
How To Use Flooded In A Sentence

  • The rise of sea levels with the release of glacial waters at the end of the last ice age flooded the plain between what is now the UK and Europe.
  • I passed plunging gorges, streams in spate, riverbanks ripped open, fields flooded, a brown soup drowning the track.
  • What if a hijacked plane hit a nuclear power plant, what if bioterrorists infected burger bars, what if we were flooded with smallpox?
  • About 7 o'clock tonight, we had a whopping great thunderstorm with accompanying light show, and the flipping garage got flooded again!
  • The birds occupy a range of wetland habitats: lakes, rivers, reedbeds, sedge fens, marsh dykes, ponds, flooded gravel pits and meres.
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  • The fields were flooded with the heavy rain.
  • The heavy spring rain has flooded out the ground floor of the hotel.
  • This lack of action may also trigger some legal action from insurance companies in an attempt to recoup cash paid out to flooded households. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Tunisians flooded Lampedusa earlier this month, Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni, of the anti-immigrant Northern League, stoked fears that terrorists and al-Qaida supporters could have mingled among what he described as a "biblical exodus" of migrants. The Seattle Times
  • Even now he is flooded with offers, still he has resolved to keep off since he is averse to writing songs for set tunes.
  • Japanese cars have flooded the American market.
  • Everything spread out again: the bridges with their arches opening upon the sheeny water; the Cite, enveloped in shade, above which rose the flavescent towers of Notre-Dame; the great curve of the right bank flooded with sunlight, and ending in the indistinct silhouette of the His Masterpiece
  • Social media was flooded with jokes and gripes about it. The Sun
  • Another contributor is the vast pool of unskilled immigrants (Mexico being the largest source of them) that has flooded our labor market, displacing poor citizens and driving wages and benefits down. Letters
  • Big 2WackGo wants their stooge the US government and military to let our shores be flooded with smack (or, in the 80's, crack) if "that's what it takes" to make sure children in this country can't experiment freely with cannabinol instead of nicotine. Main RSS Feed
  • The bow ranks were flooded; the whole front of the anchorage was a wreck of sunken boats. A Fire Upon the Deep
  • Before its present incarnation as housing, the site was used for rice production, its landscape characterized by a network of sunken fields, raised terraces and dykes to contain the flooded rice paddies.
  • The Angelus had opened, and light, from behind the door, had flooded the room with radiance. NEVERWHERE
  • Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy and other marshy or flooded areas.
  • Yusuf Ahmad/Reuters INDONESIA TORRENTS: Villagers carried a motorcycle in a flooded village in Palopo, Indonesia, Wednesday. Today's Photos: Nov. 5
  • The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.
  • Indeed, my friend Susan lives on an upslope that has never, ever come close to being flooded.
  • Part of South Milford was flooded yesterday after swollen dykes overflowed into High Street, leaving the village playing field, post office and several houses under water.
  • Fields around Horwich are flooded in places, and all along the railway line to Bolton acres of land are seen under water.
  • A doctor came into the room and adrenalin flooded her system, and her heart rate went up.
  • They were diverted from flooded roads twice, then found themselves in a traffic jam caused by a multicar fender bender. WRECKED
  • It was not easy to drain the flooded mine.
  • Last year, a record-breaking 100,000-plus visitors flooded into the showground.
  • The sun had flooded the day with a pale yellow buttery light.
  • The main post office here in New Orleans flooded right after the hurricane.
  • The road ahead was flooded so we had to double back.
  • My stomach lurched as fear and adrenaline flooded me. Christianity Today
  • The picture galleries of the High Museum are treated as subsidiary spaces shunted off from the proportionally dominant, glass-paneled entry rotunda, which is flooded with daylight and unusable for the display of works that require careful conservation. The Big Rock Candy Mountain
  • Following a hard workout, one runner was flooded with images of breaking capillaries.
  • Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country.
  • a flooded bathroom
  • Kicked like crazy, but it's only a two-stroke and I flooded the crankcase. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • Disappointment flooded through her, curbed only slightly by perplexity. PASSION AND ILLUSION
  • To find the snakes, he wades - barefoot - in the knee-deep water of the Venezuelan llanos, the lowland savannah that is flooded each year during rainy season.
