
How To Use Fluvial In A Sentence

  • In this paper, we describe the use of spectral gamma-ray logs in testing and refining high-resolution stratigraphy in fluvial strata.
  • The lower Spring Valley Member consists of fluvial to shallow-water sedimentary rocks including conglomerate, sandstone, shale, banded iron formation and localized stromatolitic limestone.
  • Uplifted and incised fluvial terraces are preserved in footwall valleys, including those of the Ladopotamos and Vouraikos rivers.
  • Environments where bituminous mudrocks may form are waterlogged mires, swamp and bogs, stratified lakes and marine water with restricted circulation including backswamp conditions furthest from the fluvial channel.
  • He met the Director of the Pennsylvania Geological Survey, a prominent geologist with a special interest in fluvial geomorphology.
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  • Fluvial erosion and deposition are the main geomorphic processes. Watsonville Plain - Salinas Valley (Bailey)
  • Either allocyclic variations in fluvial discharge or the mouthward progradation of the fluvial system may explain the interbedded relationship of this facies with the cross-bedded sandstone.
  • These units are conformably overlain by fluvial and lacustrine volcaniclastic deposits, tuffs and hyaloclastites.
  • This westernmost line was meant to distinguish the Napo ecoregion, to the west, from these interfluvial ecoregions as an area of Pleistocene refugia and butterfly endemism (see Napo moist forest description). Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • It has been suggested that fluvial and lacustrine source rocks were locally deposited in grabens created along the transtensional edges of these rotating microcontinental blocks.
  • This interfluvial ecoregion is bound on the east and across the southwest by the Tocantins River (the Tucurui Reservoir is not considered for historic coverage) and by the Pindare River and São Marcos Gulf in the east. Tocantins-Araguaia-Maranhão moist forests
  • This contact between the Kayenta Formation and Navajo Sandstone illustrates the local switch from a fluvial environment, periodically inundated with tongues of sand erg deposits, to a permanent onset of long term dune activity PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, variations of CCsurf in our cores could also reflect changes in microcharcoal input linked to changes of fluvial sedimentary input or dilution processes due to increase in terrigenous material. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The Park comprises an interfluvial peneplain of schist and granite between the Comoé and Volta rivers, with a mean altitude of 250 m to 300 m and a series of ridges and granite inselbergs rising to 600 m. Comoé National Park, Côte d'Ivoire
  • In order to utilize water resource continuously , ecological water amount of fluvial resource should be kept.
  • Fluvial-dominated deltas have elongate bodies of channel sands enclosed in inter-channel muds and peats with their crevasse splays of sand produced when the river escapes from its channel in times of flood.
  • Although by no means restricted to the Neogene, these economically important sequences include brown coals or lignites, which underlie large areas and include substantial fluvial sequences of this age.
  • Glacial, periglacial, fluvial, and mass-movement processes dominate in mountain environments.
  • These facts are used to infer a fluvial environment of deposition for the Upper Flora Sandstone.
  • BIOLOGYThree life history forms are found in westslope cutthroat trout: a resident nonmigratory form that occurs in small streams, a fluvial form that migrates between small streams for spawning and larger rivers for most of its life, and a lacustrine form that lives in lakes. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Daxi conglomerate is massic carbonate conglomerate with high pebble content, well - sorted and well - rounded fluvial origin.
  • fluvial deposits
  • This second form, often called fluvial, occurs only in relatively larger river basins that contain a network of headwater spawning tributaries connected to larger riverine habitat, allowing bull trout to undertake movements of more than 100 miles 160 km as they search for prey. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • These units are conformably overlain by fluvial and lacustrine volcaniclastic deposits, tuffs and hyaloclastites.
  • These palaeosols would be classified as entisols and inceptisols using modern soil taxonomy nomenclature, soils typical of very immature fluvial exposure surfaces.
  • This period is also characterized by the deepest fluvial incision, which is interpreted as a response to a major relative sea-level lowering.
  • These relationships are best illustrated in the Palomas Basin where up to three intercalated axial fluvial ‘wedges’ bevel the prominent bajada along the active fault-bounded Caballo Mountains.
  • The formations consist of fine - to medium-grained fluvial sandstones, siltstones and overbank mudstones with abundant caliche soil formation, fossil leaves and logs.
  • Gravel cemented geological body, called solid formation, has been found in the fluvial sediment of Quaternary system in the exploration and mining of alluvial gold deposit in recent years.
  • Of particular interest are the Quaternary fluvial and marine terraces that are preserved along the flanks of the Hajar Mountains.
  • Over time (decades to centuries), the river course meanders across the floodplain making the várzea an ever-changing and heterogeneous landscape with a diversity of fluvial elements such as oxbow lakes, levees, meander swales, and point bars. Purus varzea
  • The bulk of sediment accumulated during this main regressive phase is made up of the deposits of braided fluvial systems that prograded over the early transgressive coastal facies.
  • As the basin filled, or the rate of subsidence relative to the influx of material lessened, subaerial fluvial deposits were emplaced.
  • Most other Dutch soil types are fluvial.
