
How To Use Florence In A Sentence

  • For some 2,000 years the central bridge of Florence has crossed this narrow point in the Arno at least since 59 B.C. when Romans settled the untamed floodplain that became a colony called Florentia. Ponte Vecchio, a Bridge That Spans Centuries
  • It followed as one consequence of these letters from Florence that Nora was debarred from the Italian scheme as a mode of passing her time till some house should be open for her reception. He Knew He Was Right
  • I started him in the mortgage loan business when we got the Prudential Insurance Company account in 1919 and he was my subman down in Florence. Oral History Interview with Alester G. Furman Jr., January 6, 1976. Interview B-0019. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • He had begged Lorenzo to come to Fiesole, promising to explain once they were both in the house there together and away from the gossips in Florence. The Poet Prince
  • The two other downstairs rooms, the breakfast room and the kitchen, were Florence's domain.
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  • And classical reminiscences have, even with him, a dull musty tinge which recalls the antiquarian in his Cambridge college-rooms rather than the visitor to Florence and Rome. Proserpine and Midas
  • Florence, with it alchemically transforming art and catalysing capitalism. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I'd grown older, I'd noticed that Florence had ceased to bowdlerize her storytelling. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • It was pleasant to wake up in Florence, to open the eyes upon a bright bare room, with a floor of red tiles which look clean though they are not; with a painted ceiling whereon pink griffins and blue amorini sport in a forest of yellow violins and bassoons. A Room with a View
  • The return of the popes to Rome after their exile in Avignon in the second decade of the century probably encouraged a new internationalism, as Dufay's career in Rome and his relations with Florence, Ferrara, and Rimini show.
  • Certainly no quarter of a town could use a mark of cadency below a bendlet, and Florence was more careful than most Italian towns to be precise in her heraldry. Donatello, by Lord Balcarres
  • Her mother was Florence Margaret Poaps the youngest of five children of Jacob Vincent Poaps, born in Osnabruck On about 1890, and who at one time performed on the stage in NY city as a “diseuse”. Joan Murray | Goblin Mercantile Exchange
  • I can vouch there is more dog dirt in Renaissance Florence than the pathways around Windermere and Ambleside - and that takes some beating.
  • Brethren of St. Francis and their clients, which still roughen the pavement of Santa Croce at Florence, and recall the varnished polychrome decoration of those Greek monuments in connexion with the worn-out blazonry of the funeral brasses of England and Flanders. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • There are several other existing works attributed to Myron: they are a marble copy of his statue of Marsyas, in the Lateran at Rome; two torsi in the gallery at Florence; a figure called Diomed, and a bronze in the gallery at Munich. A History of Art for Beginners and Students Painting, Sculpture, Architecture
  • Frescobaldi" of Florence, had agents in the principal towns in Ireland. An Illustrated History of Ireland from AD 400 to 1800
  • Florence write and establish their final condemnation of noblesse living by rapine, those 'Ordinamenti della Giustizia,' which practically excluded all idle persons from government, and determined that the priors, or leaders of the State, should be priors, or leaders of its arts and productive labour; that its head 'podesta' or 'power' should be the standard-bearer of justice; and its council or parliament composed of charitable men, or good men: "boni viri," in the sense from which the French formed their noun 'bonte.' Val d'Arno
  • Nursing gained recognition in the 19 th century with the activities of Florence Nightingale.
  • The plan of Florence in 1427 shows a group of twenty unmistakable 'insulae', each of them about 1-1/8 acre in area, that is, very similar in size to the 'insulae' of Turin. Ancient Town-Planning
  • We rode into Florence through drizzle, under a leaden sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • Writing about the building for The New York Times in 1995, Christopher Gray said, "This medieval brick fortress recalls the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, with a massive entry arch, barred windows and a machicolated cornice. Quogue-mire!
  • Family Therapy around the World: A Festschrift for Florence W. Kaslow is a wonderful tribute to and legacy of an amazing, seemingly ubiquitous woman.
