How To Use Florilegium In A Sentence
This is the Balkan - a florilegium of contradictions within contraventions, the mawkish and the jaded, the charitable and the deleterious, the feckless and the bumptious, evanescent and exotic,
Terrorists and Freedom Fighters
8Pedagogically, a florilegium enabled students to envision memory as a garden, carefully plotted for seeds and cuttings collected from other exemplary lives and works.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Florilegia (Lat., florilegium, an anthology) are systematic collections of excerpts (more or less copious) from the works of the
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
SIGLO: FREEDOM - a florilegium of old and new writers and illustrators, edited by Vin and myself
Notes from the peanut gallery
But let us close our florilegium and attempt to illustrate Jargon by the converse method of taking a famous piece of English (say Hamlets soliloquy) and remoulding a few lines of it in this fashion: To be, or the contrary?
V. Interlude: On Jargon
When Josh asked me to make a Sarah Palin florilegium, I didn't blink.
TPM: News Pages
Note 18: A florilegium is basically the contents of someone's memory, set forth as a kind of study-guide for the formation of others 'memories ....
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
Like the florilegium, the practice of aedificatio built personal character and established guiding principles for everyday life.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
14 To prepare their sons for this challenge, Leonardo and Federico each bequeathed a florilegium.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
The Camerarius Florilegium depicts 473 plants with their Latin names inscribed in Camerarius' hand.