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How To Use Flunk In A Sentence

  • And so we, lowly flunk from the salt mines, introduced our boss's boss (and others) to Mr Sinha. Archive 2007-10-01
  • She flunked biology examination.
  • I personally "flunked" the medical exam for the low-cost IMSS insurance because of high cholesterol. Mexico living: five questions
  • Carlotta was a "prod"; it was only because she came at the end of the alphabet that she was left out, but thanks to Betty's fly-away fashion of running off to speak to some junior ushers, and then calling the Blunderbuss, whose mother wanted to see her a minute, nobody could find out positively who it was that had been "flunked out" of 19 --. Betty Wales Senior
  • A liveried flunkey doffed his cap and drove the Peugeot away while others dutifully hauled luggage about.
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  • If we are to reject foreign intervention and reunify the country independently, we must categorically oppose flunkeyism towards great powers.
  • These sound pretty feeble reasons for Tony Blair to flunk the great test of his leadership.
  • After driving across America with two girlfriends in the summer of 1964, Judee flunked out of college.
  • But if you set foot in Delphi, if you send any of your little flunkies after any of my people, I'll come after you.
  • It was full of monuments to the dependents of peers, in which the peers figured very largely and the dependents fared humbly -- the epitome of flunkeydom. A Student in Arms Second Series
  • So far, however, the bloggers are flunking the journalism test.
  • Remember she had, quote, "flunked" this polygraph that Tim Miller had set up. CNN Transcript Nov 25, 2009
  • The Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled on Tuesday that Young, who flunked a steroid test in 1999, should have been ineligible for the Sydney Games.
  • He flunked out of college a number of times before settling down at a Baptist college in Mississippi.
  • (protection = productivity), cow bras are so obviously an attempt by one species to reshape another in its own image that the idea flunked the laugh test. All articles at Blogcritics
  • I've killed one of their flunkies before and pawned off the ring.
  • Lucius Cassius, alias The Roman, master of the Latin line and distinguished flunker of boys. The Varmint
  • Apparently, the creepy entourage accompanying the star were not his flunkies but church elders ready to perform an instant baptism there and then.
  • The flunkeyism, which is a characteristic of all the Germanic races, was peculiarly marked in England from the earliest times, and induced men, even in those "spacious days," not only to overpraise fair hair, but to run down dark hair and eyes as ugly. The Man Shakespeare
  • His father, after all, has a flunky whose job is to put toothpaste on his master's toothbrush.
  • Supposedly, there is no way to "flunk" a stress test. News
  • Thackeray's studies of the flunky are capital; but he studies him _qua flunky_, as a naturalist might study an animal, and hardly ranks him _sub specie humanitatis_. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • Or if you like the cool, dispassionate analysis, I'd recommend the Union of Concerned Scientists or the well-respected journalist Eric Pooley's take on how the authors -- who he says are friends of his -- "flunk" the science. Andrew Winston: Missing the SuperFreaking Point (and Ignoring the Business Case for Green)
  • A flunky turned up with a fleet of coaches at some ungodly hour of the morning, and after an endless drive into the countryside, we were herded into an aircraft hangar in the middle of nowhere.
  • I tell Rufus McClure about this and he chuckles, ‘Many an English teacher would flunk Hemingway.’
  • Marquez had worked in the business as a roustabout - ‘a flunky,’ he says - since he was a teenager paying his way through the Harvard of geosciences, the Colorado School of Mines.
  • Even before the latest talks began, China launched a vicious verbal attack on the Dalai Lama this week, denouncing him as a " flunky " and "the main manipulator" of violence in Tibet.
  • If you dont even know what a socialist or an ideologue is I think you would flunk a basic civics test. Think Progress » Tancredo says Obama won because we lack a ‘literacy test before people can vote in this country.’
  • The NNP had "flunked" its mandate to improve the conditions of the majority of the Western Cape's people. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • So, for an instant, Anthony stood at Susanna's threshold, looking into her antechamber, breathless almost with his sense of her imminence; -- and then the tall flunkey said, in the fastidious accents of flunkeydom, "Net et _em_, sir;" and all my hero's high-strung emotion must spend itself in the depositing of a card. The Lady Paramount
  • Students who flunk out because they study too little - or drink too much - frequently return to school and get degrees.
  • Fortunately, Judge Jones sounds reasonable and sensible, and not a little put out by the obvious chicanery of the drug addict and his flunky laundering donations through a church.