  • In contrast to Rome, Florence appears to present itself as an artistic expression of a particular period, peaking in the 14th and 15th centuries, a period when the Roman origin of its name, "Florentia" or "the flourishing", couldn't have been more apt. The Guardian World News
  • Next stop was Florence, and our base was the Anglo American, a plush hotel boasting Tolstoy among its former guests.
  • WB25: A Night of Wine and Food in Florence for Two with Award Winning Sommelier Services Enjoy an evening for two persons in Florence, Tuscany in a historical Trattoria with a complete menu from "crostini" to their typical biscuits and soups and meat and eveything you can expect from a Trattoria that's been running for more than 100 years The Happiness Project
  • Thinking about Florence in that jarring bit of jargon always brought a mental smile to Carlisle's Ph. D. -trained ear. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • Historically, economic boom times bring florescence in music and the arts, whether in the Florence of the Medici, Habsburg Vienna, or the France of Louis XIV.
  • `It's something many people do, as if their...' I didn't want him to digress on to an apologia for Florence's behaviour. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Mostly in Rome, with some time in Florence and Nice in about 1900 and in the company of the Hague-born, recently divorced 23 year old Cornelie de Retz van Loo. Yes, I still love Pushkin Press
  • Florence was a frequent visitor ... and had many of her ideas adopted in Parliament through the devotion of her brother-in-law.
  • These women were what Florence King calls "viragoes" -- not in the accepted sense of the nag, but in the original sense of the woman who is strong in and of herself. American Thinker
  • While he was yet a lad and living in Florence, they used in certain places of the city to meet together during the nights of summer on the public streets; and he, ranking among the best of the improvisatori, sang there. The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini
  • In you also, my dear Paul, this century appears to have perfected astronomy, and in Florence it has recalled the platonic teaching from darkness into light. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • You shall sojourn at Paris, Rome, and Naples: at Florence, Venice, and Vienna: all the ground I have wandered over shall be re-trodden by you: wherever I stamped my hoof, your sylph's foot shall step also. Jane Eyre: an autobiography, Vol. II.
  • Wandering round to the façade, finished in 1886, it is a careful imitation of fifteenth-century work we see, saved from the mere routine of just that, in its design at any rate, by the vote of the people, who, against the opinion of all the artists in Florence at that time, insisted on the cornice following the basilical form of the tower, refusing to endorse the pointed "tricuspidal" design. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • My dreams for the future involve teaching in Florence and riding my bicycle with Simon the kitten riding in its whicker basket. Archive 2008-06-01
  • When his mother abandoned the family when he was four, two aunts were reluctantly and resentfully compelled to raise Billy and his older sister, Florence.
  • In 1462, Ficino decorated the Medici villa at Careggi (home to the Platonic Academy) with astrological signs,10 an ornamental scheme also found in frescoes of the Sala dei Mesi at the Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara (1470) ,11 and in ceilings of the Medici palace at Florence (1456), whose lapis lazuli and gold-leaf ornament offered admirers a sparkling abstraction of the starry sky. 12 We can imagine a similar heavenly apparition in the gold and sapphire ceiling of the Urbino studiolo, especially when illuminated by a setting sun or candlelight. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Florence's instrument looks to be covered with a tasseled cloth.
  • The league at Florence had suggested getting a priest to attack Galileo but was reprimanded by a churchman, perhaps the Archbishop of Florence, at whose home they had met.
  • It reminded me of Florence in August, the big central maidan, or square, crammed with rug and souvenir shops whose owners were busily dickering with foreign tourists.
  • After listening to every Tchaikovsky work she could get her hands on, she decided to go for smaller, lesser known selections, his String Quartet # 3, the sextet Souvenir de Florence, and Autumn Song from The Seasons.
  • Born in Vinci, a small village near Florence, Leonardo is known as one of the greatest architects, engineers, artists and men in history. Master Nib | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • It was not the sort of place that would have attracted Florence, so I wasn't at all surprised it had been omitted from our itineraries. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • After his flirtation with stock brokering Mr Gilmour went to Florence to restudy the piano and later to Vienna to study conducting.
  • Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal 'Ruhlmann' by Florence Camard Rizzoli From the book 'Ruhlmann' by Florence Camard/Rizzoli Reuter table with shagreen and ivory marquetry From the book 'Ruhlmann' by Florence Camard/Rizzoli Collectionneur chest in black lacquer No designer has come to stand for the glamorous 1920s and '30s more definitively than Jacques Émile Ruhlmann, with his exquisite marquetry of ivory and rare woods, sumptuous textiles and gleaming metal accents. All Hands on Deco
  • At the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1438-39 the union of the churches was finally realised.
  • In a number of major cities—Florence chief among them—the confraternities became distinct forces of political power as well as social welfare. The Poet Prince
  • Sir Henry Delmé had engaged a vettura, which was to convey them with the same horses as far as Florence. A Love Story
  • In the study of radiata pine stands by Florence and Lamb, litter accumulation was greater on sandy podzols than on finer textured soils, despite similar rates of litter input.
  • For the ancients of Pisa have met for the last time; the signory of Florence plots no more; no more will any Emperor with the pride of a barbarian, the mien of a beggar or a thief, cross the Alps, or such an one as Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • The paintings, Madam Bacelli by Thomas Gainsborough, worth 2.5m, and The Scene of Florence by Bernado Belloto, worth 1.27m, have not been seen since, but are considered unsellable.
  • His revolutionary conception of sculpture is first exemplified in the great series of standing and seated figures for the niches of Or San Michele and for the façades of Florence Cathedral and the campanile.
  • The character is modeled on Florence Birdseye, but Colley changed her name unknown reasons. Front Page
  • Starting from Florence, these protests rapidly mushroomed over the entire country.
  • To-day, if you walk through Florence, the City of Flowers, you will still see its fairest flower of all, the tall white campanile or bell-tower, 'Giotto's tower' as it is called. Knights of Art; stories of the Italian painters
  • At home I put the music on my piano, a 1908 upright, not too different, probably, from Florence's.
  • The Renaissance Club, for example, welcomes students to Florence, where they work as guild artists for a patron—their teacher—and learn about history, geography, and civics.
  • Florence Nightingale is widely hailed as the founder of today's nursing profession, especially for her exploits in the Crimean War.
  • Single and fortyish, Greenberg is intelligent, witty, sharp-tongued – and, like Florence, something of a lost soul; he is at a crossroads in his life. 5 Movie Clips from Noah Baumbach’s GREENBERG Starring Ben Stiller, Greta Gerwig and Rhys Ifans –
  • More surprisingly, the Pitti Palace at Florence housed a collection of amber vessels, cabinets, figures, caskets and crucifixes.
  • Florence, 1880); BALZANI, Le cronache italiane nel medio evo, also in English transl., The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • 'Rodrigo,' produced at Florence in 1707, made him famous, and 'Agrippina' (Venice, 1708) raised him almost to the rank of a god. The Opera A Sketch of the Development of Opera. With full Descriptions of all Works in the Modern Repertory.
  • Note 19: One such workbook is that by Florence Loop, Graded Sewing Exercises, Joseph Downs Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Ephemera, Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library. back "Make It Yourself": Home Sewing, Gender, and Culture, 1890-1930
  • Three spring months, at Florence, had been spent in making a scientific collection of local imprecations -- abusive, vituperative or profane expletives; swear-words, in short -- enriched with elaborate commentary. Alone
  • Florence Fennel, also known as finocchio, is an annual which is known mainly for the stem that swells to a ‘bulb’ as it grows.
  • Suddenly Mrs Brown catches sight of Florence's head of luxuriant hair under her bonnet and is gripped by the lust to clip the tresses off and sell them.
  • New York Fashion Week has come and gone but the slow fashion Alabama Chanin caravan just keeps on rolling between ‘The Factory’ in Florence, Alabama to Birmingham, Nashville, and back to NYC again this April. Abigail Doan | Inhabitat
  • In an unprecedented attack on Italy's cultural heritage, Cosa Nostra planted bombs at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence as well as near two churches in Rome.
