How To Use Flycatcher In A Sentence

  • The highlight of spring migration is without a doubt the return to northern climes of dazzlingly-colored warblers, flycatchers, and tanagers.
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • A short distance up the cañon of the west branch of Clear Creek, a new kind of flycatcher was first heard, and presently seen with my glass. Birds of the Rockies
  • The silktail (Lamprolia victoriae) represents an endemic genus of monarch flycatcher and is restricted to the islands of Taveuni and Vanua Levu. Fiji tropical moist forests
  • A couple days ago I saw a spotted flycatcher hawking for bugs in one of the tamarisk trees behind our building.
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  • Out with Barry Goater watching tiny flies struggling in the clutches of the science-fiction sundew plants on Dyke Heath, we also clocked two new birds to add to the ninety species already listed in the log: a pair of hobbies, the male perched on a stump, and a spotted flycatcher. Wildwood
  • Other rare birds are Fraser's eagle owl Bubo poensis, white-bellied robin chat Cossypher roberti, Grauer's warbler Graueria vittata, short-tailed warbler Hemitasia neumanni, yellow-eyed black flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiaca, montane double-collared sunbird Nectarinia ludovicenis and dusky twinspot Clytospiza cinereoinacea. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • You may also find cuckoos, kingbirds, flycatchers, swifts, swallows, orioles, and tanagers in the fall.
  • The grey-headed bulbul, small sunbird and white-belied blue flycatcher, all endemic to the region, were also spotted.
  • Skylarks, one of Britain's most endangered birds, can be spotted near the sixth fairway, common lizard, brown hare and hen by the ninth and pied wagtail, wheatear and spotted flycatcher by the 18th.
  • Some of those species include bluebirds, robins, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, wrens, tree and barn swallows, purple martins, owls, flycatchers, and woodpeckers.
  • Matt Murphy, ornithologist for the Countryside Council for Wales said climate change was affecting the breeding patterns of pied flycatchers living in Welsh oak woodlands.
  • On 12 th April, 2 hoopoes, 2 wrynecks, a nightingale, 2 citrine wagtails, a black-eared wheatear, 15 redstarts, a whinchat, a robin, a Menetries’ and 23 willow warblers, a spotted flycatcher and 4 scaly-breasted munias were in Mushrif Palace Gardens.
  • There are 12 endemic species found here, including two species, the Seychelles Scops-owl (Otus insularis CR) and the Seychelles paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone corvine CR), which are confined to single islands. Granitic Seychelles forests
  • For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
  • However, many small songbirds such as robins, thrushes, flycatchers and warblers migrate mainly during darkness, probably to avoid predators and to keep cool.
  • Flocks of wintering water birds include the thrush, the kingfisher, the robin, the shama, the barbet, the bee-eater, the flycatcher, the sunbird, the bulbul and the drongo.
  • Depigmented wing patch size is a condition-dependent indicator of viability in male collared flycatchers.
  • That should make the scissor-tailed flycatchers happy.
  • The pied flycatcher is a small Palearctic migrant passerine bird.
  • Typical species are considered the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia), the bicolored conebill (Conirostrum bicolor), the clapper rail (Rallus longirostris), the great-tailed grackle (Cassidix mexicanus), the spotted tody-flycatcher (Todirostrum maculatum), the rufous crab-hawk (Buteogallus aequinoctialis), the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus), the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the arboreal snake (Corallus hortulanus). Coastal Venezuelan mangroves
  • There were giant sunbirds and paradise flycatchers - two of 125 bird species endemic to the country.
  • I saw a flock of common babblers, a migrant spotted flycatcher and my final new bird of the day an isabelline wheatear.
  • Sure, some birds have names that describe their activities, such as flycatcher, or gnatcatcher, or their general appearance, such as bluebird, or the place they tend to loiter, such as cowbird. Birding season: No grousing or sniping
  • As some of us slept, others watched the courtship of a pair of paradise flycatchers and a pair of crested buntings.