  • For three years we sort of suspected that no-way Fred wrote the first part - the editorialising and pontificating bit, but probably pawned off the rest of it to a flunky.
  • The dog flunked the test, the suitcase went skittling down the conveyor belt, and it was apparently loaded onto a plane destined for parts unknown.
  • I flunked my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college.
  • I don't need some two-bit presidential flunkey to do it for me. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • I've seen many students spend too much time partying and flunk out, but I've also seen many of them sacrifice a lot of fun times and a lot of personal growth for a snatching grab at the dean's list.
  • Two flunkeys stood at the back of the carriage and the little cockades in their hats were fashioned according to the rank of their employer.
  • It is the most delicious bit of ridiculous flunkyism that has appeared yet — always excepting the great success in that line. My day : reminiscences of a long life,
  • GCSE flunker Angelique delivers her withering verdict on new politics teacher Alastair Campbell Jamie's Dream School, 9pm, Wed, Channel 4. From Alastair Campbell to Childish Gambino, this week's winners and losers
  • How much cash do you have in the bank compared to this man you call a flunky? Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • I want the Cheney's and the Bush's to know, and I want the party-first-f*cking-flunkies to know, when they are right they have allies but when they are wrong they have enemies and they are not the only ones in the world willing to fight and to die and if necessary, reluctantly for the greater good of humanity, to kill and to cauterise a cancer. Clone Cindy's Pelosi Strategy In Your Backyard
  • His flunkies came running around the corner and they threw themselves at Tal.
  • Apparently the "flunky" was actually a fellow House member. White Cower
  • But if you set foot in Delphi, if you send any of your little flunkies after any of my people, I'll come after you.
  • But it all went wrong when, some 15 years ago, he flunked math and didn't get into college.
  • The flunkies had left their muckamuck exposed, but it had also turned its glistening head in their direction. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • English public was set down as composed of sham heroes, and a valet or 'flunkey' world. On the Choice of Books
  • As a general thing, we have been shown through palaces by some plush-legged filagreed flunkey or other, who charged a franc for it; but after talking with the company half an hour, the Emperor of Russia and his family conducted us all through their mansion themselves. The Innocents Abroad
  • Let Hobart thrill to levees and martial parades of Her Majesty's arms, and fêtes champêtre served by liveried flunkeys.
  • For those of you who disremember or flunked out of high school chemistry, a short refresher. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Otherwise, it's enough that the idea flunked the "ick" test. Undefined
  • Now I would witness the drama unfold firsthand, albeit as a flunky .
  • What a revenge that would be, the proud and haughty Roman, the greatest flunker of them all, the Roman of the caustic tongue and the all-seeing eye, actually clinging to his hand, stammering out his thanks ... the Roman whose mocking voice still echoed in his memory, "Don't dream, John, don't do it! Skippy Bedelle His Sentimental Progress From the Urchin to the Complete Man of the World
  • You want them to have the chance to become the boss, not the flunkey, and that means they need to learn to rest -- now. Matthew Edlund, M.D.: The Young and the Rested: Why Kids Need Enough Sleep
  • And anyways, if I flunk out of high school and no colleges accept me, at least I will already be trained in asking, ‘Do you want fries with that?’
  • Critics debunk such attempts as "flunk architecture" and deride it as 'slipcover' since it never explored either its own potential or helped societies cast their evolving identities. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Jill is such a blockhead that the flunked every course as a freshman.
  • Bill: Why , did you flunk the math test?
  • Card ... you are a loser that W counted on to be a flunkey. Former Bush chief of staff likely to run for Kennedy seat
  • For sheer ecstasy of flunkeydom "Jenkins" was unsurpassed and unsurpassable, but at least he was capable of recognizing native talent, as may be gleaned from his notice of Semiramide in English in the winter of 1842: -- Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • On the contrary, it usually, when put into plain English, gives us only the name -- often a clumsy and unpronounceable German one -- of some obscure friend of the author, or, as is not unfrequently the case, some lordly patron for whom your closet-naturalist entertains a flunkeyish regard, and avails himself of this means of making it known to his Maecenas. The Young Voyageurs Boy Hunters in the North
  • Having flunked home economic lessons at school, it's about time that I had another stab at it.
  • The address starts with flattery and flunkeyism and ends with flattery and flunkeyism.
  • What Europe does not need is a leader who has been proved a "flunkey" of US Foreign OpEdNews - Diary: Tony Blair for EU President? No, Thanks!
  • We presume that the baggage handlers and screeners flunked the test.
  • I'm defining a flunky as a person who will do your bidding against the best interests of their nation.