  • Thinking about Florence in that jarring bit of jargon always brought a mental smile to Carlisle's Ph. D. -trained ear. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • In the Galileo Museum in Florence there is a terrella twenty-seven inches in diameter, of loadstone from Elba, constructed for Cosmo de 'Medici. Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 24: September/October 1663
  • “Would you have your fair greyhound, dear lady, grow up a tall and true Cotswold dog, that can pull down a stag of ten, or one of those smooth-skinned poppets which the Florence ladies lead about with a ring of bells round its neck, and a flannel farthingale over its loins?” Westward Ho!
  • She walks into the nursery and insists that the baby in the cot is not Florence. Little Face by Sophie Hannah
  • Others may pause before the tomb of Dante, who died in exile from Florence.
  • For a long time, going home to Florence had been my one and only aim, preoccupying me to the exclusion of all else. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • In the Fall of 1943, the invasion of Italy by the German army forced us to abandon our now dangerous refuge in Piemonte and flee to Florence, where we lived underground until the end of the war. Rita Levi-Montalcini: Still busy after a century
  • There are superb creations of the same style in Italy, especially with inlaid work called tarsia, as at Assisi, Siena, Florence, and The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The storms they had read about in Florence had battered the autumn crocuses and Michaelmas daisies. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • The people of Florence are far from considering themselves ignorant and benighted, and yet Brother Savonarola succeeded in persuading them that he held converse with God.
  • Susan worked as a tailoress, as did her older sister, Florence, while their brother, Benjamin, joined George at the docks.
  • But after delving into centuries-old archives, two lawyers commissioned by the government of Silvio Berlusconi have produced what they call conclusive evidence that the renaissance masterpiece belongs not to Florence, but to the Italian state. Italian government battles with Florence for Michelangelo's David
  • He practiced law at Florence and observed with optimate disapproval the increasing disinclination of Giuliano and Lorenzo to share power with anyone but their intimates.
  • Three nights in Florence and I'd become a softy and I was scared of these Southern hard men.
  • Then it seemed as if Florence were looking at me, frowning, slightly reproving. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Florence has simply no interest in her $1,000 gold embossed invitations or her $500 facials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term medal (medallia in Florence = 1/2 denier) is applied to pieces of metal, usually circular, which, though issued by a mint, are not intended as a medium of payment. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Polly only thought, at that time, of improving on her successful propitiation of Miss Nipper, and devising some means of having little Florence aide her, lawfully, and without rebellion.
  • The Florence team showed that the non-interacting fermions cannot support a DC current, which is what is expected given their special collisional properties and leads to a pinning of the atoms to their local displaced position.
  • He was eager to use the second essential strategy for retrieving a Leonardo painting in Florence: find the right patron.
  • In 1994, the first custom-built supermax opened in Florence, Colorado.
  • In mid-fifteenth-century Florence, the husband typically spent about a third to two-thirds of the dowry on clothes for the new wife and furnishings - often well above the cost of the trousseau.
  • IT has taken just a century and a half but Florence Nightingale's dream is finally being realised at a Yorkshire hospital.
  • More surprisingly, the Pitti Palace at Florence housed a collection of amber vessels, cabinets, figures, caskets and crucifixes.
  • A short drive brings you north to Florence, or south, more energetically, to Bologna or Sienna.
  • Pipchin was but an indifferent penwoman -- by Florence. Dombey and Son
  • Milan will travel to Florence to play high-flying Fiorentina, before revisiting Istanbul when Fenerbahce will threaten to give them another Champions League nightmare.
  • Florence has simply no interest in her $1,000 gold embossed invitations or her $500 facials. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be difficult, however, in the last respect, to discover many more exalted than himself, for before his demission he was Secretary of the Lodge Savonarola of Florence; Devil-Worship in France or The Question of Lucifer
  • From Florence, however, a straight answer was not so easy to extract, since even the most well-brought-up 13-month-olds have disappointingly little in the way of cocktail party chit -chat. London Fashion Week: VIPs fill No 10 – but MiniCams steal the show
  • Florence has simply no interest in her $1,000 gold embossed invitations or her $500 facials. Times, Sunday Times
  • The figure was modeled directly after an illustration from volume three of Antonio Francesco Gori's Museum Florentinum, published in Florence in 1734.
