
How To Use Flowing In A Sentence

  • To let his brain swell and keep the blood flowing, thereby preventing the damage from worsening, doctors removed virtually the entire left side of his skull, a procedure known as a craniectomy. Traumatic brain injury leaves an often-invisible, life-altering wound
  • Giving is the highest expression of potency. In the very act of giving, I experience my strength, my wealth, my power. This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy. I experience myself as overflowing, spending, alive, hence as joyous. Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness. Erich Fromm 
  • It's not possible or desirable to build enough roads for free-flowing traffic. Times, Sunday Times
  • They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans. The Sun
  • Rain flowing from the roof is collected in an underground cistern and reused.
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  • They were so beautifully typeset, and their tone was just captivating — alternately casual and buffer-overflowingly technical. Copy What You Like
  • Rubiochico,) "which was fast swamping the sparkling stars, like a bright river flowing over diamonds, when the old gander again set up his gabblement and trumpeted more loudly than before. Tom Cringle's Log
  • When water levels subside and water stops flowing from the Main Pool, the carp disperse.
  • Now he sits before a half-drunk coffee, a plate of untouched biscuits and an overflowing ashtray.
  • By night they roost in the gently flowing shallows of the Platte, shin-deep in cool water, or else on sandbars, giving them warning against any predator that might come splashing out.
  • The protons recombine with the oxygen in the air that's also flowing through the fuel cell and is then expelled as water vapor.
  • The vodka and whisky are flowing and it's just about time to chill out on the sofa with a good film.
  • The ending of secure tenancies could have a bigger impact on the demography of London than the creation of the new towns," she says, recalling the creation of places such as Basildon, Crawley and Harlow that were filled with people flowing out of the capital. Angry and insecure – the renting Britons with no hope of buying a home
  • Can't quite imagine yourself with your hair gathered loosely at the crown with tousled waves flowing down your neck… but like the idea?
  • The following day was spent entering and exiting the fast-flowing currents and wild eddies in white water on the Mitta Mitta River.
  • And when thou hast done it, to let me understand what he saith, that I may dye the more contentedly, and disburdened of so heavy an oppression, the onely comfort to a parting spirit: and so she ceased, her teares flowing forth abundantly. The Decameron
  • Joe Wilson is a boring buffoon from a district where the federal pork barrel has been flowing for years but, that could stop in a hurry with such an idiot representing the district. Heckler Wilson 'a decent guy' with lock on district, observers say
  • Fast-flowing rivers create spectacular waterfalls, gorges and a myriad of caves.
  • And the meetings, they were never portioned off so that from 10 to 11 we'd have a meeting, they were just kind of free-flowing as I mentioned, and they would go all over the place.
  • My mind was clear and the only words flowing were the words my younger sister had just said.
  • When the cup of human life is so overflowing with woe and pain and misery, it seems to me a narrow dilettanteism or downright charlatanism to devote one's self to petty or bizarre problems which can have no relation to human happiness, and to prate of self-satisfaction and self-expression. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • The Glen Lyon Millennium Event takes the form of a horseshoe route which follows an old peat track past a flowing burn, replete with deep pools, rockfalls and ancient trees.
  • Full rivers and overflowing dams have been reported in the northern region of the province as rains continue to fall.
  • Unlike the hard martial arts, Tai chi is characterized by soft, slow, flowing movements that emphasize force, rather than brute strength.
  • You look over the side of the deck and see smooth flowing waves, and the rain leaving ripples in the water.
  • The mound of dirty clothing just keeps piling up until your hamper is overflowing and a sea of denim, cotton and corduroy forms a carpet on the floor of your bedroom.
  • Visitors crane their necks to photograph a pergola overflowing with hanging baskets of impatiens, ‘Martha Washington’ geraniums and agapanthus.
  • China has invested an estimated $6 billion, though some suspect that, due to corruption, the actual sum of money flowing to Turkmen and Uzbek businessmen may be considerably higher.
  • There it proceeds to cut off the mosquito’s apyrase supply, so that when the insect drives its proboscis into a new host, it has a harder time keeping the blood flowing. Parasite Rex
  • A great many women have gone on record saying that they find him utterly adorable and wouldn't, as the saying goes, kick him out of bed, whether he turned up for the event wearing boxer shorts or a flowing beribboned peignoir.