  • My inbox has been flooded with complaints. The Sun
  • Owners of regularly flooded houses could opt to seal their properties from flood waters at their own expense - at a cost of up to £8,000.
  • During heavy rains the streets and even houses get flooded with knee-deep sullage water, bringing along with it snakes, crabs and insects.
  • Mr Rawlinson said Lee had been struck down with serious illness and his shop had previously flooded.
  • A great sense of relief flooded over him.
  • It was initially leaked to a US radio station earlier this year, and listeners immediately flooded Djs with requests to hear it.
  • The shale beds above and below the coal seams range in depth from twenty to sixty feet and represent a period when the sea advanced and flooded the swamplands in which the forests grew.
  • And we now have compelling evidence that German forces deliberately carried out a scorched-earth policy; they flooded mines, blew up bridges and stripped bare factories as they retreated.
  • When water from a nearby active stream flooded into the dry watercourse, the nests and eggs, like those on the flats, were inundated with mud.
  • Fires continue to belch smoke over the city and sporadic gunfire echoes through the flooded streets.
  • Ellen's face flooded with color but her eyes remained calm and clear.
  • More parts of the city, which has already seen its dyke breached and low-lying areas swamped, have been flooded.
  • There are few jobs for the peasants who have flooded into the cities from the poverty-stricken countryside in search of work.
  • The Lory Student Center's basement was also flooded and that was where the university bookstore was located.
  • The ephemerally flooded depressions are called vernal pools. Coastal Hills - Santa Rosa Plain
  • He opened one of the soundproof doors with his ID card and the noise of the party suddenly flooded into the patio. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • But water also seemed to pour in from higher up, causing it to flow down Doomgate and into Chapel Street where it flooded homes.
  • A train was derailed and a hospital was flooded as torrential rain caused chaos across the south and east of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Coastal rains, which are set to continue, have flooded some local access roads and causeways, particularly in the rural areas.
  • Cadmium contamination is a worldwide problem, especially in Asia's flooded soils - called paddies - in which rice is grown.
  • Society became flooded with well-meaning do-gooders who bumbled about in the most hopeless manner.
  • One day when the river burst its banks he ignored the school's evacuation plan, borrowed a scull and rowed away across the flooded fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • As we concrete our cites and place drains to deliver the water straight into our rivers then Britain will continue to be flooded and endless moans and groans will do nothing about it.
  • A train was derailed and a hospital was flooded as torrential rain caused chaos across the south and east of England. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hard drives are assembled in the same kind of ultraclean factories used to make microchips, so flooded production lines must be thoroughly sanitized.
  • But the biggest danger they face is the flooded river that flows through the reserve. Times, Sunday Times
  • Skaters were also having a splendid time in Victoria Park, which had been flooded, and was covered with a sheet of ice in grand condition.
  • Swollen rivers overflowed and flooded roads, homes, yards and underpasses.
  • The plants grow wild in or on the banks of mountain streams and are cultivated in flooded mountain terraces.
  • Although soybean is injured in flooded fields, it can thrive in stagnant, oxygen-deficient water in the glasshouse.
  • Water poured down from the mountain, feeding the gasping river, which promptly flooded its banks.
  • Crowds of onlookers then flooded the park in celebration for the festival's family fun day.
  • Largely foreigners, these newcomers flooded in after the U.S. relaxed its immigration quotas in 1965.
  • He breathed in huge gulps of air as the heavy pounding flooded his ears, the pounding of his heart and the harsh gasps of air.
  • The lake abutted the road down at the bottom of the hill so closely that it sometimes flooded after a hard rain, stopping traffic. The Swans
  • During high river discharges, overbank flows flooded extensive areas of the delta plain, creating swamps, coastal lakes and ephemeral channels.
  • Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone.
  • He complained that the community flooded every time a typhoon or tropical storm swept through Taoyuan.
  • The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.
  • Most of the action would take place in a cabin cruiser, and the stage was flooded accordingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small animals like rats and snakes that have been flooded out of their homes may seek shelter in yours.
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mass amounts of this innocuous beverage flooded the market and, backed by slick advertising campaigns and the lure of good cheap wine, few could resist the bait.
