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How To Use Fluctuate In A Sentence

  • And even the reputations of major figures at times fluctuate, with periods of obscurity intermitting their fame.
  • Sugar unbalances the endocrine system, which includes the adrenal glands, pancreas and liver, causing the blood-sugar level to fluctuate widely.
  • The risk of depression may increase again during the transition to menopause, when hormone levels begin to fluctuate erratically.
  • However, literary evaluations that fluctuate like fashions are premised on what is the latest: that is, whatever is new is good.
  • The system allows currencies to fluctuate within certain limits.
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  • The amount of azulene in the essential oil fluctuates between 1 and 15%. Chapter 12
  • This had caused levels in the lodge to fluctuate and water had to be diverted from the stream via a sluice.
  • Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
  • Yet herd size is not constant; it fluctuates in relation to environmental and social conditions.
  • Some other economists hold that the natural rate fluctuates over time and reject the notion that the natural rate can be approximated by an average figure.
  • The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war .
  • Understandably, public perceptions of this form of marriage have fluctuated with the times. Anita Amirrezvani - An interview with author
  • In many natural populations carrying capacity ( and hence population size ) fluctuates seasonally.
  • Moreover, while minor amino acids show marked diurnal rhythms, their contents fluctuate in a co-ordinated manner.
  • Insect populations fluctuate wildly from year to year.
  • The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season.
  • In a unitrust, the charitable beneficiaries receive a percentage of the trust's value each year, meaning those benefits will fluctuate based on the trust's investment returns or losses. Giving Smarter While Helping
  • The helical axis fluctuated to a limited extent about this average angle throughout the rest of the sampling period.
  • Avoid alcohol because it can cause your blood sugar levels to fluctuate and induces irritability.
  • Oxygen levels have fluctuated since the air became oxygen rich, but not by much.
  • Pease and Grzybowski developed an approach that incorporated pulses of nesting activity by allowing the number of active nests to fluctuate throughout the breeding season.
  • The situation in war fluctuates, it is many-sided and contradictory; it blends together the essential and the superficial, the law-governed and the fortuitous, the old and the new.
  • To use these power sources, costs such as transportation and supply fluctuate, meaning city energy bills also ebb and flow. The Walton Tribune: News
  • A liquid magnetic state occurs when magnetic spins fluctuate in a disorderedly, fluid-like arrangement that does not produce an overall magnetic force. Liquid Magnets | Impact Lab
  • Sea turtles have paddle-shaped flippers that help them move through the water, one pair of lungs and a body temperature that fluctuates with the environment.
  • Its primary feature was that it substituted the specified dollar tariffs of the 1842 bill imposed irrespective of import commodity prices with ad valorem taxes, meaning percentage rates that would fluctuate with price. A Country of Vast Designs
  • After her treatment was changed from buffered regular insulin to lispro insulin, her glucose concentration sometimes fluctuated unexpectedly.
  • Balances fluctuate, which is why we offer clients the option of an average combined monthly balance in their checking and savings account to avoid a service fee," Steve Troutner, Citi's head of consumer and small-business banking, said in an e-mail statement.
  • My mood seems to fluctuate from day to day.
  • Estrogen levels, body thermostats and mood often fluctuate in the perimenopause.
  • As in all cities, the infant death rate in Washington fluctuates from year to year.
  • The dam trapped sediments, and water releases fluctuated wildly, depending on hydroelectric-power needs.
  • Reports on their muster fluctuated between four thousand and eight thousand warriors.
  • The demand for tuition in mathematics fluctuated so Smith often found himself teaching other subjects such as classics, theology and philosophy.
  • Since then, the number of deaths has fluctuated, going down occasionally but rising most years. Repatriation flights for illegal immigrants draw criticism
  • Their body temperatures fluctuate from as low as 24 degrees C to as high as 33 degrees C. Unlike three-toed sloths, however, they do not thermoregulate by basking.
  • Each can be studied synchronically or diachronically and the order in which they have been dealt with within a grammar has fluctuated over the years.
  • After the financial crisis, the trade-weighted exchange rate was allowed to fluctuate within a wide range.
  • A clear conception means a determinate conception; one which does not fluctuate, which is not one thing to-day and another to-morrow, but remains fixed and invariable, except when, from the progress of our knowledge, or the correction of some error, we consciously add to it or alter it. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • Ewing and Davis fluctuate between nervous jitters and cautious optimism, with the first day of the inaugural event only a few days away.
  • Food became a little more plentiful and fluctuated from the earlier diet of one bowl of rice and a cup of water to three or four bowls of rice a day. Baird, William A.
  • Each can be studied synchronically or diachronically and the order in which they have been dealt with within a grammar has fluctuated over the years.
