How To Use Flooding In A Sentence
The abrupt facies shift, bioturbation and cemented nature of the surfaces suggests that they represent marine flooding surfaces, formed during a rapid rise in relative sea level and/or a reduction in sediment supply.
Areas prone to flooding will suffer terribly as sea levels rise over the next century.
He muttered, looking insolently at the flooding shelter as the torrential waters rose.
Some of these isolated populations are subject to predation, others to starvation, flooding, severe winters or summer drought.
The new flood map allows homeowners and businesses to see if their property is at risk from potential flooding.

It said the flood walls and embankments being proposed would vary in height between one and 1.8 metres and protect most of the village, including the A166, against a one in 100-year flooding event.
Flooding and floating affecting the appearances and the effect of latex paint and film were investigated.
Accordingly, in our view the flooding of the land did not extinguish native title.
The heavy rain since Thursday has also caused flooding in many other parts of the city, inundating thousands of buildings.
The village has been buffeted by mudflows, landslides, river debris, flooding and earthquakes.
The zombies mount attacks by flooding servers with traffic til they can't cope.
some minor flooding
This establishment was severely damaged by flooding at the end of the second century and rebuilt in much the same form, only to be slighted during the barbarian incursions of AD 276.
One part of Tokyo, Sumida, was faced with urban flooding during rain as 80 per cent of its surface area was concreted.
When ‘climate change’ is referred to in the press, it normally means greenhouse warming, which, it is predicted, will cause flooding, severe windstorms, and killer heat waves.
We spend billions each year in futile attempts to prevent floodplains from flooding, barrier islands from migrating, chaparral from burning, and predators from predation.
Zachriel: Rapid climate change will result in agricultural failure, flooding of highly populated coastal areas, dislocation, disease, migration, mass extinctions, political instability and human suffering.
About: Blinded by Science
At Andover the River Anton has overtopped its banks and there are scores of roads across the south blocked by flooding.
This five-page factsheet looks at Common nardoo which forms dense swards following flooding, and forms a dominant component of the groundcover layer.
Malton, Norton and Old Malton - some of the towns worst hit by flooding - will receive £6.3m for a programme involving building embankments and walls along the River Derwent.
Plants like cattails, bulrushes, jewelweed, and the lovely cardinal flower do best with alternating wet and dry periods, and survive flooding as long as most of the leaves are out of the water.
When he was fully in the door, a mass of people came flooding out of the doorways in the small entrance hall.
Memories come flooding back, often unwilled, sometimes unwelcomed.
Louis Bickford: Memory, War, and the Memory of War
Just as I helped R. into the stylist's chair the heavens opened up and sheets of rain descended with liquid force, splattering the windows and instantly flooding the parking lot.
- A "duckbill" valve has been installed at the outfall to prevent rising river waters from backing into the stream during major flooding events.
The Marietta Times
Thousands of ad campaign strategists flooding the DVR'd airwaves (and our Internet hours) with ignorable notions that are not swaying anyone with that blurry rhetoric.
Richard Laermer: "Your Life Hasn't Changed By The Man Who's Elected"
An explanation that I favour for the sinking is that the snort mast float valve jammed open, flooding the boat.
The machair, which has been acting as a barrier for the last few thousands years, has come to a stage where it's within less than a foot of the Atlantic coming in and flooding vast areas of the south end of the island," he said.
Global Warming RSS Newsfeed
All residents are urged to review their family flood plans and update their knowledge about flooding.
He started his descent, passing through pools of color from the lights outside the house, their vividness flooding his pallid features.
With vast amounts of money flooding into the country, interest rates quickly began to converge with those in Germany even before the launch of the euro.
A cascade of treasured memories come flooding back; my own upbringing taking in Soul Weekenders, warehouse parties, and stints as a pirate radio broadcaster.
She tugged desperately at her restraints as memory came flooding back, but the chains seemed to be unbreakable.