  • A few lived in adjoining counties and also were unable to travel due to flooded and impassable roads.
  • The basement was nearly ripped in two as the rush of cold air from outside flooded the entire room.
  • Fear flooded through her and she tried running faster.
  • Regret and love and pain flooded into her, as if she had accidentally tripped a porthole below the waterline. THE CRASH OF HENNINGTON
  • Many roads were flooded and impassable following the storm.
  • Our basement flooded during the heavy rains
  • He found it and light flooded the operating room, hitting the autoclave against the wall. DOLL'S EYES
  • The water level in the flooded region has finally begun to drop.
  • Upon entering the room the sweetest smell of fresh fruits and warm pastries flooded their senses, followed by the smell of cooked bacon.
  • The holds and engine room flooded, she was abandoned and later caught fire, at some stage breaking in two.
  • The heavy spring rain has flooded out the ground floor of the hotel.
  • An intrusive coldness suffused my arteries, flooded my veins, scalloped my core in ice.
  • Since we'd decided not to book a car at the airport, we had to wheel the luggage trolley, two buggies, three suitcases and two children across the flooded car park to the coach provided by Sunworld.
  • It is a contrast to four years ago, when nearly 2,500 competitors were rescued from flooded moorland after atrocious wet weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the marketplace seems fairly flooded with Grateful Dead recordings this fall.
  • The train may be flooded out tomorrow, though I expect it will just be late and slow.
  • Flooded roads and bridges were "hampering" the arrival of goods and aid. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • It's pretty nuts - we're in Warren and our backyard is completely flooded - my friend has 14 of water in her basement and I just got back from helping her hook up an old pool pump to suck it out. "There's blood in the sky. It bleeds from the land."
  • All her aft compartments flooded, swiftly sending the boat to the muddy floor of the loch, 55 ft down.
  • But as the shark moves casually past my terror is finally quietened, my body flooded instead by a feeling I can only describe as wonder.
  • From a map you might think the place was swarming with fjords, but a real fjord is a deep U-shaped glacial valley that has become flooded.
  • The streets were filled with the hustle and bustle of late afternoon as the office workers and salarymen flooded from their buildings onto the streets.
  • A lake at Oakford Park, a pleasure resort near Pittsburgh, was flooded by a violent rainstorm and burst the dam, causing a wall of water to sweep down Bush Creek valley.
  • Every July the Egyptian New Year began when the Nile flooded with snowmelt from the mountains.
  • Ellen's face flooded with color but her eyes remained calm and clear.
  • Moreover, M. alternifolia developed aerenchyma and adventitious roots during inundation, with root porosity in the flooded seedlings much higher than that of the control.
  • Co-op stores around Swindon have been running low on stock after a regional distribution warehouse in Oxford was flooded.
  • The basin that had flooded became a thin, turbulent river at the bottom of a chasm, and their path was surrounded on either side by sheer cliffs of slate.
  • Mr Curry said Avoca Street and Steindle Road were also flooded, but the water subsided quickly and they were not closed off.
  • A few days after Conrad left, Louis and his people were flooded out by a storm, their tents and baggage and even some people washed away by a flooding stream.
  • Dr John Harrison, a climate expert from the University of Stirling, says crops will fail before the land is flooded as salt impregnates the soil.
  • Drainage and building work upriver leads to flooded houses downriver - just ask them in Clonmel!
  • The streets were flooded after water pipes ruptured.
  • Days of torrential downpours left thousands of homes and businesses in Queensland flooded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Terrestrial mammal diversity is smaller because the habitat is often flooded; two narrow endemic primates inhabit this region, the white uakari monkeys (Cacajao calvus calvus) and blackish squirrel monkeys (Saimiri vanzolinii). Purus varzea
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The narration is flooded with wonderfully pithy, insightful commentary.
  • Some Arrowhead homes have already been filled with water, while a few cabins at the end of River Road that sit on the Withlacoochee River are flooded and unapproachable because of the high water levels.
  • Although the house presents a somewhat fortified appearance to the street, with a wall of opaque glass blocks rather than ground-floor windows, inside it is flooded with daylight.