  • One of the flunkies is this clubkid who, as a zombie, is the unliving embodiment of "graver". Black Rain of the Evil Dead Highlanders: Versus
  • The flunkeyism, which is a characteristic of all the Germanic races, was peculiarly marked in England from the earliest times, and induced men, even in those “spacious days,” not only to overpraise fair hair, but to run down dark hair and eyes as ugly. The Man Shakespeare
  • Two days after, when we were sitting at our comfortable four-hours, in came little Benjie, running out of breath -- just at the individual moment of time my wife and me were jeering one another, about how we would behave when we came to be grand ladies and gentlemen, keeping a flunkie maybe -- to tell us, that when he was playing at the bools, on the plainstones before the old kirk, he had seen the deaf and dumb spaewife harled away to the tolbooth, for stealing a pair of trowsers that were hanging drying on a tow in Juden Elshinder's back close. The Life of Mansie Wauch Tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself
  • One false step - like failing to pay fees or flunking a course - and they can be shown the door.
  • I have been retired since 1999 as bookkeeper, sec'y, ofc manager, flunky for a real estate developer, and up-scale shopping center owner in Okla. Page 2
  • A liveried flunkey doffed his cap and drove the Peugeot away while others dutifully hauled luggage about.
  • Writers surround themselves with flunkeys and acolytes who will always be ready to assist.
  • he got two flunks on his report
  • There was one fire larger than the rest; from its dimensions, it might be termed a "bonfire," such as is made by the flattering and flunkeyish peasantry of old-world lands, when they welcome home the squire and the count. The War Trail The Hunt of the Wild Horse
  • First examine this 1981 exchange between the strip's resident outlaw and a flunky from the National Rifle Association, set in a Washington bar.
  • I'm writing to say by god I agree with everything Former President Clinton said about how he was abandoned by flunky politicians, and that my blood also rises when I remember how shamefully he was treated - and not only him but also anyone he would want to protect were the prey of a lizard-like yet vicious pleasure the Republicans and gradually more Democrats took in diminishing him. Bill Clinton: 'The president needs your help'
  • ‘Get him some,’ Bishop instructed his flunkies.
  • They mow down four hoods to get to the mobster’s main flunky, then they breakout the ol’ can of whoopass on a few more hoods in order to get to the same flunky. Fan Film Review: The Green Hornet | Fan Cinema Today
  • Being a flunkey is a lot more taxing than people think.
  • When Gaitan joined the National Guard, Ramos tried to enlist too but flunked the entry test twice.
  • Finally, a flunky brought me and my photographer into the room to behold His Excellency.
  • One of his characters in the show is Sebastian, the loyal flunky of prime minister Anthony Head, driven to distraction by the love-that-dare-not-speak-its-name.
  • Later that evening Luís Figo and company looked on askance as their new team-mate permitted a Japanese flunkey to protect his head from teeming rain by dashing on to the pitch with an umbrella at the final whistle. Even David Beckham could learn a thing or two from Craig Bellamy
  • Maybe supercommittee members can answer that one as a bonus take-home essay now that they've flunked the in-class test.
  • Surely in our increasingly democratic age it should have died out along with footmen and flunkeys?
  • He is so as a disciple of Carlyle, as a prosperous Englishman, not destitute of flunkyism, and also as a man whose very best power is that of passionately admiring individual greatness. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 82, August, 1864
  • Massachusetts bar exam flunker drops his lawsuit o... 09/08/2007
  • I'm sure that's just one of the many they ask - and you won't be automatically flunked for saying you have never touched a stirring spoon.
  • I strayed instead into the less elegant world of pinochle, an addiction that almost caused me to flunk out of college.
  • He took a moment, calculating his words, then finally said, ‘I managed to flunk out of college.’
  • If something is legal but flunks the smell test, do not do it.
  • `Your flunky should have known smoking was hazardous to his health," Joe told Starkey. THE TRAIL OF TERROR (THE THREE INVESTIGATORS MYSTERIES NO 39)
  • Joining the chorus against "flunkyism," the Washington Post denounced tipping as "one of the most insidious and one of the most malignant evils" of modern life. The Point of Tipping
  • He didn't flunk out, but his record isn't so hot.
  • This dependency is enshrined in the word sadaejuui, or flunkeyism, which defined the tributary relationship that once bound Korea to China and which serves today as the antonym to juche, or self-reliance, the nominal philosophy that governs North Korea. John Feffer: Obama: Engage North Korea Now (But Don't Tell Anyone)
  • First examine this 1981 exchange between the strip's resident outlaw and a flunky from the National Rifle Association, set in a Washington bar.