  • It is said that, in some parts of Italy, a species of stone is used for this purpose, which is described as being of two different kinds; the one is found in the chalk hills near Naples, and has a white, porous, stalactical appearance; the other is a hardened turf from some volcanic mountains near Florence. The Book of Household Management
  • Sitting straight, Florence ( back ) has an elegance of a ballet dancer.
  • Even during these student days - it is often suggested that a key event was a performance of Verdi's Aida in Florence in 1876 - Puccini had determined that opera was his true métier.
  • Suddenly Mrs Brown catches sight of Florence's head of luxuriant hair under her bonnet and is gripped by the lust to clip the tresses off and sell them.
  • She had addressed it to Piero Soderini, the gonfalonier or leader, of the Republic of Florence. The Dragon’s Trail
  • One person who was caught cheating was Florence Cook, a medium whose work in séances had been vouched for by Crookes.
  • The beginning of this film shows former Brady mom Florence Henderson as a floozy wearing part of some smeared clown makeup.
  • She chronicles the emergence of the independent tondo in Florence in the 1430s and its relatively brief apogee from 1480 to 1515.
  • The Decameron is a work of fiction, and in it he describes how, in 1348, ten young people leave Florence in order to escape the plague. June 2004
  • After a fortnight of storytelling in the country, the brigade of friends returns to Florence disburdened of their melancholy.
  • Certainly no quarter of a town could use a mark of cadency below a bendlet, and Florence was more careful than most Italian towns to be precise in her heraldry. Donatello, by Lord Balcarres
  • It was the work of Florence Nightingale and her companions in the Crimea that did more than anything else to establish female nursing as a respectable career.
  • Family-reasons, in that case, preponderated, as well at Rome, as at Florence. Sir Charles Grandison
  • As a result of Florence Nightingale's efforts in the Crimean campaign, casevac of wounded and sick personnel had been given increased importance.
  • Armed with a special radar device they began their search last week in the dilapidated convent of Saint Orsola in Florence where they think the body of the 16th century noblewoman was buried. Italians Search for da Vinci's Mona Lisa Model
  • A check of directories shows 37 hotels and motels within a three-mile radius of Florence and LaSalle.
  • FABRICIUS, Bibliotheca latina mediae aetatis (Florence, 1898 —) III; The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • From Florence, you may, perhaps hear from me again, and receive a description instead of a disquisitional letter. Recollections and reflections : an auto of half a century and more,
  • Now, a group of Italian experts is trying to establish whether she was an Italian noblewoman who may be buried in a Florence convent. Italians Search for da Vinci's Mona Lisa Model
  • Signorina, the beeves are a present from Florence the beautiful Would ye look a gift beef i 'the nose? The Cloister and the Hearth
  • When the bustling streets of Florence get too much, escape to the garden of this family-run restaurant and eat fresh pappardelle with wild hare in the sunshine.
  • According to computer scientist Marc Levoy of Stanford University, Michelangelo's magnificent statue of ‘David’ in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence, Italy, is wall-eyed.
  • The years of the fructiferous incarnation of the Son of God had reached the number of one thousand three hundred and forty-eight, when into the illustrious city of Florence, beautiful beyond every other in Italy, entered the death - fraught pestilence. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • Nuova, the hospital of Florence; and then, being dead, he was buried in the Ossa (for so they call a cloister, or rather cemetery, of the hospital), like the rest of the poor, in the year 1340. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 01 (of 10), Cimabue to Agnolo Gaddi
  • It was flanked by a long-necked bottle of Florence wine, by which stood a glass enarly as tall, resembling in shape that which Teniers usually places in the hands of his own portrait, when he paints himself as mingling in the revels of a country village. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • After the 2005 vintage no longer will any white grapes be allowed in the Chianti Classico blend and an era will come to an end in the hills south of Florence.