Flood prevention work, including the installation of a large siphon pipe through the centre of the village, was carried out after serious flooding in 1995.
This development has resulted in extensive denudation of these catchment areas and an attendant loss of vegetative cover on the steep slopes, an increase in the incidence of landslides, soil erosion, and siltation of drainage systems in the valley bottoms and ultimately, increased incidence of flash flooding.
Water profile of St. Lucia
Rather than merely alerting the American public to the problems Mexico has long been facing from the narcotraficantes, I fear that the main reaction of the average gringo to this development will be that in addition to flooding their borders with illegal immigrants who are taking jobs from Americans, Mexico is now overrunning the country with drug cartel mafiosi.
Project Coronado
So don't give me this high and mighty, holier-than-thou attitude about the special interests flooding the political marketplace.
Michael Steele: 'I Don't Know That' Anonymous Donors Are A Problem (VIDEO)
The get-well-soon messages have been flooding in, and the Nottingham Evening Post set up a tribute board on its online format.
The flooding of our domestic market with cheap untraceable beef represents a threat to consumers as a whole as well as our tourism and catering industries.
On one wall is an ‘operations board’ - a whiteboard with a map of the village scrawled on it showing the extent of the flooding.
A meeting about the 2007 freshet and potential for flooding was held by the Township of Langley and the City of Abbotsford at Trinity Western University on Tuesday, May 15, and was attended by more than 400 residents.
During the flooding, people took refuge in the hills.
It's still unlivable after two rounds of hurricane - related flooding.
The sudden thunderstorm broke at approximately 4.30 pm caused flooding of up to two feet in some areas.
Heavy rain brought autumnal flooding which disrupted drivers on South Lakeland's roads on Monday morning.
It is a good few years since most of them were serving, and the memories will soon be flooding back.
Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
These queries will be "spoofed" to look like they come from the target of the flooding, and the DNS server will reply to that network address.
DNS-based Distributed Denial of Service attacks « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
It all came flooding back to him just now, as he looked out the misty window at a sky black and bursting with a load of late winter wetness.
Dying in sweltering heat when there aren’t 120 mile an hour winds and flooding outside blocking rescuers is just stupid.
Schadenfreude as media bias « BuzzMachine
Widespread flooding is affecting large areas of Devon.
Sukree Sukplang/Reuters A worker fumigated inside a building as the threat of disease from mosquitoes rose following the flooding.
Temple Cleanup Is a Big Task
The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley.
It's a safe bet that the yob putting his dukes up has been soberly simmering all week, but in loosening his inhibitions, it has all come flooding out.
Mamirauá: Because of flooding, much of the wildlife, except for the ichthyofauna, is higher in endemism than diversity, especially in the campinaranas.
Central Amazonian Conservation Complex, Brazil
Caissene said nothing in our two interviews about European-made iron hoes replacing or supplementing Vecha hoes as bridewealth, although Patrick Harries has written that, in the 1860s and 1870s, imported imitations were flooding southern Mozambique and playing a critical role in the mounting struggle, between young wage-earning men and chiefs/homestead heads, over access to bridewealth and marriage.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
Likewise mangroves grow well despite transient flooding of their root system with sea water.
Flooding significantly enhanced the rate of photosynthesis at all light levels in both populations.
The fed went from deflation, sort of stalling the engine to flooding the engine.
ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Wolf, well, I'm actually in the city of Medan, which is the coordinating center for all of these relief efforts that are flooding into Aceh.
CNN Transcript Jan 2, 2005
Although they prefer clear, fresh running water, they seasonally adapt to turbid water caused by runoff and flooding during the rainy season.
Vegetation dominated by low density stands of podocarp and taxodiod conifers grew on mobile braided alluvial plains where it was subject to regular catastrophic flooding events.
Thin, faint yellow collars on trunks of cypress and tupelo rimming the old slough recorded the regression of recent flooding in the swamp.
I felt happiness and relief flooding over me.