  • Then I read a few chapters from a graduate student's thesis-in-progress; nothing like a little magnetohydrodynamics to get the blood flowing. Reading
  • We should explore its return to stem the rivers of blood flowing through our streets. The Sun
  • Where, however, acetylene or other gas is flowing through pipes or apparatus there is a loss of energy, indicated by a falling off in the pressure due to friction, or to the performance of work, such as actuating a gas-meter. Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
  • Adding to the mesmerizing murmur of the flowing water, the sounds of birds singing and cows mooing left one feeling totally at peace.
  • Words began flowing out of him, as if from the recesses of his heart.
  • The money flowing in reduces local incentives to work and fuels inflation. The Mexican Connection
  • The group was surprised to find a strong water current flowing through a wide chasm where the road had been.
  • Helping the weevils was the relatively clean water flowing into the dam.
  • The force which produces that molecular deflection, to which the magnetisation of the bar is immediately due, is the magnetising current flowing round the solenoid. Response in the Living and Non-Living
  • He dived in and started swimming to the other side but within a few inches of reaching the far bank was pulled downstream by the fast-flowing current.
  • Go deeper into your walk and experience a bimodal tidal movement, flowing first in one direction and then another. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • The report noted that a large volume of water produced by a storm had turned the normally placid river into a fast-flowing torrent.
  • A money moon gets cash flowing your way but tempts you to be too generous. The Sun
  • These may not address their Majesties, but they may stare; nor will it be contested that the attentive circular eyes of the humble domestic creatures are an embellishment to Royal pomp and grandeur, such truly as should one day gain for them an inweaving and figurement -- in the place of bees, ermine tufts, and their various present decorations -- upon the august great robes back-flowing and foaming over the gaspy page-boys. The Egoist
  • To use monadic means is difficult to correctly locate hidden water flowing subsided columns.
  • Back then, as now in his new Concord Music Group release "New Time, New 'Tet" (Amazon), I was drawn -- in his tenor saxophone improvisations and compositions -- to their flowing sense of ordered liberty, with the inner warmth of an adventurous romanticist. Benny Golson's Adventure
  • With interest rates set to zero and money flowing in an endless cascade, all a banker had to do to earn an instant fee was to make a loan to any body warmer than room temperature regardless of income documentation, then securitise the loan to get it off the bank's books. [sonus] understanding issues: part 4
  • Ascending along this road, you open a valley broad and shallow, a wide green trough of pastures and hedges merging inland into a vista of purple tints and flowing lines closing the view.
  • Pledges for Geraldton's proposed community bank are flowing in and the working group behind the project remains optimistic the bank will become a reality.
  • Ritha Chatterjee once wrote that Damayanti had brought to Kathak ‘flowing lines and sculpturesque poses.’
  • Continue sifting until all of the clumps from the fragrance are worked into the powder and it is free-flowing. Anti-Talc - Day Two - Fragrance and Color
  • The hot air flowing from furnaces in the cellar through the vents of the hypocaust went far to drive off the chill.
  • I thought I recognized your flowing script.
  • Four more people drowned in eastern India on Wednesday and an overflowing river threatened to inundate low-lying areas around Patna, the populous capital city of Bihar state, relief officials said yesterday.
  • As a teenager, he dipped his toe into the fast-flowing waters of criminality, but withdrew quickly before the tides sucked him in.
  • danza," which is kin to Mexican airs and to the Cuban "guaracha" and may be compared to a flowing brook, now gliding along serenely, now rushing in cascades. Santo Domingo A Country with a Future
  • If your horse's long, flowing mane gets in the way when you're doing dressage or cross-country, try a running plait.
  • ‘Now this is the life,’ she mumbled contented with the flowing music.
  • If the money doesn't start flowing soon, the country's very future will be in jeopardy.
  • WASA has begun a $2.6 billion project, the largest the authority has built, to reduce nitrogen and trash flowing to the rive r from its combined sewer overflow system, said George S. Hawkins, WASA general manager. Trash-free Anacostia?
  • Schythes were swung, sheaves were tied and built into stooks in an overflowing gesture of co-operation and goodwill.
  • The pisco sours were flowing, the crowds were grazing on seviche and a Peruvian band was playing. How can the American Latino Museum best answer the call of the Mall?
  • But he had been at the Green mansion and he had seen that misty figure in the flowing Mandarin robes, and he vas afraid Chang was wrong. THREE IN ONE
  • More conventional routes are closed to through traffic by overflowing cardboard boxes.