  • A flunkey in mufti is as unseemly an object as a soldier on furlough, with his jacket unbuttoned and his neat stock replaced by a coloured neckerchief. Echoes of the Week
  • Apparently, the creepy entourage accompanying the star were not his flunkies but church elders ready to perform an instant baptism there and then.
  • That guy was the appointed head of a major US government agency who thought his post was important enough that he ought to be sworn in by a constitutional official of the US government rather than by a flunkey. There's No Politics In NASA Hiring - NASA Watch
  • At last it struck me, and Mackaye too, who, however he hated flunkeydom, never overlooked an act of discourtesy, that it would be right for me to call upon the dean, and thank him formally for all the real kindness he had shown me. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • Writers surround themselves with flunkeys and acolytes who will always be ready to assist.
  • Flunking Math My son, who made the deans list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind.
  • Brit - there's no way a touching, personal message like that could have come from a flunky sat in a mobile phone company office, could it?
  • Liveried flunkies rushed forward to open the doors, TV lights flared, cameras flashed and the crowd cheered as the celebrities stepped into the blinding glare.
  • His father, after all, has a flunky whose job is to put toothpaste on his master's toothbrush.
  • Liveried flunkies rushed forward to open the doors, TV lights flared, cameras flashed and the crowd cheered as the celebrities stepped into the blinding glare.
  • But his escape to the sun has been thwarted because he has again flunked his driving test.
  • About 5 percent of students in the language program flunk out before their freshman year.
  • My worst class was math, and every time we took a test, I was certain I had completely flunked it.
  • Thousands of people are dead and he is impressing his flunkies with his ‘inside knowledge’ of the act.
  • The real difference is not between the forms of government, but between the innate flunkeyism of the Briton and the independence of the American. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No. 2, August, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • The "mountainous flunkeydom" at Royal levées is a frequent incentive to ridicule with pen and pencil; Punch is happy in pillorying the Morning Post for the use (A the phrase, "the dense mass of the nobility and gentry" at one of Lady Derby's receptions; while he applauds the Queen for setting a good example by giving early juvenile parties in Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • However, it flunks the main test of any scientific theory: The ability to make empirically testable predictions.
  • She'd have got a flunkey to peg out her scanties. The Sun
  • I have worked in shady professions, most recently as a political flunky and public relations hack.
  • I strayed instead into the less elegant world of pinochle, an addiction that almost caused me to flunk out of college.
  • Thousands of people are dead and he is impressing his flunkies with his ‘inside knowledge’ of the act.
  • ‘Good job’ is what a journalism instructor might say to an undergraduate student after an interview exercise for which he would be getting a B +, or to a flunky who had done as instructed.
  • He hasn't told us whether he took other polygraphs, whether or not he flunked those with other polygraphers or with this guy, Barry.
  • If it be objected to this, that it is an admission of the power which is claimed for flunkeyism, we can only meet the charge by saying that there is much of the flunkey in man, and that whoso shall endeavor to construct a government without recognizing a truth which is universal, though not great, will find that his structure can better be compared to the Syrian flower than to the Syrian cedar. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 28, February, 1860
  • James Franco has been my favorite in these films; it's obvious he's had enormous fun playing the character who goes from high school flunker to monomaniacal business mogul. Movie Review: Spider-Man 3
  • When he opened the door, he was looking at a liveried flunky, a young boy who seemed very nervous and gaped in wonder at him.
  • ‘Good job’ is what a journalism instructor might say to an undergraduate student after an interview exercise for which he would be getting a B +, or to a flunky who had done as instructed.
  • I flunked my second year exams and was lucky not to be thrown out of college.
  • I have worked in shady professions, most recently as a political flunky and public relations hack.
  • I've killed one of their flunkies before and pawned off the ring.
  • While his flunkies howled with laughter and wiped away their tears of mirth, Luke Moore saw Sally, who was pushing Cyd forward. MAN AND WIFE
  • The investigation thus far flunks the smell test.
  • New York record-label flunky Garrett (Long) manages to score with Erin (Barrymore), a Stanford journalism grad student in the final weeks of her summer internship at something called "the New York Sentinel.
  • Well, I flunked out so I’m just an antisocial nonworker. The Almost Archer Sisters
  • No teacher can ever flunk a student on the basis of personal dislike.
  • He flunked out of college after four semesters.
