How To Use Flyspeck In A Sentence
Why are they concerned with a little, flyspeck football team?
It's clear from flyspecks and other physical evidence that the mummies were kept above ground for months or years before burial.
She turns to the flyspecked oval mirror, tilted against the wall.
With the dispatch of a waiter flicking away flyspecks, the editor, Angus Stevenson, eliminated some 16,000 hyphens from the sixth edition, published last month.
Where Did All the Hyphens Go?
From now until 2012, he'll be flyspecked for every interaction with a special interest, lobbyist, wealthy individual, or Republican.
The What and How of Obama
Then, a few months later on the site of several former horrid flyspecked delis that failed opens a Mariachi, a Mexican place.
From Hillbilly Highway to Gourmet Row
We got two flyspecked rooms with rattling fans and met Angel and Ruben for dinner at a pub on the front street.
It's all there: the dust, the cattle, the brush, the waitress in the coffee shop with the flyspecked windows.
Literary controversy has always tended toward the flyspecked.
Carol, looking through the flyspecked windows of the hotel, sees only rickety chairs and cuspidors, but Bea thrills to "the swell traveling man" she spies there, to the "lovely marble" soda fountain, and to all the stores — "one just for tobacco alone.
Sheer Data
The color palette, especially in the brighter scenes, is so badly faded as to appear almost bleached, and the constant assault of flyspeck flybys gets tiresome quickly.
Both sooty blotch and flyspeck can be rubbed off the surface of the fruit.
You're lucky I want this contract or I'd scatter you all over this flyspeck of a planet!
the flyspeck nation of Bahrain moved toward democracy
Below the window hung a flyspecked oil painting of the Last Supper.
Hunting Season
What happens on the remoter flyspecks in the American archipelago remains largely a closed book.
Report after report, from Indonesia or Sri Lanka or some flyspeck island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, has brought some new horror.
When confronted by dubious toilets or flyspecked markets, people here daily use the expression, "mikwob pa touye ayisyen," which translates "germs don't kill Haitians.
Amid cholera outbreak in Haiti, a scramble to get soap
Each blade is antiqued, flyspecked, and sealed.
The 11 other ‘dollarized’ countries are flyspecks like Monaco, Liechtenstein, and Andorra.
Beneath flyspecked sash windows and an array of rusting metal advertisements stood a row of block-ice coolers.
Salty perspiration trickled down his forehead and burned his eyes as he looked up at the flyspecked calendar.
Historical Novel about...Pembina
What happened to the family of a gold-toothed Japanese soldier who died so horribly on a flyspeck of a Pacific island?
The image is clean and sharp for the most part, with only random flaws from the source print - some graininess, a few flyspecks - cropping up here and there.
Looking tense and tired, Smith watched as Cherry and Lutz flyspecked his creation.
The Fast And The Luxurious
But this level of clampdown, with every nickel being flyspecked before we can spend it, is unprecedented in my experience, the person said.
Budget Rift at CFTC Pulls Plug on Alarm
Strictly on the facts of the case, they are correct: The American archipelago is just a series of flyspecks compared to its Soviet predecessor.
There you have it - the two sources of flyspecks - saliva and fecal matter.