  • Signature details included intricate criss-cross fabric weaving, long lines and flowing fringe-like ties.
  • It would literally have meant '(Town of) flowing waters', from *rūmōn 'river; flowing water', a securely Indo-European formation built on the root *reu- 'to flow, to run (as of liquid)' and the derivational suffix *-mo-. An etymology for 'Rome'
  • Not only are they drinking, but throwing back their heads so the water or juice and go down flowingly.
  • Another table design consisted of two-tiered crystal candelabras overflowing with white trumpet calla lilies and crystal embellishments. My Fair Wedding
  • ‘It's such a pity, that with the whole nation short of power, the water is simply flowing over the weir,’ he says.
  • The free-flowing water across the surface serves to dampen these sound waves and minimize the problem.
  • The subprime crisis in 2008 has an impact on entity industry, then on trade and finance industries by the conduction of capital inflowing.
  • The wine list, which was priced a bit more reasonably than the food, helped to keep the conversation flowing.
  • Usually, however, not wishing to go into the matter so thoroughly -- having come in contact with outsiders chiefly when they have been on holiday and least economical -- he considers a tip merely as the outflowing of a gen'leman's abundance. A Poor Man's House
  • He was going to find the manual door controls but as soon as he stepped near the hatchway, they slowly opened up automatically and the light started flowing through.
  • Too often, free flowing emotions of sympathy dissipate with the initial fascination, without confronting the long-term consequences of misfortune.
  • There were nether garments too, in the form of floppy pantaloons, leotards, tight briefs, G-strings and loin-cloths, as well as kilts long and short, flowing and crinolined, skirts full and hobbled. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • Every day my mailbag is stuffed to overflowing with letters from desperate people who can't even get their dealers to be civil, leave alone helpful.
  • But there's more flowing in this Midwestern metropolis than just suds.
  • water flowing underground
  • The creative juices were flowing in Hacketstown recently as the town's young people looked to their own town for inspiration.
  • It looks more adventurous, too, what with its curvy rump, flowing lines and funky lights fore and aft.
  • If the school is thriving, overflowing with vibrant young energy then it's a sure sign the community is too.
  • If not for you, I must be shivering in the despair and fear, groaning painfully. But for you, every day I will dream the most beautiful apart. Becoz u use your whole life to love me, and I feel free. My life seems to leave me like the sand flowing. I can hear that, but I can still smile only as long as I see you sleeping by my side.
  • I am guessing that tourism overflowing from the Cancun area has helped but it is also the main commercial hub in the Yucatan peninsula and the capitol of the state of Yucatan. Noise in Merida & Progreso
  • An eternally flowing river that symbolises life, conveyed through choreography, is an unseen presence throughout the play.
  • I regarded _tragic_ knowledge as the most beautiful luxury of our culture, as its most precious, most noble, most dangerous kind of prodigality; but, nevertheless, in view of its overflowing wealth, as a justifiable _luxury_. The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • And unlike the preceding White Album, the jumbled juxtaposition of forms - faux-blues toss-offs, stately piano ballads, folkie hootenannies - feels less like a band overflowing with inspired ideas than one running out of them.
  • When we talk about historic town , People will associate with the poetic charm environment of old trees , alley in flagstone street and little bridge flowing water.
  • The north-flowing Gulf Stream collides with a tendril of the southbound Labrador Current there, creating knots and plumes of flow that change daily, even hourly.
  • With the exception of the beginning sequence and a cutaway shot to the highways flowing smoothly at night, virtually every scene has one of the two men in it.
  • Most world-famous cities have an equally renowned river flowing through them.
  • Even the moneys of Cyprus were flowing somewhat overfreely into the coffers of the Venetian Provveditori who kept vigilant watch over the island kingdom -- which was, in truth, no longer anything but a Venetian province, except in name. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • The play their own unique style of melodic lo-fi indie rock, with flowing guitar lines, soft vocals and fat drums and bass.
  • To test whether the use of specific trees could help explain how sapsuckers obtain free-flowing sap from their incisions, I attempted to extract sap from both used and unused trees.
  • Heart valves are pairs or trios of flaps that keep the blood flowing in one direction through the heart.
  • Easily recognisable from the flowing long hair cascading out the back of his helmet. Times, Sunday Times
  • His calming, soothing voice and good looks (flowing blonde hair, smooth pale skin and a fit, ectomorphic body) tended to make people not listen to him when he tried to be serious.