It is not possible to ensure complete safety from flooding or overflow.
It could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding.
The river was deviated to prevent flooding
Increasing temperatures are gradually melting the polar ice caps at the north and south pole exposing us all to the devastating consequences of widespread flooding, over huge continents and not just in one local area.
When world demand rose, packaging companies would recommission mothballed plants, flooding the market with excess supply.
Global warming will cause the seas to rise, engulfing islands and flooding coastal areas.
It was probably the shock which had brought all the memories flooding back.
The torrential rain and widespread flooding left nowhere untouched.
I heard her screams and then all her pain and fear came flooding in to me.
The moment his feet stepped across the threshold the memories came flooding back like a floodgate had been opened, ironically causing simultaneous feelings of joy and sadness to nearly overwhelm him.
Cold dry periods, glacier expansion and crop failures between 5,800 and 4,900 years ago resulted in deforestation, flooding, silting of irrigation channels, salinisation and the collapse of the Sumerian city states.
The bridge has survived flooding, and was repainted in smart Kendal green in the year 2000.
Wasn't this apocalyptic comment portentous with all the flooding and massive tidal waves around Thailand and the Indian Ocean?
Measures to be taken against flooding can be strategic and alleviative to reduce both incidence and severity.
Only the blindest of ideologues could look at this situation and think the government is to blame, let alone to blame on the same order of magnitude as our incompetent response to the flooding in New Orleans.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Now that the Government has Proved as Incompetent
I blush, the warm heat flooding over my cheeks, changing my normally lily-white complexion to a pink, and take my place with the rest of the squad.
The tears began filling and flooding her eyes with salt water.
The forces tried to flush them out by flooding the mains, but the resisters managed to stop the water supply.
Apart from the aforesaid deep rivets in the walls, there has been a frequent flooding problem from upper floors, which led to one bathroom roof caving in over me.
A section of the stopbank failed upstream from Edgecumbe on July 18, flooding thousands of hectares.
E. L. Godkin, the editor of the Nation, might have been speaking for all of them when he lamented the “gaudy stream of bespangled, belaced and beruffled barbarians” flooding New York.
The Five of Hearts
He reasoned that constructing a dam would enable water to be stored for irrigation in the dry season, and flooding could be prevented at other times.
Here in Naples, Hurricane Wilma caused flooding, including inundating a parking garage.
The applicant's agent said that there was no planning grounds to oppose the application and that the design of the house took into account flooding in that area and included soakaways.
Flooding was a problem in some coastal areas where the storm's high wind drove waves onto shore and over seawalls.
A considerable amount of hay and pasture land is being reseeded, he noted, suggesting flooding last summer and winter kill appear to have set the crop back.
Memories of long forgotten schooldays came flooding back for former pupils revisiting their old primary as part of its centenary celebrations.
The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in some areas.
The dam is in Hubei province, to the east of Sichuan and Chongqing, and water flow has surged over warning levels after the upper reaches of the Yangtze River started flooding.
He claims the development plans would scoop out a lot of the woods and natural habitat for detention ponds to control flooding in a gated development of million-dollar homes.
HAMPTON ROADS -- Severe weather rumbled through Hampton Roads Thursday afternoon, prompting numerous weather warnings and causing damage and flooding.
WVEC Top Stories
Spring came to the Bad Lands in fits and numerous false starts, first the "chinook," uncovering the butte-tops between dawn and dusk, then the rushing of many waters, the flooding of low bottom-lands, the agony of a world of gumbo, and, after a dozen boreal setbacks, the awakening of green things and the return of a temperature fit for human beings to live in.
Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
They were watching the TV news as the canal levee was breached again, flooding their neighbourhood anew.
Data on coastal flooding resulting from these tsunamis has been used to develop models of individual tsunamis.
Now a chapter of history is closing and for very many children, teachers and other staff, memories come flooding back, some happy and some, of course, not so happy.