  • ‘IN Florence, a rich and famous city of Italy, in the province called Tuscany, there dwelt two rich and principal gentlemen called Anselmo and Lothario, which two were so great friends, as they were named for excellency, and by antonomasia, by all those that knew them, the Two Friends. The Fourth Book. VI. Wherein Is Rehearsed the History of the Curious-Impertinent
  • They range from the kitschy "La Maison Voyageurs," with a stuffed Bengali tiger, mock-tortoise sofa and giant live palm in the living room to the high-ceiled zen-white Maison Blanche, filled with only white furniture a Barcelona banquette by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, a marble table by Florence Knoll and Plexiglas chairs by Philippe Starck. Coasting High in Provence
  • In Renaissance Venice wives were free to bequeath their dowries to whom they willed, whereas in Florence they were required by law to leave them to their children or husband.
  • Ah, said Mr Healey, Enoch had been with him at that seminar in Florence he'd mentioned.
  • Shakin All Over (b/w Till We Kissed) on Scepter 1295, the label founded in 1959 by Florence Greenberg and the long-time home of Dionne Warwick. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But not before I have revisited Florence and visited Milano and Venice.
  • In 1425, the powerful wool merchants' guild of Florence commissioned the artist Lorenzo Ghiberti to construct a door for the baptistry of St John in the city.
  • Boccaccio's Decameron is a collection of tales collected ca. 1350, introduced by a frame narrative in which the plague of 1348 leads a group of aristocratic ladies and gentlemen to flee the city of Florence for the refuge of country villas, where they tell the stories of which the collection consists. Note: Boccaccio
  • Chigi too had instituted such search as was possible without putting the matter in the hands of the authorities, which would have brought about awkward complications with the signory of Florence. Romance of Roman Villas (The Renaissance)
  • This tinpot Caesar is in open revolt against the intellectual banality and poverty of his home life - the house is decorated with framed tourist posters of Florence and Rome - and by his lack of cash.
  • But whether Florence has been inculpated in the flight of Edith, or has followed her, or has done too much, or too little, or anything, or nothing, she has not the least idea. Dombey and Son
  • Italian mural decoration was an appropriate interest for someone who had been brought up in Florence and had achieved international fame excavating the wall decorations of Assyrian palaces.
  • The following is the second of a series of articles by ‘Sam,’ a chef, a good friend of thirty years, and an inmate at CCA-CADC Florence in Arizona, a Federal lock-up.
  • The art of the craftsman is a bond between the peoples of the world," declared Florence Dibell Bartlett, founder Santa Fe's Museum of International Folk Art. Jonathan Lewis: Shoppers Without Borders
  • Florence -- Republics always disunited -- Some differences are injurious; others not so -- The kind of dissensions prevailing at Florence -- Cosmo de ' History of Florence and of the Affairs of Italy
  • In minimum-security prisons, like the camp in Florence, Colorado where I currently am confined, racial tensions tend to dissipate, if not disappear.
  • And in fact the final quarter of The Book of the Dead, our book that will be published May 31, is set in Florence and then on the island of Stromboli, which is an island off the coast of Sicily that has a live volcano on it. The Journalist and the Murderer
  • Keaton was born in Sandusky, Ohio October 1929, but was in Michigan living with his mother's sister, Florence Hicks Greenwood by the time the 1930 census was taken. Lafayette Keaton
  • What was the status of geographical knowledge and book printing in Renaissance Florence? The Times Literary Supplement
  • Well, Tonti," answered Signor Viti, in a protecting manner, and with an affable smile, "as this is not an affair that is likely to go to the higher courts at Florence, your explanations may be taken as sufficient, and I have no wish to disturb them -- a lugger is a lugger. The Wing-and-Wing Le Feu-Follet
  • Florence — Republics always disunited — Some differences are injurious; others not so — The kind of dissensions prevailing at Florence — Cosmo de’ Medici and Neri The History of Florence
  • After Charles of Anjou, with the blessing of the Papacy and strong Guelf support, defeated Hohenstaufen armies at Benevento (1265/6) and Tagliacozzo (1268), the Guelfs became the dominant force in Florence. Dante Alighieri
  • There has never been a shortage of brilliant innovators such as Robert Owen, the founder of the co-operative movement, Florence Nightingale (a great social reformer, as well as a statistician and nurse), Ebenezer Howard (the founder of garden cities) and my own predecessor at the Young Foundation, Michael Young, the founder of dozens of new ventures from Which? to the Open University. Happiness – and how to find it
  • On the breakup of the margraviate following Matilda's death, Florence began her advance, and by 1176 was master of the dioceses of Florence and Fiesole. 3. Florence
  • In contrast, Florence - lush, fertile, and untamed - offers Lucy a taste of life outside her sheltered existence in England.