  • However, both the pied and collared flycatcher females are dull brown.
  • The primary projection is intermediate between that of Asian Brown and Grey-streaked Flycatchers and reaches nowhere near as far down the tail as it does in Grey-streaked Flycatcher.
  • This hypothesis is supported by correlative and experimental evidence from various species such as kittiwakes, cormorants, house wrens, cliff swallows, and collared flycatchers.
  • An osprey flying past with a fish in its talons was another bonus while a dusky flycatcher hawked insects from various perches around the garden.
  • Out of forty perchers eleven are missing — yellow oriole, yellow fig-bird (SPHECOTHERES), black-backed magpie, black-headed diamond-bird, helmeted friar-bird, silver-eye, and the blue, pied, shining, white-eared and spectacled flycatchers. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • Restricted range species however, are thought to include olive-chested flycatcher (Myiophobus cryptoxanthus), brown nunlet (Nonnula brunnea), and Ochre-striped antpitta (Grallaria dignissima) to name a few. Napo moist forests
  • The mating behaviour of pied flycatchers is immensely complicated and scientists studying them interpret their behaviour slightly differently.
  • Cedar waxwings, crows, finches, flycatchers, grosbeaks, grouse, jays, mockingbirds, pheasants, thrushes, vireos, and woodpeckers feed on their fruits.
  • Key species are the dwarf honeyguide Indicator pumilio, African green broadbill Pseudocalyptomena graueri, Lagden's bushshrike Malaconotus lagdeni, Kivu ground thrush Zoothera tanganjicae, Oberlander's ground thrush Z. oberlaenderi, Grauer's rush warbler Bradypterus graueri, Chaplin's flycatcher Muscicapa lendu and dusky crimsonwing Cryptospiza shelleyi. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda
  • A spectacled warbler from southern Europe was seen at Filey and a taiga flycatcher from Siberia was spotted at Flamborough Head.
  • The sparrowhawk is a serious threat to adult pied flycatchers and is the only common bird of prey in our study area.
  • I saw a flock of common babblers, a migrant spotted flycatcher and my final new bird of the day an isabelline wheatear.
  • Reinwardti), the gorgeous little minivet flycatcher (Pericrocotus miniatus), which looks like a flame of fire as it flutters among the bushes, and the rare and curious black and crimson oriole (Analcipus sanguinolentus), all of these species which are found only in Java, and even seem to be confined to its western portion. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 1
  • The pied flycatcher is a small, hole-nesting, insectivorous passerine bird which usually is monogamous, but in which some 5-10% of the males may be polygynous.
  • With 429 or so tyrannids, there are more species of Tyrant Flycatchers than in any other family of birds in the world, yet the Eastern Kingbird has earned the title of tyrant of tyrants.
  • Most of the other endemics are found in the mainland coastal forest of Kenya and Tanzania, including the yellow flycatcher (Erythrocercus holochlorus), Sokoke pipit (Anthus sokokensis, EN), Clarke's weaver (Ploceus golandi, EN), and Mombasa woodpecker (Campethera mombassica). Biological diversity in the coastal forests of Eastern Africa
  • In most parts of tropical America we may always find some species of woodpecker tanager, bush shrike, chatterer, trogon, toucan, cuckoo, and tyrant-flycatcher; and a few days’ active search will produce more variety than can be here met with in as many months. The Malay Archipelago
  • Methods.-The Pied Flycatcher is a small, migratory, philopatric, and hole-nesting passerine bird of European woodlands.
  • It lived up to its reputation with violaceous trogon, cinnamon and other woodpeckers, woodcreepers, antwrens, antbirds, antshrikes, purple-throated fruit-crows, wrens and flycatchers.
  • Daily probability of parasitism varied substantially among these species, from 3% for dusky flycatchers to more than four times that for warbling vireos.
  • Response: This is an adult scissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus, a member of the genus Tyrannus, so named for their pugnacious nature when defending their territories against marauding crows and other, even larger, predators. Mystery bird: scissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus
  • Cedar waxwings, crows, finches, flycatchers, grosbeaks, grouse, jays, mockingbirds, pheasants, thrushes, vireos, and woodpeckers feed on their fruits.