FARGO, N.D. -- A weeklong fight against flooding neared its climax in Fargo on Sunday, with miles of sandbags and clay dikes expected to hold back the bloated Red River at its crest with room to spare.
The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
Flooding in the region is also predicted to increase by 40 percent in the next couple of decades.
Wonk Room » The WonkLine: July 29, 2009
Suddenly all my fears came flooding back.
Cover for accidental damage to contents and also for flooding or subsidence are other areas that should be clarified before taking out a policy.
If the sluices were co-ordinated with the tidal barrier the whole water level from Malton to Barmby could be drastically lowered and reduce flooding.
She feared the new homes would leave fewer places for floodwater to drain and increase the chances of their homes flooding.
A few days after Conrad left, Louis and his people were flooded out by a storm, their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream.
Other reports confirmed that flooding had left an estimated 3,000 people homeless.
The early 90's finds an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities in China.
Homes on high land with a negligible risk of flooding may be turned down simply because they are in a high-risk postcode.
Then a buttery glow leaking from horizon to horizon, flooding the mesas and outcrop rock of the high desert.
He paused for a moment, his memories now flooding back into his mind.
As they camped in the fields in sight of the city walls the Mongols surprised them by smashing the dams and dikes nearby and flooding the encampment.
They suggest raising the proposed buildings on the site and demolishing and remodelling the existing stone flood barrier on the banks of the Aire to ease the flow in times of flooding.
Selby is planning to say ‘thanks-a-million’ to the people who saved the town from severe flooding with a special thanksgiving service and an old-fashioned knees-up.
Previously, the Army Corps dynamited a stretch of river levee in southern Missouri, flooding 200 square miles of farmland in an attempt to alleviate pressure from the Mississippi.
Floodgate opens to divert Mississippi River
They believe moves to tighten the gun laws even further could result in even more firearms flooding the black market.
When we think of Vermeer we think of light, that high, grey-white Northern European sidelight flooding into a domestic interior, sometimes finding a moment of warmth, almost always a solemn concentration on domestic ritual.
Still, my heart leapt as memories of my father and my childhood came flooding back.
On one of its tributaries, the Molopo, the Makgobistad border post with Botswana was re-opened on Wednesday morning after having been closed two days because of flooding.
ANC Daily News Briefing
After four days of paddling almost 100 miles upriver, the remaining two canoes reached the German ships and set their mines, flooding four cargo ships and damaging a minesweeper.
No one I know has streams of sunshine constantly flooding their kitchen through leaded windows, alighting on creamware jugs filled with marjoram and chervil.
As noted, if you live in a high-risk area for flooding, your mortgage lender will insist you buy flood insurance.
She held his gaze, despite the colour that was flooding her cheeks.
These queries will be "spoofed" to look like they come from the target of the flooding, and the DNS server will reply ...
2006 March « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
This is because their primary purpose is to generate hydroelectricity and provide water for cities, as well as preventing flooding down stream.
A pre-school, which has been open for nearly 40 years, faces a desperate fight for survival after its building was badly damaged by flooding.
Heavy and persistent rain has been forecast for today with a risk of flooding, however only one flood warning remains in place - at Cononley near Skipton.
In the case of heavy rainfall or flooding, there may be an increase in leaching of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from storage sites and increased contamination of water with runoff containing persistent chemicals that are already in the environment.
Coyote Blog » 2010 » April
Sunlight streamed in, flooding her room with a golden glow.
A massive storm system is expected to slam into the coast, bringing heavy rain and flooding.
Mud and slurry cover the site at the moment and staff are keeping the remaining dogs out until the threat of further flooding has subsided.
Beyond loomed the fortress, all its lineaments blurred, softened, qualitied like a dream by the flooding moonlight.
Sir Mortimer
Several southern African countries face famine because crops have failed as a result of drought or flooding or both.
Are we to compete with the Western potboilers flooding the Indian market?
Rainwater harvesting also lessens local erosion and flooding caused by impervious cover such as pavement and roof.
