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  1. a seaplane equipped with pontoons for landing or taking off from water

How To Use floatplane In A Sentence

  • We took a floatplane to the trail head. Our taciturn guide pointed out that it was this robust aircraft that had helped to open up the wilderness in the Fifties.
  • When Alan Cobham delivered a Moth floatplane in the US, an agreement for production in America was reached.
  • Earlier this month, Luna surfaced in the path of an oncoming floatplane.
  • A floatplane will take you from South America's second-largest lake, Lago General Carrera, and deposit you for ten days of sea kayaking on a remote chain of five aqua-blue lakes surrounded by towering peaks in central Patagonia.
  • Your guides will have familiarized themselves with the river from a floatplane 200 feet above, so exercise patience when they shepherd you to the bank while scouting gnarly rapids.
  • A floatplane from Cordova has a smooth saltwater landing strip to the beach, with stony, pine-covered cliffs rising up on either side.
  • Skim a floatplane along the mirrored surface of a secluded mountain lake.
  • Suddenly, with a roar of seemingly new-found energy, the floatplane pulled free from the water and climbed rapidly.
  • On page 57 of the March 2004 issue, I noticed a photograph credited to Oliver Philips which shows the wreckage of a Fairchild 24 floatplane.
  • As you bank over Washington's Hood Canal in a floatplane, you realize just how far 37 air miles have brought you.
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