How To Use Fluorochrome In A Sentence

  • This technology relies on the use of probes labelled with two different fluorochromes, one of which, when excited, is able to transfer its energy to the other via Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer.
  • Thus the peptide could be loaded onto fluorochrome-conjugated streptavidin protein, which has four biotin binding sites, to form a tetrameric, fluorescent peptide-streptavidin complex. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Slides were prepared using the same enzyme treatment employed for fluorochromes, except that they were not aged before staining.
  • Following development of in situ signal, sections were counterstained with anti-K5 and anti-K8 antibodies followed by fluorochrome conjugated secondary reagents to allow co-localization of Cells were suspended in 100 µl of FACS staining buffer (FSB-1% fetal bovine serum, 5 mM EDTA and 0. 02% NaN 3 in PBS) with appropriately diluted primary antibodies for 20 minutes on ice in the dark. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • (DLIT4) images from an IVIS Spectrum optical imaging system, which enables cell number determination of a fluorochrome. Outsourcing-Pharma RSS
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  • EtBr, as a fluorochrome intercalating into DNA, is widely used for the study of molecular organization of chromatin.
  • Only about 5-10 percent of the emitted light from an excited fluorochrome is collected and transferred to the sensor in a typical epi-fluorescence microscope. Undefined
  • There are also three more tables that list several dendritic cell and T cell relevant antigens, the function of the antigen, the fluorochrome available, and the exciting laser. I'm speechless but I shouldn't be
  • A mean background plus 5% was used as the minimum threshold for each specific fluorochrome. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This latter approach has the advantage that it introduces an amplification step and also avoids an initial conjugation of the fluorochrome to the primary antibody, which may lower its affinity.
  • Thirdly, streptavidin can be covalently labelled with fluorochromes and used directly in fluoro-cytochemistry staining. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In these experiments, the CTs of No.18 and No.19 were visualized simultaneously by painting these territories with differently labeled fluorochromes.
  • The cell samples were treated with FcR-blocking reagent (Miltenyi Biotec) for 10 minutes, stained with the fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies for 30 minutes, and washed three times with PBS/10% FCS. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The binding of analyte to an immobilized probe is detected via a detection reagent labeled with the third fluorochrome. The Scientist
  • The binding of analyte to an immobilized probe is detected via a detection reagent labeled with the third fluorochrome. The Scientist
  • Trimerbodies were labeled with the near-infrared fluorochrome Cy5 and injected in the tail vein of nude mice bearing MKN45 (stomach adenocarcinoma), HT-1080 (fibrosarcoma), or HeLa PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Light resulting from the laser excitation of fluorochromed cells is detected by photosensors and converted into a set of digital values.

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