  • The hospitals are overflowing with victims of the hurricane.
  • They walked to the very end of the manor, and entered a huge hall filled with lords and ladies, all dressed splendidly in flowing gowns and silk suits, embroidered with golden designs.
  • Many craters are characterized by large lava-flow-like features that may represent molten ejecta flowing outward from the crater after the impact.
  • Like water flowing down a waterfall, the teams smashed into one another.
  • As the chain roared and surged through the hawse-pipe he noticed a number of native women, lusciously large as only those of Polynesia are, in flowing ahu's, flower-crowned, stream out on the deck of the schooner on the beach. THE DEVILS OF FUATINO
  • Suddenly, all the pools in the zoo are full and overflowing and the animals who were quite sluggish in summer are now frisky.
  • The shape of the elongated spiky dorsal fin is reflected in the sweep of the flowing ventral fins.
  • This force is active when wind is flowing around curved paths, and high or low pressure centers.
  • Vicki stepped off the overflowing bus with a sigh, the forlorn glaze that had darkened Wil's eyes setting heavy on her heart.
  • So the Credo leads from a gently flowing opening to boldly dramatic effects, emphatic in the use of timpani and with the Crucifixus bringing a striking unison passage for tenors and basses.
  • This is always quite a ceremony, with pipers piping and whisky flowing and famous faces popping up all over.
  • Inland are rugged mountains, forested hills, and fast-flowing rivers.
  • The long-flowing lines smile euphoniously, without generating harsh inner tensions, and evoking a serenity appropriate to G major's blessedness.
  • He had been driving alongside a fast-flowing river.
  • The mariachis were swinging, the margaritas were chilling, the River Walk was overflowing.
  • On the front of the envelope, written in blood-red flowing calligraphy, was one word: Sydney.
  • They threw the rind of their melons in the direction of an overflowing waste bin. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • The darter, found most often in the thin streams flowing throughout the training area, is a small 2-inch long fish that eats insect larvae.
  • The hospitals will be full to overflowing with people who are dead. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whole buildings," we are told, "seemed to sweat as condensation formed on every wall, and the stench — always terrible — even in the depths of winter frosts — reached new heights of toxicity, flowing up from the sewers, privies, and yards, and filling the halls, stairways and airshafts like a rising tide. A Gangster Goes to War
  • His posters are drenched with colour, most typically of girls done up in an Art Nouveau-style, featuring organic, flowing plant forms.
  • The party who dug the parson out after a snow-storm, verily got their reward, a sort of prelibation of the visionary sweets of that land, flowing not, according to the Jewish notion, with milk and honey, but according to the revised version of Yankeedom, with milk and rum. William Lloyd Garrison
  • Second, there is a stream of control messages flowing back from the management applications to the agents.
  • The resultant dengue outbreaks place severe strains on public hospitals, with wards filled to overflowing with patients.
  • Test shows that testing system can accomplish all signal test of the flowing system for flack.
  • When the girls came pedalling along in the Bordeaux race - all legs and flowing hair - they were a sensation.
  • The process is essentially dynamic with ideas and feedback flowing both ways.
  • The roadway had become a flowing ribbon of silk, gemmed with yellow cat-like eyes that floated past wary and curious in their regard for him and his nervous horse. CHAPTER II
  • Perched on the edge of the fragmenting Roman world, Britain between ad 300 and 700 was at a meeting of currents flowing from several directions.
  • The portfolio mostly held unfinished charcoals or watercolors, some activities to work on flowing lines and facial expressions, and a few sketches and watercolors of different types of flowers.
  • She was wearing a strapless rose-colored gown that was formfitting at the top and had a flowing chiffon skirt.
  • The house was surrounded by veld, with a spruit flowing out of the dam, and a long tree-lined avenue running from the present day Beyers Naude Drive to the house.
  • Both came with a side salad; it was fresh and crisp - vegetables and an overflowing plate of chips which were, if I had to complain, just a touch underdone.
  • The lorry smashed through a brick wall and plunged into the fast-flowing canal, landing on its side.
  • The town's cemetery is packed to overflowing, and unless families can pay the requisite sum for eternal entombment, bodies are evicted after five years.
  • Dropping the stones he had been skimming across the surface of the slow-flowing creek, he reached immediately for the gun in his jacket.