  • Polaris fluctuates in its short-term luminosity as well. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • In caribou, kidney mass is known to fluctuate through time as a function of reproductive status.
  • Prices have fluctuated wildly in recent years.
  • One explanation is that subpopulations that fluctuate independently might be brought into synchrony by extrinsic factors such as spells of adverse weather.
  • Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
  • My weight fluctuated wildly depending on how much I ate.
  • Volume levels fluctuate wildly, leading to constant struggles with the remote.
  • To give one example, rhodium, a platinum metal, makes up about 2% of the fission products, and the price of rhodium fluctuates between the price of gold and 10 times that.
  • Vegetable prices fluctuate according to the season.
  • Gibling interpreted the assemblage of mudstone, coal and oil shale in the Cenozoic basins of Thailand as the product of deposition in environments where lake levels fluctuated.
  • He said his company would continue quoting in Kwacha and the prices would remain stable even when the rate of the kwacha fluctuated against other currencies.
  • Another way these are useful is that if you check in periodically and keep track of the results, you can see how your score fluctuates and try to correlate its delta with any credit-related actions you took during that time. 5 No BS Ways To Get A Credit Score For Free - The Consumerist
  • If other conditions maintain invariably, when the timber price or the cost fluctuates 20% every time, the age at economic maturity of Chinese fir plantations will postpone or ahead of time for 1 year.
  • Currently the exchange rate policy of China's currency, the renminbi, fluctuates only slightly.
  • Demosthenes; but, like the daric, this gold coin would fluctuate in value relatively to silver. Anabasis
  • The number of peers of the realm fluctuated over the years, but generally hovered around five hundred and seventy. Daily Life in the British Parliament: The House of Lords | Edwardian Promenade
  • As the general price level fluctuates, the dollar is bound to become a unit of different magnitude.
  • Since products change and competitive conditions fluctuate, your solution must be flexible and changeable.
  • The problem fluctuated in intensity, despite the energetic efforts of the new regime to break the reiving clans.
  • Yet his mind still fluctuated between the counsels of clemency and of revenge; the zeal of the bishops had almost extorted from the reluctant emperor the promise of a general pardon; his passion was again inflamed by the flattering suggestions of his minister Rufinus; and, after Theodosius had despatched the messengers of death, he attempted, when it was too late, to prevent the execution of his orders. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Over the next eight days, the patient's condition continued to decline as she became more acidotic, her urine output diminished, her mental status fluctuated, and her abdomen became grossly distended and tympanic.
  • The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season.
  • Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
  • Canyonlands' climate is extreme and highly variable - temperatures may fluctuate as much as 40 degrees in a single day.
  • In other words, the phase of the coherent matter wave is well defined but the number of atoms fluctuates from site to site.
  • Their populations fluctuate because of winter die-offs in particularly cold years, but the Breeding Bird Survey has not detected any significant, long-term population changes in Washington.
  • Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.
  • For instance, Goldman disclosed in its 2009 annual report that although its balance sheet can "fluctuate," asset levels at the ends of quarters are "typically not materially different" from their levels in the midst of the quarter. Big Banks Mask Risk Levels
  • Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
  • Carbon shale distribute are continuously and thickness is fluctuate.
  • Obviously group wide rates of violence could not fluctuate so dramatically in ten generations if the cause was genetic, and so although there are no quantifiable data currently available to “explain” away the racial discrepancy in violent crimes, it must be some nongenetic cultural shift. Blog Articles » Print » Did Everybody Get The Latest Watsoning Backwards?
  • Like many Krautrock bands, Manta Ray effectively fluctuates between singing in English and in their native tongue, Spanish.
  • These five elements are not static, but fluctuate as they are affected by seasonal changes.
  • This became a major issue as the population of expatriate children fluctuated; little English was spoken outside of group activities.
  • With the gradual advance of the market-led interest rate process in China and the loosening of the interest rate restriction, interest rate fluctuates more greatly.
  • He fluctuates ambiguously between sexual identities: On the one hand, he is hyperbolically heterosexual, with a voracious appetite for women; on the other hand, he is effete and always primped.
  • We have studied how halothane molecules fluctuate between the two maxima of the bimodal distribution and we observed a different mechanism at low and high anesthetic concentrations.
  • The coroner concluded that his tolerance to the drug had probably fluctuated which meant his body could not cope with it.
  • Jobs in industry have fluctuated with the level of the pound.
  • Small populations go extinct because (1) all populations fluctuate in size from time to time, under the influence of two kinds of factors, which ecologists refer to as deterministic and stochastic; and (2) small populations, unlike big ones, stand a good chance of fluctuating to zero, since zero is not far away. The Song of The Dodo
  • Seeds and insects are part of their diet year round, but the ratio of animal and vegetable matter fluctuates throughout the year.