  • Lying between two rivers the meadow is sometimes flooded in winter which deposits fertile silt and inhibits frost. A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
  • Huge waves overwhelmed the levees and 80% of New Orleans was flooded.
  • The swollen river flooded the village
  • There was a full moon tonight and a moderate amount of moonlight flooded through the window.
  • Main road flooded by water from tsunami in in downtown area of Fagatogo, American Samoa, on texture, partial graphic Undefined
  • He spoke in hushed tones, and his eyes flooded with worry.
  • They also migrate through the interior in small numbers, spending time on lakeshores, alkaline ponds, and shores of sloughs and flooded fields.
  • The helicopter circled about the flooded area, looking for a proper landing field.
  • Al Behrman/Associated Press Along the Ohio River in Covington, Ky., geese walking on Garrard Street near a flooded Riverside Drive had a bird's-eye view of downtown Cincinnati, across the swollen Ohio River. Rough Weather in the Midwest
  • As well as the damage to the roof and cream carpet in the lounge, firemen were also forced to sweep water from the garage, which had been flooded from the freak storm.
  • Local health authorities have also been flooded with calls about dentists.
  • Despite the outside cold, sunlight flooded the interior and the heat became trapped.
  • A pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor.
  • Fires continue to belch smoke over the city and sporadic gunfire echoes through the flooded streets.
  • Our streets are flooded even after short rainfalls due to acute lack of rainwater outlets and clogged storm water drains.
  • I made computations for that case and water from southern hemisphere was sucked on northern part of globe such way, that even Ararat could been overflooded. 2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today
  • Little heed is taken of the overstocking of the markets, till at last they are flooded with commodities. What Communities Lose by the Competitive System
  • In the western suburbs, creeks rose rapidly and flooded houses.
  • Even if the rain has ended, a lot of the waterways may still stay flooded for a while," said Stephen Konarik, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service. Flash-flood watch until Friday a.m.
  • Many houses were flooded, and the villagers were busily employed in devising means to keep the water out.
  • I eyed the expanse of flooded smartweed fringing the shore.
  • At Lowther Drive it was a similar story at 10am as front gardens were flooded and water inched towards peoples' front steps.
  • The flooded river carried trees along.
  • The room seemed to darken perceptibly even though bright sunlight flooded its every corner.
  • Where plants have been flooded or forced to stand for many days in waterlogged soil, there is a fair chance that some root damage will have resulted.
  • The river flooded its banks and morphed into a giant sea that swamped the town.
  • Bad drainage caused the land to be flooded.
  • Our washing machine broke down yesterday and flooded the kitchen.
  • Food was scarce and money flooded off the presses. 476 million rubles were printed in April, one billion in July.
  • Kicked like crazy, but it's only a two-stroke and I flooded the crankcase. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • He did not know where his own mind ended and the rest of the world flooded in: the boundary was vague, indefinable.
  • For others remaining or settling around the reservoir or flooded areas, tropical diseases often become prevalent.
  • The Orinoco wetlands are flooded grassland occurring in seven distinct patches, which are embedded in a mosaic of mangroves, swamp forest, moist forest, and llanos. Orinoco wetlands
  • First, the river that would be dammed was an important source of fish and crayfish, and the lands that would be flooded were used as a hunting reserve for deer.
  • All the Moon's multi-ringed impact basins are older than the Moon's second kind of crust, consisting of basalts that have flooded low-lying areas to form the lunar maria.
  • The flat roof in the girls toilet has fallen in so when it rains, it is flooded.
  • Squads of combat-equipped troops toting assault rifles and columns of Humvees with gunners at the ready crisscross its flooded streets.
  •  A good way to avoid company, if I want to avoid it, thought Liir, as his spirit began once again to settle down into his body, or — put another way — as his little dreamlet ended and the sorrier sense of the world, even this pretty corner of it, flooded back in. Son of a Witch
  • That he loved her, on the other hand, was as clear as day, and she consciously delighted in beholding his love-manifestations - the glowing eyes with their tender lights, the trembling hands, and the never failing swarthy flush that flooded darkly under his sunburn. Chapter 20
  • Sunshine restored, even in the flooded quarters, the true Parisian gaiety that had for a time been overclouded with a terrible sense of powerlessness and insecurity. The Paris Flood of 1910 | Edwardian Promenade
  • The second day the sun rose on the shores of many-isled Greece, and shed its rays over Etruria and Rome, and ere it set, temples and palaces were flooded with beauty. Fra Bartolommeo
  • Cellars of most apartments in the low-lying area were flooded, with cars and two-wheelers submerged in water.
