
fluorescence microscopy

  1. light microscopy in which the specimen is irradiated at wavelengths that excite fluorochromes

How To Use fluorescence microscopy In A Sentence

  • This allows its visualization in leaf tissues by epifluorescence microscopy.
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • Additionally, apoptotic and healthy cells can be viewed simultaneously by fluorescence microscopy using a wide band-pass filter. The Scientist
  • In actual fluorescence microscopy investigations, spectral profiles and wavelength maxima may vary due to environmental effects, such as pH, ionic concentration, and solvent polarity, as well as fluctuations in localized probe concentration. Archive 2005-10-01
  • Fluorescence microscopy is less invasive than electron microscopy and can be applied to living cells through the use of green fluorescent protein-fusion proteins or fluorescence analog cytochemistry.
  • Of course, the use of electrons, photons, phosphorescent light and fluorescence microscopy largely remain a mystery to me, but not because their capacity for imaging is itself mysterious.
  • For fluorescence microscopy cells were grown on glass coverslips as described above.
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • (terpenoid) and fluoride can influence the expression of specific genes of S. mutans within biofilms and their structural organization using real-time PCR and confocal fluorescence microscopy. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • For fluorescence microscopy and photomicrography a Zeiss Axioplan microscope equipped with standard epifluorescence filters and Neofluar objectives was used.
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