  • The tone of these diary entries / letters fluctuates between sorrow, desperation, affirmation, joy, remorse and guilt.
  • He was working on a method for identifying quasars through a discovery in the mid 1960s that quasars scintillate (fluctuate in detected intensity of their radio emissions) more than less compact radio sources.
  • My weight tends to fluctuate up and down - I'm prone to binging on pints of Haagan Daaz when I'm stressed.
  • The temperature fluctuates from day to day.
  • Maybe if he's daytrading, but (at the risk of making a Clintonista's argument for them) if I were daytrading in Presidential candidates, I'd go with Obama at least right now is showing more general instability that I'd probably be able to swing short term profit from but he's also showing that he's in the process of addressing the issues causing his price to fluctuate. Gallup: Hillary Takes Two-Point National Lead Over Obama
  • Dynamic MC2(Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraints) transportation problem describes the supply and demand fluctuates of many stages, and its model frame can be applied to a lot of fields.
  • The actual cost may fluctuate above and below that standard.
  • The restructuring of the membrane bilayer, which may occur during the tidal cycle, if body temperature fluctuates widely during emersion and immersion, represents a second energetic cost to intertidal species.
  • Populations of snowshoe hares also fluctuate dramatically over approximately ten-year periods, increasing a thousandfold, then crashing.
  • Buyers with cash to spend on tech startups have enjoyed a period of depressed valuations since last fall, but M&A deals have been few and far between as stock prices have fluctuated and uncertainty has prevailed. Could OpenTable’s IPO Lead to More Tech M&A?
  • Cholesterol levels in the blood fluctuate in the course of a day.
  • Thermal expansion and contraction of rock occurs between day and night time as temperatures fluctuate, generating sheeting of the outer layers of blocks and the sudden splitting of boulders.
  • What happens with these snow bands, Don and Fredricka, they kind of fluctuate and oscillate. CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2007
  • The hygrometry fluctuated between 65% during the day and 90% during the night.
  • his wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market
  • But over the years, the numbers have fluctuated, and this year, for example, there are 13% more unsheltered individuals than there were in 2009. Officials Claim Drop in Homeless
  • 186 Theodemir and his subjects were treated with uncommon lenity; but the rate of tribute appears to have fluctuated from a tenth to a fifth, according to the submission or obstinacy of the Christians. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Often the meter seems to fluctuate between triple and duple time, which transforms the rhythmic emphases of the loops.
  • Prices will fluctuate and, for low-end matrix specimens and most placer gold, will be keyed to the prevailing spot price of gold.
  • People's body weight can fluctuate during the day.
  • On Asia, first of all, we've seen operating margin there kind of fluctuate, swing pretty wildly between about 13% and 16%. Praxair Management Discusses Q4 2010 Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha
  • Prices then rose to £25 in the 1730s, and fluctuated about that level into the 1790s.
  • Symptoms seem to vary from year to year, and crop levels fluctuate.
  • It also shows a person's ability to govern and fluctuate between rising and falling.
  • During the crisis, oil prices fluctuated between $20 and $40 a barrel.
  • The price of vegetables and fruits fluctuates according to the season.
  • Although each series will get a general rating based on its usual content, they can fluctuate from week to week.
  • Traffic congestion fluctuates according to the time of day.
  • The amount of soap required by MCC fluctuates with the demand.
  • Thanks to our policy of strict, hard, pruning; the yield fluctuates between 30 and 40 hectogrammes per hectare.
  • So the Portland native is stretching his $187-a-week unemployment checks by living in a two-story $1,000-a-month house, 40 minutes away in St. Helens, Ore., that he splits with a couple and a friend whose claim to a small bedroom fluctuates based on whether he has a girlfriend. Generation Jobless: Young Men Suffer Worst as Economy Staggers
  • Teeth are believed to be a more accurate indicator of exposure to lead than blood, which fluctuates from month to month.
  • Although the intensity of the pain may fluctuate, headache-free periods are distinctly rare.
  • I am not sure if the sound was off or if he was jet-lagged, but this performance fluctuates between barely passable and cringe-worthy. Rockwell Performs “Somebody’s Watching Me” on Italian TV in 1984 - The Retroist
  • Populations fluctuated with the extent of monoculture, choice of cultivars, and extent of parasites.