  • Florence Margaret Rose, Aug. 11, 1917; specialist in diseases of eye, ear, nose and throat; Philippine health service 1912-14; research Gulion leper colony 1915; British govt. service, Sandakau and Jesselton, B.N. Borneo, 1916-21; travel and study in Europe, 1921-23; Methodist Episcopal. Alumni History of the University of North Carolina
  • The Grand Palais transformed into an underw ater seascape and Florence singing in a conch … that was my highlight. Things we learned from this year's fashion shows
  • So, falling from one merry matter to another, yet without any mislike at all: the Gentlemen, having their horses prepared, and their Portmantues fastened behind, drinking to their hoast, mounted on horsebacke, and they roade away towards Florence, no lesse contented with the manner of occasions happened, then the effects they sorted to. The Decameron
  • Geoffreys do such things quite apart from their regular connection; it is a sort of 'behind the scenes;'"said Glossy Megilp, who was standing at Florence's dressing-glass, touching up the little heap of" friz "across her forehead. Real Folks
  • After studying with Michelangelo, he produced such works as the tondo of the Virgin and Child with S. John the Baptist in the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence.
  • The most recent outcry has been over the misuse of Florence's public fountains. Times, Sunday Times
  • British band Florence and the Machine perform, with a harp and a guitar and Florence singing some kind of folk number while wearing a long flowing robe thinggummy and standing in a spotlight while dancers pop up on circular pedestals set in the audience, and then begin to gyrate and flap their arms around, then dancing around Florence while the fog machine goes into overdrive until everyone gets the point: It's Druid Disco. 'The Situation' bids 'Dancing With the Stars' a classy farewell as he's eliminated
  • In a pensione near Florence, stonecutters were working on the stairs outside my room.
  • Under this sandstone (old red sandstone) we find black transition limestone and the grauwack (quartzose psammite) of Florence.) Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, During the Year 1799-1804 — Volume 1
  • Florence, Alessandro Baldovinetti (1425-1450) did a mosaic for St. John's and restored that in San Miniato; he studied the making of smalti, etc. from a German and wrote a work on the technique of the art. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Poor chemistry was a byproduct from the combined $66.5 million contracts given to cornerback Drayton Florence and wide receiver Jerry Porter, who didn't play up to their salaries, causing resentment among some veterans. After lost season, Jags seek how to put 'train' back on track
  • The margarita pizza reminded me of the pizza in Florence.
  • We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence.
  • In the case of Florence, we discover the 'Last Supper' no less than fifteen times in the refectories of various religious houses (sometimes in a wider iconographic context), from the earliest representation of about 1340 in Santa Croce, up to the middle of the sixteenth century ... Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Like Darwin, Florence Nightingale could focus ruthlessly on her work because of the invalidism which allowed her to retreat from social life.
  • In Florence, charging for admissions started with the baptistery and the museum of the duomo - a nuisance that did not prevent visits or prayer in the church proper.
  • QB Nick Florence — Even though he won't see much playing time if Robert Griffin recovers from his knee injury, the sophomore still impresses the coaching staff. Around the Big12 Conference
  • The wince factor is high as Florence, always the masochist, flees from what little salvation is on offer for encounters of escalating abusiveness.
  • In Florence, Italy, a sledgehammer was the likely cause of destruction for a speed camera on the Florence-Pisa-Leghorn expressway. TheNewspaper
  • A city of north - central Italy at the foot of the Apennines north - northeast of Florence.
  • Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance Florence cathedral.
  • For three days and nights Florence will be buzzing with ideas and activity.