There was a serious breach in the stopbanks that resulted in the flooding of huge areas of farmland.
Added aggravations are a troublesome long-term refugee problem, periodic cross-border shellfire and a torrent of illegal drugs - the current favorite being amphetamines which are flooding the country.
The site borders the River Spey and residents are concerned that precious soakaway or catchment land will be removed, sending high waters flooding on to the new estates.
Whether they are called bottomless, endless or never-ending, all-you-can-eat promotions are flooding casual-dining outlets as restaurant chains attempt to lure customers to their tables while trying to avoid the pitfalls of previous similar campaigns.
Restaurants Push 'Value' Meals
Once the immediate impact of the flooding has passed, the government, the opposition and the media will drop their feigned concern and leave the victims to their fate.
For this rural city nestled in an Appalachian Mountain valley at the headwaters of three major rivers, the question was whether trees could reduce flooding.
Food is in short supply following the flooding.
They could feel the ship listing to port from flooding in the lower compartments.
They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.
The long time during which the continental interiors had been subaerially weathered and lowered by erosion was succeeded by one of progressive flooding and coverage by shallow seas.
Through no fault of the organisers, last year's River Festival was a total washout, with torrential rain and flooding.
The sea of Swedish cars flooding north of Montana and frenetically searching for parking made it seem that every Volvo Democrat west of La Cienega was on hand.
The wind rushed through the holes in the booth, prickling my skin like wisps of memories flooding my quivering brain.
After polymer flooding and polymer cross link micro gel flooding, the residual oil mainly distributes in middle and low permeable reservoirs. This is the potential area of EOR.
The U.S. Agriculture Department, adding fuel to the nearly year-long grain-price rally, said Thursday that the flooding and excessive rain from Montana to Arkansas is blocking farmers from planting more than two million acres of land.
Farm Flooding Keeps Grain Supplies Tight
The conditions causing mold (such as water leaks, condensation, infiltration, or flooding) should be corrected to prevent mold from growing.
And the music currently flooding the charts by new acoustic-backed singer-songwriters is doing nothing to alter my opinion.
The water was funnelled through a gap left to allow access to the fields for farm vehicles leading to widespread flooding of nearby homes.
The worst flooding in a century has left several parts of Guyana under five and six feet of water.
This woman actually had to be rescued because so much rain kind of deluged this particular apartment complex. 26 other people had to be brought to safety from the flooding in that apartment complex.
CNN Transcript Sep 20, 2009
Flooding caused by the dam may displace up to a million people.
Most of the main roads and highways in the city are high enough to have escaped the flooding.
There were only four main ways off the beach area and flooding would have severely restricted any form of movement, but especially that of vehicles.
Riley Thornton, 5, of Lufkin floats on his bodyboard over North Gayle Street in Gilchrist after flooding covered the Bolivar Peninsula street.
Flash flooding
Traditional remedies of freezing and scraping or pressure washing can damage surfaces and grouting which in turn can cause flooding.
And then we're going to see this kind of agitate the atmosphere over the next couple of days. (inaudible) systems possible in areas that already have seen flooding, that may very well be a news flash weather story.
CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2008
It was built in 1938 by the Glasgow architect and is on brick piers to ensure the house is protected from flooding.
Very heavy bleeding sometimes called hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia, or flooding is often just an annoying part of perimenopausal change.
Flooding by hydroelectric reservoirs is especially detrimental to permanently frozen peatlands because the overall permafrost regime is completely altered or obliterated.
Mr Ibbetson said the Environment Agency had created a 100-year flood plan showing areas where regular flooding could be expected.
I think most of the mid-city locations remain shuttered (the CC's on Esplanade, oddly, seems to have given up the ghost even though it had little or no flooding - last time I drove by it appeared to be completely empty with no signs of life whatsoever).
Archive 2005-11-01
Flooding, mudslides and fallen trees cut several main highways into Wellington to a single lane in places, snarling commuter traffic and forcing it to a crawl, he said.