  • Because microcystin levels fluctuate, (and) still exceed the WHO recommendations, and anatoxin-a is above non-detect, the state of Ohio is maintaining the advisory levels at the lake to ensure public health," spokeswoman Heather Lauer said. - News
  • Currencies fluctuated, but remained stable by mid-morningand investors, who weren't sitting on their hands or nervously checking their Blackberries, headed for the relative safety of government-backed securities in the hope of stymying erosion in their portfolios amidst a widening world financial crisis. Global Financial System Reacts to Wall Street Meltdown
  • Note the winds are fierce and the snow is blowing, so we're likely to see these snowfall amounts kind of fluctuate throughout the day today. CNN Transcript Feb 12, 2006
  • The pompholyx fluctuated, but there was no consistently good response to treatment.
  • Union membership has fluctuated as different industries rise and decline, governments and generations change.
  • The amount owed each month fluctuated with holidays, missed lessons and book expenses.
  • Dynamic MC2(Multiple Criteria and Multiple Constraints) transportation problem describes the supply and demand fluctuates of many stages, and its model frame can be applied to a lot of fields.
  • The stock market fluctuates
  • The analysis indicated: because the randomness of random traffic flow samples was violent, the endogen force and deflection of arch rib and deck and also the impact coefficient fluctuated violently.
  • This means that the absolute amount of re-synthesized sucrose fluctuates considerably with fruit age, by as much as a factor of 3.
  • So the Portland native is stretching his $187-a-week unemployment checks by living in a two-story $1,000-a-month house, 40 minutes away in St. Helens, Ore., that he splits with a couple and a friend whose claim to a small bedroom fluctuates based on whether he has a girlfriend. Generation Jobless: Young Men Suffer Worst as Economy Staggers
  • Mood gently fluctuates as the light levels change, complemented by the rhythm of the mist continually settling and rising.
  • Oil prices fluctuated significantly during October.
  • The best work on the show fluctuates between two greatly differing styles, one a kind of elemental formalism, the other a figurative, narrative post-modernism.
  • He requires large doses of narcotics for pain control and his level of consciousness fluctuates greatly.
  • Thoreau discovered that the level of the pond fluctuates by about five feet over a period of 25 years.
  • They stare into an infinite chasm that opens up in the face of using a limited amount of notes that fluctuate from serene moments to bawling noise storms.
  • When not on campaign, he fluctuated between frenzied activity and languid repose.
  • As sea levels, forest communities, and river systems fluctuated in Sundaland over the last 10 million years, Janecka speculates that isolated colugo populations would have undergone greater diversification from one another than other, more mobile mammals. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • The oil pressure gauge fluctuates, one minute it could be 200 kpa and ten seconds later it could be 230-300 and that's with the engine at running at 1500 revs at normal operating temperature. Automotive Headlines
  • The original volume levels fluctuate, particularly when the single takes are employed.
  • Chinese ever offer a bounty for; the price fluctuates according to the seasons, from one and three-quarter dollars to eight dollars per picul. The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
  • We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
  • Payments in dollar terms fluctuate with currency markets. Borrowing House Money From Abroad
  • Using a feature called uncapped partitions, you can even exceed the amount of hardware that you configure on your partition, your entitled capacity (EC), which is an important feature in environments where activity fluctuates. LXer Linux News
  • Bonus or incentive pay will fluctuate based upon company, division, or group performance.
  • Will it be believed that the governor of such a house as this, is appointed, and deposed, and changed perpetually, as Parties fluctuate and vary, and as their despicable weathercocks are blown this way or that? American Notes for General Circulation
  • As for the area of the flats, it fluctuates with rainfall, but its raceable surface still covered about 35 square miles. Racers at Bonneville Salt Flats Pepper Potash Firm With Complaints
  • Populations of sympatric species often fluctuate in partial synchrony.
  • One demon, obviously the commander, gave a cry, something that started out a high-pitched, throaty warble and fluctuated in frequency, ending in a low rumble. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Stefan’s Review Forum
  • We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.
  • Form and fitness have fluctuated for many at this club over Villas-Boas's tenure to date but the manager has been denied Essien's presence throughout. Michael Essien is back from the wars to boost Chelsea on three fronts
  • However, experts confirmed that levels of this protein fluctuated naturally.
  • The individualism and the hypothesis of economic man, as well as exchange-like politics, fluctuate the justifiability of government-intervening economy, seriously challenge the economic law.
  • Also, a word of warning: school catchment areas are not cast in stone and, like the property market itself, a school's performance can fluctuate.
  • They don't look too bad, but we've seen them kind of fluctuate to about 15 to 17 miles per hour. CNN Transcript Jun 24, 2007
  • Thereafter, his form fluctuated as irregularly as his training and his domestic affairs.
  • Bond funds also pay income, usually on a monthly basis, but the amount you receive can fluctuate.
  • Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
  • The simulations were performed with anisotropic pressure coupling, to 1 bar independently in x, y, and z directions, which allowed the area per lipid to fluctuate during the simulation.

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