  • Some people believe the lady in the painting is the wife of Florence banker, some believe she is the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, or some believe that she is a man in disguise. Motion Ser | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • The red velvet tunic was plaited along the edges with gold and silver thread, and the front of it was richly decorated with the silver fleurs-de-lys, which is the most ancient symbol of Florence. Vittorio, The Vampire
  • Luigi Carlo Zanobe Salvadore Maria Cherubini was born at Florence on September 14, 1700, the son of a harpsichord accompanyist at the Pergola Theatre. The Great Italian and French Composers
  • In the last decades of the twelfth century, the Societas Mercatorum, the organisation that had overseen the commercial life of Florence for 100 years, began to fracture into separate units.
  • That old shield of Florence, parted per pale, argent and gules, (or our own Saxon Oswald's, parted per pale, or and purpure,) are heraldry changeless in sign; declaring the necessary balance, in ruling men, of the Rational and Imaginative powers; pure Alp, and glowing cloud. Val d'Arno
  • The candles were lit in front of a portrait of Florence Nightingale.
  • The actual casket is below and is housed in The Museo degli argenti in The Pitti Palace, Florence. Archive 2009-02-01
  • He was an Italian preacher and theologian whose fundamentalist ideas had a huge impact on the politics and art of Florence during the 1490s.
  • Florence puts on her client clothes, does sexy come-on routines for him, fakes orgasmic pleasure, sticks to the rules.
  • I have a feeling that from now on, whenever a little money finds its way into my pocket, the temptation to blow it on a plane ticket to Florence (cheap from London, as these things go) and have a cup of Hemingway's Montezuma is going to be nigh-irresistible. - Boing Boing
  • It was easier when they had left Florence with its overbright and oversad memories. We Two, a novel
  • As I'd grown older, I'd noticed that Florence had ceased to bowdlerize her storytelling. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Two promoted silk stockings and Florence Stack appeared in newspaper advertisements praising Tokalon beauty products.
  • But it was yet another coverall ready to be ripped away to reveal something saucier; in Florence's case, below the red Lanz nightgown was a gauze-and-glitter gown. 'Dancing with the Stars' Week 5: We watch so you don't have to
  • Senior Editor Samir S. Patel spoke with University of Florence forensic anthropologist and archaeologist Matteo Borrini after the meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science in Denver, where he presented an "exorcised" skull from a plague grave on the Venetian island of Lazzaretto Nuovo. Plague Vampire Exorcism
  • On special feasts, the knights would bestow many robes of vair, for which reason courtiers and jugglers from Lombardy and all of Italy were drawn to Florence, where they were welcomed.
  • Thinking about Florence in that jarring bit of jargon always brought a mental smile to Carlisle's Ph. D. -trained ear. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • Rejecting a constricting southern ethos, Florence flees to Harlem and marries Frank, a hard-drinking blues singer; subsequently, she repudiates him for rejecting her middle-class American values.
  • This picture is a fresco in the cloister of the Annunziata at Florence, and it is called ‘of the sack’ because Joseph is posed leaning against a sack, a book open upon his knees.
  • And worse was to come; we had many weeks ahead where I, I, was to scurry as maid and skivvy, coaching her in the art of being Florence Reynolds, readying her for marriage to my groom! The wrecking of the 'Tayleur'
  • It debunks the myth of great Victorian heroes and heroines such as Dr Arnold, Florence Nightingale, Cardinal Manning.
  • Back in Florence by 1564, he was soon involved in Vasari's projects, though painting in a more restrained and monumental style than Vasari's extreme Mannerism.
  • In Florence, too, the hell-on-earth created by priestcraft is coarsely and pungently denounced: young Vespucci capers happily around the pyre on the day that Savonarola is burned and the reign of clerical puritan terror brought to a close. Cassocks and Codpieces
  • I've told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside.
  • `It's something many people do, as if their...' I didn't want him to digress on to an apologia for Florence's behaviour. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Some unedited works are mentioned in Fabricius, "Bib. latina mediae et infimae aetatis" with additions by Mansi, II (Florence, 1858), 558. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock

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