How To Use Flummery In A Sentence
flummery" not theirs by birth, and accept it as the still more natural due of their possessive instincts.
Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
Rice flummery, which is a very nice side dish, is made by mixing a quarter of a pound of ground rice with a little cold milk, and then adding a pint of new milk which has been boiled, with a stick of cinnamon and a bit of lemon-peel; flavour it with sugar and a teaspoonful of peach-water.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
Essentially, the whole country goes nuts for a week or two, until, as usual, we are vanquished with all the flummery of a re-enactment of 1066.
All this flummery was, as we all know, meaningless.
One is a glossary of cookery terms (have you ever heard of “flummery”?), and the other is an illustrative listing of antique cooking implements (do you know what a “raisin seeder” looks like?)
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: Feeding America: The Historic American Cookbook Project

In any case, Howard's discovery was a timely one, because he has just flimmed and flammed his way through the longest week of flummery of his career.
Dutch flummery is made by boiling two ounces of isinglass in three half-pints of water very gently for half an hour.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
It's fitting and proper and prudent for both the politicians and the media to wonder whether all the finagling and flummery is worth it, just for another pro team, of which we've already got at least a few.
It had been an enchanted place where they ate roast lamb flavored with rosemary and rowanberry pudding and flummery—the best kind, with nutmeg and cream.
The Sea of Trolls
Strip away the constitutional flummery and you're left with a governing party stating what it's going to do in the upcoming parliament.
It needed to be left in peace and quiet, not be stirred up to listen to what, in her increasing ire, the nurse termed mummery and flummery.
The Brentons
It seems that the ceremony costs around £1 million each year, and some MPs are getting fed up with this ‘ridiculous piece of flummery.’
Relationships must therefore be fully acknowledged and open, without public relations flummery.
Occasionally he indulges in such uncomplimentary expressions as "There is no flummery-maker equal to you," while some are hailed with "Long life to you, glutton, gormandizer, and belly-god.
History of English Humour, Vol. 1 (of 2) With an Introduction upon Ancient Humour
It's just a human machine for getting news out and subject to the normal vicissitudes of human flummery.
The Oh Mercy chapter explores a career crisis of the late 80s and includes several pages of musicological flummery about ‘a style of playing based on an odd instead of even numbered system’.
The dismal mumblings of everyday business in the House of Commons, the creaking pomposity of the Lords, the ghastly flummery of the state opening (Black Rod and all that) are overlooked.
Royal charters must wither and perish along with the few remaining aspects of pomp, dignity and flummery.
The scam-artists delight in reaching back for ancient ideas, particularly those that bear some real value, and then they distort it all into flummery - which as we know, sells exceedingly well.
Now, as to your phalansteries and women's clubs and sitz-baths, why that's all flummery to me.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 27, June, 1873
Or is it merely a piece of flummery you've succeeded in coaxing His Grace to swallow?
They call for a relationship with the centre which is rational and transparent; they make the flummery of a monarch which claims to be the glue which sticks us together all the more ridiculous.
Getting rid of judges' wigs and tights, and the flummery and confusion surrounding the Lord Chancellor's role, appeals to the party's modernising instincts.
However, this salutary concern can slide into a sense that outcome is the only true reality and that process is flummery.
These generous expressions were not lost on Betty; on the contrary, they soothed her so much that she gave her hand cordially to her young and interesting conqueress, after which they all repaired to a supper of new milk and flummery, than which there is nothing more delicious within the wide range of luxury.
The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
They have commonly pottage for dinner, composed of cale or cole, leeks, barley or big, and butter; and this is reinforced with bread and cheese, made of skimmed-milk — At night they sup on sowens or flummery of oat-meal — In a scarcity of oats, they use the meal of barley and pease, which is both nourishing and palatable.
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
The time had come when the Forsytes might resign their natural resentment against a "flummery" not theirs by birth, and accept it as the still more natural due of their possessive instincts.
The Forsyte Saga, Volume III. Awakening To Let
Sylvia's position and outlook from this level then, I thrust my way through what I impatiently dismissed as the "flummery"; by which I meant the poetry, the picturesqueness, the sacrosanct glamour surrounding his
The Message
a little better than any other because it was their world, had kept the old Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout.
The Forsyte Saga, Volume III. Awakening To Let
Forsytes singularly free of "flummery," as Nicholas had been wont to call it when he had the gout.
Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works
It's not just the flummery - the full-bottomed wigs, men walking backwards and so on - but the way this exercise in constitutional theatre is playing to the wrong audience.
Maybe the flummery and camp of our political institutions and our enthusiastic approval of layering and posturing have helped us to achieve our multiculturalism.
Now have I not given you a fine feast of homage, -- "flummery" Mr. Hawthorne calls it?
Memories of Hawthorne
Accordingly, take in perfect part all I write and do; revere the cheese-shaped brain which feeds you this noble flummery; strive diligently to keep me ever jocund.
Behind all the flummery there lie, nonetheless, some serious political issues.
Such dinners they may pronounce as mere flummery and "kickshaws," but the partakers of them will not often endorse their opinion, nor desire to return to the antique fashions of 1773.
A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
No amount of folderol, flummery or flattery makes it easier to swallow.
It's a fairly meaningless, if archaic piece of self-indulgent flummery in most parts of Australia.
No amount of folderol, flummery or flattery makes it easier to swallow.