  • Over time (decades to centuries) the river course meanders across the floodplain making the várzea an ever-changing and heterogeneous landscape with a diversity of fluvial elements such as oxbow lakes, levees, meander swails, and point bars. Monte Alegre varzea
  • This succession is characterized by fourth-order, fluvial-to-marine sequences, with valley incision up to 25 km wide and 70 m deep.
  • As the basin filled, or the rate of subsidence relative to the influx of material lessened, subaerial fluvial deposits were emplaced.
  • The deposited material was a mixture of old reworked sediment from previous beach face deposits and what fluvial sediment that had accumulated after the last high stand.
  • Complex sand waves, bipolar cross-bedding and gravel lag deposits compare with both fluvial and shallow marine settings.
  • The Dikele grammar proves the language, which is most closely allied to the Benga dialect, to be one of the great South African family, variously called Kafir, because first studied amongst these people; Ethiopic (very vague), and Nilotic because its great fluvial basin is the Zambezi, not the Nile. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • These include geological formations of notable interest as scenery and as the record of a fossil hydrographic system from fluvial to hyperarid conditions; and wildlife which includes 28 plant species rare in Algeria; one, the rare endemic cypress Cupressus dupreziana, being one of twelve critically endangered plants chosen by the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN to highlight serious threats to species around the world. Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria
  • Both overlie a pronounced angular unconformity and both are predominantly fluvial deposits.
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • The Glen Canyon Group was deposited in a large retroarc basin, with the crossbedded eolian Navajo Sandstone in a complex gradational contact with the underlying fluvially-dominated Kayenta Formation PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Smaller fluvial or subaqueous overprints of former submarine channel morphologies and even desiccation or fracturing may be sought to test our model.
  • It has been suggested that fluvial and lacustrine source rocks were locally deposited in grabens created along the transtensional edges of these rotating microcontinental blocks.
  • In the fluvial setting the bull trout favors deep pools where it usually sits on or near the bottom.
  • Of course, not all areas are the same and may be composed of more clay materials or sand depending on the fluvial discharges into the lake over the millennia or more recently in geological terms were areas of high organic content caused by a former marshes or period of plant growth. Soils and foundations
  • Until this occurs, there can be few spectacular advances such as those achieved recently in fluvial and slope geomorphology.
  • Second, reconstruction of some of the sediments as deposited by fluviatile action suggests that fluvial transport affected the assemblages.
  • The south slope is generally planar except where incised by glacial or fluvial valleys and is a remnant peneplain of late Cretaceous-early Tertiary age, which is well developed in western Mongolia and adjacent regions of China.
  • The snake-head, Chelone glabra, grew close to the shore, while a kind of coreopsis, turning its brazen face to the sun, full and rank, and a tall dull red flower, Eupatorium purpureum, or trumpet-weed, formed the rear rank of the fluvial array. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
  • The alternative possibility, that incision was achieved by fluvial processes during an end-Permian eustatic lowstand, is less likely for the following reasons.
  • The formation is composed of shales, mudstones, sandstones, oil shales and coal beds accumulated in fluvial to lacustrine environments.
  • A repeating sequence of fining-upward sediments commonly capped by coaly layers is indicative of fluvial sediments.
  • The shallow soils are derived from fluvial gravel overlain by multiple ash deposits and aeolian dust.
  • The orientation of the Nye channels and sculpted forms and the palaeocurrent direction for the glaciofluvial deposits indicate westward ice flow.
  • Variations in the sediment supply were an important control on the relative development of fluvial channel and muddy overbank facies during periods of high clastic input and peat swamp and lacustrine facies when clastic input was lower.
  • The shallow soils are derived from fluvial gravel overlain by multiple Holocene volcanic ash deposits and aeolian dust.
  • Geological evidence for precipitation, erosion, mechanical abrasion and other fluvial activity says that the physical processes shaping Titan are much the same as those shaping Earth.
  • The generally immature nature of the palaeosols indicates that most vegetation colonized newly deposited fluvial sediments.
  • The delayed response of sedimentation is a phenomenon commonly encountered in fluvial processes of rivers.
  • The cores of the ridges are composed of muddy-sandy gravel, interpreted as a reworked ice-marginal deposit dominated by glaciofluvial material.
  • The fluvial sediments, however, represent rapid deposition in relatively short periods (days or months).
  • The first cycle initiated in the early Paleocene and represents a transition from Cretaceous marine turbidites and shales to subaerial fluvial sandstones and conglomerates.
  • they measured the fluvial fulvic acid
  • Typically the ‘wet’ landslides occur in or above narrow gorges, and have limited preservation potential due to the major fluvial incision into the mass waste products.
  • Phenomena associated with flowing water are called fluvial processes. Top headlines
  • Gravels are common in rivers, they cover old river terraces, and they infill buried channels beneath many river valleys in ancient fluvial sedimentary sequences.
  • These dolines are the equivalent of small valleys in a fluvial system, the waters from them uniting underground into the major stream draining the area.
  • In the light of this, the way forward in climatic geomorphology, already recognized in studies of fluvial catchments, becomes evident.
  • Flatbrook Valley is underlain by sandstone, limestone, and other rocks, and is almost completely covered by glaciofluvial sediments dominated by gravels and partly indurated gravels. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Note the rounded boulders in the fluvial sediments, and the mixing of gypsiferous and quartzose lithologies at places on the outcrop.

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