  • Jung saw the libido as flowing between the opposite poles of the conscious and the unconscious, the outer and inner life, in a continuous cycle of progression and regression.
  • Enterprising men are hastening thither, and capital is flowing into the State from all parts of the country.
  • Sitting down at my desk, I took out my diary and set it out, flipping through the pages and seeing my own flowing cursive, seeing the curses, seeing the dreams, and I could see everything just flowing by like time could be tracked.
  • The beer is flowing, the wurst is the best, and the chicken dance is all the craze. Amishboy Diary Entry
  • There's a new nice little flaggy 5.7 - or so that's all just elegant and flowing, which I liked so much I climbed it twice as a warmup, and then after that I sent my project 5.8 on the skywall. I was stirring my brandy with a nail
  • He got into the shoving andand halting and slow flowing of Broadway.
  • In the City of Elua, the revelry would begin in earnest that day, and by evenfall, the salons of reception would be overflowing in the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers, as Kushiel's Avatar
  • The bodice appeared to be rather tight fitting, but the skirt was quite loose and flowing.
  • Flowing space, quality materials and sheer magic are impossible to capture in an exhibition.
  • Small flocks of mangy goats and sheep, shepherded by women in flowing black abayas, forage in the trash.
  • The reverie was broken as if someone hurled a boulder into a smooth flowing stream.
  • The media tribune was overflowing with hundreds of reporters, all drawn to an event that has been hyped incessantly since Phelps entered and qualified for the 200 free at the U.S. Olympic trials last month.
  • In his estimation, the Authorized Version, more than any other European Bible, had a flowing limpidity combined with ritual overtones.
  • The Gulf Stream is a benign, liquid force, flowing from under the ribs of the equator, -- a white knight of the South going up to battle the giant of the North. The Complete Project Gutenberg Writings of Charles Dudley Warner
  • It completed a brilliant, flowing move with a powerful angled drive from the right side of the box. The Sun
  • It completed a brilliant, flowing move with a powerful angled drive from the right side of the box. The Sun
  • The tide is flowing slowly but inexorably against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cut b was to estimate the hydraulic conductance of a leaf where water was prevented from flowing through all the major water paths and any easy bypass of interrupted veins was impeded.
  • She wore a flowing pale yellow skirt with ruffles and a silken blouse with puffed sleeves.
  • The word guru in gurukula is often mistakenly thought of as a charismatic cult leader wearing flowing robes with total control over his followers. Spiritual Teachings of the Avatar
  • Although a money moon gets cash flowing faster your way, it can also make you too generous. The Sun
  • On the other hand Calsy had more of a ballet dancer's with his flowing and graceful moves as he nailed each step at the exact time he was told.
  • Frank Robinson, John Pemberton's original partner and book-keeper, had suggested the name Coca-Cola and come up with the brainwave that the two flowing Cs would look good on adverts.
  • Residents in Sutton-in-Craven, near Skipton, woke up to torrential rain and fast-flowing water outside their front doors yesterday.
  • He said though only 500 cusecs of water was being released in an authorised manner into the Narwana branch, the SYL canal and Narwana branch were over flowing by nearly 30 times.
  • Four or five other young women, some with long hair tied back or flowing, one with a close-cropped cut, later read various prayers of the faithful.
  • Recent scholarship has hardly begun to gauge the strands of influence flowing out of the studios of western artists in what were then called the “presidencies” of Bengal, Behar, and Oudh — and thence to the workshops of indigenous Indian court and other local painters who evidently admired, or at least for whatever reasonsoughtto emulate them. Francesco Renaldi in Dacca
  • The creek is flowing strong from all the runoff and spring thaw.
  • For men say that the young of all creatures cannot be quiet in their bodies or in their voices; they are always wanting to move and cry out; some leaping and skipping, and overflowing with sportiveness and delight at something, others uttering all sorts of cries. Laws
  • No part - no part - of that liability in any way relates, on the evidence - it has not been suggested that it relates on the evidence - to any advantage flowing from the futurity of discharge.
  • Across the stern, in flowing cursive, he read Wilhelmina Rosen, Hamburg. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • The method involves the steps of continuously flowing an influent into a treatment basin and continuously flowing an effluent out of the treatment basin into a clarifier.
  • In the past, much of the work with flowing gases used photographic recording of electronic emission or absorption spectra.