  • A record number of nominations have flooded in for the York Tourism Awards - but there is still time for you to make your selection before the gongs are finally awarded at an Oscars-style ceremony.
  • This week council contractors were due to start work to unblock the pipe so surface water can run down to the river without businesses in the industrial estate getting flooded during heavy downpours.
  • They flooded the cabin over and over, and bailed water constantly for 24 hours.
  • The dam burst and the valley was flooded.
  • Blood spilled from out of their wounds and the mesmerizing water regained its former position and flooded the area where Lilac and Daikon rested.
  • Meanwhile, insurance companies are bracing themselves for multi-million euro claims following the deluge which left scores of homes and businesses flooded.
  • Waiters looked after kids and pinched babies' cheeks, laughter flooded from the open kitchen and plates of food shuttled back and forth with incredible regularity.
  • Disasters of this sort were confined to neither traditionally flooded land nor the winter months.
  • We saw from all the shocked and saddened tributes that flooded in after the news that this was the last thing in the world anyone expected. The Sun
  • A pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor.
  • In the intervening years the youth appeared miraculously to have flooded back into him. THE SOUND OF MURDER
  • A pipe had burst in the kitchen and flooded the floor.
  • Meanwhile in Stanhope, County Durham, emergency services performed the daring James Bond-style rescue of another driver after his car got stuck at a flooded ford.
  • Turning up at home to find a pipe has burst and flooded my house? Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond an employment project for cured leprosy patients, the road became a causeway across flooded land. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Dr John Harrison, a climate expert from the University of Stirling, says crops will fail before the land is flooded as salt impregnates the soil.
  • She activated something in her high heels and with a sudden ignition of fire from her actual heels, gently floated to the lonely and flooded street.
  • For some inexplicable reason, her cheeks flooded with colour.
  • They were then flooded with white light and felt a tingling sensation go through their bodies.
  • The reserve takes in part of the Minsmere levels which were flooded during the Second World War to counter possible invasion.
  • Guilt and horror flooded her in waves.
  • The market is flooded with cheap imports.
  • Army Sgt. 1st Class Robert Talent, truckmaster for the battalion's 218th Transportation Company, helped with the assessment missions and noted the LMTVs can traverse areas flooded with several feet of water.
  • The US might get overflooded with distressingly ugly looking people like Shakira, Salma Hayek, or the horror! Think Progress » Buchanan: Mexico Conspiring To ‘Re-Annex’ Seven Southwest States
  • Military materiel is landed via a bow ramp and also via assault boats through the doors of the flooded well.
  • Investors are worried that if the issuer were to choose the share option, the market could be flooded with shares, making it difficult to convert them to cash.
  • One day when the river burst its banks he ignored the school's evacuation plan, borrowed a scull and rowed away across the flooded fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • My chest and belly are flooded by a buoyant, surging swell of adrenaline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fields were flooded with the heavy rain.
  • He might have noticed the way my cheeks flooded with scarlet, or how I seemed to be more reclusive than ever, but he didn't comment on it.
  • In an instant, it was clear that the ward was an intolerably noisy place, flooded with a near-continuous din of screams, laughter, and loud vocalizations.
  • Because these specimens were collected after the mine had been flooded and subsequently dewatered, the rhombohedra show considerable etching caused by acidic mine waters.
  • As a result, both the porch and the corridor beyond will be flooded with light: a rare feature in a front hallway. Times, Sunday Times
  • The boom got a fillip in 2004 as migrants from the EU's new members flooded in.
  • The farm and surrounding area was flooded.
  • Habitat and Ecology: In ponds , paddy fields and other marshy or flooded areas.
  • A perfect deluge of rain instantly followed, and the roads were quickly flooded.

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