This migratory species is especially vulnerable to flooding because of its ground foraging ecology, but little is known about patterns of habitat occupancy at wetland ecotones.
Flooding is likely in some coastal regions of the Northeast during the early part of the week.
Management decided it was unsafe for miners to continue working as the coalface was hit by falls of rock and debris from the roof, and flooding.
Flooding of the docking area is achieved by ballasting the stern of the ship, allowing the landing craft to float.
Extruded curbs were placed on both sides of the road for lateral confinement in the narrow road easement and for protection of the pavement surfacing during the occasional flooding of the canyon.
The Tonga use soil moisture from flooding in three distinct locations as they are exposed by dropping floodwaters: kalonga, small pockets of moist tributary stream-beds; kuti, on the first river terrace; and jelele, on the riverbank itself.
5. How plants live and grow
Once the club is able to regroup from the flooding, the team is expected to contribute to the relief efforts under way to help the flooding victims. —
Tennessee Titans Team Report
The agency has told Harrogate Council that the 11-acre site beside the River Ure is within an undefended area and the risk of flooding is unacceptable.
To prevent flooding; we shall have to divert the river from its course.
Evaluation of residual oil saturation is the difficulty and key in the water flooding zone interpretation.
Plants like cattails, bulrushes, jewelweed, and the lovely cardinal flower do best with alternating wet and dry periods, and survive flooding as long as most of the leaves are out of the water.
Factors that contributed to minimal land sales in some areas of the province included unseeded acres due to spring flooding.
More importantly, it held the soil in place, helped alleviate flooding and moderated the atmospheric temperature.
Flooding and snow cause chaos Flooding and snow have caused chaos in much of the Central South area.
Fears of large-scale coastal flooding were averted as the fierce winds shifted at the last minute.
The commission hopes to use the photographs to find problem areas that contribute to or worsen flooding in the county.
Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
As far as paying it forward is concerned – I just packaged up and sent three boxes of gently used, donated ornaments to a friend in NB who lost all her stuff to post hurricane flooding in August.
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The people will know the areas that will not be affected by flooding in subsequent years.
Plants which are tolerant to flooding need to survive or grow during the stress but also to recover after the stress is removed.
They knew that this was a floodplain: it is flat land adjacent to a river subject to flooding.
Times, Sunday Times
The army lifted people off rooftops where they had climbed to escape the flooding.
During climate extremes, whether droughts or flooding rains, those on the land feel it most.
The first wave occurs five to seven days after the flooding event and consists of "floodwater" mosquitoes, which include salt marsh and pastureland mosquitoes, usually more of an annoyance than a disease threat.
Media Newswire
She held his gaze, despite the colour that was flooding her cheeks.
The fate of some residents of Shettleston and other parts of the east end of Glasgow, whose homes and possessions have been severely affected by the unseasonal rain and subsequent flooding, evokes strong feelings of sympathy.
Hence sustainable agriculture could replace unsustainable agriculture, reducing the impact of erosion and flooding on downstream agricultural areas.
A storm moved directly over the island, demolishing buildings and flooding streets.
In the latest phase on the crackdown of pirate goods flooding the area, trading standards officers seized £91,000 worth of fake DVDs.
October 21st, 2009 / Posted by fp julia / Permalink the story is really moving…jamie hewlett, the artist behind gorillaz who rock, recently traveled to bangladesh with oxfam and visited the island of char atra, where climate change has caused flooding that is affecting the daily life of the people who live there.
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Major flooding occurred on the Thomson and Avon Rivers, and the Mitchell River flooded many hectares of vegetable crops on the river flats and cut the highway.
They predict that in the next half a decade or so, the Himalayas could experience intense flooding as mountain lakes overflow with water from melting glaciers and snowfields.
U.S. officials are concerned that the flooding of that area, known as the annulus, could compromise a cement plug that the company installed in early August at the top of the well.
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