  • Air flowing into your nose carries with it a swarm of complex organic molecules that get trapped in the mucus-rich lining of the nose's inner recesses.
  • She felt hot rage flowing through her.
  • (Soundbite of water flowing) QUIST-ARCTON: Present-day Kisangani used to be colonial Stanleyville, named after the American journalist and adventurer who, along with Livingstone, earned fame by finding the source of the Congo River near the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Congo River Pulses Life Into African Nation
  • The pilot said it was a rare day because the air was flowing in different directions between altitudes.
  • I was brimming, no, overflowing with good feelings.
  • Gloria Sáez's attractive costumes for the solo singers were designed to flatter the figure, with flowing velvet for the nobility and homespun for the commoners.
  • At the microscopic level of nature, everything is vibrant - sap flowing, leaves and blades of grass quivering in the wind - but the eye can hardly see them.
  • She or he needs an instinctive sense of where lines should end, how end-stopped they might be, and which ones call for enjambment, their sense flowing lyrically over the tiny pause and into a line that follows.
  • Both are hoping to kick-start their title bids at the fast flowing Portimao Circuit, starting with qualifying today (Saturday). Kos RSS Feed
  • As for his newest project, even a cursory glance at the property had his creative juices flowing.
  • At least two people had to be rescued using a lifeline and life jackets as they were pulled through the fast flowing water.
  • There are fish everywhere - mixed shoals of snappers, fusiliers and grunts flowing in and out of the wreck.
  • Her forehead was swelling like an anthill, with beads of blood flowing out of it instead of insects. Chocolate & Vicodin
  • The drop from the bridge is about 20 ft into fast-flowing water, which ranges in depth.
  • This toll bridge was at Whitney suffered damage from the fast flowing flood, and parts of Hereford are already underwater.
  • I well remember the first occasion on which I saw a spotted forktail; I was walking down a Himalayan path, alongside of which a brook was flowing, when suddenly from a rock in mid-stream there arose a black-and-white apparition, that flitted away, displaying a long tail fluttering behind it. Birds of the Indian Hills
  • Expectations of graceful flowing telemarks fade as the skier faces deep trenching.
  • Their granaries were overflowing with plenitude; yet they wanted to keep the sharp famine-edge of their love undulled. WHEN GOD LAUGHS
  • He sat next to her, and as she brushed her incredibly long flowing hair out of the way, her lonely but beautiful blue eyes met his deep brown ones.
  • foreordaining" them signifies His fixed purpose, flowing from this, to Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • To keep supplies and equipment flowing into the theater, local laborers were hired and combat troops were commandeered to offload ships.
  • The cats shared their room with an overflowing litter tray.
  • Her flowing red hair was streaming out the window, the black tips flapping in the wind.
  • The Mackenzie River is the longest river in Canada, flowing between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains.
  • Two major categories of freshwater ecosystems can be defined as lotic (flowing water) and lentic (standing water), but large variation in size, characteristics, and location is exhibited within each. Freshwater ecosystems in the Arctic
  • More miles of free flowing rivers than any other state, the mountain cutthroat streams of other western states, along with Sea Run Steelhead and Salmon. Make Your Case: The Best Fly Fishing State in America
  • Far from the island we waded through a waist deep channel of fast flowing ebb tide, then climbed onto a hard bank of rippled sand.
  • A river rising in northeast New Mexico and flowing about 1,223 km (760 mi) generally southeast to the Canadian River in eastern Oklahoma.
  • Raw sewage is flowing into the Cuyahoga because sewage treatment plants have been down.
  • Easter had been wet, windy and miserable anyway, and the Beggar and its feeder becks were already to bank level when the freak storm hit the side of Tup Fell and turned swollen into overflowing.
  • Our attachment to all the petty judgments and opinions and chatter endlessly flowing through our own heads is how we keep God at bay.
  • Philip led the way, and they entered the mill, where the warning bells were ringing to give notice that the corn was flowing down rightly; and the mill-hoppers kept on "ruttle, ruttle;" the water hissed, seethed, and rushed under their feet; the millstones rumbled round and round; and there on the top of the sacks, with which the place was half filled, sat the two great white cats belonging to the miller, fast asleep; while in Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • Fish with fins and scales are generally free-swimming and are found primarily in healthy, flowing water. Modern Science in the Bible
  • The top was tied off around the neck and the bottom was bikini style with a short flowing mini skirt over top.

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