  • Restricted-range birds in this ecoregion include the Santa Barbara screech-owl (Otus barbarus), belted flycatcher (Xenotriccus callizonus), pink-heade warbler (Ergaticus versicolor), and black-capped siskin (Carduelis atriceps) classified as near threatened. Central American pine-oak forests
  • Because female Collared Flycatchers only lay one clutch per season, the proportion of fertilizable females declines as the proportion of incubating females increase.
  • Woodpeckers, screech owls, chickadees, nuthatches, bluebirds, tree swallows and some flycatchers need them.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • For the male pied flycatcher, bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.
  • It is common to see such rare birds as the blue-coated flycatcher, the crimson-breasted barbet, the scarlet minivet and even the Paradise flycatcher, and there is an abundance of Golden Oriole.
  • Flocks of wintering water birds include the thrush, the kingfisher, the robin, the shama, the barbet, the bee-eater, the flycatcher, the sunbird, the bulbul and the drongo.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • The Pacific-slope Flycatcher generally watches from a perch in the lower or middle canopy, and flies out to catch prey in the air.
  • In the bottomland forests and ravines along the river, look for a variety of warblers, including cerulean, blackburnian, and black-throated green warblers, as well as acadian flycatchers and hermit thrush.
  • As I stood there on my sister's porch, the first scissor-tailed flycatcher of the spring flew over.
  • It has been reported that martens can depredate up to 100% of the local population of pied flycatchers breeding in nest-boxes in Latvia.
  • Suboscines are particularly well represented, with vocalizations of more than 350 (!) species of ovenbirds, antbirds, tyrant flycatchers, and the like.
  • Flocks of wintering water birds include the thrush, the kingfisher, the robin, the shama, the barbet, the bee-eater, the flycatcher, the sunbird, the bulbul and the drongo.
  • He was the most sedulous flycatcher in American history, and by long odds the most successful.
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called “with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness”; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • In those days scissor-tailed flycatchers were still uncommon in our part of the world, and seemed nearly as exotic to us as toucans.
  • Both the genus and species name of this aggressive flycatcher are from the Latin word for tyrant.
  • Just yesterday I sat under a tiny tree surrounded by concrete in the parking lot and watched a scissor-tailed flycatcher work on her nest.
  • Was it a member of the winged flock that was in the running for Oklahoma's state bird, an honor ultimately bestowed on the swallow-tailed scissortail flycatcher?
  • As some of us slept, others watched the courtship of a pair of paradise flycatchers and a pair of crested buntings.
  • The primary projection is intermediate between that of Asian Brown and Grey-streaked Flycatchers and reaches nowhere near as far down the tail as it does in Grey-streaked Flycatcher.
  • Was it a member of the winged flock that was in the running for Oklahoma's state bird, an honor ultimately bestowed on the swallow-tailed scissortail flycatcher?
  • Forest wagtails, flycatchers, rose-ringed parakeet and black-crested buzzard always made the metro their home.
  • Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.
  • Then there was the adrenalin rush of racing to see one very rare bird: a fork-tailed flycatcher, perched on a telegraph pole.
  • The pied flycatcher is a small, migratory, singlebrooded passerine bird.
  • For my class project I chose to map the foraging patterns of a nesting Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher.
  • For the male pied flycatcher, bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.
  • Birdlife on the river and in the bush is prolific with over 380 species recorded including Nyasa lovebird Agapornis lilianae, yellow-spotted nicator Nicator chloris, rock pratincole Glareola nuchalis, banded snake-eagle Circaetus cinerascens, and Livingstone's flycatcher Erythrocercus livingstonei. Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas, Zimbabwe
  • Flocks of wintering water birds include the thrush, the kingfisher, the robin, the shama, the barbet, the bee-eater, the flycatcher, the sunbird, the bulbul and the drongo.