  • In the schools I went to, when you get that many Fs, you flunk out.
  • She revealed that her husband was not supportive of her attending college and had predicted she would flunk out.
  • In the end, after more questions about the leaks and who was responsible, he had to be rescued by a flunky - which seems to be happening with disturbing regularity.
  • The constant refrain of both the corporations and their flunkeys in the union bureaucracy and the media is that there is no alternative but to comply with the agenda set by contemporary economic realities.
  • Derek Draper has a ignoble pedigree of flunkyism and fellow travelling. Mrs. Draper Serves a Mugging For Breakfast
  • I would sooner or later flunk my tests and exams.
  • It is said of Tony O'Reilly that, in his heyday as Ireland's greatest unofficial toastmaster, one of his flunkies would prepare a line or two of biography on each of the people at the functions he was due to attend.
  • Brit - there's no way a touching, personal message like that could have come from a flunky sat in a mobile phone company office, could it?
  • So the teacher said - the English teacher said she would flunk me if I didn't take drama, because she thought I had to overcome my shyness.
  • The coachman was fat and florid, the footman a particularly fine specimen of flunkeydom, and their faces, as the light of my lamps fell upon them -- they could not speak, for they were both gagged as well as bound -- were so convulsed with terror, that I could see they did not look upon me as a friend. The Motor Pirate
  • ‘If you're talking about an elite, wealthy athlete,’ he says, ‘they'll go to people like me to make sure they don't flunk drug tests.’
  • Finally, a flunky brought me and my photographer into the room to behold His Excellency.
  • The other is for their common talk, tells who "flunked" and was The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 38, December, 1860
  • I'm defining a flunky as a person who will do your bidding against the best interests of their nation.
  • A student who was flunking out of school, he insisted the shootings were not about revenge.
  • My teacher phoned me and threatened to flunk me if I didn't go to class.
  • This flunkeyish notion of the necessity of _deserving_ civil rights coincided with the views of the official Polish Committee in Warsaw. History of the Jews in Russia and Poland. Volume II From the death of Alexander I. until the death of Alexander III. (1825-1894)
  • Well, apparently as John said and we've heard on other reports, he had refused to pay any court costs and he had flunked a drug test while he was on probation.
  • For outbursts like these, Ed's teachers eventually flunked him, so he hauled up to Johannesburg and trained as an industrial radiographer, testing welds in an oil refinery.
  • For three years we sort of suspected that no-way Fred wrote the first part - the editorialising and pontificating bit, but probably pawned off the rest of it to a flunky.
  • At Harvard, back during the era when more than half of all alumni sons were admitted, those special admittees were disproportionately represented among students who flunked out.
  • If you think flunkeyism in England died out under the sarcasm of "the Snob Papers," you have complimented us grievously, as Dogberrs Skipwith would say.
  • South Korea's policy harkens back to that Old Korea adopted toward Qing China called Sadaejuŭi 事大主義, translasted as "worship of the powerful," "flunkeyism," or "toadyism. China, Mongolia, Korea
  • If he flunks the test, the letter of credit is dissolved.
  • The class in hygiene is so big that the professor has n't time to read the papers; he just goes down the list and flunks every thirteenth girl. When Patty Went to College
  • Now Wyrzbowski could see the muckamuck, resplendent in the egg-sack slime of its body suit, wielding its red fearmonger while flunkies covered its spindle-shanked ass. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • In “The Itching Palm,” a 1916 manifesto against the practice, William Rufus Scott said that tipping is a form of “flunkyism” defined as “a willingness to be servile for a consideration.” The Racial Tipping Point - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Robert, who has had glimpses of him, says the 'flunkeyism' is quite humiliating. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • If a college player is in danger of flunking out and has nothing to fall back on, that situation is more important than dealing with a multimillionaire who is pouting because he wants a contract extension.
  • Tom Hollander doubles with impressively rapid costume changes, as the impotent bourgeois businessman, Chandebise, and as Poche, the hapless drunken flunky of the brothel punningly named the Coq d'Or. Comic Christmas Crackers
  • He portrays himself as a victim in The Fabulist and presents easily identifiable co-workers as the ass, the flunky, and the backstabber.
  • He portrays himself as a victim in The Fabulist and presents easily identifiable co-workers as the ass, the flunky, and the backstabber.
  • His flunkies came running around the corner and they threw themselves at Tal.
  • He had wandered around after graduating high school, and after flunking out of college, he discovered white supremacy.
  • ‘Get him some,’ Bishop instructed his flunkies.
