How To Use floozie In A Sentence
- Finch started Thought You Knew out of frustration with the way that women were treated in bike shops -- either as floozies with no knowledge of the gears, or "mechanically savvy but asexual. PHOTOS: V-Day Calendar Features '80s TV Dudes With Bikes
- On those long, empty nights when I had sought the additional comforts of floozies, I had surrendered the company of Georgette. Shortcut Man
- One bad apple—or one Brendan Yin cavorting with floozies—can do grievous harm to our ethnic reputation. InfiniDate
- What he may see as some harmless fun with floozies or a simple night clubbing becomes one more nail in the coffin of his reputation.
- While it's not difficult to understand why Accenture might want to drop an alleged serial philanderer with a taste for floozies, I wonder if doing so won't undermine the exact message they were trying to send with their Tiger Woods campaign: The Medium is the Message
- He meets a good woman (Martha Hyer) and tries to clean up his act, but his acquaintance with adoring Chicago floozie Ginny (Shirley MacLaine) and card sharp Bama Dillert (Dean Martin) undermines the romance. John Farr: The Best of Sinatra on Screen
- If your successful high-testosterone mate runs off with floozies, suggests evolutionary psychology, then he is less likely to spend time with you or pay for your kid's trips to the doctor. Deep voices trigger infidelity jitters
- You are awesome, those home made pouches look adorable and even a gift for the floozie, your spot in heaven is definitely reserved! Truly, I am awesome
- This at first appears to be a forgotten reference to the round-heeled shoes worn by floozies in some historical period though, in fact having round heels just means she's more likely to fall over on her back: to be, literally, a pushover.
- Misterpie saw what I was up to and asked if I could make a spare for him to give to his secret floozie Valentine at school. Archive 2008-02-01