  • This remote region holds several Albertine Rift endemic species such as Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Kivu Ground Thrush and Red-faced Woodland Warbler, along with a wealth of francolins, bee-eaters, honeyguides, sunbirds, robin-chats, akalats, and with luck the striking Ruwenzori Turaco.
  • We tested whether a suboscine bird, the alder flycatcher, was able to discriminate between songs of neighbors and strangers despite limited individual variation in song.
  • A lot of birds from lapwings, robins, mynas, flycatchers, sunbirds, tailorbirds, warblers, babblers, barbets, francolins, orioles, pigeons and doves have nested on our property.
  • Previous experience showed that some male pied flycatchers sing in captivity during the part of the breeding season when free-living birds are pairing.
  • Montane forests above about 3,000 feet in the Truong Son are rich in songbird diversity, notably in the flycatchers and Old World warblers and related species.
  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • The Olive-sided Flycatcher sits high in a treetop, darting out after a flying insect, then returns to its perch.
  • The Guam broadbill, a small flycatcher that occurred only on the island of Guam, was listed as endangered in 1984.
  • Last March, the Center for Biological Diversity sued the government, charging that indiscriminately killing tamarisks jeopardizes the flycatcher Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • All tyrant flycatchers in the genus Empidonax, called empids out of either affection or frustration, are suboscine songbirds with olive upperparts, pale throats and bellies, and whitish wing-bars and eye-rings.
  • On farmland, the numbers of song thrushes fell by 66 per cent between 1972 and 1996, of bullfinches by 62 per cent, of skylarks by 75 per cent, of linnets by 40 per cent, of spotted flycatchers by 78 per cent and of lapwings by 46 per cent.
  • Scissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus fomerly, Milvulus forficatus; protonym, Muscivora forficata, also known as the Texas bird-of-paradise and the swallow-tailed flycatcher, photographed at Manhattan, Kansas. Mystery bird: scissor-tailed flycatcher, Tyrannus forficatus
  • For 20 minutes, we stood by a swampy pond, trying to home in on a small fluttering piratic flycatcher in the brambles. Strange Paradise
  • Pewees and Alder Flycatchers do not join flocks but set up territories in patches of forest that they defend against members of their own species.
  • These include the near-endemic white-eyed prinia Prinia leontica (VU), the grey-winged robinchat Cossypha polioptera, lemon dove Columba larvata, Sharp's apalis Apalis sharpei, whitenecked rockfowl Picathartes gymnocephalus (VU) and Nimba flycatcher Melaenornis annamarulae (VU), A detailed account of birds in Liberian Nimba is given in Coston & Curry-Lindahl (1986). Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire
  • Flocks of wintering water birds include the thrush, the kingfisher, the robin, the shama, the barbet, the bee-eater, the flycatcher, the sunbird, the bulbul and the drongo.
  • Suboscines, which include flycatchers, ant-birds, woodcreepers, and ovenbirds, are now diverse in the New World, with about 1,100 species, nearly all of them in South America.
  • (Harpactes Reinwardti), the gorgeous little minivet flycatcher The Malay Archipelago
  • Two species normally associated with mangroves, mangrove flycatcher Cyornis rufigastra and mangrove whistler Pachycephala cinerea, are notable as having persisted on the islands despite the loss of favored habitat. Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
  • Kibitz The flycatcher (also called lapwing, pewit, and other names) is an insectivorous bird with an irritating cry. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIII No 2
  • The fasciated honey-eater has loudly called "with a voice that seemed the very sound of happiness"; the leaden flycatcher, often silent but seldom still, has twittered and whispered plaintively; the sun-birds are playing gymnastics among the lemon blossoms, and the centre of activity for butterflies is the red-flowered shrub bordering the wavering path. Tropic Days
  • For every obvious crossbill, razorbill, greenfinch, woodpecker, warbler, treecreeper, swift or flycatcher there is a mysterious wigeon, garganey, gadwall, bittern, siskin, pipit, shrike or twite.