  • Yet I have never seen a community so competitive, so full of snobbery and flunkeyism, a ruling class so selfish and so class-conscious, or a proletariat so fawning, so lacking in all solidarity and sense of corporate honour. Surprised by Joy
  • One of his characters in the show is Sebastian, the loyal flunky of prime minister Anthony Head, driven to distraction by the love-that-dare-not-speak-its-name.
  • Lenny's flunkies patrolled the club asking people to respect his wishes.
  • However, not to part uncivilly, and be as good as my word, I brought ben Nanse's bottle, and gave him a cawker at the shop counter; and, after taking a thimbleful to myself, to drink a good journey to him, I bade him take care of his feet, as the causeway was frozen, and saw the auld flunkie safely over the strand with The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • I was eating my regular lunch at my regular table when Vena came sauntering over, her flunkies creating a semicircle behind her.
  • Ruby was aquaphobic and had flunked out of swim school three summers in a row. RUBY LU, EMPRESS of EVERYTHING
  • 'I wonder if this sort of flunkeydom be good for a man,' muttered Atlee to himself as he sprang down the stairs. Lord Kilgobbin
  • Two days after, when we were sitting at our comfortable four-hours, in came little Benjie, running out of breath -- just at the dividual moment of time my wife and me were jeering one another, about how we would behave when we came to be grand ladies and gentlemen, keeping a flunkie maybe -- to tell us, that when he was playing at the bools, on the plainstones before the old kirk, he had seen the deaf and dumb spaewife harled away to the tolbooth, for stealing a pair of trowsers that were hanging drying on a tow in Juden Elshinder's back close. The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
  • And also, I think, look, people sue because the teachers flunk their kids.
  • An offshoot of a failed GOP flunky from the last elections. GOP reiterates health care displeasure
  • Writers surround themselves with flunkeys and acolytes who will always be ready to assist.
  • How much cash do you have in the bank compared to this man you call a flunky? Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Can you deny that you've been off and on lately between flunkeydom and The Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • A mix-up in giving commands "flunked" the first attempt at passing in review. The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
  • No, I'm just worried that my best student might be flunking out of school.
  • In the end, after more questions about the leaks and who was responsible, he had to be rescued by a flunky - which seems to be happening with disturbing regularity.
  • a fund of purblind obduracy, of opaque _flunkyism_ grown truculent and transcendent; what an eye for the phylacteries, and want of eye for the eternal noblenesses; sordid loyalty to the prosperous Semblances, and high-treason against the Supreme Fact, such a vote betokens in these natures? Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • And do you know, Charlie, something under the terror and the wonderment said to him, do you know, all you want to do, even now, is remember? there was the terrible old battleax you got for Algebra 3 in high school, when you'd flunked Algebra 1 and had to take it over, and had gone through Algebra 2 and Geometry Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • Flunkie” means (copy-pasting from the dictionary) a follower, gopher, or yes-man, none of which describe Holden Caulfield. Matthew Yglesias » The Sweet Spot
  • In retrospect, FL flunked your first test when he admitted few years ago that conception is a design actuation event as in designer intervention. You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals - The Panda's Thumb
  • The school also required Alison talk to each teacher individually to specifically explain why she was flunking out in the Spring of 2000.
  • His father was head of the Congo less than a year when the kid arrived in Gstaad covered in gold with five flunkeys living in the Palace Hotel, attending to all his needs.
  • The article doesn't say how many people got only one question wrong and how many people actually completely "flunked" the quiz (i.e. went 0/3). Rational Ignorance: yer doin' it right!
  • Tony flunked chemistry last semester.
  • When he opened the door, he was looking at a liveried flunky, a young boy who seemed very nervous and gaped in wonder at him.
  • A statement of fact: if the Web had existed when I was in college, I'd have flunked out.
  • I was the mountaineer, I was the one living in the mountains - and I was the one who flunked this test.
  • a "greasy grind" -- and yet fail of prominence; and one could fail to pass -- "flunk" -- and yet climb to the pinnacle of prominence. Missy
  • BTW, education is clearly NOT a public good, as it flunks both the tests of non-excludability and non-rivalrous consumption. Teacher Pay, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Second, North Korea patterned its entire philosophy of self-sufficiency - juche - as a repudiation of what it termed the "flunkeyism" of Korea's previous position in the Chinese tributary system. North Korea as future ally of US?
  • Insofar as such writers flunk the tests laid out by textbook publishers, they risk slipping quietly out of circulation.

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