing on such one-sided issues and call it education.
  • I shrugged and sat beside him, focusing on demolishing my ice cream.
  • The system includes a ring light that provides high intensity illumination at high magnifications and long working distances without light adjustment when refocusing or when zoom features are used.
  • The most encouraging research area is the one focusing on garlic's potential ability to lower cholesterol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your best friend is clearly focusing on his relationship so move on. The Sun
  • After graduating from high school, the future filmmaker attended a technical school focusing on graphic design, but his true interest was photography.
  • We are focusing on specialty chemicals.
  • Sufferers may have difficulty focusing attention and remaining'on task' and show excessively impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity. Times, Sunday Times
  • His eyes finally relumed to Dayala, focusing on the sole blemish he could see, a faint white line across the inside of her left wrist. The Order War
  • Her photographs are staged and suggestive of narrative and literature, focusing mainly on female characters.
  • Vincent sent her a sidelong glance before refocusing his attention on the road again.
  • My mind can roam freely, questioning what I choose, focusing how I wish, and walking paths that are unacceptable in a scientific setting.
  • One example of such a cascade facility is the GANIL accelerator complex in Caen, where two sector focusing cyclotrons are used for heavy-ion physics. Accelerators and Nobel Laureates
  • This is a military outpost that they are focusing on. Christianity Today
  • Michael Porter, focusing on large businesses, argues that waste generating firms do not readily identify all possible opportunities for reducing wastes at low cost - some low hanging fruit are left unpicked.
  • Personality trait ratings will be replaced with more objective measures of performance focusing on job-related outcomes and behaviors.

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