  • For the next many weeks, the Gulf Coast sky will be a constantly changing tableau of hawks and doves, vultures and vireos, flycatchers and hummingbird, warblers and waterfowl.
  • I have to admit that I don’t know what kind of flycatcher they are although they’ve raised many clutches either on the shutter or in a nest a foot away from the back door. Marlowe day!
  • There are anecdotal reports of bluebirds and House Wrens taking over the nests of Ash-throated Flycatchers.
  • This large, long-tailed flycatcher has a pale yellow belly, gray breast and head, and rufous on its wings and tail.
  • The assize judge ate A flycatcher hung above the fireplace, a bluebottle buzzing day, which is why I took my fieldglasses. THE OPEN DOOR
  • The pied flycatcher is a small, migratory, passerine bird that is sexually dimorphic in color during the breeding season.
  • Pacific-slope Flycatcher, and perhaps a Western warbler or two to my life list, the gnatcatcher was my primary target. 10,000 Birds
  • It turns out that a charismatic endangered bird — the southwestern willow flycatcher — is known to nest in the offending shrubs. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • And when there's a rarity like a black-tailed godwit or a fork-tailed flycatcher, the traffic jams on the refuge's one road are legendary. Undiscovered
  • The flycatcher was seen lurking in the low brush bordering a secluded pond.
  • For example, interspecific agonistic interactions select for dull-colored male flycatchers that experience less interference from more aggressive, sympatric congeners.
  • Flycatchers feed primarily on winged insects.
  • In most parts of tropical America we may always find some species of woodpecker tanager, bush shrike, chatterer, trogon, toucan, cuckoo, and tyrant-flycatcher; and a few days 'active search will produce more variety than can be here met with in as many months. The Malay Archipelago, the land of the orang-utan and the bird of paradise; a narrative of travel, with studies of man and nature — Volume 2
  • Morphologically, babblers differ from thrushes and flycatchers by the lack of distinct juvenal plumage.
  • Blue-and-white Flycatcher has narrow white vertical line on throat and lacks pale tips to greater and median coverts (which form weak wing bars on Narcissus).
  • A previous study of pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca showed that the chromaticity of the characteristic blue eggs of this species was associated with male provisioning rate to resulting nestlings.
  • A 2006 study in documented plummeting populations of a bird called the pied flycatcher in the Netherlands. Top Stories
  • The Red List also features a disturbingly high number of formerly common farmland birds which are rapidly declining: tree sparrow, grey partridge, spotted flycatcher, song thrush, skylark, linnet and turtle dove.
  • I attracted a family of dusky flycatchers to an old letter box attached to a wall three metres or so off the ground.
  • Across much of its range, the Gray Flycatcher prefers sagebrush and juniper.
  • Out of forty perchers eleven are missing — yellow oriole, yellow fig-bird (SPHECOTHERES), black-backed magpie, black-headed diamond-bird, helmeted friar-bird, silver-eye, and the blue, pied, shining, white-eared and spectacled flycatchers. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • However, many small songbirds such as robins, thrushes, flycatchers and warblers migrate mainly during darkness, probably to avoid predators and to keep cool.
  • The plumage of this flycatcher is pale blue -- blue of that peculiar shade known as verditer blue. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Sure, some birds have names that describe their activities, such as flycatcher, or gnatcatcher, or their general appearance, such as bluebird, or the place they tend to loiter, such as cowbird. Birding season: No grousing or sniping
  • The Red List also features a disturbingly high number of formerly common farmland birds which are rapidly declining: tree sparrow, grey partridge, spotted flycatcher, song thrush, skylark, linnet and turtle dove.
  • In these were included the "elegant yellow-and-green trogon (_Harpactes Reinwardti_); the gorgeous little minivet flycatcher (_Pericrocotus miniatus_), which looks like a flame of fire as it flutters among the bushes; and the rare and curious black-and-crimson oriole (_Analcipus sanguinolentus_). A Visit to Java With an Account of the Founding of Singapore

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